T-Shirt Hair-Drying Hack -- Does It Really Work?


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Okay, so this is kind of like a quickie video, don't really know what to say about it. If you clicked on it, you already know that just a bit there is, I think it was Glamour magazine had like life hack, slash, hair hack for uh, for instead of camel drying your hair, supposedly, if you wrap it in a t-shirt to let it fry instead Of a towel or a turban, supposedly it won't frizz. Now I call some serious BS on this does not sound like it would work, and yes, I'm literally straight out of the shower, so I'm trying to not film at an angle that shows too much. But I look ridiculous with my shirt around my head, but we're gon na see if it works, I really am not expecting, which I have not applied any product to my hair whatsoever. So I guess we're just gon na see. I look really cross-eyed. Maybe you'll find it right now, and I know this is shaky, so might use a tripod, I'm literally just a little bit in my hand. This is why I generally don't film, like this shaky shaky hands. So I guess we'll wait like 20 minutes, like it claims in the article you're supposed to do and see how it is, although my hair generally takes longer than that to freeze out, but we'll see my claim, but it's something to do with the fibers in the Towel in the carry fiber that it just like slips your hair of its moisture and it's really rough and abrasive on your hair and that's what makes it frizz and again. I call so much BS on this, but I'm willing to try it. So I'm just like dude if I could make it not frizz and also not have to blow-dry it. That sounds pretty perfect, but I just don't see it working. So I guess I'll see if it works. Oh yeah, guys isn't this quite the look out for the day material right here, yep totally Sep, not at all yeah. I see it's flakes falling out right here, so we're not gon na count this little bit into whether or not this actually works. So it's almost time to take it off so we'll see if it works. Not I'm really not expecting much, though. Okay, I think it's been about long enough, so I'm gon na take this off we'll see if it did anything, probably not, though still wet, which could have seen that coming. So we're really not gon na be able to get a good read on that yet feels pretty smooth, but I think it would have anyway just for being wet switch. Hands, switch your hands shirt, it's also still pretty different, so it's dry. So I guess we go check back in, however long it takes it to dry, yeah being in my hair, takes forever to dry, it's very absorbent, so it also looks really dark when it's wet. So I look like I have to share hair right now. That'S why I did not cover it. Let'S just tell what it looks like when it's wet, so I guess I'll be back later. Okay, if I reread the article apparently you can let it air dry or you can blow-dry it. So I don't trust my hair to air dry. It never goes well for me. If I let it air dry, it just turns out into a frizzy poofy mess and I'd rather not have to re wash it just to redo it the right way. So I'm just gon na go ahead and blow-dry it, but supposedly, according to the article, even if you blow dry you're supposed to like feel a difference in how smooth and silky your hair feels I'm still calling VF. But it's gon na feel any different than it does the other day, but I'm gon na blow drying it and we'll see if there is any discernible difference or if I just wasted my time. Okay, so it's all dried now I mean I didn't blow dry, but I mean it doesn't look any different than it ever does much just blow dried it just it is what it is, but if anything it may feel the tiniest bit softer. Sorry I was like wait: is there a dog poop in the shot? No there's not I'm looking at danger. It made me the tiniest bit softer than if I have towel dried it first other than that. I have not really seen any difference. This is generally just how it looks, but it's been blow-dried, it's kind of frizzy and poofy. So it's still it's frizzy thing. This is but for taking a straight iron or straight on your it's. That would be disingenuous to do that and then claim: oh yeah, how they wear it now, I'm not gon na do that. This is how it looks. So it is what it is. It can't hurt to at least try it. If you think you want to try the t-shirt trick, but I mean do I really think it made much of a difference. I don't think so at least not with my hair. Maybe if you have naturally smooth or sleeker hair, maybe it makes a difference, but mine is naturally pretty coarse and it's naturally poorly frizzy like if I lean in you can see it's still all kinds of frizzy, even with doing that so and if I had let It just totally air dry. It would be out to about here right, though, because that's what he does not sounds like I'm not gon na trust it to just air dry on its own. It does not do well when I do that, so this is all I did so not much help oh well, so it was worth a shot to at least try it, but sorry guys. I don't think this one was much of a winner other than maybe maybe making it a tiny bit softer. I don't really think it even did that, so you can try it if you want to, but I don't think it really is gon na make a difference for you.

Lacie May: Letting it down that soon and the brushing alone ruined the wavy/ curly look. Feel like the T-shirt thing is meant to more so dry overnight for curls. And if your hair takes a while to dry means it’s thirsty and should try as much moisturizing hair products as possible.

Bleam 42: It's called Plopping and it's really meant to be used for curly or wavy hair. I even sleep in mine and it just keeps the curls/waves from being flattened. Curly girls never brush or even comb their hair after you just sort of use your fingers to style your hair. Curly hair also frizzes worse so maybe that makes a difference.

Mellie The MUA: You have to scrunch your hair with gel before you put it in the t-shirt

Jolene Nichols: My hair gets frizzy all the time ugh and even when I straighten it sometimes it does it ..

christina otter: Yeah I say it didn't work. My hair air drys well. I probably won't try it

Tahj Jasmine: Smile look like Daniel bregoli

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