Don'T Open A Hair Salon Until You Watch This! - Thesalonguy

PLEASE don't Open a Hair Salon or business until you watch this. I am on a mission to help inspire and send a wake up call to owners that are cursing their business and causing them to fail. I share my tips and pointers on what you should establish before you open a salon or you may fail.


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With 20+ years of experience as a hairstylist and media personality, Stephen Marinaro, a.k.a. TheSalonGuy, focuses on bringing fashion, beauty and entertainment content to millions of people through TV, radio, print and the web. Whether he is offering style advice or chatting with stars on the red carpet, Stephen lives by the values of professionalism, respect, and passion for his work.   

Since entering the beauty industry in 1992, Stephen wanted to give back to his community in different ways. After serving the public and protecting our families for six years as a law enforcement officer and Firefighter, Stephen decided to forge ahead with a new career path that combined his first loves: Beauty and Technology. Stephen brought his core family values, respect and an overwhelming sense of dignity with him during his transition. Not only is Stephen a mentor to millions of viewers through television and radio, he is also the founder of, an innovative online directory for salon clients and professionals.

Stephen's YouTube channel,, features styling tutorials and event coverage.  His channel surpassed the 2.5 million views mark, and averages an astounding 300,000+ hits per month.

Not only has Stephen hosted his own radian show, he has also interviews with an impressive list of celebrities, including Sophia Vergara, Alyssa Milano, Regis Philbin, Steve Buscemi, Terrence Jenkins, Pamela Anderson, Daisy Fuentes, Michelle Rodriguez, Dita Von Teese, Nick Cannon, Frederic Fekkai, Kelly Cutrone, Thomas Jane of the hit HBO series Hung, Twilight's Chaske Spencer, Smash's Megan Hilty, and Jenna Dewan-Tatum, among many others.

Stephen is currently signed to Rightster, the #1 news content providers on the web. He was also cast by eHow as an expert, for a 13-episode series on hair and grooming tips. He's chatted with and interviewed cast members of several shows including  How Do I Look?, What Not to Wear, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Real Housewives of New York, Cake Boss, Jersey Shore as well as covering red carpet events and fashion shows that include the Oscars and Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week NYC. Stephen has appeared on Style Networks hit show, Jerseylicious on Season 4 and has worked with other networks such as MTV and BRAVO.

Stephen is also an entrepreneur who helps businesses through consulting, marketing, and media and event production. He has worked with brands and designers such as Dior, L'Oreal, Paul Mitchell, Zang Toi, Rachel Roy, Emiliani, DePasquale, Nike Communications, The Art of Shaving, Beauty Press, Youthful 8, Malan Breton and Ted Gibson.

Whether Stephen is working in front of the camera or behind the scenes, one thing is certain: TheSalonGuy brings a unique blend of creativity, experience and enthusiasm to every project. 

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Hey everyone, I'm Steven, Marinero, the salon guy and for those of you that know me, this is definitely something different, because I'm dressed in a custom suit and a lot of you guys that watch my hair tutorials, I'm not always dressed in a suit necessarily. But when I'm hardcore business, it's all about representation and brand perception and image, and that's the business that we're in is all about image. Making people feel good. Making people look beautiful and what I'm going to be doing with you guys over the next week or so is I'm going to be going hardcore business on you guys? That'S why I'm dressed like this? You know when I'm at red-carpet events such as you know, maybe the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show or the Oscars or mercedes-benz Fashion Week or any big opportunity I can get around on TV. Whatever comes my way, I have to look the part and project what I believe in and what I feel good in. That'S why wearing this suit, when I'm out there, it's a true reflection of Who I am so people look at me. They think wow that guy's dress really sharp besides good hair and good looks I'm kidding, but anyway, besides the way I dress, you know it's all about how I project my energy, my positive, you know my beliefs and and my being kind and that's what really has Got me this far as well as your support, so let's get down to what I'm really doing with you guys and what I be sharing with you since I'm in the hardcore business mode, I'm going to share with you some really key essential tips to why you Shouldn'T open a hair salon unless you have the following things down now being that you know my brand's, the salon guy I've been in the beauty industry for over 20 years, I've worked for two of the largest companies in the beauty industry in the world. I'Ve trained - and you know overseas in England, trained in New York. You know I've been ordered over 700 salons, I've trained thousands of people. You know I said work for a major company at 20 years old in a suit like this training professionals for a major company. How did I get there because I put the hard work in I followed my mentors advice. I followed everything that was given to me and he goes. You know what you have the the path to choose, I'm giving you the opportunities you have to make them happen. So before you open up a salon - and this you know actually this really can apply to any sort of business or brand. But since we're talking, you know salons and the beauty industry there's so many key essential things that you need to understand before you can even think of opening a salon. Now many people they think. Oh I've got a great location. Oh this is this is perfect. It'S a nice space, great location, BAM, let's open it doors, you got to back it up so much and really have a bunch of key steps before it can even open those doors besides the location. Now yes, location is key. We all know that the space size is key. We all know that, but there's so many things that go beyond that. That'S so many salon owners. This is 2014, not 1991. This is 2014 and if you're a Slon stylist or someone in the beauty industry that wants to open up the salon - and you don't get when I bet to share with you guys you're going to be pretty much destined for for failure. You might as well not even open the doors alright. Now, let's get down to the meat potatoes know what I'm talking about before you. You have those doors open before you have the key before you actually open up, there's so many things that you need to have lock down one one of the best things, the most crucial things to your salon. That'S going to help drive you ahead of the person down the street who doesn't have. This is building your salon culture. Now I get this all the time I talk about this. I I preach about this. I'M so really really hardcore about this. What is a salon? Culture there's so many owners, and you know what no offense to you guys. You don't get it, but don't think about going into business unless you understand what a salon. Culture is a culture and not only salon industry, but anything you have whatever brand. You have it's about what you believe in who are you as a person? What are your core values when it comes to business? Do you want to run a two-star salon or you want to run a five-star salon when you yourself walk into a business? That'S a certain the service industry. How good do you want to be treated? How good of the customer service do you want? How do you want that respect level to come across you? How do you want to be treated we'll, take all of that stuff and apply it to your culture, all right, your culture and your brand is a true reflection of your own beliefs. So before you open those doors understand what kind of service do you want your customers to experience, what kind of level of service you're going to provide? What kind of personality do you want your salon to have? Do you realize how many deadbeat people that are out there in the service industry? Hey guys, there's a new thing called personality? You should check it out. You know there's so many people with no personalities that are in the beauty industry, and you know what you could be good. You could be okay, but if you don't have the personality, the spark the shine to follow it up or back it up. You'Re not going to make it I'm telling you right now, you're going to be like everyone else there, unfortunately there's an industry standard - and it's here you need to bring it up to here, see my hand is even in the screen. That'S all how you have to go. You have to bring it so far high above what the industry standard is that you have to separate yourselves from everybody else, so understand your salon, culture. What do you believe in what kind of service do you want? What kind of staff do you want? How do you want them to respect people? How do you want them to respect you and if you don't, lay down those guidelines from the beginning before you open those doors, so you can present it to other people? I'M telling you you're destined for failure now, once you have those doors opened, you have to implement everything into a structure. Now you've got the culture now it's time for the structure. The structure is: how are you going to set up your business to run successfully? There'S been a lot of hype about, you know: do you pay? Commission commission is dead, it's all about salary. It'S about team based pay. You know there's so many many things out, there's so many concepts, whatever you guys believe in whatever you think on paper is going to be more beneficial to you, but what it comes down to is you need to offer your staff room for growth all right? Yes, 50 percent. Maybe you know too high to start so start at 45 % and start with increases every year. You know and then you build on Commission %. Then you build on vacation. Then you build on 401k contributions. It doesn't always come down to just commission and there's so many salons out there that aren't taking care of their their staff and that's why I hate to say it owners, but your staff are leaving because you can't provide crap for them, you're just providing them a Commission on their services, no retail commission no paid vacations, no 401k. You know health insurance, the bit it's a big thing and noticed a lot of money and a lot of salon owners are struggling. Well, you know what it great for you guys that are offering us. Whatever you can, but I'm telling right now, if you don't have that structure in place, if you don't have something to offer your stylists that they're knocking down your door because they want to work, for you just say goodbye right now, because it's you're not going to Last you're going to be like everybody else, so you've got the culture. You'Ve got the structure. Next hire the right. People, stop hiring friends stopped hiring family just to fill in the voids. Stop hiring people that have no experience in the industry. Stop hiring people that are, you, know twenty years experience and they come to you because they were following you. What the people you hire are also a reflection of who you are so, if you're, a complete whack job, guess what your staffs going to be. If you have no control of your staff, if you have tons of issues in your personal life, if you're a hot mess, guess what your staffs going to be a hot mess? So look I'm telling it to you straight guys. I'Ve been in this industry twenty years. I'Ve been in every possible top celebrity name salon, you can imagine in New York City, I'm from New Jersey on the East Coast. I'Ve been in California, I've seen every possible thing and the people are doing it. Right are the ones that get it they're, the ones that have all these things implemented, and you know what most people can't handle it, because it's at a scale that you never seen before. So if you've worked in one salon or two salons your whole life, you know what it's time to get out there. It start to start it's time to start venturing out, go into those salons see what they're doing interview them. Watch observe, learn, and you know what, if you're a salon owner looking to open up a salon study, what other successful salons are doing and then incorporate it into your culture and how you're going to build a structure around your salon. Remember your brand. Your business is a true reflection of who you are I'm going to leave you with that guys. I know it's pretty hardcore, but you got to start letting it sink in you gon na start believing in it, and you know what, if you, if you feel that this video has helped you share it with as many people as you can hey I've been doing This my Salonga brand for four years when I started putting myself on video in front of camera like this. Nobody else really was doing it and I've grown from from nothing know. People to now, almost actually over three and a half million people have followed and watch. My youtube videos, you know over 20,000 subscribers over 50,000 subscribers in my social media, uh uh platform and my connections and then - and you know what I'm gon na still keep growing - I'm going to still keep grinding. It'S all about believing what I'm doing and putting it out there, whatever you put out or going to get back, so I'm leaving you with this right now, I'm going to come back with to you guys, hopefully with as soon as I can, with more hardcore business Stuff because I love business, I love inspiring people and motivating people. If you have any questions about business email me if you can share this video, please share because I want to inspire all of you. I don't care who you are. I don't care if you've been in this business for two years or 20 years. This is going to help you thanks so much for watching guys, I'm Stephen Aslam guy and I'll see you all soon.

Stet Tan: Great advices! This is what I really wanted to hear, since I'm planning on opening a salon by the beginning of next year. I always believe that you should have passion in what you do, and implement that into your business. Your "culture" interpretation for business was spot on. Thanks for the videos. 

THE 13% XIII: There's always something wrong or untrustworthy when a guy spends half the speech telling you what he's about to tell you.

Cara Bowie: Starting my own beauty salon has always been my dream but I am terrified! I don't come from much but I believe my passion can get me through it! I have all the qualifications to practice the procedures but I'm now thinking maybe I should take a business/accounts course.... Should I take out a loan to make it the best I can? I don't want to fail. I see it too much these days. Urghhhh

Prince Adisa Novah Moswen-Harkless: Greetings! And thank you Stephen for the information. I have a few questions. What are some examples of setting up your salon's structure? Are there any retail models, commission scales, what are there? I am attempting to pay my employees but I do not know how. I would like to have my paying structured like they do at Hair Cuttery and all those other chain salons. Can someone help me?

OG Raidernation: This gave me so much motivation and confirmation... Thank you for this video! I wasnt even THINKING about being a barber 2 years ago... Im in school for barbering and this video is what i needed to hear for my future in the industry! Thank you again!!!

Lucia Romero: You know I work in a salon where there is NONE of that what so ever. I started working there at 50% commission with 0 clients. My boss has had her salon 17 yrs. I've been there 4yrs now and seen her clientele reduce and reduce. While mine has grown in the past 2 yrs where I get booked 3 to 6 weeks in advance. My clients always text me just to say can't wait for my appointment. I religiously follow this because he is right!!! 100% it has worked for me. Clients pay attention to the way you carry yourself, the way you interact with them, the way you make them feel. Where I am in the moment it's not the best place because my boss is always bringing negative energy into the salon and tension is high. So, I hope soon I can open a salon and keep having that SPARK everyone is looking for! Thank you your words are refreshing let's me not forget on why I decided to be a cosmetologist.

Viksi: Great video,will be opening salon soon and I think you are right when you said that your personality is your brand and will atract the same kind of customers. I belive that in a workplace there should be a possitive energy and team work so everyone including clients enjoy the time spend.

Donna Jenkins: Wow Stephen , I just watched this video and I must tell you that I am in a salon where none of the things you said are happening. In fact we are losing customers and several of the hairstylist are preparing to leave . I  am trying to hold on and not become discouraged , but finding a salon  that offers all the things you just said has become harder and harder to find ! But , I am continuing to search till I find the right one . Thanks so much for sharing this profound information . I wish more salon owners had your expertise and vision . God's blessing on you for continued success

sandylu1: I started working in a salon again after having been off for a couple years due to a move and then being a caregiver to my husband. At the interview, I got the impression that I was walking in to a well established salon. In reality, it's a mess. recently one girl got fired and I have been scheduled to pick up the slack. The salon was supposed to hire someone after me so with me and before this lady got fired we were already working a person short and the manager doesn't seem to be actively looking for someone and she recently got in trouble with the law herself. I'm physically and mentally tired from working back to back. If you have and advice for me, please share. Also, you should know that I am a dedicated and loyal person in and out of work. Thank you.

Maureen Little: Thanks for the great launching to start, run, and grow a hair salon. It was an enriching well spoken commentary and I fully enjoyed it. I'm doing my research and testing the grounds before going forth.

College Woman23: The presentation and video was awesome. You are right about stylists and owners having the right culture together: many hair stylist are rude, not professional, and some don't even style hair correctly.!I have not had my hair done professionally in about five years, because too many stylists don't have the passion to make people like me want to come back. They lack customer service and many just don't care, so I just didn't care to go back to get my hair done by none caring supposed to be hair stylists. They forget that it is a business and they must make a great impression. Great video!

Korie Lance: Love this!! In the process of opening a salon and it was no accident that I stumbled upon this video. You definitely 'get it'!! You also seem like you've had some Tony Robbins influence?! Keep doing what your're doing and I am excited that I found you!!

M0ther Mayhem: Not only for salons but for basically all small businesses. Great word of advice.

Bernadette Williams: Hi, I agree with your advice tips.  The key essential tips you described should be applied to any professional business industry. Whether a brick and mortar or mobile business, professionalism, culture - core values, beliefs, service, financial responsibility, and kind personality are some of the things that will be instrumental for your business to succeed.  And, yes, it is very important to do reseasrch ahead of time.  Be passionate about what you want to do and implement new concepts and ideas as you cater to your clients.  Provide them with fun, exciting, and memorable experiences - as opposed to a mundane, sit and wait experience!  Because at the end of the day, you want repeat business and/or referrals, don't you?

Desi K: Great video. Do you think you can still open a salon with out a clientele? I plan on moving out of state to open a salon and I will obviously lose all my clients. What are your thoughts?

Carleigh Lynne: Toni & Guy daily assigment- 1.look the part 2. form a good salon culture and 3. form a great salon structure

Tori Monica: 3:35 actual info starts - you’re welcome.

Ugo Nzewunwa: Thanks for the tips. Nicely said. i truly believe in great customer service. I intend to adopt some of your models now that i intend to set up a functional salon... nice job

GeeGee Henderson: Thanks! for your honesty it really helps us to make wise decisions about our personal lives and our business.

290revolver290: Thank you so much. I really appreciate this video. This is 2018 and it's still saving lives. Big ups.

gmezg: Appreciate the video but you’re no different than most people that we told our goal and dream too. Most people tell you why you can’t do something or why you will fail. The most important thing that I would tell a person who wants to open a salon is OPEN A SALON and learn as you go. If I would have listened to you, I would not have opened a salon but we did. We now run a half a million dollar in revenue business and our profit margins are impressive.

Brazillian Hairdressers In London: Great tips! Thank you for sharing this! I'm more than ready to expand my Hair Salon in London.

Steve Penn Music: Dude you missed the most important thing about opening a salon, and thats having the cliental 1st to do it. Now with all the experience you claim you have, how do you miss that one? Smh!

Morgan Dorsey: Hi, I know this is an old video, but I have a question. Do you need a cosmetology license to open a salon and just run the operations not provide any of the services (and then obviously require all employees providing cosmetology services have one)? Does this apply in every state?

la mama de Mandy: You are amazing!! You really wao me,I'm very grateful that you being so busy found time to reply my email and your videos are awesome easy to understand and to put into practice, God bless you...

Melissa Cruz: Thank you so much for this video! I'm very inspired <3

James Parker: . I feel this is  an excellent presentation. I truly learnt a lot. I have been in the hair care industry for over 20 years, and I am still learning. The information he shared is very important. Thanks for the information

Alien Lady: Great advice! Thanks so much for posting this

Lavida Loves Coils: Can I Triple tap this video?! I just left a salon for these reasons. Such a mistep on both of our parts. He was a sole owner/stylist and I went on as his assistant.. with decades of experience in what I do (newly licensed). He was a hot mess in the last two weeks so I resigned. I will be taking your tips to heart and working on a 5 year plan.

public static void: As a 20 year old guy in his first year in business at a two year college who wants to open a salon, i ask you upload more videos like this

JD Blatz: Inspirational and spot on!!!! Thank you! ✂✂✂

keotak K: Thank you for the tips...I'm feeling motivated

Erika Guess: Very helpful so glad your gracious enough to share with us that's what its all about and that's why people prospure thanks God Bless!

Visions & Virtue Beauty: Excellent content ,thank you very informative!!!

Hair by Design Divas: Hey Steve great vid! can you please do a video on different team based pay models and comparisons? Thanks for all the great advice.

Hair by Jessie: Thank you so much ! I learned so much from you :)

Simon Inga: Amazing he knows so much with only 20 days experience.

Trésor Gahungu: A very helpful video and well presented

Gianna P. G P: REALLY late in commenting. I’ll blame it on YouTube’s algorithms. But...there is no such thing as commission only. 45% of 0 is still 0 after working, even, 30 hours a week. It’s FEDERAL law that an “employee” receives minimum wage OR commission, whichever is greater. A lot of salon owners started classifying stylists as independent contractors, while they’re being treated as employees, ie; being told what hours to work, mandatory meetings and handing them a 1099 at the end of the year. It does not matter what state you live in. It’s a federal law, which trumps all state laws. You cannot have a stylist or anyone, for that matter, hanging around a salon waiting for that one walk in client which may gain $100 for a 40 hour work week. A salon owner cannot skirt around tax issues while treating employees as employees and classifying them as independent contractors because it’s convenient. There is no such thing as free labor.

Green Lives Matter!: Love it! Thank you for these.

Princeton Campbell: I plan to dominate now I gained my MBA. I worked for Regis and Toni and Guy and their culture is the same. Catty and bitchy. I also believe that differentiating your business model and offer better benefits to survive and not be the average joe, so the idiom goes. Great video :)

Tanya Race: Hi, Stephen, you mentioned here as an advice not to employ staff with no experience. So for me as a newby in the industry, where shall I get a job and experience after all that hard training and work I did? where did you start your career if you do not mind me asking you? thank you

Jennifer Berry: Hi, this is good information to use to open a salon.

Adil Khan: Great advice ! Thanks.

Ithiel Lampkin: Thanks A lot , this is extremely helpful

Shahzaib Ayaz: -Thank you Sir for this Advice , Your experience help me & give motivate to Open my Own Hair Saloon Thank you again from Pakistan :)

G. S.: I was prepared to hear the worst but you didn't tell me anything I don't already know so I guess I'm ahead of the game. I'm 41 & working in salons since 1993. Took some years away to work in medical but I want to open a barber shop. Those are getting popular again. Still have a lot to think about though..

shannon stiles: hey I had a question about how to get good salon insurance for your staff and what a reasonable amount of commission would be for retail. I am opening my first salon suite,but it's big enough to hold 3 - 4 stylist

Youngagaincuts Tammy: You absolutely % right!!!

pincurlz79: Yes!!! I've always believed that was the only way to go about life. Thank you!

Maria Flores: thank you for your advises! my dream is to open a hair salon, It is been a eye opening your video thank you again.

Jaymie Thompson: Awesome video thanks for all the tips

Iraqi Eagle: Hi Stephen, my name is Ahmed and I work as a barber for 12 years and I live in Iraq, Baghdad... I just want to say thank you for your videos it's so helpful for me, Keep it up and God bless you.

Miriam Watulo: thanks so much u have just opened my inner salon thoughts.

Ken Elelegwu: That was Great. Having the RIGHT Culture, Strategy and People...

HILDAH WAMBUGU: opening a salon soon thanks for the great advice

Tajaira Candelaria: Thanks so much for this helps a lot:)

beauty&success91: Awesome Information Thank You Salon Guy!!!

Kitschmygrits: NEWSFLASH DUDE- THE HAIRDRESSING INDUSTRY IS BROKEN! People go to beauty school and pay thousands to learn bad habits and salon owners can't afford to pay apprentices full time wages and train hands on much less the paid vacations you're saying should be paid. This government doesn't support small business. Where's your salon?? This was anything but inspiring, much like most beauty schools...

Aya Tariq: Hello there, is there a second episode to this? looking forward to more of this :)

Nok Chatpat: Thank you for your advice :)

Ernestina Golden: Omg! Stephen I soo needed to hear this thank you much ma friend. Also I have a Business Question that I could really use your advice on. I sent you an email just now. Ernestina,

Olarewaju Ibukunoluwa: Hey bro, I'm about to open a saloon and it's a big ups that I watched this video first, I'm really inspired..... Thanks bro

Karma Lodoe: dear friend cleanliness, work, salon space and staffs, are four most important element in salon culture. it is very simple. and staff and work are most important element above all to become leading in the bussiness, thank you friend. thanks Stephen.

Style TDAMASCENO: Thank you, inspired me so much. best wishes

Natalie Anderson-Place: Awesome information!

Fearless Sima: this is so it

Salon Scholar: We help Salons who struggle with employee turnover and growing their clientele. The majority of the problem begins with how new hires are trained to produce great results from day 1. If you need help, please feel free to contact us.

silence is now lochin: You are amazeing ..keep up the good work ...

Dominican Hair Loganville: hey liked this video. I'm a new salon owner and your word make good sense! thanks again!

Barbara King: You are dead right,thank you

Lacey Leone: This was awesome!

Beautiful Queen: I love you this is great I'm soon to go to cosmology school but my goal is to open my own shop

Gymell N. Chrichlow: More direct examples bro... that's what's needed...

Tony s: do you really need a hairstyling license to open up or can you just have a bussniss license what kind of paper work do you need?

Karm Kaur: Good information thx

savoeun tim: thank you for sharing!!

Toni Underhill: Branding is important.

Beautiful Dreamer: Some of those big personalities are horrible to be around and work with. And yes I am in the industry.

edrine raven: Thanks for advice

Neha Atkari: i want know what is difference between lounge salon, studio salon, and a salon

justice sims: i want to open a shop but i want offer healthcare vision and dental to my hairstylist but how do i do that if i do booth rent and still make a profit

Gisell IG gforgisell DeJesus-Santiago: wow! thank you so much!

MAXIMUS BROOKLYN: i need help i have a salon that was my dream and its becoming my nightmare currently looking to sell business if i don't figure it out soon i put almost all my money its crazy i really don't want to work in the business i am a barber but i really want to free up my time any advice i would be appreciate it

Vanessa Copland: Honesty..thank you.. I needed this. Hello from Trinidad and Tobago

Tamsin McCarter: great video!

Advert Lines: Your page is amazing dude. :-)

Miharisoa Ramamonjy: Greetings form Madagascar, thank you so mush for your tips. Thanks for sharing it to us and I really need that.

mrchicago87: Great video

Vlora Blora: Yey, im from jersey too!!! I need a new salon to work, do you know any good salons around middlesex/monmouth?? The video was great thanks!

Cynthia McCrea: I just found you! Nice job!

Sysha Kumar: Good one. God bless

Alex Alviary: Thank u so much for sharing ur beautiful video!

mary kies: Thank you I now this viedo is old now but it really a good tool can you put out another one for 2017

Karen Orange: Thank you

Happy Life: should i rent or buy my own building when i first start?

Hazan hazara: Hi I have one question .. do you need any quilification to open a barber shop or salon . Plz if anyone knows tell me thanks much

david odimayo: Your pocket square should NEVER match your tie. Matchy match makes you look like you are 'cosmetic'. The suit should not have that colour shirt, it should be a white shirt. Why? Because the blue is fighting with the colour of the suit. Nice video. Thanks

AnchorJackTM Pirate ChannelSM: Only my opinion but his "tailor" is weak, his suit is ill fitting at best :/ sorry.. If this is by his own admission is his "best foot forward" then it's a fail .... Seems like a good guy besides that :)

Tiffany d coates: very good ! 

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