#Ywigs #Tailoredcrown Ywig Curly Pixie Wig| Ft.Tailored Crowns Tinted Spray

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Instagram: i_Love_kandie

Instagram: beautifulpicies_29




Hi guys welcome back to my channel, I'm gon na be doing a video today about this week that I got from Y wigs, I'm gon na be showing you guys it and then I'm gon na install it and show you guys what it looks like. It is. A short wig, it is a like pixie cut, Loki. Here'S the box and a day come your DHL. It came in this little packaging or whatever. Now the wig was $ 89.99 on the website, not sure if it was on sale or not'. Okay, so inside the box it comes with this way cat. It'S just like a regular weight, wrap that you get from the beauty supply stores. It does come with this car, it's just like returns. If you want to return it, it also has the elastic band, I'm not sure if I'm going to use it, I might, if I want to do glue, is, and then here is the way that I'm going to open it, for you guys to show you it's On my knee I'm doing all kind of stuff around a house, you guys that's why my tries to anything already. I could tell that the lace is a little dark, so you didn't follow my instructions. When I asked for my girly, but that's okay, I'm gon na be trying out something that I've been wanting to try out for a while. I'M gon na show you guys in a minute, but this is the wig. It does have four combs these three and then it has one column at the very bottom. It'S a curly texture. I believe. Let me see if it's, I don't think it's cool least no. It'S not no, it's not the lace, it is a front, so it's not a lot of parting space, but again it was very cheap, see. Let me turn at this. Oh, I see, I see it there we go so I'm gon na be installing this dial in it. I mean I saw. I don't know who channel was watching to watch a bunch of videos - Oh crazy today, but um. I like the wig on her. So I'm gon na try it on myself now to get the lace more of my color and I'm glad this camera in time. I'Ve been wanting to try this you guys it is by Taylor crowns and it is lace, tent spray, and I got the big bottle. It'S in a color almond, if you guys want this, the little bottle was $ 8.99. The big bottle, I believe, was $ 12.99 plus tax, so I came like this and I've been dying to try this for a while. So I'm definitely gon na be testing it out on this lace. Now this lace is nothing special, it's not like HD lace or anything. So that's, okay! I know I know what I'm doing so. I'M gon na be trying that out. So if you guys would like to see me install this wig and then also tint, this lace then stay tuned to my video. Okay, alright guys, I'm gon na be just bleaching lightly. Bleaching them onyx it. So you get better results when you do that. So I'm not going to bleach them a whole lot, but I'm going to lightly bleach it I'm just using a spoon. This is a consistency. I use 40 volume developer and then I use the Clairol face. So I'm just going to put this on and let it sit for about 10 minutes or so, and you don't want to press it too hard. You don't want it to bleed through the lace. That'S why you want to think our consistency when you're bleaching you're not so right. Now, I'm just spreading this out just just to get rid of those black dots that you see you don't want to press date, just kind of just smooth it over now. I usually cover days, but I'm not going to cover a usually cover a little foil, but I'm not going to be covering it with foil, I'm just going to let it sit on my little tripod head. Hopefully, nothing bleeds out is thick enough. I was actually thinking about dynasts with a honey brown color. Am I still do it out of there. Just then inside a lighter cover slightly want to make sure you get the that part right here. I'M just getting this side turn this back around. So once you got all of your diet, I mean your bleach on it. Um you just want to let it sit so, like I said, I'm not going to bleep go into heart at the bleach plus it. In my opinion, it makes the hair shed more. So I'm going to lightly bleach this thing now I'll be just all on there. I didn't use very much so I'm gon na let this just sit in and I'll be back, alright guys. So now we're going to be rinsing out this bleach. We definitely want to always go wash their wigs. I let it stay for about eight minutes or so ain't nothin. I miss already Beach pretty well, but I want to overbeat so I'm just renting it out and then I'm gon na go in with the shimmer light. Just tone down the brassiness: this is what it looks like I'm gon na slip that, on your generous amount, one of us just in cold water, cold water, stop the prospecting of the beach. When I mix that really good. Are you looking a little better? So now I'm gon na dry, this and I'll be right back sorry guys. So now I'm going to be using the almond lace overlay by Taylor crowns. I mean Diana try this and I just screw the it came with the spray bottle too now says you could do a couple layers and it is damn it's not completely dry, but it is damp, so you want to spray it and then let it dry and Then spray another layer and let it dry. So that's what I'm going to do, but I'm going to do the speeded up and ease my blow-dryer okay. So now what I'm gon na do? What I'm gon na do I'm gon na put another layer. Let me just stick your this thing around. I think I'm gon na do two layers, so what I'm gon na do is now prepare the week, alright guys. So now I'm going to be adding product. The lace looks pretty good. So far you can see that hairline is already tweezed, thank God, because I don't feel like doing that. So now, I'm just going to add a product to it and styling and then I'll install a so first thing I'm going to use is the coconut crumbing creams. I can I'm just gon na put it all through here. It'S a nice texture right here. You guys it's a really pretty can't wait to see that looks like Johnny got a little bit more okay, many reposition is freaking wave. Alright. Now, what I'm going to be doing is putting in this a lot of body, here's my favorite wrapping loose. I love this fabric, so I'm coming here right now. What I'm going to do is to let this dry a little bit before I install eight, so I'll be back hi guys. So, yes, this is the finished product. I did go ahead and use the Taylor crowned tent spray. It works perfectly. I don't know how I was ever doing weeks without the spray like that lace was so dark. It was too dark for my skin and after I bleach the knots and I sprayed it on like. I showed you guys in the video it just blend it right into my skin, like I didn't even have to put makeup on my cap or anything now. If you guys would like to see me, do an installation. Video then leave it in my comment section and I'll be more than happy to start posting those videos. I will be doing more wig reviews. I got a couple of things lined up, but if you guys would like to actually see me make it install it and do all that then leave it in my comment section now. This is the side I didn't do any sideburns at all. I just put it on see: I didn't do any sideburns. I was indecisive on that. I don't know. If I wanted it, I did a very minimal baby hairs. You can do whatever what this week is so cute. I can cut it shorter. I can leave it long, I mean you can put it up and to a ponytail like it's like the cutest freakin crap ever you can part it down the middle. It'S not full lace, but it's definitely worth what I paid for it. So it was definitely worth it and I think shipping was free. So this way it was eighty nine, ninety, nine and I'm will be leaving the links to the description, the website and the wig in my description box. So you guys can hit the link. If you would like to check this wig I'll go ahead and do so, and that is the end of my video, I do got some new videos coming out guys. Please please, please do not forget. The goal is 1k subscribers over the next couple of months, and the only way for me to do that is for you guys to subscribe to my channel okay, all right, so I will see you guys in my next video. I appreciate all of my subscribers and until next time bye, you

Indi Boo: Cuteeee I have to get one now !!

Indi Boo: Cuteeee I have to get one now !!

Dee Upchurch: Love that wig

Three Fives: What wig companies do you recommend ordering from ?

Hernandy U.: Yay

Anaya Kai: Hi how long did this take to get to you i need in withing 14 days should i do itt

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