Reverse Grey Hair To Black Hair Permanently/ Natural Grey Hair Remedy/ Samyuktha Diaries

  • Posted on 24 April, 2020
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

Best home remedy to reverse Grey Hair (White Hair) to jet black hair permanently (Men & Women).

This is an excellent natural remedy to prevent grey hair & reverse gray hair. It also stops hair fall and increases the hair thickness. You will get thick hair, long hair.

Links for items used in this video:




Black sesame seeds -

Apple Cider vineger -

BlackStrap Molasses -

Amla (Gooseberry) -

UK :


Black sesame seeds -

Apple Cider vineger -

BlackStrap Molasses -

Amla (Gooseberry) -

India :


Black sesame -

Apple Cider vineger -

BlackStrap Molasses -

Amla (Gooseberry) -


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#ReverseGrayHair #GrayHairRemedy #PreventGrayHair #ReverseGreyHair #GreyHairRemedy #PreventGreyHair #naturalremedyforgreyhair #grayhair #greyhair #greyhairremedy #homeremedy #remedy #DIY #greyhairnaturalremedy #grayhair #whitehairremedy

Copyright (c): Samyuktha Diaries YouTube channel, this video is developed and first published on Apr 24 2020 by Samyuktha Diaries YouTube channel.

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Some of the common causes of premature greying are vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency, stress, smoking. Since I've seen these remedies personally work so well, I can guarantee that it'll work for everyone who is suffering from premature greying of the hair. Along with the remedies given, try your best to reduce stress. Spend time in nature as often as you can as it is a great stress buster. Also regular exercise, meditation, relaxing hobbies all will greatly help reduce stress. Finally try your best to switch to natural products for hair care. I have given recipes for all natural hair care products from homemade natural shampoos to hair packs, give them a try...

DISCLAIMER: This is not a sponsored video. This video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a health practitioner. Please make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used in this recipe. Viewers are subjected to use this information on their own risk. This channel doesn’t take any responsibility for any harm, side-effects, illness or any health or skin problems caused due to the use of our content or anything related to this.

©Samyuktha Diaries ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Hi guys, how are you nobody likes? Gray, hair? Everybody wants to look young and also feel young from inside right. So I'm going to show you this super effective natural method to reverse your gray hair. This is a permanent solution. All you have to do is eat one spoon of this every day and you can reverse a gray hair forever. We all know that gray, hair on white hair happens because of lack of vitamins, biotin and melanin deficiency on free radicals, but we don't have to live with gray hair. We can reverse it totally. That is exactly what we are going to do so before we make this gray hair remedy make sure you subscribe to my channel so that you won't miss out on my future videos. First, I'm going to show you how to make this concoction and then I'll, explain you how and when to consume this to get the maximum benefits out of it. So, let's get started shall we first ingredient for making this concoction is sesame seeds? There are white sesame seeds and black ones in the market. What you need is the black variety I'm going to take 2 tablespoons of these black sesame fees and fry it on low flame, I'm just dry frying it black sesame seeds have exceptionally high amount of antioxidants and anti-aging benefits. These antioxidants can neutralize the effect of free radicals, the damage our cells and cause aging, including great hair, hair loss and wrinkles. Don'T let the seeds burn, you just need to fry the. Until you hear the crackling sound from the seeds, then let this cool down even a lot of people. Ask me this question: they eat very healthy food, they eat vegetables, fruits, protein and everything, but still they have vitamin deficiency and deficiency. The reasoning see how our body works is when our gut health is not right, our body's unable to absorb the nutrients from the food that we're eating. That is the reason we get iron deficiency and vitamin deficiencies that is to hair for wrinkles. You know fast, aging and great hair as well, so to avoid the gradient to reverse the gray hair. What we have to do is we have to increase our program defect. We have to increase the good bacteria in our gut, so I'm going to be using apple cider vinegar for that it is an excellent way to increase your good healthy gut bacteria, I'm going to use one tablespoon of apple cider, vinegar to the sesame seeds. It'S important that you wait until the sesame seeds cool down and then what I've got here is blackstrap molasses. This is very traditional ingredient in baking, it's a byproduct while making sugar from sugar cane, so it's very natural, is very rich in nutrients as well. Blackstrap. Molasses will reverse gray hair because it's really high in oil and one of the reasons for greying of hair is lack of iron. In our body I am going to use two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses. The high copper levels in blackstrap molasses will stimulate melanin production which read pigments and darkens. Our hair then comes the very important ingredient which is amla powder. Amla is Indian gooseberry. The high levels of vitamin C na ma helps us to absorb all the nutrients. Amla is a great anti-aging ingredient, I'm going to add 1tsp of amla powder to this now mix this all three. So now the best time to eat this concoction is in the morning. You have to eat this 30 minutes before you eat your breakfast because you faster you have not anything throughout the night, my dear body's ready dogs of all the nutrients in the morning from your field, so that is the best time I did. He give you the best results. If you have any questions at all, you can write it in the comment section below this video I'll, be very glad to help you out guys. You know my simple principle in life is being healthy, is beautiful. So if you like this content hit the like button here and you can stay in touch with me by subscribing to my channel - have a lovely day guys ba ba

Chitra C: For how many days we have to take it. Can the concoction be prepared and stored. When we will start to see the reversing process. Will it affect weight loss dieting.

scott woodard: Hi just a couple of questions. When it takes the grey out does it only go to black or back to your younger natural hair color ? In my case my hair was brown neverblack. How long does it take to change the color ? Thanks

NZ Kiwi: Hi, great video. Could this be made as a drink each morning by mixing the ingredients into a cup of hot water? Also, can the seeds be toasted in advance to save time? Just looking at ways for quicker prep without losing any of the main benefits.

karen smith fam: How long does this take to reverse gray hairs? How often do we ingest this concoction? And can this concoction be added to smoothies in a blender to get the same affect? Also I just watched a video from previous about Ridge gourds and creating an oil. Have you ever done both concoction and oil together? How quickly did you see results? How soon did you notice that the gray hairs came back after stopping?

Mz Mo: Great! Have you successfully used this recipe for your own gray hair? And how long does this recipe keep for? A few days or weeks and where should one store it?

Yolanda Stanford: Thank you so much for this video! I will definitely give this a try! For those looking for all the ingredients everything can be found on Amazon-if anyone is having a hard time finding any of the items!

Cathy Soo: Hi, can I use the Strong Black Seed Oil (made by The Blessed Seed) instead of the dry roasted black seeds? Thank you !

Namrata Hora: Can we add grenadine molasses instead of black strap molasses?

Shilpa Amruthaluri: Hi Samyuktha, I wanted to try this tip and bought all of the ingredients. But the blackstrap molasses I bought is of Plantation brand but it is not as thick as the one you used on the video. So I'm skeptical whether to consume the blackstrap molasses or not. Please respond as it means a lot.

Mira Mauckisch: Could you give a list of ingredients with quantity in the description box under your videos in general? Would be very helpful.

Hakim Rasheed: Hi, quick question, is 30 minutes before breakfast a strict time? Can it be an hour before breakfast? Also, do you eat a teaspoon a day or a tablespoon a day?

David: I have just come across this video as I noticed this morning how grey my hair has become and how much of it falls out during the washing of it. Now I will follow this simple remedy. A very insightful video that explains the reasons for the causes and the available links to buy the products to undertake reversal of this health issue. Thank you for posting this video.

Apsana Gousia: Instead of molasses , what can we use?

ARITINA: Wow how simple and natural!!! I love it!!! And I am extremely grateful to you for sharing this!!❤️ I’ve had grey hair since my mid 20s!! Ugh! I hate it coz I would love to stop dyeing my hair and not look like a grandma! Lol! I’m about to order all these ingredients from Amazon!

Linwood Twine Jr: Hi Samyuktha. I am trying your gray hair restoration today. I am 59 yrs old and is fairly gray. Would over cooking the sesame seeds slightly effect the process much. Being this was my first time. Thanks in advance for your response.

toyinbukky: Could you list the ingredients please?

Sudeshna Ganguly: Very interesting! A quick question, if I don't get black molasses, then what should I do? Any replacement for molasses Lady?

Gitanjali Malhotra: Hi Samyuktha, love your channel. Could you please tell if this remedy would work on hair that's being colored regularly? I have grey hair due to using hair colour for the last ten years

esi222mensimah: @Samyuktha Diaries do you have anything for stretch marks? Will be glad to have a natural remedy that really works at healing stretched skins and restoring the melanin

Hal Casey: Will this work for blonde-haired people who have turned gray? Will your natural DNA return YOUR specific hair color or will this color your hair black regardless? Thank you!

P M: Hello Ma'am- Lovely educational videos. Please can you advise how to use fresh amla in this mixture? I was not sure if the amla powder is food-grade in my local store so i got fresh instead. Is there a method to prepare fresh amla for this mixture?

Shravani PL: Nice info. Will molasses increase the blood sugar level if consumed regularly?

SunsTo7: Sounds very healthy but I'm concerned about the Molasses because of high sugar.

Zara Lamri: Hello! Thank you for your video. What happened after a month? Do you have to continue the daily routine? And how long for?

alphonse jeyaradj: I have never heard of blackstrap molasses. Where is it available ? I am in France and I have never seen blackstrap molasses on the shelves.

Abby Brown: Thanks for the info. Once concoction is made, do I refrigerate it or throw any leftovers away?

Julie From USA: Hello! Do we take 1 tsp or 1 tblsp of mixture per day and for how many days? Thank you!

Analise Williams: Hi there!! thanks for sharing, could you possible write down the ingredients? Thanks

seema nayee: few questions for you: Can we roast black sesmae in advance and keep in jar to save time. Can you pls give us exate measure to intake every morning so we can make fresh instead of keep in fridge. Thanks

Follower JC: Questions:- Do you take one teaspoonful a day or a tablespoonful? You just say one spoonful but not quantity. Also can I double or triple the ingredients to make a larger batch, and should this be kept in a fridge or not? Thank you!

Lakshmi M: Hi, thanks for all the videos and details in the video. I have melasma. Doesn't Molasses will increases it? As it has Melanin?

willako L: So what can I use instead of molasses?

Linda Johnsen: Hi, great video- but I am confused. I thought if you heated nutritional supplements they lose their nutritional value from the heat. Is there a reason the sesame seeds need to be heated by frying them? And does the frying diminish the sesames nutritional value? Thank you and be blessed

parveenc10: Can you please write the actual amount to consume this concoction on (morning)daily basis?

capricorn 8181: Hi, can we use white sesame seeds instead of black? I'm already taking probiotic supplement should I mix apple cider vinegar because I'm already skinny. Has anyone used this concoction and benefited?

Veil Break: I bought some gooseberry powder last week....Id never seen it before. Now I have something to use it for thanks....I take wheat grass powder every day, it also prevents and allegedly reverses greying.

dhsw41800: You get old, you grey, you die. There’s no such thing as reversing the aging process. It’s going to happen.

Cc Cc: Can i also use black cumin seed (nigella) instead of black sesame seed??

Thriveni Jags: I really like the way you add Amazon links for ingredients used. It's extremely useful. Thanks so much

vajra mani: 1tsp or 1tbp, since in the beginning it is mentioned as one spoon. So the question. Is this good for diabetic patients?

Sheena Beens: Where can I find all these ingredients? Please and thank you

tisland: Maybe a crazy question, but when you say reverse...does that mean the already grey hairs will return back to its original color or when hair continues to grow, it will no longer grey?

Epaminondas Rekatsinas: Samyuktha,you are an EXCEPTIONAL Human Being and a Loving Caring Professional! You are also a very Sweet,Beautiful and Intelligent young lady who REALLY CARES in HELPING PEOPLE! You demonstrate how close you are to understanding the people! You are Classy yet very Simple! I am so PROUD of YOU! Your life does have a meaning in our beautiful world! Thank you sooooo much! Epaminondas,Montreal.

Meenakshi Bhatia: Hi thanks for your video As you have mentioned eat this daily but as according to Ayurveda, Black sesame seeds are hot in nature and may increase Pitta. Would that be a problem in any way? Do reply as it is imp question

Rapinder Dhanjal: Thank you for sharing. How many teaspoons should a person take each morning and for how long? Are there any negative side effects and do we need to avoid certain foods while having this everyday?

salah eldin osman: What is black sesame seed My country Sudan is well known for growing sesame seeds but we don't have black sesame seeds We do know black seeds like the you used unfortunately ido know it is English name we call it Huba Suda which means Black seeds

free agent: I'm almost 60, grey hair doesn't worry me. I always tell my barber, better grey hair than no hair.

Fran Fehlen: I am confused. It seems to make enough for many days and a reply I read says you can store it for only a couple of days. Why make so much if you can't store it longer? And is it stored at room temperature or refrigerated?

MRSPURPLESHAMROCK: Hi I chanced upon your video and find it very interesting. Someone else asked this question but you haven’t replied as yet. What happens if you have grey hair already ? Does it reverse ie change back to my colour which is red hair ‍? Look forward to your response

Shyam Santhanam: This video was posted just 2 weeks ago. Nobody who has watched it has been trying this for long enough to see the results. We should all come back to comment after a month and say if it worked!

ventudeca: Hello, can I substitute molasses with honeydew?

Gour Pooja: Any substitue for mollases? as I am trying to avoid sugar

sridhar M K: Where can I buy the molasses? Kindly enlighten.

Nirmani Walpola: Hi! If it increases melanin in our bodies, can this this effect skin colour as well? Like darkening the skin?? Please respond. Thank you so much. Love from Sri Lanka ♥️

Angel Mcmurray: I’m definitely going to try this! Thank you

Patricia Pellmann: One of the questions was asked but not answered. Does this reverse grey hair to black when one already has it? For the said portion mentioned in the video, how many days is that portion good for?, going by your recommendation of 1 tsp a day? And do I store the rest in the refrigerator?

smitha nair: Hi Samyuktha, thank you for this. Does it work only with premature greying or greying in general. I really like the way you explain your videos and that you bring so much of positivity in them. God bless! Warm regards

Manisha Parmar: Hi Samyuktha I have been using this heavenly and yummy concoction since a month and 10 days and I already see a huge improvement!!! I would have got a new regrowth of white hairs by now in the roots. However I see only a tiny amount showing up. So this definitely works :))) a big YAYYY. Now I have a question about serving size, as this quantity seems to last for about 4 days even if I take 1.5 spoonfuls. So please suggest, if I'm adding anything too much? Black sesame seeds- 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar- 1 tbsp Blackstrap molasses- 2 tbsp Amla powder- 1 tsp. All this lasts for 3-4 days for sure and I leave it on my countertop. Looking forward to your suggestions Sam :) Thanks!

Maurice Price: How long does the mixture last that was made in your video and when making the mixture should it be refrigerated.

Charvi Gangisetty: Does this help in increasing metabolism too?

Louis Cantu: Out of all your remedies for reversing grey hair which one is the best?

Charles Rodriguez: How often should I consume this recipe? Once a week, twice a week, every morning?

Stacy Ming: I use molasses and honey everyday no sugar, am 40 years old no gray hair and am look like 20 years old black Jamaican queen. Thank you so much for your time, one love.

Surya Kumari: Hi Sam. Can this be given to young girls of 25 ,26 yrs

Sudhir Tibarewal: How long Can we store this concoction and what’s the right way to store it ?

Ajay.p Ajay.p: Should we use sulphured or unsulphured molasses

Tinku jain: Can we use Jaggery? Instead of molasses

Paloma Healing: How long approx. can this take to reverse the grey hair? Thanx

Bcbu Cb: Instead of molasses, could we use another stuff highly rich in iron.Because I tried for this in two big supermarkets still I was not able to found.

Valente Ferrao: If one cannot find amla, can you substitute tamarind pulp for amla?

Suja's Vlogs: Hi samyuktha. I am taking tab.omepazole empty stomach in the morning. Can I take this with or after the medicine ? Please let me know. Thanks.

TV2Fios: Hello I am looking forward to trying this concoction.. I will let you know how it works for my husband and I..

mahm naveed: Hi there i have tried your keratin treatment and the results were great. What if we dont have blackstrap molasses what is its alternative?

Liza Pandey: Hi, love your videos, you are a ray of hope. I've some queries and need your help. 1-Can Gooseberry powder be replaced with Triphala powder,asking as not getting all ingredients during lockdown. 2-Also,for how long I can continue taking this remedy daily, or I can take it for a month daily and then give a gap of a week or so and then I can continue.Can it be continued for couple of years? Thanks :)

Suruj Kuar: Hi Ma'am .any type of molasses works? We don't have amla powder in our country. Any substitute

Sagar Thawrani: Instead of molaese what we can use

Logan Dowell: What about grinding up the black sesame seeds in a coffee grinder instead? Then they are a little easier to absorb as a powder.

Deepti Arora: Hi, can we use white sesame seeds instead of black? Thank you in advance for answering.

bong Corrales: Hi mam, I'm already 52 yrs of age , my hair is already 85 percent white and grey, this remedy of yours can still work for me?

Shweta Shanbhag: Hi Samyuka actually I am drinking turmeric water in the morning.Which one should I take first concoction or turmeric water? Please suggest

Chandan Mehta: Hi Samyukta. How long can this be stored ?

Jay Prak: Ma'am, very good information. I am 40 plus and with almost 60 % grey hair. When (approx) can i see results if regularly taken above remedy daily? Thanks

Prameela Vennapu: Hi Samyukhta, can I take this concoction and still use colour to my hair? Thanks in advance

Delali Afewu: Hope formula works as explained in your presentation. Thank you.

Kanagambal Gomathy: Hi there, can we make it in a larger quantity and store it in the refrigerator? If yes, how many days can I refrigerate it

Eugene Paynter: The maker of this video needs to give more information on where to get some of the ingredients and how to store it along with dosage recommendations this would go a long way for others to use this

SUJATA SURAMPUDY: Hi Samyukta, I have premature grey hair and I am 20years old..As you said in the video that it will boost melanin skin complexion is on a bit dark brown will having this oral preparation affect my complexion aswell and make me darker? Please respond.

LRK Musings: Hi Samyuktha... am 45 years.. will this still work? Do we get this ingredient black molasses in India?

Maurice Price: I made my first batch and will start taking it on Monday morning. My questions are who many days will the last before I have to make a new one and can I take both day and night.. Thanks in advance for your help and videos...

Mz Erica: I'm 56, I'm starting to get grey hairs, so I'm going to get the ingredients and try this. I will comment when I see the greys gone :-)

Music Lovers: Could you please provide remedy to cure ulcerative colitis?

TP Ng: Hi Samyuktha, do the sesame seeds have to be raw, or can we use pre-roasted sesame seeds? And if we can use pre-roasted seeds, do we still have to fry them?

Alys Mari: Can i use klonji oil in place of the seeds? It's hard to get black sesame seeds right now.

Madhu Singh: Hello Mam!!! Instead of blackstrap molasses can we use another ingredient Pls let me know Mam Due to lockdown I m not able to buy this product

Little Treasures: Can I use black sesame powder instead? I can't have anything that is seed form or with seeds in it.

Roshni: Can we use organic honey inplace of molasses?

Saumya Srivastava: Hi Samyuktha... could it be taken during pregnancy??

OluwoleT: Does it have a negative effect on Blood Pressure?

Jerzeegurl524: Is there a substitute for the amps powder?

nieves rose: I was looking for this for long long time, what is the remedy for my hair to skip hair dyeing. Thanks

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