Luenell: You Have To Train Longer To Be A Hair Stylist Than A Cop, Talks Defunding Police (Part 16)

Part 17:

Part 15:

Part 1:


In this clip, Luenell reacts to Vlad interviewing Daniel Green, one of the two men convicted of killing Michael Jordan's father. She stated that Jordan lost his father in one of the most terrible ways, and Luenell spoke about Jordan retiring from the NBA after the incident.

Moving along, Luenell shared her thoughts on the Washington Redskins changing their name to the "Washington Football Team," which Luenell said "sounds like some Trump s***." She went on to state that they're trying to keep everyone happy by changing the name of the football team, but won't do anything about police brutality. To hear more, including people not needing a lot of training to be a police officer, hit the above clip.

Well, uh, since our last interview i interviewed uh daniel green, who was one of the two men convicted of killing michael jordan's, father stupidest story. I'Ve ever heard stupidest most tragic unnecessary. How did you interview him he's doing life in prison? Someone connected me to a sister who then connects me to him, and we conducted the interview, because this is coming off. I'D actually been holding off holding on to this interview, since the last dance actually ended, but because of you know, george floyd, i said okay. This is not the right time to put out a story about a black man killing another black man. Let me let me just hold on to this for a while, and then you know we released it a few weeks ago. So one of the guys that killed michael jordan's father was black. Yes, i thought they were. Oh, oh! No! I'M thinking of cosby's son yeah, oh okay, one of them was black. One was white. Uh never knew about the black one yeah daniel green, the story. He told was that the you know the white guy killed jordan's father, but he helped get rid of the body. He helped hide the body, the other guy larry said we were together and daniel was the trigger. Were they just trying to rob him and they did because he was sleeping in the car or something right? That'S the story that jordan's father pulled over north carolina felt. You know to take a nap in the car, but where he was taking a nap was down the street from one of those you know kind of like seedy motels, where you know the prostitutes hang out and the drug deals get done and everything else yeah. I know about those hotels, you go to those, i know about it, every so often uh and we're not going to know what happened, because there's only two witnesses uh, but it sounded like a rob. They didn't know who he was. They didn't know who he was, but let me tell you what happened: they [ __ ] up boy and you could you could watch this on on the vlad tv podcast. You know listen to another podcast or watch on the youtube channel. The whole interview is up now they go and they take his red lexus and they go and dump the body in a swamp somewhere and then for the next week. These two kids, who are 18 years old, who live in trailer homes, drive around in this car, make 40 phone calls from the car phone to their friends and family and then to really put the stupid cherry on top daniel green makes a music video in his House wearing jordan's championship ring and watch and raps about you know: you'll get two in the head life in prison for both of them and after the last dance started. They put him in cell 23. jordan's number, and i really put this out there, because there was always the even in the last dance they were talking about. Oh, it was because of jordan's gambling. It was retaliation for jordan's gambling, the mafia did it, you know, and so forth. Mafia had nothing to do with this. It was two stupid teenagers who were broke, who, i think, tried to do a robbery that that turned into a murder and it just destroyed terrible way to lose a parent, a horrible way to lose a parent and jordan's dad were super close. Oh, i know, and i saw the last dance too yeah yeah. I mean jordan stopped playing right after that. He he retired he started playing. His father had been at every game yeah and for every championship and was there yeah and then they showed the first game. He played when he came back the first game he played since his father's yeah mother's sad yeah. You know also rest in peace, john lewis. He died recently. Yes, a giant in civil rights rights, yeah yeah march with that marvel ever since i've been young. I knew about him yeah, they just did a movie on them too. The washington redskins are changing their name and the current working name is washington football team. I i swear on this. That sounds like some trump [ __ ] like oh. We can't. We can't use that racist name anymore. You can't say nothing, no more just call them the damn football team watch your football team. I thought there was supposed to be some kind of generals or the washington generals or washington, some [ __ ]. Who knows yeah. I mean i always thought the redskins was a racist title. Well, i didn't, but i wasn't thinking in those terms at that time: um well, they're, certainly they're. Certainly moving quick on that. Well, what they're gon na do about our [ __ ] yeah? They change the name of the football team. They want to keep everybody happy, but in the meantime, we're still getting killed like flies choked out still, they haven't even stopped with the choco yep, still throwing people to the ground, still cracking people's heads open, still beating shooting women and men, white and black old and Young, it's a it's a it's a it's a power trip in a i just can't see not having compassion like that or insensitivity. That'S. Why nick said some of what he said yeah i mean there's a lot of frustration. I get it and uh the police have been really abusing their power from the very beginning, like i actually looked it up, new york passed the law which allowed you to actually see the pensions of certain of police officers who retire. There'S this one cop who's getting 500 000 a year. These cops will have hundred thousand dollar salaries and do overtime quote unquote, which probably just means they're on call right, probably they're, just sleeping at home, and you know if they get a call they'll get it. But they'll count it as overtime, they'll, walk away with quarter million dollar a year, salaries, uh and when you say defund the police, like that's what i think people are talking about of like the the amount of money these people get for six months of training and The ability to to kill people and destroy people's lives on top of the way you have to train longer than that to be a hair stylist exactly you can't just do hair. After six months, you got to spend about a year hours and hours and hours

Lona Lee: I see Lue I'm clicking!!! Period!!!

MICAHISGOD: I friggin love Luenell. She that type of woman/mother that would hug you when you feeling down and depressed and that shyt would immediately disappear like a friggn exorcism or some shyt.

Marques Williams: Auntie Luenell you need your own podcast

Fee Posey: Lunell is tired of Glads bs. She’s only here for the pub.

k7evin72: Luenell give it to you straight! Probably one the best to be interviewed! Respect!

Daniel Vasquez: Give us some more wisdom of Luenell.

BIGG DOGG: Vlad acts like he "DEBUNKS" every "CONSPIRACY THEORY" that's out there...

Chloe L.: I wish Luenell was any female relative of mine

Bean S: This is the most boring Luenell interview yet. She really wasn’t feeling it this time.

sir anaba: “After the last dance ended they put him in cell 23.....Jordan’s number “ Glad act like Luenell ain’t know Jordan’s number

Francisco Gonzalez: yeah let’s take advice about defunding police from a CONVICTED, INDICTED FELON because we all know once you got some money and fame, you have a moral high ground regardless of how you personally conduct yourself. ‍♂️ let’s expect her to have an unbiased view on police. This country is fucked

Will Lloyd: Has anyone who is saying this ever actually went through the process to become a cop?

King Gee: Glad do us a favor and interview some retired Deputies or Police officers of all ethnic backgrounds so everybody can get some insight on their duties and how they make their money on OT since ur in their pockets so tough lol

J Jamison: Police actually train longer than that smh omg it's so much yall don't know. Okay once they finish the academy they then go into field training with a Field Training Officer and they must also pass that which lasts to up to over a year. Please get someone on here that can speak for both sides of this.

Assistint: That’s how sports should work anyways . You should have to play for where you have lived for the past 3 years. And every state should have a team. And every citizen/residents should have shares in the team (so they have ownership) and THEN maybe I’ll understand why y’all be spending money with these companies (teams) and then I also may be able to understand why y’all care a team loses ‍♂️

Stay Ready With Q: Luenell does not like death - She said this on her minisode podcast channel on YouTube. If Vlad paid attention and researched the people he interviewed he could get much more out of them. Luenell looks visibly uncomfortable because he’s talking about death and other depressing topics. On top of that he’s not asking her about her upcoming projects. That should be the topic of discussion because she always has a lot going on.

Strang DaKang: She asked how did Glad interview him...she shoulda asked why did u interview cuz that had to be the most unimportant interview ever

Byron Howard: I love Luenell!! She's! I want her 2 be my sugar momma!!!

Freddie Johnson: Luenell the Truth ♥️♥️♥️

Mississippi Burning: Glad came with the lightning round of questions.

Dablackbutterfly: TK Kirkland also had tell Vlad to move from different subjects. Vlad talks a lot about bad and depressing topics that folks don't want that spirit on them. Lunell doesn't want to speak on some of these depressing subjects as well it's written on her face.

Furious Styles: Luenell didn't really seem in the mood this time

Brandon Coleman: She came up with the perfect name the Washington generals

Jose jimenez: People need to actually research how long it really takes to be a police officer. It take 6-8 months to even start the academy which is the the whole back-round investigation, a hair stylists does not need to do a back round investigation, poly graph, have their cousins, teachers, ex’es, friends interviewed etc for the job. Then comes the 6 month academy, then after comes the 6-12 month field training under a training officer. So its actually takes 2 plus years to be a police officer. Plus all the extra training they do a year such as medical training, active shooter drills, etc. plus the extra training for specialized units like Swat, k9, detective, pilots etc. Law enforcement is all about training.

Selfish Stockton: The Washington Generals are the team that the Harlem Globetrotters play ‍♂️

Maggie Edwards: Vlad knows some people dam Look at the concentration on Queen Luenell face whilst Vlad recounts the story , sad ☹️

T L: Agent Glad doing his best spinning of the narrative for the cameras

QuietJust: Vlad "I waited a whole week to put the video out because of the whole George Floyd thing."

Eric Richie: Glad say the SAME SHIT EVERY INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! “I talked to Pop Smoke” , “ I interviewed the man who killed.....”, “My friend killed a man with his bare hands”, “ Name” is a good friend of mine, we talk all the time. “All my employees still have jobs and benefits”

EFlex: She said... Sounds like some TRUMP shit !!ROTFL

K Jo: Vlad always using the NYPD salary as an example for all police pay which is complete bs lol. Most police officers don’t get paid SHIT. Which could be apart of the problem with all the damn brutality

Money Makin Mitch: She right though my ex went to hair school it’s too much for some damn hair

Giada T.: These early comments are weird af. Love Luenell tho! ❤️

Hustle Rap Struggle Child: Why wouldnt George Floyd have been a good time to put out the MJ story

Detroit Red: A lot of stupid actions happen.

tc cat: Auntie if I ever meet you don't get mad at me I just love you auntie I won't be cra much respect

Julio Middleton: Criminals committing crime big and small get tangled with cops all the time

Underrated: Uh Jordan don’t wanna keep reliving this shit why keep repeating this? If he ain’t seeing these or hearing about these his kids are!

Chavez Gipson: RIP Herman Cain. Why did Vlad shout out John Lewis but not Mr. Cain?!? This guy is always saying what he THINKS we want to hear. SMH

Initially JB: And ppl mad that Jordan decided to invest in prisons. Funny how ppl know so much but don’t kno shid

Terrance Finley Sr: to obtain unlimited riches of this world the one soul you love the most has to go.if anybody don't think Jordans daddy was just initation into the darkside just look at the nigga eyes.

Argee Crowell: If we're talking about Native Americans, how about the Washington Natives?

dakine: If you guys hate Vlad why you watching?

John Damato: Lmfao that caption

Terrance Finley Sr: i thought Jordan daddy was in a red Beamer.

caramel king200000: Washington Redskins Potatoes !!! (a real food) - Problem Solved !!

C Davis: Police training is longer than 6 months. It's typically 4-6 months in academy, then 1 year of field training.

Zyria Tilley: Vlad talks so fking slow ‍♀️

Thomas Grant: Vladimir go back to sw coding... in your interviews you are asking the same questions

6Hunedn16: these lunell interviews be pointless

Electric Lioness: Im from NC the other accused murderer of Michael Jordan's father was Lumbee Indian not white though I remember this case

Nubiann Cahill: Gary lived in a trailer home...

Luis Garza: ✌

Renegade Snow: That do sound like some trump shit.

Ploopy: Washington Lobbyists

Comment Beast: The Washington Some Shits

Charles Boakye: washington bear skins

Mr. Mcpickle: At least she said white and black.

awwwnawwbruh: GladTV

ErryDay 100: Yeah

DogFaceCatFish: 1

D M: Defund the police is a terrible slogan tbh. It's going to be off-putting to anyone not paying 110% attention.

E Hal: Borat

im a gator: First

Toreynottori: Ninth

im a gator: Second

im a gator: Third

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