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> >, What's up everybody., We've got a jam-packed pop star plus for you on the show.. Today is the woman behind the voice of Bart Simpson.. Of course, Nancy Cartwright shared some memories from over 30 years of The Simpsons. And Brian Baumgartner, who played Kevin Malone in the office.. He spoke to us about why fans love the office so much. And later Fran Drescher told us why every human should own a pet. And our buddy Leah remedy revealed what she likes to watch my surprise. Some people.. I was good teaser for you.. Let'S get to today's first item., It's Nancy Cartwright right in the most recognizable voice from The Simpsons because she plays part. Simpson. She's the voices month behind the knot in rebellious parts of 30 years in the Senate told us what it's been like to be part of Such an iconic show., > >, You know what I was cast as ward.. He was like he was such a dream, come true for me, because everybody has a little bit apart to see in him or her. You know in them it's true.. We all have these personalities were, of course, such a such a conglomeration of so many personalities.. I described court Susan has seen 10 year old, school hate, underachiever and proud of it.. That was the description that I've read in the original audition when I win. And I was supposed to go in for Lisa, but I decided I wanted to do Bart and he just seemed more interest to 8 year-old little child.. His description was so much more clear.. So I went in that Green was there. And I had an idea in mind and I said I love above all the cycle and I was hired to on the spot.. It might show us he was short. But Simpson who the h*** are you I'm back since, and now you, I think Burton says, probably got the most catch phrases of anyone is I'd like to see who the h*** are. You eat. My shorts. Got that. No way. Man. I love that., I mean all these things are like oh store.. It'S such a hard question to answer about. Like what's my favorite, I don't really it's kind of like asking. What'S your favorite chant, There's a good handful of episodes that definitely rank up.. There are some of my favorites are the musicals I Love., The musical is like Super Khalaf Angeles to get steals.. Don'T just you know, that's a really good one. Is that such takeoff And Pierre Poppins in Sherry Bob is so funny in the city of it is just crazy.. If you want to be nice to to, please be safe and not for her. If you wish to be asked to 10. > > And took me by my eye., I my shot. > >, When Barr kits and masks that's the title of its. The first show of the second season ends kind of her plea, speaking.. I guess, honestly speaking, that would be. It got a lot of attention.. It takes Bart., It turns, and into from the first 13 that we did the first season.. That episode really shows you a level of parts of Sunday you had never seen before and he goes into.. He just gets really really sad. Any super sincere about how we tried to study, and he starts to cry, can see, feels like he's going to flunk the 4th grade and that that stands out in my mind. > >. I would think you'd be used to feeling, like I really really dry. > > Early on the show. It was made very clear to us that the actors are not the stars of the show the characters of the stars of the show.. Nobody had any calm with that.. I don't think anybody had any idea that the show was going to go on. You know 33 plus years and in turn into the icon. Is that we're instead we're all like armpit to arm pit elbow to elbow in one little tiny boost.? That was not meant for recording., And so we had like moving carpets up on the walls because they were one thing. Wall was all class pass. And when we spoke at least 5 rate, so they had to put a carpet in front of it in.. We would all share the same own arm to check you know, and here I am very pregnant.. It was a lot of given tape from from all of us actors that it was.. I look at that in mind. That is such a such a humble modest beginning for what came to be.. You know it's pretty cool when I meet fans, it's light., It's it's pretty cool because most of time - and I recognize most the time - I'm just this anonymous celebrity and it doesn't matter where E nobody is.. I don't look like him.. My skin is not yellow.. 9. Spikes and 19 year-old way., I can have more cars ation over revealing who I really am in.. So it's just a spontaneous thing and I'm talking to somebody and I asked him. So what changed the safe, homies, KTLA, sale., Hi, kaity., I'm, but since how you this is like the jaw drops to the ground., It's really fun for me.. It still is to this day.. I love surprising, people.. It'S kind of a cool thing is sometimes pops people out of their funk. And there's not kind of what we need right now.. We need some kind of enlightenment.. We need some humor or some lightness., Some the 76 on question.. If people like to ask me does why is this instance so successful? How is it lasted this long And I think it's just that she doesn't even matter what this is funny to see is what decade you look at his worry when Arthur decade, that's crazy., But no matter what decade you look at The Simpsons hasn't consistency in the The business model., If you know the way that it's done it's got this family. It has its own kind of rules or for lack of the lack of rules.. We'Re kind of a nice quote, unquote normal family., And I do think they represent a lot of people. That can say well, that's not us.. You know whether it's The Simpsons or all the citizens of Springfield site people can find things that they can relate to., And that has been such a success. And the tip of the hat to the writers. The executives on the show. > >, Thanks to Nancy, for sharing all those memories with us.. Next up we're revisiting the Dunder Mifflin paper company with the office star Brian Baumgartner. Pennsylvania on the mind.. This next flashback interview. Hard to believe it's been 17 years since the premiere of the office hit TV show about the work lives of paper company employees. Brian Baumgartner played the lovable Kevin Malone and weighed in on why he thinks people still love the show so much. > > At least once a year. I like to bring in some of my Kevin, is famous. > >, Showing at least one see here. I like to bring in some of my Kevin's famous chili. > >. I want to hear it in the bank. > >. It'S not asked to call charge. It's Kevin., Most law., Equally handsome., Equally smart. Well, Kevin Malone, helped I described Kevin Malone.. I think Kevin Malone is a man of some unique skills who is is misunderstood in a way his childlike sense ability fits into the rest of the ensemble of the office very well.. I had such a blast playing them and continue to be delighted by my how fans react to him.. I do think that of all of the other actors and and and characters on the office.. I do think that that probably I'm the most to similar to mine. > > Mike Lee that shoes were a huge conversation piece. Well and my dogs are barking. > >, You know look. I loved.. I loved his ability to be in the moment.. I used to say he has no memory of what happened before or any ramifications for what might happen in the future.. But in the moment he, if you enjoy the moment he was willing to show that often didn't think too far ahead.. But I had I had a blast playing with him. And - and you know our little our little group in the corner of the accounts Oscar and Angela Kevin. I described it as as kind of a perfect comedy triangle.. Well, I need to get my cat up for adoption. > >, The one who uses the doorbell or the one with the Mexican have, or the one with the rain galoshes or the one that you let go around making. > >, Which nothing to do with us, Which had to do with the riders in the construction of the characters., But the way that the alliance is kept, shifting their specific personalities and how they played off of each other was so much fun to do for almost a decade.. I think for me now my favorite episode would have to be stressful, otherwise known as White's, fake Fire., Drill., >, > Door check that one out and it for haha. > >, And I think you know for me now, there's so many great episodes., But I think For me, what was happening outside of the show carries special significance for me as well., So I think it's a hilarious, Lee. Bonny well written episode., > >. I saw friends today and why we forgot each other's name. > > A lot of things spring to mind. Thinking about finale that basically shot the show. My 30's, my full 30's was dedicated to being together, which is his high school and college and then 2 more years at spending a lot of time with those people.. So it was really knowing that whatever happened to, the friendships would be there. Relationships would would remain., But we wouldn't beast vending 60 to 70 hours a week together, anymore. And that was going to be a huge change for us., A huge feeling of loss, but also tremendously proud of the journey that we had in. The fact that we chose to end it., We had a story that we wanted to tell and we make sure that that we got that story in and told him you know largely with with the original people who were cast., I mean I don't. I don't think anyone who was on the show could have ever guessed that the show would end up doing becoming what it has become. Today. I mean we were. We were almost. We almost made a pilot and was never on the air., And then you know the fact that that an audience picked up on it. I always knew what we were doing was special to people given a chance.. I just thought: well, people are going to get a chance., So I'm I'm I'm tremendously proud of the show., As I say, to people on I'm a fan of the show and and and love watching, it. And I'm so proud of that apartment. You know in examining., > > Through this book that I have coming out. Welcome to Dunder Mifflin.. You know one of the things that need we are looking at is why the show has not just survived. He's thrived. 8 years after we have filmed any anything.. I think that it's really about the people.. It'S really about the construction of of of the idea and the aesthetic of the show that was so really revolutionary and groundbreaking at the time., But the hiring of the specific actors to play the roles and the writing staff. That was brought in, which are now the top comedy writers, television today.. You know it was just just that show and you need collection of people led by Greg Daniels, who you know created the show and and his genius and in finding the perfect people for their job., And that's really why I think. > >. What a classic! We love that show in our House. Hope you enjoyed that one office fans., It was for you.. Coming up, we've got many star, Fran Drescher, sharing the key to easing her anxiety happens to be her furry. Friend. is a huge huge dog. Lover. She's even had a famous dog fur and get this Chester., That's the dog on the man.. He was actually Franz, real-life dogs.. She told us all about that and how her pets of Shape for Life.. In this episode of our series, My Pet Tale. > >, I start on the nanny and I wrote a part for my first dog ever. Chester, Drescher. > > And if I'm pleased he doesn't like change. > > Chester was an amazing job because he was extremely Consistent and his behavior., We knew what he would do under certain circumstances., So we're towards that., And that was why, every time you know S**** back., I grabbed him away from.. We knew that you grab. > >, So we always had her do that need some time to get used to > > Contact, a doctor., Just jump in jobs and not the first size, > >, And it was great working with him because he was always on The said anyway, I'm always of the camp must love dogs.. I have a dog now Angel Grace and I rescued her just days before lockdown and then she rescued me. And for the first couple months of our relationship at my house. You know it's just turn.. I don't think she ran away new, what's ahead and pay., But all of the 7. You know it's just the 2 of us for a couple of months., And so it really is bond to us. And we're very, very close now in just 3 years old. And I travel with her and she is my service animal.. So I'm just very grateful to have the first big dog I've ever had., And you know she gives me and security and yeah and helps may through situations that sometimes would otherwise they can choose. She's kind of different shades of white and bone, and I want she Was so loving when I met her at the rescue place and so sweet that I said you know, are you in a job that Samson same to Tim and Sampson, the dog that said Lee I had died just days earlier from the stroke. I said. Are you in a show? Is that your name - And it just seems to devote to her because she is such an end.? She is definitely a big part of the family. She's got all these kind of mind is who come and take care of her.. I have to go to the tenant can take her with me. He's got, spelled backwards., And I think that don'ts are here to teach us unconditional, love. Sure in our hearts, the love another. Even if you loved and lost.. I think that every human should experience and condition. It's just a want to treat his issues really is unparalleled.. I just you know that without having canine to love and care for and feel loved by and share, my Baldwin. Just be there.. We as a friend and companion and company wonderful company as a cancer survivor., You know I always tell other people recently diagnosed, make sure you had sleep some of it this year, because that night is when your imagination and fear starts to run. While because you don't have the distraction of the day - and you don't have a pet. > > - Well, it's really nice to hear people's stories.. They mean so much. All right. Still to come. We are many breaks down.. Her must watch list. friendly women when she can't fall asleep.. She turns to one particular show that just might surprise you.. She spoke to us for our what I watch series. > >. When I have to fall asleep. When I can't sleep, I I'm present filed.. No no lie. Listening to stories. People who murdered that's been asleep., That's probably set in a psychologist and probably have an answer. > >. It was a deliberate.. We never expected. > > The older version of forensic files, the guy's voice., It's so soothing and he's like and then without it the cap ticket. Something about the guys.. I don't know what it is.. What I watch, what I eat. Comfort food is a reality. Show. Cake anyone housewives of any state. > > Or I watch a lot of islands or I watch below deaths., Basically problem.. What I love about reality shows in general is that I just feel like it takes me away like that., Some 9 take a shot., And I I find myself not multitask. All of my brain like what I'm watching something. That'S you know who's worthy. I start to think about all the things I need to do in my life. Is I'm not doing right.? I think I should be better daughter of that that, under this better and other says that you know, but when I watch reality shows it's almost like my mind is suspended.. It is literally frozen., And I mean I this picture of. I get myself while I'm watching reality shows this was kind of cool kind of it isn't.. But I don't think that's what I picture myself doing because it's mind numbing.. My daughter Sophia got me on some Love Island., But only UK version was like you know. We find that you look better versions of of along with scant., So I really tense it to go to those or like a watch, a marathon of like say yes to the dress., It's the knot. Having to think about change, though China all or you know.. So it's usually, if I see there's 5 6 7 8 eases of something I'm in because then somehow I like fall asleep within one week., We'll have to get on the season 4. And it's just anything that has multiple season.. What I watched that might surprise flip.. All I do.. I know that what I watch myself.. I would like to watch a lot of documentary.. I don't know that that's surprising to, But when people talk about documentaries that you probably haven't seen it so much seen it like all watch a documentary on flies like I just love. Got, the letter. Doesn't really matter what it is.. I just love Stuart's., >, > And traffic on the Queensboro Bridge, tonight. > >. I didn't need to prepare for the king of clothes because I carry. There's no need for me to prob. She's, a girl from both been married to a neighborhood guy who has a crazy father and a place for those nothing.. I need different form.. I knew the character., I know the character of a war., But you know it's funny about the king of Queens.. As I remember our producers., I first got the ball.. We did a pilot and our executive producer is like you know why. Why are you wearing makeup And I was like first of all, have you been to a borough in New York late? What do you like The idea of what Borough Park Lake was like It will get their nails done to wear makeup ours., Like first of all, everything from the borough like from Bensonhurst, don't tell me like, I didn't, have a lot of money going up., But my Stuff was coordinated., You know, like my outfits, were nacho. The shirt. - And you know back in my day, was matching T-shirt with your sought since, like everything was called a cordon aid. So late, the idea of what somebody from New York is like was so off that I was like. I just go, get her nails done. This for concern here Don late, because this girl is me., So we're not doing sweat, pants and shoes., Oh and by the way, if we wear sweatpants, it's color coordinated.. What I watch, what I did cry in terms of endearment., No fun., >, >, Steel, magnolias., > >? What about friendships? It'S about family.! It'S about! I'M losing people that you love.. I know it's just for a notebook.. Just like just kills me just every time. There'S not a time. And then one rouge.. I know that sounds crazy., But I cry every time. Every time she dies. > >. Every time I seen it 56 times, probably just Sarah last year., It's a wonderful life., Every holiday, crying., > >. What I watch with my family is anything my order ones to watch. It starts done by roads or even with her parents would want to watch because, as they get older, they have their own rooms., They have their own computers., They can watch whatever they want swap.. So if my daughter says I want to watch such and such with you guys, life Kay doesn't matter doesn't matter whatever she wants to watch like, I will watch. > > Thanks to Leah for hanging out with us.. We appreciate it.. Well, there you have it.. That was his pop star., Plus thanks for being here and join us again. Tomorrow will see that fight > >, If you ask most people, they say reaching the NFL would be a career pinnacle that top of the mountain for my guest. Today the NFL was just the beginning. As a linebacker who played on 3 proteins retiring in 2015., Emmanuel Acho was just getting started. Turns out. Emanuel'S calling was off the field in missionary work and, more recently, social justice.. Just under 2 years ago, Emanuel decided to create and host an online video series of conversations about race is called uncomfortable conversations with a black man.. It'S since been viewed more than 80 million times and went on to win an Emmy in 2021, and now Emanuel is setting out to help others find meaning in their lives. > > Emmanuel. What a pleasure it is to have you on making space., I feel like you, are perfect guest, because you are somebody who follows a part of you. That isn't always your intellect.. It isn't always your pro con list. You go with something that is beyond that since you're a kid: let's go, back., Let's go back since you're a kid and you're making decisions on where to go. What to do what led you! I'Ve never been asked that question before I am led by my convictions. > >, And so what, when I say, conviction what do? What do you mean, I'm led by some innate in, are yearning to move to act to go.? That'S truly what led me. It's my convictions., And so, if I ever feel convicted to move in a certain way certain direction. That is the manner in which I go. Sometimes it makes no practical sense at all., But I just feel like you have to move. > > By convictions. I mean look when you're a kid. You don't know what the risks are. There are no risks.. He jumped off the swing. Jump. Off.. You realize later that that hurt., But you're free because you don't know the risk., It's like someone who's, never had their heart broken., They fall in love harder.. How did you manage to keep that, even though you've been through disappointments things that hadn't worked in your life? > >: What was it Michael, Jordan, who said like I missed so many thousands of shots, but nobody not necessarily remembers a misses., Its Babe Ruth, who, I believe, said your neck. Strikeout only brings you closer to your next home run.. I don't try to focus on my failures.. The only true failure is in not getting got the only true failure isn't not trying hold.. I was thinking about it. The other day after I failed at something recently and I was like I didn't fail. I fell. And as long as I get up, I win. I love that. You're, the you're, the child of immigrants by the way. > >. I have to let you know that when I was in 3rd grade, I went to school in a bad Nigeria for a year.. My dad was a professor there. Yeah. We really will.. Yes, we out of such fond memories.. It was just a year as the child of immigrants., I'm a child of of immigrants to. I feel like there's something different. That'S in us.. What did your parents give to you that led you to the man who you are > >? Well, when you travel the world - and you see other parts today of the world your mind in the aperture of your understanding - is this opened.? What did my parents give me a certain resiliency? I just learned a different type of resilience.. I learned a different type of understanding of how blessed we are in America.. You don't really understand the American dream until you realize the nightmare somewhere. Else. And I've just lived other countries nightmares., And so I I understand the difference in a jury and you've lived. The American dream to boy. > > Did you feel like this feels? Like my mountain top, You know I didn't. The NFL was truly amazing.. It was amazing. > >, But unless you are in the top 5 %, how the NFL it too is carry the reason. I didn't feel like it was my mountaintop.. I knew the NFL was a means to an end.. What I liked answering questions in story form., I vividly remember fearing. I was going to be released. Every day. I was in the NFL., The NFL you 53 people on a roster. Essentially you 53 employees.. I was probably the 47th to the 53rd person on the roster. As far as importance, every Tuesday of an NFL week is when you get paid.. So if you're on the roster on Tuesday, you know you are going to receive a check that week., So that means by Monday night you likely will be released. If you are going to be released., I was cut in the NFL 5 times before the age of 25. Imagine being hired at a job out of college., Then being transferred across the country from that job, then being fired by your employer who transferred you and then being rehired and fired and rehired and fired and rehired and fired 5 times all by the age of 25.. So the NFL to me was it was so taxing.. It was so anxiety, heavy.. The NFL was not a highlight of my life. Wow.. Why did you stay in it As long as you did in the NFL? If you play for 4 years, your best to Pennsylvania, Avenue. And so the NFL's practical, I was like OK play for years.. You have all the benefits. As soon as I have for years.. I was like it is time to get out of here.. So was an easy decision. Simply not at all., Not easy.. Why? Because the NFL it cripples every one of your abilities besides playing sports., That's what nobody tells you.. Imagine you graduate with a degree which, by the way, is already hard. If you're trying to make it to the NFL, because playing college sports is a full-time job., But imagine graduating with a degree.. Then, whatever degree you graduate with, you have to put on ice for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 10 years.. So all of that knowledge which you have acquired is now gone to waste because you have been sitting here trying to play in the NFL.. So transitioning is near in PA possible because it all you've ever know every August. Think about this for 20 consecutive years. Really 17 from when I was 8 years old. Until I was 25 years old. Every August I was wearing a football helmet.. Then you wake up. One August day and you're not putting a helmet on., It's depressing., It's saddening., You go into dark places.. You talked about how., > >. You stayed in the NFL for 4 years, so you can get tested.. You could get this you to me. If I'm listening to you and not knowing anything about you seem like a very logical guy., I love your book is called illogical because it really there is something beyond a pro con list in life. What kept to kind of jumping in the deep end. Even if you knew the odds were against you. > >, Our greatest accomplishments in life., Our greatest accomplishments in life., Come on the other side of our logic.. So what is keeping me from my destiny And that's really the way in which I operate. The the scariest phrase that can never be uttered is that's the way. We'Ve always done things or that's the way. I'Ve always done thing. And I just understand it. Our greatest accomplishments, my greatest accomplishment, your greatest accomplishment., I guarantee it will come on the other side of my logic.. So how can I be more logical, your uncomfortable conversations with a black man.? I mean this is something that you felt a burning desire to do. > > People told you it was not a good idea.. They said no people close to your by this it. > >. This is yes.. Imagine you're an athlete and you ask your coach what you should do and your coach says: don't do something madgen., You are a child and you ask your parents what you should do and your parent says don't do something., But I had a calling. And what I Realized Hoda is my calling was in a conference call.. My calling was my calling in only I got that Callie.. Nobody else heard what I heard and it was an audible.. It was within my own soul, my own spirit, if you will., How did you know that this was not something to ignore? I knew it was not something to ignore, because I didn't have the luxury of ignoring get what lives we're going to be lost because of my lack of speech., And I think we all eventually have to ask yourself that question. And it might not be a literal Loss of life like a death.. What dream won't be fulfilled because I'm too afraid to act because I'm so bound by logic.. It might be my own dream. That might be a community.. I might change.. It might be a family that I might impact.. It might be. A neighborhood., It might be a city., It might be a religious grab, the ring. But like who have I costing Because of my lack of courage.. So many people ask me how to manual.. How do you find your calling And after pausing and thinking said, you're calling will call you just pick up., So many people are searching the left. And right now I don't know what my calling is in life.. I don't know what my purpose is in life.. I don't know what I meant to do., You know you're calling will call you. And it probably already has. You're, just not picking up.. My calling literally called me Matthew McConaughey.. He called me from no Caller ID number after my first episode of uncomfortable conversation got 25 million views.. I picked up Acho Mcconahay speaking.. I want to have a conversation about Matthew. He's like yeah. Want to have a conversation of like okay.. Well, we'll record episode. 2. 4 days. True story.. I did not want to do another episode of uncomfortable conversations because of how big the first one was. Mcconahay says. Let'S record it tomorrow after McCown calls me, I got another call from an calling number caller ID number., Hi., Well Oprah, Winfrey speaking over Mike over Oprah Emanuel.. What is your intention? She asked me what you say.. That'S good guy., I said Oprah. My intention is to change the world. And I truly believe I can all of that to say to those listening, you're calling will call you.. You just have to make that a logical decision to pick up.. My calling was a literal, no caller ID calls, but other people's calling will just be that internal. You're running in that internal desire to do something that just seems a little crazy. > >. It'S like you're riding a wave, your whole life, you swim upstream and all the sudden. You find the thing that you're supposed to be doing and suddenly feel, like all of the forces of the universe are taking you in the way you're supposed to be going. You're. On this ride., Do you feel like that's what's happening or you swimming up, > > And what's interesting, when you say riding a wave, I think there's an hair and inherent sense of ease.. This seems like that comes with that.. I do believe your calling is what you're made for your career is what you're paid for. Uncomfortable conversations is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.. So I can say that I'm writing a way, because it's just so incredibly difficult., But your calling is just what you're made to do., But sometimes it is a detour and uncomfortable conversations was a detour.. It was not my destination., A logical was my destination., I'm living the life encouraging people to live their best life.. That was my destination.. I got my master's degree in sports psychology., So talking about hey, let's all achieve the dreams.. We so desperately desire.. That was my destination hold.. I just had to take a quick detour for the for the betterment of those around me.. I was reading a book and they were talking about how that, in this big field, there was one wild flower, growing., > >, And that everything on God's earth knows exactly what it is supposed to do without being told or thought out that wildflower wasn't meant to Be famous or popular, make lots of money. That wild flowers meant to bloom in the middle of that field, face the sun and make us all feel good.. That was its purpose., And they said how people were the only thing in God's Earth.. You don't really have to have to sort of figure it out or spend our lives trying to be more like this one. I'm going to be like proud to be liked and sow.. I want to take a page from that.. How is it that you were able to find because it sounds like you have your voice.? How did you find it and how do you think people can find it? Because everyone wants to look like that? One dress like that would be like that: one., It's in realizing that., > >. You have to be yourself because everybody else is already taken. And what I've realized is just. I have to be the best version of me. And the what you said is so wonderful about the wildflower.. I think the problem we all collectively have it's humans is. We all have this innate desire to want to be like somebody else, instead of simply being the best version of ourselves., And that is when I talk about like it's just conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom says we should all do X. We should all do why we should all doozy.. We should all go to high school, that we should all go to college. And we should all get a job that we could all get married.. Then we should all have kids and we should all live in a house behind a white, picket, fence. And the problem is conventional. Wisdom is limiting. All of us in my greatest opinion. Conventional wisdom, is limiting gusts from the life that we all deserve to be living. And I just finally said wait a second: why am I going to live inside of someone else's box? Why am I going to let in significant people have such significance in my life > >? Clearly, faith is front and center with you.. It comes out in almost every single answer that you are giving me.. Sometimes it's obvious, and sometimes it's subtle, but it's always there.. How has your faith played in in this journey of yours, > >? My faith has driven me in this journey. And what I believe is we all have faith.. That question is: when you sit down in a chair. You have faith that that chair is going to hold you up., So we are all to some degree people of faith.. My faith drives me because one, I understand what I put on this earth to do. And it's just a touch lives is to to share.. The good news is to to talk about Jesus when I can, but more than that or not more than that., But in alongside with that faith can be a logical like like that's what people don't understand. Like whether it is think about this for a second. Noah Was commissioned by God to build a boat and put every animal on it because there was going to be a flood hold.. Can you imagine how many people saw No we're building every day, saying bro., What the heck are you who you are full until he looks out of the window when he puts his head up into the sky and many get he feels it between his brow. Smack dab., It's the first drop of rain, and the first drop of rain tells him that the flood is coming. And I have a chapter actually titled. The first drop of Rain, because when you've been a logical and I've, been a logical that first drop of rain is going to hit and when that first drop of rain hits to that is when you know the flood is coming.. So what was my first drop of rain? That call for Matthew McConaughey The call for Matthew McConaughey., I hadn't yet written a book.. I hadn't yet heard from Oprah.. I hadn't yet been a bestseller. Had yet won an Emmy.. I hadn't yet done anything besides a video., But when Mcconahay called that was my first drop of rain, and that was the signal that the flood is coming.. So when you make that a logical decision, whether it's be building a boat, whether it's I'm sitting in front of a camera, whether it's starting a business as soon as you get that first parade, you know the flood is coming, and my faith literally moves me in Life because it is testaments like that., That is absolutely beautiful., And I know you your book, illogical. > >. You say that you're calling like that's what you're meant to do.. You meant to help you meant to heal. You meant to encourage and cheer lead. I mean. That'S in your DNA., But there are a bunch of people. Many people and we've all been there ourselves to for not there right, now., It's your last. Like things aren't working for me, you know and they're trying to figure out how to get up how to pull up.. I know you you've got your faith and you've also got your sports psychology. Degree. You've got a lot going for you., But how? How do you speak to someone like that? > >? Well, the first thing I would do is just encourage them that it's OK to not be OK, like it's OK to be down for a little bit.. The reason a mountain has peaks is because it has Bally's.. If there were no valleys and everything would just seem like flat level ground., So the valley is actually what dictates the peak.. I would also say that your time is coming, but you to have to make your time come.. They say luck is when preparation meets opportunity.. You can't win the lotto unless you buy a ticket, so you can sit there and hope and pray all you want to win the lotto., But you can't win the lottery unless you buy a ticket., So are you buying tickets? I can hope and pray all. I want to wish to change the world., But it was sitting down in front of the camera that lead to uncomfortable conversations.. It took action. moments in life, but that's not obviously where they learn anything.. They learn things on their on their deepest valleys.. What was your deepest valley, My deepest Valley. Gosh. Okay. > >, Remember I was in Philadelphia.. I was drafted to the Cleveland Browns in 2012 2013, the Philadelphia Eagles. They traded for me.. I was now in Philadelphia., But remember I told you. I was cut 5 times by that organization. One of the final times. I got cut what people don't realize about the National Football League.. When you get cut, they instantly remove your access from the building.. You can no longer go into the building for anything form. A gator aid shake to work out to anything.. I lived in Philadelphia.. I live very close to the rocky steps, but I still wanted to continue playing so true story. After I got cut.. I believe it was the second to last time. I would have to go to an abandoned field to work out. I showed up one day and the field is covered in nothing but pigeons.. I didn't have bags and football.. You need bags about 5 feet long and one foot high to just do different drills over. You might need to hop over the bag.. You might need to sprint in front of a bag., Then back paddle behind another one. Just do different drills.. I didn't have bags.. So I have to steel street colds construction or in street cold.. So now imagine I used to be this NFL player on Monday, but on Tuesday, I'm in an abandoned field, shooting pigeons off of the field, stealing construction, combs, laying these construction cones on this field. That he's, what's once overrun by pigeons. And I'm working out by myself, knowing that 20 minutes across town, all of my teammates and my best friends are there.. Those were the lowest moments of my life. And I kept it up until I got another call. And the Eagles called me back and they signed me again.. But then I broke my thumb after I broke my thumb. I'm having surgery, and I knew I knew one of 2 things. If they have to put pins in my thumb the Eagles are going to release me because if they put pins in my thumb I could Not play because pens protrude from the skin., So you can't put a bandage on it and play with it. If they put screws. In my thumb I could still play because with screws you could put a club on your hand and still play. So immediately after my surgery operation. I wake up and I look at the doctor and all I ask Ms pins or screws because of ice.. If he says pins, the Eagles were going to release me for the final time.. If he says screws than I am still going to be employed, I wake up still partially sedated and I just pins or screws and he says pins., I start weeping.. I go to the Eagles facility.. The general manager meets me at the front door., He says: hey, Emanuel coach wants to see you. Bring your playbook.. That means you're getting released. With my left hand.. I now have to pack up my locker for the final time.. Have a huge trash bag with tears down my eyes and my hand casted., And for the final time I left the Philadelphia Eagles facility, if an enough. And interestingly enough, for those interested in that story. I lead the book, a logical that, after starts pins and screws, is that there is. > >. The very first pitch. I feel, like God, was busy trying to tell you all along that. It was time to say goodbye to a full time.. You weren't, listening. And remember you said: you've got to listen to me like this., Not yet.. I need pens or strike. Yeah I live at. I was terrible, but I was there., But that doesn't mean you're. Bringing to that thing which again I keep going back to, which is how do you know, if God's trying to tell you to work harder, which is what you are doing all those 5 times with a cut or how do you know if he's trying to tell You pivot time to pivot now > >. How do you know when it's time I think, when you have exhausted your emotional, your financial and your spiritual bandwidth? And it's like you know what, unless this works. And if this is not blessed, I'm willing to move on. You know just back to your book permitted illogical.. What do you hope that people > >? I know there's a lot of great life lessons in there. And I don't even know where to begin with. And quite frankly, because every time I turn the page, I was like highlighter highlighter., But there it's got really good original ideas.. But give me a couple that you think that people would like to take away. > > On longer a logical journey.. So many people are going to tell you what you can do, instead of what you can do and you're going to need to block out that noise.. So do not ever forget your earmuffs.. So, on your destiny, towards being the best version of yourself and living, the life of your dreams are going to have a might be crazy. Moment.. We already discussed that first drop of rain moment. When you are being the logical there's going to come a point in time when you have a new experience that first drop of rain, which tells you your your your your success is coming. True story in 6th grade.. I was at my friend's house and we were eating burgers.. His older brother walked in and he threw something at the table.. My dear friend ran from the table and started hiding behind a chair.. I was like what in God's name is going on.. I looked at what his older brother to at the table and it was simply a pack ketchup packet.. I cracked it open. After checking out my friend and I started my fries with some catch-up. At that point time, I learned a valuable lesson that they hold a don't be afraid of other people's fears. Though., That's a good use., And so many of us in life are afraid of other people's fears.. Well, what I'm not going to start a business, because my friend was afraid to. Yeah, I'm not going to get the relationship was because my home girl got cheated on.. I'M not going to get married because my my my my my dad and my mom and never had I've, never seen a successful relationship.. I can't leave this city.. Nobody in my family has never ever left Austin Texas.. Why would I leave? I refuse to fly in an airplane because so, and so is afraid of flying on air., We're so afraid of other people's fears, not even our own.. It'S the craziest thing that even afraid of our own fears., The book > >, is called illogical.. It'S by Emmanuel. Acho. He's got great conversations.. You can find him everywhere. You're, making your mark. Look at you. You're blaze, a new trail. Get out of your way.. It manual think it was a. It was wonderful. Talking to enjoy every second like white. > >. Today, all day, all day, today, all day, all day. > > We're right there that place and the look sorry to disturb your day. Everyone's mad at you, really. > >. We make this past when I see why we think I wonder what his vote would be. Given 6 minutes asked many questions this week and welcome to call that whole time, today. All day., Welcome to today. All day > > New York City is home to so many iconic foods. Well, when the city that never sleeps wakes up for breakfast, they want a bagel with cream cheese. We'Re piled high with locks. There's no other. > > City. That makes a bigger like a New York City. > >. I have not had good bagels in the inner city came out the wounds even biggest. > >, It's time to head out of studio one A and hit the road for a new kind of culinary adventure. Follow me, as I take some of the most high kind of foods around the country and meet the families behind together, we're going to learn how a good meal has the power to connect us to our past our future.. If New York known for anything, it's it's bagels and we've got them all everything bagel rainbow bagels, pumpkin, bagels, Chris and bagels, and of course you can't happen without a schmear. Well, the bagel first came from Poland. Many food historians say it's pairing with salmon and cream cheese originated right here. The big out. In this town, few specialty food shops are as beloved and has this story as Russ and daughters. > > I've been waiting in line. Probably 1520 minutes, but it's definitely worth it.. I, like the contrast of the flavor, is like a nice little bagel with the Smith's off the last of this., > > And then in cream cheese together, like I try to make up almost nothing compares arrest and daughter. > > They've been serving premium smoked fish To 100 New Yorkers and folks from around the world for over 100 years., Just a few blocks from the store is the Russ and daughters > >, Oh yeah., Have year thanks for having us. This is beautiful. Thank you., >, >, Nikki, rest, better and Josh. Russ Tupper are the grandchildren of the original daughters. These cousins, our 4th generation owner, carry on their family's pool in every Lakers. > >. So this is Russ and daughters are great grandfather. Joe Morris started the business is why well and 3 daughters., We just same grandmother and she was the youngest of the 3. >. > Wasn't unusual at that time for you, because you usually see so and so and Sons, but to see Russ and daughters variant. > >. But I mean honestly if it had some Hollywood, since he did like. As a feminist, but he was a good business. Back. > >, Joel Russ immigrated from Poland in 19'07. > > And he started to standing on the streets of the Lower East Side. Selling small tearing out of the barrel and of family could feed itself for 2 nights with one pitch. > > In 1940. He opened his first brick and mortar shops, JD Russ, national appetizer, Joel and his wife and 3 daughters had e I du N. When they turned 11, each daughter began working with their dad.. What was their relationship like with the eye? Because is your dad, but he's also your boss, yeah. > >, And I think he cared more about being., The boss and the shopkeeper. He was a new immigrant to this country, who is just trying to survive and make a place for his family., And that was his focus and he saw his children this. As you know, she flavor. > >. The sisters grew up learning all aspects of the business in 1935, Hadi Ida and N became Joel's partners. The shop was renamed Russ and daughters, making it the first in America to bear and daughters in its title, when your great grandfather decided to start Russ and daughters.. One of the Lower East Side. > > After Ellis Island. This was a starting off point for the majority of for Jewish immigrants. This is where they landed and they got their start, and so he was just eating. Basic. 2 other for immigrants like himself. > >. At the turn of the century, this neighborhood was one of the most densely populated places on the planet.. Many immigrants from all around the world live in overcrowded, tenement buildings, the conditions having a profound impact on their diet. > >, One of the things about Lower East Side, Jewish. To get a lot of to help. When you don't have running water and we don't have electric or gas stoves is really hard to do very much cooking, and so for women who are responsible for feeding their families. They had to get food from push carts from restaurants from it. > > Joe Ross was one of many vendors catering to this new population., I'm always curious.. How did it come about., > >? Well what you think that somebody thought hey? You know here's this round. Bread will put some fish on the by the way before we do. Let'S put some cream cheese, some dairy off, >, >, Russ and daughters is the torch bearer of what's called at the time saying - and this is a food tradition born here in New York. And it's the sister food tradition to the test., Both of which come up Through the Jewish kosher dietary rules, you have to separate and they're Ephraim meet, so delicatessen strictly speaking, is for me the advertising store is where you go for fish and dairy things like smoked fish when we say bagel and lox most people are, you know we're friend To smoke salmon you're regional Bay, long locks was not was sent., >, >, Technically locks or belly. Locks is salmon cured in salt, which preserves fish without refrigeration. There'S no smoking involved and if you read ubly salting so impaired perfectly with tangy cream cheese.. But who is the first person to put locks on a bagel., > >? So no one really knows how bagels lox and cream cheese all came together. We know that big goals come from Eastern Europe. We know that locks comes basically from Scotia kind of we know the cream. Cheese is an American too., But what we know that these things come together as part of a compromise between different generations of Americans. > > Jewish law prohibits cooking with most heat sources. On the 7th, so the combo of bagels and lox created a filling meal for observant Jews to enjoy on the day of rest. > >, It's good for a family, but you or your daughter-in-law didn't have to be spending the previous 10 cooking. > >. As one of the country's oldest appetizers, the bus and daughters has been serving kosher meals for generations., I still the busiest day. > >. I can't think really of the anything that's more New York than lox and bagels. > >. Yes, I agree. I think that this is the food that came up: > >, The Eastern European Jewish immigrants to New York. through., But now it's transformed and just become New York food. It belongs to all New Yorkers. > > In the United States, women on less than 20 % of all businesses at the iconic, Russ and daughters, Conor Nikki, rest Fetterman is building on the legacy of her grandmother and great aunt growing up you, you follow in the Footsteps of of storm with. We've got a chosen this, but took it on and obviously made a really successful.. What is it like for you following the news. > >? It'S a tremendous feeling to be now and great granddaughter. Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a customer of ours. Family came from the Lower East Side.. He once said that before she knew the family.. He looked up at the side, Russ and daughters. She understood that women have an impact., > > Your family's business, possibility as the sun is survived, 2 world. New shot of the world treats yes.. Why has this case it to not just survive but thrive. > >? I think, because a new generation there has been someone who wanted to do this. And during the pandemic. That'S all that before shipping lost daughters all over the country to their loved ones because they couldn't get together and so sending al Fayed has a lock and vodka say. You know I love you. I miss you here on the PGA commissioner, euro vision.. There was a lot of > >. Ok, so you can get smoked fish pretty much everywhere these days, but not quite like this.. The salmon sold Russ and daughters is prized for its high fat content from the milder gasping Nova to the smoke you're Scottish and this gourmet fish. All sliced by hand. When you hold it up, I mean it's: it's almost like a translucent yeah. I think we should show you how we get that. Yeah, the the sharp utensil haha. It takes up to 6 months of training to master the slicing technique, yet. > >. So I hear you have some nice goals. Well, I've been in a fight or 2, but the probably nothing like your show.. If you've been slicing cent, then at the store for 20 years., 7 slicing for a while all right, so that so I watch people slice and I I'm amazed that to help Haitian, because it seems like that's part of the skill. > >. The reality is when you, I know how to slice, it is one of the most relaxing things we've been. There is very meditative right.. The trick is: don't look anywhere on the fish. You have to really feel the first, the the fish. B, the fish, which is a very difficult concept to train someone that, and particularly the first couple slices, don't be upset okay. If they don't look great., The idea is to make it consistently thick slice faces me. Not just watching you not watch the fish., The officials. You should you should look. I said you got a sharp knife in an hour. And you can see that as you change the angle of the night that changed the thickness yeah right. > > To that dry. More than anything, that's more! The! Oh, my gosh! That'S a very think! All those that relate this to date - that's it shops, that's going to say that so that the 19 - that's a good dish to me does the way you cut it affect the taste of the > >, The texture, which affects the experience of assignment. texture. > >. It'S almost like you're eating the essence of 7. > > Salmon. It'S very delicate.! It'S a very appealing, texture and mouthfeel. Yes, but better. >, > Josh. Thanks so much this meeting.

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