How I Became A Hair Stylist? | Finding Why With Mayuri

In this journey of Finding WHY, we had a conversation with Nikita. A career decision made in a movie theatre, but will she pursue this all her life? Watch this full episode on WHY she changed her career from an Advertising expert to a Hair Artist!

What’s your WHY?

Finding WHY with Mayuri is a show where Career Coach Mayuri meets individuals who found their calling and chose their career after going on a journey of finding their Why. In this fun and inspiring talk show Mayuri meets people who went beyond what society told them to do and pursued something that truly made them happy. They found their WHY. Let’s hear their stories and ask ourselves, “What’s my WHY?”

‍♂️ Who am I?

Hey! I am Mayuri. And my story took a twist after I completed my Masters in Electrical Engineering from IIT-Roorkee, when...I realized I didn’t want to be an Engineer! I realized my love for teaching & mentoring, and stumbled upon something that clicked with me.

I did my second masters in Career Development & Management from Coventry University in The UK, pivoting to a ‘Career in Careers’. Now I am back to India to help people make the most of their careers by asking them their ‘WHY’.

Do you want to make the most of your career? Then join us in this journey of Finding WHY with Mayuri.

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️ Shot & Edited by Injaras



️ Shot by Stereo Eyes


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Hello people what is up today, i have come to meet nikita in this episode. We are going to chat on why she chose to become a hair artist. Let'S have a little tour of her beautiful hair studio called you. Do you and well watch for it till the end? I am mayuri and in this series we are gon na meet different people from different professions who found something that they truly love. This is a journey of finding their way and help you start finding yours. Thank you nikita. I am so excited for today. This studio is absolutely amazing. I would love to get a tour of it, but before that i want to know your story. So, let's begin so uh, i heard that you have started off your career in advertising. That'S true so advertising. How was your entire experience? Why don't you do advertising it's it's a fun process. The whole learning of three years is not just learning. You know you just go out. Do your projects with like bunch of people, so i'm like hi creative. That'S how i picked advertise uh finished three years of advertising worked in an ad agency, for i was not enjoying it, that's the core of it and when you're not enjoying you're, just stressing about everything right. So i was just doing that. 24. 7. I was just stressing carry, i have to do this yeah because and then one day i just broke down in front of my dad. Still that's not going to happen. Maybe it's the place. So let me try and switch to another ad agents. Make sense. Maybe it's the people okay again, 20 days into it 20 days into it. I was like oh uh, it's not the place. It'S just me. I am not enjoying this at all. So my name is he being a good boss, he's like huh this? If you're very young in life, if you think this is not for you don't waste your time, that was one supporting boss and it's it's another story. He'S actually helped me find this place by the way. I can't have this conversation with my dad after because then i was like say dad is not gon na be happy about this. You know, i don't want to do this, i'm thinking of you know studying here. Let me stop so basically. 11 standard me. You had your hair cut, then this movie thing happened: yeah color, also movie thing happened: advertising socha three years, kr work and then that initial thought of yes interesting. So after you finished your hair school, how was your journey casey uh from? Did you directly start this studio? How was how was it? No, i worked for six years in another i'll polish, all my skills, and i will have that set of clients. Then, when i'm confident enough now i can move on and i can start my own i'll. Do that and that's exactly what i did i worked for six years was completely like confident by the end of it. Now i can do this. That'S when you do yuka idea. Tell me the story behind the name. It seems very interesting. You do you so my husband and i uh. We were brainstorming since a very long time on this one day like i have this habit, interesting social media, whatever i just read it out loud. So this one day i was just going through my instagram and one of the client had commented on one of the posts saying: oh, you know what i always wanted bangs, which is your fringe huh. I always wanted it. My and i love it something on those lines and uh. I am reading this out loud and the minute i'm done. Reading uh devas goes tell her, you do you girl and i'm like wait, think yeah. Why can't we name the studio? You do you. How was the entire experience was the shift the massive shift worth it definitely worth it now, i'm my own boss. I don't have to answer anyone plus hamesha, see green. When i start my own studio else, also in the team should feel like that and not uh. Okay, okay, you know i have to go fill in my hours to do this. If you have clients, you come, if you don't have clients, it's okay, if you don't come full freedom. What, according to you, creates that distinction between a good hair, stylist and a great hair stylist? The answer boils down to uh. The last thing that i mentioned is freedom, because, if you let the person be, they have so much potential to grow and be creative that you have no idea. I have seen people from day one and it's been a big exal. Okay, i have seen the growth you said: uh, you started studio a one-year period, but exactly 20 20 right december yeah or exactly onset yeah. We had to go through the second lockdown april may uh was almost shut. The studio because, like i mentioned, work, experience and that kind of clientele mira, pelle, didn't say studio, has not even a single day been off or like shut. One advice that you could give to people who are considering a shift in their careers. Believe in yourself, because a lot of times people around you might not believe in you when you want to move, but if you are confident and even if that confidence is little above 50, please don't give up just push yourself a little hard believe in yourself and Eventually, things come around uh, so now that i just mentioned how this is a meditation for me uh, i would love to do something to your hair. Would you be open, of course i would love to what are we doing? Ah, the most confusing question whenever i visit us while you look at that, let's play a quick game. Sure um, let's play rapid fire. Let'S do it describe yourself in three words without using your job title introvert. Oh, that's a rapid fire yeah! I know three. Can you give it like one word: okay, oh god, i suck at this. No, i think and draw it and nothing else. One advice that you will give to your younger self be sympathetic, be sympathetic because i yeah because i'm a little cold-hearted like that. Sometimes one thing you want to achieve in 2022 have another studio and academy running by then. What'S your motivation behind being a hairstylist like the crux of the entire episode, why are you a hair stylist? Do you meditate? I do so when you meditate it's about being in present prison, i'm in that moment i think it's my meditation when i'm coloring someone's hair, i'm not thinking about it. Maybe i'll grow old, cutting someone's head. You

Apoorva Bora: Loving the series. Keep them coming! ❤️

Anup Anurag: Loved the episode...wonderful initiative..keep up the amazing work

Injaras: Had so much fun shooting and creating this one. Great output.

Sneha Bisht: Thank you for this series love it...

Rossy Dourado: Really inspiring❤ Sending all my lovee..

Meera: hey wonderful initiative Mayuri, it will be great if you make the detailed vedio about their journey :)

Sarthak Roy: A totally unique idea ❤️

Khushboo Gupta: Hi Mayuri ma'am so pleased to hear your content but i still need some clarifications can u please suggest a way to reach out to you i really cant find my WHY please help me !!!!!!

R P: Make video on styling Product Interior Fashion

Shiva: My top 2 words are.... Ambivert & confused

Tauseef Ahmed: Nikita

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