Hangout With Me While I Dye My Hair

  • Posted on 30 December, 2022
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

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Hey guys, what's up, I am doing something a little bit different today and I am just going to dye my hair. It really needs to be done. I just do my roots and it really doesn't look that bad in this lighting, but in certain lighting you can tell that my roots are a lot wider like right. There I feel, like you, can tell a little bit that it's just like a lot lighter. So I am just gon na dye it to match the rest of my hair. I'Ve been dying, it a lot lighter for the last about two years. I think it's been I've dyed, my hair dark. I used to dye, it really dark. I feel like I've got to a good point where I feel like it's like a brown now, instead of like a black, and I feel like it's really a good color for me and it like matches my eyebrows really well, so I'm just going to go ahead And dye it. I can also pop up pictures on here of my hair color before, like my natural hair color, and then I was blonde for a little bit and then I was really really brunette like really really dark. So I can pop up some pictures just so you guys can see the difference of all of the stages I've gone through. What I use now, I use so color Matrix five in mixed with 8N. So it's like a six and a half pretty much um. This was just all they had at the store rods. I would have got like a six and a seven because of being the exact same thing I evenly mixed these. Sometimes I usually I'll do more of the eight just to give it like a little bit lighter, and then I just use the 10 volume I am licensed. So I went to school for this and that's why I know how to do this on myself, which is why I don't have to measure anything just because I've done it for so long now. I know the measurements in my head. I can just see them, so I wouldn't recommend doing that, because you should be more precise. I wouldn't really recommend doing it yourself, and this isn't going to be a tutorial. It'S just going to be me doing like showing you guys what I do if that makes any sense um you can do this if you want to, but don't I don't want that to be on me that I like, if somebody messes up their hair, then I Told them to you know it's gon na get started. You guys can hang out with me. We can just talk while I dye my hair, so let's just get started so now that I have that all mixed up, I'm just gon na put Aquaphor all around my hairline. Just because I don't want stained my forehead before really bad bad and it just doesn't look that good and this will just kind of leave a barrier. So if I do get something, then it'll come off easy. I'M just gon na go ahead and put a cape on just because I don't want to get like dye all over myself, so I'm gon na do that. Okay, now that I look kind of crazy also, hopefully the wrestling isn't too loud from this material. I'M just gon na go ahead and get this started. So the first thing I'm going to do is section my hair into four sections foreign s. Up as you can see this one's down, but I'm just gon na start on this one really quick. So I don't need to clip it up. Plus I didn't have enough Clips anyway, so I'm just gon na get started. I'M just gon na start doing my roots, I'm Not Really Gon na I mean you can see what I'm doing, but I'm just gon na kind of talk and not really explain what I'm doing. If you guys want an actual like for real tutorial, I can do that. I don't know if you guys feel like this, but this year went by so fast like I feel like it was just summer and then fall was gone. So quick, which was kind of sad, I'm kind of shocked that 2022 is like over. I can't believe this Saturday is the end of 2022. Like that's crazy to me, I just realized that I forgot to put my gloves on so we're gon na. Do that really quick gloves on okay? Now, let's keep going, you see how I got like all that stuff all over my forehead, so I'm just gon na go ahead and wipe it all off which does wipe off the Aquaphor. But if I leave it there, then I will for sure stain. So I need to wipe it off for a while there, when my hair was super dark. I'D have to do them like literally once a month or sometimes I do like three weeks. I do them because they were growing out already, I mean surprisingly, my hair has been the most healthy for dyeing. My hair dark, like it has been the most healthy it has grown the most, which is surprising because I've dyed it so often like. I literally have been dyeing it once a month like that is the most I've ever dyed it and, like I used to not just do my roots, I would Reco the ends which I might do again this time, just because it's been so long, but I would Do it every single time so, once a month, I'd recoat, like my entire head with color, which is kind of unnecessary, but my hair was so dark and it needed it like it would like fade really fast. I would dye it super often. I luckily have access to color like really easy access to color, because I can go into beauty, supply stores and stuff, but it took a lot of time to dye my hair all the time, and I don't know I got kind of tired of it. So I've been kind of slowly making it a little lighter and I'm kind of to the point where I'm like really happy with the color that it's at and I'll probably keep it to the shade. For a long time like. I could see it being the shade until, like I'm a mom, because I love this shade and I don't know. I just feel like more colors look better on me with this shade than like when I was blonde or when I was like my natural really really light brown. I just feel like I couldn't wear that many colors and now I feel like I can wear like so many different things, and I love it. It'S better on my skin tone, like I'm pretty white. This makes it look better, but I'm super white, if that makes any sense, my natural hair, it looked like. I was sick. Some Winters and I literally would have like teachers be like. Are you okay and I'd, be like yeah? I'M fine, I'm just super white and they would think I was like sick or something because I was so white. I mean I'm still as white as I have always been. I just feel like I look a little bit more healthy if that makes any sense. So I just watched the new movie Avatar um, with a new Avatar that just came out. I mean you guys have probably heard about it. I loved it. I thought it was super good, don't know like if they're gon na wait another 15 years to bring out another one, but I really hope not because it is kind of a cliffhanger, I'm not gon na like say anything any spoilers, because it is kind of newly. It'S kind of still a newer movie, so I'm not gon na like spoil anything for anyone that hasn't watched it just so you don't freak out or get nervous, but it was good. I will say that, like I do, recommend going and watching it. I do recommend re-watching the first one if it's been a while for you, because I rewatched it and I feel like it definitely helps that I had seen it recently, so I would watch it again. If I were any of you guys, it was so good. Surprisingly, I mean not, even surprisingly, I was kind of expecting it to be good. To be honest, I did really like it. I really hope that it comes out soon. I heard someone at work today was talking about how their next one was filmed with that one one with the second one and they're supposed to be like five or something like that, and then the next one is supposed to come out next year. I really hope. That'S true because I don't really want to wait for forever to watch it just because I hate when movies or shows do that, because then I'm just not interested anymore, and I just won't watch it. I mean Avatar might be different, but, like shows, usually they just lose my interest if they wait too long, like I feel like Outer, Banks has waited too long and um. I really hope that Wednesday doesn't wait long, because I really like that one and I want to keep watching it, but there's nothing else to watch like I just kind of sometimes wish that they would drop all the seasons for a new show and just call it Good and just make us wait longer for it, but like finish it all and then drop all of the episodes. That way, we would get the whole story and I binge watch all of it, and then we can move on with our lives and I'll have to think about all these shows, because now the shows are like piling up of the shows that I'm like waiting for The next season on it's really annoying, so I'm finished dyeing all of my roots, I'm just going to put my hair down. I have like the tiniest bit left. I kind of got some of my ends right there, but that's kind of what I'm going to do is kind of go and run over the ends. With the little bit that I have left. I don't have like a ton but um. Some of my ends are really faded, but compared to like my top, I don't know if you can tell just like literal like very ends, are really faded, so I'm just gon na kind of get it back. Just like a little bit of color. It doesn't need to be super precise with this, just because I don't have like a ton of color left, just kind of like that, just so it can kind of get a little bit of a gloss. Do that on this side, this side kind of got its ends a little bit, but we're just going to do a little bit more foreign 45 minutes I'll, probably just like watch some YouTube. While I wait and then I'm gon na wash my hair like I'll, probably wash it really good like a couple times just to make sure that I get it all out and then um, I can show you guys, like the end result of how it turns out And everything I don't know if I'll dry it or not, because there's just like some unnecessary damage that I don't need to have foreign

Ryan Spelts: Looks pretty!

Henry Bingham: looks so good!

Ryan Spelts: “It’s really annoying!”

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