While You Wait For Your Gray Hair To Grow Out--It Takes Some Time!

  • Posted on 13 February, 2022
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  • By Anonymous

A transition to gray hair can take years. While you're waiting, I have some ideas of great things to do. This is drawn from my experience and represents only my opinions. Enjoy the journey!

Hey everybody: it's beth welcome to infinite garden. Lately i've been getting lots of comments from folks who are at the beginning stages of their gray, hair transition journey and after spending the last two years going through my own transition into my gray hair. I have some ideas about things that might be good to do while you're waiting, because, let's just be honest, this is going to take a while number one take tons of pictures during the time of my gray hair transition. I was taking pictures of myself almost every day prior to that, almost never i mean, like i've been on instagram since 2012, and i've never been one of um. The instagram accounts to show my face a lot or just like post a lot of selfies. It'S not something i've ever been comfortable with before and during this time i found myself taking tons of pictures of myself looking for progress, looking for evidence of progress and just generally trying to get a sense of what it was. I was going to look like once my transition was complete and i think that that helped me number one catalog the journey, it's kind of fun to look back and see how it went because it really is kind of a slow, steady process. So i really like having the record of what happened, but also, i think, the act of like taking selfies and putting together pictures where i actually thought i looked good. It helped me get comfortable with this very new. Look that i was welcoming in by growing out my hair, so i recommend it highly if you're in the beginning stages, please take lots of pictures two play with color. I found this particular idea very fun what that meant for me when i say play with color it included looking at my clothing and what colors i wear and which colors i like best on me. I am wearing all black again today, which i have to be honest. My entire life black, has always been my number one, favorite color turns out. I still like it you'll see more black from me anyway. I have been experimenting, though, with actually adding some color into my wardrobe. I also really like navy. This also applies to makeup if you've seen any of my other videos, i've shared that i've been experimenting with makeup colors during my gray hair transition, including going through all of my lipsticks and seeing which colors i like best. Now that i have silver hair today, i'm wearing mac's velvet teddy on my lips, which is a color i've been wearing forever. So it turns out. This color, at least, is still a good one for me, but i think it's really fun to go through the experiment. You might find that you're surprised by what colors look good on you now that you're starting to change your hair, so whether it's clothing or makeup, i think it's really a great idea to play around with color and see what appeals as your hair color is changing. Number three be sure to take really really good care of yourself. For me, this manifested in regular nice spa like bath nights and more exercise outdoors in terms of walking and hiking and being very close to nature. I found that was something that was really great during this time. I also think it's good to get a lot of rest and just you know, be careful with what you're eating these are normal things, but i think that, especially during this process, because for a lot of us, we have fear that this, you know, choice to stop Dying our hair and let our gray or show we fear that it will be very aging to us and that's something that prevents us from making this choice. You know for a lot of years before you finally give it up if you're going to make this transition. If that's something that's a fear you've held in the past, i think it's it's a good time to just take great care of yourself. You know check in on your skincare routine start doing a little bit of yoga whatever. That is. I think it's a good idea to do that too and number four. I think it's a great idea to journal about. What'S going on inside of you, one of the things i personally like to meditate on, when i would sit down to journal is: why did this transition require bravery from me? I don't know if it, if that's true for everybody, if everyone relates to that particular word, but it was a word that meant a lot to me. Why did i feel like i needed to have to summon my bravery to be able to do this transition and also, why did i feel, like i had enough bravery now? It was kind of an interesting thing to think about. I i know that some of the reasons why are tied into you know our fears of looking older in society and what that might mean - and i think by getting to the point where you can say. I don't think that matters as much to me as other things that i value more. I think once you make that choice, it's a little bit of like a wedge in the crack in terms of opening you up to other things that you might want to say. No to going forward that you don't feel like maybe are best for you, it's interesting. I i can do a whole video on how going gray has changed my relationship with capitalism, because it really has, i think, it's just important to journal whatever it is. Whoever you are whatever it is that the process brings up. I think it's a really good practice to sit down pen to paper and just get into or whatever you know. However, you like to do it and just get straight with what's going on inside of you throughout the process, i did it. I would sit in journal, maybe twice a month. It wasn't something that i did every single day, but i know everybody's different and finally, while you're waiting and growing out your hair, i think one of the most important things that you can do is own it. This can be difficult. The first few months. I know when you only have like an inch or two inches of growth, showing that can be a period of time during the transition where you really feel sort of just like miserable and exposed. I'M just speaking from my personal experience. But i think it's important as soon as you can to try to own it, whether that's by you know putting scarves in your hair doing something to say like i'm in this process. It'S intentional. I mean to look like this. I'M i'm along for this ride and, in the meantime, i'm gon na put a beautiful silk scarf in my hair, something like that. Whatever it means to you, i think it's important to at some point. You'Ll know when the time is right to grab it with both hands and just loud and proud. I'M doing this. I think a lot of folks wanted to be supportive of that and were ultimately very encouraging. So i think the sooner you own it the better and i'll add one more. This is a bonus one, but it's one of the most important i can even think of. It'S make sure that you're keeping your close and supportive friends closer people in your life that are good to you, the people who are encouraging kind of on your vibe, the ones who like get what what it's all about, make sure you make time for them, because You know those people are are likely to be the ones you want to keep with you. Well, that's it today. I hope everybody had a really great week and i hope you have a great week ahead thanks so much

Catherine Hopkins Designs Life: I have one: take a little time everyday to fix your hair or wear something pretty (like the ribbon you mentioned). Self care and spending that time making myself feel pretty did a world of wonders to encourage me to get through it. My gray was showing, but I was showing too... Even a pony tail can look elegant if you wrap a little bit of hair around the base. Any minor thing that showed I made an effort and I am rolling with it while my hair gets to the point it is today. It can literally be a beautiful transition time. When it was long enough that it was clear I was trying to go grey, I loved the feeling of rebellion and going against those crazy norms we put ourselves in since the 50s. That was motivating on its own. Okay... now I feel that I am journaling. Great motivating video, Beth!!!!

Mallory P: Thank you Beth! I’m already going gray in my early twenties, and I’ve been inspired to never cover up my grays!

Christine: I am coming up on 20 weeks of growing in my gray and I really love your channel and have found it very supportive. I would love to hear more from you about what you have said 'no' to. I am definitely feeling a sense of that happening, and I can't yet articulate what that means to me, other than feeling a growing kind of clarity about what I want or don't want in my life -- oddly I think the tangible evidence of my age has made see that I want to make the most of the years I have left, whereas before I was in some kind of denial about that by colouring my hair. I know, a little crazy since I was always aging but somehow colouring my hair gave me the illusion of beating time.

senseofwonder: Love it! I'm only 2 months in and I used a kit called Go Gray Revitalizing treatment and then the shampoo and their purple treatment masque. It has really lessened the harsh "skunk" line because I have brunette hair. It's only at Walmart I think. I can't afford to go tothe salon really (dream of Jack Martin though! ) It's given me a big boost of confidence and comfort in my journey! And YES! A long pampering bath and lots of love and self care in all areas helps for sure!!!

Louise Alain: Great recommendations Beth on Feb 26th will be 2 years for me. I went cold turkey and was determined to never dye my hair again. I had great support from hubby, family and friends. I wore headbands, lots of pony tails , hair accessories and learned how to do French braids, faux braids etc. Still have a few inches of blond left but that’s ok, will cut it in the spring. Have a great day and Happy St. Valentine’s ❤️

JMK: Great video and great advice. The only good thing to come out of this pandemic is the emergence of so many beautiful silver sisters. Ladies who decided to make the transition and ditch the dye when they got to see their natural hair and saw how beautiful it was and questioned why they were dyeing it and for whom? A lot of us had an awakening and the realisation that we were just blindly comforming to societal norms sticking chemical's on our heads every 3 weeks for what? We can't stop time. We can't try and hold on to our youth forever because guess what, our faces won't match our dark box dyed hair. That's what I say to my friends who are still dyeing their hair as I am the first one to ditch the dye and most of them don't approve. I am just past my first year and probably have another year to go to be fully transitioned as really short hair doesn't suit me and I can't wait until I have hair like Beth. I already own it and am becoming more confident by the day. I really couldn't care less what others think. I like it and that's what counts.

Jennifer Pletscher: I agree SO much with the ending comment-- spend time with the ones who GET you. I am blessed with a sister who's on the journey with me!!! We always texted constantly (we live on opposite coasts!!) but now we have a whole other area we can support each other in!!! she's curly, I'm wavy, but we are both in it for good. thanks for the encouragement <3 :)

Silver Curls ZELDA: The last point that you brought out about keeping your clothes friends that support you closest, my husband was that person for me and I'm thankful to God he was! He still is. What surprised me were people who I thought were my friends work critics of my silver strands, but now that I am completely transitioned and loving my Silver Curls, some have apologized.

Rene Klein: Hi Beth. You are a gorgeous, vibrant women. I admire your self confidence so. You are an incredible example for all women. Be well, and stay happy! ❤

Ladynipchick2: Thank you Beth. You make me feel so supported. X

Chantal Banon: Color is so important. I found myself wearing blues and pinks in which I would have never done prior to going gray. I hated those colors for so long and then now that I'm gray those colors I feel look really look good on me. It's so funny but true.

Theresa : Thanks for sharing. Even we KNOW, it’s good to hear reinforcement.

Cori: Hi Beth, you look lovely. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

Adderly Petit: Like i said before LOVELY

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