The Most Natural Drawstring Ponytail Ever | Natural 4C Short Hair | Only $10 !!

THE MOST NATURAL DRAWSTRING PONYTAIL EVER on Natural 4C Short Hair & for ONLY $10 !! This natural ponytail was definitely a game changer.

Lets Get Into It PERIODDD !! In today’s video I show you all how I achieved a natural puff on my 4C hair. And the results are stunning .




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Hey guys welcome to my channel welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is shanice and if you're turning them. What'S up so in today's video, let me doing something new, i'm going to be styling a drawstring ponytail on my natural hair. Now i'm excited yet a little bit. Scared um, never done something like this before on my channel or just on me in general, so either this is gon na be bomb or it's gon na be a fail. Okay, so i am using the pony. Do drawstring curlable by motown tress, and this is just kind of the thing that it comes in it comes in this plastic bag already took it out the bag, and i got in the color one and i'm gon na show you all the okay. So this is what it looks like. It still has the knit on it take this off, and this is about 13.99 in my local beauty supply store. So if you like, it go pick it up now, um it comes with the card inside of the wig, and it just says it is a 12 inch finish length um, and this is in the style. It is in the style, pd um dash, afro09 and, like i said it is in the color one. This is just the stock card. I folded it up to like fit it in the wig um when i first took it out we're gon na take this off. All right so now that that's off this is just how it looks. It'S just a natural pony now, right off the bat, it looks huge um, but we're gon na try to do do what to do or whatever. So this is so. This is just what my hair looks like: it's been looking like this for a week and a half um, but i'm gon na, take it down and then we're gon na get into it. So so, okay, so this is my hair with the braids taken out just to show y'all a few of the products that i'm using today. So we got the sean jam, so i've got to be glue. Spray got to the glue gel. Now i use this on. My edges, because i feel like nothing else, works and i'm about to go to a pool party, so um need that for sure we got the water body of foam, of course got a brush and a asia's brush. Then this brush right here and then this wrap and then my rubber band and i feel like that's all i got so yeah - let's get started so so, okay, so that is it in the ball, like i look funny, but whatever we're going to take ponytail and Put this bad boy on now. It comes with two, this kind of how the inside, though so it's two combs one the front one, the back, and then we have this drawstring right here that you pull put this on like that. Now i'm going to take some pens and bobby pin it, and this is kind of what it looks like up close i'm going to do some baby hairs and all that y'all know we got to do the baby hairs, looking pretty big, but it's kind of cute. Okay, so it's in there it's attached and then now we're about to do some baby hairs. Okay, so now i get this and we're about to do. My edges got to be so okay, so it's pretty much it! I need to fix the makeup on my forehead because i did wipe it off when i was doing my edges. Edges aren't perfect, but they get the job done. Okay, as far as ponytail um i like it, i feel like the curls could have been like. That'S actually like, i know it's like a natural puff, but i wish there were like some defined curls in here um, it's kind of just like that in an afro state, but like i wish it was somewhere kind of defined curls in it. But besides that love it easy to put on um yeah, i really don't have any complaints it matches, my hair color perfectly um glad i didn't get a 1b or a 2 or any other color, but this is this is cute. I'M about to put this scarf on um, to lay it down a little bit more and then um yeah, that's about it, but overall i give it a. I give it a 8 out of 10., like i like, it could have been smaller and i wish the curls were more defined, but for the price i feel like you can't beat it like giving big puffs energy. Okay, give me melon. Okay, i like it. I don't have any complaints about it: um yeah, all right y'all. So this is the end of this video. I hope you all enjoyed it. Don'T forget to like comment and subscribe to my channel for awesome videos and um comment. If you like, the puff like like any suggestions, any vibes, we're giving anything that you want me to try. Just let me know in the comment section down below and i will definitely respond and be taken note to everything but yeah. I hope you all stay safe and, like always subscribe and i'll see you guys next time i got cash on me. She gon na spazz on me. Don'T make me take this fight.

Hannah Rose: Wow you’re like … literally gorgeous ❤️

Brooke Christina: Very cute. Good video

Alberto Nascimento: Beaitiful Delíciuos

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