Over 50? This Is Destroying Your Hair //Secrets From A Stylist #Healthyhair #Healthyhairhacks

If you're over 50, this is destroying your hair! I'm going to be sharing the biggest causes of hair damage that NO one talks about. What I'm sharing in this video also creates concerns in hair if your younger than 50, but typically as we age, these concerns become more apparent and accelerate the problems. Why is your hair frizzy? Why is your hair dry? Why is your hair thinning? HOW do you get shine in your hair? How do you get thicker hair? How do you get less frizz in your hair? ALL of these concerns are created by what I'm going to share with you today. More importantly, I'm going to be sharing how you can address these concerns.

Check out my wife and my brand new Adventure/ Travel Vlog Youtube Channel here! https://www.youtube.com/c/DionnaJustin...

can't WAIT to get on the road and meet some of you awesome folks as well as have the opportunity to cut some of your hair! If you want to stay up to date on where we will be, when and how to connect for a haircut near you, CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/HickoxHairPopUp


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Justin Hickox

621 sw. Morrison st.

suite 150

Portland, Or 97205

Below are my favorite products and tools!



-Hairstory dry shampoo https://amzn.to/3z625ze

-Bumble and bumble styling cream https://amzn.to/3iLzlW6


-Amazon oil https://www.hickoxstudio.com/shop-onli...


- L’Oreal Hairspray https://amzn.to/3rmv6V0


- HairStory https://amzn.to/3y1mwx6



-Infra shine https://amzn.to/3ew1bV6

-Dyson https://amzn.to/3wLpBQB


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-Dyson super sonic blowdryer https://amzn.to/3rBU9mP

-Chi Touch 2 https://chi.com/chi-products/chi-tools...

-Chi Rocket Search Amazon for the best price. I’m unable to find a link for it but it’s on amazon.


- Wet brush https://amzn.to/36KYQ4c

- Volumizer https://amzn.to/2UVXjFI

- Olivia Garden Round Brush https://amzn.to/2UVXjFI

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Okay, what I am about to reveal to you is absolutely destroying your hair, especially if you're over 50. yep. Oh we're gon na break it down today. Oh yes, we are. I'M gon na walk you through the most common things that, if I'm honest, nobody talks about that, are absolutely destroying your hair. So if you've gone through a situation where you feel like your hair, texture is changing. Maybe it's getting a little bit more coarser you're, seeing a bit more frizz or maybe you're, even losing some hair, I'm about to reveal some of the biggest causes of that to happen, so, let's break them down and, more importantly, let me tell you how you can Kind of address these concerns so that we get you on a path to more healthy, happy beautiful what you know what I'm saying: great hair! Okay, now I mentioned that this is, if you're over 50, but if I'm completely honest, this is really at any age. It just so happens that over 45 to 50 years old, we start to see these concerns Amplified and the causes that I'm going to share with you today of these concerns are part of the reason that this is Amplified. So you'll understand me here in just a second, but let's dive into the first thing that could be causing severe damage to your hair. One of the first big things that nobody ever talks about is your iron levels. I will tell you right now: if you come into my salon and you're experiencing hair loss. The first thing I'm gon na do is tell you to go straight to your doctor. To get your iron levels checked. You'D, be amazed. How often just simple low iron levels is the cause of the concern and the doctor will prescribe. Maybe even iron supplements at that point, and the client ends up growing their hair back shockingly now, the reason for iron being such a key player in this. It'S actually a protein found in your body's red blood cells and these cells deliver oxygen, which is aiding in hair growth and repair. Now the best part about this is, you could potentially fix this or move towards addressing it just by changing up your nutrition, because you can find iron in things like eggs, red meat, spinach and so by simply adding more iron into your diet. That alone could go long way to aiding in the concern now in some special cases. You, like, I said before, may want to head over to your doctor and get checked out and if they feel that it is appropriate, they may even prescribe some iron supplements. They could help push this process even further, but if you have been noticing any thinning in your hair, it would definitely be worth going to get your iron checked out and that may address a lot of the concern. Okay, another big player in this whole game is zinc. Now, zinc is a big player because it actually promotes hair growth. It also keeps oil glands and around the follicles functioning well and healthy. So if you find yourself having a zinc deficiency, this could also create a certain amount of hair loss concerns. Now people that have a higher potential of experiencing a zinc deficiency are people that either drink a lot pregnant women, women that are breastfeeding, people with crohn's disease or people that have kidney ailments. Now again, the good thing is: we can start addressing this concern through just nutrition alone and you can find zinc in stuff like meat, spinach, lentils, oyster pumpkin seeds. Oh, I love pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seeds, roasted. That is good. That makes me happy. It is October guess what you know: uh pumpkin season - I guess I don't know if it is or not, but yeah we're gon na call it pumpkin season, but I love pumpkin seeds but nonetheless, all of that can start moving you in the right direction of addressing Some of those zinc concerns now again. This is a situation where you would also want to have your doctor check to see if you actually have this deficiency, and they also could work with you to prescribe supplements that could also kind of push further towards not being deficient. Now. It is important to mention that the last two, both zinc and iron, you can get too much. So you do want to pay attention to how much your intake is. You don't want to just go crazy with it. Having too much could have also potential health concerns. So it is something that I want to talk to a doctor about. However, with that said, it is definitely something that you want to pay attention to, oh and by the way, obviously, I'm not a doctor so consult a physician before you make any changes, blah blah blah all the medical disclaimer stuff, I'm a hair, stylist, Okay, so yeah Just know that hold on okay: let's move this over here, a little bit sooner, all right now. I realized that a lot of these concerns that I'm talking about so far, especially are not the sexy ones, they're, not the fun and simple to address ones. They'Re, not the hey check out this foam, you put it on your hair boom. Everything is good, it's not how this works and I'm purposely doing this because look you can search YouTube as much as you want and find thousands of videos. That'Ll sell you whatever product you want to buy, that you hope is going to solve all of the concerns, I'm here to say that, while there are good supplements out there, potential Vitamins out there hair gummies whatever it is, that may function not all do regardless. If you go out and take a bunch of supplements or use a bunch of products that are supposed to give you, these amazing results. If you're not taking this other step that I'm sharing with you today, then you're working against yourself and ultimately you could be wasting all of that money down the drain, because, while you're trying to address one concern over here, you're creating the exact same concern over here. So you're just creating a concern that you're trying to address now, if you take my advice on this now you're going to be doubling down on it and that's why I think this stuff is so important now with that said, let's dive in a little deeper. Should we okay now did you know that hair cells are actually the fastest growing cells in your body, which kind of leads us into the next thing, which is vitamin A because vitamin A is the perfect source to kind of promote that growth? So here's the thing when your body absorbs vitamin A it actually helps produce sebum now that sebum actually keeps your hair follicles healthy. But much more importantly - and I know this is why you're going to like it? That'S also a large part of what's making your hair shiny, that sebum or oil distributes its way down throughout the hair over the day, and that is creating a bit of that shine. Now you may be saying to yourself, but wait. Wait, wait, wait! Wait! My hair is ridiculously oily. I don't want any more oil, I must be overproductive in the sebum category could be true, but if you feel like your hair is starting to get dry and brittle and coarse, this definitely is something you want to pay attention to and getting a bit more vitamin A may head you in that right direction. So now the question comes again: where do we find more at Vitamin A what, and why am I talking like a newscaster or a game, show host? I don't know, but here here's where you find more vitamin A now. If you're looking to get more vitamin A into your system, then you want to look for foods that are high in beta-carotene, beta-carotene, actually converts to vitamin A in your body. Now these Foods could be spinach, sweet, potatoes, pumpkin, yogurt, milk, there's a lot of different foods, but nonetheless look for foods that are high in beta-carotene and well you'll find yourself higher in vitamin A okay. I had to move again that sun is getting very bright behind me, but man not a bad view right. Okay, did you know that oxidative stress is a massive player in hair loss? Yes, so oxidative stress happens when our body has an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants, and then that could lead to an electron imbalance that could result in hair loss. So the question becomes: how do we deal with oxidative stress, get more vitamin C, but here's the great part, vitamin C is one very easy to get a hold of which I'll share with you in a second and two typically in foods that are really tasty. Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It actually helps protect your cells from these free radicals. Now vitamin c does a lot more than just that. Vitamin C also helps keep you from going gray prematurely, which I may or may not have done. I just needed more vitamin C simple as that dang it. Vitamin C also helps to produce collagen. As we probably know, collagen is also great for your skin nails and all that great stuff, and you can find this in a lot of different fruits. Strawberries, oranges, guavas, right or peppers tomatoes, but the other interesting thing here is to recognize that your body doesn't produce it on its own, so you actually need to work this vitamin in through your nutrition, also, if you're a smoker or if you drink a lot. This could mean you have a higher probability of being even more deficient in vitamin C. So yes, it's important, so vitamin C on to the next one. The next big one is vitamin D. Now vitamin D can actually play a huge role in hair loss. Deficiencies in vitamin D could be a cause of things like alopecia female pattern. Hair loss excessive shedding, but the good side to this is that again, vitamin D is relatively well depending on where you live. Easy to get into your system now I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest it's actually where I am currently filming this video and it's where I've spent the vast majority of my 45 years on this planet, and I can tell you that in the Pacific Northwest I have heard from multiple doctors and nutritionists that have said you basically literally cannot get enough vitamin D due to our climate and when I say climate I mean the amount of rain that we get. We get a lot of rain. If you didn't know, we get a lot of rain part of the reason my wife and I are moving along in a van to go, find the Sun. But if you do find yourself in a place like this or you just aren't eating enough of foods that are higher in vitamin D, such as things like fortified foods like cereal, and I don't mean the sugary cereal, I mean healthy cereal, eggs, bread, yogurt or Cod Liver, I don't even know why you would want to eat Cobb. That just sounds disgusting to me, but you get my point. Those are things that will help you Aid in your potential vitamin D deficiencies or still like I'm doing right now and find some sun stand in said, Sun. Let Sun hit face now before I dive out of this topic. I do have to obviously throw out the disclaimer sun isn't only good for you. Obviously, there are skin cancer concerns, all sorts of things that can also go very wrong with sun, so be smart about it. Wear your sunscreen do all the things, but a little bit of sun is not a bad thing when it comes to vitamin D deficiencies, so there you go on to the next one now. The last thing I'm going to share with you in this video is, if I'm honest, the most important aspect to all of this, and it is the number one concern that I see when it comes to hair concerns before we get to that we're going to dive Into one last little vitamin here now, vitamin E is another big player when it comes to hair loss, it's kind of a counterpart to vitamin C, and it actually helps to balance out the electron levels to help fight those free radicals again. So this is another important one, just like vitamin C is, but I love this one, because you find vitamin E and stuff like sunflower seeds, which I love almonds and spinach and pumpkin seeds and avocados. My wife loves avocados, I'm a huge fan of almonds. Oh so, yeah again good healthy foods that also help you manage hair concerns, win-win folks, win-win. But now I promised you, let's dive into another thing that I believe is the biggest part of this whole equation. If you don't hear anything in this video, please you must listen to this. I cannot tell you how many times I have stood behind a chair had a client that I have known for years. Sit down in that chair and recognize that their hair has completely changed in a remarkably short amount of time, and I am talking about things like hair thinning, I'm talking about things like hair being brittle hair, breakage, lack of shine inability to style their hair in a Way that they have been able to style it for multiple years previously, I have seen differences in hair growth patterns stuff. That would absolutely blow your mind and when push came to shove, we broke down. All the questions tried to ask about nutrition tried to ask about styling processes, product usage, shampoo and conditioner usage. All of the things nothing had changed at all, except this stress. Yes, I kid you not the differences I have seen and the speed at which those differences happen when it comes to high stress situations, wow, it is absolutely mind-numbing, and I tell you this from standing behind the chair since 1995.. This is a really big deal and people don't pay attention to it because again, this is not the sexy fun simple fix thing. De-Stressing yourself can be really difficult. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel like your life is just simply stressful. So what do you do if you're in that scenario, well breathing practices right? Wake up in the morning take some time for yourself. Carb aside, 10 minutes to sit down, have some deep, breaths meditation exercise, which is great for so many different things, not only for stress release, but also to just get your blood moving throughout your body. All of these things can hugely promote hair Health. There are a lot of different ways to handle your stress, but what I can tell you and what I will tell you, and I hope you listen to is this: you need to carve out time every day to manage your stress period. You need to take time for yourself whether that's 10 minutes in the morning or 10 minutes in the evening. Whatever it is, you need to start giving back to your body what you want from your body. If you want good things from your body, you must give good things to your body. You may be thinking your hair grows from the end and it gets longer your hair grows from the scalp. That means that it's internal, which means that what's happening internally to your body, is every bit as important. If not more important, I would argue than what's happening externally to your hair. You can use all the best products in the world and spend all your money on the most incredible processes. If you treat your body like trash, your hair is gon na be trash. Okay, I feel like. I ended that on a really high happy note. Okay, so let me bring this back around just a little bit before we walk away from this look, treat your body well eat, healthy you're, gon na feel better. Your hair is going to be healthier, you're, going to feel more confident because you feel better and your hair is more healthier, and on top of that, you need to eat and do all these things anyway. So hey you're, gon na be spending money on food. Spend money on good food you're going to be taking time out of your day to do things anyway, so take 10 minutes to do something actually for yourself, you will feel better and your hair will thank you for it. I promise you. I hope this helps so right now, I'm gon na enjoy this view for a little while not a bad, not a bad view. I'M not gon na lie because it doesn't comment below. Let me know, doesn't work, doesn't you know you know if you stuck around this long? You definitely know okay, I'm out of here, because I'm boring you at this point. So we'll see you later check out the view. It'S pretty huh. Okay, bye,

Justin Hickox: Did all of this make sense?

Jamie Vaduva: I thought I might mention this. Something that makes a huge difference for me (I can go from shiny lustrous , bouncy curls and waves to stringy, flat and frizzy hair) and it is often due to the water. I live in an area with hard water and I have a water softener. Sometimes the salt runs out and people don’t realize it. It’s often the culprit for me. I always make sure the tank has salt. In addition to that I do have a shower filter installed and when it’s time to change it, my hair goes blah. Just something to think about! Water matters. (I actually even rinse my hair after conditioner with distilled water, my bf calls me a water snob) :D

Susan S.: Awww, you are not boring us, lol. Well done! Stress...ugh! That’s so tough! There’s even a verse in the Bible that says “A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life.” Thank you for doing an awesome job. We all need to be reminded of these things! Bless you! John 3:16❤️

andrea cassidy: As an RN the Pandemic caused immense issues with my hair. Stress, pulling my hair back in pony tails, N95 masks with rubber bands caused breakage and my hair was falling out. Started to take better care of myself and my hair now and I think my hair is healthier. Thanks for the tips.

Katrina Witt: I"ve been through two intensely stressful events in my life. Both times, three months later, about a third of my hair fell out. Stress really does affect our hair.

Jamie Patton: I appreciate that finally there is a video about how hair health comes from within! You can't share this enough. All the lotions and potions in the world will never change the inside job.

Schooling Diana: For myself, discontinuing shampoo with sulfates cut my hair shedding. After menopause, adding rosemary, fish proteins like tuna and salmon, a bone health and seaweed capsule supplements, are what made my hair start to grow back in around the edges. And my multivitamin (NOW Eve) is a gel cap. I don’t take any hard vitamin pills because they’re hard to break down in your stomach as you get older. I could def use some extra vitamin E, I think. I should grab some pumpkin seeds at the Marketa tomorrow (I’ve tried roasting them myself and I’m a failure there). B vitamins are needed for stress! Stress will deplete ALL your B vitamins. L-tyrosine helps, too. Excellently put: give to your body what you want from your body. ❤❤❤

Carol Lemieux: It is great to get the word out that nutrition is so important. I always had thin, fine hair and about 8 years ago I did a radical change to my diet. My hairdresser (who I have been going to for 30 years) asked what new product I was using because my hair was still fine, but I had much more of it and was healthier than ever. Thank you for explaining the importance of not only nutrition, but the effects of stress. And to answer your question, yes, it made perfect sense!

Chrissy Ellem: My over 50 hair was seriously awful. So I decided to cut it all off lol. Been an absolutely refreshing update and I don't have to put in stupid conditioners and extra sprays etc. It was a 3 hour ordeal and now it's just wash and go. I love it!

Catharine Mitchell: This really makes sense for 5 years I was suffering from anxiety and my hair became thin, breaking, no shine, now that I'm feeling better my hair has started growing and is in much better condition xxx

Secret Monkey: I absolutely love this video. You've addressed so many important issues that women over 50 need to think about-mainly nutrition and vitamin deficiency. At this stage of our lives we 've been so busy with careers and family that we discover that our "slice of the pie" has become smaller and smaller. Our nutritional needs change throughout our lives and everything you address here is spot on. There are some good all around vitamin supplements for women over 50 in most grocery stores ( which I use) but including foods in our diet that provide these vitamins is a great way to ensure we get these healthful benefits. Thank you for reminding us that health and beauty isn't always about expensive products!

Herbalina: Thank you! Over 50 and shedding like a dog. I'm definitely going to get my blood tested. My hair doesn't style anymore and my hair type has always been difficult for stylists to 'get' since it's naturally curly and fine, sensitive to humidity, but I like to wear it somewhere in between curly and straight. I think I've tried every product known to man to achieve that (okay, not really but it seems like it!) but now nothing seems to work.

Silynthia Crane: I was so happy to find this video! In the last 2 months I’ve noticed a substantial change in my hair! Thinning, breakage and just lackluster. I purchased the Vegamour thinning haircare system but honestly it may be stress. I’m definitely going to take your suggestions, thank you!

Kay Van Orman: Hi Justin, great information! It seems like we hear so much talk about stress. Sometimes I start to feel like it becomes a catch-all. But, I will share I am now 66, when I was in my mid twenties I went through a very stressful event. I had shoulder length hair and at that time when I would wash it I literally had lots of hair coming off of in my hands. It was actually somewhat concerning. But when I got through that stressful time everything went back to normal. So I do understand what stress can do to the body. Again, thanks for your videos they're always so informative and helpful. I enjoy them so much!

Sara Grant: Good for you, honestly addressing hair as a reflection of health. I grew up in the same area as you (Ridgefield) Parents had big garden, berries, fruit trees, our own beef, pheasant/duck, salmon (so much salmon) and my mom put various vitamins by my breakfast plate everyday. Lucky me. My hair is better than ever at 60 with learning to protect & care for it better/food/vitamins/lower stress. My mom's hair & skin was great until she passed at 92. All the best on your adventures!

buddy holly: 1. Nutrition (then he breaks it down by vitamin) 2. STRESS Really helpful info. I didn't realize so many nutrition deficiencies cause my hair to change. I love that you remind people to take time every single day to manage stress. My best friend is a mom of 3 but she refuses to take time for herself to decompress. It's just one more thing she has on her to do list. Pretty sure her husband is a jackass that doesn't help with the kids.

MaisyCakes11: Hello Justin - as a 60 year old I appreciated this video immensely. Thankyou for being so clear and candid. Now I would like to challenge you because I think there is one big factor in hair problems over 50 that you did not raise! And that is scalp health linked to hair products and styling methods many people use. 3 years ago at 57 I had thin, dry, brittle, slightly wavy, greying hair. I never have dyed or blow dried it. My daughter was 24 with extremely dry, curly, fine hair that was never styled or dyed. We both started to eat clean ( no chemicals or processed foods or sugars) and we both started the Curly Girl method of hair management (Lorraine Massey). Fast forward 3 years and we both have glossy full heads of healthy curls that are not dry and never get dry/split ends plus mine is a full head of gracefully greying shiny hair that I am loving! (My young daughters head of hair is just beautiful luscious ringlets!) I look at my contemporaries hairs often and wish I could tell them to bin the chemicals that line their bathroom shelves and the heat driven styling tools that kill their strands. It took effort and perseverance to get our heads around this approach - and about 2 years for our ‘unspoilt’ new hair to grow - but the differences were there from about 8 weeks in. I know you are a hair expert - it’s obvious ! I enjoy your videos very often, but there is a but for me I wonder if you have ever studied this method as I do believe it has bearings on the subject you are discussing here? And good luck in your search for the sun

Lori Coleman: Thank you Justin for the great video! I have been into diet, exercise and nutrition my entire life but somehow failed to realize the importance of iron!. I recently discovered that I've been anemic ever since I was a teenager and I did take iron supplements when I was pregnant but then forgot about it. I take all of the other supplements you advised but didn't factor in stress as being a huge culprit. My hair was long and gorgeous and I never in a million years thought that I would have hair problems until I went thru a very stressful period in which my hair started falling out in handfuls. I am 66 yrs. young and I also had kidney issues that contributed to my hair loss. I have had to cut almost a foot off and it's still dry, brittle, and frizzy on the ends. I feel like cutting it all off but I don't think I could handle the shock. Thank you for taking the time to make this video as it has given me renewed hope for my hair. Everything you suggested is spot on the truth and I hope more people check this out.

Davida D: This is the best video about hair health that I've seen! THANK YOU, JUSTIN! In addition to all of the points that you mentioned, I'd like to add two more. (1) Sleep - Getting consistent, high-quality sleep is so important! This will allow your hair follicles to create new proteins for your hair. It will also allow your body to release hormones and enzymes that are necessary for hair growth. AND (2) Underlying Health Issues and Systemic Inflammation - If you're not feeling well or something feels "off" about the way your body is reacting to specific stimuli, whether internal or external or both, see your doctor. In cases such as this, obtaining a diagnosis and following the prescribed treatment protocols, including medication, diet, exercise, etc., can make all the difference in the world when it comes to obtaining and/or maintaining a healthy and beautiful head of hair! To personalize this: I've been health conscious since I was a teenager, eating nutrition dense foods about 90% of the time, taking a multivitamin, being physically active as a swim instructor and summer camp counselor, etc. And my minor in undergraduate school was Health Education. Even so, in my mid-50's, while working for a company whose corporate culture had grown increasingly toxic as a result of changes in operational focus as well as in executive management personnel, I began to experience idiopathic health issues. Fast forward a few more years, while trying to "hang in there" until I was retirement eligible and could leave with a position at another company in-hand as well as undergoing several gastrointestinal surgeries and the surgical removal of a benign tumor from my spine, my stress level was through the roof, and I was no longer getting restorative sleep! Although I wasn't dealing with major hair loss episodes at that point, I was diagnosed with a second autoimmune disease. I'd been successfully managing one autoimmune disease for 18 years with only 3 short-term hair loss episodes. Anyway, I retired, and all was well for several years. Then 3 years ago, after dealing with some of the social and financial challenges that can come with retirement, I began to experience excessive fatigue and noticeable hair thinning over my entire scalp. Thinking there might be more to this than merely female "aging," I went to a dermatologist who decided that it was a case of female pattern hair loss and prescribed Finasteride, of all things (!), instead of doing a biopsy of my scalp. The Finasteride wasn't the appropriate treatment for me and, as a result, was ineffective. Sixteen months later, I was diagnosed with a third, more rare and progressive autoimmune disease than my other two conditions. All the symptoms not mentioned herein as well as the chronic fatigue and hair loss that I'd been experiencing for about 2 years finally made sense! Ultimately, my team of doctors, critical when dealing with multiple autoimmune issues, determined that my hair loss which has been an ongoing issue since 2019, began as a result of chronic stress and insomnia and has continued as a result of internal inflammation associated with 3 autoimmune diseases. Moral of the story?! Pay attention to your nutritional health and find effective ways to reduce your stress level as advised by Justin. Get plenty of restorative sleep and exercise. And, if you're feeling inexplicably fatigued or subpar for longer than a week, make a list of all your symptoms no matter how trivial they may seem to you, visit your doctor and ask him or her to order blood tests to determine whether or not you're dealing with any underlying health issues. Wishing you all happiness and a healthy, beautifully styled head of hair! ‍♀

Heather Robbins: You nailed this one. My recent hair loss has been completely turned around ridding myself of a very stressful life situation and getting in the supplements and healthy diet. It was freaking me out and my stylist suggested just about everything you did.

Mookey: Justin you are a wealth of information a walking encyclopedia of health I can’t tell you how much this particular video has helped me out tremendously as a post menopausal woman at 55 my hair is a disaster and I’m desperately trying to do everything I can to get it back in the shape of course Covid did not help as a result of that I lost quite a bit of hair but I have hope that things will work out better and my hair will grow back

Selah: Absolutely! Very interesting to get the run down! As a 48 year old 6 months post bariatric surgery person ALL of these things have become EXTREMELY important to me since that’s part of the basic protocol of bariatric surgery. At three months post op it is VERY common to lose hair and some people lose a LOT of it! I am pleased to say that although I did notice some hair loss (only seeing that my comb had some hair in it which was very unusual for me) I was pleased that I did not experience excessive hair loss! I don’t know if I just got lucky or if it’s the fact that I take collagen supplements that contain biotin and vitamin C three times a day and have been since about a year preop but my point is I totally agree with you that these are things that are so so important to pay attention to! Also I am careful to take my vitamins every single day per my physician’s instructions and I’ve heard a lot of people don’t do that after bariatric surgeryBut before my bariatric life they were things I was completely unaware of the importance and didn’t even think twice about. So just so you know your video has also helped me as a bariatric patient which I really appreciate!!!

Jess S: Your talk about sunlight and vitamin D3 reminded me of something I recently learned listening to the Huberman Lab. UVB rays trigger hair growth! Totally explains why our hair grows faster in the summer

EXIT Alliance Realty: Love this so much!!! First time I realized how bad stress was for your hair was when I went through a 6 week legal battle. My hair went from 10% gray to 60%! My hairdresser wasn’t as shocked as I was. I had no idea this could happen.

deanna eates: Just started watching you and I love all the helpful tips you share! Struggling to love my hair these days and I’m going to take your advice and hopefully get my hair back to a healthy and more beautiful place! Btw my daughter, her husband and their two dogs have been living and traveling in their van for a few years now and they love it! Happy travels to you and your wife!

angela stover: Love all your tutorials!! You may not be a Doctor, but you are very knowledgeable!! I’ve learned so much from you!! Thanks for the valuable info!! You are an inspiration, and I wish there were more Hairstylists like you!

Tracy AF: I think stress is huge! I made some changes to my life to lower my stress and both my hairstylist and my eyelash estitician commented on how much my hair was growing. Since the pandemic I’ve changed my outlook and feel so much happier and more fulfilled, so the nicer hair is a nice little bonus ☺️

Gypsy Spirit: The view doesn’t “suck”. Fantastic video Justin, I’m from Australia, and have been following you for about a year or more, love your content and have been realising the same thing is happening with my hair. I’ve been taking all those vitamins you suggest in this video for the past couple months and can already see a huge improvement - and I agree, STRESS is the number one cause of sudden hair thinning /dry/frizz hair, in mine and all my friends hair over the past couple of years. Thank you

Jessica Sue: Totally makes sense! Thank you. I was dealing with hair loss, dry brittle hair! I had my iron tested..It was so low. I am currently taking supplements and slowly seeing a huge difference in the texture of my hair! I also take zinc and vitamin A

Sweet, Simple, Slow Life: Watch until the end because this man talks common sense Essentially, what you give is what you get and this applies to your hair health as well

Tamara Pace: Thank you for giving us all this information! I wish I had it a year ago when I was loosing all of my hair! I just know that many people might avoid the horrible "stress" of hair fallout, armed with this information. Yes, I was extremely iron deficient, all of my blood tests showed I was malnourished (I had covid for 3 weeks and on oxygen for 5 months) and my hair did not hang around. Now, it is coming back in even fuller than before but it is different. My hairdresser of 15 years said she is afraid to work with it . Yes, ladies, a healthy diet full of colorful food does help. It just takes time. A good diet AND a healthy internal dialog goes a long way in our scalp health. Justin, as a fellow Northwestener, that view doesn't suck!

Doris Sherrill: So nice to hear something other than a sales pitch. You're spit on with every point and #1 being stress. I personally have noticed when under tremendous stress I tend to become ill overnight. Thanks a million for your wonderful informative videos. The view doesn't suck.

Courtney Campden-Main: Excellent video! I hope people share this information not just for hair but for health in general. A stylist once told me people have no idea how stress can effect hair. She had had a client who was going through a divorce and the lady’s hair was just breaking right off all over the place.

Babette Gray: Thanks, Justin. Great tips and you are right, I saw the effects of hairless, even bald spots, all brought on by stress. Taking control over my life and getting back on track. I love your channel.

Sherry Simmons: Yes it’s makes total sense so thanks for the great information!! I’m born and raised 61 yrs in Springfield, Oregon so I completely agree with you on the fact we in the PNW don’t get our Vitamin D naturally Also I have had Crohn’s since 1986 so that is probably contributing to my fine hair falling out and thinning, even more as I age. I learned a lot from you today, Thank You!!

Erica Wentz: Beautiful scenery again ! Thank you for your honest, logical advice based on your expertise while also reminding your audience to check with their doctor and warning about over indulging in too many nutrients. Bravo for your honesty and for not trying sell us snake oil!

Rhonda Weaver: Thank you so much, Justin. I've always had thick hair that my hairdresser used to say, "we can't hurt that hair if we tried." I am 64 years young and suddenly I noticed so much hair falling out in the shower. I realized after watching this video, I've fallen off the vitamin train for some reason. Thanks for reminding me. I'm an RN and should have known better. Love your videos.

Charlotte Johnk: Great information! A few years ago I was donating blood and I got turned away, they said my blood was basically water. They advised that I see a doctor asap, turns out I had the lowest iron count my doctor had ever seen in a patient who didn’t have a chronic liver illness. I of course had symptoms that I had been ignoring, one of them being hair loss. I was going to get a blood transfusion but I opted for supplements which were hard on my stomach but it worked and my hair returned to normal along with my ability to breathe

Andra: Good timing from you. I just had my blood work done and even though I'm not deficient in the vitamins and minerals you mentioned, I was deficient in others and the doctor told me my body was "stressed" even if I didn't feel like I was stressed. I'm taking new supplements to combat those deficiencies as well as incorporating stress management tools like you suggested. Love you and your videos!!!

Rena Mae McDonald: Thanks for sharing all these excellent points! My dad lost a lot of his hair when he went through a very stressful time. We need to look after ourselves!

Helen Davies: Thank you! I’ve watched so many videos that promise to tell me how to improve the health/ thickness/ shine etc of my hair but are just adverts for expensive products. I love your honesty - really helpful x

Deb🎄: My father in law, had grey hair. He had a heart attack, and honestly over night, his hair turned white, after the heart attack! I never saw anything like it. Stress is a big thing!! Great video, lots of good suggestions, thank you!

Laurel B: Excellent tips, as always, thank you Justin! Was losing a little hair due to temporary high stress and took iron pills daily per dr recommendation, but then he said my iron levels were too high, so I just take one every few days or so. Also, the serious cause of stress is done finally. Def seems to help as my hair is back to normal! Planning to move to Portland in 6 months from the east coast and will have to see if I can get an appointment at your salon! I love hiking and am so excited to be moving there amongst all the beautiful views that don’t suck! I’m fully aware of all the raininess, however, and will def have to run outside to soak up some sunshine every time it peeks out from behind a cloud, ha. Love your videos for the great hair advice and Oregon beauty.

Esther Eydenberg: Justin, thank you SO MUCH for this video, very eye opening when you said we need to give our body what we want from it. Love your videos. Thanks again!

Jeana H.: Finally! Thank you so much for sharing your information with the public about this. People really do need to hear about logical and common sense approaches to deal with illnesses or problems they may be having with their bodies. Basic good, "clean" nutrition, by far, heals our bodies, from the inside-out, more than any drug. It's one thing we can do for ourselves that we have control over. Trust me, I've learned the hard way... Life-Changing Foods. So, thank you so much for your inner wisdom... on both levels of healing and hair expertise!! You are so much appreciated for doing this! And, I wish you and your wife a terrifically fantastic time in your explorations!

Boricua Girl: Love that you’re doing YouTube full-time. Looking forward to more of your valuable and honest hair education. I’m hoping you’ll do a video on Keratin treatment for hair. Much love from Puerto Rico ❤

louise fletcher: Thankyou Justin, for calling out the elephant in the room you are so right, we want quick fixes and nutrition is the foundation to our health in all areas of our body /hair and releasing our stress is also important for relaxation and proper blood flow. Love your honesty

MimiT: I once had an extremely stressful event in my life. Half my hair fell out. It got so thin. Stress will effect your hair for sure!

Michelle P: Great info! (And view!) My daughter(26) sheds like crazy. She takes iron but she's a terrible eater. Going to share the supplement info with her. Another great video

vicky suarez: Another cause that has been making my hair fall has been Covid. Yes, I had it twice one year apart and both times I was afraid I was going bold. Both times lasted about 3 month and then stopped.

B L: I have experienced the stress related hair trouble big time and used stress reduction techniques to help. I even got certified as a yoga instructor in that process. However, my stylist gave me a good tip after I broke my leg and underwent emergency surgery. He said to be on the lookout for hair changes and hair loss in about three months. And boy was he right! Having that information up front was a great help. I did not have the additional stress of wondering why.

Julia Shalom Jordan: Thank you for sharing the important info we really need.❤ I love how you began with basic nutrition. It’s so key!

Elizabeth: I watch you and your wife and love you two. So real and down to earth. Being outdoors is relaxing to watch and a great de-stressor! Don’t know if I spelled that right BUT I love all the vlogs you put out and I would say this is the best for just heath in general which translates to good hair. Now I know where all my shine comes from! Thank you!

Lorette Martin: Yes it makes sense. I forgot about Anemia. I was in hospital a while back with Anemia and other conditions. So glad I found this video today. I've watched it before to see the hair videos. Thanks for this video. Now I know what to do about my loose strings of hair.

Leslie Witherspoon: When I started to think of my hair like a tree, that was when I was able to improve the condition of my hair. Every year that I make good choices for my life is reflected in the condition of my hair. When I choose to hydrate on a regular basis, when I take my vitamins and supplements, when I defer from drinking and eating poorly, my hair improves dramatically. I started taking multivitamins and the supplements that you mentioned religiously at the beginning of the pandemic including biotin, and now almost 3 years later my hair is in the best shape it's ever been in. I always make sure I'm hydrated, and being a black woman I always make sure that my hair is protected and that I'm being extra gentle with my styling. I am very intentional about the rest that I get, trim out the old ends on a regular basis and I'm glad to say that the practices that you mentioned really do work. It's not instantaneous like a product but it's sustained Improvement, and I'm not going back and forth with what my hair does on any given day. Edit: When I learned that the hair that comes out of your head is the hair you're going to have to work with and you can't really change it on a foundational level, I became very committed to making sure that the hair that came out of my head was going to be the best quality.

Nancy Lyon-Gray: You are so right! I have been through so much with my long hair. Having it to my butt when I was in high school to having it just below my shoulders in my 60s. My hair is extremely thin, fine and blonde. I was able to grow it to my rear end when I was in high school. I think one of the reasons I was able to do that is hereditary reasons -grandma had hair to the floor and the fact that I did not brush it when it was wet. I would wash it and sleep on it and brush it out in the morning. Being so fine, it never really curled funky or anything like that. Now I am taking supplements and they are really helping my hair. I have gone through several bouts of hair loss since turning 40. But I have the thickest hair now that I have ever had in my life. Thank you for the tips. I appreciate you and your cute sense of humor. Your information is extremely valuable. Cheers!

Anna Rebecca: Spot on about stress! My husband nearly bled to death the first week in August, and my hair is falling out like crazy!! I know it will stop and start growing again eventually, but I'm not happy right now...

Diane Boross: Yes, makes a lot of sense, Justin. Thank you! Regarding stress, I would suggest the obvious, since you handle it so well yourself, by going for frequent walks in geographically beautiful places. Yes, go for a daily walk everyone, since it does wonderful things for both mind and body.

Traduseuse !: I absolutely agree with stress being harmful. As a blond, I saw my hair take a greenish tint after high levels of stress following an in incident where I ended up in a coma.

Gloria Zuccaro: Thanks so very much, I think everyone needs to hear your advice. Love, light, and hugs to you and your wife ❤️

Susan Henley: Oh yeah, we know by now, "This view doesn't suck." Wise words you have shared. As the saying goes, "You can pay the farmer now or the pharmacy later." Would appreciate it, please, if you would do a video on the changes grey hair makes and how to best embrace our grey hair. Thanks!

Katrina Witt: Wow, I listened to your entire video. Very informative and very well done. Thank you for all of this great information and the time you spent putting this video together. I'm over 50 and ohmygosh the challenges of aging DO NOT STOP.

Jennifer Bauman: I've been anemic for three years now and lost a lot of hair. You are absolutely right. I drastically needed iron. Hopefully now that I'm taking iron supplements and eating iron rich foods, my hair will grow back and be stronger.

Kathy Gann: My hair used to grow about 1/2 to 3/4 inch per month, then I got COVID and it stopped. Of course it was when I’d decided to grow out my 3-4 inch short haircut. It has been almost 2 years and is almost a shoulder length bob! Thank goodness it is growing. Of course it couldn’t have stopped growing just after Justin gave me the perfect haircut. That would have been awesome.

Shirley Anderson: Hi Justin Thanks for the great info. I believe in getting my nutrients from the foods rather than buying supplements too, so I like your approach. I am grey and feel like taking the plunge and getting some colour via partial foils. My biggest concern is how much that would damage my hair. Any thoughts?

Debbie Daus: Things I’ve known but never think about when I’m trying to get the shine I’ve lost. Good message!

Cecilia McLaren: Great advice and info! May I add that after a surgery the body getting rid of the anesthesia and pain killers will affect the hair as well for a little while. It happened to me. My hair was shedding a lot. Then it normalized once all the medications were out of my system.

Jess S: Loooove your suggestions! I am transitioning to gray hair and was trying to make hair grow faster. No supplement helped (probably because I wasn't deficient). At the end of April, I started supplementing omega-3s and have noticed a huge difference in my hair skin and nails. I feel like it's helping, because I just didn't have enough omega-3s before, even though I love eating fish!

helena neumann: Great Video! From a medical point of view, the thyroid should also be mentioned. Both thyroid hypthyroidism and hyperfunction initiate hair loss. In general, women should have their hormone status checked, especially over 40. You mentioned iron levels. Iron stores (!) are often too low in women of childbearing age.

MsMeOhMy52: Good to get the Scoop on what’s going on! Congratulations on the Shift in your career! I don’t really think you’ll “retire” your just getting out of the salon ‍♀️ I’m wondering if you may be able to do Zoom type consulting? ( FaceTime is too tiny)This view does not suck, but looks similar to last week’s……#WHERES JUSTIN

J: Stress is a huge deal. After my Mom passed, which was profoundly stressful, my old pooch got sick and got dementia. We had her for another year. I lost hair in my weekly wash in ping pong sized masses. I'd go bald to have her.

Mary Carroll: Great video! I am going to share this with my younger sister! She has boatloads of beautiful hair and she recently told me it's falling out! She's only 50! Anyway, the vitamins could be part of the problem but I know her biggest problem is STRESS! I hope this helps her!

Evelyn Melian-Glick: Thank you so much for this video! My hair is falling like crazy! My nutrition is good but my stress is off the charts.

Djuli Murti: Thank you for the good tips. I have one in addition. In previous times, my hair used to be far to dry. However it was getting fatty quickly 3 or 4 days after washing. The ends however remaind to dry and damaged. I started to wash my hair less often and noticed that it didn't gat fatty that quickly anymore after some months. At the same time the sebum better covered the whole hair, without beeing fatty. In the firstt year I washed my hair once a week than - however I noticed, that now my hair remains nice even much longer. Meanwhile I wash it only every 3 weeks - and they look pretty good.

Heather Smith: This video is so refreshing! I would add though that stress and thyroid are often related, so people will get things like weight gain, dry skin and hair, peeling nails, and for some reason it affects women more. Add in the popularity of salt with no added iodine and it's a recipe for disaster. Simplest thing is to try taking kelp supplements for a week or two and see if it fixes it. This happened to me years ago and the difference was like night and day. Now I always have a bottle of kelp on hand for if I am stressed, or just working too much. If your thyroid is sluggish it affects so many other things.

Rebecca Anderson: It doesn't suck! You got that right. Thank you for the reminder to everyone that nutrition is so important.

Cynthia DeBeau: This is an EXCELLENT video! Every single word is true. It’s one of the best I’ve ever seen…you have just helped so many people without a doubt, if they take all this good information to heart and practice. Thank you

Khanjari Joshi: Great video Justin! It is pivotal to get good and enough nutrients to sustain good body and hair health! All of your information makes total sense and may I add that hair oil infused with key ingredients can also boost healthy hair growth. Thank you for the wonderful information once again! Much love and light to you from your biggest fan from Charlotte, NC ❤️

Donna Graham: I believe this is one of your best videos. Thank you for the reminder to eat well and to take care of our bodies! These are the things that get "lost" in the busyness of life but shouldn't be.

SueB3: I love how he delves into this and makes it easy to do

Margaret Jongebloed: Best video ever!! Especially at the end about stress and your hair and managing it ❤ Thank you

Mayah: Thank you so much Justin! You gave us precious advice, it's so refreshing to see that you care about our health! God bless you!

Alix S: Great advice, thank you! We all need a reminder to care for ourselves too.

Angela island: Great information as always! Love the deep analysis!

JackOllie4: Great tips for healthy hair, especially the tip about stress. I'm 59 and my hair is gray. I'm moving from moist western WA to arid eastern WA. I use products for "normal" hair. Should I switch my products in any way for the drier environment?

Caroline Rabjohn: Thank you so much!!!! I just want you to know how important this vlog was to me, without going into further explanation. Much appreciated Justin.

Naturally Skin Deep: Love your videos - not sure if in the hundreds of comments this has already been mentioned - but menopause for this age bracket will also play havoc with your hair.

MARY REECE: What a wonderfully informative video!! Thank you so much for sharing this information!! So many things I’d never dreamed could be causing my hair loss! At age 66, this is very useful!!

Sam Lee: You nailed it!!!!!! Thank you for being honest. I’m almost 50 and am very grateful for your videos.

Marie McGrath: Great video, I agree with everything you suggest. Eating right is just so important to our whole body. Stress is the hardest, I think, to avoid, but I certainly try. I love gardening so I spend as much time as possible outside. Fresh air, sun. exercise & relaxing talking to my plants .... Live in Australia, so do use sun screen.

Jeanie Smith: It doesn't suck. Thank you for this video. I did not know what specific vitamins play a part in hair health. Also thank you even more for showing us ways to get more of these vitamins naturally.

Sandra: Excellent video! You truly understand the affect hair has on a woman’s confidence. My best friend used to have gorgeous wavy hair. But in the last several years her hair began breaking and falling out. Happily, she stopped dying it. She looks stunning with grey hair. I think this will also go a long way to improving the health of her hair. But I know one of her blood tests showed problems with her iron/ferritin levels. I will forward your video to her. I might mention that thyroid disease such as Hashimoto’s, which I have, can affect one’s hair. It can cause much hair loss. Happily, I have my disease controlled and my hair is thick and healthy at 67 years of age. But a few years ago my hair looked horrible. It was thinning and there was even balding in the front sides of my hairline. I was suffering from horrible eczema and infections from it. Finally it was discovered that the PPD used in the dark hair dye my stylist was using on my hair was the main culprit. I have not dyed my hair since. Now that my health has improved and I am not under the stress it caused, my healthy hair has returned. In fact, I saw my stylist a couple months ago for the first time since the pandemic started and he commented about how thick my hair had gotten. I saw recently on one of his Instagram posts he is now offering a hair dye without PPD. Thanks again for the great information in this video!

Jenn: I had terrible hair loss and also fertility issues. I saw my Dr and found I have hypothyroid. When I was put on medication, my hair was so much better and we got pregnant right away! See your Dr, Ladies!

Banana: The difference in my hairloss when stressed really shows how much it effects it.....also zinc also helps stop premature greying!

Lynne Roberts: Thank you for your plain speaking. My hair is currently shedding and causing me even more stress. I have been inspired by your video and am going to take more time to look after myself more and take the time to prepare healthy meals. Hopefully in time I will get back to my old self.

Carol B: Makes wonderful sense, I lost and still loose a lot of hair through stress.

Chris p: Justin, this was a very interesting video. It made perfect sense. I think too often we think products will fix everything. Such a good reminder to take good care of ourselves!! Thanks!!

Cynthia B: This is great information and an excellent reminder for us to take care of ourselves, thank you!

Lucinda LaRee: As a nutrition coach you are right in track! A whole food, rich In rainbow colored fruits and vegetables with the right amount of fat and protein will make for a healthy and exercise with make for a healthy body, skin and hair! Plus you will have energy and vitality!

Heather Estes: Thank you! I've always had really thick hair and it got thin when I hit 50

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