How I Extend My Hair Color | Covering My Gray Hair

  • Posted on 09 April, 2021
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Welcome today's topic is about covering the gray hair that creeps in in between color touch-ups. Many of you, ladies, can relate to this as you're getting closer to your color up, you start to see the gray. That'S either just your color, fading or new growth. In my case i would say it tends to be more new growth because it's really in the root area, and let me share a little bit about my hair, so number one i'm going to be 50 in just a couple of months. The beginning of june is my birthday. I do feel that i have a lot of gray for my age, probably more than a lot of women, my age now. Yes, i do have dark brown hair, so you are going to notice gray, hair on darker colored people. That'S just inevitable, but i would say that i did develop gray hair much earlier than what i anticipated it does run in my family and genetics do play a role. Neither my mother or father were premature gray, but they did have siblings. That were premature gray, and i believe that i got it from there. I also have some cousins that also were gray at a very young age, so it makes sense that i may have picked up that gene and therefore i i was more premature gray. I get a color touch-up performed every five weeks it used to be every six weeks. Then we had to move it closer. It'S been every five weeks for at least two to three years. I would say - and i really could get a color touch-up performed every four weeks - it's just that. I want to stretch it number one time number two. It saves me money and it's just kind of an inconvenience to go to the hairstylist all the time. So right now i'm just trying to get away with every five weeks, because i know at some point i will have to make those appointments closer together. So obviously new growth is going to take place and i need to cover that new growth. I have tried several different products and there are a lot of products out there to help with this process of covering that gray in between your color touch. Ups, my hair stylist laurie introduced me to a product a couple of years ago to help get me by that product is by tressa and it is the watercolors root. Concealer covers roots in seconds. This has been a fantastic product. I cannot be without it. I always make sure i have an additional one in in the can in the can, because i don't want to be without it, and i would say that i start using this product about three weeks in so about three weeks after having my last color touch up. I'M already using this product, everyone is going to be different on when they would need to start using something that can get them by until their next color touch up. Let me go over a couple of things about this product number. One. A little goes a long way. I also like that it gives some volume and texture to your hair. It covers instantly and it dries in seconds. You do have to be very careful when applying it, because it is color and it is a dye so whatever it gets on, it will stain in the moment until it's washed. So that's the other. Beautiful thing is: when you use this product, it stays in your hair until the next time you wash it now. I do need to use a little bit each day that i style my hair, even if i didn't wash it that day. So let me give you an example: let's say i washed my hair on a monday, but i didn't style it that day, which is very typical. I don't always style my hair on a day that i wash it. I only really do my hair like completely put together a couple of days a week. I just kind of let it go if i'm just working from home and i'm not going to be in film or on zoom or going anywhere. But let's say on a monday. I wash my hair, i let it air dry and i'm not going to style it until tuesday. I will apply this product and it's very important - and you will see here in the demo, it's very important to cover yourself, because you could have some of it drop down. It is a spray and it could drop down onto whatever it is. You are wearing. I wrap myself in a shower wrap towel that i use when i get out of the shower. I basically wrap it around me almost like a cape and i clip it and then i will use this to spray the areas that i have gray. So i put my hair up in clips and i spray just the areas where i need it now. There are times after i'm done styling my hair, that i will spray a little bit of this right up here just lightly, because i will be able to see that gray more at that time after it's styled, because i never know exactly where my part is going To be so, it is a product that you have to play with now, let's say so: that's a tuesday first day i use this. That'S going to be the day, i'm going to use the most, but believe me, a little goes a long way. Let'S say wednesday rolls around and that day i'm going to style my hair as well. I may find a couple of areas that i need to touch up. For example. Today is, i think, three or four day hair and i think three-day hair - and i already had used this yesterday because i styled my hair, but i also needed just a little bit today and i really probably could have even touched up this area. It'S hard to tell what's going to show up in film, but the product is great. You just have to be careful when you use it. I like to spray it on before. I start my makeup application because you are going to get little spots and again, if you look in the demo, you will see little drips. Go around your hairline you'll have an opportunity to clean that up. There are other products similar to this, that are a spray, and i will say that i just love the spray. This one has been great there's one by l'oreal, paris, that is actually a little bit cheaper in price, and the reviews on amazon are incredible. There'S over 34 000 reviews with a 4.5 rating, and that basically is a similar product. It'S the same size can and i'm going to give that one a try, because this comes in six colors, dark brown, brown, copper, red, platinum and blonde, which i think is great and i'm using dark brown. But i'm i'm pretty sure that i'm going to want to invest in just the brown shade as well. Only because sometimes, if i'm doing some highlighting my hair is a little bit lighter colored. But it's not uncommon for our growth area to be darker than the rest of our hair. So this has served me very well. The l'oreal, paris one that is offered actually comes in more shades. They don't have a platinum, but they have a nice variety and they have more options in the brown. They have a dark brown, they have a medium brown, they have a light brown and they may have a couple of offerings for the blonde as well. I will have this product linked in the description box below as well as the l'oreal paris. I believe it's called magic root cover up. I will have both of them and i will have a couple different options of where you can shop from they're going to be similar in price, but i'm really impressed with the l'oreal only because of the reviews. There'S way more reviews on that product than this one and i'd like to test the two against each other. But i've been so happy with this. So i was really thankful that my hair stylist laurie introduced me to it now, there's another product that i've liked and i've used way back in the day and that's well i'll, be honest with you. I used to use my eye brow my my brow powder with a brush to just touch up areas. That'S what i originally did, but, as i got older and more gray, creeped up or the more gray that was being produced with my new growth, i needed something more than than doing the powder, so i highly recommend in a pinch, use your brow powder and just Use a brush and that'll work great, especially if you're just starting to get some of those baby hairs as you get more you're, probably going to have to invest in something like this. There is a nice little compact by clairol, and i will have that linked below lots of great reviews on that over 6 000 reviews on amazon with once again a 4.5 rating so highly recommend that that could be great for travel again. I know i'm still going to need something more, but i do think that would be really handy. Let'S say you're sitting in your car and you pull your mirror down and you just see a couple little spots well clearly, you're already dressed for the day. You wouldn't want to use this once your makeup is done and you're dressed for the day, so that's where that powder could be handy, so i actually believe having both would be worth it and carrying that little powder touch up by clairol would be great for me To carry in my cosmetic pouch in my handbag, so that's what i'm intending to do when i'm done using these two cans, which this one is about empty. After finishing this one, i'm going to try the l'oreal paris magic root, cover up and i'll, keep you posted on that and i'm i'm going to pick it up in a couple of shades. But i'm also going to pick up the clairol little touch-up compact. That is a powder just because i think that's great to be on hand and i'll keep you posted on that as well and again, all of the links will be in the description box below, as well as on the corresponding blog post. Don'T forget that the watercolors is available in six shades. The l'oreal paris magic root cover up is available in eight shades, and the powder by clairol is available in six shades, so be sure to check out all the links to get more information. So that's how i do it and in a couple of days we get another color touch-up again, i should be going every four weeks, but um still stretching it to five so share in the in the comments section below what it is that you use. How often you go in for a color touch-up and what products have worked for you? I'Ve tried the mascara wand, no did not like it at all, and i've also tried like a sponge unit. There'S there's a lot of different offerings out there. I have tried other products. I just know the spray has been the best for me over, like the gel or the little applicator that you kind of put on like that, as well as the wand. Um, there's little sticks that you can get as well that that you know you can take a peek at what the offerings are i'll, have lots of links so that you can find what's going to work for you and again, i believe it's going to be dependent On how much gray you have coming in, i have a lot. I really do so all right. Well, there you go check out all the links thanks for joining me and i'll see you soon right here on youtube. You

MrsY: I use the Loreal product and love it! I have a tip that might help you! I find it difficult to cover all the hairs around the hairline without getting it all over my skin. My solution is to spray the product onto an old toothbrush (while holding it over a trash can) and then quickly brush it thru these hairs before it dries. I find that it doesn't leave product on my skin and covers the hair quite nicely! Hope that helps!

Moira Melvin: I stopped dying and highlighting my hair two and half years ago and it was the most freeing thing I ever did. No longer have the burden of constantly making hair appointments and stressing about roots - such a relief! Plus saving money has been helpful. And the quality and health of my hair vastly improved once I stopped coloring and highlighting. It's a journey that requires patience but once you do it you feel so much better.

MsRobbieLou: Thanks for the helpful tips! I stopped dying my hair during the beginning of quarantine. I was dying my roots every 2-3 myself and I didn't mind the ritual. Now, I'm more of a brunette with some silver and almost done with the grow out phase. I no longer worry about my roots and strangely I have found a nice freedom with it that I didn't expect because it wasn't a burden to dye my hair. I am 39 and started regularly dying my hair at around 34. I have days where I get a little insecure, but only momentarily. My husband thought is was cool to see the transformation. Now, if I ever go back, I'll be sure to reference your videos! Have a great day!

Veronica Papavero: Great tips Tracy! I use Gray Away root touch-up quick stick. Also perfect for traveling and in the car. Will definitely try the watercolor spray.

Mary Jane Sandonato: I love the spray on root touch up for between my color appointments. I will say that I’ve found you need to make sure you have it all out of your hair when you go to have it professionally colored. It can block the new color from adhering correctly. If your unable to wash it out before going you can bring a few of the Neutrogena make up wipes to take it off unless your hairdresser has a product you can use.

Ashley Kaminski: I love the L’Oréal root product! I have the spray and the concealer stick, but prefer the spray. Luckily, I can still get away with coloring my hair once every quarter!

MsActor2009 Bevenhouser 3rd: What a great product to have in between appointments! I saw myself in a music video the other week. The aerial shots picked up my regrowth. Wish I knew about this products and I think you’ve inspired me to make another hair appointment ‍♀️

April Aaron: I use the L’Oréal product in medium brown and love it! I always spray it when I am done styling it. My mother has very light brown hair and is barely gray. Her parents were never gray. My father however had dark hair and grayed early.

Sharon W.: Great topic! Sally’s Beauty Supply has an amazing product AGE beauty root touch up spray. I believe it comes in 11 different shades. Has anyone tried Color WOW powder root cover up? Thanks Tracy!

Silvia Maia Holanda: Love it! I’m red headed so it’s hard to find one that suits me! The loreal one doesn’t match my hair color! I’m intending to try this brand you like! I’ve been using a mascara wand but the result is a little bit messy and uneven. Thanks

mirian savage: I usually do my roots every 3-4 weeks.. but I do it my self at home.. so much cheaper

Linnybee: The problem for me with root cover up products is my red hair. There's always 1 shade of red (if at all) and it often doesn't match my hair. Then I'm out the money. I'm going to try the Clairol Powder, though. It might blend better than a spray does. xo~linda

Debra Ray: I’ll be really anxious to see what you think in your comparison of these products. The one you are using right now is so much more expensive than the others. But if it works the best it’s worth it. Hope you will let us know! Thank you!

Carolina Susini: Hi Tracy!!! How are you doing? I use the L´Oreal spray and I find it fantastic. It really covers up the grays and stays until the next shampoo. I did not know about the one you use, I will try and find it so I can compare the two. The one from L´Oreal does not transfer to the pillow case once it´s dry. I like to spray it on and then use the hair dryer so it dries perfectly and does not transfer at all!

Brandra Talks About It All !!!!: Would you ever consider letting your hair go gray as so many women are doing now? You are stunning!! Great video!

IslandGirl_ Mar: Thanks for the video. How do you address the grey on the eyebrows? Not sure if you've come across this challenge yet at your young age of almost 50... I wish I was that young again :)

Elle Ma: I use the loreal for abt 2 years, it is very good

Mia N: 7 months dye free. 49 and free ️

Ann Marie Reaves: Thank you so very much for this video. I needed this. I am 51. God bless you always. Much love.

Peridot500: Not gray buy my blonde starts growing off and leaves my mouse brown hair any ideas about covering that between appointments?

Janet Marie: Tracy, I would like to suggest TRUHAIR Color & Lift Thickening Fiber that you can get from the Home Shopping Network.

jay wellington: just found you. great advice

Michelle K: I recommend you check out fast hair growth fortified shampoo to double hair growth.

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