Vintage Wedding Hairstyles For Short Hair : Short Hair Styling Tutorials

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Vintage wedding hairstyles naturally lend themselves to women with short hair. Find out about vintage wedding hairstyles for short hair with help from an experienced hair professional in this free video clip.

Expert: Maureen Emerson

Bio: Maureen Emerson has done hair, nail care, skin care, and energy medicine at Head Games for 9+ years. Emerson also has experience as an actress.

Filmmaker: Patrick Russell

Series Description: Short hair styling doesn't require you to have years of experience in the field. Get short hair styling tutorials with help from an experienced hair professional in this free video series.

Hi, my name is Maureen here at hedging salon, Portland Maine and I would love to show you a vintage wedding style for short hair, and so with my model, her hair is naturally curly. It'S fine and I'm going to start by using a large barrel, curling iron to do a full curl set and so to quickly start up. I'M going to section out her hair, starting with the Mohawk area, starting with this area, and I'm going to grab a section that is about the same size or smaller than the curling iron. So this does it pull all the hairs out. I have my curling iron and I'm actually going to wrap all the hairs going backwards for this vintage wedding style, so gently putting the hair in there going all the way down twisting up. I have my colon setting my comb right here in between our scalp and the curling iron, so that she doesn't get hurt and then I gently take the curling iron out and then I have what we call pin curl clips. It'S just a little clip and I'm going to clip that down on base take out my little comb. So that's one and I'm going to do one more here to put it down clip the rest back, have the section comb it out and then grabbing the curling iron setting the hair and they're gently. It'S all going back for this vintage wedding style for this curl set going down of my comb to protect her scalp, setting it just for a sec and then gently, releasing it out and grabbing a pin, curl clip and then just pinning this down. I'M going to continue doing this with the rest of the hairs all over now and then at the end, we'll crush it through and have that beautiful, vintage wedding style, great and so now I have finished going through doing a full curl set and I'm going to Start removing the pins now that all the hair is cooled off, so I'm going to remove the pins now and get ready to brush it out great, and so now that I have finished pulling all the pins out, I'm going to brush all the pearls back and Out for this lovely vintage wedding, do don't forget to get all the pins out and now I'm going to decide which way we'd like to part it and style it, and for this vintage do I want a little bit more volume through this top area, and so It'S all combed out, I'm leaving the sides nice and volume and smooth grabbing this top section first and I'm going to continue styling it. So now I have gone through and I've brushed out all those big beautiful barrel, curls that I've put through, and now I'm really going to start shaping this vintage wedding style, and so there I have an inspiration of this front section sectioning this out, bring it forward And doing a flipped barrel bang, so I'm going to turn her a little bit. This way grabbing this entire section, so it's all prepped from using the curling iron and so grabbing the whole section. I'M going to need some hairspray hairspray is really important when you're doing the vintage wedding styles, so how to close your eyes, I'm spraying downward kind of holding with the fingers the shape that I want it to go into and now taking the section and gently turning It under you can see the end there and I'm really just turning it right under and I'm pushing it towards the center to achieve a little bit more. The volume in this vintage, bang and then right underneath a couple of bobby pins and the bobby pins, will actually go in a horizontal manner right, underneath attaching the ends of the curl to the scalp, I'm putting one in in one direction and then I'm going to Come over here and stick the other one in in this other direction so that they crisscross underneath and just a little bit more spray on the Sun. So now we've got our vintage curled under bang and I'm going to continue styling to make sure I didn't tear that apart the rest of it and what I want to do is actually create a little bit of a side-swept right over here and so grabbing. These hairs in the front I'm going to just kind of bring them forward lightly, recrawl just a little bit right there, and then this will get sprayed and now I'm bringing this back chat line. This helps to kind of keep a nice volume and then just lightly combing, the top so that it smoothes out without losing all that great volume for the vintage style having it be just a little clean around the ear. You don't really. You can ops if you'd like to leave something down a little bit in front depending on what kind of style, or this might look a little bit more funky versus. If you let it all come back, it might look a little bit more classical vintage so, depending on what kind of vintage tie you're going for so now I have this coming back here and I'm going to put in so really beautiful, sparkly clip going downward. You can pick anything that really strikes your fancy or that maybe matches your your outfit and that looks really pretty nice and simple and then continuing to comb and brush all of this back for this vintage wedding style we're having a very nice smooth, big loose. Curl. Look so nice, big, smooth and really most of the work has been done with the curl set. It'S really just getting things in place, making sure that the ends are just right and spraying always downward. I'M keeping my hand here to encourage a little bit of natural bend in the hair, which is truly part of the vintage style putting up through there. It gives a very kind of like smooth, slightly jackie-o, more of the sixties style, vintage wedding, where the hair has been more blown out smooth and then describing this top section here, the rest of the sign and adding just a few more big bends to it. To finish off this vintage wedding style, and so now with the rest of that hair gently curled, I'm doing the same thing that I did on the other side, except without pinning it just kind of gently brushing it sculpting it back, and now I'm going to spray And hold so that it has a really nice soft Bend, making sure none of the little ends are showing or truly vintage wedding style. It looks very together, lift up and have more volume, just final and finishing touches with the hairspray making sure that the clip can be seen. You don't have to have a veil for a vintage style, but having something sparkly definitely does pull off the wedding part of the vintage style, and so here we are. We have our nice turned under forward bang and a beautiful wavy curl set perfect for your vintage wedding style. Thank you for joining me. I'M worrying from head gain salon in Portland, Maine

Women Who Rock with Success Media: I love these hairstylists videos. It's the caring techniques which count from her strategy. Great job!

Nya G: she's actually pleasant to watch. strangely relaxing.

KRay29: If she did my hair style before my wedding, I would have cried! Not the happy kind.

Mexico lindo: Love have you put attention to the details. Wonderful!

Yvonne Whitfield: I love the way it call came together..Beautiful

Michelle Gilmore: I don't think she even knew what "Vintage" style she was going for.

Pasqualina Cubeddu: Io ho guardato questo video un miliardo di volte, a me piace tantissimo, bravissima! Sembra che con questa acconciatura, l'abbia riportata agli anni 50/60.

Kristonda Pryor: You could play a drinking game for every time this lady says "vintage" :)

Mechell Graham Channel: I like the stylist's hair

Carly Hoffman: If she would've not put the bangs how she did, and just did the side with the sparkly would be a lot prettier.

dbearup123: There is a guy in the salon that I work in and he has done a few things like this that I have had to go back and redo. Sorry but this would never leave my shop esp. for a bride or wedding. I have been doing hair for almost 40 years and am wondering what era this "vintage" is from?

Jenn C: 1:21 - 1:25  "are you freaking burning my head"  lololol

Lynne Jones: very relaxing to watch. however, the hairstyle on the hairstylist just doesn't fit her right.

K-rex: the designer's style reminds me of tina turner

SlightlyStableStephanie: :-/ .. i would of hit up cherry doll lol she's the #1 vintage hair stylist and i don't even think shes a stylist ..

Pilar Calderon: literally falling asleep while watching.....

zahra rezai: it alright when turned to the side but when she faces her towards the camera it just looks messy and not nice at all

Cirque d'Joy: Her hair looked better before you started.

taohuyooyee: it doesn't look good at all. just curl it.

Shayla-Ann Williams: The hair stylist seems unprofessional and unexperienced, and takes more than styling the clients hair. I have done something better than that, and I'm not a hair stylist.

Wondeobi: lol that chick hated it lmao

Jacky De La Cruz: I think Cherry Doll Face does a way better job!!

Linsey: I'm not a fan at all. It looks oily.

Love Diamond: Smh that lady is pissed at her Lmao

Cristal Bonilla: Don't like the bang

Zigurath100: nope not liking it.....go back to school or follow classes from an expert on vintage hairstyles


Zahra Rezai: It looks messy

april edwards: i dont really like it

Elite Child: AWFUL!

Mzbrownbeauty27: Lol at these comments

Kendra Schiebout: Continually saying "vintage wedding style" doesn't make it one. It honestly just looks like you lost your confidence in front of the camera because "volumed" isn't a word and this isn't really a solid tutorial. Some of the elements are there but the finished product isn't anything I would want walking down any aisle. Sorry, doll.

debbie parcells: The back actually looks pretty but that rolled bang looks terrible and the crown area looks sloppy. .I would have asked for a hat if I was the girl who had to walk out of the salon looking like that.

MsHellfire: that doesn't look very good at all. it looks unfinished.. a bit halfassed...

Kelly Bajdek: I do not, like

Damaris Alberto: Horrible

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