Highlighting Short Cuts| How To Highlight A Short Cut

  • Posted on 15 September, 2019
  • Short Hair
  • By Anonymous

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Hey crystal here from elite haircare, USA. So today my client got a retouch relaxer on her short hair and we are actually going to be adding some emphasis and just doing a little bit of highlights. In her crown, I decided to use the frosting cap method, which you can use this method on short hair, or you can also use the regular foiling method or you can just freehand it. I decided to do the frosting cap only because I just wanted it to have that that not so placed look now. She only did a retouch relaxer, so I am actually only going to be doing the frosting to basically all of the free ends of her hair right now, I'm not saying you can't do relaxer and color in the same day, you definitely can but once again make Sure that this is done by a professional guys, I do not recommend doing any type of chemical services at home. This is more for just reference and educational purposes, so you guys could actually see what some possibilities are. You know just kind of enhance your look. A little bit now, I did her relaxer earlier this morning. The lightener that I'm using is the pure light cream Lightner, which is a coconut oil-based Lightner. That does also help with protecting the hair and just it's a gentle Lightner and then, of course, i'm doing it with a low and slow method. So I used a very low volume developer to do this. Why? Because the hair is already porous, it won't need any 30 and 40, and sometimes not even 20 volume to do this and she'll actually lift within about 1 to 5 minutes guys. So this is like, I said something that I do not recommend doing at home whatsoever. Most manufacturers - don't even you know, stress using it on relaxed hair whatsoever because relaxed hair is already porous, but my client comes to me every two weeks faithfully. Her hair is in great condition. That is the reason why we decided to just get a little emphasis on her hair by adding a couple highlights. So what I'm doing right now is through the hair that I'm going to highlight I'm also combing through the hair, because what happens is when you're, using the little needle, it sometimes likes to pull some of the hair and not all of the hair. So I used the little comb just to make sure that everything was detangled. Everything was in place that kind of thing, and I didn't have any loops or knots or mats or anything anywhere in the hair that I'm actually going to be covering with Lightner. So once your are done with the frosting portion or pulling through the hair for the frosting portion at this point, it's kind of like a waiting game so for her. She just wanted a mixture of honey blonde. Were they very, very I'm not gon na, say a Hylas blonde like a very bright blonde or white, but I'm gon na give her a mixture of the two. But I actually am NOT trying to give her a mixture of the two, but because I know that her hair is already porous. It sometimes happens that way, which is, I don't want to say it happens by accident, but sometimes it does so. It comes out really really pretty but, like I said, this is something that I highly recommend. This is only done by a professional guys. Keep this in mind that you are really. You really have to know what you're doing when you're doing stuff like this. So that's the reason why I use the cream Lightner, because it is a more gentle lightener. I don't use things like BW that kind of stuff. I really call those liquid Lightner cracks because they'll lighten anything, but I wanted to make sure that I was also protecting the hair and just some added insurance. That'S the reason why I use the cream Lightner versus the powder Lightner. So it looks like cottage cheese, but it is a very gentle light nerve and it protects the hair. It leaves the hair, nice and shiny, and it does not dry out the actual cuticle, which is exactly what I was going for when you have a relaxer. The worst thing you can do is just create an environment for added dryness. So if you notice her hair is actually already turning or changing or lifting. Why? Because it's porous guys and it's not even because I just relaxed her - I only relaxed her new growth, which was less than a quarter of an inch. So we've already molded her and dried her I'm using a little bit of the first hammer and shine serum just to add some more shine to the hair, to you know create that luster and just make it look very, very pretty that's the end of the day And also as I added heat protectant as well, so you guys will get to see her color in just a moment. But I am gon na be using my half inch flat iron to curl her and then I'll be using the 1 inch h2 Pro so curl. Her as well, so I want you guys to take note of her mold. I always say mold your client in the direction that you plan on starting her, so she is molded exactly how we're gon na start hurt with this side. We'Re not gon na. Do a lot of curl, we really were just kind of giving her a bump, but for the sides in the back I always kind of do what we call a slide curl, because I know that that area goes flat very very quickly. So if you give that slight curl, it will still give her the illusion, even when it goes flat and she has some sort of curl guys. I never leave the area flat, all my clients only because guess what if you come to the salon, you need to look like you actually came to the salon. Ok, ok, so you guys could just kind of watch the process and then you'll get a chance to see the finished product of our highlighting in the front and on her crown and then don't forget to subscribe to my channel, don't forget to leave a thumbs up Behind before you go and then, if you've ever gotten any type of color service, that kind of thing - or maybe you were thinking about getting a color service, saying you like this color service comment down below, give me some of your feedback. Let me know what you've done to your hair and then other than that guys, don't forget to check out all the other videos on my channel. Ok, oh and just to add a reminder, any type of products that you guys hear me mention that is an elite product. You actually can save 15 % off by using code youtube' and going to my website, delete haircare, usa.com, okay, kudos, okay guys, so we have. Finally, reached the area of where we had our frosting done on her hair, if you notice her hair is actually what we call a honey brown with a little bit of blonde in there as well. Now I toned her after I did her lightening process because I didn't want too much orange in there and as when. We have we're working with like level 1 level, 2 level, 3 type hair, which is black brown. Typically, you pull more orange or copper because you have to deal with the underlying pigments, so I actually made that work for her because she didn't want a high lift color and then I went back and toned her with a darker Brown just to kind of tone. It down just a little, and I also used a little bit of no orange shampoo, but I think it's my finola to get rid of some of that brassiness or copper or orange, which is what most people would describe it as so. It really worked out really really well. I actually loved the way her hair came out. She loved it. I loved there. Everyone in the salon was like, oh, that is so pretty that is so pretty and I'm actually using the flat iron on 325 degrees just to flat out in the front of her hair. Why? Because guys keep in mind, this is a color service on relaxed hair. So you can't really use a lot of high heat and then I want you guys to also take note of her root area. So if you look at her roots, it has a beautiful feathering, it doesn't have a hard line and that's the reason why I try to stay away from foiling short hair, because I want it to just look unplaced more natural, I'm more like a flow instead of Just foiling it out and just giving her the typical weave or something like that. So that was the reason why I use the frosting cap so for my status out there, not because the frosting cap seems a little old school, it still has a great effect. On short, hair, so definitely use it to your advantage and it allows you to do multiple colors if wanting without having to try to differentiate and foil out this and foil out that you can actually do that right through the frosting cap. So definitely try it out. My fellow stylist, my fellow professionals, you guys know, I'm only talking to the professionals for that one, but this is an option to you guys who are clients, or maybe you want some emphasis in your hair. You don't have to be as bold as hers. You can actually taper it down, so don't ever think that color has to be always be very bold. You can cater it to your lifestyle and your outlook on how you want your hair, guys so definitely use this for emphasis next time, when you decide that you want to add some spunk to your short cut, ask for a frosting service. Ask for some highlights, ask for something like that and just pick out the color that is best for your skin tone. Alright, my beauties. Thank you guys once again for watching and don't again don't forget to subscribe to my channel have a great one. Guy is be easy:

Sheryl Bentley: You laid her hair! The retouch relaxer,the bomb. The frosting,the bomb. The cut,and the curls,the bomb. You can tell her hair was very healthy. Keep on doing what you do,Hair Goddess

Lady Vee Vee: Her hair looks fabulous. I sure wish my hair looked that stylish.

AC McGowan: The instructor is a blessing. Hang on in there with the ladies and teach them to take care of their hair. God bless you. Your a God send. Just excellent.

lady shay: I think that's the best laid down short cut I've seen because her hair is full.. I just love the cut.. Beautiful work

Nora Mohamed: Hair is nice. Not crazy about the placement of the color

A Young: That is beautiful as always her hair came out really nice

Black Beauty: You always do a beautiful job on your clients hair!!

Ragan Grasso: Love this video She slayed this woman's hair!

Dec. gyrrl: Her hair looks beautiful❤! I just love it!

Shamicka White: The color came out beautiful

*DIVVA41* wallace: Aww this is CUTEI love short hair styles mine is even shorter

eyecan8: Outstanding skills, & knowledge of hair! She looks fabulous darling!

Jean Grinston: She look like she's so happy and I enjoy looking at you doing her because I go to the hairdresser myself.

bette rogers: Her hair looks great

Tricia JACKSON: You did that...love it

LaWanda: Flawless. Just beautiful.

Valeria Hawkins: That’s beautiful

Lorraine Neal: Beautiful love it

Thais Goodwin: That is so beautiful

magnoliasimoneau10: That looks so amazing I wish I could get you to do my hair , Every time I try to go somewhere to get it did it's gray and too many people don't like the fool with it .

Elaine FMN 🇵🇷: Oooh that style is I wish our loved out there in Florida ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hope Mcgettian: Great color did you use 10 vol. For her hilites?

T.P. Anderson: Kickin' knowledge- more moisture for a relaxer.

Darlene Tillman: You did it again ❤️❤️

Tina Jenkins: I love that color it pretty look great on her

Dr. G.S.: How long should i leave the Bleach before shampoo And put the Ash color, i haré the Orange tone When you take the Bleach tío early. Thank you

Enits Dickerson: Beautiful ! Grul, you better stop ❤️ it.

Lurleen Francis: Beautiful,.

Santras Smith: NICE hair look GRREAT you are AWESOME !

Carlett Jones: Beautiful

Ingrid Davis: Girl this is sharp that’s is what I want but I don’t have a lot of hair in he front op of my head

Peggy Thomison: Crystal, The Gifted Hand @ Large.. Beautiful!!

Robertine Lipscomb: Awesome

Dr. G.S.: Hello. I dont like When the hair bleaches And looks Orange. How much time should i live the Bleach bcause i want It on the blond side. Oh, should i Bleach first then put the blond color ir should i mix them. Im going to do Slim strands on the front using the Pintura method. Please help me. Thank you And Blessed be

christa stamp: Why do you leave a big part in the back? Comb that crown out.

Sharon Byrd: U can do this @ home. They sell highlights stuff at store

Martha Thomas: Should just left the black in the way it was

Imogen Desmond: Can u do perms

Brooke Forehand: Looks chunky and spotted not good placement too much in one spot

Sherry Waters:

Sharon Byrd: Ur frosting it??? The other videos u only talk n the beginning. This is educational I guess. 90% of women don't do their own hair anyways at home. I do mine

Tk: Sorry but it looks dreadful. The hair is too dark and the highlites way to orange. no no no

Martha Thomas: The color dont fit her skin tone sorry but thats my opinion

michelle harris: Should’ve bumped it more and lined her up ‍♀️ but nice

Felicia Cat: The bleach looks terrible

Geraldine M. Spencer-Smith: Hey Crystal

Mary Lee: I'm a new subscriber where are you located?

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