Amazing $15 Ponytail For Natural Hair ! Im Obsessded! || Sleek Ponytail Tutorial


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Ethnicity: Ghanaian

Age: 23

Location: TORONTO


HAIR TYPE: Natural


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Hey guys, what's up its Queenie here, let's get right into this video so, as you guys can see, I'm starting off on freshly washed hair. So my hair is clean, conditioned and moisturize and ready to be slicked up into a ponytail that'll last about a week without getting too dry and crazy. So I started off with some water to make it easier for me to spread the gel through my hair, and then I go in with some eco styler, this big old bucket I like to use the green one, the olive oil one and I basically just dump The whole thing into my hair - or you could just scoop up some and starts licking it. But I like to use quite a bit and I like to spread that around the perimeter of my hair and this process probably takes the longest. Because if you take your time and spread the eco styler and brush it slowly, you will get a flatter ponytail. So, as you can see, I'm flicking it on the ends of my hair and on the perimeter and I'm just taking my time and brushing it and getting rid of all the nuts. So my ponytail can be nice and smooth. We don't want a clumpy bumpy, thick ponytail, because then your heads going to look super long and we don't want that. So, as you guys can see, I'm just going ahead and I'm tying it into this little tiny, ponytail bun thing situation is looking it up getting every single piece in there making sure my head is not too tight, because we don't want a headache either, but just Make sure you get it nice and smooth so take your time and then tie it into this little bun all right. So, as you guys can see, I have bobby pin things in place and then I'm just making things extra, smooth and making sure nothing is going to move and be sticking out later. So I'm just making sure the back is also secure. So now I'm going in with this drawstring a ponytail that I got for 15 dollars and it's amazing. It'S an oak tree or out tree drawstring ponytail. It'S called timeless and, as you can see, it's like a kanekalon braiding hair type situation going on, so it matches natural hair perfectly and it's not too big and poofy, but it also has like a nice, a blowout look to it. So it's perfect. So I just go ahead and I click that on my head. Obviously it's a drawstring ponytail and then I flip it over and I draw the string and then I just make sure it's nice and secure and then I go on to style the rest of my hair all right so because this hair is a drawstring pony. You don't need to do this part. It looks pretty natural without, but I still like to take a piece from the back and wrap it around the base of the ponytail to kind of give it a style and also cover up anything that might be showing later. So I just do that and then I pin it in place and kind of gives it a bit more coverage. So now I'm gon na go on to style my edges and I'm going in with this new edge control. I got that will be revealed in the next video. I am so sorry, I'm not talking about it just yet, but I need to dedicate a video to this edge control, but the focus of this is getting the ponytail done, so I'm using an edge control. You know what I'll tell you guys: it is called Belle roche, the edge controls called Belle roche. I will show you guys in my next video, though so I'm just doing a simple swoop motion thing going on, so I'm making my edges extra smooth. Alright. So, as you guys can see, I'm not using too much edge control, you don't want to use too much product on your edges because we want this ponytail to last a long time, so we don't want it to start flaking and getting all crusty and dusty in Two days so be easy on the edge control and any product on your hairline, because it will ruin your whole style. If you hurt have you handed so, as you can see, my hair is nice and smooth now and I'm going to lay my scarf on this. For a few minutes, so it can set. So I'm going to leave this on for about 10 minutes or a bit longer if you're getting ready, which is fine. I try not to leave it on too long, because I don't want my hair to get all wavy. So yeah 10 minutes should do and I'm gon na brush out my ponytail and wait and we will be right back alright, so it has been about 10 minutes. We are back and ready to check on these edges. Okay, Wow, okay, so, as you can see, everything is laid and smooth and giving it that time to set we'll make this style last a lot longer. You'D want to just be stepping out with wet gel in your hair, because then it'll start to frizz up and flip up, really quick, so that time to set and dry helped so much sealing. The edges with some edge control, obviously is great and we're good to go, so this is it for the ponytail. It'S easy. I usually get this done in about 20 minutes, if even maybe 15 and yeah that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed this, make sure you thumbs up this video comment down below. Let me know what your favorite drawstring ponytail is. Let me know if there's other ones, I should try so make sure you subscribe, and I will see you all in the next one. Bye

Shai Smith: gorgeous!! I have a hard time getting my hair in a ponytail I will try again soon!

brownsugarbaby: WOW this came right on time lol! I was looking for a elegant ponytail style to wear for an event i have tomorrow lol

Charlene Khoza: That's awesome! How do you stop the ecostyler gel from flaking after a few days?

Hi. Goodbye: Great video as always!! Looking stunning as usual!! Where did you get the ponytail from?

Jenifer Sabb: I used to wear this hair style in 1998. I will try it with the Eco Styler.

Inès ydk: Hello ! It is really pretty ! How many inch is it ?

Enn Vee: How long is it?

mutonyi elina: Wawooo am gona try it, thanx love

ELLE A: Hey my queen❤️

Aminata Jabby: waw

Natural.musical Abi: lovvvve Queeny

shaz: have you got a link for the hair because i cant find it


Amorkor Quaye:

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