How To Install Short Pixie Blonde Wig Using Bold Hold Lace Tape

  • Posted on 16 December, 2022
  • Pixie
  • By Anonymous

Short Pixie Wig Install used bold hold lace tape

Wig from Flamboyant Touches

Bold Hold Lace Wig Tape


Rug Double-sided Wig/Lace Tape.

Flexible for comfort.

Strong lasting bond.

40 strips of tape per roll.

IThis tape is well known for being easy on the skin. The tape will perform similar to a lace adhesive with proper apply ation. Recommended storage for the Bold Hold Tape is at room temperature, typically below 95 degrees F. Bold Hold Tape can be used in conjunction with the Bold Hold Extreme Creme or Bold Hold Active for a superior hold. This product is lab-tested and skin safe for those with normal skin types. Not recommended for those with sensitive skin or skin disorders. *

Bold Hold Lace tape used as a strong hold adhesive for wig attachment.  In order to apply correctly, please follow the instruction video at TheHair Diagram on YouTube

If you do not follow instructions step by step,  you n nnnhytytteeesf y mwill not experience the ultimate hold.



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#boldhold #shortstyles #hairstylist #wiginstall #blondewig

Foreign, so let's get into that, let me go on my other socials I'm here with my niece Adia, it's per usual, so we're gon na put on this short wig and get this thing popping how y'all doing how y'all doing how y'all doing how y'all doing? Let'S get it popping with this short wig that I cut the other day on live. If you missed it, I'm gon na try to reload it, because it was just not clear to me so imma try to reload it it's giving t-bods what it's giving tea bags. It'S giving yourself yeah yeah, what's up y'all, what's up uh YouTube, we about to put this wig on her. It'S giving it's not a mullet. It'S a mohawk bowl cut. We did this on live if y'all missed it. Imma reload it back to my YouTube, but now we're about to put her on and we gon na style it if you give it Justin Bieber Hold On. Is it giving Justin y'all? Is it giving Justin Bieber Boyfriend? Let'S see, let's turn it around. Let'S see turns to back we about to style this baby up. If you missed this cut, I did it online, I'm gon na reload it to my YouTube, but we about to put this on and I did everything I stopped not styled it, but I cut it on live so we're about to put it on. I'M about to cut the lace. This is a uh Swiss lace. I don't have to um. I don't think I'm gon na tint the lace or nothing because, like you, can't see anything with the way it is, and I'm not gon na have a specific way that I'm going to cut the lace. I'M just going to cut the lace because you're never be able to like see delay, so I'm just gon na cut it. This install literally, is gon na probably take about five minutes. You know watch it because we're going to just use the bowl cold yeah. That'S all we're using today boom, so I'm just cutting the lace off it's a full lace. I did the cut on live. I didn't get a chance to come back the next day because they they be working me working me working me working me working me. Working working, oh yeah, that was a better song. It'S okay! I had your back. You had my back, so I'm just cutting the lace off, I'm not cutting it in a specific type of way. What'S up y'all? What'S up it's about to be cute, I'm about to style it on her! It'S not gon na take as long we really good, hey, boo, hey Boos, checking it from the DMV. What'S up DMV Switzerland up in the house, what's up Psy meow y'all ready already already YouTube what y'all, how y'all feel about them. Two angles over there y'all like that: what's up cousin how y'all feel about them, two angles and the lighting, and what do y'all think about that, like I tried to hook it up so that I'm self-sufficient over here on YouTube, Tick, Tock out of bomb lighting. He said, love how it looks y'all like that y'all like them too angles. Yes, it is the way she was cutting before and they said that they love how it looks yeah, I'm not doing any special cutting Guy. This is not. These are just some regular scissors because I don't have to it. Doesn'T matter like the lace isn't going to show with this excellent lighting love the two angles: love the angles, love to get to see both sides pretty good. I, like it. Okay, I'm gon na love. The haircut it wasn't clear, so I have this on stream yard, so I'm gon na just load it. What'S the organ up in here the people in Oregon up in here they said they like that, laugh. No, they said it's the last she going to get her lashes done tomorrow. Quit tripping I'm not! Actually you know you said you had a lash up on me. So what you gon na do yeah just here. Don'T do that? Don'T do that! I'M sorry! Don'T do that, it's just one right there you want me to do it, no, no I'll make something to do it. Actually, we have plenty of stuff yeah. We do anything right have my baby out here. I don't be playing that about my knees. Thanks for putting me, but actually if you just take the brush like I see everybody else, do you want it lined back up. Probably so I did not brush it, so we just got to put a brush to it now pregnant. She said what's wrong with my lash all right, so, let's check it out. Let'S see what she talking about. They asked me where they can get the tape on YouTube Auntie. So the tape you could get it from on the front of the screen. You can see, I put the um, the actual um email, not email. I put the website on there, so it's right there on uh YouTube, okay, okay, look at the girl get right there. Let me see, let me move Tick Tock over just a little bit. Okay, so let's get this tape on easiest install y'all gon na see in your life, let's see how long this take just the install so we're going with our bow whole lace tape you're, going to get 40 tabs of these amazing tapes. There'S! No other tape like this in the whole wide world. I don't care what you heard. I don't care what you saw you're going to get big fat squares like this and guess what you can cut them up. They cut up so easy, but there is a lining strip right here on the side. You see that strip in the middle. We don't want to cut with the strip. You want to cut against it or a cross just depends on how you hold it. So I can't say vertical or horizontal. The key to this right here guys is to make sure that you cut it right. So you have that slit in the middle, because when you have a slit in the middle it makes it come off easy. So you always want to peel from the side. When you take this tape off, I always want to peel from the side. Don'T peel from the middle okay, that's the key tea! Okay, you can cut this in fours, uh, twos, threes or fours, so it could be even skinnier if you need to make it skinnier and I'm holding these tapes wrong like you can make it skinnier like it, doesn't have to be that big fat piece. So they can be smaller cool. I do everything when the five second question: yeah go ahead and wig, but for some reasons in three days and never stay on, so I mentioned something you are and I'm gon na help. You email me at info at the, and my customer service is gon na set you up with a FaceTime we're gon na make that wig last for two weeks, because everybody that FaceTime with us we last for two to three weeks. That'S what we're gon na do? I don't want you guessing. No more so you go email, auntie and we're gon na get you straight periods girl who got here all day back like that negro um! Oh stop! So listen y'all got ta, stop doing alcohol. We only using my slow. What do you need? Micellar water? You can use your face. Wash you can use makeup wipes. You can get the oil free makeup wipes whatever you got. Ta, do don't use alcohol, y'all, okay, alcohol's gon na irritate the skin if you've never had an irritation from alcohol. Guess what don't use alcohol because a lot of y'all doing to using too many alcohol products, and that will cause irritation stay away from it. If you ain't had a problem, yet it's coming breaking that skin down good enough and it's gon na get you in the end all right. So I usually go ahead with the cap and I'll do like some um, my lace tent, because if you notice, I didn't tint her um Cap, all I did was I did the liquid gold, the liquid gold is what's going to put y'all. Okay, liquid is always going to put you in it yay, because you're gon na seal, your cat with the liquor, though okay and it is on here, super tight. If you miss those videos, you can watch that on my YouTube. You don't have to use a hairspray hairspray, you got alcohol in it, so we're not doing that we're doing boho Liquid Gold yup. I don't care, but I'm gon na go on top of here. Just so y'all can see how I do this hairspray real quick here. How it is yeah, oh whoa, all right! So here we go. That'S a good tragic! Oh God, all right, so we got ta go ahead and do this right here now I'm doing this for y'all! I really didn't have to do this because you wouldn't be able to see her cap the way that I cut this uh wig. If you miss a haircut, I'm gon na put it back on my um, the one we had up there. You couldn't hardly see it. So I had took it down I'm doing the bow hole, lace, tint on her edges and then we're gon na put her we're gon na have her looking like t-box in about 2.5 seconds. All right did you report that that's your work done, even though this is not gon na, be sure, I'm just doing we doing it for giggles and kicks giggles and kicks just in case you decide to do like a a low ponytail. I mean um ponytail lace in the back full lace. You can spray it right. Yeah somebody saying bro, it's not for me, it might be there. Um website is on the screen. Thank you for the lake. Can you go ahead and are you on the um? The extra account type in the website on there and then pin it, which one you want you could do it that way, all right, so we are dry and ready to roll this inside's gon na take like five minutes. So y'all can set the clock on this tape. You want to make sure that you pull it from the corner. Super easy super, easy peasy and we're just gon na put this tape all the way around on her. Will the tent make the length roller? No, if you do it the way that you just saw me do it, it will not roll up. I didn't spray her whole uh cap. I sprayed the front dried it. Well, I sprayed once I dried it sprayed it upside, dried it, and then I did the back, but it shouldn't roll up that if you put that Liquid Gold down really good, it's not gon na go anywhere. Oh shout out to our new boho sister opinion. Officially, a bullhoger, I finally know how to use a wig and blade. That'S what's up I'll take is practice and if you can't get like, I said, email us and we're gon na help, you there's no reason, but none of my nieces and nephews. Everybody should be laid down everybody here. Yes, if you need me reach out, so we're just putting this tape on a lot of times. People have a hard time with the tape because they're not taking it off right or they're, not cutting them right. So you just peel it from the corner. You know putting it directly on her, you can put it on the skin and on the on the cap, putting it all the way around. This is gon na. Be your easiest. Install people do a combination with the tape they'll. Do our Bowl whole lace, glue with the tape, but we're just doing a taping song, we're not doing any glue. It'S just all tape, nothing, but the bow whole lace tape. Here you go right here. Baby, let's see nothing's over there, we got so many screens we got so many screens up. I got something different, oh um, on um YouTube. Yes, we're just doing it's it's! She said. Why are we using tape? Because I want to make sure every every day or every time I had an opportunity I'll show you guys how to use each one of my products. If you want to use a tape, it will last one uh at least a week. I have some people that say two weeks, but I just go with the ladder. Sorry she said: how do you remove the tape? How you look, you can use our Bowl whole lace, remover and how many come in a pack. You get 40 of these tabs right here. You get 40 of these big tabs, but you can cut them. You can cut them in half or you can cut them skinnier Skin's sticky, so they could be as thin as you want them to be, and you can control it and place them. However, you want all right so, when y'all taking this off, let me zoom in so I'll, put tick tock all right when y'all taking these tabs off. That'S where people run into an issue as well. When you take the tabs off, you want to remove them from the middle like this is an entire Square. So when you take the tape off, take it off from the middle, don't take it off from the corner. You'Re gon na peel the whole tape up. If you have makeup on your cap, that's going to be an issue: okay, because makeup has oil in it. Okay, so the tape has a hard time sticking the oil uh. I use the uh lace tint on her. If you use makeup, you're gon na have to use some hairspray y'all know I've been staying away from Hairspray as much as possible. So that's why you notice I'm not using makeup on my calves. It comes off super easy. This is gon na, be the easiest install you ever do in your life foreign. Do you think the state excuse me? Do you think the tape is to Hurst for edges? I'M not sure what she meant it doesn't supposed to go on here. Yeah, don't put it on here, we're not putting tape on hairs on a cap and on her skin. The edges are, are too fragile for that now, when you, when you get into tape, is like you see people doing tapings. This is similar to the tape. Ends. Tape that can be used but nobody's putting tape, ends on their edges. Cleveland, Mississippi, Georgia, London, Ohio, Superior. It was first game period because you're my knees with the white tabs. Now you got anys, that's what I'm here for Newcomer. Are you using just tape today? That'S all we're using some people just use a tape, so it just you just have options like some people don't want to do blue some people don't want to do our uh uh, Liquid Gold. Some people like to take the tape is very strong, so she said yes, she has skin protection, but how does she use it? Okay, you haven't used it so email me, I'm sorry, a lot! Sorry forgive me. I read that wrong. Yes, I do use skin protect. Okay, okay, so it could be a possibility that your lace, your glue, is too thick and I will help you with that. Email me at info at the or either go to our website, email us and we're gon na walk you through it, because when it comes to thick or thinness or use it too much or not enough, that can be um. That can be, you know, um. Everybody can uh describe that they're using a little or that can be subjective and be subjective right. I'M gon na show you exactly how much glue I want you to use, because if you use as much it's going to lift it's going to slide all the way off your head slide, all off completely off your head is coming off. You email people, oh my God. I need help so our uh customer service. They will set you up to do a FaceTime, so take advantage of that. It'S no reason for you to have issues. So I kind of folded this inside out all right. So I'm gon na go ahead and start in the back. First they're saying your shipping is unmatched. That'S what's up. I will let my team know that they are everything I love my people, so I put it down on the back. Then I'm going to bring It Forward, come to the front. Come on Justin Bieber come on Justin Bieber, Baby Baby. What is Justin, I love Justin Bieber in my sleeper. Has he put on the music recently he had. He did some with uh afrobeats. I forgot whiz kid or somebody: okay, all right, Justin, Bieber, all right, t-boss, okay, Holly bear I like that better Halle Berry. I can't wait to take your education courses. Yes, niece all right, they laughing at Justin Bieber all right, so you want to go around going around her around here and I'm pushing it in making sure I got it. If you missed this haircut, we did it online I'll, put it back up on YouTube. It was not clear it's saved on stream yard and I'm gon na uh download it again and reload it because it looks better on screen yard. Put massage this in all right now. Let me curl my baby up. You don't cut the adjustable straps in the back. I didn't own this one because it wouldn't fit if you notice her hairline on me. My head is a little well, it's not smaller. It'S just that her hairline was down so far. I would have cut it off too much. I would have cut off too much and I wouldn't have that, but she all here she's not going nowhere. She good, I couldn't know her because her hairline and I was not about to she - don't want her um, her hairline cut off in the back bro. Okay. If y'all missed this cut, it was I'm gon na reload it back to YouTube. We did it on live uh, maybe two days ago, all right. So we got some access right here, so I'm gon na Park and cut this one mm-hmm, I'm just trying to make sure everybody can see. No, that was good. This is good yeah all right, so we're gon na cut around her ear right here and I might add, a little piece of tape. It'S red it's basically the same as we would do a um to me, except for I didn't have to worry about the hairline, because you can't see the hairline girl what I did with them. It'S basically the same, so I'm gon na cut around her ear party and cut it, so you don't cut too much. You could cut it before it's up to you. You know two seconds of playing too much. Do not do that because, like if you do that, I would die pieces are Sharp. They are so freaking sharp. So she got a little piece right here for tick tock, because they can't see she got a little piece right here. So I'm gon na go in here. I'M gon na. Add some tape right here. I think that's like some people like this is oh. This was my first product that I ever had like. I didn't have any other products. I was actually selling this before. I even had a website. I was selling this to uh hair stylist, so you can cut this to the length that you want it to be. So it's a little too long, so I'm gon na go ahead and cut it. I still left my slit in the middle, so I can add that on there it's just a tape install, but when I was on Instagram, I think I heard me tell the story before when I was on Instagram promoting it. People was like, if you're saying, don't put it on your hair and we can't use it on our um. You know for low hair lines. What are we gon na do so that's when we started introducing glues. We mainly only had the tape push this in real good and she she in the game. Let'S check the other side you good over here. I just need to cut that lace. If you missed this cut, we did it online I'll reload it back to YouTube. So y'all can go watch it. So it is super clear because it wasn't clear all right so now we're ready to style. Her like everything is down. I checked her. She good to go. We did this because y'all already cut. If you was here these sideburns not matching up, isn't me? No! It'S me. It'S me girl. Oh, my hair is just so every where this is a wig. Yes, it is a wig. It'S a wig! Let me see these did that along over here. Oh my God. Thanks and remember when I told y'all on this cut, we had left these a little longer, so I knew uh. If I wasn't putting on myself, I had to leave a little longer because she had a lot of hair like all her um on her neck and she not cutting it here. Don'T you cut my hair, so I didn't so I'm about to do go in with a little wax. You use whatever kind of wax you want to use, I'm using a camera. I don't have a like a flavor wax, so I'm using my wax just a little bit. I don't like a lot of product when I'm uh styling, because I like for my hair to stay flatly flowy flowy flowy. But if y'all got questions put your questions in there I got um my needs reading them, I'm just going to go ahead slide. Well, no, you can. The angles are getting sorry YouTube on for a second. You guys, I wonder, do you want to swing that around so you can see with YouTube huh. You want to swing it around. Okay. Is that better yeah? That'S good! Let me see yeah, they said they like the angle yeah. Let me help hook up YouTube. I mean tick tock all right, so I don't have my very small flat eyes, which I think I'll be okay. I cannot find them was so loud behind like it was me yeah I'll, be happy. I think you can't be fine I'll, be the one losing it. I be the one losing it, I'm like Ashley. Actually somebody got my flowers, it is a full lace. Wig, it does have a band in it. If you go to my YouTube I'll show you guys how to remove the band if you need it to. I didn't. Take the band off of this one. I just left it therefore, but I do show you guys on my YouTube: how to remove it. I'M going in with some glass sculpt. You can follow her on um all her socials, it's Glam Tech she's, a homegirl out of Detroit she's bomb. She do do a lot of like creative, like finger waves and stuff like that. I really love this uh product because it don't it's not sticky. It'S not heavy and it gets the job done. So I just do a little bit. If it's right out, don't you know you got to remember uh unclog, oh yeah. What do you use just hot water, hot water, but do it right away just wipe it off? It'S not squirting, and I keep hitting this thing right here, so we got ta get that figured out. I want him to um position. I was where they'll just hang. I want something hanging. Yeah, yes, but we'll be switching it up so much and see. I feel like he gon na, get me hungry and then want to change. Where are you filming it right he's just so creative? Is this my real hair? Well, let's see yeah, it's real she's, giving tea bags period come on t-bas. So this this hairstyle is not like a lot of work like it's just flat iron, you saw me, I put it on it, took like five minutes to put it on with the tape. All I'm about to do now is flat iron. It and that's it super easy, not a lot of work, not a lot of upkeep, not a lot of maintenance. I should have had a table how's the volume of uh. They said it's beautiful. I should have had a um what you call it um like some hooks. That'S what I'm gon na need. I'M gon na get me some hooks like for these right here. So when we doing this, I could just cook it really good idea. It yeah because they said it's great good hold on y'all, I'm trying to find something waiting, all right all right. So this is super. I can't play music. Is this wig a protective styles on my hair? It can be as long as you applying it and removing it properly. You know your hair as long as your hair is taking a risk. What was that? Definitely scared me? I don't know as long as your hair is taking a rest, anything that gives your hair a break from um tools and heat sun, and things like that. It could be protective. What makes it uh non-protective is when you are um damaging your hair while trying to wear it protective that part. I think it's not a good man. Will you two? Let us get a couple seconds in the music right now nope. I don't even want to take that chance. I don't use a lot of product. I already I put my spray on before, because this is just a soft look. I don't do a lot with product. I don't like a lot of products. This is tape. She can take this off tomorrow. You probably just got here, but you can go back and watch the same it'll be on YouTube. How we did it. I love the color of hair, flash wig color. I need this color. You can go watch my uh hair color videos on um on YouTube. This was the 14 uh course from CVS foreign foreign attention forward, I'm a little bit patient. I have a lot of hair loss wondering about wearing wigs to help my hair grow. So that is when you're talking about lupus that's something internal, so you're gon na have to make sure you check, keeping your diet together and things like that. Detoxing and um exfoliating, your scalp. That helps, but mainly your diet, is what's gon na uh. Give you a little bit more assistance with hair growth, what you have in a condition, keep that vitamin D under control, but we have a glue that can help keep my weight. Did she say say that because she she don't like it, she loves water. So she said, but do you have a glue that will help keep my wig online? A lot of my alopecia client is like a silicone Max. We will face on you because you go. You can get a four week hold out of that, but if you're doing water, that's gon na cut that hole down, of course, but you still will be able to wear it for at least two weeks wetness constantly, but not if you're not gon na wait. You get four weeks, then you just do a shower. Video too I did. I did go check that out on my YouTube. We did a shower video with the uh silicone. I do shower videos with all of the glues, but the more water that is going to um break it down, but it's still a hole. What, if I don't have an iPhone, would you do some work with somebody? So we have, we could do it inside uh Instagram. We can do it inside Instagram or someone can do a zoom as well. We got so much with technology right. Okay, we all share the reviews. I know y'all didn't know that, but that week that's why we had to get over there. But if you go on to Amazon, you can go over there or you can get free shipping on our website as well, and we should fast either way here. Okay, we can cut. Is everything? How long can you keep this on? So she can keep this on for a week, because we only we didn't do glue. We did uh tape, but y'all saw me um. If you didn't see it. I'M Gon na Save this. On. My YouTube: it took us about five minutes just to put it on super easy. It'S not a lot of curling. We just flat ironing it foreign, hello, Miss Tamika, love from Brooklyn. I can't find well of 50 in my local Beauty Supply, which other Wellington I use to achieve the quote: unquote, scalp look! So the 1250 is supposed to remove a lot of the orangey reddish comb out so um. If you can't find it, you can order it online Journey when you cut all of your hair off and I found such peace when I did it. Ah, my hair, I can't wait to um shortly. I do it online just waiting on all my other products to get in here. Youtube channel is the hair diagram. Yes, this is the same wig I didn't get around and putting it on because I just be too busy. So my little knees be lending me her head, so I can teach y'all she's so sweet in my life. Oh, so I really like you guys when you first, it was what's a shame. Is that a lot of the dermatologists? Not all they really don't um Implement some of the things that they could do to stop it as soon as you guys report, because as soon as you see something going on with your head, it could be fixed if it's something as simple as detoxing as soon As that hair loss starts detoxing getting those um getting your uh, your blood levels checked, so that you can see where you stand, and then you can. You can uh reverse it, but you can't reverse it if you don't catch it in time, because if you wait after about five, sometimes like five years, sometimes it's just too long. I sure hate that I hate that they don't do their job. She said what no matter, no matter what hairstyle so the actual name. We didn't come over today since 2005, here in uh, do they want to prescribe you meds right? What'S the YouTube channel? Oh, the YouTube channel is the hair diagram, but I'll put it again. Can you uh probably need to pin it over here um? Let me know when I need to stop. Oh yeah yeah boom, hey once you get so relatable and open. Thank you. Oh I've never heard that foreign. But where are you located honestly, we are in Madison, Madison, Alabama, she's, so pretty yeah. I can see that I always have my hair braided underneath um. I don't that's why I cut my hair because I want to wear my curls because of the new products before we braided it back up. That'S too cute. I love the color thanks sisters, okay, so this is, I feel like now my arm getting in the way. Oh um on YouTube, just ordered the silicone down here in Fort Myers for the thank you. Oh, I love that for you congrats. Okay, on that, silicone do not be afraid to hit us up, because all we're gon na do is help you are you getting for curly, hair away? My Curls is back what color you use for the root blue, so this was a 14 uh honey. Was it honey Brown you get it from um from uh CBS? I did it. I youtubed it so make sure y'all check out my hair coloring uh playlist on YouTube. I try my best to not always use uh professional products because I know yeah. So I try my best to switch it up. I have some stuff, that's uh, considered, um, amateur and then some stuff. You know people say. Oh, that's too many steps. That'S you know it might be a little bit more on a professional side. That'S all right. Let'S get you she's doing it she's doing awesome. Wish I had your attention practice practice practice practice practice practice practice practice. Sorry girl didn't mean to skip you. We forgot to show today we can still do it, though we can still do it. We'Ve got to show the tank we got everything moment was two personality. Is too much the same because you know you can you have me turn around the chairs? Let'S see t-boss or me. Look at t-box, I don't know no words Kelly. Could oh yeah skunk cut mullet Kelly cut, that's really cute. I need to cut online I'll loaded back onto YouTube. I feel like I'm getting in the way of this now. Yes, thank you. Let me see this hair wait a minute. You got a natural curly hair product coming out. We got, can I say summer now, yeah, I think yeah, I told them too no cat y'all. I ain't trying to be playing it's not even because it's my auntie, my hair, be on that on that that my natural hair, but when I tell y'all this stuff, has transformed my natural hair like edges there, we got the Journey video, that's for y'all to see. I was like piecing green ones and Anthony right right before she here everything everything I don't like all having it. Oh I got something for everybody. They said they love it. What she's about to say you don't like saying Four Seasons. You know when I first when they first started, that with uh mazani, but I guess you have to have the distinction, because the hair, it just depends on the person, because I know people with um with uh, 3B and C hair that, like a lot of oil, You know I've never actually hurt. I didn't know that was a three. I always thought it was just fours, exactly a girl. Do you know how loose it is, so they you know some. It just depends on what you like for yourself. What would you say my hair? Is my natural hair? 3B? Really it's not real tight, like you think I think you got two textures okay. Well, my daughter has 4C hair and I need whatever you got. Please. Let me know something yeah. You have curly hair products. Yes, we got a lot of stuff coming out, y'all, different kind of treatments for y'all, all kind of stuff for uh straightening and everything. I got something on it. What helps shrinkage? Well shrinkage? If you don't want shrinkage, you sometimes just uh, you could go in with a straightening uh treatment. I got that too, but you don't want to do it too much real for real sorry YouTube, I'm not neglecting you know. I don't have eyes back there guys all right. What'S up California, I can see you there yeah, where I'm at she said this is uh Auntie, uh, signature style right. I know I thought about that. Well, coloring just shortcuts, but you actually have quite a few signature. Things sometimes you could just tell what a person like to do more than another book. Oh that's a good question. What okay do you prefer doing short, hair or long hair better? Do you have a preference? I don't you really don't have a thing, because I feel like I'm an artist. That'S like me with my music. I don't necessarily like singing slow or fast on. There just depend on my mood and just a lot of things. Okay, that's very that's weird! I thought it was her hair this whole time. It'S a wee. I don't know my typing was really curly before lupus said. It fell out, grew back straight now, wavy yeah, so a lot of times the hair will change even with cancer. The body go through. So much how about San Diego? I need you to come here to be fair, but I don't think I've like been there for classes, though right: okay, Mohawk, okay, okay, real, easy, easy peasy who was out here when we did the cut? No, it's fine. I was trying to move it a little bit and I definitely pulled on here when we did the cut you was here. Okay, it looks so natural come on. T-Boss come on t-box. Let it work it. Yeah 360.. I mean working yeah super easy. Yes, yes, yes, tape is super easy, do not sleep on the tape. I'Ll show y'all like so many different ways to use this product, don't sleep on it. This was one of my first products, my boho lace tape. They said cut it a little. It'S Weighing on her lashes, you can add the feathery. You can feather it away like. Let me show you you don't have to really like cut it cut it, because it's supposed to be like a bowl. It'S okay how's, that for you, sis, they say it's Weighing on them: lashes, honey and it's stressing her out not weighing on me like. Oh, it's stressing me out. So I know it's stressing you out see what you meant by plucking the the size to make. It lay down yeah, you got ta, go in and cut the sides, but it's supposed to be straight though I like it. Let me see: I want to try to systems, I'm sorry, no, my viewers, they know hold on we're. Gon na hit it just a little bit, I hope you don't go blind hold on okay, baby everywhere, right, I'm gon na be in here now. Let me hit it a little bit because it's got ta be just like my um. I need to get in front of it and I can't move it to the side like you can move it to the side and get it out your way back that ain't. What you're trying to do see? What I'm saying? That'S why I be cutting myself on the mannequin for myself. The info pick is like a bowl cut. Excuse me, I'm sorry, um foreign. Let me see I can't cut it too short, though thank you. She said I can see. Thank you viewer. Thank you follower. She can see shake and see. That'S this guys. I love it. Yeah whoop there. It is so I'm so corny you guys it's! Okay, let's see! Okay, so we got ta go finish, this tick tock and I will be back. They say, that's better! That'S better! That'S better than girl, I'm blind! It'S hunting, you of making that girl blind all right y'all. So we got ta um I'll load, the cut! If you missed this cut I'll reload it back to YouTube, and this will be on YouTube where we just did so. I will see y'all tomorrow hold on YouTube. We ain't done with y'all. Okay, we got ta, re-situate ourselves, hey hold on YouTube, make sure we get a good viewing of everything, because I need to uh we're gon na. Do this Tick, Tock! Okay, this back real, quick and you go blinded. I didn't know why. I think foreign all right all right looks good. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes thank y'all for watching YouTube. She looks so cute. We'Re gon na finish up this Tick Tock. They say it looks sharp! Hey, that's beautiful! Thank you. Somebody said they got the weather for 783. That'S what's up y'all, be on here, helping each other out. I love that all right y'all. So I will be back here. I think tomorrow make sure y'all turn your post notifications on. So y'all can catch these lives or you can always come back and watch them because we're gon na save them. We see y'all next time.

Malkia_Royalty [Mal-Key-uh]: The unit you have on your head, do you have a video for that? I would love to recreate this asymmetrical bob! It look so good

rosa fletchee: I love that short hairstyle you're installing it's very pretty

Starre Scott: I love your install! I need a link to that wig!

rachel orange: Gdm I'm super glad your using tap I've done it and I'm going to look for your brand mrs hair care lady .love your videos

imagine that: Your dope like watching your styles

rosa fletchee: Watching from Kansas City Missouri

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