I Used 40 Volume Developer On My Weak Caucasian Hair?! + Ponytail Ombre Bleach Method

I experimented with 40 volume developer on my weak caucasian hair and a 'ponytails' method for a gradual placement of ombre/balayage colour. Watch to find out the unexpected results! And Brad Mondo, I'd love to hear your opinion.


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Okay, here's the plan so undo a haircut and sometimes when I need to have like a good, substantial cut. I like to make the most of the opportunity to experiment with some color on the bits that I know are going to get cut off soon anyway. Um. So yeah, what I'm gon na do is I'm going to bleach and then dye purple, lilac or purple. I hope it comes out more lilac than purple we'll see um. So I've got my a developer and powder and some purple dye. So I've been wrestling with a dilemma of whether I should use 30 volume developer or 40 volume. Now I know the sensible thing would be to use 30 volume, but I think I'm going to use 40. because two reasons, one as I said, I'm cutting this anyway. So although it's may be likely or possible that this 40 volume could really melt and destroy my hair, if it does, it doesn't really matter, I'm going to cut it anyway and also I've used 30 volume on my hair before and it just didn't lift very light. Uh, I think if I use this, I need to go around and do like two rounds of it and I just cannot be asked waiting a few days and going and doing it all again. So I'm going to go straight in with the big guns and uh go for the 40 volume, I'm going to keep a very close eye on how long I can leave it on for, and you know how the hairs looking when it's been on there, as you Can see my hair is not thick. This is all I have to work with I'm going to use a technique that will hopefully get me a nice gradiated PC transition between the bit, that's brown and the bit that's purple. I obviously do not want a hard straight line that technique is going to be like a ponytail technique with little ponytails spread around my head. Ponytails are done, it's a strong look. I'M sure you'll agree a bit of a 90s Rave Vibe going on I've done it in section all around, and So the plan is that everything about everything in this section is going to remain untouched and the bleach is going to go on the sections beneath the Elastics, so every ponytail has two elastics. This setup works on the principle of over directing, which is a term I learned from Brad Mondo, it's actually a concept. I was familiar with for a long time, but uh I never knew it was called over directing until I watched Brad, Mondo videos, um and yeah. If the principle of just like creating layering in the hair, I suppose either layering for cut or color by pulling hair. Like over so that stuff that hair, that's traveled further, will get more or less color or be cut more or less you've you'll still only hopefully, if it works. Okay, I've got my disgusting hair, dyeing t-shirt on, and I've covered in foil. The bits that I do not want to bleach to make sure we have no little accidents of bleach, getting where it's not supposed to um stuff, I'm gon na bleach. It'S got like a few layers of old semi-permanent box dye on it and yeah. So I'm not sure how well it's gon na take the bleach, but we shall find out okay, so I'm applying the first little bleach to the first double piece and I've set a timer on my phone because I was reading a lot about using 40 volume developer On weak European hair like mine and it said, do not leave it on for more than 20 minutes, so yeah you need to be careful of that. So I want to get it all make sure all the strands are like super coated right in there. Otherwise, it's going to come out streaky and patchy, so we're gon na get it in there, massage it in so I've done the bottom layer of hair. It'S taken me nine and a half minutes so far to get this far uh, which is pretty quick. One of the advantages of having thin hair is that it makes it quite quick and easy to do something like this, so I guess I have to be grateful for that. I'M always complaining about my finger um so yeah with like 10, nearly 10 minutes in now, and I don't see this color lifting hugely yet so I mean, I guess, that's a good sign. It'S not reacting too strongly. Okay, we're 17 minutes in, and this is how it's looking, I still don't think it's gone, really really light. Yet to get purple color to really show up and be really bright, it needs to go a really light base uh. I have done like purple, streaks and stuff before and last time I really struggled to get it light enough. So yeah, that's that's part of the reason why I'm going for the 40 volume developer this time, but it's still from what I can see. It doesn't look that light and we're 18 and a half minutes in now. So, according to the advice, I need to wash start washing this off in a minute and a half, but I don't think that's going to get me what I want. So I might leave it a little bit longer. Okay, it's been on the longest bit for like 24 minutes now, and I've just washed off the very end, see how the color's going to see how light it is, and it's really not that light, and it's definitely lighter, but I don't think it's anywhere near light Enough to be able to take any purple color so and it still feels strong and healthy. So I'm gon na cover this and bleach back again and wait a bit longer. So it's all washed off and I ended up leaving it on for 45 minutes. In the end, which goes against all the advice I read on the internet, but even after that long my hair didn't feel at all like it was breaking or like it was stretchy or any of these bad signs you're supposed to um get. So I don't know - and it doesn't even look like it's that light, especially not in this in this artificial light, but I'm going to dry it and see. I guess it will look lighter when it's dried, it's dry and it does look lighter. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's going to be light enough for the purple, um and actually the whole thing of like over directing the hair. So you don't get a hard line. So if you see here, like that's a pretty hard line there, but the idea is that when I take it out of the ponytail, you will not get such a hard line. The purple is on the end of the process is near and here's the final result. I'M pretty pleased on the whole um. I love the placement of the color uh. It'S a really nice gradual, ombre um. The color is a bit more pink than I was hoping. I was hoping for more of a bluish purple, but to be fair, the name on the color I used was lavender, which probably is more of a pinky purple, and also I was starting with a fairly orangey base. So yeah makes sense that it's come out a bit more pink, but you know I like it um. I think it could have gone a lot worse. So, in conclusion, two things we've learned from this experiment: one is don't believe what you read on the internet. About 40 volume developer being too harsh for Caucasian hair um, and it should only leave it on for 20 minutes. I left it on my incredibly weak and flimsy hair for 45 minutes and it's still looking good. It'S not broken or damaged, and the other thing is that the ponytail section bleach method is a brilliant way to get really good, gradual placement of color um, I feel like. I don't see it done often enough in YouTube videos and it's Yeah. By far the easiest way, I've ever got this kind of effect before um about the only successful way. I'Ve really got a good effect like this, so I will definitely be using that again. I hope this has been useful, so go forth and bleach your hair with lots of little ponytails bye.

S. L: Wonderful

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