Foil Hair Salon - The Online Drama In The Hair Industry

What’s up Rebels?! Suppose you’re a part of the hair community or just love living in the hair community's social media pages. In that case, you know that most of the content the past few days is filled with spicy controversy amid the recent Foil Hair Salon scandal.

Mirella and Yadira open up that can of worms and share some of the posts that are circulating around the situation. Listen in as they share their thoughts and opinions about the whole thing.

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All right so welcome to rebel fem podcast and today this is kind of like an impromptu podcast episode, because there's been lots of controversy surrounding the hair community and specifically a hair salon, and i believe it's out of grand rapids michigan michigan yeah. That'S like a random place, at least it's random to me because i'm from california, you know how weird californians are. No other state exists exactly, but i just thought it was kind of um. It'S been such a controversial thing kind of going on that i thought we could kind of chat about it. I honestly don't know too many details, because my life is so crazy busy, but i know udera has kind of done some digging and i have. I have nothing but free time and yeah, so anything that you know goes around on the internet, it's just kind of like what the hell is going on. So this is not to uh talk bad about anybody or any business or any hair stylist. Anything like that. Uh we just kind of wanted to have a chat about it and we were like: let's do it on the podcast. So here we are so let's get started. Let'S go. You are now listening to rebel femme, podcast, an honest conversation about hair life and everything super random. Okay. So the salon that we've been talking or we're gon na talk about is called foil hair. What i know is that they have a very large presence on instagram and tick tock and i believe they have two locations and that's pretty much all i know, but i do know that, like um, i've actually stumbled upon them on tick tock a long time ago And as a matter of fact, more recently, i i talked to them in one of my posts, because i was inspired by one of their tick tock videos was it actually one of their tick tock videos, or did they steal it from somebody else, then that started Making me think now that all of this stuff is kind of coming out. That is it in fact, a post that was really inspired by them or was it from another hairstylist. So i really don't know at the end of the day, so that's kind of where i'm at with all of the foil hair incident, but i'll. Let you take it away, you dear, and you kind of oh by the way. Lisa is not joining us because uh again, this is an impromptu podcast episode, uh and she is banging out some amazing hair right now. Yes, she is, she might pop in we'll see um yeah. There has been quite a bit of controversy. The first thing that i saw was from uh your stylist benny on tick tock, one of his videos pretty much claiming that they stole his videos and then gave him flack for it kind of like gaslit him yeah. So i i've been following: is i've been following? Benny for a long time, so what's his tick tock handle again, i think his instagram and tick tock handle is your stylist benny, okay, so i actually reached out to benny. After i saw his tick tock and i was like - i need to chat with him, so we might do another episode after this one and might even interview some more stylists that are surrounding this controversy. Um with this hair salon um, but i did reach out to benny to see if he could come in and and kind of chat with us. I hadn't known nothing other than the tick tock video, but i thought it would be interesting to kind of yeah just kind of get his side of the story and see um, but he was also busy banging out some amazing hair today. So he couldn't join us. Um, but i i just want to say if you are not following your stylist benny you're missing out, you are missing out because he, if you want to like, have an account where it's funny hair stylist humor, that's like relatable. I honestly, i don't know why his account is not bigger than what it is. It should be because how many followers does he have on tick, tock um? Let me see i just saw his instagram is four thousand. Oh nope you'll be quiet. I i i'm telling you like i've been following him on tick tock for like at least a year, if not two same, i think he's one of like the first accounts, like one of like the first few accounts that i started following for sure, and i can See how a lot of people watch his [ __ ] and like totally bite off of it? Oh yeah, he has uh 19. 000 followers. Oh yeah! No, just like there's! No reason why i have 400 000 followers and he has 19. there's no there's no reason! Well, there's no reason that i should have literal thoughts, here's the thing he is on tick-tock non-stop. He makes amazing content, it's funny as hell, and i you know what my my perception of it and hopefully benny can make it onto our podcast. But my perception is: is that i think other hair, salons and stylists don't follow him, but they rip off his stuff, but they go to his page to to yeah. Take a [ __ ]. All it has to be yeah because half the time i see him, do it first and then somebody else is doing it, and i say that because i notice i've noticed this for a long time, but even on my instagram post like forever ago, when instagram launched The save function, oh, i have videos tutorials that 100. I know people have bit off of where and and the reason why i say this is because number one i see it and number two. Here'S proof right here. I'Ll have all twice as many saves. That'S not visible to the public as i do likes. Oh that's wild! So to me that tells me. I think that a hair stylist is saving that [ __ ], so they can use it for themselves, but they don't want to publicly show that they're liking, something yeah, that's what i think that's just i could be reading into it way too much. But that's that's! My that's my perception of making up your stories again. That'S what i do. Oh that's funny. Okay, so back to foil hair. What what do we know about foil, hair? Well, and what's the controversy and if we could sum it up, everything that is being spoken about spoken about is on uh instagram, page called foil, hair sucks. Do we know who the person that made that i have no clue so it's anonymous, it seems like it is okay, so and just to clarify too the information that foil, hair, sucks instagram. You actually can find the apology from foil hair themselves on their instagram page right now. I don't know how long it'll be up, but what's interesting is that they erased or archived every single post on a almost. I think they actually had over 40 000 followers and now they're down like 40 or 39 or oh really, yeah, so they've lost followers for sure, but um again, they'll probably keep a good chunk of them, because how many are like inactive followers? But it's interesting to see those numbers and why they erased all of their archived all of their content, their insta, their tick, tock's, fine, their tick tock is gone. You'Re lying they don't have any content on it. They shut off comments on it forever ago. Oh, my gosh, this is crazy. It keeps evolving, and now here we are making a podcast episode yeah. I went to go look at it because i was like well. I i wanted to see what uh benny was saying about his personal tick, tocks being bit off by this brand, and when i went to go, look i didn't see any posts shut, the front door, you know just being a cheese mustache. I wanted to go and see what it was you are. You are right, they shut down their tick, tock account and one of the owners uh. I don't remember her name, but it's a married couple. Uh, the husband is basically the manager of the salon, slash owner and the wife does hair in the salon. Okay - and i do remember her well kind of remember her instagram hand - oh god, their instagram page is down it's gone. Now, it's gone yeah. It was there. Last night it was there last night um, but foil hair sucks is still up yeah. Okay. So now i i'm gon na. Tell you exactly what i think is gon na happen from here on out, but go ahead but yeah. So even her account is gone and she had a pretty big following as well. Oh really, what was her instagram account? Bang my hair? Okay, i don't even know these people, i don't either, but apparently she's like btc nominated and, like all this other stuff, um. So she's popular in that community interesting well, this is gon na, be temporary, oh yeah for sure, but um you got ta, let all this fire burn before they can come back. What was also interesting is that he took a lot of the heat for everything and she just kind of sat there and didn't say anything so um. This is, i think this is why and again i i only saw like one or two posts, and i think this is why he took the heat was because the ross, i guess, is the the owner yeah. He was caught on um, a video, not video, but an audio, a recording yeah of him firing a renter for getting her hair done at another hair salon, and when i listened to that, i was like oh my gosh, so i think that's kind of why he Took the heat because the most of the things that are being posted are about him, what he said. Yes, there's a lot of stuff that she did, but majority is a lot of things that he said or did or any of that stuff, which is funny that you bring that up about the recording, because there's a tick tock page. Of course, there is called foil hair stories, and it's about the girl that was being fired, the one that was recording she and the stylist that worked at the other salon. That was doing her hair basically explained that entire thing wow. So there was like about 10 tick tocks, explaining the like everything behind that whole recording, okay and that stylist that she was getting her hair done by worked at foil hair and had left and gone to a competing salon. That was actually the origin of foil hair. All the stylists there were the original stylists, okay that started foil hair and they left them there and basically went and started their own foil, hair. Uh question do we know and not that this really matters, but i'm just curious how old these uh owners were. Oh, i don't know they look. Oh it's just basically looks, i don't know they're not like they're in like 30s, maybe okay, so maybe they're part of the the older generation of hair salons. But again i know there's lots of terrible salon owners out there um, but i'm just i'm just trying throwing a guess out here too, but i think the traditional or old-school way of running a hair salon, especially a rental business, is the rental a lot of hair Salon owners will kind of treat their renters as employees, and you can't do that. I don't know what it's like in other states. I know in california. You just cannot manage them. That'S not your you're, not their manager, they rent from you. So it's a whole different type of relationship. So i, when i heard the recording i was like i was kind of like: why is she getting fired for getting her hair done at a competitive salon with another hair, stylist yeah? But now even hearing more of this, it's totally personal. This has nothing to do with business. It'S all petty yeah. So you know i i we have a big team here: yeah we do and there are hair stylists that go get their hair done with their homie down the street at another hair salon, yeah and there's nothing wrong with that. You know um, i i would. I would love for everyone to get their hair done here, but honestly, we're too damn busy to to do it, and it's just like at the end of the day, it doesn't really [ __ ] matter, because if your hair looks amazing and you're working here i Mean it's just good for our business at the end of the day, yeah it has nothing to do with. I don't know it just seems weird to me. So that's kind of why i brought the age thing because i could see like an old school salon. Owner being that way being that way, you know i'm just kind of like [, __ ] go go, get your hair done somewhere else. I hear you man, i've done that myself. Actually, my friend janelle's done my hair yeah and i haven't had any of you guys. Sometimes do my hair in here i'll have her. Do it so she'll work here? That'S weird. I don't know it's just kind of like that's. Definitely toxic um again this. I i don't know the full story, but it's just the little tidbits and it's unfortunate that, with all these stories coming out that the owners you know if, if in fact they weren't really doing anything wrong, why haven't they come forward to try to clear their name? I don't know i feel like i if, if that happened to me, i'd come out with like [ __ ], some fists and [ __ ] and be like: let's go because [ __ ] know they were wrong. So what else do you have um? There'S a bunch of so if you look on foil hairstocks, there's a bunch of receipts from stylists from clients, actually talking about the negative environment that they were or the toxic environment that they were going into. A lot of stylists would lose their clients because the energy was just so bad there. That'S that's just terrible. This goes. This goes back to like our many conversations we've had about customer service. It'S everything you literally like everything from your salon, environment to you know how you greet people and and how your client feels in the chair. They literally can feel the energy between the people that work with each other yeah, and that's why i tell everybody here that i pride our salon on the fact that, when, when a customer or client says i loved coming here, because i felt comfortable from the moment, I walked through and i left feeling comfortable yeah and not judged and that everybody how many times have we been complimented on? Like? Oh, my god, you guys all work cohesively together, yeah, like all the time literally three times this week. I heard it all the time and that's like the best compliment you can get as a as a salon or as a stylist too. If you have a small team, yeah craziness now i got ta go through and uh. Oh dude, you do there's so many. I don't think i got through all of them, so i i was hoping lisa would kind of chime in here, but uh she got a dm from a stylist, so this is going to go into what i see the future of foil hair, because there is a Future for foil hair: oh, what is this so lisa got a dm from a hair, stylist yeah. So this is why i was kind of like let's chat about it, because at first this message seemed a little weird to me. So they, the salon, gave a 10-day notice to all of their booth runners that they needed to pack up their [ __ ], because they were closing down one of the locations and then they it was both. Oh, it was both yeah. They shut down both locations. Okay, so the hair stylist initially were pissed because they were claiming that their rent money was stolen, and this is kind of why. I want hair stylists to come forward and we want to chat with you guys, but they claimed that they only gave them a 10 day notice and stole their money and embezzled it, and this that and the other. So here's what i have to say about that. I again, i don't know the full story, but stealing rent money would be hey. Your rent is due on the first and then on the second. The salon says: hey thanks for your money, but today is your last day and you can't work here anymore. That would be stealing your money yeah, but if you're on a rent to rent a rent to run a week to week basis and the salon says hey in 10 days, we're shutting down the doors you need to pack up your [ __ ] and go. They are legally allowed to close their business at any time for any reason, and they don't even have to really give you a notice, because, if you're on a week to week basis - and this also ties into the contract - you sign - i mean there's so many legalities - That go into this, but um, and - and i say that because i i can do that with my business if my business is suffering for whatever reason, and i don't want to disclose that to any of you guys and one day i say: hey shutting this [ __ ] down today, pack up your [ __ ]. Let'S go um that i'm i'm allowed to do that because you know what i mean it's just you. No one can force you to stay open. True yeah that happened to ashley, and i thought there was a one-day notice, not even a one day. It was like a few hours notice, wait which one oh, this is the salon, the unmentionable salon that doesn't exist anymore, yeah, the [ __ ] that ruined my life yeah. I got it, no, which one is this. It literally doesn't exist anymore either it was champions. Oh yeah, i remember that salon that [ __ ] sucked yeah. Well, that's that's! You know. Any business can do that. So that's kind of why i was like okay. I can see why you're upset, but it's not like they didn't steal your money. But again i don't know the full story: um, but here's where the future foil hair comes into play. They shut down their instagram, they shut down, uh the tick tock, the one of the owners shut down, her tick, tock or instagram yeah um. So all that's gon na happen is a rebrand and no one's gon na know like who they are, what they did. None of that until they're in their space and they're, like oh [, __, ] right um, so they may have a second chance and here's the other part of the dm that lisa got. It says in this dm that they're trying to open up a location in los angeles. Oh that's right! I didn't see that, and so this is where the rebrand's gon na come into play. Yeah, because here's the thing you have an account, that's just archived right now. It'S not deleted, it's just archived, you don't you just can't see it. Yeah they're gon na slap, a new name on it, and so, unless you go to the settings to check out to see if they did a name change or whatever then you'll then you'll know yeah. So i think that's what's gon na happen, it's gon na be a little sneaky sneaky because here's the reality. I don't think that this owner was like famous by any means. It'S like people are gon na forget who she is yeah she's she's, probably i don't know how many followers she had, but even if she had like a hundred thousand followers you're forgettable after a few weeks. In all reality, that's true because everything's just like so fast fast-paced, so fast-paced and there's so there's you know influencers come a dime a dozen like they're, just like so many so many like you just you're gon na get flooded in the in the influencer world of Hair, so just yeah you're gon na you just do a little rebrand and call it a [ __ ] day. I mean that's what i that's. What i would do if i was a big account in salon - and i had some kind of crazy slander like that, where i just could not recover yeah. That'S what i would do, but that's my innovativeness. I don't know if they're that smart or maybe they're, watching this and they're like [ __ ], you mirella, but thanks for the ideas, so anything else - um. Oh yeah. I was looking through the foil hair sex stories. Apparently they got. I can't get over the name. They got dropped from some big brands now, so i guess they were with pravana, which kind of sucks, because they're dropping not only like foil hair but all the stylus that they had under their brand. So i'm like. Well, it's not the stylist's fault. It'S the owner's fault, so i don't know if there was a bunch of stylists that were associated with pravana, but they're pravana said something in one of the comments that they're working on getting rid of all the content that came from foil, hair dang. Well, you know the stylus that came from foil hair, i'm like that's unfortunate, because those stylus had nothing to do with that yeah, but i could see why, as a brand from pravana, why they would do that. Just like a pr move, it's 100, because you know what foil hair looks like on the interior yeah, and so, if you see a stylist from that, it's just like like why even deal with that true yeah, i can see that and then, if the contracts with Foil, hair and foil hair is dispersing the content or the the the payment from pravana to the stylist for making the content yeah. Then i could see why pravana's like screw all you guys, you know just cut it all out cut it all out. I mean as a as a brand i could see like yeah like. Why would you want to tarnish your own brand because of somebody else and those stylists that worked there? That did content for them. I mean i don't know. I don't know i just i. I feel like i have mixed feelings about, so i want to chat with some people because i'm like what is the real story here, because yeah, if your stylist as a renter, doing content on full hair and you were getting paid to do this content. What was a real arrangement, and why did you continue to produce this content if it was such a toxic environment? So if you go to the tick tock page, that's foil, hair stories, she kind of talks about the content, stuff. Okay, what did she say? She said something along the lines that they hired a receptionist who was doing content for them. She wouldn't tag any of the stylists, and if the stylist tried to re-purpose the content that was on foil, hair ross would go after them and pretty much like gaslight them. So we're being territorial over there, even though it is the stylus work, it's not their photos, but it is their work and they're trying to put their stuff out there as well right. I don't understand like what the whole point of like gatekeeping the content, because at the end of the day, it's like promotional content and cross promotion for both. I don't know why. But this is because they're renters and i can see that. But at the end of the day you can't use your renters as as props yeah and not not tag them. I mean i guess you can, but i don't know why a renter would do that in the first. That'S what i'm trying to say like how far does this go, because our account's so large and there's so much content yeah? How many times did these renters agree to do this [, __, ] and then finally said enough yeah, like that's the part that i just can't wrap my brain around? I could see myself, maybe being like okay, i'm gon na. Do it once or twice and be like and then, if i'm told oh no, you can't you can't use my i would be like well, then i don't want to [ __ ] make content for you yeah and then, if they say well, i don't want you To work in here i'd be like okay, yeah, it's at the end of the day. It'S like you have to watch those tick tock. Videos from that is because the the whole that girl that did the recording she it got so bad that she had to get a peace officer to go and mitigate between the owners and her. Because that's how much they were like verbally attacking her to pick up her [ __ ] yeah. Are you [, __, ], serious, that's ridiculous! Damn i guess i need to go and swoop up this empty hair salon in grand rapids and put rebel feminism that lost their job 20.. Well again, i mean the the renters, so they had the option at any point to like go work anywhere. They did. I don't know, that's the part where i'm like man, i also don't know like what it is like like. Is it a big city out there? Is it a small city? Is it a small community and that's why they didn't want to leave? Because if one of the girls said something like, if you went anywhere else, they pretty much [ __ ], all over your name and nobody would want to hire you so it's like. I mean you take the [ __ ] or you just yeah. I don't i don't know it seems like a lot of people. That i mean. That'S a that's a great question. I don't know again california's the only place that exists to me. So that's why i'm like there's like there's like literally a salon on every corner out here like we could go wherever and work wherever 100 yeah you can. You can work anywhere. We have uh, there's actually a hair salon directly across the street from us yeah and then there's another one down two two down the street three: oh yeah, because there's that one, that is that and then there's another one. I know they're everywhere, there's like five. We have we have way too many. Just in our block. We have five yeah total there's five of us, oh and there's one inside of that via faber conte, oh yeah, there's a ton in those little like yeah. That'S what i'm saying like i don't! I don't know what it's like because, like i don't know why you, i don't know, maybe but you're in a rental, renting state. So why couldn't you just go into like a business center? Exactly you call it a day. I don't know. I don't know what the laws are there. I don't know crazy, [, __ ], i know in pennsylvania. You can't do booth rent like at all. Oh really, we have to be like uh, it's only commission there. Oh, so that's why a lot of uh stylists if they go in are independent. They have to actually call themselves a salon, so they have to get like a license like a business. License correct like you can't like work, there's! No, i don't think there's like sola suites or anything like that out there interesting or maybe there are, but there's like a it's just different like you have to be a salon like you have to be filed as a salon. You cannot be like yadira munoz, hairstylist yeah unless that's like your business name, huh wow, yeah, crazy, [, __, ], crazy, crazy girl over here. Oh my gosh, okay! Well, the moral of the story is if you're gon na go into slalon ownership, learn how to manage people learn how to manage money, learn how learn the difference between a booth, runner and a commissioner difference between a renter and an employee. They are two completely different things: yeah and this whole [ __ ], show here that you know this is just like from an outside pers outsider's perspective. I mean there's so much to learn from all of these uh mistakes here and i think, a lot of people. They do go into salon ownership, thinking that oh, it's the stations and the cute chairs and it's the decor and it's the the look of everything and it's not. They forget about the work that goes into it. Yeah there's it's just you're managing people and you're trying to find people who are part of like your vibe and your core values, and what it is that if they're, you know see the same vision as you and then, if you're gon na have renters, then you Need to treat them as a renter yeah, you don't get a say in how they conduct a business or any of those things exactly so um so yeah if you're a hair stylist. Those are some like great little tips too, to seek out in a hair salon. You when you go for an interview, you should be interviewing the salon, most definitely um. I know for us at rebel femme, we are primarily uh hourly plus uh discretional bonus is what we're calling it um and we have two renters here and i treat the renters and the employees completely differently. Yes, the renters are paying me a weekly rent and they come and go as they please. They wear whatever the [ __ ]. They want. They sell whatever the [ __ ]. They want, they do their own books, the way they want um. I literally don't tell them anything because i legally cannot yeah uh and they're required to have you know additional insurance and you know their license and all of that stuff and as an employee they're given a schedule, we you know have them on our booking site uh. We provide you, know marketing and a lot of things that the renters do not get from us, so there's definitely a difference in relationship um and i think that they can co-exist. It'S just you know. At the end of the day as a salon, you have to decide what's the core of like what your focus is um, do you want a team of like family or do you want a team of independents, individuals, yeah so um yeah? So that's the moral of the story with foil hair. Unfortunately i was uh. You know you can't go to their page. We can go to foil, hair sucks. I mean this is a promo for sucks. At this point, can i just say i saw a tic toc as i was like scrolling through the foil, hair hashtag on and um. It was this one girl. The caption was something like everybody talking about foil hair, and then it goes to her into like this dark hallway doing this like creepy stance and then the loud like scary, music comes on and it just says pulp riot in the background. Oh, my god like what's happening there, dude pull fry, it's a whole nother topic, oh my god, whole another topic. That was a good one. I was like. Oh yeah, that's accurate! It'S just like hiding in the darkness dude. The hair industry is so [ __ ], full of drama all the goddamn time. It'S just too entertaining. This is ridiculous. It'S at its peak right now, yeah and now you know what maybe maybe foil, hair the the closure of it and all of it is kind of a blessing in disguise because we are going into a recession. So maybe this just kind of saves their ass from all of the extra [ __ ], that's about to go down: [ __ ] nose, but if you're a stylist from foil, hair, client from foil hair, please reach out to us at hello, rebel femme. I'M just curious about your story: yeah we'd love to chat with you want to know more. I want to know the inside more more than what tic toc has given me. I want you to want the juicy details and then that way you know, maybe i can learn something about what not to do all right so that pretty much wraps up this episode of rebel fan, podcast um, i have no words, follow us on social media at And then we're rebel pep salon on facebook. I think yeah. I don't really know, but just go to our website. Rebelfem.Com you'll find all of our links to where we exist. Yes and um we're not as big as or as big as was foil hair. I don't know how to say that, but uh, i think we have some pretty cool content yeah. We do so anyways, oh yeah and uh, don't forget to rate us on your favorite a streaming platform like apple podcast, spotify, google play whatever else is out there in the world, but we're on everything so everywhere um and if you have any uh, oh we're at The end of it already bro, lisa, say hi and bye, hello, everyone, your favorite person ever okay, you were really at the end of it holy [, __, ] yeah. We were literally, i was gon na pop in, but i was like, i got ta eat, oh yeah. Well i brought up your name a few times because i was like talking about the the chick that sent you the dm

Amanda Bleich: So glad I didn’t apply, I was SOOOO close too. What a ish show. I feel so bad for these stylists.

Elizabeth A: I’m glad u made this video. I started following the “foil” saga today. I love hearing your perspective.

Dev Warmelink: My sister entered a hair thing for Foil Hair and was asked to send a picture of her fave trendy outfit and jewelry choices and picture of herself. She was told her body type was not a good fit for the free hair appointment. What. The. Actual.

kali franks: In my home town. Honestly this is a big oof. So crazy.

Amazz2012: Our local news did a story on foil. Apparently they did have their business liscenses....the foil in Grand Rapids had one for one year and they never renewed it. The foil Grand Haven Location they opened never had one. And their skin service "salon" Peach Body Bar in Spring Lake also never was licensed.

alma alicia: I would love to know about pulp riot !! :00

Amanda Johnson: Not you saying chelsea/Ross are in their 30s-40s

Allison: Omfg my town!

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