Make Your Transition To Gray Hair Easier ~ Gray Hair Transition Advice

  • Posted on 05 April, 2020
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Want to know how to make your transition to gray hair easier? I'm offering some advice based on what I've learned during my gray hair transition. If you're new to gray hair or thinking of ditching the dye....this video is for you.


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Hey there welcome to my curls. My name is Renee, and this is my channel and I love to talk about my gray hair. I have been going great, I'm at 17 months now, cold turkey going gray. I have so much to say about gray hair and this video is going to be for the ladies, that are just now getting started on their gray hair transition or are trying to make the decision if they should go gray or not. So I'm gon na try to help you, so today's video is gon na be about how to make your transition to gray hair easier. I have a couple ideas, some tips and tricks on things that I think will really help you to kind of ease into your gray hair and to make your point to to hear a lot easier. So so let me tell you how to make your gray hair transition easier you're here, because you want to know how to make your transition to gray hair easier, and I have a couple of tips for you. The first thing you can do to make your transition to gray hair easier. It'S just to have a good attitude. I know sometimes that can be hard to do, but that really is, in my opinion, the most important thing you have to go into this with a good attitude. You have to make this something that is exciting. You have to make it interesting. You have to have something to look forward to it's. You have to anticipate all of the changes that you're gon na go through and you just have to have a good attitude. If you go into this grumpy and negative and telling yourself that everything about this is gon na be horrible, that you're gon na look horrible, you're gon na feel horrible, that you're gon na look old and you're gon na feel old and frumpy. That is not the right side of mind. That is not where you want to be mentally. To start your transition. There are going to be days when you feel old. There are going to be days when you feel frumpy honestly. I felt that way this morning. Ah, I was in my pajamas all morning long my teeth, hadn't fixed my hair. I hadn't put on any makeup and I just felt yucky. I was editing videos for you all, and so I was just in my pajamas, but I have some errands to do today. So I took a shower. I got dressed I put on makeup, even though I'm not gon na see anybody, I'm probably not gon na leave. My car I just decided to go on it just makes me feel so much better because this morning, when my hair was pulled back in a ponytail, I looked and felt really bad about myself. But once I took my shower, I feel so much better. I'M ready to face a day, and it just puts me in the right mindset and in the right attitude. I have the right attitude. I am able to accept my gray hair. I actually think my gray hair is looking really good y'all, so it is just super important that when you start your journey, you just get in the right frame of mind and you have a good attitude. That is the number one thing to make your transition easier. The next thing you can do to make your transition easier is to just talk to people about it. Tell your friends, tell your family tell your co-workers. Just tell people if you are silent, and you say nothing when people around you start to see your hair changing and start to see the gray showing they don't know whether they can say something to you or compliments you or ask you what's going on. It puts them in a very weird position of being forced to be silent, and so, if you just open up and talk to people, bring it up, make comments, say: hey, hey best friend Susie did you? Can you tell like what do you think about my gray hair? Look at all this coming out here? If you just start the conversation and keep the lines of communication open, I promise it just makes it a lot easier for you in the end now. For me, I've put it out there for the world, I put it on YouTube, I put it all over social media because for me it's easier to just be completely open and honest. I'M not one to try to hide anything, but I know most of you all are not on YouTube and you're, not gon na put it all over your Facebook and Instagram pages. But just tell your friends: tell your family tell the people that are normally in your life, so it just kind of gives them freedom to talk to you about it, and I promise you are going to find that the majority of those people are supportive and have Nothing but good things to say about your gray hair. The dogs are running around in the yard and I think you will also find that in the beginning, your friends and family may not say much because you're not gon na look so hot. Let'S just be honest: you're not going to look so hot the first six months, but then, after that, when you're really good a good amount of gray and things start that's when you start to turn the corner and you start to look so much better. And then you get eight months in in a year in and a year and a half in, and you have all this gray and your hair looks so good. You have made it so that your friends and family can compliment you, and I think you will find that they will have some really good things to say about your hair: hey buddy, oh you're, my muddy Pollock's got a new fence in the yard and he's been Out running and we have one spot that likes to stay wet, of course, that is where he likes to run in the muddy spot, so yeah he's covered in mud right now. The next thing you can do to make your transition to gray hair easier is join. A support group now when I say support group, I don't mean getting your card and go to a support group at a local like community place, I mean join a facebook support group. There are so many fantastic groups on Facebook that talk about gray hair. Let me kind of give you a list and I'll put these in the description box below, so that you can find them, and these are groups that you do have to join. So just look them up on Facebook, most of them most of them will have you answer a couple questions and then the prove you to join the group, so one of the groups is called going gray gracefully. My favorite group is run by a lady named Nicole Johnson and her group is called Beauty reinvented she's on YouTube she's on Facebook, but she talks about more than grey hair. She really likes to talk about aging and accepting the aging process. She does talk a lot about gray hair because she has gray hair herself and she is fantastic at giving beauty tips. She is a professional makeup artist and she talks about makeup makeup for the aging woman, lipstick colors. What colors look good with gray hair? What colors look bad with gray hair, so her Facebook group is fantastic, make sure that you join Beauty, Ren, Minton and another good. Facebook group is called silver foxy and if you have never been on a Facebook group before this is kind of what happens. Women who are members of the group can go in, they can post pictures of themselves, they can ask questions, they can ask your opinions, and so women in the groups are very supportive. There is no one there that is going to make a negative comment and I love to and I'm members of these groups, and so I love to watch all of the women lift each other up and, and women are honest. So if you go on there and say you know what I think, I really need to get a haircut like. What do you think about me kind of cunningness and an angle to get rid of a lot of the colored hair? Women will comment and tell you what they think and you will get. You will get some wonderful comments, some great suggestions - and it's just these Facebook groups - are a wonderful place to be for you to get some support and to make your transition easier. The next thing you need to do to ease your transition is to just have the proper expectations. You cannot go into this thinking that you're gon na snap, your fingers and have gray hair. It is a process and you need to understand that it's going to take some time, you need to expect that it is going to be tough at first. You are not gon na love, your gray hair when it starts growing out right here, you're just not, and that is when most women freak out a color of their hair. Again just expect that you're going to only notice the white hair, it's gon na grow in. What'S going to happen is when you stop coloring your hair, you are only going to notice the light white hair. You are not going to notice the dark hair. That'S growing in the natural hair color, that's growing in in the beginning of the first couple of months. You are only going to notice the white white hair, and that is what everybody freaks out, but just no growing right next to that white hair for me is a dark hair and I didn't see those in the beginning because they were up against my colored hair. So I didn't realize how much of my natural dark hair was actually still growing and still existed until I got several months in, and I realized that I do have so much dark. Yes, I'm widen the temples. I can see that instantly. I have no like zero of my natural hair color growing in my temples, but right here in the center. I have so much of my natural dark hair and in the back too so just know that your natural hair color still exists. It is still growing you just don't notice it in the beginning and expect like I've said so many times there are gon na, be some really bad photographs of you in the beginning. There just are there's nothing you can do about it, just accept it, expect it and go on. So you just have to go into this with the correct expectations and you need to know that there are so many things to look forward to once you get about a you know, eight or nine months into your transition or a little more than that. It really just depends on your hair color if you have dark hair honestly. I think that the great part of this happens earlier on than it does for the ladies, that have blonde hair and why that is, I'm not really sure, but I feel like it's, because when you have dark hair, naturally you can see all of the gray faster. It because it's such a drastic change and when you have light hair like if you're a ginger or if you have blonde the gray hair just sort of blends in and you don't, you don't - have the dress Ignis. If that's a word as early on, and so you don't feel the changes as early on, but just hang in there and know that there is so much to look forward to so many great things are gon na happen to you. You'Re going to your complexion is gon na look better you're going to feel better. I have more energy because I feel better, and I feel that I look better. I honestly have so much more energy. I am happier I'm able to be myself. I feel better about myself and just know that all of these things are waiting for you down the road into your journey to gray, hair and so look forward to them. I promise you will start to feel all of these things once you get a good bit into your journey. I have so many videos on my channel about how my gray hair has made me feel, and I'm gon na link some of those right up here and just if you're in the beginning watch a couple of those videos. I have so much to say about how my gray hair has made me feel changes that I have gone through and I think those videos will be helpful to you and kind of give you something to look forward to Pollux. Oh, my gosh is running his heart out in my heart. Oh my gosh you're filthy can y'all see this. Oh muddy, muddy muddy feet. Oh, my gosh, and the next thing that will help you with your transition to kind of ease you into this, and this is so important. Just tell yourself grey is a color. It is not a number, so just let that sink in for a minute, and - and this is something I have to tell myself all the time gray is a color. It is not a number, and what I mean by that is gray. Hair does not make you old, it does not make you look old, it should not make you feel old, it is only a color, it is only the color of your hair gray. Hair does not dictate your age, it does not. Age really is dictated by your attitude and how you feel not by the color of your hair. So it's just so important to remember. Gray is a color and not a number, and the last thing that you can do to make your transition to gray hair easier. Is get at a yawl? I have the cutest t-shirts available on my website. Welcome to my curls calm. All of the T's are about gray. Hair life is better when you go gray and for all of the ladies that asked me for plus-size, tees and v-neck tees. They are available on the website. They are here. The site is stocked, quantities are limited, y'all, so make sure you get on there and get what you've been wanting. Now, I'm actually headed to the printer at this very moment to pick them up. He called me this morning and the plus sizes and the v-necks and everything that we're restocking they're ready, so I'm going to get them. So lady sets my list. Those are things that I think you can do to help ease your transition into gray hair. To help make your transition to gray hair easier and just go into it with a positive attitude. Talk to your friends, talk to your family, open the lines of communication join the fantastic Facebook groups. If you need support - or if you just want to talk to women about, what's going on, it's a great way for you to see other women to see what other colors of hair are going to. Look like as they're starting their transition have the proper expectations and have something to look forward to just know that there is some really great stuff. That'S gon na happen once you get into your transition, get yourself a cute t-shirt and remember that gray is only a color. It is not a number, so I hope you enjoyed the video. I hope my tips and tricks and advice helps you give the video a thumbs up. Ladies, you tube really really really loves a thumbs up. That'S how you knows that I'm putting out good content and they will suggest my videos to other viewers and if you are not already subscribed, please do so, I'm so glad you're. Here I love it that you're here and I have so much more to say about going great. So until next time I'll see you later

WELCOME TO MY CURLS:'s your attitude? Are you in the correct mindset to go gray?

Trish Rhone: You already know I love your videos on going grey..and this one is great too. But, it makes me so happy when I see Pollux having so much fun. I think about where he was only 4 months ago and it just touches my heart that you rescued him! Then I see you and Randy have put up a fence for him to run and plan on making the doggie door larger so that he can go in and out like Maxxie! Y'all are awesome! May God continue to bless you both. You're special people indeed. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

shawn nystrom: Love the idea of telling people!!! Great advice! Honesty with a positive vibe is great❤️

Kristen Marosi: Off subject but I received my t-shirt in the mail! I LOVE it! So cute and soft. Fits really well! Thank you! Six months strong-no coloring!!

Anna Burns: Just yesterday I was on another grey hair blog listening to a woman growing out her grey. Her hair was pretty long, about 4 inches below her shoulders. She said that she had let all of her color grow out and she had a moment of weakness and recolored!!! So, she was starting over again. Her advice was to throw out all the hair color in the house. I did that. I threw out all my hair color yesterday, so if I decide to go back to color, I have to order it online and it will take awhile to arrive. Give me some thinkin' time.

mjzjez1974: I’m starting my journey to gray hair. It’s been 5 weeks since dying my roots. Going to try to stick to it. I’m 45 yrs old , I don’t think I have a lot of gray but I will soon see just how much I actually do have once it starts growing. My mom is 88 and has salt and pepper hair. So she doesn’t have that all over silver hair.

PensaSeer: I recently found your videos and love them, especially the dogs! I watched those first then started watching your vids about your hair. I find those interesting because I have a friend, we are both retired, and while I ditched the dye over 15 years ago, my friend is resistant to do so. Going by her roots, her hair is white and I think she would look much better with white hair. I've encouraged and supported but no, she still gets it colored every month. She doesn't like to talk about it so I haven't pushed it hard. I'm sure it's a fear of aging thing, but I thought I'd ask your opinion.

Candy Kane: If you're going to be grumpy about it, you're not ready. If you're going to worry more about other peoples opinion of your grey hair than your own, your not ready. Grey/silver is beautiful.

Denise Eustace: Renee, you are fantastic. Your grey hair is beautiful as are you. Love your videos. I revisit them regularly. Loving the curls.

Betty Ratliff: Hi Renee! I absolutely agree! I love what you said (gray is a color not a number) I’m so thankful for your videos they keep me uplifted & encouraged on my journey to going gray ❤️

Louise Fisher: Hi - Your gray is beautiful and your curls are a plus - looking good on you!

Kimberly Berlin: Renee, you are so sweet. I feel like we're just having a talk between friends. Your hair is looking great. I'm 14 months in, cold turkey, and loving it too.

madie may: Yes, Yes, Yes and an AMEN!!! So true on it all! Good job, as always!

Lucía T: I,m from Spain and I,m going grey cold turkey and your videos are very helpful for me, thanks very much

Terry Ciavola: Well said Renee!! ❤️

donna martin: I earned every one of these! Waited for the color to grow out and started fresh cut. Kinda like the extra sparkle.

Marione Navarro: Beautiful Renne ❤️ I am not found of makeup but at least I do love eyeliner and mascara and it helps for me not feeling frumpy. Sometimes I get tired of hearing how beautiful I was with my huge long BLACK hair it sounds and feels like they are trying to say you are ugly now with you short grey hair My son doesn’t care at all and my daughter loves my greys and just thinks that I should have it longer. You are always bringing up excelentes contents. You are my biggest grey hair person to look up to. I follow a few grey hairied women but you are my favorite one. ❤️

Ann4U2000: Fair warning...yes talk to your family and friends about your transitioning...but be prepaired for comments that you might not like. "Oh you'll look old!!" "WHY??" "Oh I'm not ready for that!" . And then you need to remember...any negative vibes coming back at you are more a reflection of their fears than your silvers. Someone on a forum I belong to said. " when my silvers start growing out of YOUR can have an opinion. Don't let unsupportive family and friends dessuede you. I was family was all on board. My friends were not convinced, but now that my silvers are totally out and playing nicely...they think it's attractive ..."just not for them" .lolol....

Nikol Johnson: Thank you for all your support!!!!! Great video!!!!!!!

S Holtsclaw: Hi Renee! Thanks for the video! I love Nikol Johnson, she's great! Would you mind sharing what kind of bralette you favor? I notice the lacy straps peeking out sometimes and they look so cute! I haven't found the right one yet...

Elizabeth Campos: This is my third try I have fully transitioned and lasted two years then for some reason I dyed my hair again I don't even remember why .. after that a couple of months into it I shaved my hair to start fresh but as soon as I saw hair I dyed it again , is not an easy ride , I done many colors , hair cuts ,so this time it feels different I'm so sick of seeing my gray roots showing after two weeks ..thanks for the inspiration .

Michael: It’s women ( co workers and friends) who have said the worst comments (six months into my transition) and I didn’t expect that. I assumed men would have the worst things to say—holy heck was I wrong. Men have been so positive!

rhonda shelley: Great video, I wondered, do you ever straighten your hair? I just wondered if it looks more grey or less grey, when it's laying flat?

Dionna Kiernan: Thank you for this! Each time I'm ready to give in, you pop up.


Lady Here!!: I have fallen in love with this channel and now i need a T to get over the hump. I have about a 4 inch skunk line and i am not going back! I love your videos!!

Linda Hobbs: Your videos are always a delight! Thanks so much. Can hardly wait until you have some Welcome to My Curls t-shirts. :0)

Linda Marocco: Renee you look amazing.... but, I think you always have, through all of your transition.... I have no dye in my house, so, since being home for well over a month I am just going to do it!!!... I am sick of caring what anyone thinks!.., I love Nikol... she is amazing!!!!... I think you look much younger and more radiant as you are almost done with your transition!.,, so proud of you!!!.

CreativeSoul: Your hair looks great!

Angela Tereba: You look beautiful. I’m so glad I found your channel thank you.

Gretchen Smith: Your youtube channel IS my support group! Thank you!

Kelvin Davies: Hope you don't mind me asking but how old are you and what age did you notice that you were going grey thanks trish by the way you look amazing hun xx

Hilary Torres: Thank you!

Jeannie Tilley: Great video!

Majid Moghadam: Do you have any recommendations for men with gray hairs?

Elissa Devens: That white hair at your temples is stunning! It lights up your face even more!

I’m only here for the comment section: Looking good, Renee!

Linda Marocco: I love your fur babies, Renee!!!!

Smurfin Smurf: Your hair is beautiful!

Preston Towne: Great tips Reanee...

June Hawks: You are just about there. Another trim . Your complexion looks brighter . Looks way better than the color.

Samuel Gallezzo: Some women are pretty enough to pull it off. This lady will make it popular. Hair coloring is dangerous so I say I like it. The curls are awesome. Besides coloring is dangerous.

Barb Robbins: I am not on Facebook but have watched Nikol Johnson on YouTube for a long time. She is stunning.

indria drayton: Look up J.J Mua Artistry! She is awesome! Look up the Silver Crown, too! She is funny!

Linda Marocco: My greys are more underneath... did yours do that?

Preston Towne: Nicole Johnson is great to watch!...

Linda Marocco: How about a tee that says grey is not a number, just a color???

Britta: 7:21 Pollux in the background

Linda Marocco: I was thinking when all of this pandemic is over to get silver highlights added... what do you think of that?... but, by the time it is over I could be completely grey!

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