How To Cover Gray Hair - In Seconds!!! At Home!! Without Coloring Your Hair!

  • Posted on 16 April, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous





1. GRAY AWAY (choose your shade)

2. COVER YOUR GRAY (choose your shade) (I use medium brown)

3. CLAIROL ROOT POWDER (choose your shade) (I use light brown & medium brown)

4. RITA HAZAN (choose your shade) (I use light brown)

5. HAIR DYE I USE (6A & 6)



How to Cover YOUR GRAY HAIR (over 5 million views)



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She is strong and graceful, as well as cheerful about the future. Her words are sensible, and advice is thoughtful. (Prov. 31: 25-26 CEV)

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#grayhair #coveryourgray #baldspots #grayaway #howtocovergray #grayroots #goinggray #haircolor #hair #over40beauty #beauty

This video has 5.3 million views. I honestly just filmed that video wanting to help others out and show how they can cover up their gray roots in seconds without going to the salon or without doing hair dye at home. Honestly, i never ever thought it would have that many views, and it still is my number one viewed video today now i actually have completely gray hair. This is not my natural color, although you know maybe it sorta looks like my natural color. This is the color. I had when i was young, but when i was 25 i got my first gray hair and then it all went downhill from there and then my whole head turned gray. I am almost 50 years old and you know i know a lot of people say well just let your hair grow gray, but i don't want to be gray. I still want to have my brown hair, because that's what i like so in this older video that has over 5 million views, i have gotten so many questions so in this video. I want to answer a lot of those questions that many of you may have, and i want to show you another quick demonstration to show you how i go from this to this in seconds. Without going to the salon, and without using box hair dye, i can literally do this super duper fast and run out the door all right to cover up these grays. It'S super fast and easy. It actually takes like 30 seconds. So it's not a long drawn out process, i will just style my hair and whatever part i want. If i have, i want a side part, or perhaps i want to do a middle part that day wherever i want to make the part for the day. I will pretty much go ahead and style. My hair, without you know, putting hair spray things like that on it and then once i have it, you know pretty much in the style that i'm going to do for that day. Then i will spray the exposed gray areas, but i'm not going to put it all over my scalp because you know really there's just no need to because for me you can't see the gray everywhere else, but of course the gray is there. I have it all over, but there's no need to cover up any of this because it's not going to show. So, let's just pretend i have styled my hair, i'm just using this little teeny viewfinder on the camera. So i can't see that well what i'm doing, but we're just going to pretend this is the style for the day for this demonstration. Today, i'm going to use one of my favorites. This is one of the most affordable favorites that i use this one's by the brand gray away and i'm using the shade light brown. I always shake it up really well just to make sure it comes out evenly and then i spray now again i'm using this little viewfinder. So i can't really even tell how even it is, but at least you kind of have an idea of what it did. You know from far away that looks pretty good. The other thing i'll do is maybe just so there's no gray peeking through that part. I might part it and then maybe spray a little bit right here and then same thing i'll just part. It here and then spray a little here as well, and then this way when my hair is styled say back in this part, there's no grays peeking through underneath on this side, and then i don't like for this hair makeup to completely cover my scalp. I still want to have a part, so i'll just take a q-tip and then wherever that part is then i'll, just kind of wipe off any of the product. That'S sitting right there on the scalp, and this way it looks a little more natural and not super obvious that i have sprayed. You know, hair makeup on my roots now one other thing i will do is i will just take a little piece from here. I don't like the spray to be directly here on the pieces that frame my face, but what i'll do so? It doesn't look like i'm balding here, because that's what this looks like this looks. You know like i'm bald, but this is actually lots of hair. It'S just white hair, so what i'll do is i'll just spray right here and again, i'm looking in this little viewfinder. So i really, i can't see that well, and so at least that way, some of those hairs are covered. I'M also going to use this product called cover. Your gray, it just looks like mascara, but it's mascara for your hair and then i'll use the hair mascara around these pieces here and right here so that this way it will look a little more natural. I will use this just the way you would use a mascara, i'm not gon na rub it on my skin, i'm just going to only pick up those hairs. The same way you would put mascara on your eyelashes, and i will do this all the way around. My hairline and if you get it on your face, it's no big deal it wipes off really easily and then as another option. This is another one that i really like it's kind of like an eye shadow and that's really all. It feels like a very creamy buttery eyeshadow and all you do. Is you find the spots that you want to cover up and then you just kind of brush it on? It will say when i'm in a super duper fast hurry. I don't waste my time with the powders, because the powder does take me. You know a little bit longer. You can honestly just use your own eyeshadow, especially if it's a super silky buttery shadow. It seems to stick to the hair really well, but if it's a super powdery with a lot of kick up type eye shadow, those don't stick as well and then after i've applied the powder or the spray. Whatever i choose to use, then i will apply a little bit of hairspray and that will really kind of seal it in place. It'S super duper fast and easy. You'Ll save a lot of money not having to go to the salon, as often as you normally would, but right now i want to just answer. I have about 10 questions that are the ones that keep getting asked over and over and over, and if i don't cover something that you have a question on, don't hesitate to leave me a comment down below because i'm more than happy number one. I love hearing from you all, but i'm more than happy to help you out, because you know i know how annoying it is to have those gray roots sticking out, and you know we just feel a little more polished and put together when our hair is one Shade now nothing against those that are trying to go gray. You know and they're dealing with the the hair growing out, i'm not saying there's anything wrong with having gray hair. I actually find it to be really pretty on a lot of women, but on me i absolutely do not want the gray hair. So that is the number one question that people constantly say or comment. They say why are you doing all of that? Just accept what god gave you and let your hair be gray. Well, i don't want to be gray. I accept the face that god gave me, but i still put makeup on it and that's all i'm doing i'm putting makeup on my hair. You do whatever makes you happy. I am just sharing what works best for me. The next question i get asked constantly is: why are you wasting time putting this hair makeup on these sprays and these mascaras? Why are you wasting time doing that? Why not just go color your hair with hair dye? I do still color my hair with hair dye at home or i go to the salon to have it done. But honestly, i don't like that kind of maintenance, and i don't want to have to keep getting my hair colored. That often or you know, during quarantine. A lot of people couldn't even get to the salon, and some people don't even know how to color their own hair at home. This is just super fast and easy. It is temporary hair makeup that you can use in between having your hair colored. It is not meant for you know if all of this was gray it you don't spray it all over your hair, it's simply just temporary to cover up that new growth. Another question people have asked well how come i've never heard of this and how come my hairdresser never told me about this product. I'Ve been going gray since i was 25 and i used to go to the salon quite often because i was in real estate. So i wanted to look a little more put together back then now i just you know, throw on a baseball hat and call it a day, but i had told my hairdresser about this and she wanted me to keep it a secret. I remember one time i was in there just getting a quick blowout and i wasn't in the mood to wait to get my hair roots colored. So i, after she did my blowout. I had some clients afterwards and i brought my spray and i was just gon na spray - it on real, quick and then run out the door and continue with my work day, and she did not want me to spray it in front of other people in the Salon because then they wouldn't be spending money to get their hair colored all the time, then they would know about this little trick. So i don't really know why your hairdresser hasn't told you about it. Maybe they've never heard of it, but i know my hairdresser years ago just didn't want her clients to even know about this, because it saves the client a lot of money and it makes the hair salon lose money. The other question is: where can i buy it? I buy mine on amazon or you can get it in walmart ulta, walgreens cvs, any drugstore. If you live in another country, i'm not sure where you know you could buy it over there, perhaps maybe like in your local drugstore, there's all different brands. The only brand. I do not like is l'oreal that one is horrid. It makes my scalp itch so bad. I mean literally within five minutes of putting it on. I can't stop scratching my scalp, so that is one that i steer clear of, but the three that i shared in the demo. Those are my absolute favorite, affordable ones, but i do love one. That'S not that affordable! It'S like 25 and i feel like it's just kind of it's more of a splurge when i get that, but it's by rita hazan. I love that one because it's just a little bit more elegant and it does seem to last in my hair a little bit longer. I will link the rita hazan, one just in case you're interested and want to look it up. But honestly, i would just buy one of the inexpensive ones they work just the same. The next question is: what hair dye do i use on my hair? I just pretty much use box coloring at home. I will link the one down below that. I use it's by l'oreal excellence. It'S in the shade light ash brown. I use an ash brown because that ash has green undertones and it will help pull out some of the red brassy and then maybe the next time i color i'll just do plain light brown. So it's kind of like a neutral color, so i kind of rotate. I was getting it done in the salon, but i just get so lazy and i just don't enjoy that maintenance. So i've been doing the box color for i guess about a year now, but i only put it on the new growth and i just use a little brush and i brush it on and then i leave it on. I think like 40 minutes - and it saves me a ton of money, doing it myself at home then going to the salon. The next question that's asked often is: how long does this product? Last after you have it in your hair? It will last probably two or three days until you wash it out, but for me i don't like to leave this in longer than one to two days, because it's kind of like dry shampoo. You know if you spray dry, shampoo on your hair and you don't wash your hair for a week or two weeks. That'S just clogging all the follicles in your hair and that's just really not good for your hair, a lot of people that are dealing with thinning, hair and hair shedding. Perhaps it's because they're using a ton of dry, shampoo, hair sprays, things like that and not washing their hair. Often enough, you know it's not this part of our hair. That needs to be cleansed. It'S our scalp in the scalp is where all of that new growth will happen and the scalp is where you want to keep it healthy so that you know new hair will grow. But if we're kind of clogging everything and just leaving all of these products on our scalp for too many days in a row that does not create a healthy environment, for you know, hair to grow properly. So if you are dealing with hair falling out and hair shedding, you might want to reconsider and maybe wash your hair. You know at least every other day if you are using dry shampoos. So for me, since i sprayed this on today, i may wash it tonight. It just depends, but chances are, i probably won't wash it until tomorrow, so, but i usually the most i will ever leave it on is like two days. I won't leave this on for a whole week, because again i want to keep my scalp healthy so that my hair stays super healthy. Another question i get asked a lot is hey. If this is a temporary kind of makeup for your hair, what do you do if you get stuck in a rainstorm outside? Well, i've never been stuck in a rainstorm outside. However, one of my subscribers told me a funny story about a lady that she worked with and apparently she sprayed this everywhere and got stuck in the rain and had brown just dripping all down her face. I mean it's probably not really that funny, because she was probably embarrassed. I will say this: one might not be as waterproof as some other ones. Now i could work out. I can sweat um. I could you know when i lived in sunny south florida. This never budged off of my hair, but i did go snorkeling not with this one in it was the more expensive one. That'S like 25 30. The rita has on one that one. You know it's more expensive, so i don't really buy it that often, but i will say when i want it to stay, put and not budge. I actually snorkeled in mexico with the rita hazan, one in my hair and it didn't budge. So you know i would test it first, i wouldn't just go snorkeling and then be mad at me. If you get, you know dripping all down your face, but for me it actually worked. Another question is: does it get on your pillow at night when you sleep for me? No, because i only spray it on the top of my hair and then just a little bit here. But when i wash my face at night, i take a cloth and i rub the product off of um. You know the hairline and then of course, when i go to sleep everything's dry, so i never get it on my pillow. But i suppose, if you're spraying it all around the back and all on the sides, then sure it could. You know if there's a lot of friction on your pillow, but for me it's never come off on my pillow. Another question: well, a comment that i have gotten is people say i don't like it, because when i scratch my head, then i have it up underneath my fingernails. This is makeup for our hair. So if i was to scratch my face, then i would probably get my blush or my foundation underneath my fingernail. So it's happened to me before, where i'm not paying attention and i go and i touch my scalp and i'm like oh shoot. You know i've got the the spray on my fingernail, so it's not permanent. It'S not like hair color, where you can scratch your head after having your hair dyed and it doesn't come off remember this is temporary makeup for your hair. Another question i get asked often is well: is it soft? Does your hair still feel like hair? Well? For me, this all you know feels like hair. I have hair spray right here. This is still soft. If i lift it up, i actually didn't put any here, because my hair, i knew, was going to kind of cover it up, so you can still see the gray here, but this part it just feels like i have dry, shampoo or hairspray on it, doesn't feel As soft as the hair, you know down here, but it just you know if you use hairspray, that's just kind of what it feels like on the hair. That'S why again you're not going to put it all over here. It'S only meant you know for that. New growth up here on the scalp, and then this one though the clairol one, if you don't want it to feel um, you know kind of that dirty feeling like dry shampoo, gives it allows it to feel a little bit softer. So if you don't want that feeling, you know that you get when you use a dry shampoo or this spray try the powder you know, even though the powder takes me a little bit longer to apply the powder will still keep your hair fairly soft, and then This one, since it's basically like a waterproof type mascara, this one does make the sides of my hair just kind of feel like like the way my eyelashes feel when i have on mascara, and those are pretty much the common questions that i get asked. If you have not yet seen the other video that has over five million views, i'll leave it down below, it was one of my first videos, like probably the third one i filmed and i was super duper awkward still in front of the camera. So i always laugh at myself when i see that video. That'S why i find it so funny that that has over 5 million views, but i'm assuming it does, because a lot of people are looking at how to save some money and how to touch up their gray roots at home without spending a bunch of money at The salon, if you have any questions, or maybe you have some tips and tricks that you would like to share, leave that comment down below. Thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate each and every one of you and i will see you in the next video you

Lois4Tee: I was saying the same thing and then you said it, “I accept the face that God gave me but I still put makeup on it!” I was screaming “Yes, you go, girl.” You made my day. Thanks!

Michelle Baker: Excellent tips and tricks! I’d have to dye my hair every 10 days without finding ways to temporarily cover the greys! Thank you so much for sharing your beauty suggestions!!! Love

Johana: Since like you, I've had greys since my early 20's, I've known about these products for a long time. I still get my hair colored and use these sprays in between...none of that "greys are beautiful " for me personally either. Have a great day

Kim From Arkansas: Thank you for sharing these secrets and tips. I’m 57 and my gray roots need colored every 4 weeks. I’ve always had my hair colored with highlights but it’s about 120.00 a pop. I just ordered the highlighting kit from Esalon which was affordable, about 35.00 but it didn’t color the gray roots. Do you prefer the spray or the mascara? I’ll try anything at this point. Keep us posted as you find new products. You always look beautiful

Melanie S: Hi! I am also 49 and love your content and always enjoy your channel. I have dark blonde hair that I get highlighted with minimal grey. I know this video is strictly about coverage for grey but I was curious if you were aware of anything to do a combination of both for blondes. Meaning - something that can stretch out highlighting sessions for very light hair. I have purchased the blonde kits that are supposed to cover grey but nothing really tackles my regrowth. I should probably invent my own if it doesn’t exist! Thanks ☺️

Serenity Love: This is such a good video with lots of information! My hair is gray and white on top and within two weeks I have a lot of gray showing. You gave a lot of helpful tips.My least favorite products are the powders because you're more likely to have fallout from them.

Leza Hardy: Oh yes, I do remember that video from way back. I was looking for tips and you helped me so much! I think that’s when I became one of your subbies. Honestly, I thought I was going bald! My hairdresser said it’s the contrast of silver grey and dark . My hair grays so similar to yours. I do all the tricks that you do and that is thanks to you! Why people ask such silly questions Is beyond me, I say, to each their own. Thank you for sharing. You are a doll

Jan Marchand: I LOVE Grey Away! It's the best of the bunch because it's not powdery, (I'm talking about you L'Oreal!} or sticky. I went gray in my thirties and my hair was dark brown so it was quite a change. When people tell me you should just go gray, I remind them that I would look 20 years older if I did. One thing I do is too just touch up my roots and don't work it into the rest of my hair so it looks more realistic as it fades and not boot black which is so fake looking. Love all your videos and can't wait for the next!

Cindy Wharton: This is so useful for me. I'm currently having chemotherapy and have been told that I can't use hair dye whilst having the treatment. I've always coloured my hair so you can imagine my horror that I've got roots. I will try some of your recommendations.

Vita Maria DeBellis: I have gray away. Isn’t it amazing how quickly you can get your color done and then the gray shows up on your temple area like within two weeks or a week

Roxygirl888: Great tips and tricks!! ❤

Beatrice Alcaraz: This was a great video , I love all your great tips, I’ve been going to the salon for my roots but getting tired of them messing up so I’m thinking of doing it myself , just not sure what color I should get my hair is dark brown right now ,any ideas ?

Nette Jean: This is perfect especially when your grays start showing 1 to 2 weeks after you’ve gone to the salon and you want to hold out until your next visit to the salon. I go every 5 to 6 weeks. Not ready to go gray! You touched on a good point. My hair is getting red and brassy I can’t stand it. I don’t want to use box dye at home because I’m afraid it will look worse. I have curly hair and I’m afraid it will look drier. Yours looks great for box dye. I also hate sitting in the salon chair for 2 hours!

Karla Harvey: Hi Sheri, although I don’t color my hair, this was a great tutorial. Loved your eyeshadows and lipstick. When will u be doing a GWRM tutorial? Have a Blessed Easter Sabbath.

Debra Elmore: I always enjoy your videos! I'm 47 years old and use Paul Mitchell Invisiblewear dry shampoo in brunette to cover grays in between eSalon root touch ups. In the past, my hair dresser sis used Toppik which is great but too pricy for me. The Paul Mitchell brunette dry shampoo lasts me a lot longer and blends in well with my hair color.

Rosey C.: Sheri, TFS and for your honesty. I'm totally white, but don't want to be. As frustrating as the color upkeep is, I'm not ready for white hair, either! These were some really great tips. You also have a gorgeous face, so that doesn't hurt, lol. I'm going to try to be better at covering up my roots and will look into the products you've recommended here. Rosemarie

Lisa: I use Clairol root touch-up powder too it’s so quick and easy!

kalicer: Con el cabello teñido te ves muy joven y parece que no tienes nada de canas, pero si eras muy canosa. Tu cabello se ve muy bien, lo cuidas mucho porque brilla y sobre todo te queda excelente el color.

Rebella: Thanks so much. this was very helpful. So, just curious now ----having all these tips and tricks, how long do you get away without having to go to the salon. In other words, how often do you color your whole hair???

Lucy S: Thank you for the tips! I still don't need to put them into action but in the next 2-5 years maybe I would need to. I need to get your earrings, so beautiful!

Sharee Jacobs: You look beautiful! My hair is dark brown and I have grey up front and so this is interesting to me. My hair is highlighted blonde but I might go red. I don't know how I could do this with highlights. We both have green eyes and so I found your makeup tips for the eyes interesting as well since I turned 50 in October. I still liked the eyeliner on your old look since it was giving me the Shania vibe "Man I feel like a woman!" Your a very attractive person and if you wanna stay a brunette go for it! It looks good! God bless!

Cindy McDonnell: So so helpful!

trinichandy: Amazing tips. Thanks for sharing.

Donna DeSisto: Thanks for sharing. I have an intense black under cut pixie and i have to color every 4 weeks. It's very expensive for maintenance cut and color and. I'm in real estate too! This stuff works and I use it in week 3. Since I spray my undercut it will get on my pillow. For reference I agree it does feel like hair spray I'm not a fan of the powder either. Love watching you.

lindy petitt: I use the Gray away the L’Oréal and now tresemme has one that’s about the same. Walmart or dollar store. I will say the gray away feels like more like a dry shampoo which I like. The one of I’ve been using lately is the L’Oréal. It does transfer on pillow if not washed out

B.B: I'm 56 and I won't go gray either. I dye my hair every 2 to 3 weeks and I use hair mascara as well.

Lepa Jelena: My mom used to tell me people only really see the front of your hair. By the way the gray looks beautiful too!

Theresa S: I have tried so many things. I have fine curly hair and I just bought the $30 crayon stick from Bumble & Bumble. It's ok for the frame of the face. But Sheri I have a question for you. I've noticed I have dry flaky skin on my eye lids & under eyes. I moisture and use my eye cream etc but this looks horrible as soon as I put on my makeup. Can I exfoliate in that area? What do I use or what would you suggest?

christine: Hi, I really like the second one the mascara looking one, does it come off on your pillow? I will buy it today on Amazon if it strays on in-between washes and I do use dry shampoo so does that work with dry shampoo??? Thanks!!! Happy Easter!!!!!!

CP teem: Growing old Gracefully,Nah!

Cathy Gordon: I have baby fine, thin hair. I keep it around chin level (my real chin, not my doubles under the jaw). Dishwater Blonde, with a slight halo of white around my face. The white hairs are the only ones with body! My shiny scalp shows through, but I don't dare use Minoxidil or Rogaine because I'm on a beta blocker and an ARB for hypertension. I've been very good about wrapping a scarf or bandanna kerchief-style, or grabbing a hat, to keep the sun off my pale scalp. SPF for scalp = Greasy hair. I try not to wash my hair more than twice a week bc it's so fragile. Sometimes I also play with spray-in fun colors on my last day before shampooing. The rose gold is especially pretty; it's noticeable, but not screaming that I'm trying too hard to look too young. I also blend my cool-toned contour powders well into my hairline. And I'm especially careful with my eye makeup bc I want to draw attention away from my hair. Your tips and tricks are so refreshing! I don't know if any other YouTuber addresses hair issues like you do, except maybe Jill Lynn, who advocates wearing wigs and hairpieces. Thank You! So very much for your info and energy!

Genie Tillery: I get my dye from Sally's and it lasts longer than the box dye. Since like you I only dye my roots I can only use the amount I need.

Sherri Baker: I think that women are fascinated that such a beautiful woman like yourself would get grey like the rest of us. I started going grey at a young age myself. I use the Grey Away powder in dark brown between colors.

Mila Azuki: I do not remember of I became a subscriber after that video but certainly followed with much interest for future reference and Now i am beginning to apply it in Real life! So thank you

Nym Net: Avoid chlorine if you colour your hair or have natural red hair. There are plenty of chlorine filters for showers ... you'll be amazed at the difference.

linda dee: Hello Sheri You suit your brown hair Im 54 and my hair stylist says i don't have any grey in my hair. But i had poor teeth Sheri lol and have 10 teeth in the bottom an a denture up on top ha ha. I miss my teeth

Sandra Weise: Love the clarol... it's very forgiving

Ankit Sharma: i'm an indian & having brown skin complexion. but I want to transform my skin to white tone. i've came across specific treatments such as hydroquinone, glutathione, kojic acid, vitamin C, glycolic acid. is it medically possible for me to transform my skin colour from light brown to fully white skin tone? P.S. i hate my own colour, i'm in love for whiter body complexion, as it looks damn superior

Lyn Hall: ❤️

Ms. NS: Very difficult

Gloria Thompson: Whats the name of the hair mascara?

Mary Abdel-Malik: No gray hair for me

Ka Ho Choi: 很喜愛你的白頭髮 白了有一半嘛 可唔可以有一次拍視頻清楚看到你的白髮位置

wolfgangproductions7: My brother is a hairstylist and a client did this stuff in between colorings and when she went to get it colored the color wouldn’t take because of build up from these products……..

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