Easy Curly Low Ponytail On Natural Hair | 4A/ 4B Hair


small teeth comb

hard brush

1 curly bundle

eco gel

got2b gel


instagram: @iamhafsarose

Hi guys its have some rolls and welcome back to my channel so today, for you guys, I have this quick, ponytail style for you guys. I just really quickly. It was poppin like 30 minutes and once I know when you wake up for school in the morning like you don't want to do your hair, but you still want to be. You know, Slade. You still want to be a bad [, __ ] cuz, the whole bunch of other bad [ __ ]. And why would you want to be the ugly one like who wants to be the only one? Nobody wants to be the ugly one if you are just running it if this a super sleek ponytail on this is natural hair and by the way, I'm yes - and this is a one bundle and a little track that I had, because this is from, like some Wig I had that I was not wearing for like a year now, and it was just at my closet - not mic. Okay have so you got ta stop as winners who got a Samba. I should go to waste so yeah. This is how I brought these bundles up back to life. I put it into this little ponytail style. If you guys are interested in getting this, you know it was the zoo keep on watching. I love you guys and I'll see you in the next one. So I'm starting off freshly washed and a blow-dried here, I'm gon na be playing some wild girl, because you're gon na need some wild girl base back. I just kind of missing X changes, littles habit just a little bit and I'm gon na give myself a little parties into a side part best night part you what I always do middle, because side price would have been funny on me and I got some fun. So I'm gon na be slapping a whole bunch of gel into my hairs. Make it go down black Ashley. I should have like used the comb first and then did the brush, because the brush like smooth out the top laying under lay it was bumpy. So I take the ponytail out and they used to call him again but, like it looks like I was being run with myself, I already wasn't: it's just like under layer was just really you know. Taking the top just move down, saying I got ta, you got ta get up in there period after that was moved out. I just go back in with some more gel and the brush, and you know going to work into smoothing my pony tones of the way. I run it. I excused my edge to rush to really school, I'm here because I, like you know it gets all the little little ears, not just the big ones. You feel me by the way I would say I have like a 4b type here, like texture or for a. I wouldn't go into the threes. It just ain't me whatever. So I'm just gon na slick that back and I'm gon na pull em out baby hears that I have laughs, because if you know he's like from years ago, you know I had mad at years. Oh, these could be baby hairs or it could be considered growing with me here is you know I hate and [ __, ] or something to say, but we're gon na put some gel on those just slip them down, but we're gon na be using a combination Of gel and the got to V Joe so yeah, I'm just gon na smooth my hair, some more it's like I keep saying you guys like a smooth, smooth, ponytail and then I'm gon na switch my hotel because I'm bout to get my nose to the final Stages, so I'm gon na put a more secure type of scrunchie into my hair and I'm just gon na once again brush it out to make sure it is a really really smooth and I'm gon na put that points out in not too tight. But you know pretty tight, but not too tight where you get a headache, so girls don't pull up too high cuz. You know the edges will get to rip in so relax. So I'm using that guys with me. Just so, you know, keep all the flyaway down, and then I'm gon na also put some on. The baby is because I wan na keep the baby used in places where everyone that's possible. So for the braid you just want to braid your hair really really tight. Make sure you don't have no extra little pieces coming out and then you're just gon na wrap it around and then I'm gon na get into them baby hairs. Now you guys can see what I'm talking about what I say I do my like. I just my wigs exactly how I do my baby is like I do that one swoop in the middle potential for massage and then the little Sabra slopes, and that's it. That'S all so. I'M just gon na put this scarf on until after I'm done with my makeup to let my hair set and then I'm gon na get in so fin that potent one and I'll be using no pins at all, because I'm just be hurting my head. I don't I'm not sound for it, so this is a full bundle. I will be put in the bundle into two and then I will be taking a piece off of the end of my both the translatez put them in two and then I'll be wrapping that around my ponytail, as you guys can see here and I'll just start. Wrapping the tracks around my palms out as well um, the one in the bundle was like enough, but the hair was wet and I might the LIA loved ones real flat in the video. So then I did throw that extra one track on there, because that one was dry, so it did give me the fluff I wanted for this video. If I don't watch you guys buy out of this for intelliscan like first off my ears away and then drive the dryer quick. Let me dry a lot people in common, so right here, I'm just gon na be taking that back piece to wrap around the ponytail. I'M gon na make it thicker as you've seen because it was too thin. I'M just using that piece to hide the vistas, the tracks cuz. We don't want retraction when the best tacky it's real tacky. So this is just me untangling, the bundles, because you know when you know you wrap stuff around each other. It gets tangled a little bit, and this is when I brought my point. I was low on the thin side, so I just took that little extra piece of track and wrapped it around the same way. I did the first piece and yeah: that's the ponytail, that's it be a girl it's over. If you are just joining my channel, don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and if you've been here girl, you better, you know, comment and like it, you better call me and like it various bird and every boy so poppy like. Let me stop you too bird. This one, but I can't help it - that's just me, so I'm just checking to make sure you know my hair looks the way I was looking at back and you know your girls go. We finna take off that scarf. It uh-huh for them bad [, __ ] period uh-huh. Please almost with me.

Deadrian Williams: Without makeup and lashes you look like a lil baby

bbutterscotch29: I've watched this video several times and by far this one is my favorite and I'll be trying this look very soon, I'm on a broke budget right now. Thanks so much for sharing.

Nelly y: True definition of baby face.

ThatGirlShae: You’re gorgeous before and after makeup and hair.

Eniola AJ: Stunning! Please share the link of the bundles please

Sonya Nicole: So beautiful❤❤

Cheerful Chic: Thanks for the tutorial! Where did you buy the hair?

Heidi C: Do you sell any of your wigs?❤️

Julia Parris: The voice over at the ending made me laugh hahaha! I needed this video today!

Made Up by Kirsten: I have to know how old you are bc you literally look 12 without makeup sis

A Beautiful Mind🌹: The commentary tho I love it!!!

Akia Bacchas: lovely! What is the name of this bundle?

Vanessa Louis: Thank you because my hair glue ran out and I was like what am I going to do

milkytaro༄: you look so pretty!

Kiki do you Love me?: You look so stunning and hella young ☺️

Shakira Thomas: How many inches is it?

SHAYTHAALIEN👽: Girl you FUNNY ASF lol but you slaying Queen ✨

ShaniQua Harris: She has a baby face like me. Ppl gonna assume u little

catmo59: You could pass for 14

Friendly: Everyone: "you look so long, ect" Me: "ima try this tutorial but if these kids at school me yanking my hair- never again."

CloudyLemonBlossom: Me when u said "No one wants to be the ugly one": Lol Same

Winter Green: So cute

Brenda: Do you know without makeup and the nose ring you can play with kids and fit in perfectly lol

jsjsjdjdj Sidjdjdjdjdjjd: Your lashes are so nice

jsjsjdjdj Sidjdjdjdjdjjd: U look so young

jsjsjdjdj Sidjdjdjdjdjjd: What age are you ?

ShaniQua Harris: When i first saw the thumbnail. Oh it's someone must my age doing a tutorial. *hears voice*

Mark Marsh: Thanks for sharing this awesome video, I purchased the same one from newigstyle..com last month


Jayla White: You’re so fucking beautiful

Tareecha Reid: Love your lashes

Jasenia Casanova-DeJesus: yoooo on everything I thought sis was like 11 and she puttin on makeup but then I realized she got tattoos lol

Ida Mensah: periodddd

dose of tyeenuh: really cuteeeee

Lalal and Tutu Tv: New subscriber

Strip4 Kaya: You went front 18 to 12

atiana: what kind of hair is it?

Toby Hess: Very beautiful video,four days ago I buy the same one from newigstyle..com

Jaylon Pinkney: A literally baby face

Jazaisha Elsberry: If black don’t crack was a person

Es L.: I fast forwarded the intro and was like whose child is that and what happened to the young lady in the beginning...lol.... that's ok though love.

Kiara Nlend: U so pretty

Chloesng_: We def don’t have the same hair

Natasha Noel: What kind of hair is that

knotty knots: @the ugly one

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