My Natural Heatless Curly Hair Routine


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Products Mentioned:

Organic Coconut Oil:

Marc Anthony Strictly Curls 7-in-1 Treatment Foam:

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HELLO! So nice to meet you. If this is your first video of mine to check out, allow me to introduce myself... My name is Ashley Settingiano, I am a 23 year old Fashion major from Edmonton studying in Toronto. Along with my videos I also write my fashion blog, With a bit of adventure and curiosity in hand, I share these videos as marks in time to document my moments in combination with my love for fashion! Want to be friends? Please hit the subscribe button to join to YouTube Fam!

xox A

Hello, everybody welcome back to my channel. If this is your first time checking out one of my videos, hello, welcome so glad to have you here in today's video. I'M really excited, as always, because I'm gon na be sharing with you. My natural no-heat curls, I'm gon na, be honest with you guys. I just woke up from a nap, so I have slept on these curls just just a little bit, so I kind of like pin them back, but you will get to see the full routine and kind of how the curls are shaped. Honestly, my hair, I'm gon na, like tell you guys a little bit about my hair before we jump into this video. So when I moved from Alberta where the climate is very dry and just dry, you know what I mean if you're from there to Toronto, where the climate is a lot more humid, my hair definitely evolved and began to get a lot more curl to it. When I was 19, I had pretty, I mean, like I had a little bit of wave to my hair, but now I'm 22 and my hair is literally ringlets. I used to like pray for curly hair because I just seriously guys I'm trying to follow video. I used to literally pray for curly hair because I just I love the look of curls and God came through and He blessed me with curls once I moved here but honestly. I think it also has to do with the climate that I'm in it's very humid. My hair tends to curl a lot more so with that being said, I'm just gon na speak about the main product that I use just really fast, because I did a voiceover in this video and I didn't get to really highlight it as much as I wanted To so I bought this randomly just I was in Niagara Falls and I forgot to bring moose, so I went to the drugstore and I just picked this up randomly. I needed it and it blew me away you guys. This is not like a classic moose. This is a leave-in treatment foam, so I got home and looked at it again and I was like: oh did I just buy like a leave-in conditioner and it's not like it actually works like a mousse with this product. I can actually like run my fingers through my hair and it's not super like stiff or anything. That'S a really big thing that I look for in mousses and products like this. So I really really love this. If you are doing like the twisting technique, like I'll show you in this video, this product is amazing, because it really like coats your hair and makes it seamless when you're twisting your curls. So I am gon na stop talking. I hope that you all enjoy this video and yeah. Definitely let me know if you try it out tweet or I don't even tweet you guys Instagram me some photos if you end up trying it out and yeah, let's jump into the tutorial all right. First things. First, once we jump out of the shower, I'm just gon na tell will dry my hair a tiny bit and then I go in with a little bit of organic coconut oil. I love love. Love love coconut oil for my hair because it helps with the frizziness, and it also is like using a serum without needing a serum. So this is also the foam that we're going to be using. This is a seven in one treatment foam. So it's not actually a mousse. I bought this randomly one day and I wasn't expecting it to be as amazing as it. I have gone through a couple bottles of this already and it just really defines those curls and leaves them very bouncy and not crunchy. If you know what I mean, I usually just section off the top hat and then separate the bottom half into two smaller sections, so I put a little bit more foam in my hair just so the hair is really nice and coated. It just makes doing this technique a lot easier because we are twisting the hair around our finger and then like sliding it through. I also just make sure to scrunch the curls a little bit that way, we're defining them and setting them a little bit more, and I also alternate the directions of the curls that way we can achieve that body and volume, because the curls aren't all piecing together. So yeah, that's what they look like once we make our way through our hair and usually if my hair starts drying a little bit, I will just wet it because you want your ends to curl as well. I will say this hairstyle definitely takes a little bit of practice. This used to take me about 45 minutes to do my whole head and now I can do it in about 10 to 15 minutes. So just practice just practice twisting your hair, and this is what the ringlets will look like now, I'm just gon na let my hair air dry. While I do my makeup, I usually let my curls air dry, but you can definitely go in with a blow dryer, and this is what our hair looks like and I will just go through and separate some of the larger curls. That way, we get a little bit more body, but this is what the curls look like once we are all finished, super easy super, simple and they're very shiny, just bouncy curls. So I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you found it helpful and I will talk to you all in the next video

Kimi’s Beautiful Life: Oh my gosh ASH!! You are my lifesaver! I recently moved to Miami from Utah, dessert to tropics and my hair is so curly now too! But I haven’t been able to figure out how to make it pretty, I usually just braid it or twist it into a bun. Now I know what product and technique to use for the most beautiful effortless curls! I hope I can find this down here, wish me luck on my search!! Love you babe

Evie Clark: I have wished to have curly hair for the longest time!! they’re gorgeous!! so glad you’re back on YouTube too xxx

Kathleen Vargas: I definitely recommend investing in a microfiber towel for your hair instead of a regular towel which is really rough on the hair strands. Also sleeping in a satin hair bonnet helps maintain curls a bit better at night .

Emma: OMG I'VE MISSED SEEING YOUR FACE ON YOUTUBE❣ I remember binge watching your videos 5 years ago and I've been obsessed ever since

Romaisa I: Hey Ash, exactly how much coconut oil do you use in your hair?

Will Reifert: That’s very cool! It makes me wish I had hair!

C L: Oooh I gotta try this!

Beautyfromwithin01: I love you sooo much , Ashley!

arandhawa89: Hi! I think I saw you working downtown TO last week ( I won’t say where for privacy issues) I wanted to say hi but you were super busy! Loved your top knot though! Gorgeous!:)

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