Removing My Black Hair Dye With Colour Stripper | Hair Dye Adventures | Luxeria

  • Posted on 30 August, 2019
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Today I am removing my BLACK hair dye with colour stripper and going BLONDE! Not as platinum as before, but still, the Affinage colour Eraser hair dye remover is put to the test! Can I go back to Blonde hair?

Hello Beautiful People! My name is Luxeria, I'm from London and I make beauty and science videos here on this YouTube Channel - I also livestream!

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#HairDye #BlackToBlonde #HairDyeAdventures

Hello, everyone welcome back to my Chanel, so I actually have my hair up in a way right now, because this is kind of a hair dye, Adventures video and I want to give you a big reveal at the end. So should we talk about what's going on with my bouffant? As everyone knows, I have just an issue University and I feel like I'm going for this big change in my life. No, it's not the menopause or a midlife crisis actually, because I don't know when I might die, I'm just going to perpetually have a crisis. How about that? So recently I have been going through some sort of hair transformations and I don't really know if I've liked. Basically, any of them, I don't think that like platinum, blonde is me anymore, but also, I don't think, like black hair with purple fringe area is either me, so that's what I'm kind of dealing with at the moment. So in this video I have documented my my journey for getting rid of jet-black hair and taking it to about a level 6 dark ash, violet blonde that might sound very complicated. I promise you it absolutely isn't. It just took a little while to get there and by a little while I mean over a few days, because I had this idea in my mind. I kind of wanted to go to a level 7 level, 8 kind of cool tone, blondie sort of light color. Without being blonde, but also kind of a bit smoky ala guide, Tang kind of didn't really work that way. Here'S a little secret for you, hair never really behaves the way you think it's going to when you're dealing with like hair bleach and hair removal and dyeing hair color removal, not just hair removal. Otherwise, I would be bald, so the star of today's show is in fact the avinash eraser color removal system improved formula. Now I have used this stuff before from when I wanted to go deep, like vibrant red back to I see white, and I did that probably in 2016. I think alright. This is a really great color remover. I think it comes in at around 17 pounds not too bad, and it is not a bleach now that is the most important thing when dealing with like permanent hair dye removal and semi permanent hair dye removal. So I've already really done a full on experience and review of this entire product before, but I'm just going to mention it again that if you want to remove box die or permanent, die or semi-permanent die Salim die anything you want to get rid of in your Hair, this is the way to go, and not a full-on bleach at first, because this stuff just wonderfully gets out everything from your hair, and it allows you to recolor it immediately. It does in fact claim that it leaves it in better condition than when you start it that's a little bit debatable, but I can attest myself that it doesn't actually damage your hair further, which is exactly perfect right. The only downside about this product is it somehow smells like hot feet and fish and sulfur all at the same time. So you end up having a bit of a smelly hair. It'S really not pleasant, and it's quite overpowering, so you have to do it in, like you have to open all the windows in your bathroom all the doors you can't just be like in this cupboard, I'm going to breathe this because you will be very, very unwell. So I in fact vlogged this whole experience on my phone, so over the next few Clips you're going to see a marker drop in audio and video quality, but I hope you get the idea of the gist of what it is that I'm talking about. So, let's start the video, shall we? How did I go from jet-black hair to a nice mid-tone level? 6 ash violet blonde. So here we go as you can see, I'm in the gorgeous lighting. That is also known as my avant-garde bathroom Here I am being moderately sexy or perhaps just awful. So as you can see, I have some really confusing tones in my hair. The front is purple and red at the back. My black has mostly faded. I was only using demi-permanent black, so thank goodness for that that I can get it out quite well. It'S kind of faded, there's some awkward green tones, more quad tones in general. Let'S get that stuff out so using the avinash eraser and mixing it to an absolutely disgusting paste in which it also absolutely smells awful. As you can see me vomiting practically here, you have to mix it all the way throughout your hair. Now the best way to mix the avinash I have found is to use it at one-to-one ratio, and you can use the pack multiple times so again, I'm also dying whilst listening and smelling and just experiencing this rather unacceptable color stripper experience. But it is very important that you absolutely saturate all of your hair from root to tip, so that includes getting all underneath at the back, getting all your little extra bits that you think you might miss if your are likely to miss it. It'S probably good to have a friend help you. I have no friends. So nobody help me. That'S a complete lie. My boyfriend was actually out and I didn't want him to be subjected to these awful fish fumes. Oh so once the application is complete and you have put it all the way throughout your hair saturating everything. This is the trick. I actually get a lovely Sainsbury's bag pop it on my head and leave it to develop for half an hour. This helps really penetrate the hair to really shrink those dye molecules out, get them out, get them out of my hair. I don't want it go. So what you see now is the outcome of that first round of treatment. So, interestingly enough, the front of my hair that was like this dark, purpley red went this absolutely gorgeous like real ultramarine blue color, which I didn't actually want. But, as you can see at the back, the majority of the real darkness has completely left my hair. So I do have some more colors in there that I do want to get rid of, and I did end up deciding to do it again, because I just thought there was more pigment that could be scrubbed out one of the secrets to getting this product. To really really work for you is that you have to scrub your hair when you're in the shower, you have to scrub it five six seven times literally with that much shampoo, and it is that friction and scrubbing that gets the dye out of the hair. So this color remover can only be used on like really really dry hair. It cannot be a little bit damp. It cannot be anything so in this next scene. You can really see that when my hair is dry, just how much lighter that single treatment has got it, and also what I mean just by the like gorgeous blue at the front like how beautiful is that color? I kind of want all of my hair that color, but also know at the same time, so here I'm pointing at the bands of my hair and as you can see, you can't really see, but you can kind of see there are some darkness areas where the Pigments didn't really fully come out so, as I say, I'm going to do it again, but I'm going to spare you watching that process, I'm just going to fast-forward it through the magic of YouTube. Now it had been a few hours by this point and, as you can see, my hair is looking a little bit ropey and in some need of TLC, so this was as light as I think, going to be able to get it. What I'm holding up here is a level 7 ash blonde and unfortunately it wasn't the best option for me to go with, because it didn't really do much to the parts of my hair that I wanted it to affect. However, when I rubbed it through the front of my hair, as you can see here, it actually took out a lot of that purple, which is exactly what I was looking for. So while this wasn't like a crucial part of the step - and it didn't necessarily give me the outcome - I was looking for - it actually helped me by getting out the temporary color in the front of my hair. So I took a break for a few days from messing with my hair and went about my daily things to see if I liked it or whatever was going on with my hair. So as you can see, there's some silver tones and it's kind of a bit. Warm - and I thought I can just make it - look that little bit better. So, instead of trying to fight the inevitable warmth, you will end up with at level 6 hair. I ended up purchasing this XP toner in the shade 6.2 6, which is called something like violet red, dark ash blonde level thick. Something like this either way. I ended up mixing it up in a toner formulation, so that is a one to one with a 1.9 % peroxide - and I just applied this all over my hair to just really bring everything a bit more together into a level that I'll be quite happy with. I then also actually left out my little fringe areas and only tone them for about 5 minutes towards the end, because they were just looking a bit worse for wear. This is how it turned out in the end, and this is exactly what I have right now and I'm quite happy with it. Actually, I think, in the end, I probably will go lighter eventually, but I'm happy with this for now. So let me know what you think in the comments below I mean: I'm quite happy with it, but I know that I probably will be changing it at some point soon, perhaps not too soon, though it needs a break. So, just before you go, I want you to also let you know that I have a patreon now and the details will be in the description box below, but it is forward, slash, XX, luxe area, and it will just help me to produce magnificent new content Relating to science and beauty, videos so check it out. If you get the time otherwise see you in my next video gorgeous gorgeous people,

Panda Lovett: Just gotta say, you are one of the funniest people on Youtube. Every video youve put out over the years is interesting and fun to watch, even if I am not really interested in each individual topic. Thanks for making videos <3

Amanda Jordan: I LOVE the silver tones, from your fringe, before the last toner you used. If you could bleach all over and tone all your hair to that silver it would be AMAZING!! So glad I found you on Roly’s channel, you are AMAZING

Adam Tiley: Looks fab! Love to see you be so upbeat and bubbly in your videos, you seem so much more comfortable in your own skin now ❤❤

MERCHIODOS: Your hair is an ombre and I love it, the way the brown fades to grey is amazing

Jane: great job! love the color but even more so the comedic way you present your vlogs.

Shellan: Gurl! You slayed it! Looking damn gorgeous fabulous ❤

Jeremy Andrews: Hi Miss Luxeria. Finally ha time to watch on a Saturday evening. I like the final color. Very nice coloring and highlights. I haven't colored my hair in a very long time now. Glad to see you as always.

Mark Goldby: I've been following you so many years now that I saw this coming the second you dyed your hair black! Great job, hope your scalp was alright xx

BillyMadisonsShampoo: Not only have I become obsessed with I'm obsessed with lux videos. The only things I allow my addictive personality to indulge in.

Sharon Baker: Ohhh poor hair!!! It’s so difficult to make drastic changes when you’re going from dark to light...when you were speaking at the beginning, I was truly worried, but given that you recorded that after the whole experience...anyway, I bleach my hair far too often because I’ve been blue a number of years, and it’s scary each time!!! I think you got pretty cool results! Lots of deep conditioning and argan oil for you for a while! Thanks for the video!!!

Kiarra Hall: The final outcome looked so beautiful ! Your amazing Luxeria I love your videos, sending love from Australia ❤️

Z Hussain: Hey lux, hope this isn't weird to ask. Do you know what happened to Yami Maya from AndroGenetics?

Lady Serafina: That end colour suits you soooooooo much, you look stunning

Pip Murray-Gorringe: It’s kind of funny because ever since I was about 13, I’ve always wanted black hair. I started dying it black (after being my natural hair colour for a few years), back in 2017, and I’ve gotten so used to it, I don’t actually like my natural hair colour. My inner Gothling is like “wtf is that?!” when my roots show . Also as one of the “A”s in the LGBTQIA acronym (I myself am Asexual).... thank you for mentioning us! If I had the money, I’d support your patreon just for that, though all the science-y stuff in makeup sounds fascinating too.

Just Denise: I love the color! But everything looks good on you! Great job!

paige: I remember watching your videos years ago and thinking how I would love to meet you one day to say hi and I have now realised we actually live in the same borough :) lovely hair, I'm a trainee hairdresser so enjoyed watching this

lordlickorice: Oh, wow! I love the end result! I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I’m very impressed!

ashh: It turned out gorgeous!

Slytherin Ginger Witch: It worked out really well. I love it!

Eliza Lust 💋: Hey babe Can I ask you regarding your hairline FUT did you have a really good result at 8 months? Mine is very thin and not filled out yet. I hope it's as full and lush as yours at the year mark. Also did you or have you tried castor oil for hair growth and how do you feel about oils for hair growth? (Jamaican black) castor oil challenge gets really good reviews. Is this something you may consider doing? Xxx

Aidisme: Damn that hair came out sooo cute! Love it!

Pawsz: i've not seen this hair colour done before, it's really chic but edgy, lol wow, never thought id ever say something like that but it's just true.

Zaraod: yeah its a cool interesting ashy brown i like either go with an all over rich brown shade or like a rooted blonde look not white blonde but still a level 10 ..and just get extensions that i think would be the transformation your looking for.... not so much in colour but maybe length and fullness will satisfy your itch for change! cause tbh it doesnt matter the colour.. hair looking healthy illustrious and long i think is the way to go..if i was to have it short id have to go like black or white blonde for it to look cool..but if its long it can look good any colour

Bianca Rose 🌹: Hey thanks for the video I’m about to try this but so nervous!! Did you do a skin test before or anything!? :)

Z Hussain: Been watching your videos since androgenetics. Love your journey!!!

Cyborg Magm4r: You look great with silver hair!

Jaicila McSparin: Wait, after the eraser did you bleach your hair before getting the silver in the front or did you put that dye over the lightish purple??? I would love to try silver but always thought my hair was too dark. But that gives me hope. Lol.

Rainbowdust74: So many people mess their hair up terribly, but you mostly do a nice job with yours. Watching your videos, I'm almost tempted to mess with mine, but I'm going to refrain. By all means, give yours a nice rest, though. I'd hate to see you ruin a good thing.

Jack Allison: I love the end result! It's beautiful just like you!!

Cottontop: The color is amazing! You're gorgeous.

TheQueenofUgliness: That end result is hella gorgeous omg <3

Tovah Romanov: I adore you♥️ New subbie with a pinch of stalker! You’re brilliant and need your own show...ta ta Mr. Norman. We’ve found prettier, funnier and far more brill without that silly accent! Ha! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

allsupergirl: I like the color on you. I think black was a bit harsh but this new color really looks nice.

Qweens Corner: Literally just did this with my friend spent 12 1/2 hours to go jet black to caramel 2 removers 3 bleaches and its finally done

Debra Poston: Finally! I really did not like your hair color after you died it from the platinum. If you would have just done an all over black, it would have been better instead of putting the purple in it. My natural hair color is a #7 Ash which came from my paternal side of the family being Scottish. I did purchase the products to return it to a cooler, darker ash blonde but, since we put a completely new water system in our house to keep the water rust sediment free and the water soft and not hard nasty crappy water, ($3,000 USD), I went ahead and died it "ONE LAST TIME" the lightest Ash Blonde using Loreal Excellence. The new water system was worth every penny (even though we are making monthly because it DOES keep the rust sediments out, it is now soooo much healthier on my hair and skin. If I want to, I can keep it a nice ash blonde or even a light silver white BUT, I am tired of processing and damaging my hair and would like to let it grow long again. I am going die it one shade darker than the level I want because of the fade factor. Once it fades a bit, then, it will be right where I want it, and my natural color will blend in with it. I was actually HOPING you would choose an ash color; Charcoal color. Once you get that auburn reddish brown out, which I personally think looks yucky, sorry, and it is all one tone ash, it is going to look GREAT with your skin tone and especially your eyes. This color, charcoal or dark ash blonde is such a versatile color. In the winter time you can low light it with darker highlights and in the summer time with lighter silver blonde ash highlights using the charcoal color as the all over base color. Not only that, this color can look very professional, goth, glam, soft and feminine depending on how you wear your make up and style it; very versatile hair color. I too feel that the light blonde crap I have been working for YEARS, is no longer me. It just does not suit my life, lifestyle, and personality anymore. I had it the dark ash last year, and I felt more like "myself". I did get a lot of compliments on it as well. This weekend, I am going to use the product I have had stashed away for months and DIE it. I am SUPER excited you have chose the same color. I personally think it will be the best color you will have ever had on your head once you do get it finished to that all over color. Love, love, love you to pieces...xoxo

Creature Cola: i absolutely love your hair at the end, the style is cute but that color ;u; <3

Purple Dawn: My purple hair also ended up dark blue when I tried to remove it

valentina trls: The new hair color suits you very much

xbluedream89x: I reallllly love that color it has 90s goth teen going through highschool look.

Anne McKeel: I do love your new color . you suit so many shades but this auburn brown is a very rich tone with your pale skin. If I were you I would consider which shades best suit your new career image !

Lucas Official: Wow you look beautiful, you’ve changed so much

emoprincess: i love it you look beautiful with the color

Angel Grimes: I really like it! It looks like you have highlights

Lucas Official: Love It ... I really like XP 100 colours too. Great value for money

Cassidy Jade: The end result suits you so much

daniel gatford: Loved it on the escalator you were giving very rouge from x-men vibes which is always good look hahaha in my opinion haha ❤️❤️❤️

Tokyo Yu: Your color and hair look so pretty.

lea: It looks good! Way better than the emo black and red you started with!

Micha193: Oh wow, I like the new colour a lot!! :)

Jesi Scott: Simply wonderful result (!) and V appro for work too, But I so loved the terrific blue, too

Roly: I don't know why but 7:37 your description there made me laugh so hard I just pictured you here saying that huddled over like a demon

Tara Angel: Love it!!

Judge Judith Sheindlin: hey babe i have a question... if u could help. TLDR: i want to go two shades lighter and have a light brown to it what’s a good bleach for dark hair i don’t mind failing it can’t be that terrible. i’ve seen the dumb mistakes people make like over bleach so i have natural black hair and it’s very dark and it’s short, about long enough to be pulled. i tried to dye it before but without bleach. of course nothing happened so i shaved my head out of sheer annoyance. what do u recommended if anything i should buy to obtain a shade of hair that will make it look like brown on just the top of my head. not sure if i want highlights. i want it to be just the top and a couple shades lighter. thanks babe hope u have some advice ✨✨

023338: I love it!

Caroline Boves: Hey SEXY!!!! Geez, that color removal thingy is EXPENSIVE!!! Here in the US is about $65 dollars on Amazon! That is quite a lot for a hair color remover... I have tried the One n' Only Color Fix with argan oil with great success from the first application! ... If you haven't tried it, PLEASE DO!!! it is much cheaper (about $14-$20 dollars), works great from the first application and most importantly, doesn't destroy your hair... Hope this helps. Your hair came out very nice by the way...or as usual i should say!! Lots of love to you from a stranger in the land!!

Rachel Baker: Looks good!

Cosmic: It looks great.

Bobbie-Jean: Is that stuff available in the States because when I dyed my hair back to what was supposed to be medium brown medium to dark brown yeah there's some red there's some green undertone and there's some light undertose yeah it's a mess this would be something I can get in the states or even order it from the UK an have it shipped to the states. Lord knows that my hair is such a dark brown that it kind of looks black and it's got like a little bit of red and a little bit of that weird green undertone yeah so happens when you use box dye but I'm tired of it it looks crappy and I don't like it and it wasn't supposed to be this dark but my hair was already a blondish color yeah so it got really dark and I just don't like it I didn't I liked it better than the strawberry blonde my hair turned out because I accidentally toned my whole head an it came out strawberry blonde with magnificent highlights. So my skin tone or I should say undertones does not compliment a strawberry blonde color everyone thought it look great but I just don't have the skin tone or color to support strawberry blonde my mom is strawberry blonde naturally and she has a fair skin tone with warm undertones and I have I guess neutral with warm undertones I don't know I just know it doesn't look right with my skin and I cannot support it with my color my skin like I have I'm white I'm Caucasian but I have native American and Swedish and European in my heritage and lineage so yeah strawberry blonde just does not look good on me and I wanted to fix it cuz it looked wonky so I waited a week or two so that it wasn't you know killing my hair and then when I got the medium brown or medium dark brown it came out like Coca-Cola black with it was so dark it was so so dark and that's my fault because my hair was so light I could have gotten away with just Brown and it would have came out medium to dark brown anyways I need a hair color removal that isn't going to kill my hair because after I dye my hair I also trimmed it and used a bond conditioner to help heal my hair

Joshua Creel: I understand it wasnt the goal but you were serving me some like JRPG Villain with the dark gray streak with the warmer hair interim stage, that said it could just be because i associate that look with you in general (in the best way).

BillyMadisonsShampoo: Also darlin, what's the difference between demi and semi?

Myril: Nice color !

Nini D: You are so beautiful!! :)

ann N: Vitamin c powder works also not just a legend

Bethany: I love your voice

pobstrel: Hot feet, fish and sulphur? So cheese, fish and rotten eggs? Ugh!


NicArtistic: oooooo. Hi beautiful :)

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