Bringing Home Our British Shorthair Kitten - First 24 Hours At Home And Settling In - So Cute!

  • Posted on 23 January, 2022
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

Hi guys, I'm so excited to share with you our beautiful lilac British shorthair kitten! She is the purrrfect addition to our family and we hope you love her as much as we do. This vlog is going to be about us bringing her home for the first time and her first 24 hours along with an update on how she has been settling in during her first week. Enjoy!





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#britishshorthair #britishshorthairkitten #brininghomeourkitten

#kittensfirst24hours #channelmumtalent

When we wake up, hear the birds and see the sun side by side, our faces are done all the good times just begun. Call us crazy, but things you and hi everyone welcome back to our channel exciting video. Today, big news, it's a big deal for us! We'Re going to pick up our new family member - oh my god, and we're getting a kitten if you haven't seen already by the title. Oh my god, i'm so excited! I feel like it's gone full circle, because weirdly enough, we were going to get a cat. Ten years ago, yeah a little story time before we fell pregnant with vinnie, we literally were going to buy a british shorthair kitten, the colourpoint one, and we went there put a deposit down as well. I think, and then we just didn't end up getting him. It was a little boy, so it's kind of come around full circle. My mum bumped into one of her friends over christmas time in the vets and she had all these kittens with her and mum sent me a photo and we kind of fell in love. Didn'T we yeah, we think, like a cat's gon na just fit into our lifestyle, don't we yeah perfectly? She is so cute. I know a lot of people were like you should get a dog. You should get a puppy, but i think with mum's dogs. They kind of feel that don't they yes well, i've never had no he's, never had a dog. I'Ve always had dogs, but my parents have got dogs and they're with us all the time. So i feel like we get the dog fixed that way, but we really wanted to pet for ourselves and we were going to wait a few years weren't we yeah we were going to be but she's beautiful and we would love to have a kitten join our Family, so we're very excited we're going to pick her up now we're going to pick her up while we've got 15 minutes she's so cute, so we've gone for she's a lilac british short hair, kitten, she's 13 weeks old, and i can't wait to get her. I know not long now, really, no so we're gon na go get her got everything i think we need at home all set up now. Yeah and the boys are really excited to meet her especially renzo renzo's, very excited renzo's, a very cuddly little boy, so he just loves animals. He loves animals, didn't he so he's he's the most excited um. So we're gon na go get her now and then we'll bring her home. So i think what we'll do is we'll go in there and then we'll bring her out and then we'll show you her in the car in the car. Once we've got her once we've picked her up because it's still very different in there. I'Ve not like been like handled cats really before the last place. I was working not long ago and there's like five kittens there mark kept saying. Should we get it? Oh, my god, i love them when you're working they're, like jumping on your back you're, really cute, we've got her: oh, my god, she's just the prettiest little cat ever she's, so perfect! So gorgeous it's unreal. We were in there for about an hour and 40 minutes. Probably talking through everything and she showed us everything we need to do and she's just a lovely lady, lovely amazing set up. Wasn'T it? Oh my god. Oh my god. It'S like cat heaven, that's amazing, isn't it yeah really really good, so yeah we're really excited we've. Just got home and i thought i'd just show you her quickly in the carrier. This is the little carrier that we've got. Can you see her in there hello, beautiful girl? She is so great hello, beautiful girl, she's. So pretty how perfect is she really perfect? I think if you're a cows she's so cute, i don't want to make too many loud noises or like laugh loudly, you know it's like a newborn baby. Let'S have a treat. Look at her look at her eyes. I know they're so gorgeous. She was really good on the way back here yeah. She was really chilled all the time she seems pretty calm. Should we take you inside this? Is your new mummy? Now hello? I was gon na like talk to her like a baby. You know, like you do with babies. You know i thought she might think. I'M crazy, crazy, catfish, she's lilac and she was hard to tell because that thing's red. Yes, she is a lilac british shorthand. She looks tired, she's in time, she's gon na fit right in. Oh, my so what i'm doing here is i popped her into her little tray. This is what we were told to do when we brought her home and we were told to keep her in there for around two minutes just to comfort her and to show her that this is where her safe place is, and this helped so much. I was really worried about bringing her home and what to do, but this is what we were told to do and it worked really really well hi guys so future me just popping into this video, because i don't think we've mentioned her name properly yet so i Just wanted to introduce our kitten and tell you what her name is before we go any further into the video, so we have decided to call her gigi pearl. So pearl is her middle name. Gigi is her first name so gigi pal prido. We just thought it suits her really really well, there's no like real meaning behind her name, but she is like a really gorgeous like pearly lilacy color. So that's why we went for pearl as a middle name, and we think it really really suits her but yeah. I just wanted to let you know before we go any further into the video but enjoy the rest of the video she's such a she. Personally, oh really, yes, i'm not hannah perry. She'S been pairing like when i put her in her litter tray. She was powering in there. It'S actually really quiet. The boys have been really good at it. Yeah the boys are really quiet, she's, cute she's, so cuddly, that's really sweet, isn't it. You can literally hold it like a baby. Oh my god, you love her really. I love her she's, so warm ain't. She scared, oh she's, the sweetest. She likes it in the cat tree at the bottom. Oh really yeah. She went in oh my god, she's like flying in there. No, this is our little catcher. We'Ve got the lounge of the minute: what's this, your little she's pretty confident there yeah she's, exploring yeah, so she's gon na be in this room for about a week. The lady said. Yes, that's what she said. It'S the cutest little noise. I'Ve ever heard. Do i know delicate yeah mommy? I just got her she's playing um. She can't jump yet so so it's day, two gigi slept so well. Last night didn't hear a peep from her and then this morning she's just been getting braver and braver. More confident. She'S just been pairing for about 10 to 15 minutes, just like coming to me, which is really lovely she's, like really confident now look at her playing adorable, i think i'm gon na do a little pamper session for her now clean her eyes. What are you doing up there, they're just so mesmerizing? I literally could stare at her for hours come on and so elegant light on her feet. Can you hear her pairing, she's, literally just pairing the whole time? So so my mom got this cat bed for gigi, and it's like one that you put over the radiator, so we're gon na put it together and see if she likes it. That was a bit of a contraption. Wasn'T it? I think it goes that way. Oh there you go okay, it's got a recliner, let's see what's going on, what do you think? Where is she she's down here? She can like climb on there? I just want. Did you like it in there? Oh so cute hi guys, so we are on day six now of having gigi and oh, she is just the most precious little girl ever. We'Ve had a really really great start and she settled in so so well, so i thought i would quickly pop on just to have a little chat about how she's been settling in i'll. Also show you a few more clips with her and the kids, because that was something i was a little bit not worried about, but like apprehensive, maybe we've never had a cat before i've never been around cats. Really my auntie had cats. My aunties had cats, as i was growing up, so that was the only time i would kind of be around cats growing up, but we never had them in our own house. So i didn't know how the boys were going to react, because obviously they're so used to dogs and being around my mum's dogs and cats and dogs are obviously quite different. So this is why we ended up going for a british shorthand. They are very laid-back characters. You know they're very they're. They are very tolerant as well and gigi has got on so so well with the boys she plays with them. She will go up to them now and just you know she seems very relaxed and very content. Six days in she was like that, probably on day two or three, she was even more like going up to the boys, but she's been doing so so well, so i thought i'd just let you know about her kind of routine at the moment. So in the evenings, she's still sleeping well, she's been in the living room the whole time. So we were advised to kind of keep her in the living room for around five seven days like about a week and just to see how she was going. And if she wanted to go out and explore that she would kind of go to the door. And she would be like you know, hey mom, let me out - and she has been like that over the last few days after the last kind of like four or five days, i would say she started to kind of be more curious about what was going on Behind the door as we would leave the room, she would always kind of like chase me to the door and wait and she would like to come out so yesterday we kind of let her out a little bit and like let her explore the living room. You know let her explore like the playroom and the hallway and all of that kind of stuff just to have a little walk around, and then we took her back into the living room. So we've kind of been introducing her very very slowly, but she did say after a week we kind of introduced it to the next room, which is what we're gon na do, and it's gon na have to be kind of the downstairs area, but she's doing really Really well, she seems very happy walking around and exploring she literally walks around and purrs the whole time. She must just be really happy to just be out and exploring so that is really encouraging. She'S been so so good. She has, she is litter trained, so she has been in her litter tray. She has had you know, she's been absolutely fine in there we've had no accidents. She'S been, you know, going in her letter tray, which is amazing, so we've had that in the living room. For now, eventually, we will move it, but we're going to do that as a gradual process, because, obviously we want her to know where her litter tray is so we will move out probably to the boot room, i'm not really sure yet. But yes, that's all been going amazingly well, like i said, we've been keeping her in the living room at night time and she's been sleeping in there at night and she doesn't make a peep. She doesn't make a sound really. She definitely is getting more confident in the mornings like when mark goes down. In the morning first thing she was sleeping behind the sofa on the floor and every morning mark was like gg. Where are you kind of thing, and he would know that she was behind there and just every day, she's been like coming out so much quicker like after two or three days she would come out pretty much instantly and then he said that this morning she was Already out waiting for him because she could hear the door, so that is really really good. She literally comes up to us. She like walks across us she's, so so like happy to see us when she sees us in the morning she's literally round our legs, and it's just so so lovely honestly. I never realized how much a cat can relax to you. She has just been so she's. Just mesmerizing i could literally be with her all day like honestly, i haven't got much work done this week, because i've just wanted to be with her the whole time she's, so relaxing and just like being with her makes me feel really calm. So it's really really great. It'S been fab for my mental health, like amazing she's been so so incredible she's like my little bestie now, so it's really really lovely and yeah we've been getting on, so we've just been getting on so well with her. So i just wanted to give you that little update at the end of this video and if you've got any other questions regarding how she's getting on we've been feeding her. So let me show you actually, i was told to leave dry food out of her every day, obviously fresh water. So that's what i've been doing and then she's now on these pouches. So these are the sheba pouches. I did get her the royal cannon - british short hair kitten food, but when we went to go pick her up the breeder did say that she's moved on to these ones, so i had like a whole box. I just popped it back to pets at home. They said i could swap it so that was really good they're amazing in pets at home, so she is now on these. These are like the sheba pouches there's like all different flavors in here. She has half a pouch of this in the morning and then she'll have half a pouch in the evening when we're eating and she's been doing. Amazing we've also got little snacks and stuff for her. That she's been having little treats and stuff, but yeah. She loves her food and yeah, so that's her food. What she's sleeping really well, she sleeps a lot in the day. She loves that radiator bed that we showed you within the vlog literally sleeps on there most of the day. I think if it feels like a safe space for her, because she can like see everything, that's going on around her she's like lovely and snug, and warm on the radiator, because the radiator's on and it's just lovely and cozy for her there. She loves playing with toys, she literally she's, just so lovely she's amazing she's been the perfect addition to our family and i can't wait to show more of her to you guys. Let me know if you want to see more kitten or cat vlogs, because i definitely would love to do like a little day in the lives with her as well, because i think that'd be really nice and i'll definitely do more updates and things as well. Also, if you'd like to see like a haul of everything that we bought for her preparing for her, then let me know, because i can kind of give you a little update on how those items have been going as well. What we've found that she's using more or less of etc? So let me know if you'd like to see that but yeah thank you so so much for watching. I really really hope you enjoyed this video and being introduced to gigi. Let me know what you think of her, even if you're, not a cat person, i just feel like you might think she's you know she's cute, i mean how can you not look too cute she's so cute and also like a lot of people thought that we Were going to get a dog, i did mention this in the beginning, but it's just so funny how things come around like i said we were going to get a cat 10 years ago, 10 plus years ago now, and even my friend said to me the other Day when i popped a picture of gigi up on instagram, she was like. Oh, my god, you finally got one - and i was like yes finally, because it just it just felt right and honestly she's, just slotted right in if you're thinking about getting a british short haircut and you've got small children, because this is something that you know can Be concerning when you're getting a pet, you don't know how your pet's going to react. We have found that she's been amazing with the kids and that was really really important to us. So, yes, let me know if you've got any other questions. Thank you. So so much for watching guys - and i will see you all in my next video bye guys - we can do it. I know we'll find a missing frame. Sideways.

Bruce Gibbins: Our two years of age British Short Hair tabby is Lenny and our shinning pride. Lenny is a 50/50 indoor outdoor cat made possible by the temperate climate of our island home in the Southern Pacific. Lenny is as stoked to be here as we are that he is an important and much-loved part of our family.

OldCinderellaStory: Orlando's "nice to meet you" warmed my Heart. She is so cute.

Uzma Ishaq: This video just made my morning! I can't wait until my lilac kitten comes home to us! Thank you for sharing

Tina Colvill: So cute Liza, we got our teddy 5 years ago, they are a beautiful breed very gentle, our teddy follows me everywhere but he’s very independent. X

Nina Bella: Awww she’s so adorable can’t wait to see more of her xx

Willow gill: Oh gosh she's just adorable!! We've had cats for over 40 years and each one has had a different personality but all so lovable. We've had a British Shorthair silver tabby for 10 years now. Just like Gigi she's beautiful but she was feral as a kitten so didn't learn those all important first interactions with humans and we're still unable to cuddle her - she's devoted to me though and as she's now totally deaf a very needy furbaby :-) Enjoy watching Gigi growing up with your children and becoming a much loved member of your family!

Marymac16: Congratulations on your new arrival. I'll be really honest....I'm not a cat person but oh my God she is so cute and her wee face is so pretty! Best of luck with her xx

Christina Burkey: Aww she's so adorable! I'm so happy for y'all!

Tracey Barrett: Ahh she's gorgeous and lovely for the boys to have their own pet xxx

Michael Ward: That's some kitty! I love the"lialic" coat. Beautiful. I wish you all a long happy life with your new kitty.

SuzanneM7: She is adorable, such a beautiful cat x

Kerry Wilson: Oh Lisa she’s so precious my little girl would adore her

Ruhena Muhit: We have 3 boys our eldest being 14 but I’m obsessed with my friends British shorthair and now gigi Ofcourse! Aiming to get one in April and I honestly can not wait! How old was gigi when you got her and was it just a private breeder? Your definitely a natural cat mom!

Jo Jo: Gigi is gorgeous, i would love to see more of her

Sarah Cantwell: Oh Liza, she’s adorable. So happy for you all xxx

DM: She's gorgeous colour and when you said she was already waiting for Mark when he came out, that made my heart so excited for you. Yes please to seeing more of Gigi ❤️ Diana NZ

Marina Melling: Oh she’s just Magical. A lovely addition to your family! I have two fur cat babies and they are the best. Get a dressing gown, cats love to need into anything that’s soft. Lots of scratchers are good as they like to scratch furniture. Xx

Ina Yung: Gigi is soooo cute! Would love to see more of her!she's adorable

Peg Graham: Gigi is amazing! My favorite cat is a British Shorthair! I have 4 cats....yes, they relax you so much. I am so happy for you all. Kitten Hugs!!!

Sarah Vernon: I have two cats called “Candy” and “Floss”. Candy watched this vlog with me she was mesmerised! GG is adorable x

Claire Morash: Gigi is absolutely precious. I would love any and all videos about her progress as she fits into her family!

Sara Murphy: Oh my goodness She is the cutest kitten ever! Congratulations on the newest little addition to your family! The boys must he over the moon with excitement! x

Ginger - The Spoiled Cat: Always a memorable day bringing a kitten home on the first day

Judith Montel: I am not a cat person. Gigi is adorable! Love the new addition to your family.

Tracey Taylor: Awwwww she is absolutely adorable . Have fun with your new addition to the family. Xx

Joanna Business Account: What a great life your cat has!

Tracey b: Aww Liza she is so beautiful and you can see how well she has fitted in with the family would love to see more of her ❤️xxx

Sue Frantom: Oh she’s so beautiful and fits in so well . X

Susan: Congratulation's on your new baby girl! She is just as precious as she can be! Enjoy!!

Jane Povey: Gorgeous little girl. I've got 3 boy cats and love them all do much. I agree that they definitely help you relax and do fantastic things for your mental health. Hope to see her in more videos xxx

Melanie Williams : How adorable! My mum is 81 and has a cat and dog they play really well together, I love watching them interact with each other and with my mum they are very protective of her ❤️

Claire Treanor-Smith: A haul would be fab xx We have an 19 week old kitten and would love to see what things have worked for you and gigi

Carla Sammons: Gigi is just beautiful! What a wonderful addition to your family. With the added bonus of being a nice and calming influence. Congratulations! Enjoy your new fur baby!

Siobhan O'Toole: She is beautiful, like you I could look at her all day, look forward to seeing more of her xx

Tisa6: Congratulations on the new addition to the family! Gigi is beautiful! I just lost my "Mama" she was so loved and lived a long happy life! My childhood cat "Kat" we had for 23 years and was adopted as an adult! Sure Gigi will bring lots of love and laughter into the fold❣

Mrs Intense: Oh my Liza Gigi is a beauty for sure!!! Great cat that is so loved already. Now I want one. ❤

D Jenkins: Gigi is so beautiful! Having a pet is so good for children. Enjoy her!! Would love to see more videos of her.

Pamela Light: No more babies for us they said , 3 are enough they said , but what a "purr fect " addition to your family. She is the cutest thing ever, love the video and can't wait to see Gigi as she grows.

catherine lamarre: Aww GIGi Pearl is adorable I love cats ,my sister’s and I were brought up with them we never had a dog just cats ,you have made me want one now I just love the wee purring she look’s very happy in your home with all of you ,looking forward to future video’s seeing her ,yes please do DITL with her give her a big hug from me ,lots of love Katie

MegaJansue: She is so adorable!! I have a Turkish Angora and she watched this with me. You will have so much fun and enjoyment with her. Blessings to you.♥

Karen Braines: Aww she’s absolutely gorgeous we recently got a puppy border collie named Kevin xx

Alison McKenzie: Aaww she is beautiful, settled really well. Enjoy having a kitten Liza, yes to all kitten vlogs.

Jackie Cox: Gg is very cute she fits in so well with your family xx

Helen Alexander: Oh welcome GiGi to the Prideaux family, you have joined such a beautiful family. Liza congratulations on the new arrival, your boys were wonderful with her and are an absolute credit to you and your lovely husband. Have a great week xxxx

Maria Heaney: Absolutely adorable.

valerie clorley: What a beautiful kitty, would love to see more of her, thanks.

Kilian Ciuperceanu: What a lovely kitten you've got! I have always wondered, why you don't own a pet, because the boys would love one...and now you've got one! Congratulations!❤❤❤

Bridie Wright: Absolutely beautiful, enjoy her guys xx

Hayley Grimston: She's adorable absolutely love cats I would have a couple if my hubby would allow me to X

Lou McIntyre: Awww she is just beautiful. . I would be the same, just wanting to cuddle her. Looking forward to seeing more. Love Lou x

alison sargeant: This video is so helpful. My daughter is desperate for a cat but I’ve always had dogs growing up. We’re now looking for a kitten

Karen B: Oh wow, she is adorable!

mich100179: Shes gorgeous I've got 2 bsh and I'm getting a lilac girl on Saturday can't wait they are amazing cats

Gina Shiel: She's beautiful...enjoy her...definitely more cat videos!!!!

Mia Milan: The litter tip was great! I’m going to do this with my new kitten

Dawn ABC: Beautiful cat. I've had cats all my life, they are so funny, relaxing and loving. I have a maine coon crossed with a British short hair, he is all the above. His name is Bailey and just celebrated his 10th birthday, so not a kitten anymore but still playful and cuddly.

Amanda Handford: Aww she’s so cute. I’ve had my Daisy May for 5 years now. She’s a British too. She’s lavender xx

jasmine johnstone: She's amazing love her colour

Suzy Dan: She is so precious Congratulations on having her! Wishing her good health and happiness At one point you were "cleaning" her with maybe wet wipes. What is that for exactly? I wanna get a cat soon and wanna know all the tricks and tips.

Zea Grantham: She’s such a cutie I have a bsh boy and when we got him he wasn’t as socialised as her due to his circumstances but after a week or so of live and he is just the softest thing ❤️

Pauline Dean: What a beautiful little girl to add to your family

Lyn Davey: GG is a beautiful kitten! Perfect for the boys...Lovely addition to your family Enjoy xxx

Cath Turnbull: She is adorable. Would live to know where you got the basket you placed her toys in at the beginning of the video x

Sally Revell: Wow...Gigi is gorgeous. I would love this breed of cat. Love her middle name Pearl...this was my mums name . Gigi looks so content and happy. Would love to see more vlogs with Gigi. Thankyou for sharing

Detail by Kasia: I literally can't wait for another video with Gigi in it!

Lynn Morgans: She is adorable, we've always had British blues ~ absolutely adore our Claude and Izzy x x

TheYghani1: Also wanting a cat so desperately but having to wait for my little one to grow up a little more ! Gigi is adorable!

Nadia McGarrie: Oh my goodness!! Gigi Pearl is absolutely gorgeous she is the cutest little button Liza! ❤️ can’t wait to see more videos with little Gigi! X

Eileen McAuliffe: Ya she is a lovely addition to your family Liza

Von 1966: Beautiful little lady, so lucky to come to such a lovely family xx

Laura-louise Paton: Aww she’s gorgeous! Never been a cat person but gigi pearl is adorable x

Victoria Clapham: Awrh she's so lush, your little ones are so good with her bless them!I come over from Emma's channel from you're valentines day haul. Defiantly subscribed you seem so lovely xxxx

Pink daisy designs: Love her. She’s beautiful

Betsy Kile: Hi Liza! Congrats on your new kitten! Gigi is absolutely beautiful and you guys will have so much fun with her...cats are incredible. Enjoy!

Sian Cox: I’m a dog person . But honestly GIGI is absolutely gorgeous. Looks like your family are doing a Fab job with your little kitty xx

Kim Williams: Gigi is so gorgeous what a lovely new addition to your lovely family xxx

Alex Wason: she’s beautiful, I got a british shorthair kitten a few months ago and Id love to know where you got all of her little bits from especially the climbing tree, scratch post and her bed

Lynne Milne: We have a cat who decided he wanted to live with us - I grew up with dogs in our family. I never knew how loving they can be and so relaxing to watch him curl up next to me to sleep. Enjoy your new little bundle of fun

Angela Hughes: Omg love your little new addition to the family ❤️ Am a dog person but wow how gorgeous is gigi pear ❤️ So cute xx cant wait to see her in your videos xx

Leila Cassisi: Wow she is so lovely cats are so relaxing I have two cats and hoping to get a short hair this year . Please let's have lots of up dates I know she will give you all so much love xxxx

Gemma mansfield: Aww she’s so beautiful love having a kitten they do knock everything and break stuff lol , my cat is 7 now my kids love her still xx

Fiona Caldwell: GG is so adorable. Love her colour and her breed. I’m so glad she has settled in well and that the boys love her. Cats are super relaxing and they seem to know when you need a cuddle. Enjoy you fur baby❤️

Guldmorgon: As an owner of two now three-year-old British Shorthair sisters, all I can say is that your affection for Gigi will only grow and hers for you all as well. :)

Louise Weir: Really enjoyed watching this, so relaxing on a Sunday morning. She's a stunning kitten, and will bring lots of joy to your family. Would love to see more of her as she grows up.

Daniela Palazzo: Gigi is adorable! I am hoping to get a British Shorthair in the future!

Sharon Pott: She’s beautiful and perfect for the boys to grow up with xx

Victoria Hayward: She's beautiful, love her name too, really suits her. X

Janine Plimbley: This is such a lovely video. We always grew up with pets, be it guinea pigs, rabbits cats or dogs. I think it helps teach children compassion for animals too. Having their own they bond and it's a wonderful thing for them. Their own little feline friend. I had my cat Ruby from a kitten, she's about 9 now. She's so funny she chases tin foil balls up and down the stairs.

teddy bear leyla: I’ve stumbled across your channel, I have three Briths short hairs! They are beautiful and so angelic to be with. Wathcing the montage of you preparing your home for the new kitten brought back memories for me :) beautiful treehouse for your furrababy

diana coward: Such a beautiful video....I can honestly say i could watch Gigi all day and listen to you all day!..She is just so precious! The most adorable calm baby girl..So lovely to see the boys just enjoying her,they are so sweet and so gentle with her!what a fabulous new addition to your family..enjoy this beautiful bundle of joy..looking forward seeing more vlogs and updstes...Happy Sundsy to you have a lovely day...

Amanda jane: Omg she is absolutely adorable. Love her name.

Elizabeth Halliday: GG beautiful I love how she settled in with u all, family complete now. I watched this video and it reminded me when we got our kitty cat, always they when u wanted company and the sitting on knees and falling asleep on us when we were poor he was with us. We lost our cat last September we Miss him so much and the house is not the same without him. What a lovely video

Allanah Briscoe: Would definitely like to see what you’ve bought for her, xx

Lucy just being me xxx: Oh she's adorable bless her heart. Enjoy her while she's young as kittens grow fast. Much love and light to you all

clarepark82: She’s so gorgeous ☺️ looks like she’s fitted into your family so well xx

Jeanne Kenny: Loved this vlog, what a little poppet Gigi Pearl is! x

Isabella Fahey: I’m so exited in getting one in two weeks and she’s gray and white and this is my first ever time having a cat ,I really hope this is a good breed X

Claire Lloyd: Love this, we have been thinking of getting a British Shorthair soon as well but having never had a cat before I had no clue what it would be like in the early days so this is really helpful.

Allanah Briscoe: Enjoy her she’s beautiful xx

sladana p: OMG what a beautiful little girl,she is so adorable!♥️..We have a beautiful fur little thing too called Lola ,love her so much♥️..Congratulations on your baby girl!❤️✨

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