No Edges! No Heat! - Back 80" Braided Ponytail On Natural Hair W/ No Edges (Traction Alopecia)

What's going on Royalty! It's so hard for those of us who have little to no edges to complete the most simple styles that we truly desire without looking like Goro from Mortal Kombat or Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. Guess what? No edges, no problem!! Those desires can come to life right here right now when you see how I accomplish a long back braided ponytail look without adding a lace, glue or anything else that will further irritate the scalp.

[ I apologize , some voice & music clips didn't come through during upload and the ratio is still off. Eventually I will get this please bare w/ me If you have any tips on how I can correct the ratio , I am most certainly opened to listening. ]

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Much abundance & success to y'all. Stay royal✨ ✨


Items Used/Needed:

• Ebin's Jet Black Edge Control Tamer

• Edge Control ( any color of Ebin OR any preferred edge control that works on your head)

• Edge Control Brush w/ Rattail Tip @ the end

• Soft Bristled Brush

• Hard Bristled Brush

• Wig Brush OR Wide Tooth Comb

• Water in a spray bottle

• Dry Towel

• Scissors (sharp enough to cut)

• Preferred Braiding Hair ( Glance Formation Braiding Hair 40/80" used)

• 2 Thick Hair Ties

• 2 Wrap Strips

• Gots To Be Glue Hairspray OR Spiritz

• Mouse (forgot to mention & use in video)

Add mouse after finishing the hair style and spraying Spritz or Gots to be Glue on your hair. DO NOT RUB IT IN!! Let it sit & dissolve on it's own.

- All items purchased from my local beauty supply store

** The brand does not matter unless you have an allergy**



Connect w| Me ❤❤:

Facebook: @Quanlynique

Instagram: @quanlynique


Business YT: @eyestompnstyle


Music: Redline

Musician: EnjoyMusic


Music: Liquid Honey

Musician: Brianna Haze

Music: Swimming

Musician: Summer Soul

Music: You Know

Musician: Jeff Kaale


** I am not a professional. Any attempts to try my method on covering edges using Jet Black Edge Control Tamer is solely at the discretion of the individual who is trying it out. If your scalp gets itchy or irritated please wash off immediately.

Hey YouTubers welcome back um to my channel Quan Lynique. This video is about oh, and also thanks for the subscribers too. I'M getting subscribers oww, okay, okay, okay, a little too excited too excited all right now, so this video is about um, bald, head ass edges. Let me tell y'all, I didn't even know nothing about edges until um High School me and this girl that I used to be cool with had got into it, because I don't even know why we got into it. I think it's because my my best friend, which is my sistar, she told her, she couldn't dance and I think she got mad that I was still hanging out with my sistar. I don't know, but I ain't care, I'm not about to drop my sistah for you. So yeah bye so um. She was talking about my edges and I ain't know nothing. Bout, no edges until another friend came to me and was like oh y'all, not cool, no more because you know blazay blah. She said something'bout, yo edges and I'm like uh. My edges she's, like yeah, she said you ain't got no edges, I'm like I know this ain't say: nothing'bout, no edges when her teeth. You know what we ain't gon na get into that. So for those who don't have no edges honey, the world is not ending. It'S not ending. It'S just begun. Okay, so you want to look cute. You ain't about to be out here like a lot Guru or what's his name Guru, the the the [ __ ], bald head man from Mortal Kombat unt un. We ain't bout to look like him with little uh baldness, bald scalp nah and his little Mohawk up here watch this y'all look at that [ __ ]. Look at that look at them! Mufcka head hell, nah! We is not about to be looking like that. [ __ ] [ laugh ]. He uglier than a mufcka pow right in the balls. Bald head ass, see unt un, no, no baby, mmnt mm, that's out the window. That'S out the trash. We ain't, tattooing, no edges on either. That'S an insult! Don'T ever tell me the tattoo no edges on my damn head, what's wrong with y'all nice idea, but that was an insult so anywho we gon na get these edges right right. We'Re gon na do a back ponytail because we always been on the back ponies, but we couldn't do it because we ain't have no edges, but now we got some edges honey. This is the magic to the sauce get in it, don't get lost but get in it. Okay. So this is my hairdo for my um one of my sistar's b-day gathering, pajama b-day gathering. That'S why I'm in my Christmas, pajamas or whatnot, so I just wanted to show y'all how to do my lil back ponytail. While I was getting ready for the party, so y'all enjoy the video and I'm out, I'm about to go eat some chips and chicken and pizza and I'm gone sip on something too alright y'all stay royal later Royalty. Alright royalty we're gon na get right into it. So you want to spray your hair. I got some um some water and I got some oil in that bottle so that my hair could be moisture while I'm um, while I'm wetting it up. Um we're gon na use a brush a wig brush to detangle our hair. You can either use a wig brush or you could use a wide tooth comb. I couldn't find my white tooth comb, so we doing a um a wig brush. Now you see, the edges is gone. Okay, they depleted. Alright you're gon na need an edge control brush with the little um part at the bottom, or the little comb at the bottom um some um hair bands um some edge control. I, like the Ebin Ebin, whatever it's called You're gon na need some jet black 24-hour edge control as well. That'S gon na give us the edge look and you're also going to need, like I said, the wig brush or a wide tooth comb. Um, we're gon na need a hard brush to brush your hair up into the ponytail and you're gon na need a soft brush too. For the edges. We don't want to irritate the scalp and what else we got here you want to use hair. We need the hair, of course, for the braided ponytail. You see that's 80 inch, but the Finish length is 40, but it can extend to 80. So that's what they mean by the 80 inches in which we did make it extend honey, so you're also going to need some wrap strips. So we can cover up the hair. So we don't mess it up, you're going to need a dry towel and then we're gon na get started so once again, we're spraying the hair around because you never comb. My hair is natural, even though I had a relaxer last year for my birthday I was, I was fully natural for a very, very long time for like five years, maybe before I got to relax for last year. So now I'm just waiting for that relaxer to come out, so I can get my curls back honey because I miss my curls. So it's looking a little raggly. You know we're gon na use the end of the edge control brush to detangle, because I left some braids up in there, so we're getting those braids out from when I wash my hair out. I guess I didn't take out all the braids like I was supposed to so um, it's like matted and tangly, but not really nappy like so now. We gon na um brush that out detangle it honey detangle. It does sound like an apple when I'm brushing but hey. You know we got ta, do what we got ta do. It is what it is soaked we don't want to. Well, we don't want to soak it. It'S not soaked. It'S um damp. That'S what it is. It'S damp because you don't want to have your hair soaking wet while you're doing this ponytail, we don't want it to frizz up or nothing. So what the hell am I doing? What am I doing right here? My head is down for too long. I must be trying to okay. I was trying to open the ponytail holders, but couldn't get it so now we need some scissors to cut that open boop and we cut it open and we're just going to use these bows. These hair ties to move the hair out the way to where we can brushed right and not blend everything in and look at that towel done slid down. There slid down like a noodle [, giggle, ], okay. So after we tie this hair up, then we're gon na um brush uh brush again detangle the back with the wig brush. So um. I really don't know the backstory. With my edges, I mean they're. They were always always had thin. Hair right so always have thin hair and they kind of went missing, probably towards me graduating middle school, because I didn't start getting into it with the girl until High School about my edges, who I was supposedly supposed to be cool with when you start getting into It into High School, that's when I actually start like realizing: oh okay, whatever I ain't got no edges and I'm still cute and your your dudes. They still want me honey. They still want me edgeless and all baby, but that's okay. You know what I'm saying so I used to get braids a lot too. My mom is a hairdresser. Well, she was a hairdresser and she braided everybody hair. The only mufcking head that went missing or the mfcking edges that went missing was mine, because my sister still got all her edges. We don't have the same. Dad though, and then my sisters and my dad's side. They all have their edges, we don't have to say Mom of course, so it was just me, I'm the only one with these edges and then, of course, my momma. My her edges is like that too, but hers is got hers got worse. So I really think it's probably like genetic a little bit in there, because my sister doesn't have it only. I do out of my mama kids and none of my sisters on my dad side. Have it so um while we're every time we brush or every time we part and detangle. We want to add some edge control to the hair. Okay, so we're molding we're molding. It up until that ponytail shape right and we're already bald head and honey. We cut this hair up in what like March, maybe like the beginning of 2022, so March of 2022. We cut this hair and it's been growing back every time I grow back. I start cutting it again, but I was like you know: I'm gon na stop cutting I'll just let it do it's thang because I don't even know any more bald head hairstyles to do. Got ta, wait, book appointments and whatnot. I'M impatient I'll be wanting a book I'll, be wanting my appointments book right there right now. I want my hair done right then right there, you know what I'm saying, but since I can't get it done right there right then now, I'm over here putting braids up in my head, I'm over here making ponytails I'm over here, throwing a wig on now. I got ta, I got ta ponytail, so you see I can't keep up with the bald head. Do so we adding hair. So we detangling again we don't the parts don't have to be like see-able or any of that they don't have to be clear. We'Re just moving hair out the way to the detangle to mold into the ponytail okay, so you don't need no sharp parts or you'll need the parts to be all of that. Okay, we're not doing a part in this, we're not adding like side braids or anything to this, so it doesn't really matter just move the hair out the way and detangle that hair we're gon na. Take some edges out too, and we're going to use the edge control brush to do that with because it's soft we can also use the soft brush too. We just don't want to use the hard brush because we don't want um our scalp irritated okay, so there go some little bald head edges right there and that's the real, bald head side right. Oh look at that girl. It'S all scalp honey! Ooh! It look like it hurt, [ giggle ], but it don't it don't hurt it don't hurt at all. It'S just about. You know a little Smeagol y'all know Smeagol from The Lord of the Rings. We got a little Smeagol going on here right now. So if you ever got that Smeagol going this is it's going to help you honey. It'S gon na help you little Smeagol little Goro Guru, whatever that man name is and we're gon na spray and detangle again, you want to make sure your dry towel is on the back of your neck. Just in case you got water dripping like we said. We ain't super soaking, it we just dampen it up, just so that it could be wet while we brushing - because you is never supposed to comb your hair or brush your hair. While it is uh dry, that's a big big No-No. That'S the way to pull your hair out. Even if you don't care about your hair, don't do that! Okay, self-care tip number one, and look it's all straight and stringy like I don't like that. I just miss my curls. I should upload a photo of my curls for y'all. I don't know I'll see, probably at the end of this I'll show y'all what my little curls look like, but, like I said, we want to make sure it's damp so that we could brush that out. Okay - and I don't care if you got two strands of hair honey, you're gon na be able to do this. Okay, if you can't do it you're, probably doing it wrong. So re redo. What you you did you know, um control alt delete what you did and then go ahead and press forward, and do it all over again all right. So now we're gon na get's a little more edge control and don't be using up all the edge control. Okay, don't be trying to add all of these products in your head and just be slapping it on your head. You want to make sure that you only get in a little bit at a time, because a little goes a long way. You that's how y'all heads be up here, all white looking like it got lice up in it and and uh dandruff in it like nah. We ain't doing all of that just a little bit a dibble and a dabble, because eventually it's gon na end up a lot of bit, but you know we're doing it in like little sections. Okay, ain't! No rush! It'S gon na happen. You don't need a lot. Just comb that out honey brush it out brush it out. You are don't look at it, honey! Look at it! It'S all uneven! [ laugh, ], ooh, chile, all right a little bit see a little bit little bits rub it together on them, hands and smear on that head. Yes, just like that, make sure you do the sides too. Now you want to take out some parts to the side. So those are going to start adding some of the sides in and remember the parts don't have to be neat either we're taking just a little bit from the top to bring to the bottom or to bring forward so that we have more hair because we're covering The baldness too so we're covering the baldness and then we're gon na also make the edges with the edge tamer. Okay, so just a little bit of hair, not a lot of bit just a little bit measurements: honey measurements. Now you see, the hair is looking red right there. Now I'm not brushing the actual scalp it's red right there, because I'm just brushing it. So that's just something with like just my skin in general and if I rub on something too hard like, even if I rub my eyeball too hard it'll get red or if I rub you know, my arm is gon na get red. So it's not my actual scalp, that's like red or irritated. It'S just me brushing my hair. You can also see it on the back of my neck, so no I'm not brushing the actual scalp. The hard brush is close enough to its proximity. Is that how you say it? Proximity, it's approximately close enough to it, but it is not on it. So I don't brush the top of my hair with the hard brush. It'S just the back of hair. So it does. It is red, but it's not from me, brushing my actual scalp for those of y'all who wan na say oh you're, using the hard brush, and I thought you ain't supposed to use the hard brush thought you supposed to use the soft brush yeah. So that's that it's not being used and now we're just getting closer to the top. Of course, the detangling more detangling always wet and go before brushing, because when you wait so long to get to the top, it does dry up. So that's why you can see me um consistently, like wetting certain pieces again, if it's um not damp enough to comb through and it's still um like dry, I'm not gon na comb or brush my hair. When it's dry, It's got ta be wet. Okay! I don't care what style it is. It'S got ta be wet while it's getting uh, brushed or combed, because this is natural, so well semi-natural, but even when it was natural, it had to be wet before you know it got combed so for all the natural people they know that for the non natural People y'all probably do know that some of y'all - probably don't, but that's why you see me, keep wetting it's not soaked, though foreign foreign [ laugh ], don't mind the faces that I'm making, because I was over here watching Atlanta Avenue, because Baybae was on the couch Watching it and some of them scenes was a little bit crazy. I'M just looking like the fuuuuk know what I'm saying I was a little tickled like Elmo kind of you know what I'm saying but um you see when I show y'all the brushes, though I'll flip it with my fingers, so that you can see the difference between The hard and the soft bristles, because if it's soft, the bristles are gon na just fly flutter like a free butterfly, but if it's the hard brush it ain't gon na move, it's just gon na. Stick there like um, a bad BBL, booty job; okay dancing. Just for you, keeping by the circus and right here, I'm using the edge control comb side to comb out the Kinks that are um on the side of my hair, because, although I'm brushing it and I'm detangling, sometimes when you brush up it clumps up too. So I just like to get the Kinks out with the actual combs. So if you have like a rat tail comb or any comb that has the teeth, close together, use one of those to get the Kinks out, but don't comb comb it just like just do it to get the kinks out. That'S it foreign foreign foreign foreign. Oh, oh, oh so, as you can say, we're using the softer brush. This is the um brush, that's good for the front of the edges, because it's not so much tension on the edges um. So you might see my um scalp get red again or it was red before, but I'm not brushing hard um. The soft brush doesn't even allow me to brush hard because it's so soft. So that's how you want to do that and remember these edges been missing. Done skipped the town um since I don't went from Madison Middle School up into Wilson, High School and there actually wasn't this bad up until I start um mixing in wigs. So I was doing braids in middle school and high school, which was definitely um. Taking some of my edges off, but it wasn't, it wasn't that that noticeable. Unless you was really like in my face grilling me staring me down what not it wasn't that that bad. But now it's like worse now, because I had added wigs into it and when I gots to be glue had came out that got to be glue spray and all of that mess. I wasn't taking it off the proper way. I would just like pull pull or peel the wigs back and it would take my edges off with it, so I used to have to like really dip my whole head and like water just to take my wigs off okay, so um. That was another thing that made it even worse and um. It'S actually growing a little bit. That'S why you see like I'm able to do like the little sideburn pieces, because I have been using some um oil, some um hair growth oil by some black owned business. You know I support a lot of businesses, so it's a black owned business. I can't remember the name of the bottle, but I know it's about time. I do order a new bottle, but that's actually been helping um, it's a thick oil too, so I don't use it a lot. I probably use it like every other week or um every week, depending um when I switch my hairstyles, I put it on at night. So that way, it dries up to. Let me use my um edge control, gel the black jet one um, so yeah that the edges wasn't like this, this bad in Middle School in high school. They just got worse over time, just as a correction, but yes, we slicking those up and we're using the back of the um edge control brush and the comb version of the edge control brush so that we can get that edge control or that edge. Look that we're going for and we're gon na brush that hair up too, because look at it look at it. We is bald head. Okay, we only got a tinsy bit of hair. So now we have to put all of that into a ponytail all the little bit of her into a ponytail, and we have to really like pull our brain up into this ponytail, because the hair is so teensy right. So you're gon na brush brush brush honey, get it all up in there grip it grip it like you, grip that you're going to watch me dance and just for you, foreign, you are swimmers. You are the time and right here you see me wet the hair. I spray it because I don't like when I put the edge control on and then it'd be like um like white, or you can't move your head because it feels like it's sticking So to avoid that with any edge control I ever use. I always after I use the edge control. I spray a little bit of water on it. So that's what that was this: the perfect time for any pieces that are sticking out to be um pushed back in with some a little bit of edge control. Put that on any pieces that you see um, sticking out, okay and now this is the exciting part. This is how we about to make these edges okay and we about to make that uh scalp disappear. Yes, it is a very magical experience. I highly recommend it. So, let's start now, I'm gon na put some clear edge. Control on this is the Ebin, the regular okay. This is 24 hour edge control by the way, so it does work wonders I noticed with this edge control. It does not make my hair um. It keeps it in place, but it also makes my hair texture like soft. You know it doesn't make it like hard or messy or nothing. It makes it like very soft and um, and it holds it like really really well, even when I'm sweating like even throughout everything, it just holds it really really good. So I love it. I'Ve been using this edge control for about two years now. I believe, probably longer so um. I would highly recommend that edge control too. I love it. It is a little on the expensive side, but I don't give a kk I'll be having to hide mine, because my daughter be coming up now: she's learning how to do her, hair and stuff. She be stealing my edge control and she be dipping her whole fingers. All up in my stuff, she be making me mad, but I ain't gon na get mad at y'all. So now this is how we're going to make our edges. You use your brush first to brush it and then use the comb to start shaping the way you desire your edges to look and me. I want to get my little swirl on, so you see I'm making a swirl version and then I'm gon na use the rest of my little pieces of hair, my little Smeagol pieces to cover up the scalp, so the scalp is now being covered up and I Am combing the rest of the scalp with the little pieces of hair that we're using um that we pulled out earlier? Okay, now you can see that on my right side is the side where I have practically like no edges and then the left side is the side that I have more more hair or more edges than the other side. So um, you see me pull more hair out on one side than the other and we use the um the Ebin clear edge control to keep the desired style that we're going for the desired Edge that we're going for to keep it in place to hold it Boom, here's the magic so once you open, this can of magic, be cautious with it. You don't want to use a teensy bit just an eensy teensy bit. Do not use so much, because a little goes a very, very, very, very long way we're going to use the end of the edge control brush that painted on our heads. It'S like it's a canvas, so act like your head is a canvas. You can use your fingers to um smear it in as well, but when you smear it in um, it is not gon na um like be all up on your fingers or whatnot. But if you use your own fingers to do it, it is gon na be all up on your fingers. Okay, so you can use the comb and the brush I like to use both to smear it, and I like to use my finger to smear it in too, so this is going to give us the illusion of our um of some edges. So, look at that look at that. It'S already working already working honey. Keep on watching. I love this part. Thank you. I can't break you're going to watch me dance and just for you now don't be rubbing. So much on to the point that you can tell that it's the edge control on your hair. You have to make it blend, it Blends it the right way Blends it as if um you were coloring in the lines on a paper but lightly like shading, so you want to shade it in do not put so much on to the point where you could Tell that you got look like somebody done sprayed yo head with a paint spray bottle like come on. Now you gots to give the illusion the Mirage of the edges. Okay, so be be, um, be careful! Take your time, don't rush it. You know I can go fast because I'm used to doing mine - and I still like to take my time when I do it - I don't rush it so um. Just remember that don't just be Go! Plopping stuff up on there you'll need a little bit. My little bottle of Edge Tamer um for the jet black that junk be lasting me for like a whole year, because you only needs a little bit. You don't needs a lot, so I only had to replace this junk about one time, one time, okay, just once, and you do see that when I'm finished with putting it all on, I do put the clear, um edge control on it and that's just to hold It in place as well um there is a disclaimer that I want to say that if you do sweat with this on, it does drip, but it won't like drip profusely like off your scalp. I noticed that, like um one time I was having a ball: okay dancing having fun whatever right, and it was dripping on the side, though, like like the sweat like it was just dripping on the side, but it didn't come off my actual scalp. So, even though it was Dripping, it still was intact and in place. So I just would say: um like if you're about to go to a party somewhere wherever you're about to be sweating. Whatnot definitely have a little napkin on the side so that you could just Pat your little stuff. Okay, um, you don't need to add anything to it. You just need like a towel. Just a pat. What'S dripping up off of you, so that's the only thing I would say um like if you get like too too hot and you start like basically melting sweating. That'S the only thing with this method. Um to get your um edges is that it does drip. If you sweat a lot um, so yeah be be careful with that. Okay, oh, look at those edges, honey! Look at how we just made those edges what edge who now. I also think that I miss a spot when I was doing this filming and I did not fix that spot say I want to. I can't break the service, I'm good will everything and it's very easy to wash this up out your hair. All you have to do is just put some water on your hair and just wipe it right on off and that's it and that's all nothing until your scalp, no tension, no nothing just wash it right on off and that's it um. I like mines. Last for a good like three days, depending on the style that I have and when I wrap it right um, if I don't wrap it right um, then it ends up on whatever I'm laying on like a pillow a cover whatever it is. So just make sure you wrap it, it is going to be in whatever you wrap it. So if it's your favorite little um, headband or a duraggy or whatever it is, it is gon na um ended up being on it rub on it, so um, but yeah mine's on mines. Last for good, like three days before I have to put more on or if I have to do like a little touch up just for those who needed to know foreign, you can also make ya bun smaller too. As you see, my hair keep coming out of there, but you can make your bun way smaller than that, so that everything um, so that the braid actually fits over the bun okay. So now that we um have the edges popping, you know fresh to death and we have the bun. Now we're going to proceed to put the um braids in. I am putting some water on the little sides on my lil side burn pieces because um I don't like for them to look stringy I like for it to look more natural and they curl um. When I add water right there to it, they curl naturally um in place like that. So that's why I put a little bit of water on there and I'm just putting water on the top of my head too um once again to just keep the edge control in place. It just helps it for my hair. I don't know if it works out for your hair, but it does for my hair and now um. I should be proceeding with the ponytail to braid, so we're going to be braiding over the bun um. If my hair was longer, I would have braided my hair into the braid, but because it's short and its bald head and when we got teensy bit of hair, you know we got crumbs right now. We'Re going to braid the braids over the bun okay proceed to watch. They can't help myself. Oh yeah moving places all right. This is where we use the hair wraps we're gon na wrap this to the front so that we don't mess up anything in the front. While we're um braiding the ponytail s and by the way uh The Edge um tamer, it does dry up very fast. So when it's when you putting it on, it is like a little wet, but it does dry very fast. So don't worry about having a blow dry or anything like that. This is all done with no heat to my head by the way as well foreign. I can't help myself here his ass come over here. Bothering me he just want to be in my video. That is it, that is all him and his belly all up in my video worrying about my business, what I'm doing? Okay! But yes! So now, when we add the hair on we're going to use the rubber band that comes with the hair, we're not going to cut it off we're going to use it. If you've already cut the rubber band off. Just get you a new rubber band and put it back on um. All you got ta do is just tie it on it's very easy to do and we're gon na put the one on just once and then, when we put the second one on we're going to um, tie it on there twice. So I didn't hit the table with my kneecap this time: yay [ applause ], now we're gon na tie it twice and then um, eventually we're gon na wrap the other one around as well another one more time so that that doesn't accidentally slip out or anything Like that, so here we go, I'm gon na turn to the back. I don't know what I was just focusing. I don't know what I was doing. He was messing me up: okay, goodness gracious, muufcka and don't forget to take you out a piece of hair so that you could um cover up the base of the ponytail. You got to make sure that you take out a piece of hair, so there you see me tying um the hair on for the second time and then I'm gon na put one of the hairs up and then one of the hairs down so that we can Braid over the bun and, like I said just remember, to take some of hair out because you need that to cover up the base of the actual ponytail, okay and we're going to split the hair into threes. To begin the braiding after the um hair is pulled out. Okay for all this time, I can't help myself we're moving places. Now I could have used another um. I could use another uh hair. I did have another pack of hair just in case I needed it, but I thought that this braid was nice and fat enough, like I wanted it to so. I didn't feel like I needed one, but I noticed like towards the end of my video that I did not cover my bun all the way, so I did end up fixing it after once again, I got off the video um because you said right there at Um, my braid came up off my bun um, but when I closed it in with my leave with my little leave out piece to cover the base, it didn't really show um, but I did fix that as well um, so I needed another mirror in front of Me as well - and I did not put the other mirror right there when I was doing this for y'all so next time. If I need my mirror, I'm gon na include my mirror, because if I had my mirror, I would have seen that I [ __ ] up my bun or my braid. So now I'm just braiding it down so but yeah. I end up fixing that before I went to the party to um and it's cute though it came out so cute and you see how nice and fat it is and take your time with the braid, don't braid too too too hard and don't braid too too Too soft do it like an in-between braid, because just in case you need to like pull some hairs out to make a little bit fatter, but um yeah. This is good and he over here bothering me again. Oh my gosh. He just can't leave me alone, can't help myself and also, if you don't want to um, take your braid all the way out. You can also just take a um some more like a small piece of hair. Again, tie it up in a rubber band like how you see the hair come in a package and just tie it over the ponytail and then just use that as a wrap around just to wrap the bun. If you don't, if your bun is still showing - and you don't want to take out the ponytail, so that's another alternative as well. I begin to Wonder and right here we're gon na. Add some extra hair in here, so we're splitting one piece of hair into two. So that we can add it into the braid, so that um our braid could be very very long because we're definitely going for 80 inches. We want this braid to basically like touch our ankle. Okay, because we're extra - and we don't give a [ __ ], because this is Queen vibes - this is a goddess okay. This is Queen Queen, the red goddess. So that's the look. We'Re going for okay period, all right, you're, my pleasure and here we're adding the last piece so that it can extend to the ankles honey down down down to the ankles foreign foreign for sure foreign see I hate braiding, because my fingers they get messed up now. They start to um like like click together, and I don't know the proper term for it, but I always thought I had like arthritis. My doctor was like you, ain't gon na arthritis girl like sit your ass down, you just being extra but like for real for real, though my hands be locking up. So when you see me remove hair or unbraid a braid to be braided over it's because my fingers were starting to get stuck where they started hurting so um. I had to take it off or undo it and then redo it again, because I I can't stand braiding for the life of me. I don't even know why I picked up this skill or how, but I know my mom like used to do when I used to watch her, do it and when um she was teaching me how to do it. I just wanted to do it because she was doing you know you got your kid watching. You and your kid want to be you. That'S basically was it, but then I started growing into it and I started liking it, but then I started hating it because you know it's always a problem when you're doing somebody else hair, so they kind of take the skill or the fun away from it. It'S only fun when you're doing your own hair, because all the styles that you could do when you're doing somebody else, hair they so, oh they sometimes they annoying like. Oh, I wanted my hair like this. I want to. I want this braid bigger than that or I wanted this and it's like [ __ ]. I ain't gon na do this anyway. Okay, I don't even like doing this. Okay, so yeah, I don't like braiding. Well, I got the skills. So I'll do my hair and I can take my times doing my hair because my fingers be messing up, but with other people hair, I can't I just don't. I can't stand it so I decided and went as long as I could without putting that hair, but in my mouth like that, I didn't want to do that, but I did it and right here. I just wanted to do like what they do with the locs. You know like do the little rounds, a little ball thing you get at the end, because I want to put like a little um, a little design charm piece at the end with it. So that's what I was doing right here. There um, but eventually I'm gon na, do it and it it did loosen up, and I fixed it at the end of that video too, which loosened up again, not just like eff. It and just didn't, do it, but normally with your braid. You do want to boil it with hot water or you do want to get some luke warm water and um. Let it sit in there just so that the braid doesn't stiffen up and it can be, like you know, loose and Wiggly wobbly wavy, whatnot um. I didn't do that because I was in the rush to get to the party too, and I was already like an hour late, because I was doing a video while I was doing my hair um so yeah and now we're going to end up wrapping that um Hair around the base so that we're covering up the bun, so I'm about to set my fat ass down so that y'all can see um. I do like to brush the hair too so that it's not um tangled up and all the places match each other and um you do wants to have some gots to be glue spray or some type of Spritz, so that the hair is hardened um. So that way, um it does not unravel. I don't like to use bobby pins because they do hurt my scalp. They irritate the hell out of my scalp by the way, so I don't like using them. So if I can use um, if I can go ahead and do one without it, then I will no again and baby. I can't help myself in this. The part I'm talking about right there. You see that my bun, where the braid had went off of my burn, but when I was um using the wrap around to wrap the base, I couldn't tell because there's not no mirror. If I had a mirror in the back of me, I would have been able to notice it instead of waiting for it to be off the camera. So, like I said, I end up, fixing it but yeah I could have fixed it. Did it right if I had the mirror so yeah and I'm adding edge control on it for to give it an extra hold so that the um it'll stay um? I comb that piece, because if you um spray, your gots to be glue spray or spritz on the um wrap around piece, it helps with smearing it through the hair strand so that every strand could get caught so that it doesn't unravel um. That'S a technique that I like to use and now we're gon na cut off the hair right um. So that way, we can see our results and start fixing up anything that needs to be fixed in you want myself we're moving places can't help myself foreign, I'm telling you that's how I noticed my ponytail was messed up. You see how I keep meddling with it, because I knew something was wrong and I'm over here trying to fix it. So after I cut this video off, I sure did fix it. Look at that sexy, mama wooo, so cute so cute, even though it's messed up, it is so cute. So imagine when I fixed it. Ah, yes, honey! Yes, this could be you too. This could be you girl, foreign, okay and hair, I'm just basically touching up the rest of me to get ready for the party. I'M doing my brows, my lashes, my lip, you know I'm putting on my vitamin E oil and and then that's it. So I'm basically wrapping it up to make the style pop even more and head out the door. You are foreign foreign. I use hair glue for my eyelashes because the Lash glue it irritates my eyelashes and um. I think I might be allergic to it. I never was told I have allergic reaction, but it never ends well with me for the Lash glue. I always make my eyes itch, so I just assumed I'm allergic to it, so I don't use it. I just stick with the hair glue. You know and anytime you get glue under your eye. That'S how my eyes was puffy in the beginning of the video, because I was constantly wiping the glue off and wiping my eyes up, but you just want to use water and a rag um to get it off. It comes off right away in Crystal Clear. I love this vitamin E oil. It keeps my face, um, vibrant. It keeps it um. What do you? What do you call it like moisture as well? So I love putting it on. I don't know how to use the makeup, as I mentioned in my last video. So this is my this technically my makeup: either vitamin E oil or a cocoa batter raw, cocoa butter and that'd. Be it that's. That'S my whole. That'S my face. Okay, that's it! That'S all! I know how to do it's so special and, as you can see, I got a titty on my ear. I got that from getting in the fight with a dude in middle school and he ripped my earring out my ear so one ear I got titty on it. The other ear is good and um. I wear clip-on earrings, so sometimes I wear the actual clip-on earrings. Sometimes I take the clip off off the earring and I make my own by putting it on a non-clip on earring and um one day I'll show y'all how I do that, but um that's what I do for like earrings. You know to keep me. You know the cute little earring to complete the fit and that's it. Oh bang bow period ayee. She cute she cute she cute and whatever, and what not [ laugh ] dueces the again back. It was paid what the [ __ ] oh and James too late too late y'all. I just stopped at a fucking, stop sign. [, laugh ] and stayed there. [ laugh ] what the fuck omg too lit too lit.

Tyson 💕: “The edges is gone they depleted” … came out too cute!

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