Best At-Home Blow-Out *Short Hair Edition* | Muttus Hairdryer

  • Posted on 04 April, 2021
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Hello and welcome to at home blow outs; something we've all probably roughly learnt to do this past year. anywayy, here's my version of it, FOR SHORT HAIR You can do this on longer hair too, but it's specifically aimed for my shorter haired beauties.

SHOP THE M12X Pro Negative-Ion Supersonic™ Leafless Hair Dryer

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One of my all time favourite stylers to use - it's lightweight and super sexy

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Hello, joker style is back. I am feeling good today. I am feeling ready to style my hair. Basically, yes, thank you. Hair color has really grown on me. I'Ve received some less than pleasant comments about it. But i'll be honest, i really like it look at it. It'S so you know it's vibrant. It'S like villain, hair disney wants to buy the rights to my hair formula. They can't look hi welcome to my channel. My name is stella, and i do really really weird things to my hair. Today is no exception, except today. We'Re not really doing weird things today, we're going educational, which we should do. Sometimes i have pretty short hair um for the most part. I love it. It'S got a lot of vibe. It'S got a lot of sass, it's healthy for the first time and pretty in a pretty long time, because i chopped off all the bleached ends. For the most part, this is kind of how i style it. Sometimes it looks okay. Sometimes i look like willy wonka. Recently i've been digging a bit of volume, i feel like the past few years. It'S been all about like the sleek sleek hair look, but now i feel like a lot of that, like previous, like 90s volume is coming back, especially in the forms of blowouts and different hairstyles and stuff, like that today, i'm going to be teaching you how to Get the best at home blowout on yourself on short hair. So today i'm going to go ahead and show you how i blow out my hair relatively straight, but with quite a bit of volume because we're fancy people we deserve the volume. If we're gon na be doing a blowout, we're going to need the assistance of a hair dryer, that's pretty standard, which also makes me super super excited for today's sponsor. Oh, my god, wait you're, not ready you are. None of you are ready. Okay, today's collaboration is with matas, it is an electronics company. It has very, very innovative, really really epic products on there that you can buy, one of which is this beast of a hairdryer, the matis m12x pro supersonic leafless, hair dryer. Oh, my god, i feel like i'm one of those like um review channels. That'S like that. Like reviews, all the latest gadgets and those compares and contrasts, it's it's fun. It'S really fun! Today, i'm going to be showing you how i get the best at home blowout with this incredible hair dryer. Obviously any hair dryer will work, but this one's cool. Let me show you: it comes with a really cool velvet, sleeve pouch, whatever so that you can travel with your hairdryer and keep it safe, which i dig. I respect that and then low and behold i don't know what sound that was. Oh my god. Oh, my god, so this is the matas 12x pro supersonic, leafless, hair, dryer salon level at home, hair dryer super gorgeous super sleek, and it is incredible, oh my god, so it has a similar concept to the dyson hair dryer with a few different touches. It feels incredible to grab so like in terms of different hair dryers um. They they don't really look like this. They don't feel like this and typically they're, very heavy i've. I'Ve gotten my fair share of hair dryers throughout my salon years. I'Ve used a standard ones. This one feels very different to that and also has a completely different design. It is a leafless hair dryer, which means that it's blowing out negative ions, which means it dries the hair faster. It reduces frizz. It protects the hair, oh my god, and leaves less tangles. Basically, it is just a ton of benefits and best of all, in my opinion, it's green hi got three heat settings and three speed settings, and this is how you turn it on it's not plugged in, though at the moment, as you could see, it is so Gorgeous it is so so just minimalist and beautiful, and it's just got a sleek sleek design. It also comes with three different nozzles, smooth nozzle, which is great to just dry, the hair, very, very quickly styling nozzle, which allows more airflow and this better to style. Your hair, when you're actually blow drying it and the diffuser for getting the perfect curl. As you can see, it's got a pretty long cord, which is amazing again if you are working in a salon, but if you're at home as well. My favorite thing about this. However, with magnets - oh my god, this means that it takes quite a bit of force to actually take this down and there's no, you don't you don't have to press anything onto anything. It'S just magnet. I'M gon na link it below in the event that you want to check it out, feel free to check it out and yeah. Let'S try it out. Just read the user manual and you're meant to clean out the air filter, and i was like, where is this air filter? Let'S wash our hair jokers tell us here again: okay, so i've actually gone ahead and applied all of my leave-in products. I'M gon na leave that up to you to figure out what those are for. You now we're going to start with a blast dry where you dry your hair, pretty much 80 of the way until it is just very, very slightly damp. This is going to really aid in actually blow drying the hair, leaving just that 20 of wetness on your hair to do the actual, like drying in place, sort of a thing. Let'S plug this bad boy in, as you can see, it's still very it's not a loud hair dryer. It'S almost like it's also tuning down itself and it switches off so elegant. Oh, my god. I'M gon na go with a level one setting on the heat and i.e the coldest. Basically, i want to get rid of as much of the wetness quickly as i can, but i don't really want to introduce any unnecessary heat because the drying is gon na get rid of all the wetness anyways. I'M gon na go ahead and do that blast dry. It 80 and then get basically get it ready for the actual styling part. Today, i'm going to be using this one, it's pretty much a standard sized brush round brush um. It'S going to be big enough to give us volume, but not large enough to like not be able to access different parts of our hair. Obviously, because this is short hair, we have to consider the fact that the hair has to be long enough to wrap around the brush. Otherwise, if it's too short, most probably we're not gon na be doing any styling, then i'm gon na be using these tiny little pins to make sure no other hair gets in the way we're styling. Then i'm gon na be putting on the larger nozzle size and basically, the way we are going to be styling. Our hair we're not going to bring any of our hair forward because, as you can see, it's too short to bring it forward we're going to bring everything back. Oh yeah use our neck as a guiding post and collect all the hair onto the brush and then we're going to aim the nozzle onto it and pull down like so follow along with me. Let'S do this also, my setting is gon na be on the second heat, setting full strength. Setting again, we don't want to introduce too much heat. It'S pretty standard. Why, first section is done as you can see, i went kind of for like a bubble effect, because we're going for volume look at this bubble effect. We got going on the larger, the brush, the larger the bubbles, the more you elevate, the hair, the more it's going to create volume because you're taking it away from that very straight sort of light formation. Oh my god, i'm in love! Now these sections i'm actually going to do a bit differently in the sense that i'm going to separate a section from the back section and i'm gon na blow dry it backwards. So we get that sort of a thing. Let me show you now for the very final two sections that we are going to do we're going to blow dry it all forward to seal it all in i'm going to go in with a serum. You could do any serum oil finishing spray of your choice. I just like to do this to add a fine little bit of shine and get rid of any frizziness and there you have it the perfect at home blowout for short hair. Oh my god, hello hi! Can you see this body? I absolutely love a big bouncy. Blowout i'll be honest, it's a recent favorite, because pvc i used to love a like super straight hair thing, but like hi, i don't know why i'm shocked because i okay, i worked for this. This is literally the end result that i was going for, but still hello, hello, volume, hello, movement, hello body, so that is how to get the perfect at home blowout for you, please, please give it a go. It takes a while till i kind of understand how to really do it, but once you get the hang of it is going to be a lifesaver, not to mention that this thing probably took me 10 minutes to do this thing did such a fantastic job. It was such an easy thing to use, as i was doing this usually my biggest complaint is that i literally stretch my arms out so much and it hurts because they're heavy, but this thing is so lightweight: it's lightweight, it's easy to maneuver and you get a Good idea of how to like move it because it's ergonomic as heck, if you want i'm going to be linking it down below, if you do, want to try it out if you're, maybe in need of a new hair dryer. If you want to try out some new innovative products, look it up. It is fantastic. It works like a charm. I love you. I really hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you'll give it a go, and i will see you in my next video. I feel good, yes,

The Cake Away: How is her hair literally 10 completely different colours yet still looks so good no-one cud get away with hair like this but Stella!

Nat Bxl: This is making me really want a bob again but I've spent sooo long growing it out! I remember how high maintenence it used to be aswell, I don't miss having to blowdry and style it every couple days

sunny0210: I’ve never seen anyone with blue eyes wearing brown lenses I feel appreciated

Nicole Ramsay: You known you’re a hairstylist when you use the hairdryer to hold the hair when flipping it back onto the brush 6 years of being a stylist and I still cannot blow wave my own hair. You did an amazing job Stella ❤️

Anna P: I can't wait to try it myself! just got my haircut and loved how my stylist blow-dried it ... this is such a perfect look! thank you Stella for this great tutorial. btw. I love the green colour on you! such an original way to colour it and get green "roots"

xiubbyx: stelllaaa ive been watching you for years but this hair with the makeup look and contacts is definitely my favorite look you've ever doneee <3

Chris Roberts: You and your hair is incredible Stella!! I love that you have the motivation to help us out with our hair! We love you and I hope that you have a wonderful day!!! =)

chez: Try using a radial brush a size or two up it will make this much easier and you'll get more volume. Also cool shot each area after drying before moving on to the next and it will hold the volume for longer oh, also try doing your initial dry off upside down

Di Milton: I like Brad Mondo’s tutorials, but Stella is showing how to do on our actual selves! Thanks, Stella!

Laís Marina: Amei esse secador, super silencioso e o jeito que ficou no final o cabelo, ficou lindo!

Sarah Burgon: LOVE IT! Could you do a tutorial for longer hair too! Like 20-28”

Ashendoll: This is great!! I've actually always styled my bob this way, -until- it came to blowing the front section towards my face! I never thought of that and love the difference it makes!

Rittica: She looks good in EVERY hair colour. Who are these haters?

sophie shiori: yesss I love this!! short-haired people need a blowout too ^^ just did a video on "short hair styles" as well and loving your looks

Deirdre Clyde: Okay, for real though: Besides the fact that you are adorable and hilarious, I follow you because we have the same hair type. How the HELL do you avoid getting your hair stuck in the round brush???

Aloisia 9059: I cut my hair the same length and I’ve never felt happier. Taking care of long hair requires so much work especially if you dye it regularly.

Teacherexplained: I’m excited for my hair to be longer so I can blow it out like that!

Alessandro Tassan: Hi Stella, congratulations for the videos you make that I love them and you are too very nice, your new color is WONDERFUL, green is your color, your eyes stand out. The hairdryer is amazing then you are very good I am enchanted by your professionalism, on this occasion I thank you and I send you a greeting from Venice wishing you a Happy Easter from, Aletax22.

Sharon SD: LOVE your nail color! Please dye your hair that color! I KNOW there's a video where you were removing color and got a similar pink , but I'd love to see it intentionally done - especially while it's Spring!

Chardonnay Lacey Alexis: Looks amazing Stella

anonymous: stella can literally pull off any hair but the patchy ness all over is not it, i don’t think it reflects stellas best colour work

Angi Dudas: Your hair looks AMAZING! You really are rocking the green

abi grace: I find it kinda funny that Stella accidentally did Billie iconic hair just as Billie changed her hair

Mustaree Hossain: that green roots really suits stella perfectly

JPrc: you need to do a kim impossible makeup look with that hair

Julie: How do you keep the volume throughout the day ? Once I go outside and there's a bit of wind it's over ..

Jenna Giggles: 330.00 dollars for the dryer when the dyson is 399. Not sure about an expensive copycat..I do however love this video, you and the hair❤

cha cha: Love this look

Francesca Convertini: Nice technique.. I love the result!

Andreea L Nedelea: Stella: I have pretty short hair Me, with my 1 cm buzz cut:

Taylor Rose: U inspired me to cut all my dead hair off and I’m happy with the outcome of it

Soso I: Your actually beautiful and you hair is so healthy

The Loud House: I like it stella. I think the green looks good on you

Stella Papoutsi: Hi Stella! Can you please tell me the lip combo you are using? Its beautiful <3

Carmen Márquez: Hello Stella,buen secador y bonito cabello, saludos desde España

S Williams: She looks amazing with brown eyes!

Andreea Ilie: Stella Deville , but withought the dallmations and only with green hair. Loooove it. Darker colours look so much better on you. It looks so much like Dysson hair dryer

Deirdre Clyde: Never thought a video of someone blowdrying their hair could be ASMR.


Rebecca Thistle: Can you do one also for long hair? (70 cm...28 inches)

Sabrina: If you have like 2 hours in the morning for this, than I‘m sure it’s worth the try

Elizabeth Epp: I think I am going to now dye my hair that shade of green.

Windy Schultz: She looks really pretty with brown eyes.


Taylor: yeah i’ve gotta say, some of the comments about the hair have been so fucking mean like jesus christ, it’s just hair. it grows back. and i don’t even think it looks bad at all.

Laura Bársony: How do you create such PERFECT sections???

Denisa Szabo: green hair really suits you ! gorgeous

May May: That green is really mystical, magical

Amy Kelly: To have that beautiful bright green all over your head would look insanely beautiful

cathode xuxi nayu: Wow.. U have gotten so much more comfortable with the camera.. I have been binge watching u for 3 days

Elle Charlton: Love the colour❤️

Ms Haha!: It looks perfect honestly

xoxolily: omg i need to try this!!

Ever Green: Hi Stella i love your hair style

angiecreneguy: This is really satisfyingto watch

Madison Zink: Okay but this is so perfect on you

Jermain Reyes: That hair looks great AF

Jennifer Marie Rios: Does it come with a diffuser attachment?

Petra Franca: I love the green color, I wish you dyed your whole head green ❤️

Dannii C: I love the video!! I have the same hair as you and I also feel like Willy Wonka some times

krista gray: Her hair is so healthy you cab tell

Nouhs Saidi: You look gorgeous

Anika: I love it!!

Hibz: Brown eyes look gorgeous on you

Shade: I wanna see you rock a cute pastel buzz!

AkaNova: What serum are you using? I could need a good one

random: How does this blow dryer compare to the dyson, which is better?

Jenna Lofsness: The green roots are the best

Kiwait Marin: I bought this product on Mottus page almost a month ago.. they stop replying me after asking them to provide an update in my purchase :( so disappointed on their client attention :/

Amina'adar mohamed: I really like your brown eyes they suit you so well I didn't even know that they weren't your natural eyes. Because for a while I was confused I thought your eyes were brown but you wore blue eye contacts.

abby higgins: Anybody have recommendations for color safe shampoo/conditioner that’s affordable? Looking to get my hair dyed soon and idk what to use

carrie white: Like your hair the green looks cool in your hair. Like how you dried your hair how it had the volume

eeerin: Damnit I want that dryer so bad

waseabi52: i wonder if the hairdresser can be used for all voltages or you have to have a voltage transformer abroad bc thats the one reason i dont buy the dyson one

꧁꧂: I just waited to see how you’ll blow dry your bangs I have bangs and I never know how to style them... it’s been 6months since I’ve cut them and they still never turn out prefect

Mariane Hernández: Your hair is sooo prettyyy✨✨✨

Tosia Nowacka: U look so great in these hair

Emma Torode: The green roots are nice but the red banding... she’s just got too many layers of dye built up, I get dying her hair is kind of her job but she’s even changing it so quickly!

KingOf Spades: Living for the green roots

Tamara Taylor: Who else was waiting after she posted her Instagram story lol??‍♀️

Am_Barbara: this is an arms work out

Tink Abella: last two colors are a no for me u can still see the orange looks muddy

Gabriela Zambrano: I love your hair color so much!!!

Jess B: I’m lowkey waiting for the “i shaved my head for real” video.

Cilla: She always gives me posh spice vibes

Elida: The hair color is mint chocolate and you cant convince me otherwise

Marky Žůrková: You are great and you have nice hair.

Mustaree Hossain: Stella is that person who can pull off and rock any hair cut and color

Him,Me,QandP !: That hair dryer is ridiculous money though !

thisisgina: Actually I have dreadlocks but love it

Ashley: wow soooo prettyy<3

omegasage: Dang it stella, stop making me consider getting a bob

katy clasen: Super cute!!

YGiann: Amazing result! can we also have the details of the brush used please?? :D :D

nejma jlaidi: Just cut my hair THANK YOU

Namrata Das: I liked your hair so much

KKay Herrington: Stella's a villain and her weapon is a hair dryer. Make a funny villain name for her. Lol

Tom Brown: Beautiful Dryer - But Like The Dyson - OVERPRICED & Definitely - NOT WORTH IT ️

Violet Velvet: Stella Cini I love your videos of amazing hair color. I challenge you to another youtuber girl I saw and I would like you to watch one of her videos and would you compare your hair dying and if you would not copy the style because I know emo isn't your style but I loooove your gorgeous pretty style but would you try a animal pattern also in the challenge video. Her YouTube channel is Acidmilk. I really like her she's sweet, funny, and has a cool style. The video I'm talking about is called,"getting the scene hair of my dreams," by acidmilk. Please I really want to know your thoughts. Thank you your biggest fan and on Facebook as top badge fan. (Oh she talks about some weird stuff but she has a time stamp to fast forward.)

hard2kill16: Could you do a bandana Hairstyles video?

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