Laura Harrier & Hair Stylist Jennifer Yepez Share Triumphant Hair Moments & More! | Thr

Laura Harrier and hair stylist Jennifer Yepez join THR to share their history, best moments, must have beauty products, and more!

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I'M so helpless., Honestly, I'm so helpless.. Yesterday she told me she was like ,''. You know you need to put a headband in your hair'' when you wash your face ,''. So you don't mess up everything. I do.'' I'm like ``, Oh right.'', (, electronic music ). It hasn't been super long. No. Feels like forever. Feels like forever., But no, I think we, our first stuff, was Cannes. This year. Yeah. And I was like so honored too. It was like a big moment for you, especially like beauty, red carpet and yeah. It was super cool. We did like lots of beauty, looks so get to play around., And we I mean we did like four a day or something crazy like it was a lot and'cause, it's just kind of back to back and trying to just like turn out A whole new hair, like 10 minutes., Like 20 minutes, let's go. Yeah, let's go., So it was really fun.. We did a lot of stuff. It was fun. (, electronic music ). I loved our amfAR thing. I feel, like everybody talks about that.. That was that's. Definitely my favorite. Jen talked me in to getting bangs and I needed a lot of convincing. Needed a lot of convincing.. Every sing day. I was like `` You're doing bangs.'' `` We're doing bangs we're doing bangs.''. I was like. Maybe we can try it. So she came over and we had some drinks and she stuck a bang on me.. We pre, we pre-did it. It was like okay. So that way she could be like more safe and secure., But it was beautiful.. It was very like Audrey Hepburn, you know updo with a little bang and it was really cool. I loved it.. It was really. (, electronic music ) Hire me., No, I'm just kidding. (, both laugh ), But really Really Um no. It's not. It was a piece, though It's a piece. Like don't, go, cutting your hair like it's not going to look good.. No, it's definitely not.. I always think a fake bang is better.. Yeah you go, get a fake bang. You know you get your hairdresser to cut it and it's pretty much straightforward. You know like it's a french twist bun. You know but um make sure that you know it matches your hair. (, Laura laughs, ). I think that's the most important thing., The same color. Yeah. (, electronic music ). My three must-have beauty products - I guess - are I love the Glossier mascara, an Asap lip balm and there's a wine style lip stain that I really love. Joanna Vargus her masks and her. Like exfoliating masks, my Care Assess mask for sure and Barbara Sturm's serum all of her serums. ( electronic music ), I mean just to have everything in my bag. So wherever I go, I always bring wigs. I bring pieces, hair extensions, every single product under the Earth, so I think just the point is to have everything at every moment. ( electronic music, ) Kind of those figures from the 70s. Yeah me too., Like Eartha Kitt Diana Ross Shaw Day, is a huge one.. I say like Raquel, Welch. Yeah. Yeah, you know. Bordeaux, that's always a reference.. I think every like that era was like sexy women, Sophia Loren, like Daphne. They were so beautiful and sexy and natural. You know they were like women. Yeah. I think we both like women who were celebrate being women. You know Yeah., Alright, thanks. Thank you. Love, you., Love, you., (, upbeat, music, ),

RedDawg: What was the interview about?

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