Why Does Your Hair Turn Gray? - Speaking Of Chemistry

  • Posted on 20 April, 2016
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  • By Anonymous

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It’s an inevitable side effect of longevity: your hair will turn gray. In this episode, Sophia Cai chats about the chemistry of your natural hair color, why it eventually turns white, and how scientists may be able to slow that graying down.

If this episode leaves you wanting more, check out these great resources.

First hair-graying gene identified


A genome-wide association scan in admixed Latin Americans identifies loci influencing facial and scalp hair features


Gray hair and vitiligo reversed at the root


Post-Traumatic Tress Disorder


Everyday Mysteries: Why does hair turn gray?


Why Does Hair Turn Gray?


The structure we show for the tyrosinase enzyme is a prediction. Researchers haven't yet experimentally verified what it looks like. For more info, check out this paper from Enzyme Research: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/er/201...

And again, thanks to Gerald Weissman for talking to us for this video.


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There’S, no surer sign that you’re getting old than finding new gray hairs., But scientists have finally identified a gene involved in the hair-graying process.. What does this mean and how does your hair actually go from colored to gray, Watch and weep. Geneticists recently examined the DNA of more than 6,000 people and found specific genes that influence things like baldness beard, thickness, hair, curliness and even unibrow ... ness., But the find That got the most attention was a particular variation in the IRF4 gene that affects when your hair goes gray.. Finding this specific graying variation in the gene could help scientists develop products to slow the graying, process. Or speed it up. I suppose, if you want to be a silver fox or avant garde hipster., But we all actually start out gray in a way. Before your hair pops out of your scalp it’s, completely white.. It gets its color from chemistry—specifically, a group of pigment molecules called melanin, which also determine your skintone and eye color. For hair there’s eumelanin that creates dark shades and pheomelanin that produces lighter hair colors.. The proportion of these two types determines your—and everyone, else’s—hair color., How that color gets into your initially colorless hair is up to your follicles.. Every hair follicle in your scalp contains cells called melanocytes which produce melanin. As hair grows in the follicle melanocytes inject melanin pigments into your hair cells that contain keratin a protein that’s also in your skin and fingernails.. So as your hair grows out of your head, it gets dyed with its natural hue. Over time our melanocytes produce less pigment, so our hair starts to lighten, as we age. Scientists have recently found that as we get older, our hair follicles start accumulating hydrogen peroxide—the same Stuff people use to bleach their hair.. Some hydrogen peroxide is normal.. We actually make our own H2O2 as melanocytes color. Our hair. Enzymes, especially catalase, break down hydrogen peroxide and keep its concentration in check., But things get out of whack when older follicles can’t generate enough catalase. Higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide attack tyrosinase an important enzyme in melanin, production., No melanin, no color in your hair.. If you haven’t gone gray, yet you probably will around the same age as your parents did.. But what about factors outside of age and genetics? A recent study suggests that smoking can result in early onset, graying. And people are always saying. Stress brings on the gray right. Just look at how gray presidents get while they’re in office. Some researchers say: emotional stress could accelerate what’s called oxidative stress the damage caused by reactive oxygen species like hydrogen peroxide., But others contend there. Isn’T solid scientific evidence backing this up yet.. I guess you could call all of these hypotheses a gray area. At any rate, it’s, probably not worth stressing about going gray, anyway. It’s completely natural, and you can totally rock the look. Share a pic of your favorite gray-haired celebrity or your own cool silver. ‘Do in the comments., The Speaking of Chemistry, gang needs, ideas. Special thanks to Jerry Weissmann, an emeritus professor at the New York University School of Medicine for his help with this video. Now hit that share button and don’t forget to subscribe on your way out.

David Sundquist: I am 71 just starting to go grey, my brother 67 been grey for a while. I have been on a strict whole food diet my entire adult life. I also have 0 medical problems

Donald Dunavant: All my hair went from young silky brown hair to frayed old partiality grey hair when I was 22. Had a lot going on in college that year. Don't take life too seriously folks.

Oswald Digestive Clinic: Thanks for sharing! To add to this, causes of grey hair include chronic stress and viral infections. Chronic stress can result from emotional stress, or the stress of eating processed foods high in sugar, grains, and carbs. Consuming catalase and glutathione in foods can help with grey hair! Foods with catalase include green apples, cinnamon, cocoa and garlic! Foods with glutathione include protein foods, as some of the amino acid building blocks of protein help to make glutathione!

TheReviewSpace: was around 7 the first time I got my initial grey/white hair. So all throughout life (especially in high school) was mocked for it but not really a huge deal. What sucks is that it stands out completely against my naturally black hair. I'm 31 now, my hair is still 97-98% black but every now & then, I still catch a few grey hairs & it's STILL annoying, lol.

Amdrew Short: I'm 24 and have a few gray hairs. When I was 21 I was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer (300 people a year get it) and have since been kinda cured with a bone marrow transplant (more of a psa, I guess, for getting people to know these transplants exist and we need donors!!!) But the stress of 32 rounds of chemo has definitely caused my hair to gray haha but I feel no shame and am happy to me alive!!

Your’s Truly: I’m 30 and no gray hair, it’s strange because my mom became a silver fox in her 20’s yet I can’t seem to find any grays in my head. I was looking forward to graying because I’ve seen the big trend on silver hair and it looks good

Music Meditation: Emotional stress and tension can lead to white hair. Its my personal experience. After my break up with my boyfriend due to stress and tension my beautiful dark black hair turned 70% white within 2-3 months. Also king Shahjanha who built Taj Mahal in memory of his wife after her death was so much in deep grief that he locked himself in his room for one week and after one week when he came out of his room his hair turned totally white just in one weeks time. So its true that for some people stress and emotional setback can effect their hair Color.

Nicolali Antonia: OMG. so true. I have had an intense emotional stress episode as a teenager and now my greys are popping up like crazy and I am just 35.

Hamza Tola: Our body generates hydrogen peroxide to fight off some bacterial infections. Isn't that possible that a certain bacterial infection triggered our body to produce excessive amount of H2O2 in the hair follicles where it wasn't necessary? Or maybe the other reason is those fancy hairproducts (shampoos etc) and face washers (fancy ingredients) that might have damaging effect on our catalase gene or may be they can alter the normal flora (bacteria) of scalp and that explains why only our head and beard (not chest, underarm hairs etc) turns grey before we age. The question arises if those fancy shampoos are the reason for grey hairs then everybody should have grey hairs. This could be explain by the fact that some of us are better at dealing with toxins and some of us dont. This is just my theory for premature aging. Offcourse there are some emotional factors (stress), genetic factors & environmental factors aswell. Also if you pluck them they sort of increase in number(adjacent hair turns grey) Feel free to discuss.

Phillip Moses: I found my first one two weeks ago in my chin. I shaved and it came back. Yesterday, I found one in the center of my head hair (it's pretty long, so it must've been there for awhile). I'm 25 going on 26 in a few months. With the exception of my year younger sis having several grays strands, I don't have much evidence of early graying in my family. Interesting...

emmafrost13: how quickly will grey hair spread? I've just noticed today than i've now got a solid bunch of grey ones in a certain area, and more have appeared in the rest of my hair. Those weren't there 3 months ago :( I only had around 20 whites before... Yes, I've been extremely stressed for the past 4 month, but this can't be an actual reason. So should I be expecting total grey hair in the next year??

KuznVinny: OK. I"m a chemist. And I don't go around sharing videos in the usual way. But I much appreciated this video. This is the kind of chemistry that is popular to the average person.

Sea Ras: I had grey hairs since Highschool, I feel like Guts. My University Physics teacher told us if the stress is soooo great it can turn your hair instantly grey. I wanted to hear more of this but it did not happen..

Dream Lover: I started showing gray hair around mid-30's...short strands. I'm freaking out and pull them out from time to time. Browsing through the comments, I realize some others have it worse, even in their teens?!

Gamer007: my grandmas hair is black and 80 years old, no dye, just never seen anyone keep their hair that way for so long. Yet on my other side of family cousins gone near full grey at 35. Really hoping for my hair to stay dark.

hihellobye: Ok! I’m turning 12 soon on June,and while my cousin was braiding my hair and found white hair! And well she puled it out,I was so surprised because it was half white and half black! And come to think of it,I did have some emotional stress and had a hard time with my studies.so yeah,have fun with your life!

Giffy: I just pulled a strand out of my beard and the tips were dark colored but the root half was white. I just wondered why so I started surfing for an answer. This is the only place I have been able find it explained, thanks.

Victoria Lam: I started getting grey hair during my teens, I'm now 22 in uni and I have more grey hair than my mum, it's worse whine you have black hair too!

Carolina: I am 16 years old. I got my first two white hairs when I was 15 years old. My mom noticed her first white hairs when she was 19 and my dad noticed his first white hairs when he was 26. I am a bit scared to be honest. I don't quite know what it is wrong. I did some blood tests recently and none indicated any problem in hormones or anything like that. I don't know what is going on. Am I the only one in this situation?

johnsee70: i'm 26 I have it all over the side of my head and my parents didn't get gray till their 40s so yeah I do think stress plays a big part i'm always stressed

Adnan Ahmad: I was 13 years old when i saw first white hair on my head (My natural hair color was dark black). I never drunk, never smoke and never use any hair color etc. There is something more complex related to gray or white hair. Is there anyway that i can get back my dark black hairs on head? Someone suggested me that you should take "Folic acid" vitamin tablets. I don't know this will helpful for me or not.

donna litherland: Why, after you've been grey for years, and never used any kind of hair coloring, does it begin to turn dark again in certain areas of the head?

eya: grey hairs started since I was eight. I'm twelve today, its really weird since my classmates don't even have this many grey hairs :< it's reaaaaaaally annoying. there's even a thin white hair on my arm my mom won't let me color my hair either

Scarlett Sugar: My dad is 66 and still hasn't gone gray. His hair has thinned some from the crazy thick it once was, but that's all. My mom went gray in her 40s, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens to me.

pranay: What is your suggestion for guys who are unmarried and most all their beards have gone gray? I am going in deep depression due to this, it's a shame there is no permanent cure for this.

MsKeah19: Hello! I found my first grey hair today... I used to dye my hair but then decided to let it grow out, i'm naturally mousey brown with blonde ends. Today I saw a flash of white and I pulled that sucker out to have a look and its a quarter white/silver from the root then blonde then brown from the dye is this possible for it to start like this or does the whole strand of hair turn grey from the get go?? Hope you're all having a good day.

Toni: I'm 68 and because of weight loss I also lost a lot of hair so I started taking folic acid. My hair started growing back dark, beat that.

Stephanie Brock: I’m 12 and I’ve had 2 gray hairs so far. First my friend found one and plucked it. Then like a month later my sister finds one and plucked it. Love my life

Authy Bonita: Soo cool to learn that my hair is colorless before it goes out

The Unplanned Life: Started going gray at 18 and I love it more as the years go by.

senorkaboom: I started turning grey in my late 20s. It started in my beard and within a short time I saw grey on my head of hair. And I did nothing about it. My feeling was I didn’t see it, why fret over it?

SchlichteToven: I don't think she got it quite right - the amount and type of eumelanin determines whether your hair is light or dark. Pheomelanin determines the amount of red in your hair.

fododude: Can a hair grow halfway out and be brown and then be grey the rest of the way, giving a half grey, half brown hair? I was curious because I've never seen one that's half and half.

Lucas: Hi, can lack of sun exposure lead to grey hair?

Waheguru Namaste: Thanks for this...stressing plays a part for sure.

David Kelly Mitchell: I've read where inmates have turned from non gray to completely gray a couple days before their execution. I guess that's something to worry about.

Jonathon Dunn: Natives don't go grey often. Neither of my parents or grandparents have/had full grey hair (my paternal grandfather had a little but not much). I have one grey hair on my head but a couple in my facial hair.

David Roddini: Genes, hydrogen peroxide, etc. YEAH RIGHT! What happens is that at a certain age the hair starts growing inward as well as out. It makes its way through tiny pores in the skull. If it hits grey matter, the hair turns grey. If it hits an empty void, it falls out.

Its_just_me : I don’t have grey hair as yet and I’ll be 35 may of this year. My son who is turning 17 in may like me had a bunch of grey hair since he was little. I cant remember the age but he was really little and I thought he would be full of grey by the age he is now, but it seems like he isn’t as grey anymore.

Omar S: Best thing that ever happened to my hair was it going grey, i'm 40 so maybe early.. but the women love it!

Travis Hutchison: I started getting grey when I was 16 years old, yet my family said that it ran in the family...I'm 37 now and I'm almost getting white headed...lol

gichki ali: Hi, so what is the solution to reverse grey hair?

Chac Schao: I've had gray hair since I was 14 yrs old. I'm 45 now and my head is almost fully white. Guess I lived a hard life lol.

⚡️presley⚡️: I’m 13 right now, no grey or white hairs, but my dad went pre-maturely grey so we’ll see what happens when I’m in my 20s ‍♀️

Motivation Theory Running: Grey hair is awesome, I have had it most my life!

Mystery Man: I think there's a big correlation with Stress and Grey hair. It's just NOT Coincidental.

Kaycee: I started getting little patches of grey hair when I was 20 just found more grey around the front of my hairline. I’m actually really excited I can’t wait to be fully grey!!

white freeman: my hair went from white blonde to blonde then light brownish redish with blonde streaks and tips to light brown then darker brown then grey mostly now.. my hair has also had small amounts of random hairs of every hair color since adulthood .. including my beard.. now my beard especially is mostly grey with lots of coal black and random red blonde and light brown hairs

Calvin Le: since my brother took over business, he been getting more grey hair ever since. some say its stress, but my dad say he think a lot... about business, and gamble too much lol. or work hard maybe

Shashi Vibhuti: Very informative video ..... I love to learn about new things...

Kpop Star ⭐: I am only 13 and most of my hair turns into grey and I have never DIY my hair but I am always stressed and full of tension.

Jewelson Noronha: None of my parents or grandparents had gray hair until they turned 45+ Here I am 33 and I have my temples Gray hair and about 20 percent over head hair graying. Plus I used to have straight hair too but now they curl a bit.. Nothing here is Genetic. Except something is damaging my cells. -_-

Mathina Mohamed Rasool: Hello sir thanks for this vedio.. Am 20yrs old now..but my hair is white..i do not know how to solve this problem..i tak many treatment for this but still now there is no improvement i had seen...so wit ur instructions i try this ..for me one doubt...if i use this i want to stop my hair oil..?

dani: If the cells gradually stop dying the hair, shouldn't the color gradually change as well? Like from black to brown to ginger to blond to white over time? It seems to me like its a switch, you suddenly stop pigmentation of that hair, yes one hair at a time but its sudden.

Joshuatree1: I’m 21 and I already have a salt and pepper look so to speak it’s all good though, as long as I don’t go bald but what’s weird is that I have a full beard and it’s completely black nothing gray or white about it

Marshall Street: Grey hair has nothing to do with age. I was 18 when I first started to go grey.

⸸XDeathMetalThrasherX⸸: Well, on the bright side once it's all grey you can go out without fretting or you can dye your hair any color.

Jonathan Haas: I been lucky that in my mid 30's I'm just now getting some gray, just in the beard and a lil in the side burns. Except its not gray, its pure white.

Branden Emery: im 19 and already have more grey hair than I can count

Patric: I’m 48 with mostly white beard. Some black still. My hair though startrdvturning at 16 but it’s silver! It shines in direct or bright light. Not the beard though. Also my silver hair is a bit at my temples but mainly right on top of my head I’ve grown it out now and I like the stripes I have. The front is still dark so when I pull it back you see silver stripes. And when it’s loose you can see silver stripes. I want more!

roygbiv330: to avoid higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide attack to enzyme for melanin production, we may apply medicine including catalase on the skin on the head. where do they sell catalase?

Homosapien .a: In the last 4 months, I was under deep pressure because of the exams that are necessary for applying to college and I woke up today and I noticed one grey hair and I'm only 18 years old I don't know if that connected or not

أحمد المهري: I had my first grey hair when I was 15 it's in the DNA from my grandmother my mum's gene

Cyber Scribe: I'm 27. I got my first grey at 11. I'm now fully silver

pogue972: How about a video about hair loss/androgenic alopecia/male pattern baldness next?

Gary Nann: does going grey in early 30s mean you have bad diet,bad heart,bad indigestion,low bone density please share your thoughts

Christian Baloga: Informative. Thank you.

John: my first grey hair was when I reached the age of 13. It was countable then. 8 years later i cant even count it now

FILTHY ANIMAL: My ex girlfriend lied and said she was pregnant 4 years ago. I got really stressed and now my beard is almost all gray because of that. It happened in a matter of one month. And I’m only 41!!!!!

Ghost of Uchiha: Is there a difference between hair loss and hair greying?

Tasha: Ive been having grey hair since age 8. we grey very early in my family

Jaxon Dakota: Have you seen this guy Danny Truejo? He’s like 75 yrs old and not 1 grey hair in his head. I’m 31 and started getting grey hairs around 26. Idk why. I’ve had stress in my life at early age but I didn’t get grey hair back then. I was more stable at 26 and then it started happening. I never thought about grey hair but when it started happening it forced me to start thinking about it smh. What can you do to either reverse it or help reduce the possibility of the rest of my hair turning grey? Does vitamins A & B help?

can we get 6,000 subs with few videos?: my white hair started growing when i was 14. and now im 15 its growing 3x more than it was. it really sucks

James Gonzalez: Is there anyway I can per say... speed up the graying process.... I would rather have a full head of gray hair than splotchy spots of gray. Preferably without using any dyes or too harmful chemicals?

Skyforse AO: l have a weird thing were parts of hair on my body (not my "head hair")grows brown to a normal legth but then...they start to grow more in length than all the others and turn 'transparent white' l am trying to find what might be causing this.if you have any idea please tell me.

Cass Ann: Recently I had a hair grow out orangey bronze and then go back to dark brown. I was sad because I would like to start graying.

Isaac Jenecke: Grey hair unites the younger and the older like in an across age sickness.Time to get the colour of our hair back working for us all.

zeus: my dear can u tell us all how to stop grey hair or reverse the action?

Jem Adamson: I want grey hair but im not that stressed out! I do have at least 5 of them so far.

Laxmi J: I m 21 n my most of hairs turns into gray and it's started when I was in 16 yr old...It's so irritating

THEmemeguy: When you're 14 and most of your hair is gray

Avani Purohit: I am 26 and today while bathing I discovered one tiny string of white/grey hair

tricia b: my friend has had grey hair since she was 5.. not all over but she had quite a few strands.

Kaybe Vang: My hair went from black to brown when it got longer and people tell me it’s because of the sunlight

It’s too late when the time comes: my dad was approximately 50% gray at the end his 20s while my mom is going to become 40 now and has less than 10 gray hairs my fucking luck was that i took my dads genes on the melanin department

Eugene Cooper Jr: Now you know the rest of the story. Genius. ✌

P 666 RAX: I had my wake up call this week when my mirror revealed my first gray hair :( It's not fair I am not that old to start having grays :( Time to start contributing to the pension kitty I suppose.

Lady Tron: I’m nearly 60 and I’m lucky if I have a dozen gray hairs at the front .My mum and gran were the same.

Vishan Singh: This chick clearly doesn't understand the crisis of going gray in your late teens-mid 20s.

Direct Video Vine DVV: My hair grows so fast , I have a mono brow my wife plucks 3 times a week , my eye lashes look like I'm wearing eye make up , I get my hair cut once a week can you tell me why this is .

Cleminx: I've been getting grey hairs when I was 12 and I get mad way to easily

Hunter Tran: Is there some kind of problem if my hair is going from complete black to gray at 15 years old??

Asha: Ended up here after I saw grey hair on my head in front of the mirror.

Kaybe Vang: Essentially grey hair is merely a natural hair dye but uneven

No, this is Patrick: I recently got vitiligo and I'm hoping it'll turn my hair white

Icy sky: I started getting grey hair as a teenager , I’m 33 and they grow in white smh

Learnthrivecompassion: I feel caffeine contributes greatly to grey hairs.

Ashli T.: well maybe if school didn't give me so much flipping homework and school work and class work then maybe in the future I won't have a grey hair!

Alice Cameron: I am 14 and my hair started going white when I was 12

Curiouser: Thank you very much for your nicely present the video.

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