Podcast 118: Fall Y'All! #Knittingpodcast #Theknittingplacepodcast

  • Posted on 20 September, 2022
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

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What We're Wearing/Finished Objects:

Dina and Pam: Soldotna Crop Designed by Boyland Knitworks, find the pattern here:


Kits available here:


Create your own kit using Tosh DK:


Works in Progress:

Dina and Pam: Opus designed by Max the Knitter


kits for Opus Shawl available here:


Dina and Pam: Zeeweg Shawl designed by Joji Locatelli, pattern available here:


Kits for Zeeweg available here:


Pam: Habitation Throw designed by Helen Stewart, pattern available here:


Use our Advent Kits by Asylum Fibers


Pam: Ninilchik Swoncho Designed by Caitlin Hunter, pattern available here:


New Kits on The Block:

Cinnabar designed by Andrea Mowry, pattern Available Here:


Kits for Cinnabar available here:


Curiosity Cowl desgined by Tori Yu, pattern available here:


Curiosity Cowl Kits available here:


Amy Slipover Kits designed by Sandnes Garn

Kits available here:


Audrey Sweater designed by Kimberly McAlindin


Kits available here:


New in Shop:

Laine Fifteen:


Atenti Hope Bags:


Atenti Bonnie Bags:


It'S like I'm waiting to hear something. I don't know why drumroll hi everyone welcome back to the knitting plays podcast. This is podcast number 118.. It is 180., it's fall. Y'All. I'Ve been dying. Oh my God. It'S almost the um 21st right. Two days yeah. I figured you know better now than after so we're wearing our soul, Darkness ready for fall. I mean it's perfect short sleeve knit like it's true. It is a nice transition because it's it's heavier, but it's did you really do 11 repeats. I did 10.. I did 11., I think I have a shorter waist than you do. You do you're sure to wasted for me, although I'm not long ways to I'm short wasted, I don't think so hold on. Let me just tell my daughter. I can't talk. How is everyone doing hi everyone? It'S Monday September 19th, I am Pam Sapp on Instagram and I went into the foreign will tell you who she is in just a second I'm Diana, but you can find me at the Knitting place on Instagram, Ravelry and Facebook. There. You go sums it all up. How'S everyone doing. Thank you so much for tuning in yes, you're catching us live it's a little bit late. We'Re so glad that you're all with us. Thank you. We are twinning in our sweaters our Soldotna Cal is. We should have called it 20., I know, but I just couldn't resist the fall y'all, I'm sorry uh. So, yes, thank you for catching us live! Oh thank you. Yes, my new year is coming up. Thank you for the warm wishes Rosh Hashanah is coming up and I'll be closed. The rest of the oh, not the rest of the week, I'm here tomorrow we rushing you. I am rushing rushing Rush right. How funny is that, but um I'm excited to celebrate. I have family in coming in tomorrow morning, so it'll be hard to leave them in the morning and be here for the day, but it is muscle knowing that it's the last stable with you there you go um. What else can I say had a crazy weekend and Dinah was waiting down this weekend. She went to two weddings two days, two weddings. I should have posted the pictures. They were both fun. I have to tell you, it was quite interesting. So Saturday night tell you they um, so we knew the groom on both sides and both grooms married into a Russian family. Oh really, so both Brides were Russian, but what was interesting is that the same band was in both weddings get out of here. What are the chances - and I didn't even notice that two days in a row too so Jake paid attention of course he's looking at weddings now? Yes, so he noticed it and he's like Mom. Were they at the wedding last night and I'm like. I have no idea and sure enough they were so yeah. Were they good? They were good yeah there you go. You know it's different because I'm not used to the Russian music. So it's hard to dance to it, but it's very festive right right, the music that um we play in our like my family, culturally, the wedding music is very, it's called Mizrahi music, which is very you know the music plays, and it's just like your blood starts Working you want to race to the the Dance Floor. Of course they had DJ music and things like that, but they did a beautiful job. Was it a DJ or a band? It'S a band. Excuse me. I meant house music, let's put it that way: radio, music! I don't even know what that means nowadays anymore, radio, news exactly right, but I have to say it was very funny because I was telling him oh. I spoke about it here, practicing with the updos, so I went and had my hair done and it lasted believe it or not for both parties, I'm embarrassed to say well, they would they would do 24 hours support, oh yeah yeah, but I did the updo and You know the hairdresser was like. You have a wedding tomorrow night, so he sprayed oh, he put extra more. He was so funny and he's like. Well, how do you sleep? Do you sleep on your back? I said no on my side. I said you can find me in the same position in the morning and sure enough. I woke up I'm like what's the worst, that can happen I'll wake up and my hair will be like that's something that happened, but it was scary. It was intact. Maybe a hair out of place, but that was it so I got away with one updo two events: my voice is hoarse from screaming, but um other than that it was all good, so they were good weddings, yes, fun, weddings and really nice to see. So last night was family. Saturday night was friends, but last night it was nice to see. I had a lot of family in from Israel from my side of the family, not my husband yeah. It was all good someone's asking. Do you have a picture of what your hair you do she does if she doesn't show to you, I will no I'll try to say. Okay, all right here, you go guys. Do you have one with your makeup on? I do I'll show you one from the car he's doing a selfie with my husband believe it or not. We didn't like stand and take like formal pictures. I wish I would have, but you know, because now we only take the kids afterwards right. We take the kids, formal pictures, you know we don't do hours. Oh God, wait a second! That'S without you uh! You know what I think I sent it to. The kids in the family. Chat might have done that, hang in hang in there sorry uh, Pam you're, seeing all the questions I'm looking too I'm looking too wow. Is that it? That'S me with Jake. Well that looks nice show yeah show them that that's beautiful! That'S me and Jake, though. That'S me and myself, that's nice! I was engaged yes, so there it is. I feel, like it looks a little farty, but this is okay. Yeah last night I think, was for some reason. Maybe it was like a little more calm. Last night uh, where the family pictures from last night, that was in Brooklyn the first time. Yes, the first one was Brooklyn and there it is. It said it. It'S like a little more relaxed. I was wearing a different dress, but there it is that's Danielle's yeah. So that's Danielle, my son, Jake and Danielle's boyfriend, Isaac and there's me photo bombing. You know they don't ask the parents to come in the picture anyway. Absolutely thank you for asking. That is my that's my picture. So that's one updo good everyone else. It was just very tight and sprayed, I clearly don't usually roll that way. My hair is like very natural, that's yeah, but for something like that, you have to put something in it. Yeah, I think I would like so windy is something that's going to blow all over the place and oh, it was a rooftop quite a thing, so it was windy. I was kind of happy that my hair was dead, yeah plus, if it's worse, you don't have it hanging on your neck. It keeps you cooler right both happen to be outdoors. The Saturday night was a rooftop, and last night was just Outdoors. The whole thing really yeah, just the reception they're lucky that there was the reception was outdoors. I meant the ceremony, oh, they were ceremony, but everything else was inside yeah anyway, I didn't have to worry about humidity. It worked nice and tight, all righty so sold out. Now you guys are curious. Ah look at Pam's colors, don't they look amazing and I told them. I told Dana that I don't like my colors anymore, you're stunning, what's not to like yeah they're, not easy to wear they're, not easy she's like what am I gon na, wear it with. Of course she has them on with jeans and she looks adorable well. What else can I wear with a pants? Okay, guys, let me just you're not supposed to say guys, y'all y'all, that's if you're from Texas, no, you say you all from everywhere now wow you're, not supposed to say guys anyway. What do you mean you're, not supposed to say guys because you're like targeting everyone, hello, everyone? Yes, hey people, hey people, hey Pete. Can you call them people? Yes, okay, silly yeah back to y'all um. When people come in, I have to say Pam. You could probably resonate with me, customers come in and they are always hemming and hung over colors and they'll say: oh, what am I going to wear this with? Oh, it's not going to go with this, and it's not going to go with that. You don't need to pick out colors that match every garment in your. No, you don't, but you know I wouldn't wear this with a pair of black pants. Why? Not? Because I don't think it goes, would you wear it with chinos? I would wear it with chinos. I don't wear Chinos in the wintertime in the fall. Would you wear chinos transitioning? I need to I might this time today. Would you warranty enough I could have I could have. Would you wear that with you Tina? Well, that's about it then, but that's it. Okay! So I'm going to pair of gray pants, you can't wear a pair of blue pants, you wear blue jeans and chinos, that's it that's it. I don't know I just it's not. You know the colors are gorgeous. I like them. You know, I think it's your color. I think it is that bothers me. It'S this color, that was the color. You were first attracted to no. I know it just goes to show you can't listen to me. Oh stop! It'S gorgeous. Everyone has to pick out a color, Yes Marilyn winter white, a hundred percent 100. Thank you, someone else on my team. This is all done. This is gorgeous. Everyone is like and black. I agree Meryl. I would certainly wear it with glass with black, but that's how you tried it on with black no, but that's because you know I want a picture with black panther. Well, yes, that's because you know I come from the old school where you know people you match your Handbags and your shoes. You know which I know they don't do anymore and I I don't do any more read them, but you know with matching things how many of you want to see a reel with Pam trying on her sweater with all the different movies. That would be so good. Yeah and I was gon na make a real yesterday I was I I decided. I wanted to wet blot my uh or just wet my um, the insta slip, kennel, okay, you know, and so I sort of I said, let me take a reel. You know what it takes so long so long I don't know if the patients work you take pictures. You take the pictures, you're wearing jeans, your cute little skirt that you have from Lululemon like the little skort perichinos I'll, make the real for you with my squirt. What color is my black score? Yes, yes, black pants, that's another outfit! Okay, I'll! Give you I'll give you the things they all want, a real. We will see. Maybe Pam your sweater is so pretty and it looks great on you. Thank you so much. Thank you. We'Re always you know it's like anything else, we're the worst Critter get something and you look at it and you look at it by the time you're done looking at it. You can't stand it anymore. I'M not saying I can't stand it anymore, don't exaggerate, but you know no drama here right exactly, but how many people do that you make something you love it when you see it by the time you're done. You say I don't know what I was so excited about it's okay, or is it just me that does that? Do you ever do that Diana? Yes, you do yes, yeah. I just got tired of it and often I get so tired of it. I don't even finish it until like a year or two. So that's more of my my am I thinking I was thinking of something this week and I said I'm trying to make that, but she doesn't wear it anymore, which was it they'll come to me. Okay, oh your swancho. Oh I love my Swan show you're. Never weird! That'S not true! Wouldn'T you wear it. Did you embarrassed you? I did yes, I wear it at home going out. I'M talking that I would say. Yes, you know what it is I'll tell you why? Because I wear it like it's my piece, but in the shop it's too hot. Well, when Diana comes to work, what she does is she doesn't wear a coat at all. She goes from the car to the shop and from the cart to the house, so she never wears a coat. It could be like 10 degrees. Actually, it's not going on it's crazy right, yeah! It'S true! That'S why you don't wear it right, so it'll be like one of those things if I'm walking in the city, I'm wearing it right right! Yes, because it's I'm out like I'm done well, that's yeah for the Poncho! I could see there for the cilantro Poncho Swanson. Then I'll check, speaking of yes, do you want to share yours yeah I might as well. I said what am I doing. Of course everything goes, of course I'm gon na share it. That'S right! I left it in the back. Okay, I'm sorry, but I'll tell you about my Soldotna go ahead, um. Actually someone had emailed me asking the original colors of. Will you do me a favor sure? Will you bring me um penumbra with you just so we can do comparison. Yes, so it's interesting! They look exactly the same but believe it or not. This is like purpley and the one I'm wearing now is: it's called sand bank. It'S very different uh, let's see if I can get a sandbank off the wall, so this is sandbank now this is fog. Pam where's the sandbank hold on guys, I think so so, okay, so this is sandbank, which is actually more like a very dark oatmeal like a dirty oatmeal. Would you say kind of it's got like a pinkish view to it right. No, the penumbra has more of like a lavendery hue. Now this is penumbra, so this collection is Madeleine Tosh before they sold right. That'S right, okay, the Dyers some of them might be the same, but this is penumbra today deeper. It'S a Deeper Shade yeah. So when you ask the colors it was leopard, it was penumbra, it was glazed pecan, which you have there. No, I don't. Oh that's not. I broke an anti, it's funny. The coloring look at how funny it looks like I'm wearing the same exactly it does different times, but it is very different. It is different. Yeah, it's different. Is this leopard you're wearing? Is that leopard? That'S a very pretty gray leopard? Yes, it really is. Is this leopard too? Yes, but this leopard looks different from this look. So my original, when you ask I it's leopard glazed pecan smokestack, which here looks very beige, and I think today it might be a little more gray and then the penumbra, which is clearly not this right. So those are my original colors. What I'm wearing today is leopard sand Bank. Let me see some sure this is the sandbank colorway. I have broken ante and I have a colorway called Dive Bar, which is actually a speckled and you'll. See like these little dots. It'S because the yarn was speckled there. You have it my original colors there you go all right thanks for what am I talking about. Much of it was so Donna. No, I think it was uh. We did a little segue. I took my sweats excuse the plastic bag. I really need a project made for a time. This is my Swan show when I took it off the needle. I was like maybe around here and I did this this weekend, so I did a bit right and it didn't increase round. I I'm not sure enough. There are any more increases, I don't remember, are you guys familiar with the then they'll check Swan show by Caitlin Hunter? I did have the pattern. I hope I didn't lose it. Let'S see it now, but um I'm gon na pull it out there you go. Those are my fellas. Are you surprised that those are my colors look at what I'm wearing? I'M surprised, no um, you better love it when you're done, but the main color is the gray in this, which is nice, but you know it's the color work throughout. This is even a great project for someone who's just starting colorware, that is the nanotech sponsor that Pam is standing, so I'm very popular in the shop yeah. It'S a great swansha, uh Poncho, slash sweater pens cilantro. I am just beginning those these things right. There that's right for you, it's beautiful yep, so anyway, I figured. Let me uh, take it out. The hardest thing is getting started once I put it on the needle, I had to figure out where I was. Luckily, the pattern was with the project. There you go, and so there you go. So this is not a hard internet, and I was saying this is kind of a good beginner color work for someone. It'S not hard. A chart is very easy to follow. It doesn't have much carrying. I will go at least so far. It doesn't have much carrying it's like a seven Stitch thing that was our first color work, sweater that we taught like the first color work project we caught in the shop right. So, despite the intricacy of what looks like a difficult pattern, it's really not bad and I'm used to yawn called um. I want to say haiku, say haiku Temple Kenzie, which is you know, discontinued, believe it or not. But we have some. It'S like a light. Worsted wait, I think I probably would you say that Roland felt his plead with yes yeah. I was trying to think about that. A much overlooked, John, I think, is much overlooked. Someone actually just bought it today. So anyway, that was my Swan show. Well, I'm sorry, but since you're just so into segwaying tonight, yes, you said you need a project bag. Why don't? We share our new books, we're going a little out of sequence here tonight, not to confusion right, we had gotten. We had shown the attentive bags of you know. I don't know, maybe a month and a half ago, yeah two months ago and uh, we people pre-ordered, we got them in and we have some for stock now, okay, yes, we fulfilled all our orders. I ordered extras: not everybody was able to make it with the pre-orders. Well, that's his tail. So this is the tiger. This is called The Hope basket. Bag uh. So here's the it's called latigra. I think, and it's just really cute, because you've got the front and back of the tiger. The beautiful um I guess attribute about this bag is that it's got a square bottom and you can fold over the top and it sits on the table and it acts as a lovely. That'S got a great pockets in it too. Yeah very well made yep. So we're going to show you the different prints: we've got in the Hope basket and then this one's golden zebra, I'm sorry Dan. This is like a almost a brushed. What would you say like a brush? I think, like a yeah velvet question Carol is asking: does it have another, a shoulder strap? No! No, this one! Not these! This is just basically a little. You know, hand tote or basket that folds over on the table, love that one. It'S got a gorgeous pink, very unusual, looking not crushed velvet, it's just uh. It'S like a velor love. It yeah. It'S got a beautiful. It'S going to show you all the Hope ones. First, yeah! That'S a good idea, and this is. I love that tassel on this one. This is the uh that was a popular one, the giraffe. Yes, there you go and all the tassels are different and unique that folds down this is gorgeous love it. That'S the giraffe super cute, so they're online they're called a tenty hope bags basket. Oh thanks! This one, I think, is called uh Flora yeah. Is that Flora? No no viola bio. I didn't know there was one cool. I always guess so. These are gorgeous this. One has more like a lineny fabric, but look at the inside, oh that cheetah. That is, I love that this was a popular one. Yes, that that's beautiful anything else, and these are the bigger ones, that's okay, for the hopes. So these are the hopes and then, when we have left uh, what we have next is these are the Bonnie bags. Bonnie bags are kind of a takeoff of the old TWA travel bags they're, not as big as the overnighters. You can see that nice, certainly yeah they're constructed exactly the same way and this side has a zipper pocket. I would consider this a shoulder bag. It'S got a longer, strap so Carol. If you were looking for a shoulder, this would be it yep. These are made - and we've said this before they're very sturdy - they wear extremely well um, and so this, what's that called spots, I think it's spot black on spot or a nice spot on night. Something like that. But if you look up the Bonnie bag by a tenting, you'll see all the all the ones that we have in stock and this is the same style, but it's the zebra and what I love about. This is look at what you're looking for uh? No, nothing look at the the houndstooth. Yes, I love the way they pair the fabric. They do a great job, they do fabulous job. So that's another great one, zebra love it and the last one we have is the popular giraffe that we have in there. Look at that adorable tiger stripes with that, and of course it's got, the Great shoulder strap the beautiful tassel. So you see these tassels are different than the other ones. They'Re, just all unique. The tassels are only on the giraffe bag. Yes, yes, that is correct. So speaking of thank you for the Segway Pam you're welcome there. You go see that anyway, that was good. That was good. I like that. A little out of order can't hurt anyone exactly okay, so we go right into whips sure. Why not? What do you have? I have well, why don't you go first, since you have more than I do uh? Well, no, I mean oh, I do habitation. Oh okay, um. I did bring my habitation to show you that it was done. It'S almost done. You saw it. You haven't seen it for a while. I have not here you go look at how big it is wow Pam look at that is that awesome yeah there you go look at that. That is gorgeous who's. Getting this me this is for you. This is for me. I believe it is. I have no plans for it right now, but this was the Advent from um uh, not house, and what I did is I after the Advent was all opened. I re, I failed. It mostly rearranged. I didn't start with rearranging them. I started with day one day two day three day, four, and then I changed it. I kind of went by color at that point and did that that's beautiful pretty, and this is what I have left. I just changed this color I mean they should be. If I count they should be three three or four. I don't know three or four colors in here, but and that's it. I made two big big balls. You did two large K with magic, knots and uh. I should have done that to begin with it's so much easier and um, and that's what I have left this is it that's awesome, Pam so, hopefully I'll get to the other end and I'll I'll. I won't run out of yawn before I get to the end. Right hope not anyway, it's a great the habitation. It'S a great. If you have some scraps at home, a fingering, you know it's absolutely fabulous. I actually put the link down below it's designed by Helen Stewart and we have Advent calendars from last year and they're. Actually, all in a gradient formation, you wouldn't even have to change the order. No, they come in that order and I actually right that's right. We have the kit to show them. We could show it to you. So it's not. I mean I guess on the website. It kind of looks like a mystery, but it's not, but it's not and it's very relationship. We should it's very fluid and it would be magnificent in that in a habitation. I might do that. You know it's a great project. It really is that's a good, mindless one to have yeah good morning good morning to you it's so nice we've got people all the way from uh from Asia. You guys are so sweet Vancouver. Thank you. Everyone, black plaid woe, pants, Pam, they're, all giving me suggestions there. You go. I like that. Thank you. So this is our. Oh, that's a good idea. This is the Advent it's gon na be crinkly, but that's okay, that I teamed up this with Asylum. Fibers. Look at that that would be a stunning habitation bro is that do we have it in the right order? No, I mean no, but this connects to this is anything yeah yeah right back yeah, that's the color! Yes, that's definitely the way it connects there. You go love it and, of course you can put it in any color order. You like oh yeah, oh yeah, like if you wanted red in the center or if you wanted to Anchor right the brown bread. You could just shift the colors right. You know and have this in the middle and ship the colors just a little bit from that end over this way, and this is exactly what my Blanket's made out of my skeins were 20 grams - Spain, which is almost 90 yards, 87 yards or so and um And I would just make one cake and just they'll tie it with the magic knot, tie it with magic knot. I did it both ways. I would definitely recommend that magic knot is a fun technique. You can Google uh, you can search it on YouTube. Yep uh, someone is asking thing uh. What is the? What is it made of? It'S actually Super Wash it's fingering soft weight, 75 Merino, 25 nylon, it's machine wash gentle and simulated dry. Someone made it was mineral Merrell must be on. She made that um that uh she's doing wrap it real good, wrap it real good and boy. Now, that's um, a shawl! That'S knit with a little bit of a simple lace pattern: that's on the bias right using DK waves using DK weight, but she used the kit and she doubled. The yarn smells fabulous, yeah yeah. She inspired Rita from your knit right. Yes, Maria is making it as well, so there you go. I mean sometimes you're, just looking for accent, colors, it's a great way to just get great colors. It'S a beautiful some of the some sweaters nowadays like even the one that came out with um. Is it this bird Knits um using the Hedgehog Tweety, and then she put a DK a couple of DK Stripes 100, especially when the colors are cohesive? Well, it's not like you're just grabbing a couple of ones. You know 100 yeah, the Woolen Pine. That would be nice. She has a sweater coming out that would be lovely sea glass, tea, there's so many options too. I hate to tell you what I just did. Diana I've got that Siegel St. I swear I'm going to make that thing good for you. I may maybe in 2K and not in fingering good for you, you think, it'd be too heavy and DK you might be handyman. Okay, I'll share Diana's gon na share a whip. I have my Opus shawl nice Pam. Inspired me to pull this out of the Woodworks. I'M not very far. I didn't really do a lot of knitting at all this week. Um. So I don't have much progress, but I do have a little and I do have to share a little secret uh. I read the pattern incorrectly. I seem to have a theme Here. It didn't make a difference, so I I caused Pam straight away and I wasn't sure if I did something wrong aesthetically it looks you know it looks like it's knit correctly, but apparently I am knitting. My Edge stitches on both ends and slipping them, not according to pattern, but it doesn't make a difference. Clearly I was knitting a project that was using that technique for your from my i-cord Edge and being that I did that about a year ago. Last summer was it: when did this pattern drop? Oh yeah? It was last year. Clearly, I was doing an i-cord edging and I just adapted the same thing just without thinking. Well, that's the whole thing we were talking about that there's more than one way to do. When I quite edging right, it doesn't make a difference. All right see how I stick to the same color. Oh, my goodness. Okay, there you go so this is my open, shawl fun, knit um I'm trying to be very mindful these are my floats on the back. This is not Color Work knitting. It is uh Mosaic knitting, so it's knit and slip - and you know one of the key things is to make sure your floats are nice and long so that it is nice and flat. I didn't even give the steam stretchy yeah it's nice and Alive, because, if you're too tight on that the tubes, it's almost like this yeah, so since Dana is sharing and being so out of forthright in her in her um things, I have to share my opus And so remember, we were just discussing. We had this conversation, so this is where I am, and Diana called me about those edges. Right, yes, and I said to Dinah um I had just taken down. No was it on this yeah I had just taken down. You had done something I had the high court Edge on this thing right. It was on this one yeah. Well, I had to reacquaint myself with the pattern. No, it wasn't this when it was on the hoagie z-wag, but you had to drop down. I had dropped down because I noticed it also had an icord edge and I noticed I saw like a garter Stitch and I realized what I had done is I used the the technique from the habitation, which does a knit slip knit or a slip knit slip Depending on what size, you're on and out of habit for doing that, I did it on the whole heap. So I had to take out. It was taking out 20 rows, it's so frustrating so then trying to like resolve an i-core dropping that down correct. Well, we had this conversation yesterday right so then I get home and I start knitting later in the day, and what do I notice down here is that is that a gorgeous stop doesn't take anything, stop Pam, wasn't taking 20 rows out, I'm sorry, okay! So, listen to me, I'm not doing it you're dropping it! No listen! This is, I knew if I showed it does. She would say you got to drop it. How was the whole i-court? Yes, yes, yeah me, can you believe, I'm gon na say I'm sorry Dana, but I'm not taking it out. It'S too much work. It would kill me to take that if I took that out, okay - and I put it away for another year, do you guys remember? I told you that I had a mistake in the edging and I dropped it and it didn't run yeah. I think this is it. We should try it oh good Dinah, but if it doesn't work and I have to renew it well, what what did you say that was all your purple cowl that you dropped down the Purple Cow? It worked. What were you saying on it wasn't on this, though? No, but it said I could Edge, I'm pretty sure it's not. I was not in the mood to drop that down. Should we do it you're not doing it now. No, I'm not doing it now. I think I might accept the challenge go ahead and do it. I saw that and I almost choked last night when I saw that and did you cut me even your ends? No, I did but not up until then I did up until yeah, oh you're saying for that part. Yes, so you don't have to worry about like if we do have to rip out if I'm unsuccessful. Well, you know Diana, even if you reverse one or two of the Stitches, the one that curves under you won't see right. We might have to tape that, oh goodness, what a shame anyway, there's my Opus now how many people would be bothered by that Stitch? Oh 100, you see that one right see it's curving. You can't even see it, but when you steam it out, I know everyone is going to say: oh just leave it, I'm so type A it's okay. What would you guys do anyway? I thought that was funny. I just have to tell Diana shoot. I know I know what Dinah would say: yes Gail it was the Soapy scarf see it's been so long. I forgot you, can you can gladly do this thing I'll, try? Well. That means I can't knit on it until you do it up to you well yeah, but in other words, don't take too long to do. No, I'm trying to do tomorrow, we'll see you guys so we'll see if she's successful right, it's just a wabi-sabi leave it. I would leave it for sure, love it. Yes, they're all saying: leave it yeah! Well, since I'm in this bag, I'm going to pull out my next whip, Which is my um z-wag. So I am ready to join the second color some. I guess somewhat of a fade mixed color, one color too right. Yes, it's beautiful and I am using the moon, Drake Merino linen right, yeah, that's what I'm using uh - and this is my first color and that's really all I have to say about. But what do you have to say about this time? I can't read the pattern that should be the title of this podcast. That'S so true, Bernadette has a good idea. She said she said duplicate Stitch, that's true too. Maybe you don't want to fuss and just duplicate Stitch over it. Okay, I could do that. Is it going to come out? Looking nice. Oh, come on, you know how to duplicate. I know, but it's going to look like I didn't make. The mistake just want to make sure that it doesn't look too um too thick thick. That would be the only thing. So, yes, I have my z-wag as well and the reason I'm saying I can't read the instructions, because Pam called me out on it last week. She said: don't you need to fade no well. I have my shoes not yet. She was ahead of me and I said to her last week. When do I need to do the second color, because I didn't have it with me and I read it and she was in the next section and she said no we're not using it yet we haven't both. So I said: okay, that's fine! So then I finished the ribbing and I go to the next section and the third row. It says to use the second color because she can read. I said: wait. A second is that what time is told me well, what happened was when I was doing the road I ripped out, and I started: how much did you take? How much did you do? Was it that much is what you have there? No yes, because I can tell by the grinding of my arm it's still a little crinkling, but okay, so annoying, but this is my lovely fade. She did isn't it. These are my colors See four skeins for fitly attentive? No, it's the box game. So there you go, I was able to take it out project that I have in here that I finished I have Lyra, lovely, lovely, lovely so guys I finished Lyra. I finished Soldotna, although I still have a few unruly ends inside I get to start something new. I think I'm gon na start the easy way. Oh, you are yeah nice for you um. Clearly, I'm not going to Rhinebeck, but I would like to make that sweater. The ecv is right behind you. Yes, I'm thinking of doing it and it's funny because I posted the question: are you knitting the sweater for Ryan back on my stories and some people had mentioned that they felt like it was too slouchy too oversized and remember. When Sue came in and she said she found a Knitter online on Ravelry, it was one of the testers actually and oh yeah she'd come in here. I remember that yes, Stacy bought her original set here right and she's knitting, a second one. I don't know if she's done with it or not, she made it short sleeves, but she's sport weight, so she made. I think it was fingering her sport, but she knit it too. It was the thinner yawn that she asked. I think it was sport, weight, sport, weight news, so I'm thinking of doing the same thing. We got the most beautiful, colors, so nice and died, and I'm thinking that I will play that's right. Died in the world died in the world for the yellow and if I don't do that, then I'm gon na do the Tweety from because I love the Tweety. Actually, then you would have a bigger you'd have a bigger sweater right. So I have to decide, but I do think I'm leaning more towards the sport weight. I would do the second one yeah and I think a lot of you know. A lot of my viewers on Instagram were definitely interested in seeing how that would that take. So you can actually look on Ravelry because stage where there are people that did it. Then Stacy has um. I believe she's posted her pictures to Ravelry and if you look up the yarn by weight, you might be able to do a filter. Yes and fine. Yeah. The wild wild yeah it's long also. I need to get true fizzy, yeah true so anyway Segway, but this is my z-wag and an upcoming custom yeah. Hopefully, after all the festivities of this weekend, but yeah did you guys see the fade? It'S cool! Isn'T that lovely! That'S right, yeah, I'm excited about it. That'S all. I have that's why yeah yeah, I think that's what I have I'm Ravens is that it we covered all the webs. I think so all right who wants to see them. I mean I have my muscle Bird hat, but I'm not going to show you that it's the same thing I haven't gotten if I were on the decrease agility, but I'm not okay. So, let's move on who wants to see what kits you said? Yeah, let's share. I mean we only made well excuse me, we made kits last week which we're just going to briefly touch upon how about we start with this one, since it's on the table, Sam, the scoring the Amy, those colors, the original colors are blue and black. The kit sold, but it's restocked and it's available online super cute. It'S like did you bring the book by any chance? No, I didn't I'll get it um. Let me just see if it's in here: no, they don't have another picture of it. It'S very cute. It looks like kind of a poncho. There were two kits. Yes, I think I tried to restock what I could so, but it's online they could see it online right. This is very cute. It'S a pullover, it's got a turtleneck, it's got Open Arms, which is great for a layering piece, and it's got these fabulous Ties on the side very popular. We sold a lot of kits. The pattern is actually included in the kit how nice? So you can check out all the colors online. The components are Sunday, which is a fingering weight. It is 100 wool, so it's a non-super wash and it's paired with the mohair. I know the original was done with shading like a Tweed, although you can't really tell because they're both very dark colors, it's blue and black, see on the mannequin there. So because it looked like it was matchy matchy we ended up, making matching kits or very certainly, very good, because you could tweet like we would say, but you could take those you can curate your own yeah. Do something like this. If you want absolutely there in the light of gray, so you could do whatever you want, but we had about. I don't know we got about 15 colors of my hearing, oh yeah, and about a nice size, maybe eight or nine different colors of Sunday. So right, so these are the colors. Here'S gray, I showed you the red and we'll share some colors. This is green, great olive, green, olive, green, that's a little shaded, it's not quite exactly the same. No it's not it's not! This is a beautiful powder. Pink been a little blown out, a lovely, lighter gray, and also the one that Diana's telling about we have black with blue, and then we had blue with blue there's camel. Oh, I don't think we need to show this. One is so pretty, though, show this with burnt sugar, oh yeah, you knew I was gon na. Do that? How pretty is that one nice anyway, the colors are on the website very nice, and did we restock the blue ones? Yeah? Oh, we did Fabulous yeah. So there you go and if there's a color that you want that you don't see, call us, maybe we can curate it for you. There you go, we love curating kits. I love that today, Kimberly called, and she said we were doing an alpen glow kit and she bought a kit and she wanted to it started with substituting one fiber yep. She didn't want mohair, she wanted Suri, sorry, I'm a little lassy and it started with changing one, and then we ended up changing the whole thing after like 10 pictures, but how fun yeah it was completely new. It'S fun when you did that love that okay. So this is the Curiosity cowl. We mentioned this on Friday when we got the new delivery. In a lot of you had requested some kit options. I have to say the kids are pretty cute. We use the new colors, some old ones, we're gon na show them. It takes two skeins of dyed in the wool. It is a top down one of our customers. If you look on Ravelry uh, it's Laura. What is her rivalry, your Ensemble? Is it your ensembles? I don't that's her Instagram, I don't know if it's her look on Instagram, it's yarn symbols and Trek unravelry, but did it say burning sensation and brick? She was one of the testers. We built that kit for you we were able to, but this kit has absolute zero and move move very, pretty subtle. It'S very subtle! You see the shading there of the um, the skin cycle. It'S very subtle! Oh Kimberly, just sent a heart. There you go. I can't really that was fun. I do have to say this has acute i-cord tie, I'm not sure if you're seeing it around yeah, so it's a cute detail different than um, some of the other triangular cowls that we may have seen correct it's one size. It'S got a 23 inch circumference at the top of the neck, it's 26 and a half or so circumference at the base of the neck. The depth in the back is eight inches and the front depth is about 19., very good Dinah. How did all the numbers reading it straight from the pattern? So it's super cute. This is the second kit which is pick your poison mixed with Ginkgo. Look at that you can see the bit of yellow or gold in in the pick, your poison with the ginkgo. Isn'T it nice? Yes, that is nice, can show them. This one is called love spell it's a very soft pastel. I kind of think of it like the colors in a receiving blanket yes yeah right and then paired that with they'll have like an overlay of this Dusty Rose. So that's really soft. Very pretty. This is Laura's colorway yep love that the burning sensation with the colorway brick so you'll get the background. Color is the spin cycle and then you'll get the overlay in the solid color. What let me do them mixed with? I think Blue Sage. Look at that guys. That'S gorgeous. That would be a real pretty, so I'm not sure if you're seeing it, but there's just subtle hints of this Blue Sage running through the stamps very pretty, and then we have stay ready with classic black can't go wrong with that one and the last one is Robin'S egg, with Ash very soft, looking yeah, so there you can love it. So those are the looks like cool dinosaur. What cow? The Curiosity capacity account there you go Kimberly! You'Re famous, her son is saying they just mentioned two names, that's so cute! That is fun! Um Antonella joined in late, and we actually he did mention it she's asking if we added length to our soldotnas I'll stand up for mine I'm. Actually this is crazy. I'M wearing a skirt today and Pam is like. Did you just buy that I did it actually? In my closet, but I did 10 repeats and of course it depends on your torso, I'm wearing it, it's believe it or not. It'S like a clay, yeah how'd, you describe it but the skirt matches - and I think you went 11 repeats. You said right, oh sure, I did 11 repeats, you only do 10, but it's interesting because you know I thought I was playing yarn chicken and I was gon na make it with my sleeves and cam was like. I ran out at the bind off and I literally needed this. I had to go into a second skein to bind off my last sleeve. I had maybe this much more to knit and the binder for my sleeve and I went my whole cuff, was in the seconds game, but you know it's a beautiful color, so I know I'll use it. Oh 100. So I'm not thinking about a hat already exactly there. You go um, okay and the another kit that we restocked. Actually because it's you know we had one here, and that was this. Of course she took it. No, it felt like the customers, you know, Allison was so gracious, it's the wonderful cinebar show from Andrea Miller and especially with a new delivery of diving the wall. It was that perfect opportunity, because this shipment also had um versus and Wilder so um, where we want to start they're all so gorgeous. Let'S start with this one: okay, okay, so guys buckle up, raise yourselves because she's a good okay, absolute zero, which will be a great now imagine this is the background, and then you have the slow and steady look at that. Do you see the light yeah stripy yeah? That'S such a moody color, that's so good, zero! It'S lovely! It'S I'm Gon na! Keep it out because I want to show the next absolute zero just because so it's so interesting, because we always talk about how you know the batches are always different. These are all hand spun hand dyed and you clearly cannot replicate. Even though now this we certainly try, this is the cold doc. Oh you want that one yeah just for the good Passover. So on Friday we did an unboxing, and this is the new delivery of absolute zero. Look at this variation crazy. So we always say there's a particular batch you're looking for you can always ask us to send us, send you pictures but look at this, but if you see a color that you like don't sit on, it, don't yeah or if you think you might need two Get two: so we did this kit as well. Gorgeous is that this is I'm in love, suit and ton yeah get closer. This is so good there you go gorgeous and they will get better. They will even get better. So then we did what happened. Oh, I didn't take it. This is Wilder which is. This is similar to versus only a solid versus the two colors mixed and this is they cool? Although it looks beigey to me, they call the stalk Ray, I'm like a taupe. I think. Can we paired that with Miss me? Look at that? How subtle is that this is a lot softer than what we've been showing you, but there's you know a lid for every pot. Yes, they say exactly that's what they say. Antonella saying she just knit this in a bar shawl, she loves to finish objects so much if anyone is on the fence on the shawl. Do it can you give us any tips? Can you share tips with our viewers Antonella, it's so nice for you to share your experience and let us know what you knit it in yeah I'm curious. This here is called Sunset Strip. Now, that's beautiful! It'S definitely a little bit bright and the verse is going to tone it down right now. Look at that. How great is that is that gorgeous that beautiful red, this color is called hot and bothered, isn't it on Sunset Strip, it's perfect because the the hot and bothered tones the stamp. That'S what I was saying absolutely. This is a favorite of diamonds, oops gon na, say it's a crazy favorite of mine yeah. This we had it. This was I curated this for Pam yeah. We didn't have um. This was a last minute kit that went in this is a new color for us afternoon Delights which is stunning with flora and fauna. How pretty is that, like Olive Garden, that's gorgeous? These kits are like the bomb. They are they're, just beautiful. I love them there. You go and I think, there's two more. Maybe yes yeah great uh, maybe I don't know, there's a couple: it's like this yep with another Wilder. So you know we got this magnificent batch of stay ready, which is very neutral. It'S got the black raisin Ivory and we paired it with the dark gray and, interestingly enough, this one didn't come with like the camel yeah. So some of you are looking for that zebra-ish yeah. Thank you Dana she knitted in versus tobacco and Rye. Oh that's pretty! I liked it back thin ice. Oh I don't know that one. We don't get all the bases Antonella, but I'm sure it's beautiful. Did you post it to Ravel away I'll, have to check it out, and here you go. This is a good one. This is a good one. Okay paint bloggers, love spell I'm gon na go closer. I know I said receiving blanket, but look at that there it is don't move. The lighting is perfect. There you go what's that alive and well with love spell the bomb. It'S very pretty. Fireworks are like exploding in my head, yeah, very pretty, so we couldn't resist. We'Ve been talking forever about doing. That'S all, I believe. That'S all! I have no! No! No! You left my favorite out where's, oh yeah yeah, because I was saving it. The best of the last there's the third scheme here this is okay. This is just if you thought the last one was good. Wait till you see this one. This is my jam right here: ready, go ahead, Rosy Maple with now, and then, oh, my goodness. How pretty is that this is actually getting a little washed out, but there's this magnificent, like soft, cobalt, blue and it's pulling like there's like a magnetic force tying in the purple here and the rosy Maple. I love it. It'S gorgeous right! Oh! I love this one. So there you go so Dynamic, get this on the needles. I don't know. I think I might do a sweater first. I got two shawls that I'm working on enough with the shoals right now, that's a new one sure there you go um. Yes, we have. Time. Did I say brioche in the shawl? Is there briochemist? I think this is that. Well, maybe internet can tell us you made it. Yes, all the attributes are going to be on Ravelry Merrell. So if you actually go search the pattern attributes down below you'll see it does everyone know what we mean when we say the attributes, my phone is like literally on zero percent. Is that right? Yes, I will try to pull it up, has a lovely shape to it, it really does and the the you know we were looking at uh projects on Ravelry and the what we did is we searched under Yarns for versus, and there were 99 projects done with Verses, so you can see how it um I'm not going to zoom in oh, I didn't mean to interact. That'S okay. This is Cinnabar. That'S the name! If I tap on Andrea right here there she comes okay, so just so you could see this is the Cinnabar shawl and I'm going to x out of this screen, and here we are again: do you see these little bubbles? Those are the attributes right in there. So when you zoom out, you have the name of the pattern: whoops, sorry guys, the name of the pattern, the designer the specs and then attributes are in those little bubbles, those highlighted Bubbles, and that will tell you if it's knitting around, if it's in flat, if It has short rows. It'S called the brioche tuck, so I think you knit into the row below it's asymmetrical. There'S other other color work involved. It'S reversible one piece: red, seamless slip, stitches, Stripes, color, textured top down triangle shaped, worked flat and it's a written pattern as well yeah, and it also tell you that if it's only charted or if it's written yes, so if you're afraid of a chart, it will Tell you you know it's just charted, or it would say if it was written as well absolutely so she calls it a half tuck brioche and I think our final order of businesses that we made beautiful kits for the Audrey sweater designed by Kimberly mcalindon. The sweaters are on the website. We have two options for you, one knit in Rios and one not knit one available in Rios and one available in Forge right. The difference being Forge is a non-super wash and Rios is a Super Wash there. You go, there's the difference in price point as well. Right and the colors are different right and it has an a-line shaping on it. Uh top down. It'S got a beautiful collared neckline that is knit sideways, so you're actually not knitting the circumference in the round. You'Re. Actually knitting it flat sideways, and then you join it in the round before you proceed, which is lovely something a little different, which is always nice and that's the Audrey, and that's it that's it. We don't have any information yet about our knit along. I have to say I feel like about that list. Here you go already. Yes, I will say that tomorrow is midnight resuming bring your projects, it's going to be really chill there. You go there's going to be no order of business, we're just going to talk all things yarn and do whatever you want to drink, whether it's coffee, tea, water, wine, alcohol, yeah for slip, stitches or any tanking yeah, exactly exactly knit at your own risk. That'S it! That'S all we got convenience um. No, we didn't do the uh the next knit along order of business, but I'm really overwhelmed now. I think right now. Well, I think what it is is we just have to do a little more research on RN, because we want to offer you more than one option. I think right time, yeah for the kids and um also, you know we have to look at and break the pattern down and see how it works out in terms of how many zooms they would be right here. So we'll let you know all right sooner than later, Mary is saying: Zoom. Yes, Mary, we're having a zoom knit night gosh. You know it was on the um last week's Zoom. If you go on the drop down, I think you had listed. I journalisted the um. The zoom ideas we'll post it tomorrow on Instagram, yes I'll, create a post. Almost it's seven o'clock Eastern time. It is hope to see you there, Mary just bring your knitting. It'S not project driven! It'S not problem driven! It'S just!

Erin Laser: Pam your Soldotna is so beautiful and you CAN wear it with anything! Including grey or blue pants! Absolutely!!

Angela Gill: Your hair up do for that wedding was absolutely gorgeous! You should do the same for your son’s wedding! Yay!! Do it!!! ❤️

Nadine Goffart: Your Soldotnas are gorgeous! ❤ and I am looking forward to a Pam fashion show. It will be inspiring for all of us as we all are in doubt about combining colours. I admire your style, both of yours

Pat Valenzano: Your Soldotna’s are absolutely gorgeous…it’s on my list…

Diane Scott: I love both of your Soldotnas! Pam, I would say to try the duplicate stitch idea first, but if you don’t care for the way it looks do whatever you can live with and enjoy wearing

Tammy Banker: Pam, your sweater looks great on you. It makes you look very youthful.

Karen Tomich: I love Pam' s Soldatna clor cmbination. I would wear with winter white wool pants; camel or khaki gabardine trousers, gold suede high waisted maxi skirt with flat heeled boots; chocolate brown leather or pleather pants.

kris mongerson: Pam..... Get a long leather "Handmade with Love" tag. It will cover it perfectly!!!

Patti Coutain: Such a joy to watch my FAVS, Dina and Pam. So look forward to Moonstruck Knits KAL when it works. Letho in Rauma? I’d knit the 2nd version that came out☺️☺️. Happy holiday Dina enjoy family!!

larajean1: The soldotna's are beautiful! Pam's is such great colors! I'd wear tan/brown corduroys, jeans or jean skirt with it.

Miriam Miller: Love the colors Pam! Is that kit on the website❤?

Ellen O'Dell: Awesome Soldotnas! Have a wonderful visit with your family. Take care.

Irina Phillips: Love all your Soldotnas!

Kathy Schnitzius: I left it on my Sophie Scarf and I even stopped telling my knitting peeps that I made a mistake! Time to get over it

Miriam Miller: Happy Healthy New Year❤ Shana Tova!

Ellen O'Dell: Totally a Pam fashion show!!

carmen guzman: Your soldotna sweaters awesome

cathy graf: Love your Soldotna’s!! What is the name of the sweater on the mannequin behind Pam, the white and black one? Thank you!!

Jackie Leipert: Pam! Tan, brown, rust OR the mustard gold color that is on the sweater in the back.

carmen guzman: Thank you, I see the difference

Becky Whitt: Your sweaters are beautiful

Susie Hanna: Pam + reel = YES

Cecilia Thomsen: You both look lovely. Matchy matchy is not a thing anymore. All the young women in my life laugh at me when I worry about matching. They sometimes conduct a matchy intervention. LOL! I love the sweaters.

Kathy Keller: There is a sweater right behind Pam on the screen. I think it is so lovely. What is its name and the name of the yarn it is knit up in? It has broken stripes of colour in it on a cream background. The little necktie's colour matches perfectly as well.

carmen guzman: Dina, can you please share the colors of your first soldotna, please

monica spier: Soldotna ❤

Barb Jenkins: Rip it!

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