How To Cut Curly Short Layered Haircut Tutorial - Curl Cutting Technique

  • Posted on 03 September, 2020
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

How to cut Curly Short Layered Haircut Tutorial

Cutting technique for curly hair

Short Womens Haircut on Curly Hair Tutorial

*Giving is hold forever*

You know i used to live there, you used to live there. Yes, you did my gosh here we go audrey. What'S her name, you see the similarity here between that and this one's shorter at the front. Yes, and this one's a bit curlier at the front. What do you like better? Well, my hair as you'll, see when you start putting your fingers in there the texture changes quite a bit. I really like it a little longer in the front. You don't want it. Super sharp, no yeah, but i do like in this one. Let me turn my brightness up. Yeah turn the brightness up, but here there's it goes a little longer. You like a little bit tight, taper yeah. It'S cute! You like that. Okay, let's do it. Let'S give it is that the same girl yeah, it's alia, who's elia, shaw, tremendous actor. Is she yeah sure cat shortcut, wow interesting? What'S she in she's in uh, the search party arrested development uh-huh, i don't know she's in an episode. Did he still say the word broad? I thought it was such an old-fashioned word. Wasn'T it i didn't. I expect a young girl like you to know that kate broad, what's the definition of abroad, sorry broadchested abroad, broadchested, i'm proud! Okay. So if we're gon na go short, let's take it short in here. First, all right, that's what we'll do we'll attack it. She has a lot of hair uh, it's naturally very textured and uh. We can't take any prisoners with this because it's the kind of hair that's going to expand a lot. So the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start right in the nape, so i'll section out from the occipital i'll section this right here right at the occipital bone and let's just clip that hair out of the way i'm working with my straight Edge razor today, uh, you can raise the curly hair as long as you uh know how to manage it. But this hair texture is very strong. She'S got very strong hair, so we're going to have to be stronger, all right, chin down just a little beautiful and we're going to take this section out. So these two sections right here are just below the occipital bone and let me take this section down the center down the center of the spine gon na keep this nice and kind of clear and then let's get right in i'll. Do one side. First, in the salon, i would cut uh i'd, go side to side, but in the interest of time and of of what we're doing here with the camera, i'm gon na go in with the flat of the blade and just take that in nice and tight next Section keep your sections, nice and skinny so that you can get this precision and you hold the hair, nice and taut so that you can get a really great connection. I'M also going to clip that. So you can see more clearly when you first start working with a straight edge razor or a folding razor like this. It'S important that you use the guard because you get the balance because the blades moving around a lot, and you know i have a razor class. That'S starting: we have a hands-on razor class literally september, the 13th and 14th, so it's our first in-person class since the corona hi corona. So what that means is i'll, be teaching if you're interested you can come into new york and get learn how to do uh razor cutting with me. It'S a two-day class, it's the 13th and the 14th as we kickstart our education. Now, because it is september, we have four months left of the year and uh we're kickstarting our live education, so i have a number of classes. I have my razor fundamentals class in september. I have my razor advanced class in uh in october, and i have a classic scissor class classic scissor cutting class in october. All our classes are available on You can check them out there and um and we'd love to see you we're also doing a virtual class, a virtual american wave certification. So if you've been waiting to get certified in american wave uh, you can do that virtually online you'll actually get what we call the wave kit. It'S all of the tools inside the box and you'll do practical at home distance learning. So we've worked. If i just show you what we've done, we've worked that panel diagonal sections. The fear here is we don't want to. We want to make sure it doesn't get too long in here. So now what i'm going to do is i'm going to rotate lift the chair up a little i'll, rotate a little and i'm going to come from the outside in so i worked from the inside out and now i'm going to work from the outside in keep Us right here, so it's not too too tight the razer lens itself to a little bit more texture. I'Ve been razor cutting now for 25 years for those people that don't know originally worked for vidal sassoon. Precision based hair cutting with a scissor, and that was kind of my religion, and that was my training and then once i left with houses soon i wanted to branch out and learn some other stuff and that led me to uh to razor cutting, because it's a Different application, but still working with the same medium, so razer's, one piece of steel and you kind of collapse and take out the texture. You kind of create texture. You take out texture, so i'm kind of using classic scissor sectioning here. But the razor will give me a different finish and the reason why i started from the inside out uh was so that i could get it in nice and tight right in here and once i got to that point and i went from the outside in you. Can start to see we're building up a little bit of weight? This will be my last section and then i'll do exactly the same on the opposite side, if you get chance one of the guests that we had this week on uh, well, the only guest that we had this week on nick at nine was the president of The uh professional beauty association, the pba steve sleeper, it's a good program to watch it's on my instagram feed, and it's on. What do you call that kate, when you post it? Is it on a story? Ig tv? So you can see it's a 45 minute interview about the state of the industry morning from southern vermont: hey southern vermont. I bet it's nice there. Today you get a little bit of freshness in the air here, it's kind of muggy. I think it's going to be a humid day, but we got the weekend coming and kate told me today that it's the end it's the end of summer, but she was up late last night. I think me thinks i woke up in the middle of the night and thought about the microphone. You did yeah, but it was too late too late. You know, there's a thing called text and that's not okay, i'm going to next time yeah. I can't wait middle of the night text. I'M scared right in here hi from nebraska hello from charlotte. We got a lot of people. We are around the country today, which is beautiful this weekend. If you're interested this weekend, we're actually starting, probably tomorrow, we're starting our labor day weekend, sale 25 off everything on a rojo pro. So if you're looking for a razor pair of scissors, even combs clips blades 25 off all weekend. So, that's something that you can tell your friends in the salon. Erosiopro.Com and you'll. Get you get to. You know get 25 off also on our product site, we're going to do the same for our consumers as we try to boost the last day of i'll post summer product code tomorrow, you will well yeah yeah good. You can see that building up so right now. What we'll do is we'll come from the outside in again head just slightly over. That creates a little bit more space for me to to move. If we pull it all back this way, it gets a little too heavy here so by just starting in here. It means i can tighten this area up. It'S also important when you raise razor cutting, make sure you have a little bit of moisture in the hair. I'M using my hydro mist, brilliant product, it's only twenty dollars, it's a great resetter, it's a conditioning spray and it's great for working with when you're hair cutting great from florida cincinnati toronto people are representing where they're from today. I like that me too. So the question is: are you from we got a bunch from coral? She says: how long would it take you to do this haircut from start to finish, oh uh for 40 minutes. 30 minutes. I wasn't talking i'd be a lot further ahead. If i wasn't trying to position for the camera, i booked my appointments on the hour now in my new social distance hair salon. We used to book on the 45 we book on the hour, because we we need the time to do the full service blow dry. Shampoo and uh yeah - no problem, i mean seriously. I think a good 45 minutes is the perfect time to book your appointments. I used to do 10 12 clients a day now, i'm down to doing about eight or nine based off of the new kind of rules for being in the salon jeremiah. Yes, we will post this in full for you to watch later. We always do that to the facebook nicaragua. Facebook is where you can find all of these in full. We got a lot, haven't we so the nice thing with the razor just to show you here. I can go this way or i can go this way with a scissor. I can only cut this way, so the razer is a more ergonomic tool. I find it's a little freer, a little looser, it's more fluid. It'S my sculpting tool. I did a sculptor's hair. This week, on monday and last night, she was so happy with the haircut. She sent me some of her sculptural work, which was pretty exciting to see. As i said, it's like sculptor when you cut hair with a razor you're carving, your shaping you mix the structure with the softness of the blade now right here, it's a little low, hairline wise. So i'm going to tighten that up with a scissor. So i'll pick my scissor up and i'll do that right now, uh and then what i'm going to do is you'll see. You can see that this side, i think, falls really really good. Just a few little fine hairs there. So i'm going to push it this way, i'm going to rest it on my finger and i'm gon na point cut and i'm just gon na chip away at the hell and i'm tightening up the skin, putting the scissor flat onto the skin just to tighten that Up, i can come back to this, but right now i want to try and get it pretty good. I'M just balance it up a little bit, but i can come back to it. It'S not over. Until it's till it's over till the end of the haircut. She puts her head up now. You know we can see it's a little bit more balanced you doing. Okay, oh yeah, you're scared! No, i i love a dramatic king. Oh look. She'S got the picture out for us too she's getting it ready, she's, reminding me because she said she thinks i forget. I don't think he'll forget and she's filming herself, hey man, we've got cameras. Galore here we're gone, we've gone the whole hog, my whole nine yards i'll put my scissor down and then i'm gon na pick up my razor. Would you posing wow shamwow? Okay, so underneath done underneath done? Okay, so now what we'll do is we'll take the next section? So if you think about the back, if you think about the head, the head comes up just follow my comb, i'll use the white one it'll be more contrast for you. So if you're looking right now, we did this piece where the hair is moving out. Then, if you put the comb here, you've got a flat flatness and then, if you put the comb here, you've got a flatness, so the most amount of shape happens here and right. The way through the back. So the first panel is this. The second panel is that, and the third panel is this, so what we'll do is, if i would imagine to put the comb flat right here, just below the crown is, where i'll take my next section breaking it down, so that i'm it i'm i'm cutting it In elements in sections this way it just takes out the overall shape and i can focus on elements, so this section is to the top back of the ear. This section right here is from the occipital bone to where the head rounds away. So right there you see the flatness of it, and what i want to do right now is because i've got the tightness in here, i'm going to come back from the center again, so same application same concept, but now we want to start to build up a Little bit of weight to build up a little bit of weight. What we want to do is we want to come from the underneath, because my fingers are sliding, so the hair gets a little longer i'll keep the sections clipped. So you can see, come the hair straight out and then from the underneath. We'Re pushing and my fingers are sliding so this hand. That'S holding is sliding away started here and slid away, and that gives you the the start of the build and because she has super dense hair. I am using the flat of the blade and i'm putting in a lot of texture, because she does have super dense hair, and i think that if you're, not if you're, not aggressive or assertive enough or definitive enough, you could end up with it. Not looking so it'll look too thick and lumpy, so we want to kind of free up that texture keep your sections skinny. So you can see you know if you can see the hair, it's uh with a cleaner section. So as we comb this hair out, watch my hands slide as the blade and notice how the wrist isn't moving just the fingertips coming from the underneath, so you'll notice, the the wrist isn't moving the arms not moving. It'S just literally this movement here be careful not to let it get too long. So you want to work with the hair damp, but you want to allow it to dry as you go, so you can kind of see the personality, because curly hair changes, personality from wet to dry yeah. All curly hair is not the same, and there is a big personality change now, because we're pulling the hair back, it is going to get longer behind the back of the ear same way. We started the opposite. We did from the inside to the back of the ear and then from the outside into the center, i'm not going to go from the outside. Yet i'm going to keep it on the inside just open that razor right. The way in right. The way in here open it, keep it loose, it's important not to take too long when you do your haircuts as well. You know you want to kind of be quick enough. That looks cute. You can see she. She showed me a piece where the back of the hair was um, i'm going to come here, kate, because i think, if i jump across in front of you, you'll see it better she's showing me the haircut where she liked a little bit more drama and shape Through the back, so that's what we're doing right here again coming from the underneath, so look at how ergonomic the razor is and the razor comes in a couple of different shapes and sizes. This is my handcrafted wood, razor yeah. I get these from my friend out in michigan. A couple of people have now followed and they make them themselves or they get the same guy to make them. But this was our design originally and we worked on the weight and the balance of the razor through a few different incarnations uh. This is my handcrafted wood razor. Don'T forget 25 off this weekend, so the razors, the wood razors, come at a price tag of 299.. So 25 is a good savings and then the plastic razor out of japan takes the same feather blades, that one's 150 on our site so 25 off this weekend, if you're looking to either upgrade or get a new tool or buy a razer for the very first Time also with our wave class that we're coming up with american wave you'll get the wave box which has everything in it. Have a headstand it'll, have a clamp it'll have the head form. You will get the rods the soft tools as we like to call them end papers, you'll get the dvd and you'll even get the american wave lotion one of each. The certification class is 500 and you'll, learn from your own home and we'll be filming it right. In this uh location, we are in brooklyn right now, we're in our williamsburg location and uh we're doing our brooklyn live, which we do every thursday, although next thursday, i it might be hard because i'm moving kate out of my house yeah. So next thursday is the move day, so we'll see stay tuned, hopefully i'll still be able to do. Brooklyn live nice. I'M sure people really want to see that i would you want to see that yeah we'll see the uh, the coffee that kate used to make for us in the morning when she lived in my house right here. So i finished that right here: watch i'm just gon na you'll see me just get a little bit more freeform and allow that hair to live. Okay, so remember here here and now we're going to go here to the top of the head, so everything's been focused on the back. So now we're going to go right there, just above the crown to the back of the ear and we'll clip it away and we'll stay right here. We'Ll do the same on the opposite side. But let's stay right here because we're here now and because i started from the inside and did this whole second panel - i'm now going to start the third panel from the outside in and what i'm going to do. Is i'm going to clip this hair out of the way so that it's a bit clearer for me to see the shape all right and just pull that out there you go cute expose new dates are may 15th to 17th 2021 at the twa hotel, kate. You can wear the outfit. This is probably what i'm gon na wear. Yeah nick will be in a full flight. I mean full pilot outfit. I shouldn't know what she was going to say there. A full pilot outfit is that what it's called yeah, let's go catch me if you can baby, is that what was that movie called yeah, leonardo da cappuccino? So now i'm starting to speed through and i'm again just lifting that hair out and just creating a lot of chaos but structured chaos there. It is a set, that's a very like retro camera. Isn'T it well, it's uh it's new, but is it new yeah? Is it expensive is the quality good? It'S a fantastic quality. Hd camera 10 megapixels. You work at b, h! I should you should i would for the discount there you go. That'S the big camera equipment place here in new york there. Now you used to city to pick up only, but now you can go in yeah, they did so you can see the shape, building and just look at the texture. Don'T forget, we use product to pull the texture together later. I just want to see that roundness and that shape come out. We can always cut more off, so you don't have to like get too uh concerned to be careful not to cut it too short to begin with, especially with hair like this, because once we take out more bulk once we take out more bulk, the hair looks Shorter, but still you retain some length right here, just piece: it out just have a look right here on the outline great. So now, let's spin around and we'll do exactly the same on this side, structured chaos, structured chaos. I like that later yeah. You should do that kate, you're, so creative cake. Maybe that should be the name of this uh. This webcast, that's right, structured chaos. Now we're going to call it kate's pilot suit, kate, in the in the hangar. I can't wait to hang out in that room. What'S it called yeah, it's a twa, the room that, like i don't know, kate, and i don't even talk about the lobby that looks like an airplane - is an airplane. It is an airplane yeah, it's called the connie. Yes, the connie, that's what i can't wait. It doesn't look like an airplane, it is an airplane antonio. Yes, there's a photo of her natural hair before that's on the instagram stories right now, i'll also post a before and after to facebook and erosion, social you're good. Today, kate, you're, very chatty you're comfortable. Now, after how long have you worked with me in my company, i started in january so now you're comfortable yeah. So now i'm not shy anymore. I'M learning! This is a good time to check. Put your fingers in and just have a feel thank you donna. So i'm doing a very i'm doing a very structured. It'S not about uk sorry guys. It'S now uh kate, at nine kate's bangs, look great at eight k today, yeah well, that was the show. Wasn'T it that girl that haircut is infamous yeah like. Let me see your manager yeah, what do they call it? Let me see your manager nice. We should do that. We should anyone wants the kate plus eight just call me, i'm doing it next week. Yeah we'll do the my remix. Still pops off in the midwest sure does midwest is best so you'll see me just put that razor in now be careful, i don't let it get too long. Yeah her hair's not curling as curly as the picture, it's more coarse, so you know we got to work with that. We'Ve got to get the kind of illusion. Correct product obviously is going to help because we built this shape up. You know we want to be careful, we don't get it too heavy, so you can like allow the hair to live about what it's going to do when it calms down day two day, three, not just the first day, all right karen here karen here, that's a Name that they give this, let me see your manager person, yeah they're, a karen. I feel bad for karen's, because they've gotten a lot of, i know one karen and she's mexican. They just get made fun of a lot they're in a lot of like you're gon na alienate all of the karen's that are watching right now, kate, so please, okay! So right now, it's time for us to uh carry on the journey. So what we're going to do is we're going to take a section, so we now would add this panel flat panel right here. Let'S take the first section right there keep this nice and clean. You want to really make sure you know exactly when don't let the head overtake you, you have to manage and control the hair as best as possible and right now we don't want to wing it out. We don't want to come this way. It'S going to get too long, we want to kind of come in, so we want to fit it in so again use the i'm using more the back or the heel of the blade i'm using the flat of the blade i'm putting in a lot of texture. Taking out i'm actually taking out a lot of hair, which will add a lot of texture and the hair is wet to the touch, but not dripping section one section: two: it's kind of the stuff you learn when you come to our classic scissor class, you will Learn sectioning and all my classes, the hands-on i when you come to hands-on classes, there's no demonstration, there's no need we jump straight in to the cup. We jump straight into the practical. The reason being is, i think, practical uh in in salon, experiences or in-person experiences. It shouldn't be about demonstration, should be all about practical, so notice, how i'm going back in and putting a little space in there notice how my sections started off horizontal and now they're slightly diagonal. The reason being is, i want to again uh kind of attack, the top and the bottom at the same time, if i'm just horizontal, i'm building up kind of more of a horizontal graduation. What i'm doing right here is i'm cutting from the top. So i've got my length here and i'm cutting in to the length around the face and when she showed me the pictures at the beginning, i noticed straight away. One was shorter at the front and one was longer and you know i'm liking the longer and that's what she preferred she didn't want it so short at the front. So it's going to be shorter, but we also have to modify the shape because to me the two clients that she showed me: it's hot you see the image, but you don't really know the fabric of the texture, but it looked a little finer. This is really strong: hair she's got strong, hair and strong eyebrows. You see that little eyebrow action - that's all we can see unless you know someone at the park that you like, and then you give it a little a little a little talk a little distreet target on the map, so you can show your boat race, race yeah. That'S your smile, my face boat race face. That'S what they say. That'S good! You got a little bit of a silver line in here yeah. You can kind of see now what's happening with the shape tight, a little bit of build up, not finished yet. But it's time to go to the opposite side and your mirror is for you. You know it's amazing how much you look in the mirror, it's an important tool when you're working, of course, when we're demonstrating we're doing this a long time. You'D have no mirror, but, as i was talking to my sculptor the other day when i was cutting her hair, she said you look in the mirror. Every section i said yes, i do. I said because that gives me some space gives me the distance to assess and see how the shape's working - and here i can also see in the mirror. I can see the side, so i can see the side profile. So it shows me and i'm looking for proportion, new question that we get asked a lot is: is it easier? Is it hard to cut hair with the mask? You know it's better without that's for sure, but it is what it is so uh and you know it's not about face shape for me. It'S always about hair texture. So now we're going to go back to our vertical uh. Sorry, our horizontal sections, i'm going to angle the fingers in a little keep a little length just around the front. We have a question about: where is she parting, her hair she's? Not this curly, hair texture has not really gon na have a defined part. I'Ve not even thought about which way i like it to go, i'm really just working on the foundation. She just gave me a sign to the to the to the to the right she said yeah i like to the left. That'S everything you you in a box to the left, yeah so open razor. This is open razor stroke and i've gone a little bit more vertical, now a little bit diagonal with the section. So i can start from the top to the to the face and i'm angling it slightly in i'm going to do one more section and then i'll check it to see whether i'm in the right place fine teeth of the comb, always with a razor to get That tart tension and a super open stroke. So don't forget every tuesday night nine o'clock. We do a program called nick at nine it's on instagram. Last week we had steve sleeper from the pba or this week. Sorry, last week we had uh. We had uh frank fulco from america's beauty, show and we're getting newer guests every week, we're getting a lot of good guests and we're really talking a lot. Obviously about opening california. We'Ve been trying to be as vocal as possible to reopen salons in california. It seems to be some movement there, which is good for my california friends but, of course, we're still closed in certain counties. So we're going to keep up the uh, the vocalness of that and, of course, in the news, everyone's seen, uh nancy pelosi getting ahead in san francisco. This is not a political issue. This really is pure and simple. Just trying to say that you know we should all be following the same protocols, so it is what it is all right back into the cut now it's time for me to spin around and check okay. So now i want to do. Is i want to check? I want to put my hands in here my fingers and i want to feel whether i'm in the right place, and it feels pretty good now this side's dry. So it's expands this side's wet, so it flattens. She also told me as the question that came, she said she goes more this way now this hair, you got to be really like confident, because this hair can take over yeah. So now what we're going to do is we're going to start to work up and over the head. So i'll spin around i'm going to drop her down a little i'm going to play to the camera and now we're going to work from the front to the back or from the back to the front elevate that hair out. Yes, we do sell our guards, it only fits on our razors. We do sell them if you've lost your guard five dollars. I don't know if they're online, but you can always contact valeria, so notice. What i'm doing right here, not really cutting in the length. I'M really scooping out yes, contact, valeria, yeah, and it's it's important to you work with your garden when you're learning, because uh you don't want to start slicing all your fingers up and you want to get the balance and the control it's nicer without a guard Because you get the bite of the blade, but you know you don't want to like again. Safety first is the key overdirecting, the hair foot across to the side. This has gon na really pop out it's important to not get too timid with it, and it's like when you start your haircut. You um, you begin. You got to start strongly, then, once you get that foundation for your shaping, which is the underneath, then you can be a little bit looser, but you can see she's got such expandable hair. I'Ve worked over the top i'm over the top center dragging the hair over. It means it's going to fall just a little heavier to her right, which is the way she tends to push it and i'm taking very healthy sections. Nice thick sections, not even following the guide, i'm not looking for the guide, as i was, i'm really looking just to get rid of the hair. So i can see what the hair says to me. I'Ve come over the center, so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to come back this way, we're going to do exactly the same, we're going to come from the back to the front and up and over, i won't go as over. On this side. I won't go over the center, i'm going to go to the hair that i just uh cut brian says i'm with my client. We watch like every time she comes in for a cup. She'S huge is that brian waldron? Yes, what up brian? How are you buddy? Miss you man, he says she's looking for a new hair dryer! Oh my dryers are coming out and you can see kate modelling my blow dryer. She takes it out with it to the to the restaurant, but the new dryers are coming out. Uh they land in america from italy they land literally and uh. We should have them by the middle of september. So we're excited for that and we're going to be doing a pre-sale next week. Stay tuned lighter than an iphone and cheaper that cheaper than a dyson. Less expensive than a dyson, which is good, that's our pitch yeah dyson and iphone kind of rhymes um. They don't wear my older yeah somebody said they're already sold on it. Nice scooping this hair back flat, plane of the blade lifting in the hair. Now we're already almost at the head, all that has been cut to some kind of length. It'S already been cut to some kind of length. So now it's time for me to push the client back to the front and we start to have a look and see you know which is the way you push it this way. That'S your way, it's your pushy way. So now i need my mirror and i will, with this haircut: no that's, okay, let's comb it down notice, how i've let the hair it's still damp, but it's a dry urine that that hydro mist is a great product because we just shampooed using the shine locks And then this is a great product to put a little bit of moisture back in to the hair and now it's time for me to cut the front and it's time for me to start just using my vision. My you know just look at the composition of the sketch and see what's working, we like length here, but this is too long. So now i'm going to actually come through, i'm going to start to cut the head down. So my sections slightly diagonal and i'm combing the hair forward and i'm cutting the hair down. I'M going to comb that hair down i'm going to piece piece right: there: fine teeth of the comb; peace, it out; peace, it out; man, peace out, man. What product we recommend! I'M curious for this texture, i'm curious too yeah, i'm curious too i'll be thinking about products, not just yet but uh. You know i i've got something great for this here. You know you got to think. What do you want? You want hold. You want control, do you wan na you know, i i've got american wave hair care which i'll use and uh i'll definitely use glint, which is like a spray wax which will help to hold the hair together all right. So i just come around to the front. Looked again and it's starting to take shape, it starts to take the shape that i want now, i'm just going to start to work through and add just a little bit more freeform texture twisting and i'm working away. So, as i lift up i twist, what this does it creates more texture leaves the the center more textured, because when you twist it, you cut all the outside. When you cut up like this, you can't do this, so you just keep the stiff arm and you just work it nice and delicately, and we can see what's happening, it's starting to be exactly what i wanted. So it's all of a sudden. You know whenever i'm doing a haircut, i'm just working for like the magic. The magic is when i kind of start to see it like starts to look good on the client and i feel like i'm getting right at the right place. So you twist and you come inside and just add, and then i use my fingers to see how it feels now, because i've got a black robe on or a black. What do you call this apron yeah, a black apron. I see i see a little bit right here, so you'll step away, so you can see the shape and now it's time to it's time for visual, because this hair is going to have a different different personality every day, it's not going to be the same at All so, you want to make sure your shape's good, that's and now, once i've got the shape in now, it's time to just deconstruct it just a little bit more. It'S like the free form. This is how i used to cut my own hair, and i learned how to cut my own hair like this and uh. So then it became something that you know. I brought it into my technique because the there's uniformity here and here the lack of uniformity through the top - is very powerful to control frizz. I would recommend the deep frizz serum no in the feeling. No, no, no but good. Try. Thank you. Yeah good! Try! I like it, she went for it d for serums really for me on this hair, i wouldn't use d for a serum. I want something to hold it together. D3 serum is a collapser. It'S going to collapse, it defy sims when you eliminate frizz we're not eliminating texture here, yeah you go from all the frizz control cream. If you want to stop it from being so frizzy, but her hair is so strong, it's very coarse. It'S not weak hair yeah, and you know you need something. That'S got like a little humectant, a little oil, a little waxiness, something that's gon na hold the hair together, create a little bit more definition, create separation and the hair's still damp, but it's drying, which is good now it's time for me to pop that down and I'Ll pick up my uh, my shears and i'm going to come through with a scissor which is good and this. What i'm going to do with the scissor is i'm going to just clean up a little without cutting off what i've put in i'm just going to clean up a little watch this. This is a nice way to do something, so we lift it and we check it and then i'm just gon na take out some pieces section across lift the hair up. I just take a little out of there and then i'm just going to put in some short little channels create a little bit more space. This is going to give the hair support, but it's also going to create a bit more space. Well, like in the final, you know the final few minutes now of the cup and the reason i go with a scissor at this point. I don't want to wet the hair down and i want to be with if it was with a razor. I would have to wet the hair down, but with a scissor i don't have to wet the hair down what size here. This is a six inch bmx year available on erosiopro dot com. Don'T forget 25 off this weekend. So if you're interested in new scissors check him out and uh wait until the promo comes out, but the promo cable post, what's it going to be, you know that what the promo code's going to be, but it's not available yet is it available? What is it, though, labor day wow? How did we think of that that must have set up at night? Did you was? Is that why he was up all night last night thinking about what the code should be last day of summer 2020? Good you feeling good yeah, you liking what we did. Oh yeah, you look brand new brand new she's spanx a month ago. Well, the humidity, the humidity. Yes, the humidity looked like a chia pet all summer. No, you look like a a movie. You look like a movie star, she is yeah. Now. How did you guys meet because kate you saw her on tv? Did you? Yes, i saw roberta on tv on a show, yep and, and then i just saw her in the street in williamsburg. So i said: hey well you, oh, i followed you first yeah yeah you, you created some videos about your fandom noel and then i thought i showed my friends and we thought y'all were cute. Yeah y'all were cute. I followed you back and then i ran into in the street wow an immediate connection and then and then what happened. You'Ve made a cartoon kate. I saw you in a cartoon you're, so excited. Aren'T you i'm so excited. Did somebody put you in the cartoon? What'S it for it was for a music video yeah, and i'm just this lonely girl walking around the city. It'S pretty accurate. Looking for love in all the wrong places, i get paid a dollar. What every time i reach my step goal for my insurance company, one dollar, one dollar, wow america. So you see it's still damp, but i'm looking for shape and i'm expanding the shape. So i can see the shape and then i'm just piecing in just a little bit of texture. Then we're going to power dry it and then we're going to re-wet it and reset the curl, and then she can go and enjoy the last day of summer. According to kate, this is going to get you all the new jobs. Oh yeah. Well, you know in 2021 yeah. Is it no nothing being filmed? Now there is there's stuff, that's starting back up in new york, but uh. I don't know. Half of me wants to go back to work and half of me is glad to not be working plenty ahead. There yeah! So now let me bring over my lighter than an iphone. How long is that? It'S uh, it's a long card. It'S the cable shell yeah! It'S 12 feet this one's a 16 footer. Look. You got ta, get that yeah! It'S behind you! That'S it! It'S! Okay, i'm back! Yes! If uh, if anyone's got a hamster, we got something for them: a new bed, a new bed for your hamster right. Let'S blow dry everything out in the salon, i probably could rinse it, but today we'll just power dry, it out a little bit of detail on the hairline and then it's time to apply the products so stay with me. While we apply the product, but first i just want to just check out that hairline. It'S too many cards, kate, that's, okay, okay, roberta chin down just a little! Thank you. Just have a look right in here. Let'S clean this up, just a little bit come that forward. Just come back in. I just got a ding, my iphone this side too. Well who's it. A lot of hair, eh yeah lots. You also hit the nail on the head with the hair, is different. Every day, hair is different. Every day controls my life all right. This is what i want. I want american wave. I want structure and glint all right now. It'S important for the hair to be damp to accept the product. Otherwise, it's just going to sit on the top surface, so we'll use our hydro mist, which will put sheen in it and it'll enable the hair to kind of get locked in you get a little bit more because you've got like that length right here. You get a little bit more action from there, so let's really douse it down and always be looking at all times, always look. You know. Look at your client. Look at the composition of the hair, got a great little silver accent right there good morning, isabel okay. So i douse that hair and you can see that the curl is going to start to come back now, i'm going to go with structure. This is a lightweight styling cream and don't be shy. What would you say uh? That'S a a big dollop silver dollar! That'S a big dollar yeah, rub the big doll up into your hands and then work the product in non-flaky. It'S going to control the hair. It'S a non-flaky cream that has light, hold shine and will hold the texture and it will give the hair it will kind of pull the hair together a little bit more, which is what you want to do and as i'm working this now, i'm trying to pull The hair together, locking it in shrink it it'll, shrink it down and uh. I'M gon na have a look and see what i can do right here. Let'S see if i can just add a little polish to the curls, so just twisting the curls in i'll come through here, just lock them in lock in a little separation. It'S not a waxy product, but this is like, i think, of it as like. It'S a styling cream, so think of it as like a liquid gel, but it's lighter than a liquid gel in the erosio product line. We have curl definer. We also have styling cream in the erosio product line. The american, the american wave product line is uh. Is a more ingredient focused yeah, it kind of hits all the buzzwords vegan paraben free, sulfate, free erosion product is very utilitarian. It'S not about an ingredient story, it's more about a performance story. So when i talk about a performance, it's like performs of the product - and you can see now this is collapsing - the hair and it's holding their hair together and it shouldn't be too perfect, come through here lisa. Could you find me a diffuser? I might i'm sure there might be one around here - oh yeah, that's it bring over my thumb, nice place it on what i like about this style today is uh keeping the length around the ears. I love that. I also like the idea that we took it in nice and tight through the back. I think that's a really great. That was a great idea, so i'm glad that she mentioned that. That'S why i think pictures are great. It'S the best visual aid. You can get thank you lisa right now, working in the structure, the american wave just trying to polish that up yeah. Now what i'm going to do this is now. This is called glint, it's a shine, but it's also it's like a light, waxy spray. It gives you that beachy kind of glisten this is going to hold it. So this, in conjunction, is that my client great 1102, put a lot of that in there it's great product, glint and now i'll show you. This is a diffuser. You don't take your nozzle off, you bring it, you pull it right round the back. What we are going to do, though, right now, is take this off. So now we see the whole roberta and i'm just going to take out just a little bit just a little bit of the moisture and then kate you're gon na get some after shots for us, so this diffuser by ys park. It'S one of this is a small version. We have a large one too great diffusers fit on any dryer. Let me give it a little bit more slack good, it looks good was it you can see how we control those curls a little. So give your hand around because the dryer gets very hot, so you feel the heat meshi. Can you get me cat and isabel? Please keep that heat on notice. I'M not disturbing the hair. Don'T want to disturb the hair at all this isabella. Can you just hold the drive for me, keep drying you can talk to the audience too. Is it bro hi everybody? What was you doing in there eating your breakfast yeah yeah? What was the day today, wow yeah, don't forget how was your first client? 11. 30.. Oh good looks like you a little american wave. Nice yeah go back to you. What are you having for breakfast banana, a banana keeping it healthy when did that happen, keep starting today, yeah guys? What sign is that referencing, though exactly i have no idea? Song goes banana, oh my god, i'll take that off now and now what i'll do is i'll? Just you don't want to mess it too much because it'll get better over as it settles in. I know this isn't about me, but i don't understand the point of the diffuser i never i know i don't know, i don't know what it does it. You see that see the power yeah you put, the diffuser, you don't feel the power. You just feel the heat yeah, that's what it's all about you now, it's all about you now. I think we did pretty good yeah and now, let's finish it with a lot of glint, never have too much. This will be even better tomorrow, this this hair, because it will settle tomorrow. I do like i like selfies, send us a selfie tomorrow, so we can post it. I know you love posting yourself, you're, just kidding she's joking, because i never post about myself. You never do well you're done boom wow. This is incredible. Oh yeah feel good thursday morning, thursday morning last day of summer,

Mousie Brown: This guy really can cut hair ! And she picked a great style for her face shape and type of hair. She looks terrific !

Ikara: came here for the curly haircut, stayed for the entertaining conversation. lol.

Madelaine Seguin: God bless him...awesome cut for curly hair. Personally, I would skip drying my hair. Ty. ❤

Amy Galvin: Bravo! It shows that you trained at Sassoon! Such an ‍!

Amy Galvin: You just answered my question as the cut continues.

Becky Taylor: Looks great!!!!!!

Becky Taylor: Very nice looks a lot better then it did she had very thick coarse looking hair not always the easiest to work with he’s a good operator seems to be

kay davis: Love her haircut!

anissa: she’s amazing!!

Hola: I want to cut my hair like this, as a girl, but im scared of judgement

ian pie: im scared but ,,,,,,, i think im gonna do it now

Deodath Maharaj: Love her hair cut

Ambra BRAVO: Bravo .....perfect and what for next time cut of this curly posible to do same cut or has to be classic horisontal season cut because of curly nature of hear that growing start to develop big problem ....

Amy Galvin: Curious why you’re starting the cut in the nape?

Grace BLV: hair cutting angles ?

TheJohasir: Nice hair, but It doesn't look like the haircut of the picture.

Pri Or: She does not have curly hair! Maybe wavy and fine!!

Tahini Love: No, please don't razor curly hair. Ever. Ever....ever.

Angie Santos: He was doing too much lmao

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