Pros And Cons Of Getting A Pixie Cut!

Hello everyone!! Today I wanted to share some pros and cons of getting a pixie cut as well as address some misconceptions that people have about this hairstyle.

I got my pixie cut in September of 2018 and so far I have loved my experience. I wanted to share some of my own insight to anyone who is debating getting a pixie cut themselves!

Love you all!!

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What'S up everyone, my name is Haleigh Christine and welcome back to my channel today I wanted to talk to you guys about things you should know before getting a pixie cut, so I've had my pixie for about eight or so months going on eight months and I Feel like there's just a lot of misconceptions about pixie cuts. On top of that, there's just a lot of things that I wish I would have known. I know that whenever I was going to get my pixie cut, I dug through YouTube. I looked at probably every video that existed on like the pros and cons people's opinions of it. You know just to try to like amp myself up to do it and I'm so happy that I've done it. So I wanted to share some of my own personal pros cons. I'Ve just noticed that a lot of the pro cons that are out there have to deal with like femininity and how high-maintenance it is, and I just wanted to address all of those things coming from a relatively low maintenance person and maybe give you a different perspective On things, so, first things first, why did I get my pixie cut now? This is kind of weird. I don't know. I don't know what you're gon na think, but I actually I really liked my long hair. I had no problem with my long hair. Obviously it was, you know: high maintenance. I used to have hair like straight up down to my butt. I will insert pictures of that here and over the years I I basically just started getting shorter and shorter. Whenever I was a teenager, I had a lot of anxiety surrounding my hair. I would go into a hair salon with crazy, long hair and I would ask them to style it and cut it without taking any length away cuz. I was just so terrified of having shorter hair. I don't know where this came from there. My family wasn't ever really against short hair. That wasn't a problem, so I don't know why I developed that anxiety, but I basically decided whenever I went to college, I was gon na try everything I was you know, I'm an adult. My job was fine with it. They don't have any problems with different haircuts. They have problems with colored hair, but you know I wanted to very briefly include. I was so sorry if you hear noise in the background, we have a lot of kids and my apartment, complex and the walls are fairly thin, so they like to play outside during the day and it's it's such a nice day out. So they might be a little loud. You might hear them, but you know so I'm sorry if you hear them in the background anyway, back to where I got my pixie cut, I decided I was gon na. Try everything I didn't know what looks good on my hair. I didn't know what kind of styles to try, because I've always just had you know decently layered long hair. I never tried anything new. You know I had had like side bangs at some point, but you know I never really thought about trying different styles. I was too anxious about it, so I decided that I was gon na get as many hairstyles as I could before getting a pixie cut. So I was just gon na chop it all off anyway. One of the big things I did was. I got like an actual Fringe which again picture here. It was actually such a cool experience. I didn't end up liking bangs on me, which is why I end up getting the pixie cut even faster, but basically the goal was. I was gon na keep cutting up, try everything and then I was gon na get pixie, and then I was just gon na grow it out and try everything all over again. I don't know it was. It was kind of like a self-discovery type thing figure out. What I like what looks good on me, what lengths flatter me, you know just to try to experiment, try new things and honestly, on top of that, my hair wasn't the healthiest. I have colored my hair myself with other people, I've bleached it it it's been through a lot. So honestly, it really did need to just come off and grow out, naturally gorgeously, just fresh new, healthy hair. So I do want to address some misconceptions about pixie cuts before I get into my own personal Pro cons, one of the biggest misconceptions that I hear of all the time is that pixie cuts or short hair in general makes you look less feminine or makes you Look like a boy and honestly, I didn't run into this problem. I don't know if it's because I enjoy more androgynous looks. I think that that's a really fun style to be able to experiment with, but for me I I didn't feel less feminine. I think the concept of it looking less feminine just comes from this idea that girl have to have long and luscious hair, and I just don't think that that's true. I think that you as a person dictate how you come off to other people. So if you are a naturally more feminine person, you're gon na come across more feminine, regardless of what your hair looks like, whether that be through the use of makeup, jewelry, clothing, hair accessories, anything you can style, your looks to kind of fit the personality or trying To portray, I never really felt the need to do this. I can get girly and glammed up and stuff like that, but I'm also very content, just no makeup perfectly natural t-shirt and jeans, and I think that a pixie cut looks really nice either way. Another misconception I hear a lot about is that, for some reason, people think that pixie cuts make it harder to utilize like hair accessories. I think what people mean by this is like it's harder to do: different hairstyles, with hair accessories like braids or ponytails, or things like that, which is true. You can't do those things as much. However, I don't think that that necessarily means that it's harder to pull off hair accessories. I think, if anything, hair accessories add a very fun twist to a pixie cut, because a lot of times pixie cuts can get a little bit boring and sometimes it's nice be able to spice it up with a headband with you know, some sunglasses on your head Or some clips - or you know just little fun things I think, actually it really heightens the look another misconception people typically have is that short hair is somehow lower maintenance than long hair, which is both true and not true, and I'm gon na get to that more. In depth in the pros and cons but um, no short hair is not necessarily lower maintenance. A lot of it depends on the style of short hair, like my type of pixie cut, is not lower maintenance than my longer hair. If I had it buzzed that might be a different story. I haven't had my hair completely buzzed off so with that style, I would imagine, that's incredibly low maintenance, but really it depends on the style. It depends on your hair type and it really depends on how high or low maintenance you were to start with longer hair. For me, I was not high maintenance with my long hair, I just washed it brushed it air dried. I never really styled it unless it was for like a fancier event or if I was going out and wanted to look good. So for me my pixie cut. If it's a good day, I don't really do anything to it. I just brush it. I mean it's. It'S just as easy as money, my other hair, but in so many other ways it's not, and I will touch on that later. Another misconception that honestly makes me so sad to hear. Is people think that if you have shorter hair or if you have a pixie cut that people will find you less attractive? Personally, I don't agree with this statement. A lot of people use this in the way of like guys, don't like girls with short hair or short hair, somehow makes you I don't know like more boyish and so like less attractive. I don't think that this is true and I know many people who have pixie cuts, who also don't think that this is true. I personally never ran into an issue with boys because I was dating at the time and my boyfriend loves my short hair. He actually really encouraged me to do it honestly. I feel like if somebody cares that much to where they won't like give you a shot as a person like. Why would you want to be with that person like? I understand people have types, and I understand that you might not be everyone's type and that's fine. You weren't everyone's type with your longer hair, either. That'S just how the world works, but if someone's gon na blatantly disregard you and not give you a chance and not find you attractive just because you have short hair, do you really want to be with that person? Do you do you really want to hang out with that person or associate yourself with that person? I don't think so, and then the last thing that I wanted to address was the misconception that cutting your hair off and going short or getting a pixie somehow means that you have some sort of courage or bravery, and this misconception comes from the line that I Hear all the time you know, oh, it looks so good on you, but I could never do it myself like that, would never work on me like oh you're, so brave for doing that, but I could never do it and honest to that. I say you should absolutely do it. You should try. I mean I know. Pixie cuts are not gon na necessarily suit everyone. I know not everyone likes some, it's a more controversial style in the sense that it just it requires so much commitment that people are really afraid to do it and honestly. For me, it was much more rewarding than I expected, and I urge all of you like to just if you feel the, including, if you think you might want to try just go for it, do it. It opened my eyes to so many possibilities of hairstyles. You know what I look good in feeling more confident about myself, relying less on my hair as like a cover for the rest of me. I don't know if that makes sense like I used to like really bank on my hair, and now it doesn't really matter. As much to me, which is nice, but no, I wouldn't say getting a pixie cut - requires any kind of bravery or courage or anything like that. I think that's a huge misconception. Alright. So now we're gon na go ahead into the pros and cons. I'Ve got ten bros ten cons and I think I'm gon na start off with the pros. First, let's start happy: let's incite some excitement and then I'll go into the cons and a little tips of my own to maybe help you along the way. So the first pro that comes along with getting a pixie cut is that you will save money by using less product. For me, this meant, you know using less shampoo using less hair dye using less dry, shampoo or styling gel or all of those things just because you have less hair. You know you save a lot of money on all these different products. It you I mean when my hair was down to my butt. I used to have to fill my hand with like shampoo and conditioner, in order to just get everything, and now I mean the dime size. Little drop is fine, so my shampoo and my conditioner or lasting me ages, long than they used to the second Pro, is that you can experiment with different androgynous styles, which for me was really exciting, because I mean I was never really a girly girl to begin With I was always kind of a tomboy growing up and since I cut my hair, I've noticed I've kind of developed into my own style. Again, I don't know what it was. It was just like the catalyst for me figuring out what my personal style is, and I think a big part of that was just having my hair out of the way and having a hairstyle that fit multiple different looks. You know if I wanted to be more androgynous, I could totally pull it off. If I didn't, I mean I could you know, wear some more jewelry wear some wear makeup and still pull off a very nice feminine. Look it just. It gives you more options. Number three: you really learn to appreciate your long hair um, so I'm currently in the growing out process and later in the video, I will explain the growing out process just a little bit for anybody who's curious, but yeah you really. You really learn to appreciate your long hair. I didn't before I never styled it. I never put much thought into it and I got so bored with it and so fed up with it and was constantly trying to change it and now now that I don't have it now that I can't just do a simple ponytail now that I can't do A simple bun, those styles are suddenly so much more like fun and exciting to me, which, if you're stuck in a rut, is kind of cool number. Four having a pixie cut means your hair takes less time overall to wash dry style, etc. Just because you again, you have less hair. For me, this means that my showers much less time, because I don't have just a mountain of hair. I don't have a lion's mane anymore, so it makes it a lot easier drying. Time also is significantly reduced. He used to go to sleep with wet hair and it would still be wet when I woke up that that is so not the case anymore. It'S nice to be able to draw your hair in 20 minutes number. Five pixie cuts help you stay cooler in the summer. This is something I didn't honestly think about at first, whenever I got my pixie cut, because we were going straight into winter, but now that it is warming up, it's really nice to not have to have such a blanket just on you all the time I don't Know if you could tell it's probably hard to tell with how my hair is now, I have really thick hair and a lot of it. I literally have a lion's mane, again insert picture and I used to live in Florida and having a lion's mane in Florida was just horrible. It was so hot. Even if I had my hair up in a ponytail, it was still hanging on the back of my neck because it was so long and it would just it would just get so hot and sweaty and gross, but with mixi cut I mean I never had that Problem, it's right above my neck. There'S there's not really any issue with sweat being a problem if it gets like ridiculously hot, and I want it out of my face I'll just like use a headband or something but yeah. It'S really nice number! Six. There are less drain, clogging issues, anybody who's had long hair understands that you shed and you shed everywhere and you most likely shed in the shower when you're, washing all your hair and all of the pieces that are loose, come out and go down the drain, and Then you have to constantly clean your drain out, there's just hair and gunk everywhere. I'Ve noticed that, with shorter hair, I have not run into that problem nearly as much I'm having a lot less clogging issues, which is awesome, number seven, your hair stays healthier. Now. This is primarily due to the fact that, with a pixie cut, you are constantly up keeping your hair grows at a relatively fast rate and when you have longer hair, it's harder to notice that growth, because it doesn't really impact how it looks on a day-to-day basis. But when you have a pixie cut and you have a very specific style if it grows out an inch, it might not match that style anymore, and so it's refreshing to not have any split ends because you have to cut your hair. So much number eight to me. I think that jewelry looks better and more of like a forefront, focus on your outfit when you have a pixie cut now. I feel this way just because I do have crazy hair and so for me, if I was wearing earrings, you were not gon na see them if I was wearing a really pretty necklace. Sometimes your hair just covers it all. It'S hard to see if you have like a really nice outfit in general, it's hard to see all of the little details when you long hair, covering all of it. When you have a pixie cut your your accessories, your jewelry, your outfit is, is much more Center. Focused and you can see all of it without being distracted by just a bunch of hair number nine. You can also see more of your face, which I don't know. I guess this is a little bit of a pro/con. For me, one of the things that I really enjoyed was that I felt like you can see my whole face. If I put makeup on you could see all of it. I wasn't hiding behind a mane, but at the same time you see everything. There'S there's no hiding like a double chin. There'S no hiding! You know really much of anything cuz! It'S just you know it's all! It'S just you! You don't have this! This cloak, hiding you! The whole time for me this was a really important part, just because I always use my hair as like a way to hide, and I feel like now - I'm not so concerned about hiding, because I don't have the option and lastly, the last brown number 10. It is just such a liberating experience to just chop all your hair off. You have no idea. If you haven't done it, it truly is so freeing and not in the sense necessarily of like oh women's power, even though I'm all for that. For me, it just really helps open my eyes to the fact that I'm not limited. You know I don't know why people feel I think, for some reason just cannot cut their hair up like something would just go so drastically wrong, and I understand that that can happen. But for me it just went to show that you know I can experiment with new things. I can try different hairstyles. You know my face. Does look good on its own. I don't need to constantly try to hide behind my hair for me, especially cutting my hair. Really helps my own anxiety, I used to fidget with my hair a lot and twirl it like around my fingers or braid it and just the same piece. I would mess with all day long for hours and it finally took just chopping my hair off to break me up that habit and I'm so happy that I don't have that habit anymore because it used to just hurt Risto that i swear to god. I'Ve gotten carpal tunnel from twirling my own hair at some point, it's ridiculous, but it's true, alright! So now I want to move on to some of the cons just to give you guys an idea of what to expect. You know pink sea cuts, like I said, they're a controversial haircut because there's so much good about them. There'S also so much that's bad number one. As soon as you get your hair cut, you're gon na hear all of the following. Oh, I missed you and you had long hair. I love your long hair. Why did you cut all your hair off? You look so much better with long hair or you know. Oh, are you? Are you gay or are you bi or you know, is that why you cut your hair people for some reason think that when you get a pixie cut either Eve has some life-altering change. That makes you feel the need to do so or they will not. Let go of the idea of you and your long hair and they will make a point of bringing it up to you and honestly. If this kind of sucks I mean getting a pixie cut, is so like anxiety inducing, if that makes sense, just because it is such a big commitment and to have people right off the bat. Giving negative feedback is not helpful, and I really encourage any of you. If you are thinking of getting a pixie cut or if you already have, and maybe you're you know struggling with it, you're not quite sure, if you like it, please just let those comments! Roll off! You people like to get fixated on a certain idea of how others look and when that changes it can be jarring, and you know I wouldn't want someone else's opinion to impact. How you feel about yourself in your own decisions. Number two getting a pixie cut can be expensive now I know this goes against one of the pros that I mentioned earlier that pixie cuts can be inexpensive and money-saving when it comes to products and how much you're using, but at the same time pixie cuts are Much higher maintenance when it comes to keeping the style, trimmed and maintained, and looking nice I would say that I go get my hair cut about once a month, maybe longer, if I'm having like a rough time or if I just don't have time, get it cut, It just because this kind of a hairstyle takes a lot to maintain your your hair is growing really fast, and it's just so much more noticeable on a pixie cut. So to keep that style in place. You have to get your hair cut much more often, so those salon fees are gon na rack up a little bit, and this ties into number three. The reason why you have to maintain your hair. So much is because if you let your pixie cut grow out without trimming it, you will get a mullet, you will get a mullet. So don't let this happen. If you're gon na get a pixie cut, please be prepared to constantly have to upkeep it. Ok. Now this may not make sense like right at first like why would you get a mullet? It'S just your hair growing out. It'S just gon na grow out, but no that's not the case. All of these pieces are gon na, be starting here, whereas these pieces are starting way up here. Okay, so when this grows out, this is just barely coming to here right, so you're gon na get like your little tail ends in the back. Are gon na get so long and annoying, and you have to trim them if you don't want to have a mullet. Speaking of mullets, this kind of ties into number four bad hair days are bad hair days and there's just not a lot, you can do about it. You know if you have longer hair and your hair is super greasy or you have like a cowlick or something, and you maybe wake up weird and your hair is just going nuts. You know you can just tie it up in a ponytail or you can put it in a bun or you can you can slick it back in a way that kind of hides the bad hair day? Wait the pixie cut uh-huh. You really can't do much for me, my bad hair days were a lot of bedhead and whenever I got Bed Head, my hair was literally curl up like like this all in certain picture here, so you can see what I'm talking about, but hum yeah. No, it was not disguise' Bulai either had to wash my hair all over again or wear a hat which you know sometimes okay, sometimes manageable, and sometimes it can really get in the way number five hair Envy is a thing, and it's not a fun thing. When you cut your hair, you're gon na see all kinds of people who have hair similar to how you had it before or maybe you know, a new hair style comes in a trend and you can't do it because you don't have long enough hair in order To do it, you're gon na get a little envious of people who have longer hair and you're gon na just have to remember. Hair grows back and you'll get there someday. If you're trying to grow your hair out, you will get there, it'll be okay. You just got ta suffer through the awkward stage, a little bit first, but yeah if you do end up getting some hair Envy. I would just honestly look at all the pros that I mentioned earlier and really try to appreciate what you have while you have. It number six growing out of pixie cut, takes forever actually forever. I believe it or not started growing my pixie cut out in January. This was partly because I went to go, get it trimmed and they cut it way shorter than I had wanted it. So I was really upset about it and wanted to grow it out quickly. Another part of this was just because for me personally, I'd rather start growing it out now and have multiple different styles of a pixie for a long time, rather than wait until I'm already sick of it. And then I have to wait a whole nother year to grow it out to fix it. So I kind of jumped the gun a little bit. I still like my pixie cut, but I am currently growing it out so that whenever I do get sick of it, it's already kind of already done with number seven, and this one also kind of plays off of one of the pros I mentioned earlier in the Winter, you are gon na want to actually get like a winter hat and a scarf, because Lord Jesus, you don't realize how much heat your hair actually holds in. You know, like I said before I used to have long hair. So, for me, my hair functioned as a blanket, a hair scarf. So many different things. You know if I was wearing just a big old jacket, it locked in the heat all around my neck. Without all that hair, you lose a lot of that heat right around your neck area and if you have a buzz cut, it can be all over your head as well. Your head specifically, is one of the areas that tends to lose the most heat. So it's really important if you do have like a buzz cut or if you do have like a shorter haircut to think about winter, be planning in advance, because while this hair can be really nice and refreshing during the summer, same rules apply when it gets cold Out you don't have nearly as much insulation, warmth, whatever you want to call it number eight with certain pixie cuts, it's real hard to get your hair out of your face and still look stylish now there are ways to do it. For me, this was a problem. Just because I tend to just get kind of fed up with my hair sometimes - and I just want to pull it back and with a pixie fat, you can't pull it back. There'S no ponytail option. So if I'm hot and we're I'm sick of it or it's greasy or whatever that option doesn't exist, so you have to kind of improvise with like Clips headbands, you know, even just putting your sunglasses in your hair can help. Sometimes you know things like that. Have really helped me, but if you're the kind of person that doesn't like your hair in your face either consider a shorter pixie cut or you're gon na have to put up with using a lot of hair accessories. Number nine pixie cuts can get boring same as any other hairstyle any other thing. Pixie cuts can get incredibly boring and more so because you're stuck with it with longer hair. If it gets boring, you can color it, you can cut it. You could do all kinds of different things: restyle it try different updos, that's not entirely the case with pixie cuts. There are plenty of styles that you can run with, but at some point I feel like pixie cuts run out of styles a little faster and for me personally, as someone who doesn't like to do my hair, that much it just kind of gets boring and you Get really excited to have it grow now and long again, so you can just throw it up at a bow detail or do a braid or do a bun. All of those things that you took for granted are now the only things that you want and lastly, if for my cons, getting a pixie cut can be a really big commitment to some people, especially if you're coming from having much longer hair getting a pixie cut. It just takes so long to grow out, so it can bring up a lot of negative emotions if things don't go your way, if you have a bad stylist, maybe it gets cut weird or maybe the cut that you thought would really suit your face. Doesn'T as much there can be a lot of negative feelings that come up with that, especially because there's no real way to fix it without just cutting off more or hiding it until you grow it out. I know I mentioned earlier that this can really get in the way of this experience and it does, but it is still something that you want to keep in mind. If you're, the kind of person that loves braiding their hair loves, doing updos loves doing all those different things. It might not be the smartest idea for you to get a pixie cut because you're just not going to be able to do as much of that stuff. You'Re gon na have to work with the hair that you have and if you do decide to get a pixie cut and you don't like it, it's just it's so crushing because you have to wait so long to fix it. So I guess for me personally that would be the biggest con and I'm just so happy that I ended up liking mine because, like god forbid, if I didn't like it, if it looked bad on me, I don't know what I wanted I would have cried. I would have, I would have had a full-blown meltdown, alright guys, that's all I have for you today. I'Ve gone over a bunch of different misconceptions and some pros and cons about getting a pixie cut. The one big piece of advice I would give to any of you who are wanting to try a pixie cut, is to really think about your own lifestyle and the habits you've had with your hair up to this point, because to be honest, just because you get A pixie cut doesn't mean you're gon na automatically change your habits if you're, a very low maintenance person you're not suddenly going to be a high maintenance person, because you changed your hair. For me, I had this in mind when I went to go. Get my hair done. I was very low in maintenance with my long hair, I didn't care about a bunch of different styles and about brazen about you know it looking nice. Typically, I would just air dry it and let it be. You know so for me, getting a pixie cut, wasn't as big of a deal, because I wasn't missing out on anything alright guys. That is the end in this video. Please. Let me know in the comments, if there's any other questions that you have or if there's anything that I missed, I would love to hear some of your own experiences with pixie cuts and cutting all your hair off and growing it out. This hairstyle was so fascinating, especially because it is just so polarized and I would just love to hear your guys's opinion, alright guys if you liked this video, please click like and subscribe down below and if you want to see more videos like this, don't forget to Hit the notification bell, so you can be notified every time I post alright guys! That'S it for this video and see you next time.

Grafton Morgan Jessica: I myself have had a long pixie for almost two years. I so agree with you on how it brings out your face, you look so awesome with your pixie cut. From one short haired gal to another I so agree on the liberated feeling of chopping your hair, I am never going back to long hair. I went through all the cons you listed when I cut mine and I sit back and just laugh. There is nothing wrong with women having short hair. I have developed selective hearing. Your shirt is so rad, Hawaiian shirts are the best.

Amanda Geyman: I have an incredibly short pixie and I have noticed that I get more looks and compliments now than I did before the cut. When you're hair is this short then everyone can see your beautiful face and your best features and that may make you even more attractive.

mmmpapitas: Haylee: you will get *cold* in the winter Me: •lives in a tropical island• ?ಠ_ಠ?

Tara: You look INCREDIBLY similar to me!!! Same hair color, skin tone, face shape/structure, eyebrows, and more! You look absolutely amazing with your hairstyle. You may have just encouraged me to do it. I am most nervous about my double chin showing (it’s like genetically always there despite me being pretty tall/slim or whether I lose or gain weight??). I recently chopped off like a foot and a half of hair and I love having less hair. I do absolutely nothing to style it (ponytail 99.9% of the time since I was a child). My husband supports me no matter what which is awesome. Also, I’m a farmer and I’m tired of my hair getting so dirty/dragging on the ground when I’m working, etc! Sorry I’m rambling... I’m just so nervous but also super over having hair. Thank you so much for the video girl!

L'univers d'Auxane: Hey , I wanted to get a pixie cut for the longest time (2/3 years) but my parents are completely against it. But the idea of doing it is always in my head and I think it will like boost my confidence. I thought of doing it behinds my moms back but like I’m scared of her reaction.

Sailor Simpson: Just discovered you & you seem so genuine and kind! Thinking about getting a pixie and have wanted one for years, but I’m so nervous!! This video made me want to do it even more and made me more excited to get one though

Gianna Daniels: I got my third pixie today. First one in 2014 and second in 2017. My hair is black and thick and wavy and honestly this was the haircut I was meant to have and my hair was down to my waist in 2014 before I got it cut. Thanks for the video!

nraishanzr: this was so wholesome and helpful. thank you!!

tinalonglocks1: i more "pro" is, your face is gorgeous and you rock the pixie!

Vegankeel: Girl,you have such a great face and you are totally rocking this pixie cut this video is very helpful

Alexis c: Me, got my pixie cut yesterday and still watching this gorgeous person

iiqrah: I had a really bad haircut last Sunday because I went to a cheap saloon. I asked for a bob that is slightly below my chin and she ended up cutting it into a weird half mushroom half bob haircut with no sort of layer or texture. I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT SO MUCH that I decided might as well go all in and get a pixie haircut because there wouldn't be a better time than this. I've booked an appointment for tomorrow to get the cut from a better hair saloon this time but I am dreading it because I don't know how it is going to be. I feel like I don't have the confidence in me to pull it off but my haircut is so bad right now that it is pretty much almost rock bottom and I don't care if I actually hit rock bottom after the pixie cut or improve from my current state. Currently binge watching all sorts of pixie haircut videos. This video gave a good insight into what I can possibly be facing. You are awesome and thank you so much for making this video! I am most scared about exposing my neck and double chin which sounds really stupid but I can't help overthinking about it but i just want to go ahead with this haircut and free myself from this baggage. I want to grow my hair but I guess i'll just cut it even shorter and then go from there, not sure if it the smartest approach but that's what I am going with.

urbanremi: ah i’m going to cut my hair soon and i’m so excited/nervous, this video was really nice to watch as i count down the days

YellowMellow 2006: I love love love your hair short and long you do both beautifully !!❤️

josipa leho: I love your entire look!

Arthi Arthi: I cut my hair pixie yesterday n people breaking my confident i feel so down asf

yours truly: im just trying to look like a lesbian lol

Alexis Kathleen: You look so good with that style I wouldn’t recommend changing it— it wouldn’t look on me though but you rock both long and pixie- btw there’s nothing wrong with short hair on girls - people stereotype that way too much. Short hair is good on A lot of girls. Hair is not what defines a girl it doesn’t make you more or less beautiful. Short hair can bring out face features more

Martina Lola fraser: I'm so excited to get my second pixie cut I hate having long hair in my teens and early 20s lol

xizhue: I remember the first time when I got a similar kind of that haircut, my eyes were tearing up and I'm making myself stopping to cry for the whole session. I'm glad I'd stopped it soon as the stylist finished cutting my hair.. Inside: "Oh my gosh. It's too short.Sh*t.. And I definitely think of standing and to stop but I got a hold of myself.. I find it funny everytime it comes on my mind...

Rosalie van der Dussen: i’m getting a pixie cut this week! i’m really nervous that it won’t suit me cause i’ve always had really long hair. but i’m also really excited cause it’s such a cool haircut ahahah

Reddragonlady: im planning on cutting one, just because i can't deal with my hair anymore

Weird_Person: I'm getting a pixie cut because I dont wanna be known for having long beautiful hair. Because I have a crazy fun personality that people dont realize because my hair could be a trend and they think I am a trendy girl but I'm not and a pixie cut will hopefully show that I'm me and not what they think. And show to not judge a book by its cover!

Rick Roll: Im non-binary and I really want to get a pixie cut so thank you so much!

Suna Bayraktaroğlu: I got mine two days ago, so liberating!

Ada Crisha Samson: I got my hair like bald last week May 2. as in totally shaved and tbh for me, it was the best feeling . My hair was so damaged and frizzy which actually is the main reason I cut my hair. The moment it was shaved I was *like yes it gone finally!!!* One of the best decision I ever made and I'm just 13 years old! alot of people at first didn't like the idea but when I showed they were like "oh it suits you!, you look good!" but I admit, at first it was really akward but after a week it just gets better. Tbh I don't regret it even though i know that there will be those akward stages but yeah, I might even do it again. I also even encourage some of my friends to cut their hair bald or just short or pixie *cause hey we only live once* and yea some pros and cons here and there but worth it for me! so if you're reading this, planning to cut your hair pixie or bald go for it! it's just a different feeling!!

RainbowAnimeCupcake: I haven’t cut my hair majorly in about ten years but I have always wanted a super short pixie. I was kind of holding myself back about getting it and forcing myself to grow my hair long even though I hated it. Now I’m trying to psych myself up to finally chopping it all off cause even though I hated my hair and fought against it all these years, I started to become attached to it regardless lol

Marjorie S.: Thanks for sharing your thoughts I will still cut my hair short. Anxious

Paulina Sow: I really want to get a pixie cut I'm really scared I'll end up looking like a boy (I'm not really a makeup person) and it will make me seem chubby and I am really bothered by other people's opinions (which is part of the reason I want to do it).

Norm Tresadern: If I have a bad hair day I just stick my head under a tap and it's all good again!

Elise M: I really want a pixie cut but I am sort of afraid to do it cause I have SUPER long, “pretty” hair. My friends don’t want me to get it cut cause of how “pretty” is. They just don’t know the heck of keeping it clean. I shower and 3 hours later it’s greasy. I honestly love the pixie but I’m not sure. Your video honestly really encouraged me. Even tho I’m late :)

Dajana Darling: I'm watching this, because I'm thinking about getting a pixie and you remind me of Alyssa Milano <3

Maya Keebaugh: I REALLY want a pixie cut. A little over my ears and I’m 11 and have purple hair and bangs. This year in 5th grade I want to keep changing my hair every other year and this year was quite a big change. I hope I can do it next month. Tell me your opinions :)

georgia: i’m getting a pixie cut tomorrow morning! i’m super excited but i’m also scared it won’t look good on me but i also feel like if i get it cut i’ll feel more comfortable in my body. hopefully i’ll like it though!

Breanna Wages: I get a pixie cut tomorrow I’m so excited

sourmxchii: I’ve been wanting to get a pixie cut for 4 years now but my best friend doesn’t want me to, she isn’t being mean about it (like saying it will look bad) but she just doesn’t seem happy about the idea

rac717: Your long hair was glorious, Girl!!

ms.rottenstrawberry101: Tomorrow my mom is going to try out a new haircut place. If she likes it she’ll get me an appointment for a pixie cut there! I’m really excited but I’m worried because I’m not sure how to style it

Ginger Reilly: Girl u are so pretty and thank u so much for helping me and many other people out I definitely would like to get one now and more confident to get one and besides u only live once

•Hippy Jade•: You’re getting another sub

Sandra Rios: This was so helpful!!!!!

Martina Lola fraser: I get my first pixie or long pixie June 11 im 29 it's been on my bucket list since EI was in my early 20s lol I have so many ideas thank God I trust my hairdresser she knows my hair type hair texture face shape glasses body type she works with it all

Vee8: I'm seriously thinking about getting a pixie but I'm scared I'll really look like a boy cos I pretty much never wear make up and I'm also very flat chested which doesn't help. I may go gradually shorter to begin with so I may look into getting a bob first before moving to pixie cut

Chibi GeekTV: Best way to fix a bad hair day. Wash, dry, hat. In a rush? Hat Need to run to class? Hat I’m lazy

Daniela PV: I'm sad because pixie cut fits everybody but me. I did a pixie cut at home cuz #pademia and I look like a madame, I was expecting to look adrogynous but no :(

Saska Liimola: You look wonderful

Peter Clout: About as interesting as watching someone clean their teeth.

kc: i just want a pixie to look gay since im pretty femme lol

Martina Lola fraser: And hopefully my side cut and undercut will be fixed up it's so over grown I have had th side cut since 2017 and undercut since Feb 2 been leaving it so she could work with it all shows her my ideas but tell her to do what she thinks I will rock and pull off

Ricki Is Gay: WELL IM GLAD IMA HAVE A MULLET lol I already have one without even getting the pixie cut

Anime Simp: 20:20 I wanna get an undercut sort of pixie cut, so mine wouldn't turn out as a mullet right?

Piggy Lover: The pics of you with long hair (1:18) looked way too heavy. Your style on this video has a look that's light, vibrant and carefree!

Radhika Kaushik: How much time did it take u to grow your hair this much

Alexis Kathleen: I’m super bored with my hair

Sam Morataya: I love mine!

Sam Peterkoski: wait a second. you only have 45 subs? make that 46

Bleb: You have no where near enough subs!

Bella Rodriguez: Img this video actually helped me

joyo veronico: 0:00 - 3:45 = me too

myka 1: youre so beautiful <333

Yuna Hsia: Your top is similar with Harry it

Leighann McGowan: I do feel less attractive.....I hate my pixie it sticks up everywhere I never wanted a pixie.....I chemically straightened my long hair and it destroyed it .....I had no choice but to cut it off ughhhh.i just dont look good with short hair like some other girls do ......I didn't know I have all these cowlicks under my hair so you have to be careful.....I now have to wear a wig ..I miss my long hair lesson learned ....

Martina Lola fraser: I'm ringing turning 30 Feb 2 with new nails pixie cut new girly clothes new hair color lol

Alexis Kathleen: Do u like shoulder length hair??

Rosy McGee: U look great

Lucy Schraff: Wasssssup. Like the shirt.

#Yaoi Fever: I really want a short hair and now I am getting to know about pixie hair....and it's fantastic.....but My Current hair is exactly like Timmy's hair...I mean Timothée's except it's black. And so I will have a haircut like him....what he had in CMBYN

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