Wavy Hair Routine 2A/2B Curls W/ Denman Brush

Hey all!

So today I am sharing my current favorite hair routine for my wavy hair type 2a/2b curls. I've been using the Denman brush and I'll be showing you exactly what's my technique.

Comb: https://amzn.to/3r4Qkoh

Detangling brush: https://amzn.to/3r1J3pg

Denman Brush: https://amzn.to/3ltbbAF

Leave in Conditioner: https://www.ulta.com/curl-talk-leave-i...

Curl Cream: https://www.ulta.com/curl-talk-definin...

Gel: https://www.ulta.com/curl-talk-frizz-c...

Microfiber towel: https://amzn.to/2P7R7I4

Some of these are affiliated links. If you decided to purchase through them, I would get a small commission that comes at no extra cost to you!

Camera: https://amzn.to/3tEkkt9

Feel free to follow me on other social media platforms @andreventurrr

Hello, everyone so today, i'm finally gon na be sharing my current favorite hair routine for wavy, slash, curly hairs, type 2a, 2b, just for reference. This is what my hair looks like before i started my curly wavy hair journey or right at the beginning, without any products on it. So if your hair looks like mine, this is kind of the results that you're gon na get with this routine. All these pictures are from my instagram. I'Ve been sharing my wavy curly hair journey there. So if you want to follow me too, this is my username, but before we begin make sure please to hit that like button and also subscribe to the channel. If you found this video helpful, so let's get started so first things first obviously is to wash my hair. So the shampoo conditioner that i use is not particular for like curly hair styling, so i'm not really going to talk about it. But basically, the important part of this is that i make sure that i only put shampoo on my roots and wash my roots and then with the conditioner. It'S only on the tips and then, when i'm done washing, i make sure that i clear out all that. Conditioner from my roots, i mean from my um tips, because i've noticed that sometimes my hair looks a little weird. If i live even a little bit of conditioner on my tips, so i make sure i wash it all out well rinse it all out and then, when i'm done washing, you know my body, my hair, everything i leave my hair completely wet. I don't touch the towel or do anything with it at the most. What i do is that i put all my hair together and one big clump, and then i scrunch it and squeeze out the excess water. But at that point that's all i'm gon na do with my hair and then i'm gon na dry out my body and i'm gon na do my skincare first. So once i'm ready to start doing my hair routine. I first of all make sure that i wash my hands. This is because, since i just do my skincare routine, you know i have moisturizer on. I have sunscreen on so i want to make sure that i'm not passing that on to my hair and then it's going to make it greasy looking and stuff. So i make sure i wash my hands and then i'll continue to do my hair routine. I actually have to put something else again completely unrelated to my selling routine, but i have to put something else and that kind of sometimes make my hair look a little like crazy from the roots. So i just want to share that with you guys. So you know that if you see that or notice that that's just literally that other thing that's completely unrelated to my styling routine, that i have to put in my hair. So after i'm done putting that on my hair, i am ready to start styling it. So, first i make sure that my hair is entirely wet. That just makes my styling process and my curls to look way better than if i have little hairs that have drawn up dried out in the process between getting out of the shower. And this moment i use this little spray bottle that i got a dollar store and i just spray all over my hair and just make sure that it's like super soaked. Then all my styling products are from the brand, not your mother's from the lion. Curl talk and i first begin by using the leave-in conditioner, and i literally just do one spray. That'S it because my hair is so thin that the less products i put on it, the better it gets. Then i'm gon na continue with the defining cream. So i just put again a little bit on it on my hand, i rub it on my hands and then i put it on my hair from the roots all the way to tips. I just make sure that i coat my entire hair in this product. Then i found out that it's way easier to style my hair, if i section it out, so i will comb it with this. Like styling comb, i don't know what it's called, but i use this little comb to first do the line where i want my hair to imparted and then i'll continue to section my hair in three major parts, which is like the back part and then the two Sides where my hair splits, if i need to tangle, i use this brush. I got this brush a long time ago before i even started my curly wavy hair journey and i really really like it for detangling. So that's what i use then to continue to style. My hair, i'm gon na use the denman brush this brush. I'Ve seen so many videos about girls talking about it and how amazing their curves are left because of it that i had to get it. And, oh, my god, i love it. I do remove two rows of that and that's something that you can do with the brush. That'S something that's easily! You can easily put it back in there or take them out. I just heard that, apparently, if you have, you know, wavy hair, it's better to have less rose, but if you have more like curly hair more like defined curls um higher up in the number scale, i don't know um the the more rows is better for you And then, basically, what i'm gon na do is that i'm gon na start, you know grabbing big clumps of hair, because the bigger the better, especially for my hair, because it's so thin. I keep saying that. But it's just like important part like why i do things but yeah. Basically, i'm gon na grab big clumps of hair and then just gon na grab the denman brush and i'm just gon na use it like i, you will usually use a heat tool. So when you use a heat tool, you just grab a section of the hair. You put the heat tool in there and then you're gon na twist it around until you get that light curl. So that's exactly what you're gon na do with the denman brush and it's such a great brush, because it really glides the hair and it's not gon na pull it or anything a lot. I like that, as long as it's obviously detangled and it's just gon na leave you this nice curl. So this is exactly the type of curl that i'm looking for every single time i use a denman brush and to me, that's like the best curl. That gives me the best results once it's dried out, so i will continue to do this exact same technique, going trying to go twist inwards and twist outwards. So the curls don't look exactly the same, and i'm gon na do that all over my head and i'm gon na keep spraying water on each section. If i feel that it's getting a little dry, even just a little bit dry, i'm still gon na make it sure that it's super super wet. Because that's what i need for my hair to look its best. If not, my hair looks a little bit more frizzy, or sometimes i'm gon na get the sections of hair that did not curl it's gon na they're, just like completely straight. So that's why i make sure that my hair is completely wet during the entire process. Once i'm done, i put on the gel and again i don't want to use too much of it, so i put a little bit of it on my hands. I rub it off and then i bend over and put my hair all over my face and my head and then i'm gon na scrunch, the gel onto my hair and i'm gon na do like from the front and then on the side and then the other Side and then i'm gon na get it back up and then i'm gon na continue to do it on like one side, the other side, until i'm completely satisfied with the distribution of the gel. I love this gel because once you learn how to do the entire styling process, it actually lifts your hair super super soft and not crunchy at all. So obviously, at this point my hair is way too wet from all the water that i've been putting on during the styling process. So what i've noticed? What is best for my hair is to grab a microfiber towel and scrunch out the excess water. So one of the things i like about using a microfiber towel besides removing the excess water, is that it actually helps with the definition of my curls and makes them go like more defined than they were before. So i actually really like using the microfiber towel at this point to actually really like put everything together and make it look its best at this moment in time. I'M just gon na let my hair air dry. I rarely ever diffuse it with heat because i'm trying to reduce the amount of heat that i put on my hair, because it's really bad for you, at least for me. It'S like super bad, so i'm just gon na, let it air dry and then i'm gon na get back in a few hours. So once it's been a few hours and my hair is almost dry or completely dry, i'm gon na remove the gel cast. So i'm just gon na grab again my microfiber towel. I just really like to use it also to remove the gel cast, i'm just gon na bend over and scrunch out with the fiber towel. All that gel cast that i have on my hair. I'M gon na do one side and then the other side, and also i'm gon na fluff out my roots and then i'm gon na get up and continue to scrunch this time with my hands and do that until i'm fully satisfied. And then i'm also gon na continue to fluff out my roots to really get that volume going, and these are the final results. This routine definitely takes a little bit more time than just crunching out your hair without the denman brush. But honestly i love it. So much because it gives me a beautiful definition, very, very little frizz and a nice amount of volume if anybody wants to check out or purchase the products that i use. I'M gon na leave the links in the description box. Thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time.

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holly mcdonald: ONE SINGLE TRY with your routine here and my hair is gorgeous today. By far the best routine and technique I've ever tried, and I've been looking and trying for 2 years.

Maree Brown: yay finally someone with my hair type i’ve been trying this curly girl method but it’s just such a mess and i don’t feel comfortable to wear it usually but this seems super wearable and like tidy haha thank you!!!

Shadra: Fiiinally someone who has wavy hair that isn't very thick. I feel so insecure about having fine hair since I never see anyone with it, so thanks for this video, I'll give it a shot

ldy1luk: Girl, finally someone who has fine waves! I've tried at least a dozen different curl products that are to heavy. Getting a Denman brush today

Avni Xaxa: THIS right here is my exact hair type! And you style it without heat *chef’s kiss* can’t wait to try this routine

Yasmeen: if you don’t have a denman brush i just twist my hair sections tight and hold them for a few seconds and i get the same effect . LOVE this routine works SO GOOD for my (super) thin wavy hair thank u for sharing!! :-)

Andrea Sakura: we have a similar hair type and you've def convinced me to get a denman brush:)

Jasmin: I have never felt so seen before, I could cry. Thank you so so much for this video!

Bronzergoth: oh my god when your hair was wet. THATS MY HAIR!!! thank god your channel exists imma try this routine tomorrow!!

Prakriti Dhar: Just awesome.. I can't tell you that how much you helped me through this video.. this a complete detailed video on CGM ..my hair type is just like you..I hv very thin hair .. thank you so much girl.. ❣️

dystoniaify: Thank you! I was looking for affordable products for my wavy hair.

Randy: this tutorial is one of the best out there little volume tip i use while air drying is to clip my roots up with alligator clips :)

Anahita Ahvazi: I hate my 2 curls because it’s so hard to actually get them to show they get straight so fast like one wrong move and boom I got straight hair

Mauricio Rafael Alonso: Omg this would've been useful before chopping my long hair, I never found a video like this, maybe I'll let it grow again

Natascha Wörndl: Thanks to you I think I found out that I have 2a hair like you. If I do not have my perm it likes exactly like yours.

Nancy Nguyen: What shampoo/conditioner do you recommend for this hair? I've tried shea moisture and I leaves my hair looking too oily :(

lela true: i do have a very similar routine, however, whenever i airdry my hair it seems like the waves weigh down too much, and in the end its barely wavy. does anyone have some advice for me? i keep scrunching with a microfiber towel when that happens, but after having to scrunch like 5 times and looking in the mirror after a few minutes and it all bring weighed down again i just stop trying lmao

giselle aranda: THANKS FOR THIS VIDEO. Also, if you don’t mind me asking, do you shower at night or in the morning? Because I have to be at my school before 7 so i don’t really think i’ll have time to do this in the morning but I also feel that if I do it at night, when I go to sleep the curls will mess up.

saara sherali: we have the same hair type!! how do you refresh your curls on days u don’t wash your hair?

Emily Young: This was great! Thanks :)

Soso mahmoud: Omg your hair is so beautiful!

jordypocket: Thanks so much for this video! We have similar hair and I haven’t been convinced to try that brush until I saw this. You have the 7 row verison right?

Kez Obbus: thank you so much for this!!!

dystoniaify: Do you like these curl styling products or the other brand in your other videos better?

Magda Ulman: I tried it but my waves really dont like denman :( like once i use it to brush they dont clump and they just all separate in single hair and look terrible. I wish it worked for me some way because i see it brings great results for wavies!

SadieJai: Favorite curl video I’ve found! And I’ve watched (what feels like) hundreds Lol!

Courtney Ackimenko: How do you sleep on your curls? After I shower my hair has lots of volume but once I sleep on it my curls are just waited down and flat.

Nur Fadzliah: Thank uuuuu!!! Love this!!!!!!

beckify1902: What’s your hair type? I have low porosity hair and struggle finding good products that don’t weigh my hair down :(

Mery Gonzalez: Thank you for the video!

Andy Alvarez: Do you do this routine every day or only when you wash your hair? Saw your tiktok and our hair is so similar I had to see the routine.

jnorth9702: Thank you for sharing.

Read with Chimey: Very nice. Thank you

anisha shetty: Do you brush out your hair the next day or you just let it be till the next wash?

Stacey Baez: Damn I have too much hair to sit and do this process every week

mbunny: What can you do without the Fe man brush

Mohamed Abo Alkasem: Sweet ,, lovely

Alina Therese: Wow

Ana Sufitchi: A word of advice: research fast hair growth fortified shampoo.

Breanna Byers: Cant find not your mothers curl talk products in Canada :(

Charles Smith: What haircut do you have, if you don't mind me asking?

J B: you remind me of gal gadot

ailurophiles: 2:39

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