How To Use The Invisible Wire On The Halo Hair Extension

Your Sitting Pretty Halo Hair Extension comes with 2 types of adjustable wires.

The adjustable wires are there to allow you to change the size of your Halo Extension to allow it to fit comfortably to your head.

The two types of wires are:

- Nylon wires

- Extra extra small

- Extra small

- Small

- Medium

- Large

- Extra large

- Extra extra large

- Stretchy wires

- Extra extra small

- Small

- Extra extra large

You can change the wires by yourself at home. It's easy. Just follow the steps in the video.

Watch the video; 'How To Fit Your Halo Securely On Your Head'

So everybody's got a different sized head and that's why we've got different size wires so that you can interchange them to fit your head. Chantels was pretty much perfect when we first put it on, but sometimes it might feel a little bit small or a little bit big. So you would just adjust the wire accordingly and how you do that is you have the Y's lookin like this, where they've got a little hook on them and you're going to put it through that first loop and then hook it on that first knotch. It'S best to do that and interchange the wire, rather than place the hook all the way down the other notches. Otherwise, it could start to buckle and your head like this, so we also have stretchy wires as well as non stretchy wires that come with your halo and that's because, as we said, everybody's got a different sized head, so we wanted to kind of make it really Easy for any head size to use our halos, and sometimes people just prefer a stretchy wire, which is why we've got to stretch it. One yeah and this one just means that it's kind of gon na mold to the size of your head, whether it be small or bigger, so it kind of works really well in that sense, otherwise we do have seven different sized nylon wires. So these, with an honest judge, these are non stretchy, so see how like yeah, it's pretty much like like got its own link. Yeah, it's just got its own link and this one. These ones are really good. If you want it to be like quite secure and yeah white firm on your head, sometimes if it's true firm, then it might hurt your head okay. So it's not good to have them too tight, but it's just great if you want a really thick size, yeah

Kylee Power: Looks great... But how come my halo I just purchased dosent have any adjustment holes to put the clasp into... Only the one on the end

Cindy Phillips: where can i order a thicker wire? zala does not have thicker ones.

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