These Scientists Have Made These Claims About Red Haired People That Can'T Be Explained

  • Posted on 17 June, 2020
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

These scientists have made these claims about red haired people that can't be explained. Today, we take a look at what scientists have said about red haired people.

Humans have been capable of some unbelievable things throughout history, through science and innovation, things once perceived as unbelievable are now possible. So today, here at unexplained mysteries, we'll be taking a look at these 3 human mysteries.

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Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!

Humans have been capable of some unbelievable things throughout history through science and innovation. Things once perceived as unbelievable are now possible. So today, here at unexplained, mysteries we'll be taking a look at these three human mysteries red-haired people have genetic superpowers believe it or not. It has been scientifically proven that red-haired people actually have genetic superpowers. Whilst this may seem science fiction, it has actually been proven several times. In fact, in his 1886 book la parfum de la femme or a woman sent dr. Augustine, gallopin reported that he had noticed a red-haired women gave off a very particular and unique scent. He described the scent as earthy and sensual. Whilst this may seem completely baseless. Scientists have actually gone on to discover that the acidic film that surrounds the body is actually more acidic on red-haired people than anybody else. This is the reason for the particular aroma gallopin recorded a particular scent may not be classed as a superpower, but these next few points may make you reconsider. Their rare being red-haired is extremely rare, with only around one to two percent of the globe's population having it. This is, astonishingly, only 70 to 140 million people. There'S a reason. It'S so rare. Most people with red hair have the mc1r gene, a mutation that affects chromosome 16 because of a recessive allele II. This is what causes red hair. They produce their own vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important for everyone to make sure they get enough of it, but when it comes to this for red-haired people, they need much less than everybody else because they actually produce their own. This is thought to be an evolutionary trait, as most redhead people historically lived in colder climates and places with limited sunlight. This is a superpower just because of the sheer amounts of benefits. Vitamin D Gibbs to list a few. It helps maintain strong bones and teeth helps, reduce obesity, supports heart and lung health and a bunch more. A quite interesting trait that most red-haired people have is a higher sensitivity to temperatures more specifically temperature changes. It'S thought that red-haired people can feel the slightest change in temperature and even detect if it's getting warmer or colder much easier than most other people. Now, the last and potentially most interesting superpower is that red-haired people have a higher pain tolerance than anyone else. Various studies have been carried out in order to prove this, and the results speak for themselves. One study in Kentucky at the University of Louisville tested anesthesia in people with different hair colors and shockingly found that red-haired people needed up to 20 % more anesthesia to be fully sedated than any other hair color. Another study at the McGill University Montreal in Canada produced some stunning results. The red-haired people involved were up to 25 % more than other hair colors Tibetans inherited high-altitude gene from Denisovans. Tibet is an autonomous region of China and is famously the highest region on earth famous for or inspiring Mount Everest. This is also the highest point in Tibet and is a staggering 29,029 feet above sea level. As of 2014, Tibet has a population of 3.1, eight million people. One question that's been put forward is how do people live that high up and how do the Tibetan people cope with the high altitude? The answer is very interesting. It is actually due to a gene that modern-day Tibetans have inherited from a now extinct human subspecies, known as the Denisovans first identified from a small amount of DNA taken from a finger bone found in Denisova cave in Siberia. The Denisovans are thought to be a subspecies of humans that lived until around 14,500 to 30,000 years ago. They'Re still very limited knowledge about these people, as only a handful of remains have been found. Despite this lack of knowledge, a study at the University of Texas USA found that Tibetans have five gene variants that have adapted them to the extreme environment they live in. These genes are utilized to adapt to high levels of UV, light, low temperatures, low oxygen levels and a limited access to food. One of the gene variants, the variant EPA s one gene found in modern-day Tibetans was practically identical to that of the EPA s. One gene found within the remains of ancient Denisovans, whilst the variants are different, they are too similar to ignore and it is believed to have changed slightly over time as conditions changed. This variant is important as it aids with high-altitude living as it helps to bet some people handle low oxygen levels. It is theorized that the modern humans mated with the Denisovans around 30,000 to 40,000 years ago in Asia. These people then subsequently inherited the early a pas one gene from the Denisovan side. The carriers of the gene had no problem living at higher altitudes and therefore settled down on the Tibetan Plateau. This is a clear reason that 87 % of Tibetans nowadays carry this gene. As they are descendants of these early settlers, it's incredible to see the direct link between the ancient world and our modern-day world and that forty thousand years have passed and we can still make this connection bizarre cases of hysterical strength. Hysterical strength is fascinating. It'S the name given to a display of intense or extreme human strength, for example, a person managing to lift a large amount of weight that normally they wouldn't be able to lift. It is often times reported in life-or-death situations such as lifting a car to save a person trapped underneath or managing to break open a door when locked inside it's theorized, that they intense fear and adrenaline that one experiences in these situations allows them to perform. These truly bizarre acts of strength, the fear experienced, would allow the body to utilize energy reserves that, in normal circumstances, wouldn't be used as well as this. The fight response from the fight-or-flight reactions ingrained into humans would cause the body to enter states in which it doesn't feel pain. Temporarily, of course, these points backed by science, make it hard to argue that it could be possible, but there's no way to reliably test the situation of this nature, despite being in calculon ethical. There would also be no way to simulate a real situation in which hysterical strength would be needed. The bottom line is, whilst it is very possible for a person to lift more than their perceived limit during an intense situation, there will always be a limit in the scope of realism. No one's ever going to be able to lift a bus or train, that's simply impossible, regardless of the situation. This phenomenon seems too bizarre to be true, so we've compiled a short list of supposed cases of hysterical strength. Cases have been reported for around 30 years. In all different parts of the world, so it's no surprise. This is a much debated topic. Florida firefighter Chris Hickman was responding to a car crash in 2008. Once he arrived, he was greeted by a Chevrolet Blazer that had landed on the driver's side having flipped over and subsequently the driver's arm had gotten trapped. Underneath the SUV to everyone's astonishment, Chris Hickman proceeded to lift the Blazer a reported 30 centimeters off the pavement for long enough that the other firefighters could rescue the trapped driver. To put that into perspective. The average 42 SUV weighs around four thousand seven hundred pounds. That'S around 2,100 kilograms in 2011, toluse Eston or a college football player is reported to have managed to lift a 1600 kilogram Cadillac off a tow truck driver that had become trapped underneath the rear tire the trapped man amazingly walked away with minor injuries. Denise was 6 foot 3 and weighed 134 kilograms at the time. This next case is not so much a case of hysterical strength, but what's possible with years of incredibly dedicated training and physiological mastery, it is reported that Eddy Hall used techniques in order to put himself in the state similar to that of people that have experienced cases Of hysterical strength to claim the official world record for the heaviest weight dead lifted as an eye-watering 500 kilograms. That'S not where this one ends, though, in 2020 half Thor, bjornsen live-streamed himself, breaking the five hundred kilogram record lifting 501 kilograms. However, the record wasn't made under official conditions, so it is disputed as to who holds the actual world record regardless. Both achievements are incredible. Finally, without a case of hysterical strength, we might not have the beloved comic book character, The Hulk. This is because the creator of The Hulk Jack Kirby claimed to have seen a woman lift a car to save her child. This then inspired him to create the whole character. We know and love today. After all, we've spoken about in this video it's difficult to not be impressed by the feats achieved traits and tenacity of the human race. We'Re capable of some amazing things as we continue to explore the evolution of the human race to what we are today or continue to push the boundaries of what humans can achieve. It'S certain there's always going to be something to be in or off, but what do you make of these interesting discoveries be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comment section below and help us by growing. This community are working to solve these unexplained mysteries. Thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe for more videos. You

Karen Smith: As a natural redhead, I agree with your assertions. When I had surgery the anesthesiologist told me that natural redheads require more anesthesia. My hubby said that’s it’s because redheads are so stubborn, they are harder to knock out.

Harlow Jade Mermaid: natural redhead here. When I was little, I got teased soo bad, so I couldnt wait to dye my hair away from red. I've been dyeing it for years now, I've had every colour under the sun. The anesthesia thing & pain thing is all true. Lately I've been really missing my strawberry blonde locks. I'm going to let this blonde grow out, and start rockin' the red! I soo miss it. ;)

Donald Mac: A redhead...when I've been in fights i dont feel any pain when hit its only later thst i realize theres any damage...i think we heal faster as well...more likely to hsve psychic abilities. Also capable of an awesome rage when offended or provoked.

Charmed Crone: I guess the pain tolerance thing is true, I lived with a fractured wrist for 8 years till it got a bit painful and had xrays to find the bone had become necrotic, surgeons and doctors were shocked that I could handle the pain. When I had the necrotic piece of bone removed they had trouble with anesthesia not working on me till I was given a massive dose and extra nerve blockers. So much fun being a red head... not... ‍♀️

Milosh Rodic: If we need more anesthetic, doesn't that mean we're more sensitive to pain? I always needed more novocane at the demteist, which puzzled him, and when I had my wisdom teeth out, I woke up to see a blood pressure measuring thing on my finger, and I turned around to see the doctor freeze in the door way as he saw me wake up. But then I really went under as they dosed me harder. I'm sensitive to heat and cold. I also lifted a small car out of a ditch becuase we were in the middle of nowhere, and I was already getting really pissed off at being lost, in the middle of France, and my Mom's telling me to watch the map, but I wanted to see the landscape, and we backed up in a ditch, I got hysterical, jumped out of the car and told my mom to step on the gas as I went to the back and boosted the car so that it would be able to get out of the ditch. She was lile, did you just lidt the car? Granted, it wss a small,Fiat like red car. I've done a couple of other similar things, like diving deep for an anchor that got caught, as well as dissemblimg a fire that was getting too big. It is weird to remember, and these moments happened fast, and I think people just forget that soemthing wierd happened. I try to forget too!

MC: Everything you said is me. I'm Spanish but found out thru DNA that I'm Irish on my mom's side. I was the only one in my family w red hair and green eyes .

Dave Gibson: I dated a natural redhead years ago. All I can say is, she always smelled wonderful. I thought it was her perfume, but she said she didn’t wear any.

dafttool: I once lifted a large shed (with asphalt shingles on the roof) that had collapsed on my father, & then held up the building with one arm while I pulled him (250+ pounds) out from under it with my other arm. He was screaming in pain, & my adrenaline kicked in. He ended up having a bunch of broken bones. I couldn’t budge the building after I got him out.

Lucas Reeser Larkin: I have very blonde hair, Red facial hair and brown body hair. I share some of these effects especially pain tolerance, being able to tell when temperature changes and when it's about to rain. thanks for your time and research. You could test the strength ability, it would just have to be a blind study and bit of a set up situation..

Bert Downs: I come home from work and people ask how I got cut or bruised. I don’t notice these injuries. I do notice broken or chipped bones as well as deep cuts and pierced by a spike... yes I have red hair.

Alliecatt Lopez: I beg to differ, the Weasley's proved that red heads have special powers.

Stephanie Adela Arson: "Redheads have super powers" Yeah making me weak in the knees and breaking my heart.

Erica Fiore: I can see rain before it rains even on a clear sunny day. I can also feel air pressure change.

Adam Shirley: Yup, they always had to take me to legal limit for anesthesia, my bar tab was always 3 times more expensive than my friends, i hate the heat and LOVE the cold. Seems to make sense to me now!!! Yay!!

Bent Genetics: I'm a left handed red head, makes me a freak of nature lol.

ElleMNOP: As a red head I feel my super ability to produce vitamin D is probably one of the lamest super powers of all time.

Ben Stephenson: "These scientists have made these claims about red haired people that can't be explained." Proceeds to explain them. Seriously guys, the titles are getting less and less accurate!

Lee Stevens: I always knew us redheads were special!! I knew about the pain threshold as I had an accident some years ago where I had 2.5 tonnes of steel trap my leg and I didn't break any bones!! Go redheads !!

Pez Pengy: um... you folks do know that several of us pacific islander types actually have red hair? its not just the irish. my aunt has flaming red hair (runs in the family) and she's as native as a hawaiian can be. dont know what her pain tolerance is but her alchohol tolerance is off the charts.

steelersjourney11111: Paul Anderson Still Holds The Record For Heaviest Weight Ever Lifted By A Human Something Like 3,000 Pounds .Scientist Still Can’t Figure Out Why He Was That Strong !!!

Kyle Erickson: Does a having red beard count? . I know I come from at least three generations of Irish redheads on my mums side but the gene skipped me, except for my beard. My hair is a sort of light brown. I know the laughing gas at the dentist never worked on me, lol, and I’m very sensitive to heat changes, . Idk .

Piper at the gates of Dawn: This doesn't apply to all you "Fake" redheads

wp r: Absolutely massive..thanks for explaining everything!

Rich Aardvark: I'm ginger, I'm amazingly tough. I had car accident, collapsed one lung for 3 days, thought it was just a chest infection. Didn't need anesthesia for following procedure to inflate. I've had aspergillus for 12 years since, thought I just had a cough. Now have severe lung damage but like running and weightlifting still.

Jessica Canfield: I have a friend who M is a red head and she has had 4 severe infections and just felt a little pain. Also last year she had a heart attack and felt just off and was uncomfortable. She is really strong and robust.

Nicholas Duckney: You kind of went off topic, wasn’t this video supposed to be about red haired people?

Ralph Franco: Yup it happened to me. I had a tractor use an old style front dump bucket. A chain and a One ton boulder fell back on my foot especially a toe. I lifted it off my foot and rolled off then I passed out the pain my toe never grows any nails

ParadoxFossils: Most redheads are incredible in many ways including beauty.

Kristen Scarbrough: As a red head with blue eye I had a car wreck back in February that ripped the front end of my Jeep off from a person running a red light and both people in the other car went to the hospital with critical injuries and I walked away with no more than a fractured foot and didn't know for 3 days and had a tear in my knee I didn't realize I had from the wreck leading to knee surgery in october months after the fact and I was walking 4 days after and I never touched the meds the doctor prescribed, I really don't feel pain like that and come to think about it the airbag didn't even leave a mark and I'm only 110 pounds, is it super power or is the blood of Esau,

Susan Corbell: I love being a redhead and I love it even more now! :D

AstronArt: Produce my own vitamin D. Is that why I felt weak in the shade after a few moments in the sun? The sedation is true, by the way. When I was nine, I went to get three teeth pulled. My dentist was surprised when the "laughing gas" had no affect on me. He stuck me in the mouth five times with a needle and I can say having a tooth (not wisdom tooth!) pulled out hurt less than the needle. I went numb two hours later trying to drink water. The right side of my bottom lip is slightly more numb than the rest due to biting it hard enough to bleed. But my mouth was numb, I didn't understand and my mom thought yelling at me for my lip was explanation enough. Sorry for the long story. Believe me or don't, I remember what happened and his genuine confusion.

Geo Lee: The red hair thing was looked in to by a series called brainiac science abuse where they tested for certain stuff with a control group

Graham Combi: Really enjoyed this vid.Down to earth.And not a hint of any dodgy conspiracy theories.

MagiMari: I can see more colours than the average person plus I can feel the slightest temperature I am from the middle Asia and it's amazing how we evolved

Coffee Cup: This speaker's voice is the best of the three. Very pleasing.

James Lipke: Natural red haired, auburn actually, girl here. Yes, yes we do have a much higher pain tolerance than others. Much higher. When getting a tattoo, the needle(s) on the tattoo guns have to be set deeper for your skin to hold the ink. What some describe as excruciating white hot pain when getting a piercing done, I barely felt. It was little more than just annoying. As fair skinned and freckled as we tend to be, our skin is "tough", as in hard to penetrate, when it comes to having tattoos and piercings done. Having to be given more anesthesia during surgery is a fact. I've had three c-sections, both knees scoped and all 4 of my wisdom we're removed by the oral surgeon under local anesthesia in his office - the only thing I took for post op pain management was 800 mg ibuprofen. It's the only thing I take to manage pain because I don't need anything stronger. Having a very high pain tolerance isn't always the best thing, we tend to discount physical pain, such as in the knees, that are issues that actually need to be addressed by a doctor. My Mom, both Grandmother's, etc. were all redheads. My Mom and I both have/had green eyes with gold flecks around the pupils. ~ APRIL LIPKE

LilFoxyCosplay: There’s always something bizarre about redheads genetic superpowers is true we are awesome

CartmanbraahNd6: How is feeling pain more than others a super power

Brandon: My hair is moreso rust colored, it isn’t as bright as others when long, but I love it. Based on my own experience, all these are true.

Sue Girling: A very interesting video about the red haired people, my eldest Daughter has Titian red hair, so many people complement her on it.

Addy's Ever After: Natural red head here & hazel eyes. I was bullied in Primary & Secondary school, which made me embrace my hair colour even more.

Leesa Wallace: As a natural redhead, I can say it's true, We are the genetic unicorn. Enjoying the videos!

nz doris: I concur about the pain threshold! Red heads are cool!

Lord Ferbus: Whole up I'm ginger Hell ye, I can tell when it's getting warmer or colder before everyone else and I have a higher pain tolerance This is coming from experience since the numbing shit that gets used on me when getting fillings at the dentist don't really work and only kicks in after the it's done I've had to deal with the pain of a drill to the tooth 3 times now

BONE DADDY: I think red heads are naturally beautiful. Don't need makeup. I love me some red head. I've been married to one for 24y now.

Jonathon LaFave: Bruh, it is hard for me to break a bone. I knew it I had super powers haha. I love my hair.

ViroCMN: Atlantean people were red haired and the original people of Asia

TheZigZiggy: Uh oh, I can see it coming now .. red hair privilege.

Tallis Keeton: I think such color of hair is beautiful :) Sadly I m not one of redhair ppl :)

Cesar Escobar: Pretty sure everyone produces their own vitamin D. A photochemical reaction between UVB and 7-dehydrocholesterol

R.I.P ROMANCE: Didn't know not having a soul was a super power

Carl the Llama: Saying red heads have super powers sounds like a lie moms tell their kids to cheer them up when they keep getting sunburned lol

Patricia Roysdon: Ooh, I have an earthy and sensual scent, which I cover up with deodorant and perfume...I also found out that redheads "grey" differently. I am currently going strawberry blond from my more youthful light auburn.

Robert Medina: The hulk story makes total sense now… very nice person who then all of a sudden gets super strong super fast!

naiita bolsen: but isnt it like roughly 1/4th of the total weight so 2200kg wouldnt be +- 500kg its not like he lifted the entire

Dan-!-ELnomanintgebox5:19: What does some of this strength state have to do with redheads?

DJJAW11: ... I am not redheaded. But my dad was a strawberry blonde,his brother was a redhead. I no doubtly carry the gene !. I am drawn to redheads myself!.

Angelika _Munkastrap4: That happens because it isn't us doing all the lifting. We have help at those times

Kenneth Warnke II: I have red hair but have a vitamin D deficiency so explain that one.

Matty Reardon: This is for my friend the giant Duncan Shipley. Rest in peace big fella. I miss ya. You're grandad is now being recognised.

Aura Love: I was JUST watching the South Park episode "Ginger Kids" earlier today, that's why it's so eerie & funny I'm seeing this video right now

morgasm26: Im barely a red head.. Im blonde in the summer then it darkens in fall through winter to almost a dark ashy color.. Then I go strawberry blonde in late winter-spring.. I used to pull individual hairs out of my head and tape them to white paper so you could see how i had hair that was white-black red-brown and blonde of all shades even golden.. My fave has more red brown but my pubic hairs are totally blonde.. My body hair seems to be clear honestly.. If not white-golden translucent.. I love my hair.. It's always fascinated me.. And this year i swear I was literally a full on red head.. Then i stepped out into the sun and took off my hat and became a blonde again.. This winter i was also almost a brunnette.. It was amazing.. Most people are turning gray at 38 and my hair is changing color like never before.. My hair was so blonde when i was born.. It was like my body hair is now.. Almost translucent.. My mom is a red head but she has multiple colored eyes.. Like literally every color in her eyes.. One of her eyes is half yellow with chestnut and hazel tones and the other is green with spots of blue and some browns and tans.. I say its because she's multiracial.. She just looks like a red headed white woman but she is mexican and Polynesian aka hawaiian.. She is Spanish Portuguese French.. Native Brazilian English German Irish.. Bla bla bla.. I could go on.. But you get the picture.. I think its just what happens when you mix it up.. My hair changes color.. My moms eyes are every color with red hair.. I used to say she was a witch.. She has super powers.. But so do I.. Maybe more so when my hair is more red.. Lol..

Coffee Cup: Who paid for these pain studies and who was dumb enough to take the pain tests?

Poquito Vibes: I’m part European and Native American. My mother was born with red hair but it turned black later on. I am very strong and have a high tolerance for a lot of pain.

Em: I'm a red head with blue eyes and an identical twin(first ever twins in the family)

The Week That Was: i have red hair, green eyes and im left handed... unique or what :)

King OfTheJungle: left handed, red haired, high pain threshold, and high alcohol tolerance, it must be the Germanic/Celtic/Gypsy in me

Rossana Alvarado: Hello. Great topic. Is there anyone out there who can explain why or how two nonredhead parents can have a redheaded baby?

Freya Kennafr: My husband’s pain threshold is nutz, he can literally have stick stuck in him and not whine. He touched it and studied the wound saying not very often you get to see your inside. Have surgeries with never a complaint and easy recovery. Then if he gets a cold then he is a baby. Go figure lol

John Wilson: The suggestion that red haired people are "different" from other people is the definition of racism. The color of a person's skin should have no more significance than the color of his eyes or HAIR. To suggest otherwise would subscribe to the Nazi theory that blonde haired people were the ideal race. I would rethink this story and the implications it has

Kimberly Steph: I'm a natural red head, highly intuitive, border psychic,( i refuse it), slightest temp change, true, Pain tolerance low,

World AccumElites: What does 1 & 2 have to do with having red hair???

TheRange: I am a reddish-brunette with blue eyes. Have looong legs, mostly in the femur. Have a high IQ. I am fascinated with giants! I wonder if there's Denisovan in me somewhere? An ''ancient memory''.

imdawolfman: I want to download this one, cut most of it away, replace all the chatter with some lovely Irish music and just cycle through all those beautiful smiling women.

General jj: I want to produce an all red headed rock band.. Called FIRECROTCH

Jasmin Nielsen: Not me going on YouTube to find out more stuff about myself

Tina Clark’s ghost: Low pain threshold but high drug tolerance. Hence greater anesthesia needed from the pill to the dentist

Legendary: Ginger Power ✊

Goretti: It’s true 1to2per cent have red hair but as little as 1 per cent have red hair and blue eyes we produce vitamin d were sensitive to weather changes we’ve a higher pain tolerance and we need more pain killers to actually work I no this from fact I woke up under a operation and I was talking to one of the nurses before they put me back under I’ll never forget it another fun fact red haired people are most likely to be left handed I’ve red hair blue eyes and I’m left handed and I’m a proud Irish red haired woman

Kristen Krascek: Does reddish brown count? Not sure about the pain thing, definitely needed more anaesthetic than most, able to handle lots of alcohol, then I am at least partly red head ;)

True Combat Kings: Me and three other guys tipped over a police car the other night... My redhead friend was there. I don't know why but for some reason the cop car magically caught on fire .‍♂️

Lady Rayna InuTaisho: Me: Red-Hair, Blue-Green Eyes, Allergic to Opioids, Very popular to men, Temperment of a Irish, Viking, Texan. So What is the percentage of that?

Fixdown: I'm half red hair and just my great uncle was red head and probably older ancestors

Alex: Please post your sources!

Sherry Meacham: I really need to comment about this I am a redhead.. In my 60s, no grey hair yet . The part about being put to sleep it's TRUE for me.. I was having a cesarean with my first child. They preceded to put me to sleep. Well I went under for a minute. I woke up and couldn't move. I could hear and felt what was happening to me. I tried to tell them look I'm not asleep yet I feel this. Well I felt them cut me I felt the blood or water going down my sides. I knew I had a son I could hear them. Then all of a sudden they said we didnt give her enough to put her under . Then I woke up hours later.. Ever since I've told my Drs. Give me more to put me to sleep. They have told me about research they have done on redheads . True for me. Takes alot for my pain to stop. Other things.. I've been told I give off great energy.. my intuition is strong. Maybe other things I'm not aware of.. I've wondered is it me or is it because I'm a redhead..

Dracul: I'm proud to be ginger mate because I know I'm such a rare species of humans we are unique

sutlery ceat: None of those races existed 40,000 years ago. Once again you forgot the Original People. Lol.

Rob Harms: I have a superpower where I can pronounce the word vitamin correctly.

Bopperette: This video is ridiculous but entertaining. Regardless I ya redheads

CultureShock 99: Great video!!!

Brandon R.: I as a half red head I con concur. With more pain need. Changes in temperature. The smell. Because of the acidic film. An I got plenty of naturally made D

fred fuchs: Redhead here with a broken foot not even a aspirin just beer

Q.D. 3.14: This is badly named, implying the video was about redheads. It’s not. It’s about human superpowers.

Jersey Stotler: So interesting I am a auburn headed woman with RH negative bloodline

Inphinite Zero: Uhm i was watching a video about bloody redheads and midway u start talking about other random interesting stuff lol that really messes with my mind you like explaining stuff well please explain yourself. Like are we all just gonna ignore the fact he just switched topics

Jayne cooney: Yay I’m a redhead I’m a superhero I knew it

bean quac: I have all these traits and I’m a black haired polish Mexican American male born and raised in San Diego.

Lynda Purcell: All the photos were lost when my home burned....My motto is count your blessings. No one was harmed and my puppies were with us.

Keith Dean: The Sent of the Redhead? SUNSCREEN!!!!! BTW I am a natural redhead.

Raptorman 43: The paracus people had red hair in ancient peru and had oblong alien shaped skulls and it is said they originated from the Dead Sea area and this was long before the Americas were supposedly discovered and long before people was supposedly able to cross the oceans in boats but the fact is history is a lie but it is true red hair people are from a specific ancient bloodline!

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