Big, Heatless Curls | Long Hair | India Batson

  • Posted on 30 December, 2017
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous


Exact Curlformers kit I used in video:

Witch I Love your hair Spray:

Briogeo heat protectant:

⬇️⬇️My current 2017 favorite hair products ⬇️⬇️


Shampoo & Conditioner:

Hair mask:

Styling Product (HOLY GRAIL YALL lol):

Diffuser :

Oil for Shine:


Turbi Twist:

DevaCurl Starter Kit:

Shower cap:


☺️ MY FAVORITE ..........

Devotional book:

Phone case:



NON DRYING nude Liquid Lipstick:

Nespresso Capsule flavor:

Ring Light for Phone:

Amazon Prime (life changing) :

Music Player:




SNAP: india.batson

Business Inquiries ONLY: [email protected]


Canon 70D:

Sony A5100: (Vlogs only)

Editing software: Final cut Pro X

This video is not sponsored. Some links may be affiliate, all Amazon links and Rstyle links are Affiliate. Products are sent my way, but are only included in videos if I truly use them and love them. All opinions are entirely my own.

Hi guys welcome back to my channel. Thank you so much for watching today. I'M super excited we're gon na be testing out curl forwards, that's right! So these are the barrel curl farm sources. They give you those really pretty little loose barrel curls, and this is in the extra long hair version. It comes with 30 curlers and we gon na test this puppy out. I'M just super pumped. I don't know about you guys: let's go ahead and jump on in and test out these heatless curls, alright guys. So I have already washed my hair and I've already detangled it actually and it's really really wet on my roots. But it's kind of drying like at the ends, because that's what my hair is drier more dry, so I'm just going to use a little bit of this, which I love your hair magic mist. Oh, this is a new bottle, just re wet the front so that we have some nice witness. It'S sad to have your hair like completely wet, but I watched a lot of videos and they were saying that it works just as well for a was like moss. Like mostly damp so we're going to test that out, because I want to wear these out tonight as opposed to sleeping in them, so we're gon na test them out and if it doesn't work I'll, give them another fair shot another day and let them go overnight. But fingers crossed this works by the way this stuff is the bomb. This is the which I love your hair magic mist. It has like little crystal chips inside so that when you shake it, you hear that it shakes it up and it has like lavender oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil and you're, making black, castor oil, all really nice natural things, and it's just great for your hair, and I like to use it as like a refresher for a second and third day, hair, so highly recommend highly recommend and by the way this video is not sponsored. I'M testing it out for the very first time on camera, for you guys. So if I absolutely hate it I'll, let you know you guys see the results we'll know pretty quickly together if it's good, okay, okay, so jumping on in it comes with to a different bags of crow flowers. One bag is a plain purple: curlformer and the other bag has a white stripe like going throughout the crow former. It'S my understanding, um. This one turns another way than this one. So the curls go in the opposite direction, so you could have a little bit more of a natural look and alternate between the two, which i think is pretty pretty cool um. Alright, so we're gon na go ahead and section my hair off and just to clarify. I have never done this before in my life, so I'm probably going to mess up right here right now with you guys, but it's okay, cuz we'll learn together. Okay, so I've sectioned my hair off into it for even sections and I'm just going to Rio. It each piece right before I do it and detangle it once more. Like I said I already detangling it, but I'm just gon na brush through it quickly and then we're going to take the magical stick and okay, let's see what do you do? Oh okay, so you open it up where the rubber part is and slide it all the way through. Okay, so going up simple it off so far, we're gon na slide it through okay and then hook it onto your hair Hogan. I just got so nervous. Okay, now we're gon na hook it onto my hair, okay and then just release. How many India's does it take to figure what I think I'm doing it? Oh, my god wait. Am i doing it wrong shoot. I know I did it wrong. Okay, take two. Take two okay: I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, because it was very painful and I was just like what am i doing when I'm watching the videos look very simple, painless and great, and so what am I doing wrong? I finally figured it out the girls were twisting their hair at the base of their hair. First, for, like I don't know like just like half an inch of twisting and then they're putting this on the twisted part pulling the hair through, and then it just pulls through really easily pain-free like that didn't hurt literally at all. So what I was doing was just doing it on the regular hair, but you want to twist it. I don't know why it makes a difference. I don't really get it, but it really did make it really big different. So let me show you one more time. Alright, so you want to be sure that your hair is detangled feed your curlformer through take a piece of hair and just twist it at the base. So, there's about a fourth of an inch or half an inch of twisting put that so that it's open be sure that it's sideways feed it through and it just pulls right through very simple: I'm very paint free. So do I look like a crazy person? Yes, did I hear up in the beginning? Yes, but in the end you know take me five seconds to do like each of these, when I just like popping them on and popping them on. Yes, so I just feel like the learning curve of this was really high for me. Personally, I don't know why, but I struggled intensely, but once I figured out that twisting at first trick it was like a PC cake. So I really just think that these take a little bit time in practice, but hopefully, if you now try these, you want to know the twisting trick and you won't have to cry so I mean y'all. It'S it's 5:30, like this, isn't gon na be done in a couple hours. So honestly, I might just leave this on all night. So one thing I don't love about this and just like heavy, it is pulling my hair like it's pretty. These things are pretty heavy and I can't really see it's definitely fun. I mean I guess this is what I'd look like with short purple purple hair, it's exciting, so anyways, I'm gon na go make some dinner, spend some time with the family to have my boots. Take me out on a date no just kidding. I swear if this does not turn out well y'all. I would just be so disappointed and won't even be funny, because this was no joke. Okay, I'll see you guys in the morning all right gang, I'm looking a little Haggard, it's bad a couple hours later. Don'T ask me how I got the sweat shirt on over this head. Don'T don't ask me today is Friday December 29th. It is officially 1:00 a.m. and your girl is still working for you. I just finished editing the first half of this video, I'm gon na finish, editing the second half of this video tomorrow morning, so that this video will be up for you on Saturday. Let'S go ahead and do the grand reveal? Are we ready Mac? I'M sorry, my dog is coughing up a hairball like a cat it. This is what happens at 1:00 a.m. in my house shut the front door. What girl? Okay, I see you shoes. This is amazing. I hope they all look like that. Oh my gosh, I'm never gon na curl, my hair again, I'm just gon na use these holy frickin cow. Okay. I left these in for let's see I put these in at 5:30 and it's 1:00 a.m. now. So that's how long it's been okay, Wow and my hair feels so soft. Oh my gosh! This is amazing. Okay, let's go ahead and take the rest these backwards. No, oh boy! So this is what it looks like at this point. I'M going to go ahead and finger to tingle the curls so that they are elongated and stretched out and just made to look more natural. So what I decided to do is go to sleep with my hair down and just kind of let it stretch out overnight, because I don't like how short it made my hair up here. I guess because I had so much spring. I want it to be long. So I'm just gon na sleep on it and let it kind of stretch out overnight - and I will probably the one thing I'm already noticing - is that I guess like this separate the separation between the Carl former and my natural hair. You know you can see it. So I'm gon na have to straighten to like root a little bit which I'm not really a big fan of, but I know we'll see how it looks in the morning I mean it looks amazing, like the volume is great. The definition is Travis like I'm pumped, but we'll see how it looks in the morning after it's a little bit more stretched out and Miss a fad, all right, good night, officially good morning laws. It is the next day and yes, I'm still rockin the sweatshirt um by the way. This morning we hit 80,000 subscribers, I'm beyond excited next, stop 100,000, like would not be here without you guys so freaking pumped. I mean it's weird because I just sit in my room and I'm looking at these lights and this little camera microphone and y'all are behind it and it's amazing, so anyways I'm excited today, okay, so this is what my hair looks like the next day. Like I slept with it in a pineapple just like I normally would, and I then brushed it out, so it's not like it fell this much. It'S I seriously brushed its cuz. I want it to be longer, so I brushed it out so that I could get a little bit of my life back and I'm really pleased with that. I think really pretty, but just like right in here like in my roots, it's just so like textured. You can just see the wavy texture and I'm just not I'm not feeling it. So I am going to fix it with a straightener. Don'T kill me! I am going to use some protectant in my hair and I'm just going to do it just a tiny little bit just right here on my roots, I think I'm gon na chalk, this one up to user error and in the future I don't think I'll have To use a straightener at all, I think I just did it too far away like I wasn't starting them until like way down here, so I think you just think he is. It started as pasta, this close to your scalp, that's humanly possible, which I don't know why. But I'm just going to apply a little bit of this brioche EO blow-dry, protect it and heat protecting cream so that we do not harm her and literally I'm just gon na be getting like right here. But that's it just at the top and it's just gon na be quick. Don'T panic? Okay, don't panic! Okay, so this is the finished result. I'M personally really pleased with that. I think it looks really really pretty, and I'm just I'm very hot excited to know about this, because I don't think I'm ever gon na use my curling iron again and that's a really really huge for me because that's my weakness, my straightener isn't really my weakness. I'M not big on shortening my hair, but my curler. I just love this pretty, like polished, curl, look for like the holiday season, or I don't know like my birthday or special events like I don't know something about it. I just love it and I love it. So to be able to create this look and only have used heat on my like bangs, really my roots for like two seconds, like I'm stoked um, I'm really really excited, and I'm hoping is that the next time and the next time that I use these I'll Slowly, get better and better at it and I won't even have to use heat at all. So I think these are magic and I'm really excited, I love them and, of course, I'll link everything down below in the description box. So if you want to check out your very own curlformers set check that out in the description box and until next time I'll see you soon bye, guys

Sunshine and Rain: I love my curlformers!! My first time was tear worthy too but I have some tips, hopefully they'll help: 1. Twisting the hair before you hook it in helps get all your hair in the curl former, but the key to getting your hair in (especially for people with curlier hair) is to squeeze the top of the curl former so that it opens and makes a larger space for your hair to slide through. Also this allows you to get the curl former right up against your scalp and avoid the indent you had at the roots. This also makes them more uncomfortable to sleep with, to be honest, but they weren't comfortable in the first place lol. 2. I sleep on my stomach, with face resting on my arm to make it easier to sleep. It definitely helps but it's still not the best nights sleep. 3. When you take them out, again squeeze the top of the curl former to open it up and stretch the curl former so that it looks like a straight tube. That will reduce the friction (Ie. Frizz) when you take them out. 4. I use all of the solid formers on one side of my head and the stripped on the other side so that the curls can frame my face nicely. 5. If anyone wants the curls to last for multiple days, I use a leave-in and gel with these, seperate the curls, and they'll stay linger than my wash and go's. Great video India!!!

heyheyjrae: I toootally agree about reaching for the curling iron more than the straightener, everyone's always like why do you curl your hair if it's already curly I'm like there's a difference I swear!! definitely going to be trying the curlformers now!

Charity White: You’re personality is so adorable. I find myself smiling a lot and that’s always a good thing. I think the curls turned out very well!! YAY for no heat (well almost). Oh and congrats on 80,000!! You’re gonna get to 100,000 in no time I believe. xoxo

Megan Michelle: I am so happy to see your channel growing. I have been here since you had about 20,000 subscribers, and I came across your channel actually by one of your Christian videos. I have loved watching your journey and all the the success and growth you've had! ❤️

Cristin Live Acres: super cute love how the curls turned out, but also love your natural waves! Let us know how long it takes you to finish the process next the you use them

Asha Vere: I LOVE this look! Probably my favorite I've seen you do for your hair

Poppy: I have these extra long ones and they weren’t long enough, I had like 4-5inches hanging out at the ends tbh though they were the most uncomfortable thing to sleep on they pull my hair so much so I’d definitely suggest getting the heating hood and use a warm (not hot to protect your hair) setting to speed up the process :) but they do make super pretty curls and if you’re like me and burn yourself all the time this is a great way to do it :)

J Hernández: Congrats on 80k India ❤ my hair is so different from yours and I still watch all your videos because your energy brightens my day, such a quality channel too

Amy Payson: The look you had as you were pulling them down after removing the curlers is what my hair does naturally when it's long. I can't wait until it grows out again.

Theresa Mae Reiss: Great video. I have always wanted to try heat less curlers, I’ve never had any luck curling my hair with a curling iron they would never stayed curled for more than a couple hours. I will definitely have to try this!

Amelie: Woah that new intro!! I want to buy curl formers to help curl those annoying pieces that don't curl. Gorgeous as always, and here from snapchat :)

Alyssa Zak: I’ve always wanted to try these so thanks for being our Guinea pig! I’m definitely gonna get some. Love you and congrats on 80k! Happy new year!

Leyla Rustamova: 3:12 you could also brush each strand out with a denman brush or a fine tooth comb to smooth it out and distribute the product, the curls or waves will come out even juicier

Lily Shields: You should try Bantu knots. I have curly hair like yours and I did them last night, and in the morning when I took them out my hair looked BOMB! Love you!

A. C.: Congratulations on your channel being such a success! You deserve it! I love that girls can find a good Christian role model, with awesome wavy curls to boot, on the internet :) Next stop, 100,000

Tara Jenkins: I loved it both ways! I wanna try this, I love my curling iron too lol but what a great alternative!!!!

Sydney Kinney: i miss your old intro but the new intro is sooooo amazing india!! also i’ve been wondering if these work, thank you!

molly brudnak: Loooooove this tutorial!!!! ❤️

Magaly Degollado: I've finally found someone with my exact curl pattern! Yay!

Maddy Shevchuk: These look so so cool! Also I love the new video edits on your video girl! Love you!

Shrek's gf: Also congrats for 80k queen !! You deserve EVERY suscriber u get

naseebah: I love that mist it smells really good and makes my head feel better from a headache. I put it all over my body it’s really nice. ❤️

Patricia White: hii i always straighten my hair and thanks to ur videos i’m gonna try really hard not to!! tysmmm for inspiring me to embrace my hair

Char M: Love the results! Did you use all 30 curlers?

Madeline Daunt: I've tried curlformers a few times and they always leave my roots wonky :/ and the curls fall out by the end of the day and my hair gets really straight actually!

C Burg: I love your channel so much and your such an amazing pretty girl!!! Your hair is soo gorgeous and I always take away something from each of your videos!

Shreeya Pallavarapu: Hey!! Whenever I try to do stuff like this with wet or damp hair it gets really frizzy and you can’t see the curls at all. Do you have any advice as to what I should do to prevent it. Also... love you

Lenka Koláčková: Love you India ❤ thanks to you i embraced my naturally curly hair

Road to the Homestead: Try those pillow heatless curlers from shark tank next!! I love your videos even though my hair is straight as can be=)

Sinthuya Vigneswaran: Your facial reaction when u pulled out the first curl formers had me seriously lol ing!!!

Danielle: I think it looks great!! Were you using a styling product after you took the curlers out? Happy New Year xoxo

Megan Hodes: I can't wait to try these!!!

Caralee Hyatt: I love the end results of your hair!!

R Mash: Hey India! LOOOVEEEE this video! Just curious if you used any product besides the spray bottle in your hair before you put the purple things in?

Kathryn Evans: Hated my hair for the longest time until I was introduced to DevaCurl products and your videos. Thank you! Seriously want to check out the Curlformers kit now!

Mere: One of my favorite videos you have created. Did you update your lighting and camera? The quality is phenomenal!

Melinda Kisner: Love your videos!!! Question, did you need one or two of the curl formers sets?

Grace P: if anyone knows the answer to this, please respond; i started transitioning my hair about a year and a half ago, so how do i know when my hair will stop becoming more curly? like when it's at it's curliest and best natural texture?

Orian Jamieson: your hair looks bomb!!! can you try a twist out pleaseee?

Mary Rose San Pedro: I love it

Bailey Carmichael: You slay any hair style!!

fire and sugar: I have wave formers but I'll need to try these as well!

Amanda Wood: omg your hair is perfect!

Leah Stephens: Did you use any products to reduce frizz?

Christmary Naylor: Omg I so need to take time aside one weekend buy all this and try it. Hope it works cause this will be ideal for my wedding day in March. Or I think I’ll be needing your assistance India lol

Sky Sin: Omg it looks so so so PRETTY OMG

Bethany Riehl: Did you put any product in your hair before you put in the curl formers?

Andreea Orac: Yees my day just got better because you posteed yeeees i absolutely looove your channel and your personality your tips for curly hair have really helped me, you are amazing Thank you so so much

grasmere64: You are so friggin' perfect it hurts.

Whosoever: Twirl, then SIDEWAYS. it almost killed me the first time. Thanks for the tips.


Madison A: i have to try these!! Love your channel btw :)

Jennifer Wellman: Wow! Your hair turned out beautiful and your eyes are stunning. What kind of eyeshadow do you use?

Farwah Zaidi: Love the new intro!! Super cool

Imke Berg: Yeah! A new video!❤❤ Hope you had a great time with your loved ones!

thesavagery000 000: I can't get these to work for me so I'm glad you made a video about them!

Brooke Taylor: May have missed it... was your natural texture at the scalp? Love your curls. Love YOU!! God bless.

Lisandra: Hi India! I just started the curly girl method. Is it okay to use dry shampoo? Like Batiste? Im scared I won't be able to deal with the oiliness at first

William Cowan: India have you ever made flaxseed gel?

Ashley Powell: Has anyone ever told you that you look like Peyton from One Tree Hill? I’ve always thought that but most especially when you first take out the curlers. Love it India!

Erika Yera: Do you think this is better then the foam rollers?

Amber Van Meter: Congrats on 80k!

Dornelle Collie: I love your hair

April C.: You used a flat iron . You have wavy hair so you used those curl former things to get curlier hair? You look beautiful no matter what you do with your hair

Meagan Cecily: I still couldn’t see how you put your hair through But your curls came out cute!!

Tara Summers: You turned into Celia from Monsters, Inc! haha all the purple snakes for hair! Love it and you!

BeautyInk&BodyBliss: This is a bombshell look India

Sexicana G: I like it in the very beginning! No brush it

Stephany Hurtado: Para que se daña los rulos?

A.R.S.: Omg this makes you look like Katy Perry!♥️

dženi a: I was waiting for this from ur insta I HAVE TO TRU THIS lol❣️

Molly Bells: anyone else watching this with a head full of curl formers hoping for results like this??

E Franco: Great video

Emily Hamilton: Looks gorgeous. Were they comfortable to sleep in?

106andie: Can the long set work on mid length hair?

Mariposa Wings: Your hair looks beautiful but what's the point if youre going to stretch the hell out of them? I guess everyone has a preference. I actually thought you looked amazing even before you stretched them. I have these and I felt like the curl didnt last very long so I think I will put some product on afterwards.

Maricela Madrid: What size are curls?

Kim Holcomb: I thought it looked prettier when it had lots of volume and curls..

Jose Pena: If you don’t mind me asking where did you get the witchiloveyourhair mist

Roger Carrico: Hey India, luv u girl. Happy New Year!!

Nomi: It looks much nicer if you just part the curls

Rebekah Quick: I'm dead from this video. <3 <3

Andreea: you look like a freaking barbie doll :))

Zoe: India India hi!! Thanks for uploading

M Carrigan: Looking like medusa

Nicky Campbell: India looks like goldie locks

Juli Grlee: Wow

RealBeautiful Beauty: pretty, I just never have the patience to try them...

سبليمنال subliminale: What is the name of the program you are producing?

Shrek's gf: Love you!!!

DCo: Combing them out gives me anxiety

cathkails: I hate that you brushed it out. And then straightened your roots. I just feel like spritzing your hair with water would soften the transition and make it look more natural. And brushing it out made you look like a southern bell or pageant princess or something. I personally thought it looked cuter before you slept on it

Dee Luther: GreaT VideO aS alwayS Have a Wonderful Weekend

maurieo: Interesting


tardigradart: 8:43 classic Southern Belle

Kate Boonzaier: okay I NEED

tardigradart: serious Harley Quinn vibes

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