Goodbye Long Hair

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#hasanabi #twitch #reacts #stream #hasanpiker #haircut

Do you ever have long hair uh yeah I have, but why did you decide to do this after you had me, give you a trim? Oh and then you have me, come back here and give you another haircut, oh just to [ __ ] up my last haircut, okay! Well, here's! Here'S! What happened? Okay! Here'S what happened! So when I got when my hair was like super long and you gave me a trim, that's when I realized, like oh [, __ ], this [ __ ], it's not worth it like trying to get back to that same length. Oh, you didn't like my trim. Well, it's just that! It'S not that I didn't like your TR. Okay. Maybe I didn't like your trim that, because I feel, like you trimmed a little too much, I said you called me back for another yeah. It fix it, no, no um! Well, I I told you that I was gon na. I wanted you to [ __ ] be the guy who who finally takes down the long hair like for my skills. What do you mean for clout, [, __ ]? I don't give a [ __ ], like you, don't care about it yeah! No, I was like only Jeff can hit. No, you know what's funny. Well, maybe you're just funny to me, but like obviously I'm going to get surgery on my eye next week or no two days from now and you were like, I have this idea. I want to get a haircut. Can we do it in the future and I'm like yeah, I'm leaving to get eye surgery and you're like oh? Can we do it before your eye surgery who says that too, like I want to get a haircut? Okay? Okay, you didn't read the other text message. I was like what can I do to help you like, I feel about what I'm saying like I, my eyes are all [ __ ] up and I'm gon na you're like I want this guy to cut my hair yeah. You could have anybody here to do this, but you know what it's nice I'm happy to do it. You know I'm excited he's like he's making his well. I mean I did. I was like all right. Well, you want to do it. You want to do it. Quick before you get your surgery, I'm like I'm not saying that, like you're insensitive, I don't give a [ __ ], oh no, that's what that's how they took it! No! No! I don't mean it like that. I just think it's funny that I'm going to get eye surgery he's like. Can you cut me before you get your eyes fixed, yeah, bro, all right. Whatever do you are you capable you think you can do it? Yeah it'll be fine, but look you're, those if I'm telling the truth or not well, yeah we'll find out. I guess what's the worst that could happen bro they will. My [ __ ] stands will like find you they'll attack me. Oh, my God, if you [ __ ] this up dude, this is a big deal um. I have never [ __ ] up a haircut to his day. You know yeah, no, there's like! Is there like a Channel about my relationship with people that have cut their hair? Oh, oh because of pranks and stuff that I've done outside, but we're gon na do that as well by the way, obviously uh. We I told you that as well like we'll do another one when you're, when you're, better um yeah that'll be nice. If it's implantable contacts recoveries 24 hours, if it's lazy wait, what do you mean no payback for 9, 11. yeah? Okay, I didn't do 911.. Everybody needs to be back for 9 11, guys yeah uh, it's it's on. It'S on your main right, Joe's Barbershop, yeah, yeah yeah, let's see if you like, uh, I don't know, let's see if you've like ever [, __ ] up someone's hair or anything like that. I'M going back to Jeff's Barbershop you're, notoriously, oh that's so Ethan I didn't expect him to be like. Yet let me uh like just get any haircut and I was like we got this wheel spin, let's play The Wheel of haircuts and he actually wanted to get the haircut so respect to Ethan. He genuinely doesn't give a [ __ ] and he's all about the bit so yeah, I'm not. I I do want to have like a good haircut yeah. I don't expect you to get a double Mohawk like you did no [ __ ] that um but you're. The mullet King yeah, I guess yeah I did popularize the modern mullet, I'm not going to take credit for it and say that I you know made it cool or you know, I'm I made the trend honestly, I don't even want, even if you think I did. I don't want that because it's become cringe now to have mullets, which is why it's time it's time for me to get it because it's cringe now. I think now is the time for me to try the mullet for a little bit and then I think, that's like a safe transition into like my regular [ __ ] boy haircut, which is what I used to have. Are you able to talk about why you're doing this? Is there another like a bigger reason, why you're getting a mullet? Is it because um the the merge thing or are you you're, starting like a new? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh yeah! No! I I even do that. Oh [ __ ], that's right! Actually, that is a I literally forgot about it. I'M gon na run the show here, okay, so what you're talking about is like? I have a. I have a new merch line coming out, as you guys already know, is the real tree camo one, and I thought if I get a mullet haircut before we release it, it would work really well in like the photo shoots. However um I don't even know, if we're gon na be releasing it anytime soon. I just want to mull it so we're just gon na do them all. Let'S just do it. What are we waiting for? I don't want to wait till you change your mind. Is there a time, did we say four, not giving me any [ __ ] you're, not giving me you're not instilling any [ __ ] confidence. You brought your [ __ ] producer, who executed the goddamn 911 [ __ ], okay, that was my 911. we're gon na execute one yeah. I don't trust them he's in here, get out of here. All right brought back up just in case yeah, just in case what who knows, what you and all the stuff you get into 358. We got two minutes, I don't want to start early and then people are like. Oh what the [ __ ]. You said four o'clock: you already started snipping his hair. We missed a Big Snip, no, no! No! It'S fine. We can. We can get started, especially because at the top of the hour, there's a three minute outbreak and we're at that point right now, I'm gon na I'm gon na tweet out I'm gon na tweet out, oh [, __ ]. That was a failure. You know I got banned from Tick Tock today, why uh [, __, ] anytime, no anytime, I go viral for like a tick tock. They just get Mass reported by like Andrew Tate fans, oh yeah, so it wasn't even anything bad. You just got no bro. It was literally, it was literally like a normal ass [ __ ] uh Tick Tock. I was talking about like black lives matter and [ __ ] like it was just ridiculous. Wow. Absolutely ridiculous! You know gives a [ __ ]. Really you know I I mean. I do they just like they do this they've taken down my editor's Tick. Tock too. They like they banned. All these other [ __ ], like they ban, fan account tick tocks. Oh you tweeted at them, Tick! Tock, yeah! That'S that's! Nice! I'Ve! Never tweeted at like an airline when you like it treated bad you're like no. No, no, no United Airlines um! No! I don't do that, but Tick Tock. I do do that because it's like a social media platform and it's like you know it's it's my job. Yeah, you know who would do some [ __ ] like that Mike, oh, you could be like I'm gon na. Tell all my followers that I had a bad experience on this era. I think he would do that. Yes, you're right, probably already he's probably doing it right now. You start setting up uh I've done it for my ISP, too they're [, __, ], [, __, ] uh. What'S that isbs yeah the internet service provider like Spectrum when they like [ __ ], my [ __ ] up, look at that. No, these are. These are [ __, ], awful dude, oh God, oh Jesus, [ __, ] Christ. Like I don't know, if I I'm a little worried man, I'm a little worried, I brought the hair products guys. You know you got ta, have the Jeff's Barber Shop, hell yeah, I I use it now. I actually don't ever use any product in my hair, except the the spray thing is like pretty good. It smells great too um hold on. Oh, I forgot uh. Let me [ __ ] tweet, that we're doing it and also by the way you can avoid uh. The top of the hour outbreak, which I forgot to serve you at the top of the hour by subscribing for five dollars worth for free or by getting gifted a sub here's a three minute break now, we'll get back to Curtis in a second who also, ironically, Has a mullet, uh, Curtis Connor does have a mullet as well, so all how how poetic that I'm getting a mullet while Curtis is, is showcasing his beautiful moment yet I did hold on, but they can still hear you guys if anybody has like I'm gon na Change the capabilities - that's Photoshop! This setup is a little bit different than yours, yeah. You know what we did to you on all the good stuff. If you you're not bringing half these [ __ ] last time I'll tell you that yeah this guy, this guy did not break oh dude you're breaking stuff. Oh, I lost my lost. Oh nice, oh hell, yeah love that you used to shave my nuts before I had a manscape sponsor love that um there's blood all over them. Sniff up the nuts, but now, thanks to manscape, am I allowed to promote Landscapes. I don't give a [ __ ], promote whatever the [ __ ]. You want brother, okay, okay, I don't I'm not even getting paid. I don't give a [ __ ], but um yeah about about these hair products. Man, whatever I want, follow me on Snapchat at American Jeff, you know they're giving people money to post over there now. So I'm all about that yeah about money, yep yeah, get these things plugged just get right to it. Kyle. I want you to moderate that chat. You know if anybody is saying bad stuff about me. Don'T tell me so I'm gon na give it all in my own head and it's going to affect his haircut. Why yeah moderate to chat? No! No! No! Don'T don't even tell them about, like all the bad comments he's getting already because he's he can't handle it, he gets upset destroyed already. I didn't even do anything yeah hold on. I'M gon na push this out of the way. So we don't get this thing dirty. That'S surprising, yeah, honestly, because because you deserve it, okay can I just use this Shelf or something sure what what's funny about my support for Donald Trump. You know well making a mockery. I wasn't expecting to see that here making a mockery of politics. I don't want to get into politics. Dude, listen! I love! I love politics, bro, okay, all of it. Oh, it's all a fan of all politics. Do I have to take my glasses off? Yes, yeah [, __ ]. All right can we do like a light mullet. Like or is that we're gon na do whatever I say we do that's a comb guys, you [, __ ], got me again the second time with this guy. I love this thing you want to mess around with that. Will it hurt? If I like, will I be able to will I injure myself? It'S just a comb now this one? No, this is a real blade. Oh Jesus Christ, yeah, but how the [ __ ]. Do you open the accident that you just press the button where's the button? Oh, this yeah, oh [, __, ] bro, this [ __ ] is. Is it it's fun, ciao, I'm not even kidding. This is like this is heavy like you can [ __ ] someone up with this. You could [ __ ]. Okay, all right. Let'S get right to it, this is a euro knife, skin and valorant, which is a video game, and you obviously would not know that, because you're too much of a jock, you know don't bully me all right. I'M bullying you for being a jock, because I don't know about video games to this [ __ ] audience trust me. I play GTA, oh wow! This is jock game bro. What'S next you play COD and Madden. No, oh! This guy is for Snapchatting yeah yeah. I posted on Snapchat there we go. I got ta promote something I'm over here, giving free haircuts the [ __ ]. Am I doing that's what I'm talking about baby? That'S why I called you. You figured it out because everyone else is like oh dude, you I'll charge you [ __, ] million dollars, okay, you're gon na wet your hair, take those glasses off uh-huh and this probably will take. Maybe 45 minutes. Okay, perfect heads up, so you know I'm scared, but it's okay! Okay, my bad okay, you're! Definitely doing that you're doing it on purpose, I'm a prankster, I'm a YouTuber! Oh [, __ ] this side over here I got them good. There look at the chats going nuts yeah, they love it. [ __, ], [, __ ], wait till my next stunt. Oh come on dude! Please don't [ __ ], my hair up. Was this a mistake like yeah? Wait really no it'll turn out. The hair will turn out now experience. I can't wait. Oh no, oh Jesus, honestly, I have nothing planned. I I'm kind of got stressed out when you're like, let's do a barbershop episode in one day and have time to plan anything. Well, that's why I said I I promised you one like for sure. You know how I did the thing with Cody Co when I had Jake Paul show up yeah. I got ta get like Tate to come out of the car he's in prison dog. That'S why that's why he couldn't he couldn't do his normal Shenanigans, because he's in [ __ ] jail, yeah yeah, so we got ta, wait for him to get out and then we'll set up your episode we'll time it a little better yeah. Okay, I'm all sorts of wet now. So what are your thoughts on the current state of the economic crisis that we're in right? What do you do here? Bro? What do you mean? What is it bro? We were watching a video about Tick, Tock psyches. You want to talk about that. Instead, yeah yeah pull that up yeah, we were watching it bro you, you need to focus on my hair. You only got one eye to begin with. What do you mean? What are your thoughts on climate change? All right he's stressing out about like I don't wan na, I don't wan na. I don't want to take your attention away. Okay, I could probably get banned for that. It'S like ableism, technically what it's saying that you only got one eye to begin with yeah. It'S true, and but it is where's these tater tots at hit them. No, no, no, no, don't don't yeah, then your your contest, cooked too you can't even they can't even see the final product. Okay um. I just have one question and then I'll handle all the rest. Okay, how short are we going on top um, so what I want ultimately is to be able to do like. Like I was thinking I go. I I transition out of the long hair with a mullet, but then the mullet is so is not so short that, like I could still do like a like a regular [, __ ] boy fade, I guess eventually yeah whatever like to fix it yeah to fix It yeah um should we do like a big, dramatic snip like just pull up like a ponytail, and just I mean if you want hack into it yeah. Let'S do that for oh brother here we go wait but like make sure that it's still, you know long enough right. Yeah yeah, like you, leave some leave some [ __ ] hair yeah. Oh that's a lot of [ __ ] Turkish hair right there, oh yeah! There is a lot of it. Kyle help me out with this hold this my assistant here right um. You should face him this way, so they can see the back of his head for the snap. Do you want to do this yourself me? Yeah no Kyle go ahead, get in there and snip that off, oh you're gon na make Kyle. Do it I'll do it guys we are gon na I'm kidding. I'M gon na keep this this big chunk we're gon na keep it we're gon na um break it away. You'Re Gon na hex me we're gon na sell this to Andrew Tate, so he could use it as DNA in a crime scene. Go ahead. Oh Jesus sniff! It snip it Kyle it's his first time cutting hair there you go, take that put it away put in your pocket. Yeah there we go nice. Give me those scissors back perfect. We got all we need, we got, we need it, foreign, I'm so [, __ ]. What did I do? I got your DM now. It'S over yeah, all right, oh no! Whatever you got to do, bro you're gon na get me [. __ ] cloned up in some Romanian in some unethical Romanian lab yep. That was the plan. Would this I feel like this would hurt oh yeah, it's so [ __ ] heavy that like, if, if you accidentally open it on the wrong side, it kind of hurts kind of hurts your fingy, my bad bro, I'm trying to focus right now. Oh [, __ ], sorry yeah with that toy yeah, I'm just trying to not think about this. You know what I mean not think about what I've [ __ ] done, yeah good way to deal with it just block it. How long did you go when you went long, hair um? I never made it this far because I always worked in a barber shop, so I was like you know. I always had the option there to just get it cut at any time. You don't have that option. You have to plan it like a couple days ahead. Wait what no! I can. No I mean like I was instant like I could just turn to the left, be like bro. You know what [ __ ] this shave, my head, or something just cut my hair, and I I had that at any time of the day, so you at least got ta text. Somebody then you think about it. You look in the mirror, maybe you're having a good hair day and you're like you know what ah [ __ ] it. I changed my mind. I'M Gon na Keep it it's just been. It got annoying. You know what I mean it's just. It was a. It was a nuisance yeah. I know what you mean, it's tough, it's tough to work out, sweat and stuff, and you got to keep washing it yeah. I know there's a lot of people. There'S like the first time I ever like I. I grew my beard out long uh for a while for like a year and then, as my audience grew, that was the first time they had ever the first time I ever shaved fully was the first time they ever saw me without a beard. There are a lot of people in this audience that have never probably seen me with short hair now that I think about it. They'Ve only seen photos of it, so it's gon na be odd. It'S gon na be odd for them when's. The last time you shaved your beard uh recently, so at least they saw that this is actually like three weeks of beard or like two weeks of beard, damn yeah like two weeks ago. I shaved it. You know this is. This is a lot of people's personal 911. If you know what I'm saying nobody cares as much as you about your hair. No, that might not be true. That'S not true! Yeah! It was nice hair. That'S gone now, yeah, it's over! Oh! I just saw something. This is the worst day of my life. What yeah bro stop looking stop looking over at Chad, brother just focus on the top of my head, please, how am I doing this right? Oh god, oh! No! What the [ __ ] Jeff come on! This is like women's hair bro I cut men's hair, oh no, I'm so cooked should have went to a salon yeah, I'm so [ __ ] cooked well. Actually, I'm I'm good at mullets yeah. This is your bro. You literally said: hey. You came to the mullet king, that's what you said. No, he literally, he said pretty much those words bro. No. You can't say that I say things like that. You literally refer to myself as the mullet you said, you're the mullet master. That sounds better, but I wouldn't say that either yeah came to the right man, that's what he said. The mullet man, I might have said, that's my specialty. You did say that that's fine, the mullet man, that's funny, what'd you eat. So far. Today, uh, I had curry chicken like a whole chicken uh like a pound. Why? Just weighing your food by pounds I mean I, I do weigh my food yeah, none of it, I'm I don't have your [ __ ], physique, okay, I I'm trying uh you! You do my fitness pal uh. What'S that calorie counter? No, I do Strava. This is not a calorie counter. It counts. How much I have that too. I have the whoop. Oh, you have the whoop yeah, damn you're triathlete nah, but I do I do track. My um, you know I do track my daily caloric burn. I guess the the problem is like this shit's awful with like actual actual workouts. It doesn't track it really well, because it works off. Of I mean it has limitations right, so it basically Works off of like your cardiovascular exertion. So you know if you're running or if you're doing any cardio, then it's like. Oh man you're straight it's crazy, but if you're [ __ ] doing like a super heavy lift with a lot of like waiting in between it doesn't track it as like uh. It doesn't track it as like a very strenuous exercise, even if you're, like completely beat afterwards. I ran 13 miles before this you're, a [ __ ] psycho. I got surgery, so I was trying to pound to my body. I know that's why I wanted to that's. Why I wanted you to come over, you know and take your mind off [ __ ]. Thank you yeah. It is nice tomorrow or the day after Wednesday leaves tomorrow. You leave tomorrow when you come back road trip, um I'll, be back next week. All right we're on a 13 Miler with me, the [ __ ]. No, I mean look. I I wan na. I wan na support you, but I want to offer you emotional support in your time of need, but definitely not that much. What'S going on with you bro you dating anybody right now, um, I don't know it's just it's just I. I keep all that stuff, private, okay, yeah! You keep it private forever. I mean dude. You know how this [ __ ] space is just open up bro. If anything, [ __ ] crazy comes out we'll just edit it out. We can't it's live Jeff. There are 45 000 people watching right now, yeah, oh god, oh no, don't give don't freak out, don't freak out, don't [ __ ] get nervous. I take his eye out yeah two for one surgery, yeah, it's like yeah. You want to give me emotional support here and now you have to get them Yo his hands are shaking chat. What the [ __ ], no they're, not my hands, never shake! My hands. Have never shaked in my life yeah Focus up man. I can't believe you still wanted to associate with me after what we did to you on the podcast dude. What do you mean that was awesome? I watched it on stream dude. Your podcast was so good immediately after wait. I don't know if you want him to hear this. What because he's gon na get gassed up what they say? No immediately after I watched the podcast after I went through the podcast I texted my producer March yeah and I was like bro what the [ __ ] like we got ta. We got ta up our [ __ ]. You know what I mean we're just doing. Like normal conversations, the guys over at Jeff FM, like they're they're, doing they're doing big things well. H3 podcast has a good setup like that. You true with them for leftovers right. They sound bite on that show they sound bite. They do they do a lot of stuff. I would say yours is more. Yours has like stummer, it's a little Dumber. No yours is, like you know, calling segments like I assume. If every single episode is like that, then I would say that it's even even more edited and more produced than an H3. Even though H3 is like very well edited and very well produced as well. Obviously yeah yeah. They have a good team over there. Yeah Zach's good that sound bites too yeah they're they're great fun to play with huh. Oh H3. Has it on the main podcast? Oh yeah, okay! Well yeah! They do. They do a lot of cool [, __ ] on their main podcast too you're right um, I'm gon na fade up the sides like mine, so it looks all cool and like clean like that, but not like a zero fade, we'll go to like a one and A half like, let me see yours, he's giving me like a Paulie D tape up. Okay, that's two dude! That'S too tight of a fade! That'S too, that that is way too long. Island fist pumping this weekend. Oh my God! Let'S, let's not go that tight! Let'S go: let's go two: okay, please yeah you're like nope, not doing that we're doing [! __ ]! You don't know you don't know what I'm putting on here all right. Unless we get some barbers in the chat here, they're gon na say no, that's actually a world and a half wait what it is a one and a half what the [ __ ]! Oh it's fine! It'S too late! You can't put the hair back on. No, no oh Jesus [ __ ] Christ Jeff. What are you doing? Oh God, you asked me for, oh God, professional, oh no, wow, look at that! Can we can we get the glue? Can we can we use the glue to fix this? After? Is that a thing you can glue the hair back on yeah you, you should sell that as a product haircut, repair glue, yeah just sell Sharpies. You know what I mean when I [ __ ] up the hairline. Here'S a here's, the hairpie! Oh, you went zero. Didn'T you, I can't even see it. I don't have glasses on so I can't even [ __ ] tell oh God. This is so bad. Oh Andrew Tate's, watching this right now from prison. No he's not Andrew's like yeah. Make him go bold. Just like me yo! That'S the [ __ ], that's one of the funniest things that [ __ ] ever like claimed is that he went he has hair, but he like actually went bald on purpose, yeah intentionally yeah. It'S like how about a weird scene, soft yeah, wake up and do your hair yourself. It'S like bro we've seen. First of all, he wears the tightest clothes okay yeah, but we've seen his hairline like. We know that [ __ ] is is gone yeah and it's growing out. Now you see the pictures from yeah or jail he's got like yeah. It'S. You could tell it's receding yeah. He just it makes it seem like it was his own decision yeah. I control my own destiny, but it's like nope. I got drinks by the way. If you want anything in the fridge, no problem, so much hair, yeah bro, you, you know it the worst part about this - is that, like this is gon na probably make my head. Look small like for a while. I have enjoyed not a lot of people saying that I have a small head because, like my hair made it look larger, it looks small with long hair. I think because no face smaller. No because like it was like beefy, it looked like a Mane right. So, like my Silhouette made, it seem like my hair was like, or my head was like normal sized in comparison to my uh, my shoulder size head. You just have a giant body. That'S what I keep telling [ __ ] and like no one in the real world that has met me first without knowing all the internet. Memes has ever said that, except now, whenever people hear that I have a small head on the internet, they do it now as a joke, but yeah. I noticed that when I first met what that your head size was a little off, but there's nothing, you could do about it. You know you can't work out your head, you can't and it begins. It begins you're supposed to be on my [ __ ]. What are you gon na get head injections you're supposed to be on my [ __ ] side dude in your skull, yeah God damn it should have put you on that cancellation, tier dude? Oh, what I've done! Nothing for this! We'Re dodging bullets! This year, yeah everybody's going down, but us you've seen that have you noticed that everybody's canceled yeah, the major The Matrix Matrix, can't touch us myself, it's coming for you playing with fire. So how does the talcum powder work? Are you supposed to give that to me before? No, why are you itchy? No at the end to dust the hair off um word. Is this the big stunt for today I don't have. I don't really have stunts like that on every stream. This is not the Jeff FM podcast, okay yeah. I know what you mean. No sound bites. Kyle start sound biting off your phone. Can you what the [ __ ] yeah yeah? Do you have them actually? Can we sound like oh, my [, __ ] God bro? Take the microns that one is like no! No anyway, so it'll pick you up. Oh yeah get some Grays in here, oh dude, hell yeah. I got [ __ ]. I got hella Grays. I have Grays up and up on the top of my Dome too. Now it's weird, you got Grace too, don't you no huh, I'm only 26. yeah, no you're. Definitely they can't see from over there. Family quality is not good enough, but that it actually is. Is it yeah if you can zoom in we'll, do it after no Grace, not a single one, never have one cap. No, I actually. I got a lot of Grace coming in and it's like when you uh, undergo traumatic experiences. Right no bro, I'm not blaming everything on this [ __ ], I it's genetics. My whole family has grades yeah, [ __, ] David. He gave me Grace. I think that would be lower on the list of things, but yeah you're right, you're right. What'S now in the news, what would you do normally like? Let'S say we're back in Long Island, okay, you're at the barber shop? What do you talk to your clients about? You want to buy weed you want to buy weed a good price is good stuff right now, fire. That'S it pretty much! No wonder we went to jail for weed yeah. I know for selling it like that. Cop comes in it's like I'm looking for that good good. No, actually, all the cops that I used to cut, they would give me PBA cards. I don't know oh yeah, I know what those are yeah. Of course I know what those are get out of jail. Free baby yeah, they don't will not get out of jail but like get out of this feeding ticket or something yeah, but they don't know what that is out here in L.A. No, they have uh in La you have a different one. You have it's like. It'S not the police benevolence Association, but it's like uh. I think you get a license plate for it. Yeah yeah, that's probably better, because we used to just get everybody around Christmas time. All the cops would just come in and give us that gift, and that was the best gift. Then you just feel like you're in like GTA with a cheat code, and I was living my life like was it 11.99 Foundation? Is that what it is? It'S just? It'S it's literally like one of those [ __ ] things what it's one of those [ __ ] things it's just like one of those [ __, ] things where you get it. You get one of those cards and you know yeah and you're. Good, just feel. Like Andrew Tate, but the thing is like that, Vice documentary yeah did you: did you watch that hell yeah, oh dude, that [ __ ] was that was crazy. It was really good. I like how that kid got in the octagon and went all out. You know he's a good journalist, yeah octagon and fought yeah that was wild. Imagine getting concussed for a [, __, ] investigative piece of reporting like that's why I could actually Imagine That. Could you I've been concussed for yeah, lesser reasons? What do you mean nothing? Moving on all right - oh god, oh so much [, __, ] hair! This is probably going to take a good hour. Okay or it could rush it. No, no rush jobs here. No none of that dude [ __ ], it um, but yeah. No there's there's still, people are still dick riding him, though yeah, which is wild yeah. I uh just talking to somebody the other day and they were like. I brought up the vice documentary and they were like yeah, but that [ __ ] was so edited and I'm like yeah, it's a [, __ ] documentary. Of course it's gon na be edited you don't you want to leave all the footage in a week's worth of footage. You want to watch a twitch stream of the house, yeah, that's what they wanted. Um just any excuse. That'S just so. Yeah is the. Is the tick tock guy that you had on on my Jeff or the what's his name, that dude is funny as [ __ ] yeah yeah, Diego yeah yeah, I'm 10 steps ahead, yeah dude! That was great. That was. Did you actually not know what they were? Gon na do, or are you in on the bit? I can't reveal that stuff here. What I can't reveal that stuff here wait really not the not the sauce, no wow, I don't like people knowing stuff about my stuff, just watch it dude. I told them everything. Dude, I came. I came on immediately as soon as that. As soon as I went live the first time I was like this [ __ ] guy Jeff big piece of [ __ ]. He said his son he's been asking me to do his podcast he's like please. I need the clout I was like yo. I got you we opened with the 911 Survivor [ __ ] received, though I think people were, I'm glad that your cousins are [ __, ], nice enough to yeah yeah nice enough to salvage the situation. I'M like you did you tell them that oh yeah, he did yeah I was back at uh. Is that Christmas dinner - and we were talking about Hassan and the podcast episode, my whole family and they were like oh yeah, we're fans of that guy, and then they convinced my mom to give you another chance and when she watched the whole episode she said. You know you're a smart guy and um. She liked you. So you know, minus though she was. She was more upset that I I wasn't. I was a non-believer or anything and then the 911 stuff yeah some things are some things are salvageable yeah, but no, you don't believe in God. No, that's! That'S! That'S real bad you've been to bastia huh. Have you ever been invest here, Italian? Where here in L.A? It'S in downtown, we got fancy. Oh, I have been there yeah, it's really [ __ ] good dude. I had a bone marrow, spinach, pasta, yeah, [, __, ], God that [ __ ] was so good. Rosie'S there. What it's tough to get Rosie's over there is it. I don't know I didn't, do it? Okay, no! It'S not like a flex, I'm saying bro! No, it wasn't like it's not like. No, no take it. No! You! You took it as like. Oh, I didn't do it. I met like one of my friends got it, so I just still flexing. That'S still like that. I have friends what the [ __ ]. Do you mean yeah, I don't know my [ __ ]. My boy took care of dude yeah. Hit up hit up Mike dude Mike has no pull. How does he not have any pulls? The only pole Mike has is if he goes up there and says: hey I'm Logan Paul's friend, if you don't [, __ ], give me a table here. I'M gon na tell Logan to tweet about this place. Oh no! Nobody Clips [ __ ] out from here dude, oh dude, it's so it's all over Twitter. Already he [ __ ] said that [ __, ] they're gon na be adding him dude. Don'T add them, don't add them? No, you don't know you. Could you could post that now that you said that they're definitely gon na do that [, __ ] man, Logan Paul's boyfriend? I mean sometimes he's right. You know Broken Clock. Oh Jesus, all right we're making progress here. Yeah are we you're getting into the lechuga yeah and into that lettuce? Oh man, what's the next? What'S what's coming up next in in hairstyles Jeff? What do you think? Because it can't be the mullet um, probably whatever we end up huh cornrows yeah, oh dude, you were so canceled. If you start giving people cornrows they're gon na, be like I did it once you did it yeah to myself. Oh you did it for yourself. Yeah! Oh damn so originally I wanted to do that to talk about like uh, 4C, hair and stuff and how expensive it is and how difficult it is and how people don't understand, and I was going to have someone like come in and and give me either waves Or cornrows and everyone got mad at me for even suggesting it. Oh [, __ ], look at that yeah yeah. That looks cool. I mean I think it looks corny. They hurt bad, like I don't respect the people that can rock that that [ __ ] [ __ ] hurts. Maybe you get used to it over time, but I was like I was dreading them. I couldn't wait to get them taken out and I had to wait to go film this episode and leave them in for like two days I was walking around my building. You were walking around with the [ __ ] cornrows running around my building in Hollywood, and I see the same security guards that I see every day, and I just I'm like look guys. This is for a video. I just had to explain myself to everybody in the song we were explaining, like we don't give a [ __ ], what you're doing with your hair. We know it's probably for a video. That'S like that's the internet versus real life. Most people in real life are never gon na, like [ __ ] be like yo. What the [ __ ] is that dude yep you're doing cultural appropriation in real life in real life. No One's Gon na No One's Gon na check you like that yeah. It might say behind your back, don't be like this [ __ ] guy but yeah. I don't know how [ __ ] people on ironically rock that [ __ ]. I I actually don't get it. I mean like white guys. I mean riffraff, pulls it off, but Riff Raff is just Riff Raff, there's one of a kind yeah yeah. Do you put that in the same category as like white guy with dreads no white cars with dreads are just just not trustworthy people degree. You know like. I don't even want to get you know, I would go more into it if it wasn't live, but you know you I mean I'm not used to this. So I'm just gon na cut hair yeah, don't say anything controversial ball. No! No. I thought you were avoiding the Matrix this year. I am, I am the worst thing you could do would have been good yeah. So what else is going on Aiden Ross? He got banned for real, or was that click bait? No, he did, but like only for a little bit, I don't know how long his band is, but I think it was like some RP related [ __ ], he's playing Grand Theft, Auto role play, and I think some guy was like chasing around saying, like unhinged [ __ ] and then another guy was chasing him around saying he was Hitler like he was role playing as Hitler. I don't [ __ ] know what goes on man Aiden Rossi streams like he doesn't do like the same thing you do over here. Oh yeah you're right, he is a political commentator. I see him at the gym now. He goes to my gym. Wait when I used to see you at yeah - oh really, it is but yeah. I I saw him and they were like a whole Posse of guys he's got attention. No [ __ ] way; yeah, it was cool, he's getting his weight up. Yeah yeah, I talked to her. I was like yo you're, taking this [ __ ] serious huh and he's like yeah, I'm [ __ ] locked in bro, I'm locked in did. He look like he was saying the treadmill next to me and started running around and he ran for like three minutes and then got off. Three minutes is enough. What do you mean? Yeah yeah? No, no, I'm not I'm not talking [ __ ] on him he's in there he's grinding it's a good. It'S a good! You know: pre-workout run get the blood flowing a little bit yeah this [ __ ] guy. Now everyone runs 13 miles a day Jeff. They should [ __ ] psycho dude. I got mental problems all right, yeah I mean yeah. If I were eaten, I wouldn't be running for more than three minutes either. You know. Let'S do it. I'M gon na I'm gon na come up close to the camera. To give him a little update, mid-round, okay, you done with that yeah! Okay! Let'S do it! Where are we at? Oh, it's only 4 36. Okay good, I'm gon na take more off, but I'm doing it slowly. So, oh God! Oh! No! Oh no! Dude! It'S over! I'M so good, no, not yet that's at the top of the hour, I'm so cooked yeah. You look like I look like I haven't seen Slater or something I look like. I have a mullet, but not the cool kind. If you know what I mean, I look like, I have like the 80s mullet right yeah. I have a mullet mullet, so we're gon na get to that point, but I just want to be clear: that's what you're going for is the like new [, __, ] Boy Molly. You don't want that. I don't want that. [ __ ] it! No! I don't want babies, you know, like someone said, I look like I'd hate crime. What yeah? Oh okay, yeah! I guess they had mullets two of those types of people all right, so I'm gon na go shorter, wait what really yeah, because, like I wan na, ultimately, I want to go back to this here. I'Ll show you I know I know I know I know I I'm actually really good at this stuff bro, I'm just [ __ ] around yeah, I'm just trying to I know, but your entertainment you're very convincing it at you know coming across, like you're, not dumb Figure it out usually a very good actor. Thank you yeah. Oh man, you hear that I could have went the traditional media route, but I [ __ ]. I do this stuff for my fans because I love them yeah. Well, I am I'm I'm the fan in this situation. I'M like dude Jeff. I love. I love how great your haircuts are: you're famous for giving people haircuts that they love and you have one haircut and you didn't like it. If you actually wait, has anyone ever been like yo this character kind of sucked? I'M not gon na lie, I I don't know I've given thousands of haircuts in my life, I'm sure somebody was like. I don't really like it, but it's not like they would say it right to my face. You know, oh, I will tell you yeah and I don't give a [ __ ] anymore, because I'm not a barber. I don't cut hair for a living. You know I'm an Entertainer and content creator, so she was entertaining [ __ ] up your hair and you'd be mad about it. Then I did my job now yeah, oh God, that's a that's! A cop-out you're! Also, a boxing coach, technically yeah for sure at least I have one yeah, two fights and two losses: not a good track record, but hey you're still in the corner. You know, don't don't be discouraged yeah and you guys cheated anyway. Yeah, that's true. He did have the the anal beads [ __ ] up, if anything that uh that hurt him, though he cheated on chess. I don't know if I don't know how that would work on boxing. Did you watch the boxing matches last weekend with KSI and no all those guys you're not into that stuff? No did you I mean I was just hoping for it to like fail. You know I was like watching it hoping for it to fail. I mean why, just because I I spent too much time like watching it, you know I wish I didn't give a [ __ ] about it, so I was like hoping for, like somebody like KSI just to get knocked out, so it all just end. You know is that how that is that how it would have worked if KSI gets knocked out first round instead of the other way around he just like it was nice to see him win, but yeah I just like wish it would [ __ ]. Just all be over with, and we would just go back to watching real boxing, but I feel like Misfits is like pretty serious right yeah. Actually, it is more entertaining than real boxing I'll give I'll give him that and they're like they're, definitely more serious than like. Some of the other stuff yeah there's this kid's salt poppy. Have you seen him? No bro! You got ta look into salt Poppy. That kid is a superstar he's the only one having fun out there. Yeah and I've been like cringing too serious. Does anybody knows all poppy people are saying it, but some people know yeah wait. Let me see, let me let me put my glasses on real quick. I don't even know if I want to see my hair with the glasses on, oh God, yeah you're, getting there. Oh, my God yeah, oh, no, it's so bad! Who cares? You got money yeah? Not not for not for long dude. People are definitely. What is this salt poppy Ryan, Garcia, Sunny ever's exists, saw poppy GoPro after bro. He knocked this kid out. That was your size. Wait really yeah crazy, oh damn they [ __ ] aggressively aggressively [ __ ]. Take that [ __ ] down! Oh you'll, get in trouble! You get sued right. If this dmca you take your content down yeah. We can't have that oh you're making me look so [ __, ] Italian. This is what you asked for yeah. Maybe a phone what's wrong with looking Italian huh people are saying they're no longer to subscribe for what? What am? I? It'S, not my fault. This is your idea, your show, I know I'm doing what I was a friend, okay, not as a barber or as a content creator, but as a friend you should have been like. Hey man, hey Hassan, I don't think that's a good [ __ ] idea for a stream like a stream idea. No just in general. You know: oh okay, oh they're, unsubscribing, because your hair's Too Short they're, saying it sucks. I thought the content sucked well! No! No! No content's great, but I'm saying there's long-term consequences of this. You know what I mean. This is like hot ones or something you know. People like to see you struggling. You should also eat spicy stuff right now, while we're doing this. No, no, it's okay! You got anything spicy in your fridge. No, no, no go get hot sauce, bro chips, no! No! No! No! No see if they. If they want it. Can we do a poll? Should he do? We can't do a pole? No, no! There'S no polling get the subs. We do the haircut yeah, they want it. Sean Evans, I'm [, __, ], Sean Evans. Now yeah Sean Evans is my enemy. Dude nah Sean Evans is my boy. There'S my enemy, and why is he he's bald? You can't even he's Untouchable. I'Ve had I've had him on the barbershop. Oh, you did yeah. We just [ __ ] around. I just gave him like a cleanup. Did you have you on hot ones? No, it's [, __ ]! Why not? He hasn't asked me bro. Those are old as [ __ ], oh [, __ ], like I don't even think I love her. You got these hot one sauces in your fridge yeah. I do. I love, I love Hot Sauce, but that's so old hit him with a dab there. We go. It'S probably bad, let me see, does hot sauce go bad, because this has been I've had this for like hot sauce? Is you could use it forever? Yeah, because I I've had this one for like years, you know. Look at this. Look at look at the crust. It'S like wine when it gets old, it's just better for you. Do you want to do this? One Big Reds just do a little dab. Oh [, __ ]! No, no! We'Re good! We'Re good, we're good with the hot sauce. Let'S, let's is it catching up? I mean I don't want to [ __ ] run around and you know shake my head aggressively or some [ __ ]. You know what I mean. Yeah, it's heating up, it's heating up, chat. Sean Evans beat me in uh the I think it was like, 2016 or 2017 sure have you ever asked you to go on hot ones. No, you didn't know. Oh [ __, ] dude, oh no. I shouldn't have done you [ __ ] [, __, ], [, __, ] bro. This is what the people want to see. They want you getting a haircut freaking out eating spicy stuff. I want to hear about politics. Oh Lord Jesus watch, the news um, but yeah. No Sean Evans is my: is my mortal enemy uh, he defeated my show uh the breakdown when I was at the Young Turks uh for, like best breakout new show at the shorty Awards in like 2016.. That'S also when I first made uh met David, dobrik and and everyone else on a plane ride that we all took together cool story, bro, private jet. It'S a cool story. Someone was on a private jet. This is what you do here. You just brag about money. Yeah name drop my my close familiar relationship with David, sick nice. You going too far me and the bestie bro chill cool yeah. No, that's illegal! That'S a crime Kyle! Throw that hot sauce in his face! Pepper spray. No, don't do it in the eyes. We need to lose these anyways. Oh yeah. We got ta take these off. Oh God, oh [, __ ]. I can't see again well I already I already have some. No, no! Don'T worry, we're good, we're good, we're good! It'S going shorter and shorter. When you talk about the relationships you have with these controversial people, oh dude come on come on come on come on come on. I always thought that, like the way to fix them, all is pretty easy, though, because, like you could just like cut the back out and then all of a sudden boom, it's like a normal haircut right yeah, which is why I thought like I'd. Go with the mullet as a transition from long hair to like regular old hair that I used to have yep and you're transitioning the the best dude. Honestly, though you're right, the best part about having long hairs is like I just never got it cut. Yeah yeah! You don't have to think about stuff like this yeah now you're back in the pool you're just gon na have to get haircuts once every two weeks, like a normal person. What I I never did that you didn't see Jersey Shore GTO, they would get haircuts every three days. That'S insane. It was good for me. I was making money and I was selling drugs on the show. Wait. You were on the show yeah I was there. Barber, wait really: are you [ __ ] around you want to pull up a clip I'll show you yeah. Of course I do. Uh look good, feel good. Like the situation, I was like supposed to interview them on the show, but I was just I was an idiot. You know I had glass sunglasses on it's kind of cringed. Maybe maybe we don't look it up? No, no. We definitely look it up. Were you crazy? Yeah I've been in this game a long time. It'S not coming up, though um dude, this [ __ ], is still hurting my [ __ ] tongue. Look good feel good. Like the situation, um I'll go on YouTube, I I'm trying no go to YouTube and search it who searches on Old Men. Oh man, that's who look good feel good Mike The Situation yeah. I can't see this. Is it now wait where the [ __ ]? Is it am I capping Kyle? Am I tripping? You got me platform? Maybe they took it down. Nah just look put Jeff wig in there too. Right isn't your name on it? No, I don't have enough cloth to get my name in it. Look good feel good Jersey Shore. Maybe that's weird keyboard. You got here. What do you mean? Oh Eric, that probably would have identified it bro? Where is it? Do I have to go, find the episode on [, __ ] this I don't even care. No, I do I want to see it. I don't know where it is Kyle. Can you find it yeah wait. Chad got it all right. Bro chat found it already. Oh my God. Maybe it's in here, maybe it's in here I've been exposed in recently. I think it's in here. I think it's in this damn fast, oh [, __ ], I know, but I want the [ __ ]. I want the actual, like original video, what the [ __ ] bro. This is nuts, that you could have 40 000 people there. It is you are: are you [ __ ], joking bro? What is that dog? What the [ __ ] bro? What is that you had the [ __ ], the the pencil sharp [ __ ] jawline. It looks like that. That'S just my jaw I had just. I didn't have a full beard, then I couldn't grow a full beer, but I wanted to so bad. Well, we need to see we need to see like the full segment nah. That'S good enough bro, let's no shop brother Jeff, what a Big Sean, because he had that same haircut with him, yeah yeah yeah. I mean I cut a lot of people's hair. It'S all mute good good! I don't know! Oh my God, bro ridiculous!

la luna: he looks like a god of course he can pull it off but i’m still crying

jerrod brey: Hasan can pull of most hair styles but the mullet makes him look so young. It fits him and he looks hot af

Riannon Adams: Jeff should 100% get a green cape for doing the cuts so people can really easily edit the guest into photos

Luca Milla: It sucks that Jeff said “nah I’m only 26, no grays” While I’m here literally at 26 with more grays then both of them combined

Tina Genesee: I love how Jeff has a new group of friends that are more bad ass & hard than David Dookie could ever try to be!

Casey Kreie: Jeff is the man. Only surviving vlog squad member.

Rachel Reynolds: Perma-smiling while watching this bc swooning over both bois

Krista Vaillancourt: Goodbye Hasan's hair. I was in love with you but, I will survive.

J. S.: This feels like getting dumped

Billy J Blubear: A MULLET?!?! OMFG MY GAY HEART IS SCREAMING YES. Business in the front, Party in the back

Bessie♥: I'm fucking devastated

Danielle Guzman: Jeff is so bashful and mumble. I like Has with a mullet!! I feel like he should go more crazy with it

darlcarl: Love it!!!! Jeff is wholesome af

hardlyworking: $10 says Mike from PA cuts his hair by summertime now

Max Williams: Jeff did a great job! Pre covid hasan

Sic: It's a good day to be follicly challenged so I don't have to rock a mullet

Nick C: I just got a mullet like a month ago because it looks good with curly hair and now it looks like I copied his whole flow

•🜍• Tallow & Marrow •🜍•: I cried

Made of Stardust: Im devastated...

ilysixwings: Finally short hair era is back out king is back

Bri Kelley: His head looks SO small at 11:24 lmaooo

Gabby Jones: Hassan is handsome

la luna: this ruined my night

iara said: this is my 9/11

Chico The World: Lol the devastated chatters

Jaycee Genocide: I don't even want to look @ this dude anymore. No Longer Relatable. The Che Guevara Look Was a Much Tighter Fit.

Chali Ray: End of an era...

May Plcs: Honestly.... finally

bob: Hasan is back

Jaycee Genocide: I HATE IT! I Am Now Starting Rituals To Make Hasan Go BALD

Jaycee Genocide: That dude messed up Hasan's Hair Twice.

ShanKatOD: hell yeah

YourNeighborhoodFriendlyMerc: NOOOO! Why he cut it? Why he do it man? Lol. I wish I could have suck long cool hair. RIP Azan. He's back to being Hasan now. Even Lasan. He looks so young again. Did he even ask Valk how she felt about this?! No way she approved it. lmao.

Not Top Goon: and were back to 2018 hasan

Alex Martinez: 57:00


Bianca Reznor: Thank God a real haircut. Nothing can mess up an already fucked up hair.

ufcelvis89: You can tell he didn't like the haircut you just trying to be nice Achi he regrets cutting it

bossNr1: its weird

Krista Vaillancourt: Lucky for Hasan they need the root of the hair for DNA

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