Why Some People'S Hair Turns Gray

  • Posted on 11 May, 2019
  • Trending
  • By Anonymous

We asked a dermatologist to explain why hair turns gray, and why it happens to some people as early as their 20's. According to Dr. Jennifer Chwalek, genetics will likely determine whether or not you will go gray, and how soon it will happen.


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Why Some People's Hair Turns Gray

Graham, Look at that silver fox., So distinguished so sophisticated. Wow, But what if I told you that this guy was a millennial, It's true just barely.. According to Joe, he started going gray when he was 16. By 22. He was pretty much totally gray.. Why does that happen, And why does hair turn gray in the first place? There'S something about a silver fox. If you can pull it off., When I got rid of my gray hair, I wanted a natural look., Graham, But many people hate the idea of going gray.. There'S an entire industry built around fighting it.. It'S like you, took off 10 years. And in just five minutes. Man Just For Men. She'll love the way you look., Graham, So why does it happen? The process of hair, changing from darker color to white or gray with age is mainly due to genetics.. It can be inherited from either parent.. The color of our hair is determined by the form of hair pigment that we have.. The pigment is actually produced along the hair shaft and there are two main forms of hair: pigment., There's eumelanin and pheomelanin.. Eumelanin is what we see in brunettes and darker-haired people and pheomelanin is what we see in blonds and redheads.. The cells in our hair bulb produce a little bit of hydrogen peroxide, which is a metabolic byproduct and typically there's an enzyme called catalase that breaks this down to water and oxygen.. But as we age there's declining levels of catalase, and this allows the build-up of hydrogen peroxide in the hair bulb, which damages and destroys the melanocytes or the pigment producing cells of our hair.. So I wanted you to take a look at my colleague, Joe here.. Joe is technically a millennial.: He started to go gray when he was 16 and by 22 it was pretty much gray, all over. What happened to Joe Jennifer, So when individuals gray early in life before the age of 20, it's called premature graying, and this is due To genes. - And we know, there's one gene in particular: that's been targeted called interferon regulatory factor 4, which is important in regulating and producing melanin in the hair.. Joe was lucky enough to inherit some genes that predisposed him to developing gray hair early in life.. Obviously Joe has gray hair on his head.. When you go gray on your head, does the hair on the other parts of your body go gray as well? No, no Joe Joe, We can picture it. Jennifer, So you can grow gray, hair anywhere on your body.. Wherever you have hair, the hair is susceptible to oxidative damage and eventually going gray.. Graham, So the main cause of going gray is genetics, but what role can stress play After all? Obama didn't look like this when he showed up at the White House. Jennifer. So it's controversial the role that stress has in hair graying.. We know that stress, creates oxidative damage in the body and it's been linked to a lot of premature-aging syndromes.. So it's thought that the stress that stress causes oxidative damage which may cause damage to the melanocytes and may cause us to grow gray earlier.. We know that smokers tend to go gray moreso than the general population, and again it's felt that it's probably due to the oxidative damage that smoke causes and how it affects the pigment-producing cells in the hair.. I think eating a well-balanced diet, so you make sure that you don't develop any nutritional deficiencies. That'S another thing that can be done. And modulating your stress.. That'S another thing you have control over which over time can cause oxidative damage and again make you prone to potentially more gray, hair

sunnydays DDT: Going grey is better than going bald.

Misbah Ahmed: i actually think he looks pretty cool, but it obviously wouldn't work on everyone

Smashen: Why did my hair turn transparent ? Can't see it anymore

EyesOfByes: A ginger silverfox?! That's the ultimate cool hipster

Jonesy: My boyfriend is 21 and he’s been going grey since he was 16 too. At this point his hair is still mostly black but has grey hairs everywhere mixed with the black. I think it’s beautiful and unique and I love how it looks on him his dad is 45 and is only grey in the front of his beard and nowhere else and his great uncle went grey at 16 like my boyfriend. I wonder how the gene will pass down to his children.

Katya Carmichael: My aunt went grey at 20. Even as a kid I thought it was so cool and look for grey hairs to see if mine would do that. I think it's amazing. I'm 21 now and still no greys, but when they come, and they will, I'll greet them as old lil friends.

GeekFurious: I seem to have received many of my genetic traits from my mother's side except graying by 40s. My dad's side goes gray way later in life (my dad started in his mid-50s). I'm 48 and I have a handful of gray hairs.

Xang Xung: I started going gray during my early life at uni, it was around 8 years ago. Now I have quite apparent gray hair especially compared to my fellows who're at the same age but not as much as Joe has. Even some of my nose hair (idk what that's called in english) have gone gray. I've been told million of times that 'oh, you're growing old too fast' or 'oh you look young at distant, but when I see you closely, you're an old man' or 'OMG, that's a lot of gray hair for young man like you'. Tired of hearing this, I always reply 'yeah, I'm the next george clooney you know'

Sanjin Dabić: I’m now 21 and this is exactly what happened to me. I started noticing grey hair at 16 and now I’m almost fully grey.

Mc Zhyre Jade Avergonzado: The same thing is happening with me right now but it started from my scalp slowly going to the base. It started for me when I was 16 (I'm 18 and turning 19 next month). I don't really know whether it's by genetics or not since my father have entirely black hair but I don't know about my mother since I only met her once when I was 5 years old and I have no clear memory of her appearance. Our neighbours said that I resemble my mother and especially with my relatives since most of my cousins hair turns white during their teens. I never dye my hair once before and the way the gray/white hair is very stylish (as my classmates have told me. And no it is not itchy). I'll do more updates by editing this message next year.

thehorsesnamewasfriday: I’m getting gray hair and I’m 16, it’s freaking over for me ;(

Nora: I started getting some grey hairs at age 16. I'm 23 now and have ~5 grey hairs that I'm able to see. We noticed that my sister started getting grey hairs at age ~12. It's genetic for us

José Luis Nieto Enríquez: Everyone in my father's family have had gray hairs since young. I started to go gray at 30 (I'm 35), and it happens mainly in my beard, but it also happens a little bit in the rest of my body. Now I shave almost everyday because I don't like my gray (almost white) beard, and I also don't like to use products, fortunately it's easy to hide just by shaving.

Rotties Rule: As a women who started going grey at sixteen and spending the next 30+ years trying to hide that fact, the reason isn't why I went grey but learning to accept that it happened and embracing it, which is harder than you think as it does age you a lot and you need to find a very good hair stylist that can show your hair at its best, it doesn't take much to go from chic to frumpy when you are rocking grey.

JuanLeMod: I started getting gray hair when I was around 12. I think it’s because I manufactured anger when there wasn’t a need for me to be angry at certain things. It may also be just genetics. I’m now 25, but, fortunately, don’t have a full set of gray hair. Only certain parts of my head has gray hair, and it’s usually just at the root. I dye my hair black, though, so that I can hide the gray hairs.

T H: Well I knew it was genetic, all but one of my siblings (including myself) all started going grey in our teens just like my mom and her parents. My grandmother was completely white by 22. Grandfather salt and pepper grey by 26. Now in his 40s my one brother is no longer looking like a proper member of the family lol

Avery the Cuban-American: Grey is just a sign of wisdom. It's one of the reasons why Mermaidman is so wise

skipskops: The difference is, when you are FULLY grey. It's kinda hot. When you're part and part, it makes you look older

Tippi B: I was kind of looking forward to having gray or white hair because I thought it would be an easy way to finally dye my dark hair fun neon colors without having to bleach it first… But here I am a Gen X person and I have about 10 grays total. Other people in my family went gray in high school so maybe I was secretly adopted...

Éder: I started going gray at the age of 15. Now I'm 34 and my hair is pretty much completely grayish/white. When I was younger I had it dyed to hide the gray hair, but as my confidence about it grew bigger with time I fully embraced my gray hair and love it! ❤

chumark54 Chu: My hair started going grey when around 16; what made it worse were it turned into a strange mix of grey and blackish, dirty color; and it also turned strangely curly. NOT "cute" curly, but twists like deformed pretzels. Depressing.

Tsetsi: Many young people are going gray nawadays

Ithaca Comments: I started to go gray at age 19. My father had black hair and I always remember it as being "salt & pepper." So I think that my going gray was genetics. I was totally white haired by the age of 40.

Scotty Chi: I found my first gray hairs when I was about 17, now I’m 26 and I’m mostly salt and pepper now. I don’t mind the gray at all, and people seem to dig it

bylilybee: It took my Dad until the age of 70 even begin going grey. Pretty odd!

Abi Tolliver: My great aunt had it in her twenties, and mine started going silver around 16. Just started dying it the exact same color every time for the past 5 years. Started out life as a blonde, but now people I've met since then just assume I'm a ginger. (Having no soul was a life choice for me).

Randolp Ascaño: At least he's not balding. It's better to get gray hair early than to bald early.

Laetus: My boyfriend’s hair is naturally black but started going grey when he was 20. He does not have a full head of grey hair, more like salt and pepper hair. It definitely looks good on him.

Oswald Digestive Clinic: Thanks for sharing! To add to this, causes of grey hair include chronic stress and viral infections. Chronic stress can result from emotional stress, or the stress of eating processed foods high in sugar, grains, and carbs. Consuming catalase and glutathione in foods can help with grey hair! Foods with catalase include green apples, cinnamon, cocoa and garlic! Foods with glutathione include protein foods, as some of the amino acid building blocks of protein help to make glutathione!

mari ఌ: I started going grey when I was 11, I'm now 13 and I have some grey hairs, so now my basically black hair is turning a bit grey, and I still thought it was because of my health because my brothers don't have grey hairs, but now I think it's because of stress AND my eating habits.

karlynvp 123: Im 22 and i have almost a fourth part of my hair gray. Its not that bad, i wont dye it. Its somehow a new powerfull characteristic of mine and i kinda feel happy when people recognize me in the distance thanks to both my curly and grey hair.

Tony Howard: everyone in my family went gray except my grandma. she had maybe 5 strands when se died, she ate cod liver oil on bread every day - she loved the stuff - so I dont believe too much of what this woman just said

Sam Brown: I'm 28 with a lot of my hair beeing grey, never smoked, not overweight, a decent diet and not too much stress I still think I'm lucky because I have a full head of hair, a lot of people are confused about my grey hair though when they get closer The usual "oh wow why do you have so much grey hair? Do you have a lot of stress, because of studying?"

Alex Montez: *Why do people go gray young?* _"this is due to, um. Genes"_ 2:05

fight fan: I noticed my first gray hairs at 14 but my mid 20s it was pretty much a 50-50 now at 32 it's about 80-20 in favour of gray or "silver" as I say. My beard is about 50-50 and my chest hair is getting it now, I don't care to he honest, my wife like it dyed but I'm in favour of the gray natural look

JYAN2852: I started going grey at age 14. It's not stress. 30 years later I found that it's due to nutritional deficiencies. Copper, zinc, biotin, iodine, amino acids, antioxidants others. Now at age 44 I have been able to reverse my grey hair. Genetics is a small factor but not the cause. It's poor nutrition and the standard American junkfood diet

Humphrey 🏳️‍🌈 ('-'*ゞ: As long as you keep yourself well-groomed, you look great. But you're completely free to dye your hair whatever color you feel comfortable in.

Kyary LeVay: My dad's hair turned gray from stress. He was in a coma for some months when I was a baby and his hair was almost white When he woke up. Pictures prove it the closest picture to before my dads accident he had dark brown hair. He looks good.

burp: this is pretty much true! my mom has that greying hair gene whereas my dad, who is currently 57, has almost no grey hair

Tony: why is Joe greying prematurely? Doc: "when individuals grey before the age of 20, it's called premature greying".

the Smith's 2: I started going gray at the age of 35. It was around the same time I took antidepressants. Not sure if there is a connection. But it is strange that I have 3 sisters older then me and none of them have gray yet. Unless they color it.

Diane Murray: Thanks, Dad. You started greying at 17, me at 19. Both totally grey by 25.

Alec Hairwin: My hair started turning gray when i was like 11, i thought it was just because of my shampoo. But maybe it really was because of stress, and me and my cousin did grew gray hairs at a young age so maybe it’s also because of genetics, well the gray life choose me

Gay Ghostface: i dont have patches of gray hair. i just see a few strands there and there. usually i'd pluck them and it grows back as black... but idk about the back of my head. i dont really see it being a problem besides having insecurities around that, but i dye and bleach my hair regularly so its great that it gets covered.

𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚎🌈💜: Both of my parents have thick great hair, but it greyed much early. Needless to say, I'm the same case. :( Damn genes! I miss the time when my hair is jet black.

Darkshadow: It is rare to see people as young as him with hair so grey. That usually happens after 45.

Nikolova D. M.: both me and my grandmother are early greys. my mom however started going gray the same time i did. my mom had me when she was 33.

Gavin Burns: Most men will have quite a bit of grey hair by the time they're 35, I think the way to have a chance to avoid that is if you've stayed away the majority of the time from junk food, Alcohol, smoking and stress during your teens and 20s

Javi 1204 2K5: I am 14, & there is some gray on my hair, but it’s very deep in my hair that no one sees my hair gray. My dad is 48, & he has gray hair since he is almost 50

louis 613: I started going gray when I was 12. I was brushing my hair and ran to my mom. It stays in that patch though.

VaniCactii: I started getting grey hair when I was 6 years old and knew I inherited it from my dad because he got grey hair when he was younger. It runs in my dad's side.

J S: Ever since i was a child i was always excited to get grey hairs and honestly i would love being completely grey

Good day!!: Has anyone tried collagen peptides or some form of collagen powder for grey hairs. My husband drank it for 3 months & it reversed his grey hairs that he had. Its weird but it worked. I just dont know scientifically how or why??

Charlie Wilson: I'm 60 very few grey hairs. (Brown) bad diet, smoked 26 years. Average stress. Both parents developed grey hair late in life. One 33 lightly grey and the other 57 lightly grey. I think it is mostly genetic from the evidence I have encountered.

Jackson Walter: And here I am dying my hair from dark brown to grey. I don't think I'll ever get a chance to do this anymore after I finish university. Gotta take advantage of it while I can before I start my career.

Unique_username1924: My fiancé has had a full head of gray hair since he was in his early 20s. I have had a ton of gray hairs since I was in elementary school.

Chrysalism Acosmist: As a 17 year old girl, I have long curly brown hair with a few gray hairs. I thought the gray was because of stress. Edit: *finishes video* Me: oh.. Yeah that's seems right.

idylle♡doll: My mother went grey at 16! I’m a millennial too but thankfully I didn’t inherit that and I’m in my 30s.

Lumabi25: I started noticing grey about 16. Coloured my hair till about 35. I guess I've accepted the colour now though I think I look too old. My brother went bald and of the two I'd rather the grey hair.

Nabil Asrar: Let's count the amount of times this scientist says "oxidative"

Word Weaver's Loom: I was born in 1981 and I started going grey around 20. And, ironically, I also have red in my beard.

Yusuf Kıvanç: When I hear that the main reason for some medical problems is genetic, I consider that most probably the main reason hasn't been found yet. Video says: "the main cause of going gray is genetics"

Nomo 4u: I’m 22 & have 7 grey hairs I’ve counted throughout my head. This man had a head full of greys at my age damn.

Milka - Americus: Many of my 33 year old friends are already going grey .. Im not. I am a mix of two hair colours. The front is easily bleached every summer and the back dark brown. My millennium hubby is already a silver fox.

VishalKrSingh: My hair started going grey when I was 12, I'm 24 now and there are like 25-30% grey now.

Angelini Cruz: I started getting my first silver hairs at 16 by my early 20s I could no longer keep up with using my sharpie to color them in... now in my mid 20s I’m just waiting on them all to gray so I can just dye my hair instead of bleaching it first :/

BeL BronxN.Y.C.: This explain somewhat of my hair going Gray, I started getting gray hair at 6 years ago and been dying my my hair at 14 years ago. But the grays still show after I dyed my hair at times.

TheFenerbahceSK: Does the hydrogen peroxide damage the hair because it's a reactive oxygen species?

myself: Joe’s hair looks great, it suits him nicely

Moon Luna: My natural hair is ashblonde, but it's more ash than blonde. So It always looked like I had Grey hair as a kid. I've been colouring it since I was 9. I had my first 'real' grey at the age of 18. My boyfriend found his first Grey hair at 19. I think it's pretty common these days, I know allot of people who had there first Grey hair at 18-20, I don't know why people are ashamed of it though.

Evelyn Rossi: Yep my family is like this everyone starts going grey in their late 20's early 30's

jamie foyers: That's what happened to me..damned genetics to blame again!. I noticed with "millenium dude" up in the video how he's got the "ginge tinge". Seems to happen to us ginger carrying Celtic probably "A" blood types. Crazy stuff isn't it?. I gave up dyeing my hair in my 30's. One thing I'll say about it that no-one goes near you if you're a "grey/silver head"..it's funny..you're not a "magnet" and don't get looked at..for some I guess it's a blessing if you're shy like I am for some, I reckon they'll be grabbing the hair dye and colouring their locks for years to come!. You just have to learn to be comfortable in your own skin..

MUTANT X: My hair was NEVER EVER grey, until, I started using "Head and Shoulders" anti dandruff shampoo, but thats just me personally.

João Ignacio: My mother was a grey haired woman when my grandaddy died. He was old, but it was a surprise. She had a lot of brown hair yet. We have decided to go by car to the funeral, which meant to drive all night long. Mother was very emotional, obviously, but we tried to talk about different things. We came to grandaddy's town early in the morning. Distante relatives, unknown people, tears, the cake. The usual. It was only when we were going to the cemetery that I've noticed my mother's hair became completely, totally clear grey. She almost didn't belive when she looked herself in the mirror

Lar: I thought Joe was about 45 or 50. Interesting how our minds make such assumptions based purely on hair color.

Rachel Hippert: No shame, Joe! Wear your gray with pride! Looks good on you.

Skinny E Media: Having grey hair is a sign of maturity and wisdom. People respect those who are older than them. It's just a cultural issue. I am not 40 years old but even bits of my hair are graying and now I call myself "granddad" for a laugh.

maruxa cabaleiro saco: My mother' s cousin husband , started going gray as a teenager , and at 40 his hair was white

Alisha: I started going grey when I was 12, I'm now 36 and my daughter is 14 started going grey when she was 7 and my 4 yr old has grey also

Mia Mcgrath: Not gonna lie, Joe looks great with grey hair.

Aimee K: "it's genetic" knew that already. Since my mum went grey early too. Started going grey at 17

Daniel Arcure: I’m more worried about my hair falling out than graying

Tony Dadon: My hair had Acrophobia. I didn't lose my hair, after I hit 6 foot my hair left my head ran down my neck and attached themselves to my back . I know this is true cause when was the last time you saw a bald woman with a hairy back?

Liz: My moms hair started turning white at 30, I’m 26 and I got white hairs here and there- trying not to stress but people keep trying me

Lorenozone: I’ve had grey hair since I was born... Honestly it’s not that bad... like by 18 I’m probably going to have all grey hair and I’m not mad about it.... Asian things/genetics ✨

Oiolykos: I love grey hair, mine started at 15 but I'm not completely grey now, maybe in 5 years.

meg nemo: Why does my hair turn all these different colors. I went from golden blond to dark brown at age 4. By the time I was eight it was a honey brown. From ten to seventeen it was an Auburn. From 18 to 23 it was almost black. It went lighter from twenty four to 28 with blond and red highlights. From 29 to thirty five it was a medium ash brown. Now it is brown with some paper white hairs but really neat red and blond highlights. I dont think it knows what color it wants to be.

ivanovich trosd: That can be genetic but not in that way. Actually that gene comes from a particular place in Europe and people there start having white hair in small numbers since young age but the hair never gets fully white in all the head...it is more an even mixture of dark and white

Alejandro Ramirez: I’ve had grey/gray hair since I was 14!

Miss Florence K: This is totally me. I hate it but haven't started dyeing my hair yet.

BINITA PARIDA: Me :gets grey hair at 14 Also me ... gets stress . Insecurity Also me tries to overcome it Still me gets over it partially

maorizio1: I wouldn’t mind going full grey in my 30s rather than get bald, it’s really not a big deal.

sam Sam: I was 11 when I got grey hair now I am 12 and it still growing

miapdx: Wait, our hair makes its own hydrogen peroxide? Mind blown...

Brenda Luna: I started growing grey hair at 20 now I'm 23 and I feel so insecure about them, I dye my hair but they keep appearing.

Blue Acidball: And there are some people who still think that it is caused by stress

Nwabueze Ozuzu: Going grey is largely caused by diet. Mineral deficiency. I can't say which of one.

theylied1776: My hair started to turn gray when I was 16.

Alexandra Leon: I'm 20 at the moment , and I found my first gray hair... I'm freaking. Out

Cats Cats: I had a few grey hairs from birth. Now it's multiplying at 24 my dad went fully grey at 25, he has dyed his hair religiously since then, he's 60 now

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