How To | Long Layered Haircut | Tutorial | Classic Haircuts

  • Posted on 21 October, 2021
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Today's video is a Long Layered Haircut. This is such a classic go to haircut for so many clients in the salon and I show you guys how I go about achieving this look!




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0:00 - Intro

0:21 - Sectioning

2:12 - Perimeter Cutting

6:30 - Layers

12:50 - Side Perimeter

14:55 - Side Layers

18:40 - Blending

19:49 - Checking Front Perimeter

20:05 - Face Framing

25:00 - Cross Checking Face Framing

26:13 - Point Cutting/Blending

31:50 - Finished Cut

32:53 - Outro

Hey everyone welcome to my channel i'm summer for those who are new today, i'm going to be doing a long, layered haircut tutorial a long layered haircut is probably the most common haircut in salon and i'm going to show you guys how i go about creating that Look on my own clients in the salon to get enough movement and shape in the hair without being too much. So let's get started. Okay, so the first thing we're gon na do is do some nice sections. Sectioning is key for any good haircut, even with something like as simple or basic is the long layered haircut, but section is key. So what i like to do first, is just take my first section right around the ear i kind of like to do it kind of right along the tip, as close as you can give, or take, and just pull that forward and then clip up into place And then we're going to repeat on the other side, do the same thing right around the tip of their ear: pull it forward twist and clip all right. So what i like to do is have my client kind of position, their head forward, a little bit really just when you're doing from the occipital bone down. It kind of just helps with the way the hair lays and then what i like to do with my layered haircuts. Really, actually any haircut is to do my back. Sectioning i'll just first go right down the middle and bring the hair kind of over to the side and take my sections off of that. It just makes it cleaner and easier to move section to section so clip up my first one here. It just keeps the hair kind of neat and in its place versus like, if it's all just down and you're, just taking random pieces and throwing them up, it gets a little messy um and then you kind of constantly are having to go in and replace make Sure the line is there and whatnot, so i just think it keeps it cleaner this way and then i'm actually going to take off a little bit of length um just because the mannequin head always needs like a good haircut. So again have them angle their head down a little bit and then we're gon na take off another good like inch and a half two inches actually all right and then again, because we already have this nice, like two sectioned off parts, we're just gon na. Take our next sub section. I don't like to go more than like a half inch um. You don't want to take it too thick to where you can't see your guide. So i just like to go in like half inch sections up through until i get to the top of the head and then we're going to comb down, see how easily you can see the line there and cut, even if you get to where, like you're having A harder time seeing your line, what you can always do is just flip the hair up. So that way, it gives you a better idea if you're having a difficult time, but again, that's why you just want to take small sections, and you avoid ever having to do that and then one thing i like to do as i move up section to section. Just to make sure my perimeter is even i'll, take the corner pieces and have them meet in the middle just to make sure that they're lining up all right. Now we can just adjust her head to move up ever so slightly and we'll keep moving up the head and then again just every so often check to make sure that your two corner pieces are lining up and nice and even and then just continue up to The very top until you get all the hair cut so once i've gotten through all of the back. What i'll do again is i'll check here, bring those two pieces forward, make sure they're even and then sometimes i'll, still just bring everything like back completely. So you can tell whether or not if that middle section is even, but it looks good, so we're gon na move into layering. Now, okay, so now that i've cut the back length um the perimeter before you move into layering, you can either do one of two things. You can either layer the back or you can go in and cut your perimeter on the sides i like to personally just layer, the back. So that's how i'm going to be showing you guys today, but you can have to cut the sides if you want. First, i just like to keep the sides clipped up because it just keeps the hair out of the way. So there's no like intermingling so to speak of your sections. It just keeps it nice and clean. So to take my first section in the back. What i like to do essentially, is just kind of go down the middle of the head for my first little layer section. So what i'll do is i'll go right outside the center of the middle push that hair forward over the client's shoulder do the same on the other side out of the way, and then i like the finer side of my comb to start out on the bottom. First, really just so, it pulls that hair, nice and taut. So i comb through a few times. Sometimes i come through a lot of times. It just depends, but we're gon na go just straight out. Try to let all that weight on the bottom fall out of your section. First, just so, you keep a nice not like heavy but enough weight here that there's no holes so i'll show you guys one more time. Okay, so we're gon na pull out nice and tight. Let that hair fall out and then you can see my little guide here, sort of where it's shorter and then we're just going to cut along that line, so bring it out and cut and then you're just going to go same thing. I like to kind of flip my comb just so we're getting all the hair pulled nice and evenly finer side to really get it pulled, taut, bring it up, let that last section fall and cut and then you're going to move into your top, bring it up. Let all that hair fall and cut, and then you're just going to move on to whichever side you prefer. First, it doesn't really matter. I'M just going to go to my next section so again take about an inch for your next little section. Keep that hair going forward and then just bring in from your one piece or from the middle. I should say comb through finer end of your comb, pull out, let all that bottom drop and then cut bring it up, cut. Okay! So now that i'm to this last corner piece right here by the ear, a lot of clients don't have as much hair in the front of their head than they do in the back. So usually with this last little bit of the back section. Instead of bringing it straight out, i like to angle it back more, so just so you're keeping a little bit more weight and length at the bottom. You can pull it straight out if you want and cut. I just personally always feel like. It looks a little too choppy for a long, layered haircut. That'S why i like to just bring it angled back and the beauty of that is. You can always go back in and cut more if you want to, but i feel like this is just your safest best way to go about doing it, where you're not jeopardizing the thickness or weight that your client does or doesn't have so you're going to bring It up and away more so keep it at an angle, and then i like to kind of just cut up with my angle and then bring it up and closer towards that middle back and cut okay and then we're gon na do the same thing. On the other side, so again i'll take sort of another like middle parting here and then bring all this hair forward just to try to keep it out of the way you can clip it. If you want um, if they have a lot of hair, sometimes that's easier, so i'm just going to lightly do that to show you guys and then again finer teeth at the bottom just so you get a lot of good tension on that hair. Pull it out. Let that bottom fall out, see your guide and cut and then the thing to remember with your long layered haircut, it's a simple classic haircut. You don't have to overthink it. It'S a great haircut to really kind of get you in practice of taking good sectioning and then again you want to flip your comb from time to time, just so you're getting the finer end pulling that hair, nice and taunt and just go along and follow your Guide, the long layered haircut, it's a simple haircut, you don't have to overthink it it's easy to flow through the hair, bring it out. Let that guide fall and cut, and again now that we're at this little corner piece here, we're gon na instead of bringing it out, bring it up and away okay and then final thing. Now that we've cut our layers in the back. What i like to do is just kind of go along the top section here. You can just split it with your comb or fingers, and i like to just bring everything up to make sure your top section is, for the most part. Even and then you just want to cut any pieces that might be a little longer. We just have this little piece right here and just blend that in all right and now we're going to move on to our sides. Okay, so now that we have our back cut we're moving on to cut the perimeter of the sides, i don't ever like to go in just pull it down and try to follow this guide. What ends up happening? You either don't cut a straight line or you take too much out or too little out so comb. It down, grab your clip and create a little subsection. I do it similar to how i do when i'm cutting the perimeter in the back like half inch size, sub sections just so you're moving clean and you're not like messing anything up, it's just easier to do it this way and then we're gon na just pull It down and then we're just gon na, follow that line and cut all right and take another sub section about half inch. Now, if your client has like super fine hair, you can sometimes get away with just doing in one big clump. But if that's not like baby fine hair, always do the sub sections for our last piece see even that is kind of a little thick. But you can still easily see through your line and, like i said you can always flip up your comb a little bit to find your guide. If, let's say you lose it, but i can see it there all right and now we're going to put on our layers. Okay, so now that we're going to cut our layers and on the sides i'm gon na, do it the same way. I did this last little corner piece. I don't like to bring it straight out, so i just again finer tooth side kind of at the bottom at first just to get a little bit of tension there and we're gon na go up and away at an angle, and then i like to just like Cut up with my angle and then move it slightly higher up and away and cut that top line, and we're just going to do. The next section make sure you've got good tension and then go up and away cutting at an angle. And then we're going to take our last piece going all the way back nice and tight and cut, and then i usually like to just kind of do it one more time, maybe not so far back, but just all the way straight up and cut. Maybe any little hairs that are sticking out and then we'll leave it for now and after we do the layers on this other side, then we'll talk about face framing in the front all right and then we're gon na again take our sub section. We don't wan na just pull all the hair down and cut comb down, see your guide and cut next section all right. So now that we have cut her perimeter, we're going to layer the same way as the other side, we're going to be pulling up and away nice tight tension and then cut up at that angle. Take the next section pulling nice and taut up and away, and then for that last piece i like to really over direct it back and again, i just go back through a little bit, bringing it more so straight up cutting off any of those top guys. Okay, so now that i have pretty much all the layers cut before moving on to face framing what i like to do is just kind of go across like the very top layer, i'm just gon na pull everything up and then anything. That'S in this middle area. Just cut then we're gon na do the same with the front, bring it all the way up and then just cut whatever is just at the very tip of that middle section cut it and then, if we need to just repart it if the hair gets out Of place with that, okay, and so now, what i like to do is just go in and check you can either. If you're, like, looking in the mirror with your client, pull pieces forward to the middle and see where they line up or you can come stand directly in front of your client and check that way, so that's just what i'm going to do really quick to make Sure her perimeter is even on both sides before moving into the face framing so usually the face framing pieces and a long layered haircut. The clients typically want them to be long enough that they can pull them back into a ponytail. So you're not wanting like this super defined like layered layer, layered. Look you just want it to kind of soften up this weight here around their face, so i usually will take a parting where it's right in front of the ear and kind of pull the rest back and just clip it out of the way i'm going to Do the same thing on the other side, so what i usually do is i'll we'll take the hair, take the very front piece and kind of pull it back to where it meets like if she was going to do a ponytail up top on her head and Where that is kind of make note with it, and then i will just kind of take my section and just sliver down with it to create my first guide and then what i'm going to do is just match up this other front piece with it. So what i try to do basically is just match up these pieces here and kind of do a similar angle and meet in the middle best, as you can alright, so i've taken my next section, i'm gon na come over, see the guide and just sliver down. You do want the hair to be quite damp when doing the front pieces so respray. If you need to and then we're going to take one more section: pull down. You'Re gon na pull the hair down, see your guide and then sliver and usually the very last piece is easy, just to kind of point cut into it and then we're going to match up on the other side. So again we have our guide here. You can either sliver down. I just kind of come up at an angle like this, with it, starting from the longest point and just work my way up to it. Now we have our next section we're gon na. Do the same thing. Follow that guide. You can even see where the shorter hair is right there a little bit and then just angle up into it, and then we have our last piece and just see all that just point cut it in and then usually what you can do after that is i'll. Take a little bit like right at the ear point again i'll do a small section, and then i just like to lightly bring it forward and i feel like it helps you meet any marks that are out and just lightly point cut that and then take your Next little section bring it all forward. You'Re, going to angle your finger and just cut this little bit this out, not trying to like create a whole new layer, you're, basically just checking and blending in you're gon na do the same thing. On the other side, part kind of right at her ear, take your section, bring it forward. You'Re going to twist to angle and just cut that hair that's out, and then we can also do for the sides. You can just kind of lightly bring the hair forward. If you want to to to kind of blend it in so another way, you can also check for your front layers. If you want to get really detailed. What i like to do is i'll again just do a small parting and you're going to bring everything up and over as far as you can and just cut out the little hair that's left out. I just find it kind of really like evens. If there's any little pieces sticking out, especially for face framing it just blends it in nice - and sometimes you don't need to - but it's just a nice way to double check. Okay, so now that we have her cut everywhere, what i'm gon na do is go ahead and get her styled, and then i'm gon na check through to see if we need to do any more point, cutting anywhere any texturizing just to blend everything in and then I'M also gon na curl, her too just so you can see it both straight and with some curls in there for the texture and movement. Okay. So now that we have her dry, what i like to do is go back in and i'll like point cut and blend and check my sections, and then i usually like to texturize just through the ends to soften it up and then i'll show you guys over Here, all right, so what i like to do is i'll just take some pieces out and i just like to point cut into them to just soften it up a little bit more and add some texture to it, see even that one. You can see the hair there that needs to get cut. You always want to make sure you're checking every single haircut you do and blending in maybe any spots that don't flow, and i personally like going through and point cutting at the end, almost every client just because it softens the ends a little bit and for some Hair types, it works better than like the actual thinning texturizing shears um. If you're gon na go to town with the texturizing shears, just always check with your client that they like that look and around the face. I still kind of will lightly bring it forward and down. You can see right. There needs to be cut just getting a little bit more shape to it. We'Re just going to continue checking all along. You can see all of that okay and then what i usually do for my very top layer. I will take my texturizing shears, i'm trying to show you guys. Sometimes you get a little bit of a weight line depending on how high up you bring the hair or how thick or not your client's hair is in hair is a little thick. Then i'm just gon na go in and soften that line. I just i don't like to ever go in straight across at the horizontal i like to angle my hands it just softens, so you don't leave any like possible teeth marks um you never want to just go in and straight up cut a hard line. I always still like to like kind of essentially point cut with my texturizing shears now. Obviously, if your client has like super fine thin hair, you don't need to always do this, but i feel like most clients, if they're not like real thin or fine. I always end up doing a little bit of the actual texturizing, with my thinning shears, i'm just in general, big on dry cutting. I feel, like you, have a little bit more control and can see a little bit better how the hair is laying or where you need to either take out weight or not take out weight versus when it's wet. That'S why i like, i don't like doing really wet cuts and they leave wet just because there's always something you've got to go back in and critique and fix um. So at my salon we don't even offer a like wet cut option. You get a blow dry and style so that way we can perfect any imperfections that are in there or mistakes, because once the hair is dry, it lays completely different than wet so yeah that softened it up a little bit more. Where you see much more of a blend, okay, so now that i've gone through and texturized everywhere, i'm just gon na go through and just check the length again kind of bend down. If you need to with your clients, obviously in the chair, they you can pump them up or down, but um yeah. She looks good okay, so we just have a nice long, layered haircut we've got a little bit of texture and movement in there. Her shortest piece comes to about right there. So the long layered haircut you just want some nice movement to it. Nothing too crazy, um just to really blend in everywhere. Let me show you the sides, i'm also going to curl it. So you can see what it looks like curled as well. Okay, so this is the long layered haircut curled. The curling always gives a little bit more texture and movement to it. Curling always does that with any hairstyle, but i wanted you guys to be able to see it straight and curled just so. You can see what it looks like in both ways. The long layered haircut is a simple classic haircut. It'S low maintenance, you don't want a ton of layers just enough to kind of soften the hair and break it up and take out some weight without it being too much for people. Key tips of this haircut sectioning is key. You want to really do nice clean sections. It'S going to help. You keep your guide where you can always see it, moving from section to section and layering to layering, no more than half inch sub sections when you're cutting your perimeter and always just take your time. If you feel like you're over doing something, just slow down, take a little bit smaller of a section and keep going, i like to flip my comb back and forth from the fine teeth to the wider teeth, so that way, you're really getting even tension all throughout The hair and just remember to keep cutting along the guideline if you're new to doing hair practice, makes perfect i'll link the mannequin below to where you can get them. I just bought them on amazon, so, if you feel like you need help, get a mannequin out copy. My steps in this video of how i do my long layered haircuts and i hope that i was able to help anybody out who was looking for some extra tips, leave a comment below. If you guys have any questions, i would be happy to answer them and i hope you guys enjoyed the video and i'll see you next week.

Stacey Here We Grow Again: This was a great video and I really appreciate it. I've been looking for a long layered haircut like this. So pretty and low maintenance. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Bella Vita: I’m not even a hairdresser and I love these videos It just it’s looks like a precise haircut thank you!

Shaz Mirshahi: you teach so well you're almost putting the rest of us out of business but that's okay it's all about accurate conscientious and effective teaching that yields results and you are it girl

donna yeager: So many hairdressers do not section the hair for cutting now. I have had bad cuts because of it. My hair is very thick. I wear it long now even though I let it go gray, and cut it myself almost exactly like you did this cut. I will refine my cuts thanks to you!

LOST WITHOUT YOU: Educational, informative, enjoyable and fun tutorial. Thanks for all your hard work

IRIS YAJAIRA BENFORD: Absolutely love this channel!!!!! Can you do a video on how to do the long hair cascade layers we see every where lately?? Would love to learn how to do those!! You are super talented!!!!!

Robert Banyaga: I love your videos! I just found them! The way you share your techniques in such a easy, natural way, just like we’re hanging out in the salon. Your camera angles, music and editing are also super awesome! Thanks for all your hard work you put in to your channel!

Anna Gonzales: Thank you for your tutorial! Love the HairCut Love your step by step instructions.

Angela Hagood: I just found your channel! Great tutorial. Love how you emphasize cross checking! Can you show how you curl the hair sometime? Fabulous job!

jaqueline castro: I absolutely love your hair cutting videos. So easy to understand !!

Evil Munky: I love that cut, I've always had my hair layered and no one that I know of, within a 100 mile radius of me does hair like you do! I've never had them go over it dry to make sure they didn't miss anything! I wish I could find a good stylist, my hair is in need of a good haircut!!

Nancy Barroso: Thanks so much for this excellent video step by step tutorial, I was able to cut my daughters hair with it.

Carol: Love love love this video. Very instructional, excellent!!!

deana mcdonald: This such a wonderful cutting tutorial ❤️

Charlie Allin: You do the hair cut so well. I love it.

Nicole Gaulin: This was so soothing for me to watch haha I love haircut videos and it makes me wanna go to school to learn how to do it lol. thanks for the great vid

js17lt: Very precise technic, love it, thank you so much !

Lisa Swords: Hi, Summer!! Great video as always! ❤️ I am 54 and want to try and let my hair grow out, just to try something different from the same old look, which is a bob right now. Any advice on how to do this and suggestions for the growing process?? Thank you!!

IreneH: Well I took a chance and followed this video to cut my 32 year old’s waist long, curly hair and it came out GREAT. Thank you so much for sharing your skills!

Tatiana Francis: Perfeitooo!

jack locca: I am NOT a hairstylist. I did this on my 10 year old who has straight hair all around the hairline and wavy hair everywhere else. This cut worked out great!!! Thank you!!!

Jeanette Butler: Thank you for sharing your professionalism to share. I became a Cosmetologist in Florida many years ago, however, he divorced. So I went back to PM. and 6th day worked at the Salon booth rent. This was another art to me. I am now retired, but I love to learn more. Thank you,

TheFarkhondeh: Thank you ,great class,great explanation . I love ❤️ the way you had the camera working With your hands and your mouth,every detail was covered. Very nice and useful Thank you .

Deedee: I love your precision cutting!

Sunita Bhandari: It's been very helpful thank you so much ☺️

Adeilze Correia: Amei !

Nicole Patrick: Getting back into hair after a few years and I always create a hole in the sides if I cut up like this. Any advice besides dropping the bottom ?

Kerry Hill: Great long layered cut. I love your style too. You don’t have the same face framing though ...I prefer that! Thanks for sharing ⭐️

Donna Hartzman: Hi-just love your tutorials ❤️ when point cutting- do you always go back in at same angles you cut layers? Thank you

Krista Hoyt: Love this ! Can you please do a pixie cut tutorial

Pressed Pretty Salon: And THAT ladies & gents is what you call a hair cut Excellent work!

Gypsy Morrison: Thank you for video tutorial ,, I’m not a hairdresser myself but with your teaching make it easier for me to layer my own hair ,, ,, comb it down,, section hair,, follow that length and cut omg with your tutorial video sounds I got this ,, thank you,, oh and you are so Beautiful

T. S.: Absolutely beautiful!!!

nicole gregory: YES!!! Love Dry cutting. I feel it’s a necessity . Excellent!!

SaltyChips: I’m a barber student but to my surprise they have taught more womens cuts than men. I actually enjoy cutting with scissors and have 2 daughters so it can’t hurt to learn. I’m about to give my sister a layer cut which is how I stumbled on your video. Thank you and you are absolutely gorgeous! I noticed you weren’t wearing a ring

LinnyStew: Beautiful cut and curl! ❤️Would you be able to show how you curled her hair? What styling tool did you use?

Monyonia Scott: I love that ur thoroughly descriptive… how would one do this in their own head tho lol if that is even possible?? I’m afraid to try myself but every time I got to salon to have them layer my hair I can say they haven’t lifted high like this in awhile and I’ve been getting it layered for years so I know when watching if they are laying correctly. But I’d live to learn this on myself if it’s possible.. I’ve seen others do it but urs is more thorough and I love the result!! Either way thanks and Rick on girl ur great at this!!

Chun huang: Love it,I will try it for my sister.

Bonnet Phan: I'm not a hairdresser but love watching your videos.

maria dimaki: that corner piece that you mention,is what makes aaall the difference.I had a bad haircut,cause I do have fine hair and now I m struggling to get it back in shape.I would love for you to do my haircut but I would love to see how to do this haircut to me.Very clean cut video.Congrats.Blue looks so good on you btw

Christine Hartung: Thank you for all of your videos! I am asking because I am trying to learn…I was taught to angle my finger up like a V when layering, but I noticed that you angled your fingers down. Does it make a difference whether my fingers are angled up or down?

Rosanna Estay: Very nice I love it! ❤️

Esmeralda Ibarra: Love,love, love your videos as a cosmetology student your videos really help! it keeps me motivated :))

Wendy: New subscriber absolutely love this haircut I wish I could have found a hairdresser like you before my hair got ruined they messed up in the front of my hair is so choppy

Chris-Tina V: Now I’m feeling ready to risk it all to attempt doing this in my own hair

Kim W.: Beautiful job! Immaculate really <3

LILIANA ESTEPHANIA GALLARDO LUJANO: My sis cut my hair following you tecnique, and we liked the results, thanks for sharing your knowledge

Pat Hollan: I love the way you cut hair! Can you video your personal haircut? I love it!

D K: For us non hairdressers can you define "short" layers and "long" layers?

Laxmi Vaghela: Thankyou very much for this class

Katayoun Ghotb: The most complete hair cut tutorial I've ever seen. Thank you very much!! Can you please let me know where your hair salon is ??? I would definetly need that hair cut.

Mona Stapleton: Nice tutorial...I'm a hairdresser of 34 years...this is a good basic long layer...but it makes my wrist/hand hurt watching how she cuts with her thumb

lisa ljc: Question: how would this cut look on super curly hair?? I have long, past my shoulders, super curly 3-c hair. It's all one length now but I so want something different! Some movement might be nice but my curl texture is so strong and the shrink factor is huge, so iim leary of going shorter with layers caz it springs up so much, which I hate! I always blow it out straight now, and the length and weight make that do-able without too much difficulty. Guess I'm afraid of how hard it might be to deal with every day if I have layers. But, I am so ready for a changed up look! What do u suggest???

Shaz Mirshahi: you are a most gorgeous and effective instructor with attention to detail and extraordinarily beautiful lady with smooth and effectively phenomenal results that totally satisfy surprise and delight

Devontae Williams: New subscriber. I randomly came across your video. I enjoyed laying back watching this great job stay awesome.

Jerri Cantrell: I love your videos. Especially the long layer cut. In your video the part is in the center. What if I have a side part? Do I still cut with a center part?

Ani: Love your dress looking beautiful on you and love your cutting style will try on myself

sallyostling: I love how every stylist considers an inch and a half 3 inches in real life, lol. That first cut was not an inch and a half. Nice tutorial otherwise. Learned a lot.

Alla Mahdei: Very useful thank you so much

Indigo Wolf: Well I wish that you were my hair stylist. It's so hard when you go into a salon and you tell them what you want and you show the pictures and you explain it to them using the hair styling lingo and it still comes out something totally different. Maybe people should watch your videos. Because I've noticed that a lot of hair stylist they don't section your hair anymore they just grab those scissors and start cutting.

Emli Ganea: Very nice.You are so good.I like my hair to be cut like that.very detailed

Paola Gonsales: Love it ❤

Teresa Anguiano: Very good haircut and easy steps thank you very much

Mazzy Star: So a 0 in the back 2 sections and an overdirected 90 while letting the shorter pieces fall. Ur such a good teacher

Iryna Angelakos: Amazing. Very understandable.

Danielle Skari: Would the hair cut in the beginning for the back come out different if you cut it all even at once for the whole section and if yes how so?

Martha Averruz: Beautiful❤

Alex Rodríguez: Thank You Donna for teach us ..have Nice day

Netterz: I wish more then anything I could come out of my body so I could stand behind myself and follow your video to cut my own hair lmao


Teresa Caballes: Very nice and i do like to learn more.. Love to watch ur vedio..thanks for teaching

steph dsouza: So well explained. Could u please give us a Bob cut tutorial

Ashazaanali food & Vlog: Beautiful

Rachel Katherine: Hi summer I’m in cosmetology school and can you do a cut for butchered 90 degree mannequins. Idk if this makes since but I love your teaching!

Hilary's Fudge: Hi great video but how to do the shorter layers? especially around the face

Erika Romero: The best video , I'm still an apprentice. It's been very helpful..

Ahmed sabah 1985www: The video was a bit long, but it was useful as usual, by the way, your elegance dazzled me. I stole from you, and you stole my heart.

Guadalupe Herrera: Love it!!

Nina Carranza: Do you put any products before the blow dry? If so what do you recommend? New subscriber.. ❤

Марина Иванова: Спасибо вам.

florebelle MARTY: Very informative.. but kinda difficult to do on oneself. Please do tutorials how to cut layered hair on oneself please. Thank you

Nourey Ulta: I'm a cosmetology student. I want to know when you are cutting layers which degree you used?

JuJu Hughey: What’s the difference in making a guide for the layers at the crown vs doing them this way. So how would I do this and ask the client where they want the layer to fall? Maybe I’m confused. Thank you.

Alexie Alfaro: Thanks for the tutorial. Can you please share what brand scissors you use? Thanks

valentina boi: Questo è il taglio scalato più equlibrato perché non svuota in modo troppo la massa dei capelli , cosa che dovrebbe usare chiunque abbia clienti esigenti che hanno paura di tagliare troppo

Tito Estoque: I want to try the long layered hair cut for my chubby cheeks .,is it perfect for my face?☺️

LE: This is exactly how I want my hair to look but can’t find anyone to cut my hair this way. I am not a stylist. I am just a client in LA. Can you direct me to anyone out here please? I know you are in Central Florida otherwise I would go to your salon. Please help me locate someone out here if you can. Thank you for your great video! Even though I am not a pro I still enjoy them very much!

Lolita Roque: Wow love it mam Summer

cjw: What products do you recommend for thinning and hair loss, hair ?

Kelly Reinhold: I’ve never seen anyone put their entire thumb in the shears. Great cuts tho. Please make more cutting tutorials!

Hillary Stockard: Do you have any videos on short tapered layered haircuts? With the ears out or partial out?

Frances Lopez: You're great... back to work now but THANK YOU!

Ngun: My favorite long layer haircut.

T Nicholas: Hi Summer, really like you scissors!!! What are they? Looked in your description but not listed. Subscribed to ya channel

Champagne Agustin: May I know what hair color and dye you used? I’ve been wanting this kind of hair color but I couldn’t find the perfect shade btw, my hair is level 2-3 ish.

Olivia Yvette: New subscribers,love it!!!

Rashel Lopez: Where do you buy your manikins? i would love to know so I could practice more.

Aprille Violet: Beautiful layered hair cut and color of hair of client mannequin. Is the color like caramel?

Lorraine Noble: You are awesome,!, I wish you lived near me ! I am having a hard time finding a good hairdresser. Love, love you !❤

Ionel DRĂGAN: Thank You leidy... You are very good end naisley❤️

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