Gray Hair Transition Story

  • Posted on 09 March, 2021
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Going gray at any age can be challenging but when you have premature greying the ups and downs can be brutal. Watch my gray hair transition story from dyeing to natural silver. How I finally accepted it and how I deal with the few negative comments.

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Hi guys welcome to hillary home and today's video we're going to be talking about transitioning to gray hair, because i am so happy and so grateful that it's been one week since i trimmed off the very last vestiges. The last remnants of me dyeing my hair and fighting what nature gave me and fighting the genetic predisposition to premature graying that i inherited from my father, whom i had taught. So let me tell you a story about transitioning to gray hair and why i am so happy to finally be in this place where i have got my silvers, my grays, my whites, whatever you want to call them, they are here now they are welcome. I am happy to have them and i feel awesome for having them so the first time that i noticed that i had uh gray silvers was probably when i was about seven or eight years old, and i i had a few of them sort of like in Here so you couldn't see them along the hairline, but if you went in, you could see like there was a little patch here and i remember thinking oh wow nope. You know it's not normal for a seven or eight year old to have white hair. Does this mean i've got super powers because i used to love comic books and all of that sort of stuff, but no, i didn't have any superpowers and for the longest time i thought it was really cool that i had those silvers until they started becoming visible To other kids at school, and of course you know what, if kids gon na do when they see something a little bit different, they make fun of it, and so i got made fun of it a lot enough for it to become something that i didn't like And i remember wanting to dye my hair because the years went by it just started increasing you know just spreading out, but my mom wouldn't let me dye her my hair, and rightly so, because i was you know too young. She basically wasn't very much into chemicals and stuff like that, and rightly so, but once i started working and earning my own money, i was like i'm making my own money, it's my money. I can dye my hair and i started dyeing my hair in a huge chunk of my 20s. I spent dyeing my hair trying so hard to hide the grays trying to figure out. What'S my natural hair color should i go dark black because it would look really weird, because my natural hair color is more kind of like a really deep brown rather than a black but yeah, and to add to this was the fact that i basically couldn't really Afford to go to a salon to get my hair colored, so i was doing the diet yourself using the home kids. I know which can be quite fine if you know what you're doing, but in my 20s i just didn't know what i was doing. But i was doing it anyway and it reached a head when i tried to do some super fancy stuff to try and make my hair look exactly like jennifer lopez's hair, which was so crazy at the time. I didn't realize that they had hair extensions and photoshopping and stuff like that, and i actually believed the ants that you would see telling you that if you used to say it can make it look like this. So it's a toy and my hair fell out after i put on too much hair dieting and i was like okay, fine, i have to start over. I have to grow my hair and i started growing my hair again, but then i would dye it, but i was a bit more mindful and i was looking for milder dyes for the natural ones and i had varying degrees of success. And then i did get to a point in my thirties, where i completely shaved my head. I think i remember getting obsessed with this idea that i wanted to see what i looked like completely bold, because i'd never been like. You know proper skin at all and i shaved all of my hair off and it was really it was so liberating. It was just really really nice, but also very cold. It was really cold until you felt the wind caressing, your scalp you've never felt cold. My friend but um then i started you know, then i i really quite got enamored with the shot cropped like super super short hair. Look, but the problem with that is maintaining it. You kind of have to shave it literally almost every two to three days, because when you cut your hair, that close that's when you realize how quickly it grows, so it was growing so fast, it's like! Oh! I don't want this. This is too. This is too much for me having to keep on shaving it. So then i started letting it grow a bit. So i was like okay i'll. Let it grow a bit and i can have like a box cut or something like that short back inside. But the problem was that one when my hair was that short, it really emphasized how much more silver i had in my hair, and i didn't want that - i was freaking out. I was like no, no, no, i don't want, and i was like hang on my hair is short. I can stop dying it right and i was like i'm gon na turn. My hair is all gon na turn silver within a few years anyway. Why? Not? Just you know: accelerate myself there by dyeing my hair platinum blonde, which oh, my gosh, the things that i did to my hair um yeah. So i was putting a hydrogen peroxide cream to strip my hair of its color and then bleaching it, and i got to a point where the only way that i could get it to be platinum wide was, if i did the bleaching process twice, one after the Other so i would do it on say, tuesday and then the next one, oh and then on wednesday. The next day. I would then do it and that's what would get it nice and white like proper, shiny white, and it was nice and it would be nice for just about a week before my dark roots would start showing and then i'd have to do the process again and At the time i was kind of like: oh, i don't care, my hair is super short anyway, i'm not growing it. So it's going to be fine, but you have a scalp. Your hair comes from the scalp. You know and messing up my scalp as well uh. So yes, so i did uh quite some damage, but i got to a point where i was like after 10 days. It would need to be done up in order to maintain the you know, the pristine um white thing, so i was just like. Oh, you know what i can't keep doing this to myself, because by that point my hairline was begin, like the hair. Follicles were beginning to be reduced in number and i have a pretty healthy hairline. It'S now sort of like repairing itself, but this used to be super super bushy um, but yeah. So i was like okay, we can't keep going on like this. This is unsustainable and i was like how about this sounds crazy. But how about you just accept that you have grey hair no, and i was like okay, let's, let's give that a go right because it seemed just the easier thing to do so that i didn't have to do the shaving. You know the cutting of my hair and all that um, and so you know i even i just cut off all of the platinum blonde hair, which was really dry and unpleasant. Um really like can do false, because all of that bleaching just wasn't good for it. So i wasn't too sad to see it go and then my hair started growing again and again i freaked out at how many uh silvers i had. I would be fine until somebody would mention a negative comment where they'd be like. Oh, i didn't realize that you were that old and i'd be like i'm only 30 39. You know and then i kind of like freaked out, and so i was like. Okay, now i'm going to dye my hair again by this time, i'm going to die red red seems to be like something. You know that when it starts grow, the roots wouldn't show up as much, and so i dyed my hair red, which was all lovely and really nice. Until i went swimming and chlorine and head, i do not go hand in hand, because i was training for a triathlon, then, and i hadn't brought my cap for the swimming session and yeah just completely ruined the dye job, which was very, very frustrating. Because, then, i was walking around with this kind of like ginger, whatever brass yellowy toned, um hair, and so i was like um yeah you're done, you're done baby girl. You need to stop uh dyeing your hair. So that's how i ended up stopping uh with it, and that was probably about a year ago. I'Ll have to check if it's not a year, it's about just a little bit over a year and then i was like it's just going to grow out. But i didn't want to cut my hair again, so i just let it grow out, and so over the past year i have had hair that had the ends that had been dyed and as of last week on sunday, i did the final trim that removed all Of them - and now this is my hair silvered in its crowning glory. So one of the things that i worried a lot about going gray about letting my hair go gray was that i was worried that you know the silver gray color. It'S a cool tone and i tend to favor warm colors warm up tones, and so i was just a little bit worried about that, but guess what there was nothing to worry about, because i haven't had to change much with regards to my makeup. But in fact i feel like my pink lipsticks are more popping because they've got this as well to frame them and yeah i've just been loving it, and you know i can still be vibrant. I can still be vital and i can still look attractive with my hair like this. Yes, i still do get um a few negative comments here and there, which i now just take, is you know i realize that i don't have to take that on board just because they perceive that women of a certain age aren't supposed to allow their gray hair To show that's not on me, that's on them, so i just you know i just accepted so when some people's you know, i'm like wait. How old are you sometimes i'll, just panic and just like i'm 63 or i'm 73, you know um or sometimes, if it's been asked in a considerate way in a polite way. I'Ll explain that i have premature gray hair that i inherited from my father and i'm happy with my hair. My hair is right now super healthy, it's bouncy, it's light, it's got movement and i enjoy it very much and so yeah. That is my gray hair. Transitioning story: i'm 41 years old. Well, i'm gon na turn, 41 soon and in another few years i'm probably going to have a full head of these lovely silvers. Thank you so much for watching um yeah. I will see you in the next video guys until then. Take care bye,

Hila at Home: Hello! Thank for watching my going grey story! Remember to Subscribe, Like and Comment! Thanks. Hila✨

Debbie Esplin Food: I transitioned to grey a few years ago and I am so glad. My hair was medium brown and I am slowly going grey all over so my hair is just looking lighter and lighter. Eventually, it will be silver. I agree. Accept it. Just like the wrinkles.

Sustainagirl: I've been trying to convince my mom to let her greys grows and she finally caved. I think it's a beautiful part of aging and maturing. Glad to see more people letting them grow :)

Michelle Sun - Forbes 30 Under 30 Entrepreneur: You're rocking this look Hila! :) Love this sharing!

Yes To Tech: Loved hearing your story! You're such an inspiration to me! Love your energy!! :)

Dr Lara Zib: Ah wow, such an interesting story and I love how you are embracing it! I think it looks gorgeous by the way!

Coach Michelle : Love your honesty and openness in this video. Your hair looks great!!

Wise235: Good for you! I started getting greys in my 20''s, I'm in my 40s and still dying my hair. I'm going to enjoy following your journey with this

Align Creative Minds: I've been getting grey hair since 23! This is so inspiring. And you definitely have many superpowers :)

Mariela Merino: This is inspiring. Good for you girl!

Josh Tavares & Tharmila Rajasingam - Real Estate: We completely resonate as we are in our thirties and seeing signs of grey hair. It is still an adjustment as we still feel like we are in our early twenties. We have not died our hair and don't plan on doing it. Thank you for this video and your perspective.

Deana Loves Sew’n: Hi Hila!! I love your hair story.. Haven’t we all done crazy things to our hair throughout the years.. Love how you decided to take it head on & embrace your silver/gray hairs.. Since my teenage yrs, I’ve had grays mixed throughout my long brown hair.. I love how your gray looks in your hair....

Julmarie's Studio: Gosh! I have been debating for days now if I should dye my hair again,(got it from my genes too!) And I found this! I can relate in every aspect especially when I receive negative comments but yes girl! You inspired me thank you for sharing your story! New subbie! And you look stunning!

Green Mable: Hi Hila! I enjoyed hearing your story! Your hair is so beautiful.

Rawsomehealthy: Love your hairstyle. Frankly saying the gray hair can be so beautiful, it all comes to self acceptance.

Michelle Roots Fitness & Nutrition Coach: I love your energy and I loved hearing your story! thanks for sharing!

Train Kinder - Get inspired to lead: Thank you for sharing with is! I love how positive you are and your hair looks absolutely amazing.

Jenny Mayor: I love your look Hila. Thanks for sharing your story x

Adriana Girdler: Your hair is fabulous! Thank you for sharing your journey, cheers!

Sherry Lingenfelter: Love your look. I am considering doing the same.

Seah Altura: Beautiful gray hair. Such a great story, Thanks for sharing!

CreativeSoul: You look much younger with your silvers than you did in the pictures you shared with your head shaved and dyed :) You look BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am in the 2nd month into my transition and it's tough, but people like you are an inspiration for me. Thank you for posting this video!

Deb Foley: You DO have a super power!! You're an inspiration for self-acceptance:)) Good for you!! You are beautiful!

Carline Dyer: Lovely story Hila. I’m fighting mine.

Moore2Health: I love how are being your true authentic self! I love the grey

Holly Lee: This is a relatable video. Thank you for sharing your personal example and earthy!

L G: I shaved my head a couple of times in my twenties because I identified as a punk (not the racist kind!) My friends used to kiss my head and it felt so good. Also a number of middle eastern men blew me kisses over the years ...go figure. Anyway, completely grey now and women stop me in the street to tell me how much they love my hair! I wish I didn't go grey so soon but what to do...I mean besides dying my hair for about 20 yrs! Yuck! Thanks for sharing Beautiful Hila.

Lisa Heal Yourself: Thanks for sharing your story and for your bravery!! I haven't gotten there yet. MAybe one day!

new day: Your hair is beautiful! Love the way your hair is growing out

new day: Your hair is beautiful! Love the way your hair is growing out

Home Fix: My Little boy has a few strands of silver hairs. I told him it’s a sign of wisdom. Didn’t we all make crazy hair choices coming up though? LOL

Rob yN: Ah, the journey toward self acceptance. Not always easy, or graceful, but always so important! You are beautiful! (Me, too!) I am a redhead, when there have been negative comments, I knew someone was jealous ;)

Patricia DeAnna: You’re gorgeous and your hair is beautiful

cora nation: You are so beautiful. I too got my silver from my Daddy. My mother's hair never grayed even into her 70s. My father was fully gray by 50. I wanted to stop the dye by 50 but the silver was so patchy and inconsistent. I finally stopped coloring at 60 and wish I had stopped sooner. I get so many compliments. I think a lot of it has to do with style and attitude. You look no where near 40 but simple minded people see gray and think old.

Mizster Method: Thanks for sharing your story Hila

Cindy Alexius: Sis please, you're 31 tops! I love this story time story. Thanks for sharing!

Intentional Marriages - Danielle & Russ West: Such freedom from coloring your hair!! I'm certainly jealous but not as brave as you! haha

Ortal Levitan: You are such an inspiration! seriously

Karen Terrell: Your hair is pretty! I went gray in my 40s.

Adrian Barrin: amazing video <3

FAVOURED WOMAN: Honestly grey hair looks good on you ! I love it but sad I dont have it.

Jerri Council: You are a beauty with each crown your chose!

Sapphire Camui: Last year i stopped coloring or bleaching my hair. I only had bleached hair twice. Otherwise i colored my hair jet black or darkest brown for at least 10 years. LAst year i had enough. it was also last year in december or so that i managed to cut off the latest remnants of damaged hair. I'm naturally a dark blond sort of hue? i assume it will be a while until i really notice grays. Fiance, though, struggles, and they're younger than me by 1 year.

Brenda S.: Your grey looks like a beautiful crown.

A Filipina Broad Abroad: Thank you for sharing ;) click the I'm in my mid 30's and having grey hair also

Daniel L. Phillips: Some women do it and they are beautiful.. Some women do it and they are beautiful but they freak... Make fifty excuses.. Oh I'm discriminated against.. The Glass ceiling... There's one with or with out you in the world.. Other women look horrible... Whatever makes you feel the real full healthy happy growing you...

Rebecca Allan: hello am loving your grey hair am letting my hair go grey as well women for get some time in there live there hair will go grey so people should not be saying oh you look old some young girls dye there hair grey were you have national grey love your grey l know l will be proud all you ladies from Rebecca Allan from Scotland

MTB radley: My hair is not graying. It's falling out.

TAM TV: Thật thú vị khi được nghe sự chia sẻ từ bạn những điều thật hay

Sheila Alley: I like your hair like that. The reddish colour wasn't a great match for you.

EXCLUSIVE BENEDICTA TV: Why wont i subscribe to your beautiful channel. You are too lovely.

Portia Gunura: You very lucky I have bleach mine kkkkkkk

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