Simple Side Ribbon Braid Tutorial (Medium-Long Hair)

A simple variation on a side ribbon braid, great for anyone with thick/layered/medium/long hair.

Hey everybody, i'm here to show you a simple side ribbon braid, and this is great for anybody who has thicker, hair or hair with lots of layers or, if you're, just not super comfortable, doing your own hair or braiding your own hair. This is going to be a good tutorial for you, because it's not super complicated and it doesn't require a whole bunch of steps. Okay, so you're gon na need uh, two hair ties and you're also gon na need, of course, a ribbon, so you're gon na. Take your first hair tie and you're gon na take your ribbon and put it through the hair tie. Okay and you don't have to have straight hair for this look you can have. I can actually have wavy or hair, so it definitely works with curly or straight. So it should look like that and then just put it on your wrist and you're, going to gather your hair to the side, because this is a side braid and you can use a comb for this step if you'd like to even it out in the back. But i just use my fingers so just put your hair to the side. The way you like it. Sorry, i have a cold this week, just like keep clearing my throat, okay. So now this is kind of an important step, because when you're tying your hair, you don't want to get the ribbon all tangled up into the hair. So i'm going to try to get a little bit closer and show you what i mean so now, i'm going to take my hair tie and just put my hair through it, not putting the ribbon through it as well. So my ribbon is off to the side. I'M going to just take my hair again put it through the hair tie and then one more time there. We are okay, perfect! I'M going to tighten that up and now because my ribbon's, not all tangled up in the hair, i can move it very freely and i can even it up. If i have to there, we are so now you're going to start your braid and uh. You basically treat your ribbon like two strands of hair, so we're gon na take your hair, i'm sorry, take the ribbon split it into two strands and take your whole ponytail and put it through the two strands of ribbon. Okay, so ribbit is split. Take your whole ponytail put it through the two strands of ribbon and then you pull the ribbon to the opposite side. Now take your hair split it into two parts, just like so take the ribbon and put it through the two strands of hair and then pull the hair to the opposite side and then take the ribbon and split it into two. Take your hair and put it through the two strands of ribbon and pull the ribbon to the opposite side and then take the hair split it into two. Take the ribbon and put it through the two strands of hair and fold: the hair to the opposite side. So i'm gon na show you again take the ribbon split into two parts: take your hair and put it through the two strands of ribbon and pull your ribbon to the opposite side. Take your hair split it into two, and it doesn't have to be perfect when you're splitting it take your hair split into two. Take the ribbon and put it through the two strands of hair and pull your hair to the opposite side. And if it's bunching up like this, sometimes a little bit, you can always go back when you're done braiding and separating with your fingers. So take your ribbon split it into two and take the hair and put it through the two strands of ribbon and take your hair and split it into two and take the ribbon and put it through the two strands of hair and take the ribbon again split. It into two put your hair through it and keep repeating this process of splitting the hair and putting the ribbon through and and splitting the ribbon and putting the hair through, just like so okay, and i think i'm gon na get one more out of this. So, let's put my hair again, take the ribbon and put it through and i think one more and that's it there. We go put my hands through okay. Now i'm going to tie this off and just like so okay, all right. There we go, and now i'm just going to see if the ribbon bunched up anywhere. I'Ve been stuck a little bit here, so i'm just going to separate it just a little bit and you can see now it creates a super cool pattern of the ribbon alternating with the hair. So you see how that looks. Alright, okay, see all right and with the ends of the ribbon, if your ribbon's a little bit longer than mine, you can tie it off into a bow. I just leave it like this, so this is a great look for if you're going out somewhere in the daytime or maybe even for a holiday party, or i may just look for work because i wanted my hair back. But i wanted something cute and different, and i got a whole bunch of compliments on it and a lot of people asking me how i did the braids, which is why i'm making this tutorial. So it's not super complicated. It'S not very intricate, like some braids can be so if you're intimidated by a lot of the youtube tutorials out there, which i know i am uh, try this one and see if it works for you, and i would love to hear some feedback and see if It'S as easy, as i'm saying it is so here's the braid, and i would love to see if you guys could try it out awesome thanks for watching

Laura Hurtado L.: :) love the combination of your hair colour and the ribbon colour :)

Александра Зворыкина: Thank you so much!! I never can found tut of this type ribbon braids

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