How To Grow Long Hair: Retaining Length (Part 2)

Alrighty folks! Here is part II. I am primarily addressing how to retain length since that is what is usually a bigger issue with seeing length, but I give a few recommendations for growth. Do you have any changes you may need to make or have made? If you haven't already make sure you check out part 1!

Vitamins/Supplements to help:

Vitamin A

Vitamin B

Vitamin C

Vitamin E




Hey guys welcome back to my channel um, so basically, this video is just talking about the second part of everything that we mentioned in the last one. So the first video was titled growth versus retention, and I had a lot of common questions. I think in the thumbnail like, why isn't my hair growing? What do you do to make your hair grow? How can I make it grow faster, and so in that video we basically address the difference between growth versus retention and what that looks like okay. So if you have not watched that video, please go back and watch that, because I promise this will make a lot more sense. If you've already watched that. Okay, now in this video, we're actually going to be talking about different tips and things that you may want to try or look into to actually help with both growth and retention. And if I have time, I might even include a couple of things that you can do to actually be able to tell the difference of which is what and all that okay. So, let's jump right in and now, as we said last time, nine times out of 10, the culprit is actually going to be retention: okay, you're not actually keeping the link, that's coming out of your scalp, but let's touch on growth for just a second now the Big thing to remember is that growth primarily is ex internal, but occasionally there can be a few external things that can affect it. So, let's kind of just primarily focus on internal factors right now. Okay, so big big thing, always no matter what it is always important to drink enough water. I cannot stress that enough. Just for your overall health maybe go pause, this video and get a cup of water and come back home if you're, not drinking enough water. Your body is going to pull it from whatever source that it deems not necessary for survival. Your body, your heart, your love, it don't care if your skin is flaking. Your hair is brittle your nails, brittle. It doesn't care about that. It'S trying to help you survive. So, if you're not giving your body enough water to sustain all of your systems, because, yes, your hair, skin and nails, are your integumentary system, it's an organ. If you're not giving your bodies enough water to maintain all of the symptoms, symptoms systems, okay systems, then your body is going to give water to the ones it deems the most necessary and pull water from the that are not necessary. Okay, usually your hair, skin and nails will be the first thing: there's nothing wrong with that, because otherwise, how would you continue to function but to combat that drinking more water in general? You should be getting about two-thirds of your weight in ounces. Okay, so don't judge me, but I'm a hundred pounds so about two thirds of 100 is 60 65, 66, 67 ounces, um, so just over 8 cups of water, okay, 8 ounces, 1 cup. If you need that little translation, so drinking more water as well as number 2, would be your nutrition. You really want to make sure nutritionally you're putting things into your body that are gon na actually support hair growth. So now I don't know everything right offhand, but I will do my best to put a list in the description box of different vitamins that are helpful, and then you can kind of do some of the legwork as far as which foods contain this vitamin to help With hair growth, now some people end up requiring supplements, so maybe things like biotin or other vitamin pills that you can take that are over-the-counter or nothing like prescription, but just things that you can take that may help this out. So that's really important, and now, when it comes to internally as well, sometimes it is necessary to go see a dermatologist or someone else to make sure that you're not having any type of Scout concerns or Scout conditions stemming from something internal. That could be preventing your hair from growing properly or anything like that. Okay, so I'm not a physician, I'm not a doctor, so you may need to go talk to somebody if you really feel like there's something else going on but, like I said growth, that's the hair actually emerging from your scalp, the rate at which it's doing it. If it is at all nine times out of ten is more about something internal going on. So once you check your overall nutrition health, that kind of thing, then you might want to seek extra help from the doctor dermatologist, whoever to make sure your scalp is as healthy as it can be, so that you can grow your hair okay. So now, let's talk about retention. Okay, so retention is on the opposite side of the spectrum, so it is a good 90 to 95 percent of external factors such as you know. How often are you calming brushing these hanging on your hair? Are you doing it when your hair is dry right, because that's a recipe for disaster and breakage and your ends falling off and your roots breaking and all these negative things that are gon na? Keep you from being able to actually keep the link that you're gaining okay, so comb your hair or detangle your hair when it is damp or wet. Okay, second thing would be tying your hair up at night, because if your hair is rustling and moving on your pillow there's a good chance that it can become intermingled and tangled at the roots or even further down okay, this will happen, even if you have a Satin pillowcase, I'm telling you you don't have to regardless, so the thing that you can do to stop, that is to make sure you're tying me down, even if you're, just tying it at the roots. It'Ll help minimize that and it'll be a lot easier to detangle and decrease your chances of breakage big one. Do not, if possible, overprocess your hair. That is what the relaxer that is with any type of chemical, whether it's color, whatever you got going on. Okay, do not over process your hair and if you don't feel comfortable, please please please go to someone who knows what they're doing I'm not just saying that, because I'm in cosmetology school now like, if you don't know for sure, have somebody help you I mean, even When I like my ends, I want to say ends. I lighten the whole thing with my friend, Brittany, thang girl, um. We lighten the whole thing it's just grown out, but even then we went row by row and I made sure I had her to help me and make sure everything was rinsed out of my hair and due to that, I have not suffered any breakage. You know I've gone through the normal trims on my end as the years have passed, but you know it was not anything where I lost a bunch of hair, because I had somebody to help me to make sure I rinsed all the product out, because that can Also be a culprit of breakage when you're getting your hair process is not rinsing everything out or like with the relaxer, for example, or with color. If you are applying that chemical to hair, that's already been chemically processed like combing it through the ends. If that has already been lifted or colored, or even relaxed you're gon na end up with some breakage long-term, if you continue that process over and over okay, nothing wrong wanting to get your hair straight, but once the hair has been already chemically relaxed, there's really nothing Else you going for it: it's not gon na get any straighter; okay, so let's just put that out there, so don't over crush up process your hair, if possible. Okay, I think that's number three we're at right now, number four for your routine would be styling. Okay. Let'S not over style over r-e switch our hair okay, because your hair only has so much strength. It'S like a fine balance between protein and moisture that we try to put in the hair to keep it strong enough, but it can only sing withstand so much if you're constantly putting in these really tight styles and leaving them in for very long periods of time. I think every style has about a recommended length of one you should keep it in and usually that length is shorter, the less that you can do to actually maintain your hair underneath. Okay. So that's really important. If this is stop, where you cannot reach your scalp at all, if you can't wash your eyes, if you can't do anything like that, it's probably not meant to be left in for a long time. Okay, so just kind of use your best judgment with that. So yeah, like I said, don't make them too tight, don't leave them in too long and also give your hair a break in between. I know we love our sew ins. Our crochet braids are this. Are that even when I was a loose natural, I would wear a two strand twists and little mini braids all the time, but in between those Styles, I usually gave my hair at least a two-week break, one and a half to two weeks where I just wore It out wash it conditioning it put it in some little twist out or whatever I wanted to do, and I gave it a break. Okay, because even protects protective styles can be damaging if they're done too frequently. Okay, so please please, please, you know, give your hair a break. Those are really the big things that I can think of. I mean so to kind of recap: internally, water, up your water and take up your vitamin intake and see a physician after that. If you're, really just struggling or having any special cat, scalp concerns. Okay, when it comes to the retention side of things, you want to make sure number one that you only detangle your hair when it's wet or damp number two. We want to make sure that you are in excuse me febrile order, but you want to make sure that you're not over styling or having them too tight. We want to make sure you're not over processing your hair with any type of chemical. I'M doing it too. Frequently, we want to make sure that you're giving your hair a break in between these long-term styles, and there was one more thing trying to see what it was with. Your retention tie your hair up at night, just so it's not getting all wrapped up and tied up together, guys, um and just give your hair a break. I mean that's really. The only thing I can think of that's what's helped me grow my hair out multiple times whether it was locked or I had loose hair. Okay, it's it's not rocket science, a lot of its just leaving your hair alone and giving it a break okay guys. So, oh, I think I got all that under 10 minutes, so I'm not gon na go too long, but thank you so much for coming back to my channel. Did I miss anything for this list? Please feel free. You know I love conversation in the comments. Let me know what do you think has been a bigger issue for you in the past. Have you ever had it and what are some tips? You recommend to help with growth or retention? Okay, so once again guys thank you and feel free to like this video subscribe comment, whatever you need to do share it. If you think it'll help somebody else and y'all have a wonderful week. Okay, bye

Cynthia King: I love your locs! Your hair has grown so much so fast. I have to look at old pics to see my growth and not get discouraged. Seems like I've hit a wall.

Paula Gudger: Good tips. I also feel like the exercises I do in yoga increase the blood flow to my scalp which helps my hair growth. At least it feels like it.

Jess: i love the natural layers in your locs

Set Apart Princess: Wowww your hair has grown so much through out the years! Do you have a goal length in mind?

Teshia Nicole: Can you put in the description which vitamins are healthy or promote growth. Also, do you trim your locs? If so, how often? Thank you for this video ❤️

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