Women'S Spiky, Short Hairstyles : Short Hair Tips

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Women's spiky, short hairstyles are ones that you can create right at home given the opportunity. Find out about women's spiky, short hairstyles with help from a professional makeup artist and hairstylist in this free video clip.

Expert: Michelle Dittrich

Filmmaker: Patrick Russell

Series Description: You always need to take your hair length into consideration when picking out a style to wear. Find out about great short hair tips with help from a professional makeup artist and hairstylist in this free video series.

Hi, I'm Michele Dietrich and today I'm going to show you spiky stylist, wear with short hair. So one of the most important things I guess is to have a haircut that will lend itself easily to spike eNOS. That means kind of a thinning out of the ends. So that you can get a great spike, if you will something that is conical in shape. So what we're doing with kristina is applying a pomade, and you want to kind of just start pulling at the roots, not pulling bayoneting, giving a little a little umph at the roots and twisting the ends to get that spike. Enos, like you, can really start going there and remember, with a pomade tend to have like some wax product to it, so, depending on how much you warm it up is how malleable it will be. So you want to make sure if you want it to stay. Put you're going to apply a little bit more ticularly at the root or, if you want it to kind of relax, you can keep warming it up and pushing it down, but nonetheless it's going to be spiky by the twisting you pull at the ends as well As by the haricot that you start with so show you today how to do a spiky look with short haircut, but remember your haircut as well as your technique matters. So if you'd like to view more from my portfolio, go to Michelle Dietrich com,

Jazzyjace007: Terrible, that's why I never ask a hairdresser/barber to spike my hair - they haven't got a clue! Yes, I may take 20 mins to get the electric shock look, but at least a lot of TLC went into that.

I: Wow. Now I know what it's like to style short hair while high on Oxycontin.

OgoPogo: why are so many hairdressers clueless about how to style hair?

Bella Sverre Harrell: She is so drunk it's hilarious.

Flower GemsGirl: LMAO....slurred speech, wacky hand movements, did she sniff too much perm developer???

Susan McDermott: meth anyone?

Trab Ali: shes drunk. the only thing that got spiked is her drink!

Mojo Jeinxs: What pills did she take before this video?

Joanne Owens: Nope...she did not achieve what she set out to do! Ridiculous video

Lady in RED 🇺🇲: Wtf?!

patricia clarke: She;s totally pissed.

PiccoloVegeta97: What the fuck is this

Veronikka: Epic fail

Wanda Clark: She's stoned

Twink Dealer: Wasted/high much?

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