Women Are Transitioning Back To Relaxed Hair ! Here Are Our Top 5 Reasons Why?!

Did the natural hair movement cause this? Alot more women with natural hair starting to transition and go back to relaxed hair after they go natural maybe asking themselves, should i go back to relaxed hair? We sort of saw it coming with natural hair frustrations like fairy knots and also picked up on reasons why black women with natural hair start to transition to relaxed hair. The promises of long thick natural hair growth may have been empty, but who knows? Watch this video as we speculate top 5 reasons why..

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Until your hair starts growing out of their scalp, so we got more hearing that hey guys welcome back to our Channel. I believe American. This is something y'all may or may not have seen coming, but women awful real, going back to relaxers and this time it's not a trend. So if you're on the fence about getting a relaxer, maybe your natural I'm just curious if you're relaxed and just thinking about chopping, it all off watch first and then do that special need to platform. There were a lot of relaxed hair bloggers movie. In fact, the very few relaxed hair bloggers we did watch, they were switching over to being natural, which is fine because we're all for women doing it, whatever they want to do with their hair, are so fast-forward to now, and I posted that article of the community Tab, even if you guys saw it, was like a week ago. I posted an article about you know why naturals are going back to relax and we got a lot of good comments from those who are natural and relaxed a lot of people who are natural. We'Re saying you know why they are thinking about going to relax, or you know why some of their peers went back to relax and stuff. So this kind of fresh in to see yeah and I'm just gon na inspired at this video and he's it pretty much. Kinda solidified, what we've been seeing already, even before all that we kind of saw it coming anyway. There are a lot more relaxed air channels. They were popping up, even though the youtubers that were relaxed that transition back to natural, even they transition back to being relaxed again, are some of these newfound relaxed hair channels popping up and the newfound love for relaxed hair wondered. You know like why. Why are the popping up now and um? We don't want to say because of manageability, because manageability is relative, but these five reasons are the ones that we speculate and cover reasons why we think people are starting to go back to relax here. Alright, this one kind of stuck up to me because I feel like a lot of people, whether you're, relaxed or natural, have knots and tangles, but with a lot of articles that we read or even looking at YouTube videos. So they did watch some natural hair videos and we noticed like the top comments. Everyone always is everyone in those natural hair videos they're always talking about their knots, so don't ask how we deal with nuts and have a relaxed hair. They don't deal with them too often, but you know you do have new growth, so kind of the best solution that we get to them is kind of take them. Out with your hand, then somebody um in our community posts and we post their articles, some wedding at confidence that they deal with fairy nuts, and I first I thought the person being funny, because I have never heard of fairness. But apparently it's like a legit term that people use when they're describing knots in their natural hair and then I went and googled it because you know us always looking for a way to research stuff, but we googled it and we saw the definition. That says very. Not so our actual strands of hair that not within themselves and often add other or joining hairs into the mix, creating even bigger knots yeah, these tiny knots so tiny that fairies must have made them are annoying and quite common for Curly's and naturals. This is good. We have a certain type of natural hair, whether it's super curly or Chloe. I guess it tends to wrap itself around other strands of hair, which there is your knot and you can get them out. Obviously, but it's a piece and of pain to take them out and nobody wants to spend time manually, taking out knots in your hair. All right, oh my ever said, there's a way to get it out, there's actually a full routine. I did see a video where girls post got a camera rules, a video, an article where she posted a full arm. The team just hit take her knots out and y'all. Why honestly think that routine was only four knots, so I could see why people get frustrated who are natural. I just want to go ahead and switch on over to the waxers, because I mean just having detailed routine just take knocks out. That can be really really time-consuming and a pain. So if you have a patients more power to you at this point, YouTube is like the go to the source, we're like finding a routine for your hair, especially for a woman in the natural hair community. Like this platform has like an influx of information, but here's what ends up happening. You haven't liked it two or three favorite youtubers that you watch you see them do their routine and then you take it. You get it down to a science. Finally, apply it to your hair and it doesn't work and then you're like oh these youtubers lying and everything and grit like that happens like ten percent of the time I would say, but most of the time I believe it's a lot of people just don't know Their own hair, I feel like a lot of women, especially in the neck of your community, do depend on YouTube way too much to get their natural hair routine down, and then you get cuz, you get frustrated, you know when it doesn't work a lot of times. You see these straight to curly videos or these curly to straight hair videos from youtubers who really don't have the same curl pattern as you, and so you kind of mimic their routine and just copy their routine curl pattern. Yeah. They don't like a looser curl pattern and stuff so and a lot of natural hair women are seeing up. She can do it, I can do it and when it doesn't work it's like if the youtubers fall and then the frustration leads to someone transitioning back to experience. Alright use YouTube to help. I mean that's what it's for. However, you do have to. You. Do have a responsibility yourself to know your own hair and know like bits and pieces that you can take from certain YouTube videos that you could apply to your own hair, routine, but no their hair and what it's capable of. And if you still want to transition over to the left side, but why stopping you all right - and this is from people who are probably relaxed - they went back to natural. But there's this notion that oh for blacks, they're people they'll be like. Oh, if you go natural, your hair will be longer or oh. If you can actually hear, will be healthier and then there's this hope you can. Actually your hair will be thicker because we all know relaxed period grow. It'S been it's unhealthy. You know I catch the sarcasm right, but it's a real thing, especially when people with relaxed fear. They start to think. Oh, if I go natural, my hair will be a lot more healthier. You know it would be long and thick all the way down to my waist and then, when you big chop or transition to natural, you know that magic that you thought was going to happen. It'S not there or it's taken a long time and your patience starts wearing thin because, whatever you expected, it doesn't show up, or it's just taking longer than what you like. This goes back to what we're saying before. Like know your hair in your hair journey, we see a lot of like natural hair youtubers like Jasmine Georgia. The glam twins, pretty lady, who was relaxed before the natural people set their expectations up to fail because they think that their hair will end up. Looking like these girls hair, so then the failed expectations turns into disappointment and then is back to relaxers. It happens a lot, but you got to realize that there is no instant, my Korean version of natural hair. You just got ta work with what you got and know what you're working with when it comes to your hair, all right so Rob 2017. I did feel like that natural hair movement was a bit trendy. We, like the progress of natural hair, or I felt like it - did it a little bit more harm than good at times, especially when it came to the trendy part, which I thought was a little bit ridiculous. That'S what people were going natural just for the sake of a trend, and you guys know trends, have a shelf life. They don't last very long. It might be neat, but it just seemed really strange to have something that you're born with become a trend like that. It'S like saying, oh next week, it's gon na be trendy to have skin. There just didn't know doesn't sit well with me. That might be me, but it just feels it just seems so off. The issue for me was that the natural hair community was kind of picking and choosing what they were gon na put out there. As far as like giving the allure of what natural hair was supposed to be, it's like the the wavy loose curl pattern, just like the face with the natural hair movement and they're like oh, come be natural. This is how I do natural hair will be. If you go natural and obviously that's not true, because the natural hair has a lot and that other thing we have different curl patters different type, my thing is: if you know, there's gon na be a movement of some sort, or you even put a shrimp like Show it off race it off yeah and Grayson all show all parties look like hair. There'S a lot yeah they're. Really it is their special minutes in his natural form. So when it came a trend, I thought that's when it kind of went downhill yeah. So when the trend died down, you had women, be like hey, wait, a minute. You know this is not what I signed up right. They transition everything yeah. What? Because you know that movement didn't really embrace a little supposed to be so, like you know that frustration that cannot be mentioned before it kind of just let it back to I'm going back to relax. I don't really understood it for me. I just feel like who's gon na go for the tenure, but I do like the progress of the natural hair. There'S still issues we know, but we do have to Chrome act and everything, but I just felt like you know that whole that whole trend movement, you just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. You know yeah this issues out there y'all working on it. I'M rishabh with this yeah look go on up a little tension, something after some people, the natural hair community, some of them the other bullies towards to relaxed hair people with relaxed fear. So that's why Pitt? The trim cut did rub me. The wrong way is because some people weren't looking down other people, were a little worried. Yeah yeah. Maybe that's why we little salty, but I said, hey, hair natural hair, relaxed hair as long as it's healthy, but it it's only got weren't hearing that so anyway, I'm done my stuff down for myself. It'S head talk, alright, so I think a lot of you guys. Just got bowled it's not listening to the boss, motions and the myths that the natural hair community was saying for years and then at the day, just do what's best for you stop listening to what people are saying in other comments, you know, lots of shaming is Real like Eric was saying earlier: relaxer shooting is a thing and I feel I just find it so funny how the natural hair movement was preaching embracing, but I feel like they're embracing was only under certain conditions and it just came off judgmental yeah, I'm judgmental to Us so that's the vein with that and to the people who be a mess as being efficient, relaxing here, but they're kind of scared because of what their friends or family might think of them or say, or just kind of a general fear of judgment. Until your hair starts growing out of their scalp, please don't put any way to worry on what other people are saying end of the day. That'S your hair, your crown that you are thinking of taking care of day and day out night in night out. Just do what's best for you and keep it pushing. So if you guys feel enlightened enough to comment, if you disagree or agree with us, the comment sections below love me, I can with love reading those comments we do answer back instead of just keep it cute. Classy see how this is up in the comments below we do have more hair videos coming for you guys. Thank you so much for sticking around and watching this thing notifications on, so you won't miss out by the way, and we will see you guys next Sunday,

Pure Estrogen: You're telling the truth. Hair is a personal choice.

I AM SHAN: To each it’s own. I’m not going back to relaxed hair. I love being natural!!

Mony E: Genetics and lifestyle plays a role, no 2 heads of hair are the same. We have to learn to embrace our hair for what it is and not compare it to youtubers with "perfect" hair.

Erica Clayton: So, I was natural for 8-10 years and I just cracked one day. I was over the washing, detangling and styling. I didn’t want to do it anymore. I permed it for about a year no regrets. It suited my needs at the time. Now I have sisterlocs ‍♀️

Evete Nagbe: I noticed that my hair grows faster when natural, anyone else?

D JN: I really really wished our community was more forgiving over how we choose to style our hair. We put so much judgement on each other and it’s just another tool that divides us. We should be free to explore with our hair, experiment with different styles, colors, lengths, and switch btwn relaxers and natural as much as we want without all of this heavy pressure. Jeez!

Jossette Monroe: I was natural for over ten years, way before it became a trend. My hair is super healthy and relaxed now and I'm happy af! Being natural was great but it was a lot of work (and expensive af). I have 3c/4a hair textures so I can only imagine how someone with 4c hair copes with ssk...my hair was waist length before I went natural and it was a struggle to get it back to that length after I big chopped...even after 10 years, I only managed mid-back length. In less than a year relaxed, I'm back to waist length. Enough said.

Joi Parker: I’m not gon lie I miss my relaxed hair ‍♀️ it was more easier to deal with and for me easy to keep healthy . But with my natural hair I love looking at my curls . I can definitely see why people would go back to relaxers . I’ve never bought this many hair products or spend this much time investing into my hair . In the end we live and learn and find so many different things to do with our hair ❤️

Irealla Real Life: Best thing I ever did was to grow my natural hair back out. I remember my hair being natural at the age of ten, shoulder length. My mother decided to relax my hair. As I became of age, I continue to let my hair stay relaxed. Just trying all types of styles. I have come full circle. I don't follow trends. I decided to go natural on my own. Chemical are very harmful to my health personally. I've learned what works for my natural hair. I love it. My hair is stronger, longer, and healthier.

Rachel D: Honestly, I just switched back to texlax. I feel like now that I’m more educated on my hair I know what to do to care for it. I also HATED the fairy knots that were eating up my natural ends. I’m happy to be back on the other side.

aurin: I've contemplated going back natural, time and time again. When I consider the maintenance and upkeep that it will cost me in order to achieve that defined "wash and go", detangling, the shrinkage, etc., I realize that I prefer my relaxed hair. I understand my relaxed hair and have managed to grow it very long and healthy. There is an overwhelming amount of natural hair representation on YT for each hair type, which is great for those who wish to remain natural. However, there isn't much representation on healthy relaxed hair on YT. It is important for black women to understand that their hair can flourish (period!) whether natural or relaxed. I'd also like to add that the majority of natural hair gurus on YT are literally getting paid to review products, showcase natural hairstyles, etc., so it behooves them to remain natural. Their hair is an essential part of their job/livelihood.

Csb1289: I think we as a whole just needed to learn how to properly take care of our hair before we continued doing what we wanted to do! Great video, we need some more realness in the black hair community!

SILKY MILKY: ✨I relaxed in April after 7 years. It literally answered all my hair prayers. Silky, shiny, bouncy & NO more detangling & losing perfectly good strands trying to fix fairy knots! We've accumulated enough knowledge from being natural‍ to now perfect our relaxed hair.‍♀️

Wild Flower: DID IT...DONE IT...I’M DONE!! I don’t EVER want to go back to a relaxer/perm again. If women are going back to relaxers then go for it. I’ve been natural for over 15 years and yes it’s had some major ups and downs...trying to figure out what the heck kind of hair I have (my mother always did my hair with grease and regular shampoo until my first perm and layered cut...she was very angry. My hair WAS super thick and down my back)...and what am I supposed to do with it to why doesn’t my hair like me. It was insane for a while but it was NEVER a trend for me. I can remember my last episode with my last perm to this day. Had been getting a perm from my stylist for years and when I get home my nape area was oozing puss. I had to call my dermatologist for an emergency visit. She said, “either you stop getting perms immediately or you’ll go bald permanently.” I stopped after that and when I had enough new growth I chopped off my permed ends. It was really scary thinking my husband wouldn’t like what I looked like. Thankfully I didn’t marry and shallow man...in fact he got upset with me for even thinking that way. I love my natural hair. Don’t get me wrong it drives me crazy at times BUT it’s all mine and it’s fabulous. I now actually have a Chébé powder routine. My children have never had perms and pray they never do. Me going natural encouraged some of my family members to do the same. No offense but some women just expect some type of greatness to happen overnight with their hair and they don’t have patience. They want hair down their backs immediately and it really takes lots of love...patience...a routine and understanding your own hair probably won’t look like the YouTube or Instagram person that seems to always have super perfect hair. I wish everyone the best with their hair journey whether natural or relaxed.

J R: Not sure if y'all said this but I also think it may have helped to see more relaxed youtubers with long hair. It seemed like there was a misconception that relaxers alone were the hindrance to growth but now it seems it was a lack of hair care. I didn't know much about hair care when I was relaxed especially in terms of moisturizing. I had a nice length relaxed, but my hair did grow it's longest length when I went natural. Now I feel if I would have applied the same hair care relaxed as I do now that I'm natural, I would have had better results. I can't see myself going back to relaxers, but for ladies who went natural primarily to get longer hair, they can probably see now that going natural wasn't a requirement

Shadz: I was natural for 6 years and I couldn’t bare the stress of wash days it was way to time consuming for me. I decided to go relaxed just before lockdown and it’s the best decision I made bare in mind I had so many people telling me not to relax as I am putting chemical in my hair and they would never do it and to just get a silk press. I didn’t care what they had to say as they don’t know the struggles I went through with my natural hair. I’m happy relaxed and I thank you both for putting out great content for us

Alexia: I was never relaxed, but I remember when relaxed women on YT started hoping and believing that their hair would be all one curl pattern type (3-type). Before YouTube, we had forums specific to nappy or very coily hair back in the early 2000s. I think YouTube set us a few steps back IMO.

Daphne McCoy: You hit it on the head. The magic never happened. Only frustration. I’m relaxed again and happier for it. Great vid girls! You’re both gorgeous and brave to tackle such a seemingly unnecessarily controversial topic.

Create Your Best Version: I have been natural since 2004 and you don’t know how many times I wanted to go back to a relaxer but glad I didn’t. The cost and the damage on my fine hair from the relaxers in the past stopped me but everyone do what’s best for you and your hair. Yes knots and tangles are quite common for natural gurrrls. You two look so beautiful Ps. You are right get to know your hair after 16 years I finally feel comfortable with my Natural hair ... it’s a journey for-real~ it takes time .

Valeria Stokes: Amazing that so many naturalists are wearing weave and wigs as "protective styles". Did not make any sense to me, particularly the amount of attention they had on making wigs and products to use. Seemed very contradictory to me.

Bianca Lord: # 3 my natural hair was shorter, drier, brittle, very fine and thin. I’m tender headed so combing was very painful. After 7 years of being an unsuccessful natural, I relaxed 1 year ago. Hair is now MBL semi straight, thick and beautiful

Christina Kristelova: I was one of the ones to believe that my hair would grow long and thrive by going natural. It has been nothing but the opposite. I've been natural for seven years with no success and continual breakage and I can honestly say I've tried everything to figure out my own hair by watching hundreds of videos and nothing has worked. I've contemplated going back to relaxers, but at the same time I am afraid I wouldn't be able to manage that either since I live in a country in Europe where it is not possible to get salon care for my hair texture and me doing my own relaxer would most likely be a disaster. So I definitely feel alone in this and lots of frustration! I admire that you both have managed to keep healthy relaxed hair and I enjoy watching your videos. It's a nice change from all the natural hair videos out there.

Dreamstar: Went back to relaxer last month and I’m so happy! I can feel my scalp, my hair is shiny and bouncy and I love the look. I’m enjoying my hair again!

Melissa Lona: I recently relaxed my hair and I'm so glad I did. Honestly going on a hair journey taught me a lot about my hair and how to care for it. So I have no regrets. It's straight yet still have texture. It has volume and body and most of all it's easy and convenient. And if I want a natural look, I can always throw on a wig. I think there are pros and cons to both but it's all about personal choice. I was natural for 5 years and I was just over it. I was so afraid I would regret relaxing it but I don't. For those that say relaxed hair is thin and limp, yes it would be if it's over processed and not properly cared for. But if you know how to care for your hair, you can have long, healthy relaxed hair with texture, lots of body, and omg the swing . At the end of the day, the goal should be HEALTHY HAIR.

Kat P: Y'all have never been salty!There was a false narrative about women with relaxed hair denying their heritage and longing/wanting to be white. I felt that this was so not right. I mean, Madame CJ Walker (Thank God!) found a way to make our hair more manageable. I never would accuse her of denying her ethnicity!! Evah! Love your channel!

Gina Lever: I wanted to quit relaxers for a while before the “movement,” but no one really thought I should or could. In 2014 I felt the support of the natural YouTube community and finally was able to commit! I would curl my hair every week and one day I said to myself, “Why am I spending time curling my hair when my hair is naturally curly? ” 7 years later……… I’M TIRED! Looking at y’all’s hair definitely tempts me to go back (you look so good), but I love my hair through the ups and downs. Keep doing you, everyone!

SunshineIzDivine: My sister is relaxed and I’m still natural but I cut my hair off for convenience. I think people gained a lot of knowledge from being natural and apply this knowledge to relaxing their hair. Do what works for you!

JMocha 74: Totally agree with you ladies! Learned the hard way when I went natural. Thought my hair was going to look like other Youtubers with the curls poppin NOT!! Didn't really have a curl pattern and had to detangle getting single strand knots out all the time no matter what products I used. I'm texlax now. My hair is more manageable and healthy since returning back to the creamy crack. Natural hair isn't for everybody lesson learned.

Lydia Dixon: To each of its own!!!! do what you like for your hair personally I don’t like relaxers I feel it’s more upkeep because when the hair is straight it’s more sensitive you just can’t do a whole lot when the hair is straight I’ve been natural for 7 years my hair is crazy but not matter how crazy my hair gets I would never go and “relax” my hair to make things easier for myself my hair is my hair and I’ve learned how to deal with my natural hair in my own way!!!!!! Great Video

Lilmisskandi: I am so glad that the relaxed hair community stayed strong during the natural hair nazis... It was just very judgmental and dismissive. I am in support of relaxed and natural but I choose to be relaxed.

Kanya Kali: It could just be me but like the smell of my hair after I wash it being natural. I dislike the burnt smell from curling irons and flat irons when relaxed. That was my experience. I think relaxed or natural it’ll still be beautiful! ✨

Dominique Reid: I was relaxed, did big chop in March so now I'm natural but I'm going back relaxed as soon as my hair grows out. This natural hair life ain't it.

Breaking Bad Goddess: I went natural back in 2011. This is after many decades of being relaxed. Honestly, my hair struggles when it was relaxed. It didn’t grow past a certain length and over the years it became increasingly thin. When I became natural by doing the big chop in 2011, I was sold on the idea that my hair will grow and grow and I will have hair like “MahoganyCurls” or “Naptural85”. Well, I struggled with my natural hair. It was healthier than relaxed but the natural hair community and the marketing of brands catered to looser curls. This particular hair type took over the natural hair community. The natural hair community which was started by unambiguous black women turned into something else. So, I agree with many of the points in your video. I know many have been disenchanted with the natural hair community. But, I am grateful for the good it did serve. I’m glad to see black women embrace their natural hair. My own personal hair journey eventually led me to getting locs. For me, it’s the final frontier. My hair is the healthiest it has ever been. It’s a lifestyle that works wonderfully for me and I’m on my way to having long luscious and healthy hair. I won’t tell anyone how they should wear their hair. I think black women should be able to live free and do what works for them. Our bodies are constantly under scrutiny and everyone feels entitled to tell black women what they should do with their own hair. There are so many options. The natural hair movement, with all its issues, did change the landscape of marketing. Their are more natural hair products on the shelves than there are relaxers. There are more black women wearing weaves and wigs than their are black women wearing their hair natural. I’m for the health of the hair. I’ve done wigs, I’ve done relaxers and I still consider myself natural but a loc natural. Black women have a lot of options. It all comes down to what works best for you.

mcoco143: You're seeing what you want to see. Relaxer sales are still down and dropping and research has shown that 73% of black women today are natural whether fully natural or styled with heat. Also you guys keep mentioning naturals that eventually go back to relaxer. I like to watch those videos too especially the older ones because when I watch their more recent videos they're usually back to natural again.

F.-J. J.: I quit relaxers because I had to. And ended up loving my natural hair. I have seborrheic dermatitis. At one point, after applying the relaxer, it started to burn the first minute of it and turned my whole head into an open wound. I just can't apply it anymore.

Estara's Web of Life and Death 🕸🌸: Honestly, I am so happy that I listen to my intuition.I knew it was a big ass trend.Makes me feel original for relaxing my hair for me.

Katbot: Love this video. I've been relaxed since my teen years and have enjoyed it. Yes they're problems but with any hairstyle there are issues. A lot of it is taking the time to listen to your hair, scalp, and diet. It's a hassle but so is everything else in life. I also get annoyed with people that shit on relaxed hair people, a lot of nasty things are said. Or when people say, "WHY DON'T YOU GO NATURAL!!!" Like let me just live my fucking life. And do what YOU want with YOUR OWN hair.

Torrita Uzor: For me, going natural had nothing to do with a "movement" or a "trend". If anything, I personally see relaxed hair as a trend since it's not natural. Sounds like my skin color is a trend because it's naturally made the way it is? But anywho, do what you want with your hair. There are pros and cons regardless. We all love the pros but feel offended when we hear cons. Why? Haven't a clue. When someone points out some cons, don't be offended. It's not bullying or mean, it's straight facts.

Kizzi: I love my natural hair. I have locs over a year now and I could say that it eliminated most of the issues yall have without chemically and thermally damaging my hair. Locs is a great route.

Candace Bacon: I actually enjoyed being relaxed and I enjoyed about being natural❤️ I hope y’all are doing well

Brittney: I went back to relaxer because of length. I wanted my hair to be longer but the longer I let it get the longer it took to detangle. Like almost an hr in the shower: detangling under a stream of water worked best. It was frustrating and I couldn’t let my hair go to my armpits. I had to keep cutting it to cut down on detangling time.

Artismylife26: As a natural, I personally think that it's not such a big deal. I love natural hair, but it's also interesting to see relaxed hair care and what it takes to maintain. Even though I became natural on a self-love journey, I love seeing women with gorgeous hair, whether in its natural state or it's being chemically treated. In fact, you two have beautiful tresses. I think the main issue is if the person has problems with natural hair overall or the health of their hair isn't that great when their relaxing it. As long as your taking the correct steps to healthy hair, regardless of how it's being treated, there should be no issues and no one should be being each other for how it's maintained either.

Demi: It's about scalp health, not the hair for me. After a while the chemicals on your scalp no matter how good you take of your hair takes a toll. You have to do what's best for you. A lot of women have hair thinning & alopecia due to relaxers &:heat, etc...just pay attention. I loved my permed hair & took great care of it was down to my waist, but my scalp was not having it anymore. So natural I am....it's work for sure, but my hair & scalp is so much healthier. It's also great to finally see after many years of relaxing, what God naturally blessed me with. Blessings

Mony E: Probably for convenience, whatever is best for the person and lifestyle is what they should go with.

Vlogger: Personally for me going natural has been the best decision I ever made. I have learned how to care for my hair and embrace it. Yes I will admit I do enjoy seeing other black woman having natural hair because I believe our hair is beautiful and the most unique. I feel so beautiful with my natural hair. Perms left MY hair thin and weak. Regardless if your natural or not we should support each other because everyone’s journey is different. My natural hair is thriving ! I love it

Tanya Thomas: I noticed my relaxed hair thinning when I turned 40. So I started transitioning at 43. I was nervous at first. But when I saw the lovely curls my scalp was capable of, I was convinced I made the right decision. Since I've gained a few inches, of course I think about relaxing it. But I don't because I love these curls.

Susie Atim: I had traction alopecia due to relaxer.my hair was thin and wasn't growing...ever since I returned natural...my hair is growing, it's thicker and it is very versatile. I don't think it's had to manage it's very simple.most women who have a hard time either don't want to take the time to understand their hair or haven't accepted their hair texture!!

Dimakatso Mushwane: I fell into that trend last year and relaxed my type 4 hair because I was frustrated. I regretted it within 6 months and had to big chop (again) because of the breakage and damage. I did everything I was supposed to do with it's up keep but it still wasn't nearly as healthy as my natural hair. I definitely had unrealistic expectations for my hair pre-relaxer, and I wasn't really trying to get to know it. Now my natural hair is thriving and I've got into a routine that doesn't center around "protective styles" that were detrimental to my hair's health (I learnt that from being relaxed). There are pros to both choices and I would never judge someone else for how they choose to wear their hair

Christine A: What's really funny is this is how naturals felt when they were ditching the creamy crack. We were being judged and ripped apart.It's sad that we cant all support each other in our decisions. Blessings stay healthy and safe.

Suzette Murray: I cut off my relaxed hair 3 weeks ago after being relaxed for 35 years. I was stretching my relaxers from 4-8 months and all was well until some of the relaxed hair just fell out at the back of my head ( I had 7 months new growth). It looked bad and felt bad so I decided to cut it all off. Now I'm natural but my intent is to go back to relaxer when my hair gets to the length I want.

Caramelcurly: I was natural 5 years and I just relaxed my 3c/4a hair. I started working out 5-6 days a week and going to clinicals for school I just did not have time to do my hair every day. I decided to go on and relax to make my life easier until I graduate then I may grow my hair back out‍♀️

TMPH: I big chopped and tried to go natural 3 times, but being natural was expensive and time consuming. I know myself, I'm not someone who is going to spend hours on a hair routine.

Tortor TorTor: This title has me DYING. I've NEVER wanted to be natural. It's beautiful and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. For me, it's just harder to maintain and it's not easy for me to style my natural hair, so I've always been a relaxed gal. At the end of the day, everyone should do what works for them. Black hair is beautiful PERIOD. #iloveusforreal

Tweezy B: I wear wigs and I’m natural and if I’m honest with myself it’s not for “style” or because it “looks cute”; it’s because I feel like I need to be “presentable” until my hair gets a certain length. It’s B.S to say it’s “protecting” my hair because I could wear a nice head scarf tied beautifully and get more protection. It’s because I know as a 4c natural until my hair gets a certain length it’s always going to look “messy” and unkempt to the majority of people and that’s ok. I’m not mad about it, it’s just how it is. But idc wigs are not good for you. Your hair needs to breathe. It needs vitamin D from the sun. I’m just too self conscious to go without them.

Raquel Marie Art: After getting discouraged by my family I got a secret relaxer in Feb. The only downside has been the quarantine. I’m stretching not sweating. No regrets

Curlyfrorae305: I just can't see how loving the hair growing out of your head could ever be over. Please don't use YouTube as your guide for your own personal hair choices. Whether natural or relax you know your own hair better than anyone.

Sade Anthony: Why I'm going back to relaxed december 2020. - fairy knots. - expensive. I buy a conditioner and can only use it twice -the longer it grows the more to maintain and the more to look after - my wigs don't look flat - I cannot access my scalp a lot of time. -dealing with scalp issues recently and products I'm using dry the ish out of hair - its longer but still looks short because of shrinkage. -time consuming

Pamela Taylor: I was natural before it was popular. Been natural for 20 years and love it! Have no desire to go back to relaxing. To each their own.

Lady Kiél Young: I needed this! I was thinking on going natural and just loc-ing my hair once I found my curl pattern again but I don’t know, I don’t mind my perm but there’s certain things that I miss about my natural hair. Like I loved wearing my hair blown out a lot and I’d usually love my big blow out puff and ya’know blowing your hair out with a perm isn’t the same, it’s not as puffy or voluminous as it would be without a perm and I’ve been following a ton of loc influencers with beautiful locs like Chloe x Halle and other loc pages, I want a hairstyle that I can be versatile with and still not have to over think about it and manage my hair too much because I understand that over management can cause hair damage and breakage

thatlovegirl12: I’ve been natural for 10 years and I’m thinking about going back to a relax. The pandemic has really made it uneasy to maintain my own hair. My hair is almost waist length and I normally go to a professional stylist however she has stopped taking appointments. My hair is thick and it grows out of control. It is too much hair to maintain on my own. I really miss having a relaxer and being able to wash and style my hair under 3 hours and having my straight hair last up to 3+ years...Also over the years natural hair has prevented me from working out at the gym or swimming. I do work out but I only wear braids or weaves. I dislike that I can’t wear my real hair because it will revert

nnplee: I love the versatility of wearing my hair in its natural state. I also like to flat iron it when I want to change it up. I agree with you that a lot of people don’t know their hair and don’t want to take the time to learn. They have to spend time and figure it out and as your hair grows it changes. When my hair was short, i had issues with fairy knots and it was harder to detangle. Ironically now that my hair is long, i don’t get fairy knots and it’s quicker to detangle.

spoiledsandi: Sometimes I miss it but then I remember my hair thinning out because of the two textures going at it because I was one of those “relax once a year girls and realized it was to much to go through when my natural hair would always make a comeback.

Niki Edmonds: I started transitioning a few years ago and just couldn't do it....I now get a relaxer twice per year and I could NOT care less what anybody thinks...i mostly wear twist styles and updos but my hair is the longest it's ever been and very thick and I love it which is ALL that matters

Danyelle Jones: I've been natural almost my whole life and never got the movement. Do what's best for you especially if you haven't seen your natural hair since you were a kid. I like short natural hair.

Pamela Taylor: I was natural before it was popular. Been natural for 20 years and love it! Have no desire to go back to relaxing. To each their own though.

Lee Lee: The most frustrating thing for me being natural is finding an amazing product and then a year or two later the company changes the formula and it doesn't work the same way anymore. I went through this with Shea Moisture and now Mane Choice. I'm at my breaking point.

dare2act: PREACH!! Thank you for posting this. There was a woman from my job attacked me for having relaxed hair then come to find out her hair was breaking because she constantly had braids in her hair and lost her baby hairs!! Screw the haters my hair my Choice

Angela Martin: I've been both natural and relaxed. I have shoulder problems so I keep my hair relaxed. It's hard brushing long hair with bad shoulders...Self hate is not the reason why people relax. I wish we could kill that myth. And natural hair don't automatically mean healthy hair, and relaxed hair can be healthy. I've been relaxed for years. Do all my own perms. Never had a problem...

Angela Brown: I did the transition thing for 2 yrs (2015-2017) and I notice that it wasn't for me and I was two trim appointments away from being natural. What I learned from it was that, I don't like long hair for myself (unless its in box braids), the cost was hurting my pockets, I felt like I was doing this be like my friends that were natural, and I looked a 17 year old, when I was really 30. The maintenance thing was just too much and I felt like there wasn't a lot of styles for me to try because it was at a awkward length for me. So I went back to relaxers and my short pixie cut, it just worked better for me and my hair was super healthy that way. There's no need to put heat on my hair with pixies, made me look age appropriate and it fit my face. Crazy part, natural friends felt the same way. At the end of the day, you have to do whats best for you, as long as its healthy. For relaxed hair ladies, please by all means when you are using chemicals, find a hair stylist, that is also a Trichologist (specialize in hair and scalp) if possible. So that way its done properly, unless you are that good and you know what your doing but I think it would help big time to prevent major issues you might have had in the past.

PS4L: I was seriously thinking about doing the BIG CHOP to go natural before I started to watch you two!! With the tips, products you were giving, it taught me a lot. I was having breakage and unhealthy hair. I got a pixie cut and started from there in 2018. I've always had longer hair but, as I got older, the growth slowed. Since stretching, moisturizing, protein treatment and a great hair regime( trying products to see what works, ) my hair is HEALTHY and past my shoulders(profile pic is older one. My hair is MUCH longer now)

Solmom03: While I’m never returning to relaxed I absolutely miss the convenience, ease and look of my relaxed hair. If I could straighten my hair without worrying about heat damage and it would last- I would do that more frequently-just for versatility. The knots are a big deal. But overall the not knowing how to take care of our hair in its born state is difficult and frustrating but freeing. You’re playing catch up to all the other cultures who don’t deal with this. And frankly it takes years or maybe a life time to understand. Not to mention the judgement real or perceived that you face from family, friends, co workers or the community at large...If you hair is the 4 mostly. Your -our- hair and it’s existence (bc it is an entity and an identity on its own) shouldn’t matter but it does and not just to us and that’s burdensome, exhausting yet exhilarating and liberating which can just be too much at times.

Tashron Tyson: When I had relaxed hair, my hair was very healthy because I took care of it. The last time I relaxed my hair was in 2013 and I let it grow out then cut in a few months after of that year. Then I cut all my hair off in 2017. I love my natural hair so no more relaxers for me. I have different curl patterns... 3b, 3c and 4a and I love all of it. I think good hair is healthy hair, whether relaxed or natural.

Alesia Nash: Thank you so much for this video. It was nice to hear someone saying to just do what's best for your hair. And to stop the bullying

Danielle Hughes: When I had relaxed hair my hair would knot and matt up like crazy when wet. It would be fine the first 3-4 washes but after that it would be a battle. Maybe I just wasn't good at managing my relaxed hair but now I've gone natural I don't have that problem at all. My natural hair is so much easier to manage and much more receptive to products. However having relaxed hair was great for styling, it was very easy to manage when dry.

Nomtha Gasela: In 2017,I also went natural,just because it was trending.after sometime, the maintenance got to me and I had to be honest with myself, I relaxed my hair after about 6 months,and now I know for sure..I LOVE RELAXED HAIR and I will keep it that way

Mintjade: My hair doesn’t do well with relaxers or any straightening treatment. But I’m watching you guys on Winsanity right now!! Had to double take hahah. Just watched one of your videos the first time the other day and recognized ya’ll when it came on

Dazzling Dimples: I'm one of them. I was natural for 6-7 or more years. My hair wasn't growing much and barely reached neck length. I was tired of buying products. I was tired of dealing with my natural hair before work, gym, swimming etc. I get up and go and don't want to deal with delays. I don't want to spend time on hair. I learned to do my own crochet braids and had been doing that for the past 2 years. I decided it's time for change and relaxed my hair February this year at home. Thanks to people like you on YouTube I now know how to take care of relaxed hair at home. I'm not going to a hairstylist. My hair is actually growing now and it's only 4 months!I'm happy I was natural for years because I learned so much that I now use the knowledge for my relaxed hair. Except for my relaxer I only use natural hair products for my hair maintenance. I like to keep things simple. I also noticed I use less products on my hair now that I'm relaxed. Then again I'm easily bored with hair. I even considered cutting my hair short pixie style. So who knows I might go back to natural in the future. For now I'm enjoying the versatility of my relaxed hair.

Domingo88: I hate to see naturals compare when they were relaxed and now being natural..they show the relaxed hair as being thin and damaged then the natural hair full and luscious. Dont blame relaxers for their negligence of not properly taking care of it.

D E E: I’ve already made my mind up . I’m going back relaxed and really it’s cause I’m very tender headed ,and it’s a pain to comb my hair.

JAlexis221: I had long pretty hair with a relaxer and took great care of my hair. I transitioned to natural and I realized I didn't need a relaxer to straighten my hair. I got my hair just as straight with the added bonus of more body. My hair does feel stronger as a straight natural and I don't have the same amount of breakage. I also like to have to option to wear my natural curls. Yes you can have pretty relaxed hair and I certainly did, but going natural took my hair to the next level and I personally wouldn't go back to relaxers.

Kimberly Facey: God bless you girls keep doing these videos. I’ve been relaxer shamed non stopped and this the first time I’ve heard someone speak about it thank you. Unless my hair is growing out out of your scalp which obviously it never will don’t disrespect my hair. THANK U!!! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with perming my hair it works for me and I don’t have to worry about tangles or pain from combing my hair when I was a child. I am happy. I don’t bash natural hairs don’t bash me.

Boss Lady: I have noticed that some naturals are going back to relaxers. I don't have anything against relaxers, it just isn't the healthiest choice for me personally. I learned throughout my hair journey, that some went natural because it was trending at the time, but we all know trends don't last. But there are those who have mastered the care of their hair (relaxed or natural). Once you are the master of your own hair you will stick to whatever works for you, no matter what you choose to do to your hair. Stay healthy and happy ladies and gents..

Gurlchyle! !!!: You can't take out fairy knots. Single strand knots are impossible to take out and when I was natural i would have one to four knots in one strand. I'm newly relaxed and I miss my natural hair but I don't miss the maintenance and constant clipping of my ends to remove the fairy knots. Yay me!

Carlos Urbina: As a hairstylist I prefer relaxer free hair. Why? I as a professional can play with it more. In my experience natural hair silks out much nicer and has more movement instead of just straight textured hair. However, blow drying might be a bit easier on relaxed hair. The only reason why I would suggest a relaxer is short hair, short hair will never hold a press. Extremely long natural hair will hold a press but the roots will always frizz. Just depends on the person. I personally wouldn’t mind getting one because my hair always frizzes up while straight; however my hair is too fine for any time of checmical so I work with my hair and not against it.

Gilmarlee Hernandez: I been natural for 6 + years it pretty much grows to a certain length and stops not what i expected in the beginning but im happy with my hair for the most part ive learned how to manage it and i wear braids or weave sometimes to give myself a breakkkk

Karabo Kobashe: In my experience the natural hair community has been toxic to a degree in the sense that loser curl patterns are glorified as opposed to loving all natural hair even coily hair. However, I do not regret going natural because I have learnt a lot about taking care of my hair. I also understand wanting to go back to relaxed hair because natural hair is EXPENSIVE y'all wow.

Sapphire Relaxed Hair: I know I've never listened to anyone when it came to my hair! I'm doing what works for me. I relaxed because my hair kept converting back from being press and I wanted straight hair my hair is 3b-c this is my reason. And why naturals are going back....maybe to start over. Thx God bless you

Ms Wonderfulgem: I love my natural 4A curls. What I noticed was my hair texture was the same permed or natural and grew s much as it sheds. I learned the issue was with my hair care, diet and exercise regiment. I need vitamin e, coconut, olive, avocado and jojoba oils and Shea Butter in a life in my hair care routine. Exercising and drinking water staying away from toxic people and media is important.

Baby Girl: I am natural but I have to be honest it’s not easy, a lot of my friends with natural relaxed their hair.

Mocha Mommy: I don't think I can go back to relaxed hair simply because of my scalp issues and my hair is thinner.  Being natural gives me volume I always wanted.  BUT I love April Sunny, Ulovemegz, and Styled by Casanova.  I can still learn something from women who made a different choice.

meow: after my big chop feb2019 im all natural and my hair is soooo thick and im at shoulder length now, I always feel tempted to relax again...but honestly you two got me interested in the Gina curl

A.L. Pink: I enjoyed the video, ladies. I did not realize so many people have decided to go back to relaxers. I am in love with my natural hair, so relaxing is not in the cards for me. However, I have nothing negative to say about those that choose to relax.

FBI: I was natural my whole life and my hair never grew past my collar bones. So I did a big chop and started relaxing my hair and it grows like crazy and feels better. Plus my hair is suoer thick and relaxing it is easier

ShanDomi: I am glad that I'm relaxed! I don't believe in listening to people that are natural what they say about your relaxed hair is not healthy, and it will grow a lot longer if you were natural. Because, I have a longtime girlfriend of mine that had extremely long hair reaching all of the way down to her ankles, and it was both relaxed and colored to a bright red!! So, I know that if she could do both relax and color her hair at the same time, and have ankle length hair I can too.

Google User: I luv my natural hair. Frankly relaxed hair always looks "dead" limp and without body ...even if it is long. My opinion...

brenda: This is really interesting! I did a big chop back in 2012 and it really wasn't a trend for me. I wanted to embraces my natural hair. But I have fallen hard for all the lies on Youtube. Hard! I've wasted so much money on products... Though I do not intend on ever relaxing my hair again I get the reasons why people are fed up. But I'm happier not visiting the hair salon every 8 weeks.

Ruth: I love natural hair it's something that God blessed me with if i get "tired" of it or wanna "dye my hair" I just get different colors of boxbraids like ombre! Its a tip because your hair will grow and stay healthy even if you're being lazy with it

Heyyybray: I’ll never go back to being relaxed. Best decision I ever made hair wise. Whenever I got a relaxer, I would always get scabs. The final straw was when I went to a jcpenny hair salon, (I was a teen and my mom made me go), stretched my hair for months so the lady got the strongest perm for my hair and tried to leave it on for a long ass time. It burned my hair and scalp so bad and my hair was completely limp after. Went natural after and no more burns or scabs lol but everyone should do what’s best for them.

muomo: I recently went natural mainly because of the pandemic and just cut the relaxed ends off a month ago. I had relaxed hair for over 20 of the 24 years I’ve been alive and just kept getting it done because it was all I knew. I don’t understand shaming people about getting relaxers. Honestly, if you’re someone who’s going to constantly straighten your hair anyway, I think it’d be a healthier option since you wouldn’t need nearly as much heat to keep it straight. I personally just got bored of always having straight hair and was curious because I’d never actually seen my own hair texture aside from like an inch of new growth. I never really had any bad experiences with the relaxers, aside from the one time a stylist didn’t rinse it out all the way and I ended up with a small bald spot in the back left side of my head, whoops

Brittany Denton: I went back relaxed after being natural for 7-8 years. I was relaxed previously starting at age 5. My hair likes to be straight, genetically it’s been proven. So I prefer relaxed. It just does better and I won’t be going back natural unless I do a short style.

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