Could Potato Skins Get Rid Of Your Gray Hair?

  • Posted on 16 July, 2014
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  • By Anonymous

Dr. Anthony Youn shows how your leftovers can help you look younger!

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A bowl of potatoes, I'm actually dying. So instead of spending all this money on hair dyes and the chemicals and going to be Atisha n --, it is really rough on your hair yeah, but what we do believe it or not. You can actually use potato skins to darken your gray hairs, believe it or not, it does work. So this is what you do if this works. It'S gon na get freaky at my house, I'm gon na come home with a 20-pound sack of potatoes. So you take about a cup of potato skins, so we're gon na measure about a cup worth. Do we really need to measure them to be accurate? Yes, I'm a sir I'm a physician. You know we got to be accurate, so that's about it. Would you like an extra CC potatoes, good doctor? That fight would even have a little more is always good, and then you want to mix basically a cup of potato skins with about two cups of water gotcha, and then you go ahead and put a top on that and put it on heat. And you want to boil it and once it boils, you want to mix it up just a little bit. Let it boil and then simmer for about five minutes: okay, after it simmers for five minutes, remove it from the heat and let it cool and what you're gon na have then is this water with the potato peels in it then take the potato peels and strain Them out there you go and you can see you've got some nice brown potato peel water left over, but when she washes her hair, is it still gon na be brown or does the potatoes don't just go away? So, ideally, what you do is you want to shampoo your hair towel dry, it after you rinse it out with normal tap water, and then you can use this as an actual second rinse, and it will actually dye your gray hairs. How weird so we're gon na try it weird right! Thank you for letting us put potato juice on your head. Oh my god, she's like a real-life mr. Potato Head all right, so we're gon na try it on her today. No sure no value and slap some ears, but I think you're so gorgeous you don't need. Okay. Now you need to use a good amount, a good amount. Would you mind holding that for me sure Rachel there you go and let's have you take your glasses off because I don't want to drip on. We don't wan na get the table searched and you need to use a good amount of it and actually, let me uh spray your hair down just a little bit. First, you poor thing. There we go top just for the dripping: here's your bowl for ticket water here how about I'll hold the bowl? If you can hold the towel, I don't want her to get all wet there. We go okay, so all you do basically is you put that potato water into her hair? Sorry a little bit, but if you like, just all wet and the smell, if the aroma is smells like hot potato, you know hundred and you want to use a good amount so at home when you're doing this, the easiest thing it smell, like a potato in The system - oh no, will actually will towel dry it afterwards. Now, usually, you want to rinse it right out through your hair and use as much as you can and when a lot of people do is Ashley they'll pour this into an empty shampoo bottle. Oh so you can just you know, sort of like you do with your yeah. So afterwards, then you can I'm just gon na dry it off here afterwards. Then you can use it after your shampoo use it as a second rinse. If you take a peek, we actually have it before yeah. Actually, that's darker here than it is just right there and we have actually before picture. It is a lot darker, a little Spanky, because it's tucked your forehead, but you can tell a dry it and it actually will stay.

4gma59: So it rinses out with the next shampoo, right? And in between shampoos, you smell like a potato? And we all know our hair looks darker when wet, so.... No. Just no. If you're going this route, there's nothing wrong with a temporary rinse that just lays on the outer cuticle layer of your hair -- it does no damage whatsoever, and you don't stink like potato water.

Nadia Juliana: wet hair is always darker. Show us better how it looks after it's dry.

The Collector: Also, potato head lady provides us with some serious tips on avoiding things that visibly age you: wearing colours that provide almost no visual contrast and glasses whose frames pull your eyes down instead of opening them up.

Narda Edwards: I totally agree that she interrupts too often. The doctor was making a point about the amount of potatoes to use and she just interrupted so he didn't get to finish his statement

LP ASIAM: I believe that it will work after some time. I have boiled potatoes and left the water sitting in my dutch pot and it turned the insides black. It is a chemical reaction so essentially, the iron in your hair should react with the potatoes to look darker.

james perry: *Rachel please stop interrupting at random and let the doctor complete the demo.* TᕼᗩᑎKS.

Pickle: The woman having her hair dyed with the potato, your natural hair colour is stunning! People in France leave their hair to go grey and they all look so beautiful and natural.

Enola Granville: How long do you leave it on your hair?? then do you rinse it out? and how often do you do it to keep the gray away??

Katie •: Use catalase enzyme it helps break down hydrogen peroxide within your cells. Liver makes it naturally but as you age you make less

Devoted Fan: I'm still confused. Do you leave it on all day after shampooing or shampoo, rinse out shampoo, apply potato water, then rinse it off?

Nirmala A Dream: I have tried it for more than couple of weeks but my hair is still gray.

atif wali: Don’t we need to rinse again,once we put potato water on our hair? I think we need to rinse out the hair because if we leave with potato water it will have smell

verisww: Okay so it does not get "rid" of the grey but it camouflages it till the next shampoo. Not bad.

Nickolai Gypsy: for all that ,she could have went to the store and got henna powder or liquid and slowly darken her hair with real results.

Kathy Samson: I have read this can work over months of repeating it. The only reason it looked darker was because her hair was wet yet

tusharip: amazing wet hair looks darker than not wet ! call the nobel prize awards !

KZN Spray Nozzles and Systems Pty ltd: Rachael is very irritating You host people on your show but don’t give them a chance to speak..very well mannered doctor who tolerated her

Steven Kopca: Yeah its darker cause its wet

Jackhell Hell: It's the best lie i have used it dor one year changed nothing

Dubstep DoLLy: BREAKING NEWS JUST IN : WET Hair is DARKER!!! thank you to this show for the game changing, profound revelation!!

Ellen Vandyke: How many of you realize that wet hair always looks darker than dry hair? Im not buying it. The after picture should should be after her hair was dried

hectorkingjr: Hair will look darker when wet. I think I will try the coconut oil method.

05w: Doctor proudly says "I'm a certified physician- We got to be accurate" -Right ^^... Doctor's potato trick doesn't even work Lol...

Nayasgift: common guys don't  loose your integrity, you couldn't even dry her hair to show before and after pics, of course anything wet would be darker  IT DOESN'T WORK

Dortch3: grey hair is dark when wet...I went a long time without really knowing I had grey hair.

Saint Jesus Messiah: I feel like behind that womans constant interrupting and sarcasm is a lot of hostility.

Farid Pore: How long it will stay black? Is it permanent or few days or months!

Phung Mai: What am I going to do with the actual peeled potatoes now? I can't eat them all!

King El III: It only works when you add ketchup, then it stays dark.

Harleen Sandhu: Please tell me how to remove unwanted hair permanently at home naturally from face

Yen Tran: Her gray hair doesn’t turn darker, it’s just wet. I tried and it’s doesn’t dye my hair at all.

SAMERAH SAAD: The hair is wet for goodness sake, of course it’s gonna look dark. This is not very clear, not at all. Are you suppose to leave it in your hair, or wash it out? If the answer is wash it out, how long is it suppose to stay before rinsing out? lastly, how long does it keep the gray dark?

Species710: Could have been worded better. It doesn't get rid of gray hair, it stains, colors, or covers them up. Use onion juice, be careful of getting it in your eyes, sprayed on dry (or wet) hair and leave in as long as possible, 30 minutes to overnight, and then wash out, to treat the inability to break down naturally occuring hydrogen peroxide buildup in scalp. Over time this may reduce gray hair, to a point. You are treating the scalp, not the hair, with this. Once the scalp is reduced in hydrogen peroxide, the hair will stop growing out gray.

Kathy D Brumfield B: If you don't wash the potatoes first then you're just putting muddy water on your hair. A lot of dirt comes off of potatoes when you put them in water. They grow in DIRT!

Okonkwo Ijeoma J: Could this remedy work for a teenage grey hair or for old people ?

Enola Granville: Yes I feel the same way ... we want to hear the dr. talk and learn something but Rachael keeps interrupting!! I left my questions please I hope you answer them. Thanks

acajudi100: I love my grey hair.

aristotle736: Rachel Ray is to comedy what Mariah Carey is to acting .

Linda Casablanca-Potter: Rachel seems like a nice woman but it would be nice to hear her guest speak. Rachel interrupts quite a bit.

j ong8: Rachel wasn't very supportive of her guest and kept on talking over and countering what he was saying. Very distracting :(

Helen Boula: I am 7 to 6 years old and I have earned my gray hair and I got very little on top and it makes them and my daughter she's 56 and she's flat-headed. How did that happen. But I'm not going to dye my hair grey I'm just going to do what he wants to do parrot 20. I'm having a bad hair day. My hair is long I'll throw it up in a bun I'm a retired cosmetologist and makeup artist so I can make it work for me and it doesn't take long how to do in 5 minutes what I hairdresser will do in 2 hours or 1 hour and charge $300 for it that's the truth gosh I do remember back in the sixties and seventies shampoo and sets are like $2 and 75. I'll look back and I just find it so hard to believe that it's the truth the really work hard that I hustle hard to make some decent money back in the 60s and 70s you know what starts being a go-go dancer indication in the doors open for me for years I kept my license I do continuing education cuz cuz that's really my first love like I did I've had my time and I've had a good ride I've had a good ride and I thank my Lord Jesus savior Christ for everything in my life without him nothing would have been possible.

Tony: I love her hair like it is! She looks like Jodie Foster.

Geisa Brocklehurst: can you do that with sweet potatoes?

Leonie Davis: Wow! I will definitely try this!!

Pankaj Shah: Use dabar coconut oils available at any Indian grocery stores

James Everett: Maybe you could try it on someone with gray hair? That might tell us something. The fact that you used a barely graying head and judged the results while still wet tells me it's just an attention getter, something to distract bored housewives. Woo impressed.

swizzleproxi: Good tip if your stuck in the wilderness but would you be bothered with grey hairs in the wilderness?

NRH NRH: تجربتي هي : (( وقف لله )) ورق شاي اسود مغلي بشكل مركز + قشر رمان + كركدية + ريحان . تغلى وتصفى وتعجن بالحناء + ملعقة كبيرة شوكلاته مرة + ملعقة صغيرة نسكافيه ويمكن وصع قطرتين ليمون ثم توضع على الشعر ٥-٦ ساعات والنتيجة

mrfoltz: Is this temporary or semi permanent?

Yvonne Rodriguez-Rivera: Ok got it, does it wash out, is these something that should be done always after shampooing?

Susan Peter: Is it permanent? If it is then I can do it several times to make it darker.?

Necitaj Burpo: Thank you for showing your video, I learned

Gabriel Maximus: Will this work for skin too? If I just fill the bathtub with it and lay in it for a couple of hours

Bruce Willard: Rachel needs to be in the audience...

Lobsang John: I heard that it really works. My grand mother she has complete black hair. I asked her how you turned into black hair ? She told me to apply skin of potatoes on your head.

Sharifah Azizah Mahmud: wondering if its true. how long does it last ?

J M: is it darker because it's wet?

Marilena Lombardi: Ok, this morning I boiled potato skins, let the water cool off, I pulled out a few of my white hairs and let them sit in it for about an hour. The white hairs remained white.

Nettie1907: It works but its a process not just one application, they should have mentioned it

Sharon Prouse: Do you have to do this every day

mercy mallari: Amazing !❤

Warren Bjorkman: There are very few links which show how potato peels get rid of gray hair, therefore this cannot possibly work. If it worked the internet would be full of links showing this, but their are only a few, and none of these have before or after pictures!!!

Elle Woods: Really ? Been using coconut oil on my hair for months & the grey STAYED GREY .

vegas23: Wish he would of said what the stuff in the spray bottle was bc it clearly wasn't water bc water isnt green lol

Angry bird: I am in love with this smiling girl.

Mohamed Farouk: It's darker because it's wet.

Chic Francisco: Rub coconut oil on your scalp. Let it stay for 20 minutes. Then shampoo. This is when you decide dyeing your hair. Do this everyday. And gradually, your hair will turn to its original color. Mine from white to black.

Geno Geno: Old people complaining about gray hair wtf You should just embrace it Just like I am about to do and I am only 17

DV xhym: Dr youn you explain well

Grape Ape: All hair is darker when wet. Needed to show what it looks like dry.

Jamie Frazier: She had the look that she knew they just painted her hair with dirt. Lol hey it worked.

Guitarra Fisiologica: When the hair is wet even with water look darker. That's why

BlackDogsLivesMatter: No mention if it stays in after shampooing or not...not much of a difference.

mag2014: If it is not washed, how would it smell? Would any body go around with a hair smelling as potato?

Dano1947: Did I miss something, he put it on a section of hair and all of a sudden her hair is dark all over?

Lily Chau: I find the host very disrespectful of how jokes. The show invited Dr Youn to demo how potato can help with grey hair,so have some faith and let Dr Youn do the work,instead of making him uncomfortable. How literate is she, by commenting the hair is darker from potatoe peel when in fact it got darker simply because its WET.

maryann buchhorn: I am pleasantly surprised. It works! Shampooed and rinse hair then applied potato rinse leaving on all night. Today, hair has a beautiful luster; white hair a dirty blonde color. Will repeat rinse today. I am a dirty blonde so I don't plan to do the 7 day treatment. I am amazed. Add a drop or two of lavender oil or rosemary for nice scent.

memphis raynes: Fashionable gray hair, even young people dye their hair to look like this

URHO: The model is gorgeous! I feel like she's popular when she was in school.

constance royval: So every time you wash your hair your rinse in potato Bull. My hair is is thick in shiny. I have it thinned 3 times per year. This is after home color for the past 46 years. It's worth it when you go white at 18. Never would want to be baked potato brown.

Silena Prieto: Por favor traducir al español

Noeleen Wright: Black boot polish is wonderful and leaves a nice shine.

Chenaynay: You are quite right I was just thinking the same thing because the hair is wet that’s Why the hair got darker. Who do you think you are fooling Dr.

JESSICA: Gray hair is beautiful

Mira Wilder: Ok, so this is from 5 years ago... so I guess it didn't take off as a new and improved way to cover your grays LOLOLOLOL...what do you do with the potatoes afterward??? Make mash potatoes every other day when you wash your hair ???? Potato water???? OH please, a bunch of bout boiling Beets for purple ...and yams for blonding...Lemons work with the sun for they should have used a model with really grey hair. She had a brown tinge to her hair...and as others have said...they left her hair WET!

carlug03: this can also happen when you spit your hair

Vanessa Hreha: Every body has darker hair when its wet. When i was blonde my hair looked brown when wet. Then dried and was blonde again.

gina o: Not only is it darker when wet, BUT the "after" picture shows her whole head dark when he only wet the top front of her head.

Noxolo Sakang: Will this work for the African natural ?

Canada Dry: Okay, don't you know that when yoru hair is wet, it is darker?!!! and people applause!!

ibt athra: جربتها 3مراات والله للاسف كذب يمكن تزبط للي شعرهم اشقر اما الشعر الاسود لا. لان الشيب اصبح لونه رمادي

Linda Beltran: not sure if I want my freshly washed hair to smell bad! plus he didn't say if it's permanent or does it wash out!

R.R.R: What? Wet hair always looks darker anyway. i want to see it when dried

Susan Vaughan-Schiele: I actually prefer the soft natural colour of the model, rather than the fake look of the show hostess.

Evan: Hey, i got a experiment. For those grey pubs get 1 quart of honey, 2 packets of chery kool aid, 2 lemons, and scoops of flour. Mix it all togather and rub all over pubic area. Works !

jony cj awesome song: does it smelly when u applied it on ur hair

Majid Iqbal: The hair is clanged together which gives the illusion of darker hair.

Sueda Viana: It's darker because it's wet

DestroyerX61: the grey hair lady is gorgeous

Jessica LT: Please let the guest talk. He is there for a reason.

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