Hair Transplant Before And After Women | Traction Alopecia Treatment For Black Women (Michell)

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Michell stops by Natural Transplants to show off her hair transplant before and after women to Dr Matthew Huebner. Michell had a traction alopecia treatment for black women five months back and still has around seven months remaining until her final hair growth result. Traction Alopecia, this hair loss patient had Traction Alopecia.

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Traction Alopecia is a type of a hair loss caused by excessive tension and pulling on the roots and strands of hair. Predominantly seen in Black Women and females who wear tight or damaging hair styles the hair loss pattern typically leaves “peach fuzz” or fully bald areas in the frontal region and temporal areas (front corners & edges). Traction Alopecia can be permanent or temporary.

If you have a history of female hair loss in your family or suspect that you may have traction alopecia it's important to monitor for indications of thinning hair or a receding hairline and talk with a traction alopecia doctor. Identifying changes early on and implementing a preventive traction alopecia hair loss treatment can stabilize or slow your hair loss.

To see more hair transplant before and after women videos visit our playlist at:

Contact us today for a free traction alopecia treatment consultation at 844-327-4247 or +1 954-372-8824. The hair transplant before and after women results will change your life!



Dr. Hubner, I'm here with Michelle and, as you remember Michelle, we documented her surgery day. It'S on our YouTube channel. You can check that out and she's here at five months from a procedure, and Michelle is very happy. We have a lot of some good growth at this point. It'S nowhere near her final result, but we can already see how new hair is gon na reframe her face make her forehead much smaller and one of the most shocking things of all is her scar or lack of scar and I'll show that in a second, but Overall, Michelle, you know how's your recovery been, and what do you think so far I mean the recovery was fine. I had no issues at all. I live in Maryland, so I was at your Bethesda location and dr. hübner at that office took the sutures out and I mean it's been fine and it's growing in nicely and happy awesome and you can see really what even at five months and again this is Nowhere near a final result, but even at five months, what a new edge in hairline does for her forehead. Her forehead was way back here. Back we had a little bit of a. We didn't get the whole area to work. We may come back any in about nine months or so or toward seven to nine months and kind of finish up what we started, but you can kind of see and over the next couple months this is gon na thicken up considerably more or she's gon na Have it and result about 30 to 40 % of our density in the back? One thing I want to show is and I'll show some before-and-after pictures I kind of side by side, but let me show you what her scar looks like, so I'm gon na turn around the shelves. Alright, alright, now again I'll try to put some pictures up here, but look how short number one she wears her hair and she wants to wear her hair short. You know, so that was a concern of hers. You know, am I able to wear my hair short, but if you look at first glance, if you didn't know she had a procedure, you would never know it looks Wheatly completely normal, like nothing happened just because I did the suture line. I know where it is butter. Suture line is actually a little invisible line. Again, it's probably not gon na even show up on the video. Can I have you put your chin down a little bit more perfect. The suture line is right there right there I mean you can't even see it. I just know where it is cuz. I did it so even at this I mean she even said even her hair shorter, you couldn't see it, but this is pretty much as short as you can go so, but thanks again, Michelle looking forward to seeing really the next couple months are gon na, be Fun yeah great, and I appreciate you, know the the opportunity to come down and have it done, and I think it's helpful for black women to know that you know you can have this done and that be overly concerned about. You know with the scar - and you know all of the implications of having you know a hair transplant. So, and I know people have asked about, you know the scar and how that works and as you can see, I have no scars really. She doesn't have a scar yeah, no, we don't say who is the scarless procedure. Everyone has a tiny scar, but this has got to be the best of the best right here in terms of what we what we see - and this is amazing, so I'm really excited to see what this suture line does are the hairline does for her. Thank you again for paying it forward. A little early will help somebody, I think, is they're doing their research. There'S not a lot of resources out there for, for black women in particular in writin, traction alopecia. So thanks again call us now eight four, four, three, two seven four, two four seven and ask about our hue and hue plus procedures, which move more hair than ever before. Hope to hear from you soon,

VOA ASSOCIATE: Perfect.... Absolutely PERFECT!!!!!

SleeplessinOC: Omg she looks beautiful !!!!

Marion Crabb: Wow...awesome job

Nishata: Great job

chevette mcclam: You've got GREAT hands doc!

Dwayne T: What about black men?

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