Needle Felt Doll Hair Styles - Dos & Dont'S

  • Posted on 18 March, 2020
  • Long Hair
  • By Anonymous

Needle felt doll hair styles with us today during our live needle felting tutorial on Wooly Wednesday! You can make lots of fun hairstyles for your dolls with wool and we will look at some basics that will help you create a variety of hairstyles. All supplies today are from

Felt with us!

our group:




MC-1 Goody Bag

Feeling Earthy Merino Top Studio Pack

African Safari NZ Studio Pack

Dyed Locks - Happy Spring Mix

CW-1 Core Wool

MC-1 Batting

NZ Corriedale Sliver

Merino Top

Merino Silk Blend

Earth Harmony Needle Felting Foam

Felting Needles

Needle Felting Waldorf Dolls Tutorial

How To Needle Felt Dolls Playlist

MC-1 Batting for Flesh or Skin Tones

Needle Felting a Doll Supply Pack

Santa Claus or Mrs Claus Supply Kit

Living Felt provides free quick and easy needle felting, wet felting and nuno felting tutorials because we love to help you felt cool things from wool. We offer these free online felting classes to teach and inspire everyone—even the beginner. Wool is used in most of our projects, and we have lots of tips and tricks to make felting fun and simple. Learn to felt with Marie Spaulding as she teaches felting and needle felting tutorials from the heart. She is the founder and head fairy at Living Felt. Felting art work, home decor, fun keepsakes, thoughtful gifts, treasures and wearables with you is one of Marie's greatest pleasures. She makes felting and needle felting friendlier than ever before. Since launching Living Felt in 2004, she has sparked enthusiasm for felting across the globe and inspired thousands of new friends to give felting a go in their crafting and artistic expression. Living Felt provides totally FREE quick and easy needle felting, felting, and wet felting and nuno felting tutorials every single week because we love to help you make cool things from wool! Follow along with these fun online classes to learn more about felt design and needle felting techniques. It’s inspiration for everyone—from beginners to advanced felters. To make felting and needle felting easier than ever before, we offer felting kits and supply lists, plus you can call us with any of your felting questions - we are happy to help! The wool fibers we share will make your felting projects easy and fun! We hope you enjoy our wet felting, needle felting and nuno felting tutorials. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single one!

#needlefelting #dolls

Hi everyone, I'm Kayla, hi, I'm Holly hi, I'm Marie hi, I'm Hannah hi, I'm Ann we're coming to you live from living felt because it's happy Wednesday, hey everybody wherever you are in the world happy Wednesday, even if you're watching on Thursday or Friday. This is a good time to get together and have some fun. Don'T you guys think oh yeah light is a little nutty right now and we know that for everybody and maybe if you're watching this two years from now - maybe not. But at this moment right now we are all in a very unique situation and we are just so happy to have this hour with you. Thank you for joining us. We'Re gon na have some fun today. So today we are a needle felting, dull hair and we're gon na look at a variety of styles. Before we jump into that, I want to tell you watch the whole show, because we always give away prizes at the end, and today is gon na, be very special, because we are going to give away prizes to people who leave comments watching the playback. So if you watch the playback after hours, you have until like Friday, around noon, ish our time central time to leave a comment down below and we're gon na draw two more names and give away two more prizes. Five prize show fun. You got ta watch the whole show. Otherwise you won't know the rule. Cuz, there's gon na be a rule buried in here somewhere. That works like it's dirty yo. Thank you for being here we're gon na, say hi to a few folks. You guys ready, yeah. Okay, everyone thank you so much for joining us today. So I am Marie. We are living felt based in Central Texas, USA, a beautiful part of the world. The blue bonnets are blooming. The sky is blue and gray. Today, some Sun, some rain. Wherever you are, we know that you are maybe hunkering down. I know in San Francisco, they started using the term shelter in place, but we decided it's a great day to start to craft in place or felt in place. So if you would like to join us in that doing, I know makers are going to make no matter where you are. So we want to encourage you to make where you are make some sunshine, where you are and you're absolutely the sunshine and someone's life and you're a sunshine in our life, and so we're happy to spend this time with you. I want to say hi to a few folks: Laurie in Ohio says that she's looking forward to the the wild hare, the wild hare made her day. If I could, this is like mini Tina right. I would rock this hairdo. If I could Connie swindle, says, she's made three dolls. So, what's really fun is in our group, which is living felt friends I'll just pop that up for you to see you can join our Facebook group. We ask you a few questions but share what you're doing so a lot of people. We started these little dolls last week and people have been posting them and some of I even decorated their dresses already. So these are my baldies we're gon na put some hair on these kids today and you can join our group and see what other people are doing so also hi to Christina and Poland. She said it's been a really long week and we know y'all. Everyone just needs to unplug everything else for a few moments and let's just craft some stuff together, so the fairies have some things to share with you, and we just thank you all for being here. So first up is ferry. Hannah, hello, everybody. How are y'all doing today, so I've got a fun little assortment here. This is gon na, be our MC one fiber, it's our signature, fiber! It'S a nice short staple length. Crimpy fiber works great for needle felting and wet felting in this pack. That you're looking at right now is gon na, be our MC one goodie pack, it's a regular goodie. We do have a fall themed one as well as a winter one available in the assortment of 12 colors, just a couple of different varieties for y'all to choose from all fun themes, so this packs gon na be really really great for almost any project. I can personally think of it's great if you're doing dolls for their clothing or for eye color, just anything that you just need a smidge of a color for the MC one goody is gon na, be excellent for any kind of project like that. So 12 total colors um a total of three ounces altogether of those colors there's those for y'all look at. Thank you so much up. Next, I think we've got miss ferry and and ferry Holly for y'all. Thank you, hi friends. Today we are showing some fibers. That would be great choices for needle felting, hair and bonus. These are both packs, so you can get all of these lovely colors in in one click right here. This is our feeling earthy merino top studio pack, this merino top is 19 and a half micron. So it's a very fine fiber, it's a very smooth fiber and would be perfect if you're having a great hair day. This is the fiber that I would use so n. I have the New Zealand Corey Adele African safari pack, and it's got a full range of colors that you can use for hair. You can also blend it with the merino top. This is a little bit coarser micron count 20. Was it 27? 27? 30? So it felts more readily, whereas the merino top can less readily okay less readily. I haven't done here yet, and here's just an example of the staple length of the different fiber. So we've got the Corey tail right here and the merino top right here, as you can see, the Cory Adele is a little bit longer and more wiry, whereas the merino top is a little shorter and smoother. Yes, you can absolutely blend both of these together to create your perfect hairdo. Very much, absolutely and miss Kayla is gon na, come on up and share something else, fun with us, hi everybody. I am showing off some some fun locks that we've got here. This is our sheepy spring locks and it's an ounce total per package, and it comes with all four of these pretty colors in here. Some of the colors can can vary from you know, yellow and orange to different shades of blue, green and pinky purple, and there all sorts of different lengths and locks in there all mixed up for for extra fun and I've also got a question for you. Folks. At home, what is a sheep's favorite instrument to play the tuba before I get kicked off? Can I give someone a shout-out yeah, I'd like to give a shout-out to Debra young? I spoke to her this morning all the way in the UK. Well, I personally wasn't in the UK but okay over the phone, and just thank you for being so sweet. It'S so crazy right now and just it really made my day to speak with you this morning. So thank you so much Deborah and Barry's awesome. So these are the gals that pack, your orders, write, love, notes on your invoices and answer the phone and answer your question. So we are here six days a week, we'll answer the phone as long as there's someone available and the line open, you can ask us for consults people. Will mail us pictures and tell us something they're trying to felt so that we can help match colors or help them choose fibres? And then, of course, we do things like this, so that we hope we can help you along on your felting journey, and today we are working on felt hair styles and I think it's really so fun to work with felt hair. When I first started, I mostly used yarn and locks and I still like both of those as options, but you can do a little more, even if you have merino top or New Zealand Coryell or some other kind of fiber. So I know people are going to ask me: can I make hair with this? Can I make hair with that? Can I make hair with this? Give it a go? Almost any kind of fiber you're gon na be able to make hair with we've looked at a lot of New Zealand Cory, Adelle and alpaca and merino in our recent tutorials, which I've had a lot of furry business in them, we've done some. We did the fur bits which were first samples and animals and today we're gon na look at hair styles. So I want to introduce you to a few of the characters that have come on the set with me today and look at the types of fiber that were used to make their hair and then we're just going to make some hairstyles together. It could happen that our show goes a little bit over today, we're totally down for that, and we just thank you all for being here, so keep your questions coming. Everyone is using the little chat window off to the side, you'll see if you're watching the playback. Also watch the chat because we post links to the items we're talking about there, but after after the show, once we get all done, then we'll populate the description down below with links to the products that were referring to and also links back to our site. So, just for a reference for everyone watching this is us. We are living felt calm. All of the supplies were sharing with you today come from us there. You can follow us on Facebook, which I shared already. That'S our group, and you can also follow us on Instagram. One of the things we like to do is promote your artwork, so our friends are always sharing pictures in our Facebook group and we will take those we'll share them on Instagram. We put them in our newsletter if you have an Instagram account, we'll link to you if we can find it, and we just love, sharing your art and sharing this time with you too. So thanks for being here, okay cool! So let's look at some hairstyles and I'm gon na turn down to the table here where everyone is hanging out with me, and I want to show you a few of the characters I bought and bought brought and tell you what's similar about their hair. So I showed this little girl to you last time. She'S got red, sheeps locs, and these are locks that are just off the sheep died and then applied to her hair. This little girl also has sheeps locks. I love her wild hair and I'm gon na clear. The deck here in a minute you'll be able to see everybody. This is my granny this. This would be me if my hair was curly. I would wear my hair up and curly like this, so this again is just sheeps locs. These are undyed and a couple of my friends here, like this guy naked guy, say everyone just me hashtag naked guy, if you all remember him, so he shows up from time to time he's never gotten any real hands or clothes or her feet. Naked guy likes to just make an appearance, but his beard and such - and I brought some very similar locks today to work with these are just locks right off the sheaf, and these are undyed. So if you can get locks and there's a whole variety of locks that you can choose from, if you can get locks, then do this always save some back for reference and just buy as much as you can of any locks that you like, because once a Sheep is gone, it's gone and you don't always get the same fibers off the same animal year after year, but applying locs is really fun and what you're going to find is that the way we apply, the fiber is the same: whether we're using sheep's locs merino Top new or New Zealand quarry Adel, it's very similar, and then, if we have time we'll look at how do we apply batting as hair? It takes a little bit longer. Beth in Bethany says: do the locs hold up well, if used - and I don't know what you mean by used like you know, if this thing gets roughed up a lot, then what will happen is the curl will break up, but these little dollies these little dollies Have been in and out of boxes, for I got the notice today on Facebook. It was four years ago that I went to the Waldorf school like today that I went to the Waldorf school and taught how to make these little dolls. So I think they've held up quite well as long as they're, not being pawed too much but they've been in and out of boxes, bins and bags. So, holding up pretty well so sheep's locks is one option I'll pack and then making your own locks is an option so I'll bring stash forward, and I'm going to show you a few, this crazy doll right here I made her locks and I'm going to show You how to do that today, so each of these little individual sprigs on her hair are locks that I made the same with stash my little friend here. This is the first large doll that I made his hair is locks that I made I made these locks from mc1 batting and the merino silk blend, which I'm going to share with you. So making the locks is the same. It'S just the thickness varies, and somebody else has locks that I made this little girl right here and this little girl. All of these individual hairs are locks that I have made using the fibers that I'm going to share with you today, so you can use locks off the sheep you can make. You know a thicker lock from whatever fiber you have. This is mc1 batting right here, and this is merino top and we're gon na give her a hairstyle. She'S just got Bed Head right or you can apply the fiber in a more organized fashion like make a hairstyle like making braids or making the diminutive bun, which is like my style. I always bun it just bun it and tie it up without making locks. You can just apply the fiber and style a hairdo if you want okay, so we're gon na look at a few of those here today, okay cool, so let me see I'm gon na see if there's some questions popping out before I get started. I don't see anything yet coming in and I'm going to kind of clear my decks a little bit, so we can look at just how to apply hair on your doll in the first place and then how we can make a hairstyle with it. So if you're ready give us a hashtag, I'm ready and we're so glad to have you here today. Thank you, everybody cool! Are we good okay? So I'm going to do a little overhead here? Where is, I feel like I'm looking at? Not what I'm seeing? I don't understand, let me go. I have a dead camera, so y'all, my overhead camera is frozen. So how do you like that? For that? So that means we're gon na have to work just like this right here, because we can't we. Actually. I don't know that we can reset that camera while we're alive, but we're gon na give it a shot and see what you can get that going and if not, then we're just gon na work straight ahead. So I apologize for that technical difficulty and if you would just give us a second, this is ly what you know. What can you do and eyedrops give me a second here and we'll see if we can get this camera reset? We don't know. Okay, thanks for your patience, everybody, I'm not. I can't see your comments coming by, but okay, so an I mean you're gon na have to drive a little bit for me, so I'm gon na have you zoom in on this camera right here. If you can using the rocker sorry y'all are low tech. Our low tech of methodology here just come in a little bit for me. If you would in there you go a little bit more one more! That'S good! Okay, we'll go right there! Thank you! Okay, y'all! So I'm sorry, I doesn't look like I can get the overhead camera back on without restarting the whole show, and I'd probably rather not do that. So we're gon na try and work up and I will employ so. I'Ve got a head here, and this is a head that I made in a in another tutorial for those of you who don't know, we have a full series of doll, tutorials online on our YouTube channel and this head and similar, and some of my other dolls Are based on those same methodologies, so I'm just gon na put my head in a cup so that he'll stand up and we can see him and I can kind of show you how to apply those fibers. Let'S see here, and the only other thing I can do is try and get this camera back on. It would be nice if we could. I just don't want to kill the whole show. Okay, when you're applying fibers, whether you're, applying a lock or you're, applying a lock that you've made or whether you're just applying loose fiber. But one thing I want to encourage you. Let'S say what not to do. First, what not to do is to apply hair across the head and needle felt it in the middle and expect it to look good. It'S gon na look like you put hair across the middle. You felt it in the middle and it won't look very natural. So what you want to do is treat it like your own hair and put the part where you want. So just for the sake of argument, what you would do is apply smaller amounts of fiber. Whatever is going to be meaningful for the doll you're making and we are going to fold your lock in half like you would expect, but I'm gon na say give this guy a part in the middle he'll, be kind of weird for sure. But I'm gon na give him say a part: let's give them apart a little to the side. So let me see where that is we'll give them a side part, and we can always trim it. If we want so right in the middle of the lock is where you're going to needle felt just like that, and then you will fold it over and so for some of you. This is going to remind you of exactly how we did our furry critters, our bunnies and such like that, and so we needle felt right in the middle of the lock there, and I do want to see here - I'm gon na. I think I'm at in a minute I'm gon na give it a go and see if we're able to get our camera back online. I'M sorry that we have to bear through this way, so needle fo get in the middle and fold it over. Now you can, even with a lighter needle, is needle felt that little top right there. You don't need to glue it or anything. I am anchoring this in with our blue 32 triangle, needle which is very coarse and the hair the head is fairly firm. It'S not rock hard, but it's strong enough that it will hold. Now. You shouldn't be walking around carrying your dolls by the hair on their head, but it should be anchored in there enough that it will hold and if you fold it over. So, let's give him a part of hair going this way. So now we're gon na take the hair from this side and just meet it right there, where that part is, and so I'm gon na put them right next to each other and needle felt right in there can y'all see okay for the moment. How are we doing? Thank you so much. You just corrected a mistake. I'Ve been making okay, so I'm going to need up up that one right there and I'm gon na put another one in here. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I just frame the face. First, how I want and then I'll meet up from meat/meat. That up, I mean sometimes it's easier to see the personality of your doll like if you do the eyes first, and sometimes it's easier to see that you know what you're kind of going for. If you, you know, start framing the face first and then you can meet in the middle, so I'm gon na try and see what you oh, I see now this guy's kind of groovy. I, like him, he's very 70s okay, so you see how all this part under here is naked, but you can start to get an idea of what that hair is gon na look like if you just kind of frame the face, and you only need to fill In as much as you need to fill in, you don't need to, you know, fill in every bit with hair and give them super poofy hair like this lady here and I'm gon na, show you how we got to this. But this is the first thing is: don't strap the head across the hair across the head and stretch it instead pick your part and anchor the fibers in so that you decide where that's gon na go yeah. He looks like the used car salesman kind of of the 70s or I don't know the lady who lives next door to me, one or the other. So you would keep filling in the hair as much as you want for whatever level of thickness you're going for. So in in this case, I'm gon na pause on him, because I don't want to do a whole hairdo of this guy. But let's look at the here: I'm just applying the locks as they come. You know right off of the in this case. This is Marino. Top sliver, but if you want to make hair like this, then you're going to I'll use an extra piece of foam to show you pull off the locks that you want and you can blend colors or whatever. You want pull off the locks that you want and make your own flops. You can do this on your blue jeans. You can do this with different fibers. I'Ve done it with you, Zealand for Adela merino top. You can blend the two together. So if you want the hair to have a little more sustaining power and not matte so easily, then go for a course or fiber like New Zealand Cory, Vale use that by itself or blend it in with the merino top. So you can make little locks and you don't even have to wet them. You can wet them if you want to make them into dreadlocks if you want to make them like really really durable, but her hair is a hundred percent merino top locks and I'm going to try and show you how they're applied, even though we don't have that Camera and it's just been blended in two colors and this little girl, her hair is our MC one batting made into the same types of locks. So just may they're almost like little cornrows. You know what I mean, but that you're making them in out your like. Pre felting, if you will the fiber to make it into something that has a little more structure and a little more staying power than if you just apply the loose fiber by itself. Okay, that is this right here. So this this little girl is MC. One style hair - I don't know I wanted to see if I can add this camera, I'm gon na give it a go. Y'All see if we can get this camera back on line nope. Sorry, I can't do it. Okay, yes, so this is MC one. So you can do the same thing, just pull off a long strip and then roll it on your foam or your denim. You know your jeans or whatever and create the same, create the same thing. Yes, you can okay, so I don't know how I'm gon na do this we're gon na wing it I mean it's funny that we haven't had a technical issue yet and everything's been going fine, but meaning with our our set up. But for whatever reason we have a camera out today, we're just going to wing it. I want to show you how to apply like a hair style or something with Marino top, and I have a little braid started right here. If you can see that make a little braid for a dolly, so I'm gon na put one on a doll similar to this little girl that we have right here. So she needs some base hair on the crown of her head, and then we want to put in braids just to give it a little more style and that could also be a ponytail. You know you can make some fun princess hairstyles with this same idea. So to create the braid, what I do is I'm going to take a long strand, and this is the spiced merino silk blend, I'm going to take a strand, and you know the the staple length of the fiber is only about this long. It'S short, but just pull off a long strip and you know don't make it overly thick grab the end and twist it and then tie it into a knot. Okay, I'm going to tie that into a knot and pull that tight. Oh, I can't believe I just did that I'm going to tie it into a knot. Let'S see, I need to grab a new length. Hereis wait for me. Sorry, oh okay! So I'm gon na pull off a long length here. Sorry about that, I don't want it to be too too thick tie this end into a knot and don't pull on it super hard like I did I'm working awkward because I'm working in this new angle, okay, you just want a knot to hold that length in Place see if I can move up a little bit closer for you, you want to hold that in place and then you're going to braid it from here up. This is the part that's going to attach to the head, and this is the part that's going to hang down. Obviously so then, when you braid it you'll just braid it up, but now I'm going to look for some of your questions here and thank you all for your patience as we work through our technical challenges today. What are some of the questions that are coming up? Relative to what we're doing right here and no don't wet felt that on your dolls head you'll, be sorry, okay, so I'm gon na quick braid! This y'all know how to braid one in the middle one over here. I'M gon na braid this and it's gon na read me a couple of y'all's questions, because I can't braid at that funky ankle angle. So read me: some read me some questions and let me know what you're thinking now we'll meet quick-tip this little end where you've tied the knot anchor it down with your felting needle. So it stays in place. So I'm gon na braid and tell me what you want to know. Apps are just little tiny, beady things so I mean I can see, maybe where it might make sense, but I would probably work it into some other fibers cuz naps are just little like pills. You know little teeny, tiny things, I'm not sure yeah I mean I would maybe work him in with some other fiber. If you want him to look lumpy and funky like that, how durable are the different hands different hair styles? Is there one that if the dolls gon na be handled a bunch, then I would use New Zealand, Cordy, Dale or MC one batting so hair close to the head? Someone asked me: have I ever done rodney jeans head? No, I haven't, but he used to have a flattop, so that's as close as you're gon na get so this guy is MC, one batting just styled into a flattop and that holds up really well and the New Zealand New Zealand Cory. Odell holds up really well. As do just regular locks, if they're not going to be pawed and they're, not overly long, those all hold up well, the merino top is the one that you're gon na have the most breakdown of so meaning it's just so fine that it tends to. You know get matted up, okay, so, let's get one of my little. I think it was going to be this. This little girl here that I was going to put the the dark braids on and they're gon na, be really really long. You can do all kinds of fun stuff with that, but remember how we just parted the hair in the middle there. Well, when your hair is, you know, braided up, it's also kind of parted up the back, so what you can do is take these little bits. Little tiny bits because we want to pull like if her hair's going to be braided and hang down to here, then we want to pull the hair so that it looks like it's coming to here. So the first thing we can do is maybe frame the face. Just a little bit so I'll take a tiny piece and I'm gon na apply it right where you think we would put it so, let's part it right in the middle there and we'll part it in the middle and we'll pull it to each side, and I'm So sorry y'all, but I can't get you a zoom up on this overhead. It'S kind of breaking my heart a little bit yeah. I mean it's. It'S really up to you. I'Ve kind of done a cursory braid here, but I would say you know braid it braid. It to stay, if you know, but if it's gon na be sitting on a shelf, then you can braid it a little more loosely. So I've given her. You know the start of her part there and let's go to the other side, and so just like we did on mr. Mann. We start right in the middle and I'm using in this case, like a 38 star to anchor it into her head, and we can always go back and add some little tendrils. If you want, you could leave some, you know you can leave some bits loose like she would look cute with. You know some loose and her braids coming up too or you can just pull him down to where the braids will be. Now we have to do the same thing in the back, so in the back you want her hair to go towards the braids, so I'm going to apply it. Following my same apart, I'm going to put the fiber there and we're going to scoop it around to where the braids will be applied. Now you, like, I said you can do this with a ponytail. You can do this with all kinds of little princess hairstyles. You know where you're, making a bun or something like that it helps to cover their crown first and then add the other elements on. But do your do your parts in your swoops so that the fiber isn't just stretched across the back of the doll's head? You guys are all so patient, I'm so sorry to not make this like the bomb. This was you know, we've been waiting all week for it, and I wanted to be able to really show you up close strange that our our camera decided not to work, but I think we're gon na have to learn to be a bit flexible over the next Few months, and so we'll just start that off right now, learning to do the best, with what we've got and to make the most of our situations together, and I'm just glad to be here with y'all hanging out for a little bit. Okay, so we're getting a little bit closer. I think she looks cute already with that. Funky short hair. If it wasn't for Rodney G and I would have funky short hair just for you, Rodney gene, he knows it's. The only reason why my hair is long. Ish is for sweet, Rodney team and for those of you who don't know if this is your first time joining us, say hash tag, I'm new down below, so everyone can welcome. You Rodney genus, my beautiful husband for he's just a big part of living felt here. Even though you don't really see him on camera, he's just a huge part of what makes all of this happen every single day in more ways than I can even tell you, okay, so I'm not doing anything mysterious back here, just what I've showed you, so I'm Anchoring the hair in the back of the doll, I'm gon na split it off to the side, so we can split it off to where her braids come in now, with these braids there's a couple of routes you can take, you could take this big loose loose And that's going to be here and you could anchor this. You know to the head and anchor like these loose parts right on top. You can also cut them and trim them. So here's what I'm going to do. The first thing is: I want these braids to be ridiculously long, because I think that's fun, I'm going to bring them all together here, but then I'm going to pull off this excess a little bit of the excess, because I don't want too much on there and Then you can also trim it if you want so with this little girl, her hair looks all funky. We can pull these down to where her braids are going to be, and I can apply this right on top and bring it all together or I can cut this. So I'm gon na trim a little bit off because it's a little more than I want and I'm gon na fluff that out and we can - you can sneak it under or on top I'm gon na put it right on top we're gon na work in between What we have already so let me see if I can show you this, just as we were folding the locks before I want to decide where I want this braid to come in. Let me get my. Let me get my bearings before I show you. I thought I was going to be able to work normal, okay, here's what I'm gon na! Do. I'M gon na pull this hair on her head back up and I'm an anchor these fibers in underneath the hair that we've already placed. So I'm going to turn them under, like you would expect, and I'm gon na needle felt this onto her head. So I'm going to show you, let me get it on there. Okay, I am needle felting right in here and anchoring this to her head a few different ways. You can go about this so find your way, and you can put these on before you put the top hair on too, and now I'm going to take everything, that's underneath there and I'm just going to needle felt it right to her head. So I'm going to pull that braid back down and her hair back down as well. Let'S see here and I'm gon na start to sculpt this to her head. You can needle felt right on top of the hair that you've already applied and start to style it, and you can always go back and add little pieces, so I'm gon na needle felt right on her crown and work the way down and anchor that. So it's a little more styled and this stuff around her face. You can start to frame okay, so she has kind of one of those punky cuts, as opposed to this girl like this girl's hair is all scooped around the back, but I want this girl to have more like a punky cut, a little more like Grace. Vanderwall might wear her hair to be all this love, grace Vanderwall or what she's pretty inspiring young lady. That'S for sure. Anyone who knows her love her music, okay, yeah! That'S what I said you can do it first or not, but in this case I wanted to kind of make that hairstyle a little more punky and for me sometimes I just go about things that might seem a little backwards. It'S just kind of my way. I'M a little different so for everyone, who's different hashtag, I'm different. I don't always take the most straight approach and it's just the way I kind of vision as I work, and I wanted to see this a little more punky. So there again, I am folding it over. It just gives you a little more volume when you fold it over and you don't have to do that, but it also allows you can needle felt on the under side. And then, when you fold it back over you needle felt on the top side, and it gives you like a double anchor. So first, i'm needle felting that down and then i fold the braid over and then we're going to needle felt right there. Just like we did with our little fur critters, so it's okay! If you have bare spots in your style and then you can cover it up with the rest and needle felt all this down so again, she's kind of punky and funky, which is what I wanted, and I'm just gon na style this in the back a little Bit just by poking it in place now you can like I said you can make it tidy. It doesn't have to be funky like this, but you can also get the braids on your doll and you could then you know style it up and twist it around a little more like the princess hairstyle. So once you get either pigtails or braids in place, then you could wrap them around and style them up a little more like no just that just keeps coming to me like little princess, hairstyles, wrap them up and style them around. You could also give her a little tie or a ribbon around around her hair. You know make her a little more. I don't know hippie natural crunchy, whatever I just want her to be a little bit punky, so you can apply long hair in that same way or the braids or the ponytails. So let's look at something else. What'S a question I should answer before we jump. Someone asks: is there a set of needles? We recommend you know we have a super bright and I didn't see the name on that. It'S hard. I can't quite see that far we have a super variety pack which has a 3-pack of every size of needles that we make, and I like that pack because I use them, use the variety I don't use. The reverse a whole whole lot, but I would suggest you get that because it's a good discount, it's a good price when you get the whole pack and if you don't want to go that far, then definitely I would 32:36 a 38 star or spiral and a 42 triangle like at minimum, I would have all those sizes myself. Okay, I want to show you something just a little bit different with this cute little dolly here. I was gon na make her with pants, but I just fell in love with this blue dress. I want to add, like some white flowers to it, because it's so extreme, but something else you can try besides the merino top or the New Zealand quarry Adele might be like viscose. Now viscose is a you know. It'S a it's made originally from tree tree pulp paper pulp, but it is it's very, very processed fiber. It looks a lot like silk or bamboo, but it's a lot less expensive and it is very, very delicate. So it's not like you. If you make a doll with this, you can't give it a lot of action. It'S got to be very, very delicate, but I just loved. This is our mist, which is this really nice light silver, and I thought it would look so pretty for, like super long hair on a really I don't know, magical little doll. So what I'm gon na do is just what you would expect, but you don't have to double things in half you can double them partial and that partial can give you just a little bit of volume underneath. So I'm going to turn her towards me just so. I can see her and I'm gon na do not quite I'm not going to do a center part. So let me get it anchored on here and I'll. Show you what I mean and you'll ask some questions. You shouldn't see the skin color in the part you you probably if you know, even if you have a space between your fibers, you won't see a skin color in the part, once your hairs all lay down, you can sculpt it I mean you could, if you Want to, but you probably don't need to okay, so look. This is how people often apply hair right. It'S just stretched over and they needle felt right there. But if you do this, so you needle felt in the middle and then you fold that over you're going to get some nice little volume in that hair and then you can sculpt it and shape it down. And this girl could also make like cute little pigtails or something so that's pretty much. What we're doing is just like. I showed you on the boy doll and this stuff is very, very straight you're not going to get any curl out of this stuff. So this is not the stuff to use if you're wanting curl so you're, always just gon na have to go on the opposite side and anchor it in now, I'm actually I'm not using a fine needle I'm using that 38, I'm using the 38 star, which is Really quite coarse, and that's because I really want to drive it into the head of the doll there's. No, you don't want to be tentative about that hair once you know where you want it to go, you really want to drive it in and bring it down. So this stuff is going to be wild. Should this this, if you use hairspray, you know you might want to bring in hairspray for this stuff, because it's gon na always want to fly away, so you might want to fix it a little more like. I said it's not for a delicate doll at all, but this is how I would apply just straight long hair, whether you're working with the locks in their length or fiber right off the Sheep. I would apply it just the same way. Yes, yes, you can, but I think it's a little, the the braid the side braids are a little bit easier to do and then apply because you're, so strong and your doll doesn't weigh very much that it just wants to kind of flop all around on you. So maybe if you were doing it across the back, that might be a nice way to do it but see how you get a little bit of lift when you, you know you fold over like that and then once you get it to where you want it, You can just lightly I'm using my 42 triangle, a very delicate needle right now and just lightly sculpting, the top there. So once you get it fixed, where you want it, then you can needle felt back over the top of it. What else would you like to know so someone says the hairspray, you know try your eye now. I don't use hairspray y'all, so I'm not the best to advise on that, but any of these fibers you should probably be able to use a basic hairspray on my one doll. I wanted to bring her today and I forgot ona, if you all have seen her she's got white hair she's a little. You know elemental fairy, I put actually fabric hardener 50/50 water and fabric hardener in her hair because I wanted it just to be fixed and and very, very stiff. So of course it made it stiff, so you might just think about the texture of that hair. If your dog's gon na sit up on a shelf, then you can be a little more, you don't have to go so far with it, but if it's gon na be played with you're really gon na want it to hold up but hey, you know what, if You'Re making a doll to be played with well, then you can replace the hair sometime in the future. You know if it's gon na get all messed up, then you can just replace it, but if it's a collectible doll that you're selling, for you know 100 or something dollars, then you're gon na want it to be as much of quality as possible. You can even go as far as adding some glue to this. Like it's a routing process. You can add a little bit of glue to the end of your needle as you poke it in I don't I don't do that, but I think it really depends on what you're doing, with your doll, how you're selling them and how much time you take to Put them together, what's going to happen with them, so this little girl I could keep adding hair to the back, and I don't know you know how much time we have like that. But I like her, I mean, I think, her hair. She looks very magical and she looks like she could be a little wizardess. I think, hey, you know a little in a little fairyland, and so, if you just have long locks now remember the staple length is much shorter than it looks. But if you're trying to apply long hair, that's how you can go about it. So let me see what questions you have get my viscose out of here. Okay, so let's do let's look at bangs and now I want to encourage all that you go on. You know go to YouTube and YouTube: go to Google and search some hairstyles, because there's so many fun hairstyles you can make, and let's see here so this, like Mama's hair, you know it's done in a bun applied just like we did with long lady except we Needle felted it and the difference with the bangs is the difference with the bangs. Is you can apply a shorter and trim it? You know just like this, this little girl as well my little my little Bed Head girl. So what we can do is trim them. Let'S see I want to do, who can we do so? This? Let'S see we're gon na have to apply the hair right on the front of the head, so who do we want to give bangs to well? This little girl has bangs and the best I don't know the only other thing I could do is tear them off and show you so I'll. Take her bangs off, so y'all can see so you're gon na apply them just like you would think. So when you have bangs, they usually come from here, so now I've kind of taken hers off and she doesn't really have anything on there. What I would do is, I would make shorter bits and then I would also trim them so here I'm gon na take just a full length, so you can see, I'm not cheating and you can give it a little bit of a twist if you want now. This is a very fine fiber, so New Zealand quarry Adele or a blend. You know you may not. You may not need to do it, but I would make it a little more than double the length that you want before applying it a little more double so that you have room to cut it and spread it out. So I'm just trimming those down a little bit and then we're gon na anchor them right in the front of her head. So I'm gon na spread them out and we're gon na anchor them right here. So let me get it in and then I'll show you. I'M going to just like we were doing on the part, but in this case we're going to needle felt right in that fold, and I really want to consider whether we can film this when we can get our overhead camera back in place. I'M really sorry y'all. Okay, so I'm gon na put another one in this - is gon na remind y'all of the fur bits here in a minute you know, just as we were applying fiber on our little bunnies and ferb. It'S it's very much the same, and it's why I wanted. To start they're very much the same process. Okay, let me get another one in I know I have brown. If I had a favorite, it would be the merino soap blends, because I love all the texture you get from them and then I like I just like blending colors mostly, so I like the New Zealand Cory, Dale and merino top both. So the things I'm showing you are kind of my favorite okay. So here she is looking kind of goony, her hair half of its down below and half of its up here so now to make the bangs we're gon na fold this over and trim it. How you want it, so let me pull the rest of her hair back, so you can kind of see and now we're going to trim these bangs up and I'm just gon na cut them first straight across and then I'm going to just spike them out a Little bit, I'm gon na actually give her a little bit of a I'm gon na make it a little funky. I'M not gon na make them straight across. I'M gon na make her a little more edgy, so I've cut her bangs at an angle. Turn this bit off and then we're just gon na go in and nip up here. You all are so patient. I mean I'm just so I'm so bummed that our overhead camera went down on us today. I was just looking she's, not quite that edgy in this little flower dress, so I better I'm gon na arch them just a little bit. I did not bring in my little comb, but now I've given her some frocky little bangs and now I'm going to just tack them down just on the very tip top of her forehead so that they kind of lay down there. So that's why you have to do with bangs. Just treat that, like you, did your part anchor it here, comb them down where you want them and then trim them and trim them up, and if you use a coarse, that's a little more a fiber. That'S a little more coarse than the merino top, and this is a very fine merino top then you'll be able to you know maybe space it out. You know just a little bit and now, once you get your hair on your doll like see how her hair is all wild now's, the time when you can style it, you can do all kinds of things with with the hairstyles. So I encourage you to go on Google and look at some different hairstyles, and I wanted to pull these up for you. This one, I think, is really fun and I want to try and do a hairstyle like this. Now you know when you go on Google and you look images not. It seems like 90 % of the time these days. What you get is an image and once you click it you're on Pinterest and once you click on Pinterest and you go to visit you're on somebody's site, that doesn't even show the image and they just copped it from somebody else. So that's what happened to me. I wanted to share some hairstyles with you, so I don't know the original original. I just want to encourage you to go, find some hairstyles and these are some really fun ones. I'M going to show you the one that I want to do too. So this is kind of fun that you can see a variety you know of different hairstyles, just like little blank images there, and I wanted to do this one with, maybe even with her that's a little more like Japanese pigtails. It feels like Japanese feels, like a very cool Japanese girl with like high high pigtails, like you know, way up here, and you can use your own merino top or little ribbons or something to lock the hair in place. Sometimes I just use these same fibers. I just use these same fibers to then tie them into some kind of hairstyle, so for her, I'm actually going to pull these two bits back. These dolls all have hair like I wish I had thick thick and easy to style, thick and beautiful. So what you can do is kind of get it in the shape you want in the first place, and you can actually needle felt it before you bind it. So that is one plus with dolls hairs. Is you can kind of sculpt them the way you want them before you tie them into place so that way, you're not fighting with it? You can kind of put it how you want it, so all I'm doing is scooping hers back into this. You know. Extreme fly back so that I can tie something around it in this case. Let me anchor her down. I know I have needles here here. If you want to anchor your doll down, get a dull needle or something to that effect, so you can kind of anchor them in place. While you work and then I'm just gon na use another long fiber to tie her hair up and you could add little embellishments, you know or whatever you want to your doll little flowers and the hair, you know. Sometimes these waldorf dolls just get super sweet with little. You know braids or, like you know, flower bands or garlands the top around their head and then now you can just kind of style, her hair back. Just like that. So my tip there was just you know: you can't apply a full head of hair to your tall and then style it after this one is quite thick. It doesn't need to be as thick as this girl's hair is, but you can sculpt it into the shape. You'Re kind of wanting before you fix that style and this one can be restyled, you can take it off and restyle that it and do something a little more interesting if you want so this lady - and I know some of y'all wanted to see this, so this Lady'S hair is applied just like all the other ones, that we showed you and I'm going to peel back her hair a little bit and do a little bit of a reveal. So you can see like I've applied this hair very, very densely, and if you go under here, it looks really rough on the back of your doll so on the very lower layer. Remember on this little doll that I didn't do a 50/50 fold on her hair. That'S how I did with this lowest layer, so I started the lowest layer of hair with just a partial fold over and then built this dolls hair up layer after layer and they're all really close together. So when you do the hair really close together like this, it's going to be very dense, very thick and that's totally fine, but it might. You might find the first time you do that that you get a little more hair on your doll than you were wanting. So if you create a little more space in between it won't be quite so thick, that's just my only tip and it's fun to have a couple of these heads around just to play with you know and work out some hairstyles. This is all merino top and it's been hand blended to create these colors and y'all have probably seen me hand blend before it's pretty. It'S pretty simple, so I know that we don't have a huge amount of time. I want to just do a couple of tips on beards and mustaches and stuff like that, but before I jump to that, this lady is almost just the same. She is my like my granny, and so I've applied a whole bunch of locks to her, but the one thing I wanted to show you was, you know, notice how we did our parts a few minutes ago, like we started with the you know, car salesman, guy, The same thing with granny, you know when you start to apply your hair. She has a little more of a side part, even though I applied just a whole bunch of curly locks and her hair back here is just like. I just showed you so I put all these locks on her hair, but then I sculpted them into this sort of offshoot so that I could put a tie on her hair and it looks like her.

Susan Martin: I just took away everything I could absorb! I like to watch the play back and then I'll watch again and actually put hair on the doll I made last week after watching that one two times! I love that Marie tells us what size needles she uses and gives us such great tips that we can use. It was also VERY sweet when she talked about Rodney Gene...and I course, I just LOVE Speedy! Thanks so much for giving us all these tutorials. I always have to watch them two or three times before I'm brave enough to try something. I've made three cowls and watched the video each time while I make them. So MUCH FUN!!

Lois Wallace: Thank you for another wonderful wooly Wednesday! My fave take-away was folding the hair when applying. My angel is about to go bald again in hopes her new folded hair-do will look much better. I think she's getting tired of having her hair ripped out of her head - but third time is the charm!

Melissa Grayson: I got to watch the replay! I love how easy rolling dread locks is. And the fold over trick for hair volume

Courtney Ermoian: Loved the Locks! Practicing now

Elaine Parry: Hi from North Wales, UK. Great wooly Wednesday as always, slowly working my way through past episodes. Thanks for all the hints and tips

S Neuman: I love these dolls thank you for all the cool hair ideas !!!

Patricia Stevenson: Now that was just a ton of fun! So crazy about the Wooly Wednesdays!! Wish we could have more days. Would love to see a Fairy Fantasy doll series!!! We can use some of the same stuff we collected.

Michelle Quinn: This was one of my favourite Wooly Wednesdays. So much to learn. My favourite take away was the way you added the braids underneath the crown hair. Thanks so much! I also loved the way you made the locs. I want to make a lion doll and will use that technique. Stay safe, Living felt. ♥

CAS Original: I think this is my favorite live so far. I've never made a doll before, but I love the idea of the different ways we can add hair to them. If only I could afford to order some better wool for hair. Goals :)

Betsy Sasnett: Always love Wooly Wednesday! I can't watch live because I have to work so love the replays!!

Lisa Horgan: My fave take a way from today is how caring and genuine you all are...little small bits of sunshine in a scary and sad world right now for so many people. .. Even though you have been doing wooly Wednesday for years it is even more important now to connect with folks who might not have anyone and are in quarantine...having said that...Dreads are very cool !!

linda T: My fav takeaway was showing us how to make a braid separate then attaching it to the head with some hair. I will be trying this with my doll. Another great tut on hairstyles for dolls. Thankyou for all you share with us. Linda❤

Rian Shafer: So fun! The clothes & hair are my favorite part of doll making.

Maureen Evans: Good job working thru the technical problems and still getting out good information to us.

Laura Dicus: My favorite take away was felting the hair style before tying it up. Too cool. #replaycomments (mc1 and fair if we have a choice )

Karen Ware: Thank you for this wonderful tutorial, you did a much better job than a lot of other sites even with your limitations. You are so sweet thank you for caring so much!

Heather Tiede Innis: My fave take-away was how to do the braid, thank you!

Linda Neff: My fave take-a-way today was attaching braids and making parts. That was very helpful. Thank you!

Margaret Carson: Great program regardless of technical challenges. Thanks so much.

Jan Smith: Hey everybody, I'm new from Missouri & I got my variety pack of needles on 3-16-20 & I used them to make a lamb & I feel like it turned out pretty good. I think I will like this art very much. I'm binge watching & think you all are very amazing & really fun. So sorry the camera was annoying & didn't want to do its job but you did yours very well. I think I'm learning pretty fast & need a lot more practice but to do that I have to get some more wool. Maybe my name will be drawn for one of today's prizes. Have a great day, my husband & I are self quarantined due to the Corona virus. I am disabled & have respiratory issues so I am staying in. We have 17 cases in Missouri now & the schools are closed until 1st part of April so far. You guys be safe and take care.

Brenda Broschard: My favorite take away having problems with the overhead camera and still be able to teach us how to do doll hair, proving that if things don't go the way you planned things can still work out great. I learned different ways to style doll hair, how to make folds in clothes and a jacket even though I've already watched the doll tutorial, guess I need to watch it again. And Marie and always make me smile, thank you. Hi Speedy!

Louise Young: Thank you so much, very helpful.

Cathy Ridley: I just adore everything you do!!!! I have a question I really hope you can help me with. I have crocheted hats with acrylic yarn . Can I embellish them by dry felting onto them? I would like to do leaves or flowers and add beads etc. after. Any thoughts? Would it work ? Thanks so much for all of your videos. X

Elizabeth: First time I’ve have watched you I love your work. I want to do the kind of magnificent work you do… beautiful.

Patty Pursifull: So,glad,I found this show. I love the Waldorf doll.

Janeth Rios: Hermoso!

Madtartz: Thought I had commented but I can’t find it now so just in case here’s another! Love the dolls the hair is fab love the little moon girl she’s so cute Feeling a little fed up with being in isolation You and the fairies make me smile Mandy xxxx❤️❤️

Victoria Bennett: Do these hair techniques work for needle felting hair on cloth dolls?

Dani Sterre: Would love to see how to make clothes ❤️❤️

Brenda Broschard: Marie do you have a tutorial on youtube for making waldorf dolls?

CAS Original: That little guy with the acorn hat is the cutest!!

LivingFelt: **UPDATE - PRIZE WINNERS! Thank you to everyone for watching the replay and sharing your answers to our question: What was your fave take-a-way from today? Remember the prize give-a-way we announced for REPLAY COMMENTS...go on, leave a comment! :) We have TWO REPLAY WINNERS to announce: SUSAN MARTIN and LOIS WALLACE will win our "Mystery Felting Box"!!! Congratulations, Ladies!!

J: I’ve been intending to ask last week but woolly Wednesday at 1pm CST and not 2pm CST anymore?

Maral Sarehraz: Can you use felt on another material? Like paper mashe ??

Sandra Herrington: You must have been on early today! Hope you are all safe and well. Best wishes from the UK. X

Alex Johnstone: Watching Thursday as got the times wrong yesterday. Xxxxxxx

Maria Torres González: Great program.

Gladys Garrison: My take away was how to make a part.

Lily B: You’re car salesman looks like Chico from Chico and the Man

QuirkyGamer907: oh my GOD. its two years later

Bobby K: watching lots of unfinished stuff makes me nervous.

Terry Giles: how to make braid

Marjolein Wolverson: Hi from the Uk!

Karin Oswald: Hello from Sweden, where I face possible quarantaine...

roochel: 30:00

Christel Vandenborne: Hello form Belgium .

Linda Smith: #i’m new

Susan Cruickshank: # I’m new

Linda Smith: From Alabama

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