Winter + Fall 2015 Hair Color Trends Training!

  • Posted on 26 October, 2015
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Ready to learn the latest winter and fall 2015 hair color trends? Let Rebecca Gregory, our Education Director, show you the latest tips, tricks and techniques for creating these highly-sought after hair color trends!

This presentation is based on the inspiration found in our Ultimate Fall Hair Color Trends Guide Here:

Well, hello and welcome everyone. My name is Rebecca Gregory and I'm the technical and education director for simply organic beauty and with fall officially here here solana, soon to be hustling and bustling, with clients eager to try their new looks for the season. So luckily, the creative team, here at simply organic, put together an ultimate color trend. Guy and it'll, hopefully take the majority out of the guesswork and allow you to focus on creating the most memorable experience for you and your clientele. We have come up with some delicious names to some of these trends and I have some ideas as we move through each of them. Hopefully, as you start speaking to your clients about new trends for the season, you can adopt some of these names or even make up some more descriptive names to your trends too, so that when you're speaking to your clients, you can use really fascinating descriptors. For example, nail polish descriptors OPI does a great job of coming up with descriptive language for you that sound really appealing to your clients and they have better imagery when you do so just like. When you speak about wine and food, we have some really yummy words that we use with them, and sometimes this is what it takes in your consultation to take you to the next level and to really share everything with your clients, so that everyone knows what they're. Looking for and they can get excited - so you may even at the end of this - want to print these out and maybe put them in a book and share them with your clients to get them excited on some of the new fall and winter trends, and it Shows that you're fashion-forward at all times, so I hope you enjoy what we've put together here. We go so first we have the autumn orchid hair color. This is one of our favourites for fall 2015 and it's this multi-dimensional purple and orange masterpiece that incorporates vivid and artistic colors, and you can intensify or mute these colors to suit different preferences. However, the contrast between the purple color and the copper highlights is really what makes this hair color so appealing with a deep violet red base. This intricate look has fall written all over it. Just remember when you're doing something to this nature, your light is only as good as your dark. So really thinking about the levels and tones that you're putting in muted unmuted looks like someone muted me excuse me so, when you're creating this rich base and looking at how to soften or put some block coloring in like such as this I'd call, this muted you're Using two opposite colors and they're sort of collected you're really going to see that we're actually putting like a juxtaposed looked together, so you've got creating of this blend of tones, but it's really good for vivid framing. Maybe you want to accentuate your haircut around the face. Maybe you put your your copper pieces towards the face and you really rich the depth and of the base tone here. We'Ve shown you two of the color lines that we carry here at simply organic Beauty, one would be our OAH color, and so we have designed or formulated the base to be a five point. Six, six and four point: five with highlights that you've, pre lightened and then toned with eight point: four: four and point: zero: three and point zero six and then you can also go through some of the other highlighted pieces. With a nine point, two and a point: seven: so you see here this Juxt juxtapose type of vivid hair color, where you've got two really opposite extremes, but they really marry together and you have like this marbling effect. Then, with the onm color, we had a base of 3 /, 6, 6 and / pre lightened highlights you would tone with an 8 /, 4 3, an additional /, 4, 3 and other highlights you could tone with 9/16 and 9 /. 6 6. So this is our autumn orchid, hair color. Next we have winter, hair, color so say hello, a shade, that's running rampant! This fall the winter. Plum. We'Ve seen this in a few other seasons, because this is something that's wildly popular and you have a ton of different variants to play with, and this trend is popular among a variety of skin tones and styles. So here we see a darker shade of plum play up the dramatic side of purple, but you'll want to be the creative colors that you are and let it run wild, because these purple hues are easily balayage into violet ombre or you can even use a deep Burgundy, hair color remember once again, though, that when you have two shades in lower levels, different, it's going to give you more of a subtle transition in your colors, where three or more levels between the two gives you more of a dramatic effect. So here I want to talk a little bit about the the difference between violet and purple. You'Ve got these violet pieces that are just accentuating that deeper purple, so you want to consider levels and tones to that, but you also want to think of the fact that violet has a little undertone of red. So when you're, looking at your clients skin tone, would you want to put more of the violet around the face or more of the deeper purple? But this is a beautiful trend that we see and you you can really play with the different varieties of dark, purples and vivid violets here we've, given you an example of formula for OAH color being the six point, seven seven and the point seven. So that makes it very vibrant. Consider the volume of developer you'd like to choose if you're, taking someone from very dark you're going to want to probably use a thirty so that you get a level or two of lift so that you can really see the brightness of the purple tone there. It'S because 20 is really just for deposit-only, typically and then, if we, if you're happy to be an OEM user, we've got a formula consideration here of four point: six: six and a / six: six added to that. To intensify that. So you can really really get rich, purples and violets to get this winter. Plum, hair, color trend from both away and onm. Next is the chocolate cherry, hair, color trend. So, looking for a fall, hair, color idea for your brunette clientele, chocolate, cherries, a classic - and it gives you little glimmers of red hues intertwine with that warm Brown base that you're starting with so this hair color trend comes together with the optimal balance of Browns and Reds and of course, it's very easily adjusted for whichever color your client wishes to really enhance this base of chocolate. I just want to recommend that you make sure you know what your clients expectation of chocolate is use, your descriptors. Is it a milk chocolate? More of a lighter chocolate, or are you looking at more of a dark chocolate, so these can typically run anywhere between levels. 4 & 7. Here: we've, given you an OE formula, example of using four point: five and the five point six together and then the O & M color that we we've chosen here is a five point. Four six toned over already dark chocolate base, so this is one way to really get your brunettes thinking of a little more of a dramatic idea for their hair color and to excite them and sort of intensify what what they've currently got the warmest so hair color. So this is embracing that dark and the dark espresso Brown paired with some warm caramel highlights, is really a perfect way to go from darker for fall without really committing to an all-over color. So you can really strategically color melt. Your dark brown with warmer highlights making a soft dimensional look that will keep the hair in a really healthy state. For when you do decide, you want to add more lightness in the spring or summer time so you're and it's fun with all types of skin tones. Really that porcelain skin tones looking gorgeous with this and really melting in some of those softer pieces. Oh an easy way to do something like this. When you're transitioning from someone that's sort of gone, you know blah to wanting something a little rich. You can really go in and even do a retouch application with that dark, expresso and then kind of paint through some of these throughout what they've currently got is that maybe they've got some caramel ombre that they want to deepen. So it's a great way to go in there and do a retouch application and start feathering out and slowly transitioning them into something much deeper, and so they can embrace that dark. We'Ve got the OAH color example for formula base 3.17 marrying through the ends with a 5.32 with a transition there of two levels and then the onm hair color base 3/0 and the ends 5/13. So my justin is to really start making your broom that brunettes bombastic. I mean they should be able to have fun too they're anything but boring, and we have so many brunettes that are really wanting to spice it up. So this one. This trend here is the toffee almond hair color, and it's a soft mixture of the light and the dark tones. This balayage techniques been popular for quite a while now, and this fall it's no different, so keeping a traditional approach. This method really uses some hand painting to really gradually melt together. Some warm brown tones with their leg or counterparts. This gradual blend of natural looking colors makes up keep a real breeze. So this is a real bonus here. So, as with similar shades, the toffee almonds really work dust with warm skin tones, and this is more of a gradual melt. It'S like that lived-in look, so I like to sort of transition with making three to four levels different, and these are not your adidas stripe. Foils, these are really melted, softer pieces. You can use the legs of your balayage painting so that you can really frame the face, and and yet they can start to really get that deep almond warm Brown and caramel tones to the hair. Giving some a new trend is something exciting for your brunettes. We have an hour - Oh a H, color example for formula base. Five point: three one and six point three: one: making more of a five and a half base with warmth, and then your highlights toned with a nine point. Three one then you've got the O & M formula. Hello here is the base 6/0 with highlights that are tone with both a 9/7 and other stoned with 9/3. That'S our golden base and a brunette base at levels: nine, so the butt Scotch Braund hair color. These are the this is a prime blend of the blonde and brown. So your butterscotch bran is a great multifaceted, hair color and it embraces those warmer tones of the brown hair color trend - that's very soft, but it's uber versatile. So it can look really great on all types of skin and your this is just really really rich. So you'll find butterscotch bran on the gorgeous hair of our sunkissed Victoria's Secret models, so who doesn't love a little warm glow during the colder season? So you can really take your platinum clients that are looking for a little change up and and even make their hair feel a little healthier by warming them up from the platinum and having if this could be good for somebody with a dark flat base that wanted Less contrast and it's a multi-dimensional blonde that are really gorgeous too, and they you can take that overall blonde and add that depth in order for the blonds to really stand out here, you have to have some sort of depth to really make that the blondes. You know, stand out, look highlighted and gorgeous and sunkissed our example for the OAH color, for this butterscotch bond is the base 6.3, it's a golden base and then our highlights for with an 8 point, 3 and also 7.32, so really going with a triage of colors And keeping everything warm your ro and M color formula base 8/3 and highlights stoned with 9/3, 4 and 9/5. So just remember, if you're, if you've already pulled your clients to a warm base and now you're looking to highlight always considering your base first, because you can also can consider going with more of a neutral if you've already got a lot of gold that you've lifted Too so these are just some examples of tones in each of the families of hair color that we carry here. It'S simply organic, but always I do recommend knowing where you're starting from and what you've lifted too, so that these formulas really work out well for you. So we've got the white honey blonde hair color. This is not quite platinum, not quite golden, it's more of a white a blonde, so it's an amazing fall color choice for those blondes that really want a majority light. Look but really don't want that harsh regrowth either that you would have to experience in those winter months. It'S creamy, delicate balance between shimmery taupe use and the white blonds. You can also see a little bit of violet here, so that's also reminding you that, having some sort of background to your light shades so that they really show well and also having a little bit of depth, you could put in a little bit of depth in Inside and feather that out from your regrowth line and going out to more of these topi hues, so we've given you an idea of this delicate white and base blonde formula with away using a lifted base with the butter cream, Lightner keeping it in immaculate in just Wonderful shape and then going over and toning with an 11-point 17. Then, if you're, an original mint and mineral hair, color user you'd want to base lighten the base with the Pearl, Lightner and then, of course, once you've lifted. Hopefully, you would live to at least a nine, maybe ten really and you can tone over with a 9 /o three and 9/1. That'S gon na give you some of these more Beijing blondes with some white pieces throughout too, so you wouldn't even need to tone every piece, maybe leave some of them more of that platinum. So you've got this real marriage of these blondes, the Arctic blonde hair color. These are your laser blondes. It'S like a 3d color celebrities are donning the platinum blonde, hair color like Gwen Stefani, of course, so this trend is obviously not going anywhere anytime soon. The Arctic blonde is really for edgy fashion-forward clients, you don't mind the maintenance, but there's a bonus here where you mix a slight gray or that purple tint to this one as well to produce that effortless effortless. Look it's even more suitable for the icy days of winter. So it's almost like a bed of snow that you see that cool crisp edge and the reflections of the white and by adding those pearl tones of silver, gray or even violet, will give you tons of reflection. I really like that Rudi look, and so this is one that you know using the buttercream Lightner, especially from a way to lighten and going through and toning with the eleven point. Seventeen that that hair should feel in wonderful condition, so you're gon na get the reflect and the bounce off of that hair, and also you can use the O and M color you're going to lighten. Let'S say with the Pearl Lightner or even the keratin Lightner, which is going to give you back some great keratin and strength to the hair and then toning with the 10/16, but really making sure that you get lifted enough. And you wouldn't even need to lift the roots, necessarily because that's where you can start considering, adding in some of those silver or gray, reflections to bounce the platinum off of so it's more of a that sparkly platinum here. So our next trend is the flaxen blonde hair color melt so calling all of those who have warm or neutral base and skin tone. This is a must-have for the fall season, the flaxen blonde blonde. Look, it's emitting a beautiful golden warmth. It'S very rich pigment with you know, keep the hair glowing and full of shine all winter long, so it's similar to the butterscotch Braund, but this would have more of a neutral base to it so clients that can wear warm or cool tones. It'S an easy, easy grow out, and it's just something: that's very stunning, and it just it wears well with all types of fashion. And so here we have the Oh egg formula option for base 7.3 and you can even deepen it to a five and then using your highlights of an eight point, three and nine point: three, some pre lighten pieces. You really wouldn't need to lighten them very much. You'Re just looking for that undertone of gold and then our O & M color users. We'Ve got your base as 7/3. With highlights of 9/3, you could lighten those with the keratin Leitner's just for a few additional pieces just to melt that through and really come up with, that neutral base golden lights, all the way: shimmery shiny, healthy, healthy hair, spicy strawberry blonde. So this is intentionally rooted and it's it's like fire and ice. This is always a fall hair, color classic the strawberry blonde. It'S great for blondes, even looking to add just that little bit of spice in their life the bright tones of this hair color or what makes it really stunning and, of course, very, very, very popular. It'S a prime mixture of blonde with hints of red and it'll, give you the appearance of the strawberry hues, but when they're mixed so closely together, so it's fun for different styles. Of course we have the braids here that you can see different facets, pull up. So it's extremely versatile and you can aim for a soft natural strawberry blonde or really go for gold with some some of the coppery shades. So, depending on how red or coppery you want to go fall doesn't have to mean just going dark. You can always still bring more of a brighter red side to your blonds for this season. So it's a contrast of red and light around the face. You could stream, through some of the lighter pieces, for some of those afraid of going too dark and adding the depth and spice to this season. It'S taking, it could be taking someone with the toffee almond. Look that wants a change and adding just that depth of read our OAH color example would be base. Six point three highlights eight point, three and seven point three four and then O & M base 8/7 three low-light 6/3 and highlighted with keratin lightener Volume. This is a really really great look here and I'm seeing it all over the place from people that are looking for something fashion-forward or it's actually getting to be more popular with all types of clients. Really it's the mother-of-pearl, the pastel hair color trend is forever evolving, and these multifaceted looks consist of an array of colors are seamlessly blended, which gives off that opal effect. It'S almost like a Technicolor hair trend with which brings the bold light to any client. That'S daring to try so you'd pre, lighten this hair to at least a level 10 or higher and adding in some of your party colors melted through you don't need to. They don't need to all be in the same family of party color. So here you see, we have some blues greens, Silver's pinks, even a little copper around the face, and so it's someone that really really is interested in going a little bit lighter. Hopefully their hair would be in good enough condition to get it light enough, so that you can actually see these pieces because remember if you don't lighten past, yellow you're, going to change up the tones of your party colors too. So here we've got an option for you with the OAH color your gon na lighten and tone with a 90.3, and you can also use some of your 90 point 11 and then melt through your party colors. Our O & M color you'd, lighten in tone with a 9/8 and some of your party colors throughout that we've got some fun tone boosters that you can lighten up or you can use liquid CCT, and it's got some bright hues that you can add clear too. To dilute and make some more pastels, snow, pink, snow pink is a powdery pastel shade that works well on the cooler skin tones. It'S a color that softens up facial features and adds more of a whimsical aspect to the overall style. Pale pink is such fun to color, to play around with I've got people that are of all age groups looking to soften their blonde. So, ladies that are even sophisticated. This is a gorgeous gorgeous color for them too, and you'll see that it's very wearable and what, if you were using the OAH color, to make this pastel pink you'd want to lighten and tone with a 90.3 and adding even a little bit of your tone. Booster, excuse me, your your color additives and you've got the onm color that you'd lighten and tone, and and use your liquid CCT, the clear and / 5/5 to glaze over Northern Lights, hair color. This trend is so popular and fun to do the pastel hair color. It just doesn't stop at Opel. Northern Lights is more like the oil slick, hair color trend. It'S opals darker cousin done on hair with a darker base and blend it into more of a dazzling display of blues purples greens. This winter hair color trend is sure to light up the dark winter skies, its high-fashion straight to mainstream. If you have deep shadowy violets that are muted purples and you can even add drops of black and so you'd like to, I typically do this over pre lightened hair. However, leaving that that route, real, deep and even sometimes darkening - that with that little bit of let's say even a four and below and adding even drops of black to it, the OAH color, you would want to lighten and tone with the 90 point eleven and you Can even tone with some of the ninety point eleven and point eight that base being a two point: zero. You can even use a base with the blue-black, so this it's just giving that real Rudi shade. You can even foil through or paint through some of those base pieces as well, so that your lightness has a little more depth around it or if you're transitioning someone and you want to go through and balayage some pieces to get them lighter and then tone. Just those you'd have your base darker and Rudi and then lived in and of course, then you could shadow through some of your deeper pieces. Now, if you're using the OEM color your base would be a three point: zero, considering it's a little bit darker in tone and so the other pieces there. You lightning tone with the 9/11, and you can also tone with a formula of 9/16 and slash six. Six and there's another toner option of liquid CCT clear and a slash. Eight eight midnight sapphire dark blue hair color can be electrifying fashion statement, which is why this is so on-trend midnight sapphire is both fibrin and but can be also played down with a seamless blend of your favorite blue-black hair color that we see arise every winner, you Lighten in tone and cool first, so the color lasts longer. This is a tip that I picked up from another hair colors that I just see working so very well because, typically as hair color fades, you see, warmth and so one option for any of the a lot of these trends that we're going to be talking about. This midnight sapphire, as well as even the Northern Lights, hair color, that we just spoke about and even moving into the next trend when you're lifting you lift pretty light. You know to a 910 even 11 if the hair is in good condition, and you can lighten that far. But then we've lifted to warm, and so then, instead of just going directly over with say your blue, such as here, if you tone with an ashy or something that has a background that is not warm neutral or you know, suggested really an ashy sort of deep Toner then, as this hair color fades off, you've still got the tone left over. That'S that ashy rich blend, so it's just a really cool way to get these to last longer and to fade off better and they're just gorgeous so Katy Perry has made this a classic and I'm finding that any age any style can really wear is very wearable. This midnight sapphire the dark blue tones people. You can even graduate into something a little lighter on the ends or in a different tonal value, or even make this fruity with the deep dark base with blue coming out to the ends. It'S just a gorgeous fashion-forward. Look. That'S very mainstream as well now granny she cares and going anywhere. The Fifty Shades of Grey would be putting it lightly, since every single form of gray and silver seems to be the winter or fall 2015 color trends, so from dark slate gray to shiny silver strands. Your fashion-forward clients can't go wrong with gray this season. It seems to be one that's hanging on. I think this is just gorgeous where your pre lightening the ends, and then you tone them with an ash and then coupled with the right skin tones, you can use gunmetal hues very wearable, stunning fashion-forward we've got your OAH color base is a four point, one with One point eight feathered out to pre lighten ends, toned with ninety point eleven and point one: we've got some gorgeous gorgeous slate colors in our recipe book for onm, hair color as well. This choice: we've used base 33, slash 19 and then married through with the tone of the pre lighten ends with 9/11 and slash eight eight. So, within that recipe book, I'm gon na mention a couple other ideas: we've I've used myself to make some gunmetal or slate mineral soft ash. You can even add some pearl violet or pearl beiges, or even some crystalline to this. So using a 9/8 with a very little bit of 0/6. Six is a more of a crystalline type of pearl shade. Then you've got a pearl violet. I would use to tone over pre lighten pieces at the 9/16 and a little tiny bit of 9 / 0. Then, if you wanted to make it more of a pearly beige, almost a little more purple than violet you'd use the 9/6 and a little 9 / 0. 3. Our slate mineral is the 9/11 that we mentioned with a little bit of 88.1. Our / 1 9 & 8, 8 /. 1. 9 is a wonderful way to go ahead and tone before doing anything else, because it does have that ashy look or granny charcoal grey to it, and then our soft ash is more of a 9/1 with 9/6. So these are all gorgeous formulas. I'Ve used to make some gunmetal or slate or silver, but really knowing how blue purple gray or violet. You really want these to be, and even marrying a few into that will show off each of the charcoal gray pieces that you've got. So. This is a wonderful trend, so I wanted to double back and kind of summarize. Some of the things that I want to speak to you about is color, so use these trends of the season to really accent the curves and Sorbs of your cuts and shift from single, singular shades to more try tones and start breaking away from the monochromatic Reds. That we've been doing and really begin to customize new pairings and for your clients and accentuate that final design and really think about your placement a lot of times we throw in so many foils and so many colors and then we've forgotten what the final look is. Really supposed to be - and it doesn't have to be so hard - you can really paint you can use ways of painting little pieces throughout to just start, introducing these fun trends to your clients, but I you can also do block coloring or marbling or any of these Techniques just to start introducing different shades, maybe doing the juxtapose, where you're going opposite the the color wheel and really using those shades next to each other. To be bold in a statement, if that's the hair design that you're ending with - and I also want to recommend that you put color on everything you're near so start to be known as that artist - that colors everything you're inside of your painting live canvases every day. So grab those look that live audience and get them something get color on them, so maybe in things that were once considered, really edgy or really veering more mainstream. So you have all types of options for your array of clientele. Whether you think that you can pull off the charcoal gray on someone or the Northern Lights, but they're really going more mainstream and you can really accentuate people's haircuts and sighing work with color so become in your area. The colorist that colors everything everybody you are near talk to your waitresses, talk to your the spas that you're near you know, get people motivated to get hair color, not just haircuts. Sometimes you may have to offer to do the first one for a a complimentary service. Just so that you can start getting color on everyone, so use these trends, change them up and really elevate hair color to your truest art form, so remember. To make your world colorful, I recommend documenting all your work and sharing it, because you can literally change someone's life by your craft and you should be showing that work off. That that'll gain new clients for you and make your colorful world more vibrant. And you know people are really paying us to take years ten years off of their look. So sometimes these trends can just be that you can start accentuating thing little. You know cute Vidal, Sassoon, bob haircuts or the lobs or whatnot just by introducing and marrying in some new color formulas and ideas. Use Instagram put your color techniques on there and do model calls so that you can get new people if you think you're stuck and you're only doing the same formula over and over and over, and you want to try some of these new color trends. Please do model calls, get new people in into your salon and try some of these fun techniques out, and so, as you can get your color work on everything and ask people if they're ready for a color transfusion and go. We look forward to hearing about all your successes for those of you that have our new to simpler, organic or just being introduced on this webinar. We welcome you. We thank you for being here for all of our customers that have been with us today. We are so excited about the future that organic hair color has for you and what we can continue to offer you. So here's our phone number on the slide in front of you. It'S eight eight, eight, two one, three, four, seven, four: four: if you're a new client, please what mention that you saw this the webinar so that we can get you out some wonderful information to help you with new color ideas in a healthier way and for clients That we've been servicing for some time or in new clients, we'd love to hear from you and just call our your account managers or our tech staff. We'Re all here to help you out and we can share these formulation guides with you. We can send them to your email and we're always here to service you and help you in your color world. So thank you very much for sharing today and we look forward to hearing more of your successes. Bye, bye, you

dori Villarreal: awesome video ,I'm looking for new look for fall . I love the toffee almond

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