Our Peruvian Pixie Hair Winner

  • Posted on 18 July, 2020
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

Selecting Winner for Peruvian Hair..4 bundles and closure

What'S up, what's up, what's good welcome to my youtube channel? This is ennis of e8. Here, all right, we have list 1 000 likes or we have lived. We have 1000 followers on our facebook page. He ate it here, as promised. We say that we'll give back to you guys we'll give back to our customers. Okay, didn't exactly until you should, like our page share it make your friends like our page tag, your friends make them like our page. So now is the time drama. Okay, guys uh! I don't know if you are able to see it um. These are the names and amanda our facebook page e8. Here so in every competition there is always one winner, tina promised we'll give one winner, our peruvian pixie, emma candy, four bundles and closure. So now we are giving out that we're choosing one winner so yeah. This is free and fair. Okay, so we are choosing only okay before we choose one winner, guys remember to watch this. This video remember to like it subscribe comment because, again, if we reach 1000 subscribers to our youtube channel, we are going you need. You need to subscribe again to our youtube channel, so i'll close my eyes and i'll choose the winner. Okay, this is the winner. I have chosen - oh my gosh. Oh my god. Thank you remember to subscribe to our channel. Thank you very much.

Eny Moses: Thanks you

Mary Chanda: Nice

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