Medium Length Layers Haircut Makeover Tutorial - Thesalonguy

#thesalonguy #hairtutorial #haircut

In this video I demonstrate a medium length layers haircut makeover on my model Michelle. She came in with a one length haircut and I transformed her look into a fun sassy medium length layered haircut.


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If you want to learn how to create this gorgeous haircuts, then definitely watch the full video, hey guys, Stephen a salon guy here and we have Michelle as our model today and Michelle has the perfect hair the perfect canvas to create a new type of look. So she wants to keep her length and you know she was kind of freaking out saying Steven know chop all my hair off and I said too late - I'm gon na do that anyway. No, but I I said okay, I have the perfect solution, so we're gon na create a beautiful kind of a longer layered shape in through here, because, obviously, her hair is just one length all right, it's pretty, but it's just, I think, she's due for something new And, as you can see into here, it's just all kind of hanging down one length and we have a lot of room to create a really gorgeous shape. So I think my signature, layered haircut, is gon na be perfect. This is a great example to see kind of a before-and-after of how this is all going to really open this up and create a lot of movement, and she has a fairly thick hair as well. So it's gon na really help her with her styling. So I'm ready to go: let's go sorry, okay, so we're ready to start cutting Michelle's hair and I'm just gon na spray 25 spray in her hair, which is a great cutting spray. So it helps keep the hair, nice and moist, but also helps really get rid of the tangles and the knots in her hair and because her hair is one length sometimes has a tendency to not up a lot easier. So this is really really helpful. This spray and look just with a couple of comb through x', then it's combing right out. So when i'm combing through the hair, I always like to grab it like this. So we're not like pulling her hair out of her head, but, as you can see, they're very easily the hair just glides right through and that's what's amazing about 25 spray. Is it's really really, as you can see, helps with the knot. So look at this side right here. This is all kind of knotted up right here so wool and I'm using a comb I'm not even using a brush. So after a couple of comb through x', I worked my way up while I'm holding this and then, as you can see, look right through so this. This spray is amazing, for you know, even if you're like a mom, and you have daughters who have really likes a curly or knotty hair. This is amazing that so I'm just going to kind of comb this through and then we'll begin with the sectioning and the haircut. The sectioning is now complete and what I did is I just created a parting down the middle and then a parting right in through here to separate the front from the back, which is the division point. And then I just literally with no clips. I just created a section kind of like a diagonal horizontal section just going this way, so I can establish my length no problem, so I'm going to start with the length and this would be kind of somewhat of the easier part of the haircut, especially in the Back she does want me to kind of respect the length a little bit which I will, but just from looking at it. The ends need a little bit of love, so I'm just gon na really focus more on cleaning up the ends in through here and then. I'M gon na continue the shape going from the back throughout the sides and then into the front. So we're creating a look going this way, and then this way this is the it's kind of like building a foundation of the haircut, which is really really crucial, but also very simple, too. If you, if you keep things very simplified, you can get through haircuts a lot easier. So, as you can see, there's no clips, but what I'm doing is I'm just literally combing the hair out of the way. This way, and now I have my open space for cutting like this. Another key point: is you want to stand in front of where you're cutting that's one of the most important things when it comes to haircutting is make sure that your body positioning is matching exactly where you're standing very, very important, all right. So now we're going to comb the entire back section down like this and, as you can see, this is the kind of the easier part we're breezing through this, and what we're doing here is really just establishing the length. Okay and again, you know if a client says to you, I want to make sure I'm keeping you know, keep the length it's usually one because they had other abetik a bad experience or they just happen to, like you know their hair length that that's totally fine, But what this is doing is, if you can see right here, look at the ends from from before she was maybe hadn't have a haircut in a long time, but what we're doing is we're creating a nice, beautiful, solid base or a solid foundation, and if you're, A hairstylist watching this, whether you're in school or whether you're doing it for a long time, you'll know that the foundation of the haircut is the most important. I was thinking of it. This way, if I were to do something and I'm cutting her hair and then I couldn't finish the haircut, the client could leave with an amazing good foundational haircut. That'S my. My main thing is to make sure that that that they're, getting that at least you know it's almost like worst case scenario - you know some something happens and she has to leave. Well, it's like whoa, you got a great, you still have a great haircut. So that's where that's where the foundation of the haircut really is important, the base all right so now what we're doing is in through here I'm combing this more towards the back. This way, I'm not standing over here to cut this corner, I'm literally standing in the back and I'm over directing everything back here so that I can maintain the length as we come around this way. As you can see, this is brought back onto this side. If you do bring it over and stand right here, what could happen is you could actually cut this off around her shoulder, which you don't want to do all right. So what we're going to do is extend head up a little bit. We'Re gon na extend going this way and then connect it into creating the face rein. So what we do is we have a very, very nice, solid connection and flow of the haircut which I was saying before. Once you have this, then you can easily have a beautiful look without even having to do any any layers. So here we go as you can see, the length is right there and what I'm doing is connecting so. This is the key part right here, so I could even do this with my hand like that, and it's just really creating a perfectly straight line, as you can see in through here beautiful and just like that BAM. So now, what we're gon na do is that you don't have to do it. That way, and the sides are finished now is where the magic begins and where we really start to create the shape. Okay and as slow off to do. The other side is well, but I want to just focus on this side and then I'll breeze through on the other side, but the face frame. So it's like. Where do you begin right now, because she has such great hair to work with, and she also wants to have something that's a little bit like nothing too extreme, but we have to create something. So I'm when you look at her, I mean you could create a face frame anywhere in through here. Even if you started it here and worked it all back, it's gon na look gorgeous regardless because she has such pretty hair, and it's actually gon na enhance the highlights into here too. Having us all one length is really not bringing out the color. So what I want to do is I want to really not only enhance the haircut but kind of bring out her pre-existing color as well. Even if it's grown out for like four months by creating the shape the new shape of the haircut, you can actually enhance. What'S currently there so now, what I'm gon na do is I'm actually going to tilt my fingers up this way and we're going to cut downwards into this. So now we're cutting into the length right through here and the first step of my face frame is now complete. Okay, so I'm literally standing right into this position right here and what we can do to first establish the front is by holding your fingers this way. Now fun little story well, not so fun for the girl. I did it on many many years ago, when I was in beauty school. I try to create a face frame like this, like that see that I held the hair straight out this way, and I chopped off this whole part into here one length without angling it so she literally had like a cut of a gap like this, and I Had to actually she flipped we, but I think I had a heart attack. I ran to the bathroom freaking out and she was like. Oh my god, what did you do? I'M like. I thought I knew how to cut a face for him, but I didn't so. What we need to do is really put your body in a position kind of for success. So if you comb the hair straight down, you want to make sure that the client ahead, just like that the clients head is in a good position and you use your fingers to kind of judge where you want this to start right. So I have a good idea of where I want this face frame to start, and you want to take a section that you think is going to be good enough to create the angle, so we're gon na come over the top. This way - and this is kind of a longer face frame - it's nothing too kind of extreme and we're just cutting working our way gap way down in through the length and you're gon na see how it blends perfectly and there we go. So what we've done is we've just - and this is like this is like on the minimal side of things. What we've done is we've created a beautiful soft flow into here and, as you can see, even this one piece already kind of just open this up and it's kind of enhancing that one area. So what I want to do now is just come in front. This way and reshape this angle a little bit more, and I think this looks perfect right. So now we have a nice soft flowing face frame and something too crazy. We haven't done the layers yet, which is going to really enhance it more, but she can leave here with the beautiful haircut. I mean after the other side of course, but she could literally leave here with a gorgeous haircut. Nice flowing layers, no problem. So what I'm gon na do is I'm going to do the same thing on the other side, we'll speed through it and then we'll come back to talk about the layers. Now one make sure everything is. Even you know, my nickname is uneven. Stephen okay! Now we have to be even steven today, so what I want to do is I want to kind of stand in front. The best way to do this is the kind of if you can take a piece right down the middle, and I can already see that I need to connect this part in through here, which I really haven't done, because you have to do this with one of The client this way, so what I'm gon na do is I'm gon na have her when I turn her facing me. So I'm right in front of this right here and then we comb all this forward and then that's when we cut upwards to match that section of that piece and then we have an even balanced face ring. I am really really a stickler for this, like I will keep going over this over and over until it's perfect, because I'm a Virgo and I'm a perfectionist. Okay, so combing the hair straight down, standing in front chanting, your body position and really really being very thorough. With everything is going to guarantee a haircut and it seems very basic, I know, but it's very important and what I like to do is like to really start to comb all this forward. Because, what's going to happen, is we have to eventually connect all this anyway? But this is the way the hair is all flowing down, so combing it forward working the hair moving it around. That'S going to give you the best and most even results. So I'm just gon na finish here and we're gon na continue to make sure everything is perfect and then we'll start the actual layering process in the back. So the face frame is done, which is a very, very important part of the haircut. So she could literally leave and have nice little soft layers into here. No problem so we're good to go on that. But that's not gon na do much for the entire shape. So now we're going to create the layers which is starting off right into the top back here. So I'm creating a layered shape in through here, and the reason I have the camera so zoomed out is because I'm so darn short and she's got a lot of hair, so we're gon na have to comb this up pretty high. But the first thing I do when creating layers in the back is, I established my first section right here in the top back of the head, and this form of layering really makes things very, very easy and it's a great process to follow, and I do this. I'M $ 150 for a haircut. I do this for all my clients, so what I'm teaching you right now is exactly how I do it on any haircut. So what we're doing is we're going to comb the hair straight up and the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gon na do a couple things. I'M gon na look and see kind of her pre-existing layers. I'M gon na see what's going on, it's gon na help me determine like you know. Oh I see why there's nothing going on her hair wasn't moving. She doesn't have any layers whatsoever, so we have to establish and put them in now. How short do we go? That'S the big question: you have to keep in mind that you know when creating a beautiful face frame and a nice flow to the haircut. You don't want to ever cut the back as short as this, you want this to always go shorter into longer. To have a really beautiful flow, if you cut this too short for this type of look to match this up, it's gon na look so heavily layered and she'll kill me and it's not gon na be fun all right. So what I'm doing is I'm saying? Okay, wherever I cut this, where is it gon na fall? So we want to keep the layers a little bit on the longer side, but we also want to give it some movement. So I think this is a good length right here to create the layered shape. All right, a nice, even straight across cut and what's gon na happen, is, as this drops down. Alright, it's gon na fall exactly where I want to fall. So what you want to do next, is you want to hold onto this piece right into here, and the next part is I'm going to split this right down the middle and through here, and I'm going to take a horizontal section right underneath the section I just Had right so comb it straight up, I'm going to be standing right into here facing the section and there is the guide and now we're cutting it right there. She has relatively thick hair. So we can do this for a couple of sections. You just don't want to go too low, because when you bring everything up with that removes a lot of weight, so we're not trying to remove you know, even though her hair is thick. That'S why we can do this in a few more sections. So there is the guide there and I'm cutting it straight across, so we're all matching it to that top point right. There I'm going to take one more section and the occipital bone is kind of right into here. So you don't really want to go too far below that, but again because she has a lot of hair, it's very, very dense. We have a little bit of room to do that with so there we go so now. I'M gon na just drop this down and that's not done what we're gon na jump to the other side to keep consistent. So we're gon na take a sliver of this right across here. Same thing, like we did on the other side right, let's spin this around! So we could see and we're gon na comb this straight up again same exact thing. Now we could see where our guide is from the previous section and we ran it cut straight across and you're already taking like a little piece from the other side of the head on the back. So that's kind of like your guide to make sure that everything is matched up and balanced, so there is the guide underneath there and straight across. Let'S do maybe two more sections and the great thing about this is you'll. Get the hang of this once you once you get the hang of this, it's really becomes fairly easy and systematic so that you really can't honestly, you can't even mess up. You know alright so make sure every hair is combed, I'm using the fine teeth of the comb and not a lot of hairs coming off now, because we are now working into the length which is great, you don't want to have a lot of areas of the Haircut, where you're seeing differences in the length I mean something is pretty much off, which we need to go back and correct. So right here we're just skimming up the ends and we're gon na drop this whole section down. So I lower the camera bit. So you can see what we're doing in this part right here: here's where the layers are falling right down through here, so it's perfect, but now we have to connect this part with this. Okay, so remember we went to about right here with creating the layered shape, pulling it all up. So now, what I do is comb. The hair are all straight down, and I'm gon na take a section right down the middle comb. All this hair out of the way you can use Clips, if you want you don't have to, as you can see, I'm just combing it very easily route of the way and now we're going to see what we have going on and the internal shape down and Through here, so we're gon na pull this all straight out from the head and there's the part right there. That needs to be cut. This is the connection between the middle back of the head and the and the actual back part of the head. So with all this hair falls out down here, that's the length right. You want to make sure that you're cutting every bit of hair but you're not getting rid of all the length, but what you're cutting is the hair? That'S on top of that, because that's gon na give it the most movement and then what I like to do is I like to just work my way up. The head shape so just make sure it's all balanced and has a nice flow to it. As you can see, see how the hair fall plays falling from my hands, it's all perfect and symmetrical, and now we have a beautiful layered shape. So what we're gon na do is we're going to continue to work the entire back of the head and we're gon na skip through or kind of speed up through part of this, because we're once we have this done now - we're kind of like home free right, Because we're following the guide, so they are always hold onto this hair. You always want to hold on to the last section you cut, because that's going to help you from getting lost in the hair code and I'm standing basically right here right. So I can cut the section this way and let's continue up the head this way, just to make sure I always like to do that and we're good to go all right. One last key point before we kind of speed through this and move on to the connecting here is when we're in the back area right here, something I learned many many years ago is that when you're layering this, you want to make sure you're standing you're combing. The hair behind the ear this way - you're not layering out here, but you're combing everything straight back this way towards me, or not, really necessarily over directing, but just straight back behind the ear like this, because that's gon na maintain the weight into here. Again, it's gon na keep that solid foundation. If you cut too much hair gon na create some holes and it's going to be very thin on the ends here. So when we get to this part, you'll see bring it straight back and you'll be good to go. One little key tip that I like to do is when I'm just about finishing up on one side, I like to take kind of a relatively thicker section and just put it all into one section to see what kind of is going on and what's happening because That'S gon na help. Tell me if anything is really unbalanced at all and I'll just go through it and I'll just lightly skim. Any any bits here that need a little bit of balancing, so we're gon na do the same thing on the other side and then we'll catch back up when we're ready to connect the back to the top. Now it's time to connect the back with the top, and I want to be very thorough with this, because I know when some of the past videos people are saying why the hell'd you talk about it. Well, I'm going to talk about it now. So traditionally, sometimes people might take a section like we did how we started, but they'll continue by taking a section right here at combing it straight up and cutting what that's doing it's creating a risk of creating a whole new section and then creating a line in The back of that head here, what you don't want to do so my suggestion and my technique, which I've been doing for like a while, is you comb? The hair and you're gon na follow it's very simple you're following the way the hair grows? Okay, hair grows straight out like that, so we're gon na follow the way the hair grows. As you can see, what's happening now, okay see that long. Here'S a separate the long part right here, which is what we have to connect. We put it against my there. We go see, look at all that hair, so the best way to do that is to now connect going forward that way. Alright, we're cutting towards the face. Alright. So again, we're combing it straight out from the head and remember: we've already cut all this part down in through here. So what we're doing is alright we're checking there and now we're going to follow the way the hair is growing, which is here it's straight up from the head. There'S the guide and we're good to go so now, we've gotten the back and the top and we've actually blended them going vertically, which is gon na, is the best way to connect it. In my opinion, that's really the best way to connect it same thing here now you want to be. You don't want to go too far into the corners and through here, because that's the corners and the sides, which is a whole completely different section, and you want to make sure that your your arm and your body positioning is is really really good. To keep everything balanced, so this side is done in through here. As far as a connection now I'm going to step on I'm actually the same body position like I really haven't, moved much, which is essential right there we go there we'll do one more bit right into this corner into here. Not too far. Now and again I don't want to go into the sides. I don't want to start cutting into the corners too much. That'S gon na be for the corners. So now that the back and the top are connected, now we can move going horizontally towards the front and what we're gon na do is we're gon na take a horizontal section in front of the last one we cut, because everything is now connected and now we're Actually, on the top of the head right into here now we can see what needs to be cut, which is right in the center. This way, so we're creating a nice balanced, even shape and then may be able to take all this in one shot here. Actually, no, she has really really thick hair. So we're going to do one more section with the guide, so we can see what we're doing. Okay, you can't see what I'm doing there we go. You really don't need to see. I need to see hey all right. So now we're gon na comb, the hair straight up - and here is exactly where, where the hair needs to be cut, which is right in the center and then the last section right in through here. We can kind of take this all bringing it straight up right into here and let's see what we got, only a little bit of hair comes off great. So now the top Center is done and we have to work in through the corners and then the sides remember it's like the top, the corners aside. That'S how I cut hair and what that's doing it's really guaranteeing it's like the insurance plan for the haircut is that, like as it grows out it's gon na look amazing. You know she's had bed experiences in the past with layers and stuff, so I want to be cautious. I want to really make sure that I'm giving her the attention with that and saying like no, I guarantee you that this is gon na grab really really well and I'm not gon na be the Steve in the butcher today, all right, so we went from here The corners and then the sides down into here right the sides again same with the back all that hair that drops out on the bottom. That'S the bottom length you don't want to cut that, but, as you can see, everything is flowing beautifully, so we're gon na. Take a next, our next section going towards the face, and then here's what we do comb it straight out. There'S that piece right there. It needs to be cut. I'M holding on to this section. You want to make sure you hold on to it because you will get lost. You know it's easy to get lost in haircutting, especially if you're new to it and then straight out that little bit right, there is what's gon na give the freedom of the connection of the haircut. You don't want to skimp out on that. Even if it's like a little little tiny little hair, you have to cut it to make sure it's all blended. So what I'm doing is again no clips taking a nice little slice right down there. So I have a nice clean section, and here we go so here's where we see the hair that needs to come off there. We go and I'm gon na hold it on I'm holding on to this, and we are going to work in through the bottom now, as you notice. What I'm doing especially on blondes, is I'm cutting wet hair into dry. The reason I'm doing that, especially with blonds, is because blonde hair has a tendency to be a bit on the finer side, and I want to see how that hair is reacting all right. I want to make sure that the hair is reacting exactly how I want it, and I'm only gon na be able to see that if the hair is going from wet to dry right, I may spray it down a little bit more just to maintain a little Bit of moisture, but the 25 spray is really helping. So there's one little piece there go all way down into the center and and now probably less and less hair is going to be coming off. Just because we've established all the blending and the connections before - and this is probably where the least amount of hair is in a come off, which is right into the front. But this is where this is where we can check for the balance. There'S that little piece that needs to come off right in through here and the key to good haircuts is just having a seamless flow for that. The whole thing we're gon na hold on to that piece and we're gon na kind of over track back a little bit and barely anything is probably gon na come off here. Yes, nothing, it's just a little little bit there, and here we have it. So this looks gorgeous already. I could see the shape I'm gon na do the same thing on the other side same exact thing, but I want to show you guys how this was flowing in right now on this side. So look look what we have going on right now. It almost looks like I did nothing, but look how much this is more solid into here. Here'S the layers now here is where the magic starts to happen right into here. This is almost like a spoiler alert for this hey watch. What happens into here right, see that when I, when I bring this hair back, look at the movement she has okay and when we blow dry this it's gon na be leave. Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it so look at that see that how it's all kind of really loosened up this area down through here already you can see it. It'S given her more volume, it's giving her more shape and we're done. No, I have one more side to do so. I'M gon na finish this side. Let'S pray, I get it even you know, and then we'll come back and take a glance and we'll go into the styling. So one key tip is that, when you're cutting on this side, you want to make sure you're standing towards the face, because this is going to be the most accurate as far as the body position and it's going to keep you from hurting hurting yourself. Putting yourself in an awkward position, so I'm standing almost in the exact same spot that I was before and now what I'm doing is I'm just combing straight out, like I did on the other side of the head without having to arch my back and come over The top a lot of times people will cut over the top like this they'll bring the layers up and then, when I get over here, there's stretching, I can't kill me, and it really is uncomfortable. So, by standing in the same spot here you're keeping your body in a straight position, so it's really really helpful for your posture all right, so both sides are done and there's one little thing that I do that I want. I want to save that for last is how to really check the balance, so I'm just gon na spray it down a little bit because I've gone through the whole haircut now, which I need to have kind of wet into dry. But now what I'm gon na do is I'm just gon na lightly mist it down and one little key trick to making sure the haircut is balanced. Is we're gon na take the hair and comb it all straight back and we're gon na go right down the middle, which is kind of where she wears it for the most parts and we're going to take a little section right there in the middle, like that, Right and what this is going to do is basically check both sides now remember the hair grows so especially towards this part grows out of the head. This way right, everything doesn't grow straight up. Okay, it grows out from the head. So if you look at the hair at the scalp you'll see this is common kind of way out here. So you want to make sure that when you're bringing this up, everything is connected and balanced together. So one little piece I see right here and if you see any little pieces then you just you know you cut them to make sure that the hair is balanced, but fortunately there is no other pieces to cut. So you saw the section now again we're gon na comb, this all straight up from the head and again the hair right here grows out from the head. This way, it's not always straight up all right. It'S out this way, so you want to make sure you're, following the head shape for the best results, all right, which there's just a little little bit right there. We need to clean up, which is fine and now we're just following, and everything is balanced, as you can see - and this is really this is the insurance plan right here. This is making sure that everything is connected together. Look at that perfect, not not a lot of scratch, and now I'm gon na put the scissors down she's, probably happy about that, and let's see what we have so far - and this is this is not even blow dry. This is just like you know, I'm looking at it, I'm just wanting. I want to see how, but here, as you can see, everything is really coming together nicely and the shape is gorgeous. There'S a lot more movement to it and now we're going to blow-dry it. This is very exciting because I'm going to be using my new product sleek there, it is, which is a beautiful smoothing serum that is very, very lightweight and has a handful of really key ingredients and I'm going to apply some in my hands. Probably like one pump is good enough and I'm gon na work it through my hands and I'm gon na start applying it through the mid shaft and the end down to here and then I'll work towards the top okay. But you see I'm raking my fingers to it and when applying product you want to make sure that you're following this type of method, because you want to make sure that you're, you know not like just matting the hair with product. But you want to make sure you're kind of really applying it into the hair, so it's not going to be too heavy and then what I like to do is just really work. My fingers through so it's completely saturated throughout the hair. So, let's start the blow-drying process, I'm going to use my Dyson supersonic blow dryer right here and I'm gon na kind of rough fry. The whole thing start with some round brushing I like to go kind of towards the face this way with the with the round, brushing give it a couple of little flips in some movement and then we'll be ready for the finished result. A couple of quick tips and key tips when you're blow-drying someone's hair well a lot of times the clients have a tendency to pull back with the brush, which means you fall on the floor with them. I always suggest telling the client to keep their head very. Very still, as you pull on the hair with the brush, this way, you're ensuring that you're actually blow drying it and not having a client kind of move with the brush always tell them to keep your head still and also. Another tip is that I am blow-drying very similar to like cut the hair. Alright, so we're gon na start it through down in through here we're going to work throughout the sections on the back and then we're gon na face frame the blow-dry all right. So the haircut is complete and I'm just going to run a little bit more of my products sleek throughout the hair, just to kind of really soften up the layers. And here is the money you're ready for the money, shot. Okay, okay, bring head forward and look at that huh gorgeous. Can you see it? You probably can't see it see. This is the result, we're oh, I always get look at that. Is she stunning man you're like a whole, you look like a whole new you're like Heidi Klum, right now, Heidi Klum. Here we go all right gorgeous. Look at that gorgeous, see yep all right. Let'S look right into the camera here. She can't stop looking at herself already. What have I created here all right, so, as you can see, this looks stunning and let's break down what I did for the haircut all right. So the first thing I did is, I created my perimeter the base into here and look how much more solid the bases in through now and the bottom. I went all the way and extended the base frame right into here and, as you can see, has a gorgeous flow to it, and this is perfect because it's not too short it's it's gon na really be kind of exactly where she's comfortable with which i think Is great and then after creating this did the same thing on the other side right and then what we did is created our first layer in through here right and then connected all this, then the top into the back going cutting this way towards the face down. The middle, the corners the sides and then below drawing it kind of similar to how we cut it, and then this is it. The haircut speaks for itself. So again, just right off the bat. You know she was a little bit hesitant at first. You know. No, I said, look trust me. You have to be confident with your work if you're a hair stylist, if you're new in the business or you're doing it for. However, like many years, you have to really be confident in the work that you're gon na be able to provide to someone all right and know that, yes, we can keep the length we can still make it look beautiful, but I think this looks absolutely stunning now I did say to her that we can flip it around a couple different ways. You want to see how that looks. Okay, so the way we cut this because it's so balanced, she generally wears it down the middle, but I said off: you want to just be a little more romantic or you want to dress it up a little more. You want be a little more free-flowing with your hair. Now you can totally flip it around the other side and let's see, we've got this gorgeous kind of flowing layer into here. Look at that and then she can flip it around to the other side. Like that see all that volume it gives, this is pure Hollywood hair. Look at that see. What do you guys think which-which looks better like on the side like this for her. You know, which I think looks very, very it's a very sophisticated look. You know or right down the middle, which still looks gorgeous. Let me know in the comments what you guys think which looks better for her, because she wants she'd like to know and I'm curious to hear your thoughts, alright YouTube. Thank you guys so much for watching. Don'T forget to Like comment and subscribe and click the bell, so when you're notified of my videos when they go live three times a week and let me know what you thought of this beautiful haircut. So, thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you guys next time for videos for this long.

TheSalonGuy: Thank you for all the great comments on this video so far! Happy to hear you are actually learning from this.

William Charles: I'm making the transition from a blow dry salon to a full service salon, your videos been a big help for hair cutting part of the transition, thanks !

jill lehr: Beautiful haircut! I like it side swept over to the side lots of layers that show off the highlights! Thank you Steve for the detailed teaching this is a winner! Perfectionists in our business are worthy of the higher end prices charged! Thank you and congratulation on your new hair product line!

Sheri Lee: Very cute! For her age group the center part fits her, so bouncy and fun. I like the side part to soften the look for older ladies because it adds fullness which means a lot thinner hair. Great video as usual.

Lizzie Beth: Loved her reaction! That's the reaction I'd love to have with every single haircut! Beautiful lady. She has a slight resemblance to Reese Witherspoon and either style looks great on her! Another fabulous job Salon Guy!

Angel Hanely: I LOVE THIS CUT!!! You are soooo talented!!! You make it look so easy! I loved each look. But my favorite, was parted from her left to right. Very sultry & sexy looking. Thank you for another beautiful cut!

Mary Jones: Love you Salon Guy! You explain so plainly and so easy to follow and remember later when I'm behind the chair!

Luce Z: Better on the side! Most beautiful style. I love it, worth every penny! Great job, Steve :) Thanks very much for sharing.

Eunice Lin: My aunt asked me to layer her hair (yay quarantine) and I’ve watched this 15 times now. fingers crossed that it goes well!! Thanks for explaining and showing everything so clearly!

Sandra Dummer: Love the cut and style. Awesome, she looks gorgeous.

parvin zarrin: Excellent hair cut and thank you for the all tips you shared ❤️

Karen Weber: What a difference! Awesome cut! This maximizes all aspects of beauty.

Pjay: Exactly! "WOW!" is right.❤ Lovin the bouncy layers. She almost looks like Alexis Bledel from the Gilmore Girls. Adorable! As for which styling option I like on her. The side part was very nice.

Christiane Brosseau, Carterie Coccinelle Créative: Thank you very much. You teach so well. I can cut my own hair, not perfect as you of course, but I am satisfied with the result.

Mika Anderson: THANK YOU! I’ve watched your other layering cuts and never understood how you connected the back to the top. I’ve got it now. Thx Steven

Mimi: Love this!!! Love it parted on the side. I would also like to see how this style looks up.

Inna Zhurav: Wow, the hairstyle is really stunning, I liked when you flipped the hair to the side, looks sexy.

Sheri klein: I liked it best when you flicked it to the side the second time.. To me it softened everything. Her hair, her face and how everything flowed together and I loved the movement I seen when it was flicked to her right(the second flip)

Pie: Thank you so much for the videos! I'm having a challenging time, wish the communication combined with the teaching were simplified.

Aquarian Nation: Thanks salon guy! Ive been doing hair for about 11 years but i never stop learning, this is very helpful!

Ryuzaki Azzouz: I'm not s stylist but I learned a lot of stuff as a client, and oh my that lady's cut is a piece of art!

Natalia Sluta: Thanks for your tutorials!I learned a lot from you:)

Christina Applegate: You done an amazing job with her hair. She’s got stunning hair and is a beautiful girl so she can wear it both ways

Carolyn: Thank you...just what I was looking for. Beautiful work!! "To her right side"

Jutta: Steven , I prefer that you keep the cuts simple. Easy to follow with outstanding results, thank you again for this tutorial. I wasn't taught correctly at college, as in following the head shape at top back towards crown, treating the front top of head as different area.

JD Blatz: GREAT JOB!!!!!! Steven i do mine on my clients similar but work from top to bottom! she looked DIVINE!!!!!! Great job!!!

georgina: Loved this video thankyou for creating such good content!

Brian Rene: Fabulous cut and style! I love your videos and learn so much. Thanks for posting them and Happy New Year!

Star Sweeting: This was a great training vid for me. Loved it.

Judy White: The Side this is exactly what I was looking for in a long hair cut for a client. I over work it and take to long. I would like you to put in some clips make it easier to follow Thanks I have many years of hairdressing and can always learn better techniques. Never to old to improve what you know

Esmeralda: Love it your my favourite salon guy love all your videos so helpful going to practice on my sally doll ✂️ xx

Carly Rose: Physical distancing has pushed me to send this video to my husband so he can get ready to cut my hair!

Crystal: These are both such great looks

Sonita Kong: "I will keep going over and over this because I'm a virgo and I'm a perfectionist" I am currently going to cosmetology school and also a virgo and I can relate to this so hard haha.

joneuza amorim: Showwwwwwwww. Como Sempre Maravilhoso. Obrigado

Roger The Dodger: Constructive criticism if I may. Dark hair on a dark cover makes it hard to see the cuts. Thanks for a great video.

AP Palletier: The last side part was more sophisticated and sexy, thanks for another great instructional video!

Christine Walters: I like it parted centre. Gorgeous cut!!

Elise G: Come to London we need you !! No one can cut layers anymore .. I’ve had layers since the early 70s and I’ve been to many many salons to recreate the style but no one can do layers !!!!! Love your videos xx

Lynne Harris: Would love to see you do natural curly hair from long to mud. But I’ve never seen anybody on any of these shows work with natural curly hair or natural wavy always straight here if they work with her hair turned out beautifully

Salonsloan: I see this is an older vid and an absolutely amazing execution, education and result on a beautiful young lady. For the sake of her health as she ages. . ..she is unable to hold her head up straight; even with his assistance which is usually associated with structural issues. All in love not being critical Thanks for your gift of expertise and experience. ❤

Agnes a: Love love the vid, great haircut, thank you !! One tip, maybe no music under your speak.

Lena Fuggi: Excellent job as usual....stunning haircut

V: Good for you starting a biz and helping others to start businesses as well that’s commendable and I wish you success....;)

Carmen Rodriguez: Hi! Love this! Can I do this with a long haircut?

Nicole Ciuffreda: Beautiful haircut! You are awesome.

bookwrm4evr: Beautiful classic cut. She has a nice forehead/face shape for a middle part, but i do like how the side part gave her a little bit of sass haha.

Rachel West: Beautiful!!

pinkglitterbunny: love how u cant see what hes cutting for half the shots. luckily its easy to tell what he means so i can imagine it well. still a great video regardless i loved it. amazing technique

BlushBeauty Pro: Very nice Haircut and well explained. Thank you so much. Would you share what shears you are using for this Haircut ?

Tim Stephens: Going to try this out on my wife tonight. Wish me luck! :D

Cindy Smith: Beautiful cut!!

Jackie Cloutier: It looks beautiful on the side

Denise LeBeau: Parted on the right....gorgeous girl with a fabulous haircut from one of the best in the business! ❤️

Joy McBride: To the side looks awesome on her.

Darkhelm1: Having never tried to cut anyone´s hair before I attempted just that on my wife after watching this video. To be honest it went a hell of a lot better than expected due to the simple instructions given here and it actually looked good after. Thank you very much for the tips, they were really really good. What you made look extremely simple wasn´t quite as straight forward when I did it though!!

Debbie Giori: Beautiful!

Annita Fonken: I think parted in the middle is a more casual look for the jeans & tee shirt look. When you flip the bangs to the side would be more for a sophisticated corporate or black tie event look. What a gorgeous haircut ❤ it! You da boss

mirilaws: Would this cut work for thin hair too? Or can you recommend? I have trust issues taking my daughter to a salon! Recovering from complete hair loss from Wen Cleansing Conditioner, all different lengths from 0-8" so tough situation. I tend to try to cut for what she'd eventually like while ignoring the shorter bits. She has 2a-2c curls on the ends.

LFOVCF: $150 to snip 2mm from everywhere? Where I come from, that's barely a trim

Alfet Kadhim: Wow I like it

Lena Fuggi: My hair is gorgeous growing i loveeeee it

UnholyBeachGxd-: Oooh that hair be feeling soooo good in the hands... 'ladies, you know the procedures'

Artsy Chic: Great cut. Wish you could cut mine :) I liked her side parted.

Lanyla: Very cute very classic nice job

fr3@kb!+¢h: good example of having a chronic leaner/tilter in the chair.. i mean i guess if you have years of experience then maybe it's easier to just be mindful to compensate for a client whose default is to constantly tilt their head, slouch their shoulders, cross their legs, etc, but for everybody else it basically means you have to do double duty, not only cutting the hair, but also being CONSTANTLY vigilant about realigning their body/head before EVERY cut.

Tina Hamlyn: She looks good middlle or both siides brilliant hair cut as always

मेरी आवाज़: Wow Perfect haircut .

Judy White: Whatched it again and love this hair cut will be doing soon have a client in mind

Sophia Marie: great explanation. Thanks

Jonathan Valdovinos: She’s gorgeous.

Sue Walker: Beautiful,and looks amazing flicked over the her right

Alex Flores: Hi Salon Guy! I’m looking for your favorite layered haircut tutorial... I believe it was your go to haircut for longer layers but I can’t find it!

KittyKawaiiEnergyDrink: Didn't realize how long the vid was lol but it was so worth it

Estella: Great haircut and very nice tutorial, but you must of had a hard time getting her to keep her head up! And I look forward to hearing your bad jokes!

Pauline Toombs: the side flow.

Pramila Govind: Excellent haircut, Thank you.......

Arleen’s favorite Bryant: The part on either side looks better makes the style appear rich

Emily Forcade: Her slight part on the left was sexier but she wanted less face framing so she’ll be tossing/her head all day for that. Great learning experience. It helps to hear you talk about exactly how you’re doing the cut. The music is distracting - you don’t need it.What is most helpful for me is to be able to see the hair you’re working with because it relies on the camera work and the length of the video. So I just started watching your videos and I’m looking for the longer ones to see as much as I can about the technique. I’m rewatching or stopping and rewinding to see if I can catch more. You could easily do this as a 90 minute video - which I have also heard people complain about (videos that are too long - which is crazy to me).I would pay for that. Maybe other people would as well.

URMEELA CALEYACHETTY: Am so impress i did the hair cut thanks lots Sir

Ricardo Bonilla: She looks like an angel!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Rose Saludares: its perfect♥️♥️♥️

sharkiss rich: Really nice!

melissa lynn: i love your videos stephen!

Xiomara xbformyskincare: LOVELY HAIRCUT.

banana monkey allergy: im the one that cuts my family hair but i cant cut my own well :( gotta go a salon

Julia Hong: Thank you very much ❤for the great service

TanicWhisper06: Jesus that girls beautiful, what is her Instagram?! Besides that my friend asked me to attempt to cut her hair short. Showed her this video and attempted to follow along. Tbh I stopped before you started to do layers but jee it actually came out extremely nice. First time ever cutting hair fyi. All I did was follow what you said :)

Florida David: What a lucky girl.

karen m: I wish u would use clips so we may c the clean lines and partings since u r teaching us...

Aadeln8 osmne7: Wow

Adam: Can you do Albert Wesker's Resident Evil 5 haircut please

Diane Concialdi: Love it to her right side.

Marilyn Mootsey: Great hair cut!!

Tamkeen Fatima: Do haircut for fine thin hairs

Lola Pavon: So nice

Sew-what: Incredible

Aiden Nymes: You should've telled her from the beginning to keep her head still. Her rubber neck almost freaked me out xD

Model 1: Best on the side more glamrous

Ontherocks: Do patrick schwarzenegger’s hair in midnightsun movie! That will be my hair always!! please do it :((

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