Annoying Struggles Of Long Hair

  • Posted on 17 September, 2016
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Having long hair isn't as great as people make it seem :-\

On a scale of 1-10 how problematic was my intro?

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Yo, what's up that was really problematic and I'm sorry hey guys so today, I'm making this video for people who are contemplating growing out their hair. So if you didn't know having long hair is pretty great. First of all, you have more hairstyle options. It looks kind of different and it's just like kind of cool. If you're feeling kind of lazy, you can just wake up and just throw your hair in a bun and look like you just rolled out of bed and look kind of cute and stuff, and it's also good for making people question your gender just kidding. Well, another side that people don't tend to talk about too often is the god-awful things that happen. Once your hair grows past your shoulders and you're considered a person with long hair. So I guess this is also a video for people with long hair who want to come together and bond and rant about having long hair alright. So the first thing is the dreaded awkward stage. Everyone who has long hair had to go through this at some point. In their life, whether you're, a guy, a girl, a toddler, a hairless cap or something I don't know, you probably had to go through this at least once and to put it honestly and lightly it sucks ass. When I had to go through the awkward stage, my hair looked like trash every single day which didn't really help me at all, because my personality is also trash. But I mean people say that two negatives make a positive so and I'm definitely not saying that my hair looks like really nice now or whatever, but just like when it was in that awkward stage. It would look bad when it was down. It would look bad when I tried to tie it up because it wasn't long enough to tie into a bun or anything. So basically, what I did every single day is just wear a hat pretty much until it grew into like a semi okay length and also with the awkward stage you don't really know. If your hair is gon na, look really nice after you grow it out. So you're kind of, like I don't know, taking a chance to see if it look good or not, and then when your hair grows out and you can actually see the reality of what you look like with long hair you might be like this is awful. I'M going to burn this image and cut all my hair off and never speak of this again. So the second thing is washing your hair, which literally takes forever. I think the amount of time that I have spent washing and drying my hair is equivalent. I don't know like a month's worth of just sleeping and laying in my bed, which makes me so angry like tbh. If I have gotten that extra sleep, I would have been such a nicer and just better person in general. So when you have long hair, typically you're supposed to shampoo once and then you rinse it out and you shampoo again and then you condition, which is typically what most people do. I think, but in a way it is so much more than that, because, first of all, when you wet your hair and it's dirty your hair kind of mats up into this gross clump that is so hard to like get soaked in water. Basically, it goes like this, you wet your hair, you shampoo it and then you rinse and then you shampoo it again and then you rinse and you condition, and then you wait and then you rinse again that that seems that's a lot and if you don't know Anything about hair hair is kind of like a sponge, so this turns into like a pound of hair, and you know it's just like a lot of arm work and after you're done washing your hair and drying it. Your arms kind of feel like noodles, and it's like arm workout every single day, and this is one of the most annoying things that I can think of in life. But I guarantee you 99.9 % of the time you will run out of shampoo or conditioner, not and or never. At the same time, you will always run out of one or the other, and it's so weird, even if you try your best to even out the shampoo and conditioner so that they'll run out at the same time, it's like the. I don't know, hair washing gods. Come and like randomly squeeze the bottles, so it's like fu, you don't deserve to be happy, but then, during that 0.1 % of the time when you do run out of them at the same time, you will literally cry and be like hashtag. I have never been so blessed in my life. Thank you so much for this gift. Oh and your hair will probably clog your drain at some point. I don't know when, but it will. It will also be all over your shower and I literally mean all over. Like sometimes when I'm finished, showering and washing my hair hair will be like up where it were, it's like close to the roof and I'll be like I'm, not even that tall. How did this happen, which basically brings me to the next point which is shedding? So let me know if this sentence is relatable or not. I don't brush my hair every single day, but it looks like I do because my brush is disgusting, literally looks at brush and doesn't do anything about how dirty it is, but for real it looks like I brush my hair every five minutes and I don't even Know how there's hair still on my head, because there's so much hair in my brush? Do you guys want to see something really gross the floor in my room is all carpet, and basically I can just pick up any random spot on my carpet and I will pick up hair like watch the. I don't know what to do with this. Damn. What a hairy situation yeah! Basically, you will find hair everywhere in your food and your shoes and your pillows in your butt, literally I'm not even kidding. Personally, I don't really like to use hairspray or any other hair products other than dry shampoo. So I tend to have a lot of flyaway hairs, so every time I take a bite of food, I get a bunch of vitamin gross because hair doesn't taste good and I literally eat my hair every single bite I take and the next thing I'm going to Say is not even an exaggeration. The wind is literally the sworn enemy of people with long hair because after you finish, making your hair, nice and straight and smooth and like nice, looking the wind will come and it will snatch your hair they'll snatch. Your weave they'll snatch, your family you'll snatch everything and it will drag you through the dirt until you literally cannot be dragged anymore and then I'll drag you in the afterlife. Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by the wind aka, Regina George did. I also mention that your hair will basically get stuck in everything I mean just to name a few things. Your hair will probably get stuck in zippers, backpacks, chairs, seat belts, cake mixers, corn, drills and machines that rip your scalp off like the one and saw so this might just be something that happens to me, or it might happen to everyone, but hair is really good. At absorbing smells, I found if I go somewhere like a campfire or a bakery, and the air has a specific smell. I will come home and then my hair will smell like that smell, which can be a good thing, but also a bad thing. I really to go to Asian restaurants and Korean barbecues, and those places are really famous for having smells like everywhere all over the restaurant, and I'm just really paranoid that my hair will smell like that. When I leave you know, especially after I have just washed it, and I don't want my hair to smell like food and I want it to smell like I washed it so then, when I do go to those restaurants, I want to take my jacket and just Be like this and then like eat, my food is that relatable or not, and the last thing is basically that you just get kind of lazy after your hair reaches a certain length. You know you just get kind of lazy to do anything with it, because it just takes so much effort and also it's like: where did my hair ties? Go I literally had 50 and now they're all broken or I lost them all. It'S like. I said it takes a lot of effort for very little payoff if you suck and you're basic at doing hair. Like me, honestly, my specialties are hair down with like nothing done to it at all, a ponytail, a bun and also a slightly different version. But it's literally the exact same thing and the thing is with messy buns: only around 5 % of the population can actually roll out of bed and tie their hair in a messy bun and have it look nice - and I am NOT one of those people. If I do that, if I roll out of bed and just tie my hair up, I will look like I don't know a weird onion or something or like some kind of animal crawled into my head and just like made a little nest but anyways. I don't want to discourage you anymore from growing out your hair. Let me know if there's anything else, that sucks about having long hair in the comments, so that we can both be angry together and we can bond over how you truly angry we are, and if you want you can give this video a thumbs up and also Subscribe, I mean you don't have to, but I don't know I'd appreciate it. If you did, you can also follow me on social media. Basically, all my accounts are at a Bayesian and yeah. I hope you have a good one and I will see you in the next video bye.

AncientCock: One definite struggle for all guys who have long hair: "Why don't you have a hair cut?" I personally think it's quite rude to question someone's decision to grow your hair out, there's not even negative impact on anyone else. If the person asking is a female, I always wanted to reply, "Why don't you get pregnant, you might as well." See, it's rude, same thing with our decision to grow hair. (Please don't do this) Obviously I'm taking this over the top, but I think some people can relate to this if they have people constantly commenting that.

itsFisch: First night: Washes hair Second night: Ah, its not oily yet and I didn't sweat today, so no wash. Next morning: SO FREAKING OILY!

Ingólfr Ingólfsson: When you have thick and heavy hair and you try to put a few strands on one side, but it's so heavy that it just disobeys you and you can do nothing but look at it slowly falling over to the opposite side, and you have this feeling that if it could it would literally be laughing at you unashamedly... Also nice vid as usual!

Nick L: - jesus jokes - being mistaken as a girl from behind - girls who play with your hair literally play with it for a good 5 hours or so...

KUNAIASSASSIN: when your hair tickles the inside of your ear but you think its a bug so you smack yourself...or is that just me?*looks around* "guys?!"

Virus610: A lot of these drawbacks don't really seem like drawbacks to me. Free arm workout for washing my hair? Heck yeah Hair smells like smokey meat after KBBQ? I'm in heaven The things like shedding, hair getting stuck (In my glasses when I try to take them off, arg), are super minor compared to how great long hair looks. Totally worth it. And wind might tangle up and mess your hair, but you've got to admit that when it catches your hair just right, and it flows like a flag, that's pretty wicked.

Grobbekee: As a bi guy, I have to say I like your feminine look. I have long hair also, but I only wash once with a reduced amount of shampoo (full amount near ears) then rinse. No conditioner. It leaves my hair with a nice shine, but sometimes a bit of dog smell :). No problems with split ends anymore after I started doing it that way. My hair is super coarse, not fine like yours. I don't know if that makes it different.

Chloë xoxo: one thing i remember about having really long hair (like to my waist) was getting it caught/trapped in stuff. like car doors, articles of clothing, or chairs in school- when i didn't push my chair back far enough before standing my hair would get caught for a moment between my back and the back of the chair. maybe that's less to do with the length of my hair and more to do with me being a clumsy fuck idk.

jaymes leeder: Blow drying is literally a workout because it takes too much time and afterwards ur kind of sweaty

Cinder Roxy: I pulled a long hair out of my butt a couple hours ago, as a matter of fact. :)

Zehldah: When you're in bed sleeping (or trying to) and you roll over and your hair gets caught on your shoulder or back etc and pulls

kkmaree: I used to have hair to my mid-thighs, got fed up of it one day and chopped it all off into a pixie cut (seeing as it's super thick and there's so much of it and in australian summer it got super hot) It was instant regret But now it's waist length again and going strong!

flying zambie: you know what sucks? waking up in the morning, brushing your hair, then realizing that no matter how much you brush, your bangs will NEVER stay down. Giving up and taking a shower in the morning. And end up having wet hair every morning when you go out.

Nick J.: At one point, people started calling me Emo! Luckliy my hair grew longer and that stopped

Brandini: "In your...butt.." i thought i was the only one lol

niet actief.: I'm growing out my hair and it sucks that i have to wait for so long :'( and it seems no matter what "tricks" i use to protect my hair from split ends or "growing faster" nothing work T_T (oh or drink a lot of water ect.)

Arthur Da Nobrega: Relatable as f**k but having curly wavy hair is even worse. Brushing it everyday is a nightmare . I still love my hair tho

Looking For A Name: Getting multiple whipped cream pies thrown at my face at the beginning of a day of work in a day camp, not being able to get it all off of my hair with the barely-working sink they had there and then having to spend the day animating under the blazing summer heat while my head was smelling more and more like rotten cheese is probably my worst experience yet having long hair.

Mr. Devil: The intro made me piss my pants laughing. And your hair looks fucking amazing. Am I jealous? Yes. Yes I am. The hair thing and carpets is SOO true >:(

Nell: I had a long hair my entire life and after 15 years I decided to chop it all of and it was the best decision I've ever made.

Theresa Colberg: Youre attitude is fabulous. This is so relatable. Also it looks like we have different kinds of hair, but this might work for keeping your hair less gross in the long run. You can train your scalp to produce less oils by washing your hair less frequently (i.e. Only every other day or whatever. You can still shower of course, just use shower caps for your hair.) I hope this helps. I totally feel the hair struggles.

Gee CM: I often being addressed as Ma'am, then Sir. I am okay with it. For me it's funny making other people get confused of my gender.

a: My hair use to be down to my butt and it was nice, I cute it because I had damaged it by bleaching the bottom. It was a lot of weight taken off of my head and I never regretted it.

C. Camilo Bernal Alarcón: How do you deal with the headaches and the scalp being sore? My head hurts when I release my hair after being tied in a bun

Tomuch Pancakes: i hate absolutely hate when people criticize me for having long hair and feel like need to fucking call me a girl and it honestly bugs me on all levels

Joe Zuccardo: Edvasian your hair looks great take care of it I had my hair long for many years & i couldn't be without it you'll get use to how to take care of it when eating or wind is blowing using equipment were it could get in the way just tie it in a pony tail no problem. Hope this helps

Tuscani J: The heat was my most hated part of growing my hair, and I wanted to just go and get it cut so I wouldn't be so warm.

son Le: Hi Ed..I am growing my hair long like yours but shorter. I think long hair looks better on my face. What kind of shampoo and conditioner should I used for long hair?

Bearded Sifu: my hair is constantly tangled and i have no idea how to keep it so i can run my fingers through my hair with no problems cause of the tangles. i feel like i lost more hair then the average person with long hair i counted strands of hair loss after taking a shower one day it was over 190+. i have that lining and center on my head now where you can pretty much see my scalp

not the worst pls dont hate me: i just got my hair cut short like a year ago, and remembering all of these things makes me cry lol

The Man With No Name: I relate so much especially the brush thing and hair everywhere. Lol.

Me Austin: I grew my hair out like 2.5 years ago and I can relate to him and my hair is like 1.5 feet long

Knightgalia: wait your supposed to wash your hair TWICE?!?! I feel so dirty...

jemimi: Pfft imagine Ian Lee with long hair

I_KPOP_Fan: I had long hair most of my life….never ever have I shampooed twice and conditioned once. I’ve watched a lot of things that say shampooing is best left minimal, doing it only every few days with a bit of soap. Plus as someone who has hair that gets oily FAST, conditioner has never been my friend. It’s adding oil to oil. One thing you didn’t mention about long hair, maybe it hasn’t happened yet, is headaches. The weight pulling on your scalp actually can cause headaches. I got to the point about 5 years ago where I cut my hair to my ears, then a couple years later I started undercutting a lot of it. In February I had a girl; interrupted moment and shaved my head. My hair is in the bald to growth awkward stage. And still oily AF.

Serena: Don't shampoo twice! It'll make it too dry. That's just marketing BS. :)

Mie Mie: I know right???? Shampoo and conditioner are like salsa and chips. You just can't finish them both at the same time :(

Dylan Stevenson: 10/10 everything you said was completely accurate. Another annoying thing is if you grow your hair out for a while without getting it trimmed, the ends of your hair are so uneven and you cant go back to get it trimmed without cutting a bunch off to make the ends even again :(

いおり15: Yes #relatable My hair length is over my waist and it's really thick, so I feel overheat and I always tie my hair with different style :) Around the end of my hair is tangled, so it took me a lot of time to brush my hair My shampoo ran out easily :') so I have to use soap and try to untangle my hair a lot, somerimes when I go outside I forgot to buy shampoo Also, I don't like to go outside :') Outside where I live, the weather is really hot, but I was told/forced to go outside a lot by my parents But kinda a good thing about my hair, my hair changed colour when theres a really bright light, it changed to light brown, dark brown and greyish brown When I'm in a shade my hair colour is black My hair texture is soft so I get itchy or tickled Also when there is wind my hair get blowed and my hair got stuck easily in things, like zipper and chair.

Marc Villena: 6:30... I truly can relate... whenever someone is doing barbeque... and I pass through it... I love the smell of the smoke of the barbeque but not on my hair

Symbolic Meta: I have short hair but I can totally relate to the hair in your butt experience because my ex had long hair.... pulled so many long 3 foot hair strands out of my ass.....

logician mediator: you should upload more often! (because there so fun to watch)

Chuzzlepuff: Heya I'm a mechanic and i've had long long hair for an upwards of 8 years now. just wanted to throw in my 2 cents about how it hasn't gotten obliterated in my line of work and lifestyle... 1. I don't shower that much... well i do, like every 2 days, but i only wash my hair every 4 days or so, at the 3-4 day mark like clockwork it'l start getting itchy, thats when i shampoo and condition. the less you wash the healthier it will be...but you obviously have to balance that with odorXD 2. low ponytails have saved my life. i use drills and air tools and acetylene torches and all manner of things that are dangerous to a mane and i've never had a problem. i just tie it back into a low tight ponytail and it's like i don't even have long hair. if i need to be really cautious i'll throw on a hat. 3. on that note, i use hats sparingly. they can cause accelerated hair root damage and ebrasions and such. i'm not saying don't wear hats... just don't wear hats more than 50% of the time. 4. i sleep in a ponytail. works absolutely flawlessly every night. 5. I only comb my hair when i shower, specifically right before i shower. trying to comb wet hair causes LOTS of tension and can fray, rip out hair, ect. so i legit only comb my hair every 2 days and the comb gets through it easily almost every time. 6. leave that conditioner chill for a while! I learned this from my ex... your hair will be way healthier if you leave the conditioner in it for like 5 mins before rinsing it out. my shower routine is shampoo n rinse, apply conditioner with my head bowed so i can run my fingers through all the hair. then i just wash the rest of my body with the conditioner in before rinsing it out. 7. just because your growing your hair out doesn't mean you shouldn't cut it. if you leave hair uncut for too long itl develop split ends and be a monster to comb through. just go to a hairstylist and MAKE SURE THEY KNOW just to take a teensy bit off your ends for frays, they can also give you a tiny bit of layering to help with styling. Hope this helps! for the most part, you could get away with not doing anything and your hair will still grow. things like this will just make the process a little easier.

happymarkkj: sleeping, showers, Rollercoaster, the windows down. those always annoy me cause my hair gets everywhere.


Gab: So funny and relatable!! I live for the length of your hair on this vid!! Gahhhh

Andrew Carrillo: I just cut 14 inches off my hair, but I hated those moments when like no one tells you that you left hair out of your bun, or that half your bun fell out!

Karla Sanchez Oseguera Avalos: Amo tu cabello <3

danwilson12: In awkward stage. Shaved my head bald August of last year totally agree with the smells absorbing into hair when I go to Asian restaurants or greasy fast food places... makes me feel grossed out that people will smell food grease when they meet me... I'm totally crossing my fingers that it'll be worth it growing out my hair and looking good. Some friends say I look good with long hair, but I also get harassed by Asian family... boo

toastghost: I hat out when you put your hair into a ponytail to do exercise or something and after a few minutes it is already coming undone because of the weight of your hair. This is why I have to use 2 hair bands every time

MAIDEN B: I always end up getting tired in the middle of my hair washing. SoOOO annoying.

Helmi Caster: yasss i've run out of my conditioner for weeks now and whenever i'm in the toilet i tell myself that i need to buy a conditioner but at the end of the day i always forgets it.

T'was an old username and I'll change it soon.: You're a very beautiful man.

netherworlde: Ultra-specific memory from my childhood with long hair: Mom, who had short hair, always drove with the car windows down. She would suggest we go get ice cream. We get ice cream. I beg her to put the windows back up. Overruled. You can imagine the rest from there. And she wondered why I never wanted ice cream.

Ruthie Anderson: Sleeping with long hair is easier when you tie it down with a hair scarf or a satin or silk bonnet.

Jea-Seo: i thought it was just me who runs out of conditioner before shampoo....every single time and my hair gets stuck in car doors and windows

Gabrielle Lemieux: Dropping something then having to bend down and pick it up is hell! All my hair falls into my face and I can't see anything! Don't get me started on those chairs at school! Those chairs have ripped out more hair than I can imagine! ( ´Д`)y━・~~

Nier: I shed all the time there's usually hair on top of my dresser lol

Stef: "it'll snatch your weave, it will snatch your family and everything" lmaoooo

Rickus Kruger: Conditioner runs out first for me haha. Luckily I buy in bulk so its okay.

jelly g: I get so much acne from my hair and it's curly so I use a ton of products which causes more acne

fondue: Boy my hair grows fast yes, but I literally cut it a few months ago and it hasn’t grown more than 3 cm probably you have like double the size of my hair rn (even tho you’re rocking with your blue jungkook hair)

Ken: I literally never brush my hair anymore, curse my semi wavy hair.

sol araes: Literally.. this is my life in a video.

Marco Sotomayor: I bought a package of 30 hair ties... 1 week later, i have none... GOD DAMN IT!

kɑɾӀօ: Had long hair once and it was so uncomfortable

Parsa Khani: You forgot the most important thing about growing out your hair, you donate it to a cancer patient at the end :)

Ryuyi Calderone: am growing my hair for 9months now. I live in the Philippines and its hot here, good things I work in the hospital, and my workplace is airconditioned so I can just let my hair down without sweat. but I have to wash my hair after duty because it attracts/carries *deadly microbes from the hospital... urrrrgggg I'll still let my hair grow pass my shoulder or until the management decides to send me letter to cut my hair as per nurses uniform rules. lol #sucks

TANTHEDRUMMAN Hebert: Yeah. Pretty much it man lol!! It sucks having to wipe and clean up hair out of drains, tubs and sinks. It takes a few minutes. I wish they'd make a decent hair catcher that would actually work. And as far as the smell of your hair, it usually stays fresh for me for hours.

l47h4m_: See the thing is, I have an undercut with my long hair and people call me the Asian Skrillex lol

Rickus Kruger: Hair clogs my drain everyday hehe. Used to it now.

Durandal is Dendro Archon: Currently in the awkward stage. 7 months by the end of this month. I miss having long bangs before. Why did I cut it!? The bangs would of even out my hair and be really longer. It's look really trashy right now, especially the back! It so shaggy. Ed can you give me some information on how to maintain it or a possible video?

Spear of Trium: Every once in a while you have to visit your hair dresser and have your scalp massaged if you live in a hostel. I would have shared my picture too.

Paydon Blow: When your tying it up wrong and your arms ache after doing it so much

Silver87: my hair is around 9 months long so close, I hate tieing my hair every time I wash my face

Kyle the Son ov Baphomet: When you sit down and either your hair is so long, or the chairs back is so high that you’re hair gets caught between your back and the chair. So when you look down, you pull your own hair.

Rickus Kruger: When you walk at night and get a fright thinking its a bug, but its your hair.

Panda Asmr: Even with long hair and a high voice I still get asked if I am a girl

Cooper Ward: You should do another samurai inspired hairstyle video now that your hair is longer!

Im mortal: I really like man bun, but I think manbuns arent best for asians or for straight hairs. it may look ok, but not as good as when white or black men wear it. one is because asian skulls usually are flat back, two, because manbuns require alot of volume and texture wavy look, while straight hair is just so flat. three, manbun looks best when you have a prominent face features like strong cheek bones and jawline, while asians do usually have chubby face. and four, when others wear messy bun, it looks hot, but when asian attempt a messy bun, it turns out like a real mess. im asian anyway that grows also a manbun. haha

Rohit Dey: How to deal with people who keep touching your hair

Nier: I have long hair but I can't do buns or pretty braids. I can only do ponytails

rain3r: Lol I have waist length curly hair and like corkscrew curls and it cam take me anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours to wash it and brush it. Then I half to put product in it and and brush it again then style. I've clogged the drain twice in the past year and have hair on the walls ( I'm super gross and it is so hard to deal with for me)

Sakura Moon: Oh my gosh yes, i have rainbow pastel coloured hair and the thing about the carpet is so true! It's like noo please dont think im disgusting, i just dont want to vacuum my hair everyday! Because i think... "hmm, more hair is going to accumulate anyway... zzzz" :)

papabless: That little white thing in your hair is bothering me so much. Great vid though. Growing my hair out again!

art gat: all of the above plus some more if you have curly hair

Maxime R: Awesome video, I look forward to have a good length, I am only at 4 months..

sol araes: I feel ya my hair is below my hips~ it's reaaly similar to his..

Dylin W.: Oml you're the best

abigail♡: when it’s windy outside and your hair is all over the place

Let it Be: not just about hair care, I also need tips on how you take care of your face/skin

whichwitch: When you close the car door and you realize your hair is stuck in it.

just soft: Detangling takes so long and hurts so much. Shrinkage ;-; Staying up late twisting/braiding your only for the twist out/braid out to look like trash. Forgetting to tie it down at night and wake up with it matted to your head. People asking if it's your real hair or trying to touch it to see if it's soft (my hair is soft and I take much pride in it so sometimes I let people touch it but only a select few)

Eli: i just cut my hair to shouler length because it was so damaged aND I FEEL LIKE ITS STILL SO DAMAGED AND NOW I WANT TO CUT IT AGAIN BUT I'M ALSO REALLY FRUSTRATED??????? do you ever condition the hell out of your hair but it still is a mess i'm-

VeylmanTheRock: When showering your shed hair wiggles around your fingers and you hold your hand into the water but it won't come off.

IRENE MARLENE: Te amo y me encanto el video. 3 3 :D


رنيم Raneem: I am a girl I always cut my hair long hair is really annoying or I am just to lazy

Night_Sky_Queen: Lmao I find hair in my butt too

Tài Huỳnh: my hair always separate to 50/50 if i let it free T_T just because my hair not long enough T_T

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